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Lindsay Post (1907), 10 Jan 1908, p. 5

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x mammary posT. moss:- FRmA'Ye..JAN-016th;'iis.4" 0' runs, CLOTHING CARPETS. Houés FURNISH- tO heavy) seCOIldly we must Clear all Me , I . V , Y tbs, Clo, u 70.! an)“: First our StOCk is f Lad'es’ Re C] t ino‘ to make room or . 1' a y- 0‘3"“ Garments. - Our present space for these goods is too small _ ° reased sale in our new premises, of these lines make a clearance of Men’s Goods imperitive. \ -Throw away, the old calendar and . ~ - write it 1908- , " ' and the inc . - - '~ _ . ,- - le Will 856“ eve” ”mile ’0 our store. . For the last few seasonsiwe'have "held sales at this ~ , Th? 3 that have been popular and money-saving toyou. This sale will eclipse all others. This Sale “3;th is :3? You“? wk. {Fair's time to may. ,, ‘3 ' 1“" mod . .. pe. full blast. Secure the bargains early. ZOOIYards White Flannelette Remnants, reg Izlc sale 80- l . -, -â€"~ - - -~ «Port nope ratepayers carried a. ' by-law for municipal'lighting. There will be QWQI-ka Sharp 3 a" 5m ‘ _ on to y'our'good ”mm- ueare mp“ league 0 . \rr' 3 5"“ ’6 ‘9‘; 3% E 00“- m'“ tions. Too soon to begin to union-.11 to Sflgfin F f -. ' all: 2| . . ,. “mm. M. a" are T 2° " meet 8 k for: Tmmfllvun -. ' and sec. . â€"Many a girl's notion of an :d-nl ‘ , . ' man is any; one who will, prOpose. Imdzes‘SabreT1c15tallsgleggw-Sgs531? ..... ....._,......... 9.50 » â€"A glam misogynlst aSserts that Isable SCETB‘SS‘m'Vh' 105155, 10317, “flexes _$!8.00. sale ..................z....,,........"'.....'........ 13 00 Adam possessed the first talking ma- zoolnch :aPiFPCEd’ han omeytnpim )5 misstexfiso-OO. sale ...... 23.50 chine. ‘ ' . ___ 1 Amman Same huff, final) furred. l1" length, _r‘egulal' 11100. sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . . 7 50 . -This being leap year. it "behooves 1 3135‘s: Sable §Cufg 65 inches, handsomely furred, 1'38“]31' 38-00. sale . . I . . . . . '. . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 28.50 the poor bachelors to form h protecâ€" , liaskas ble :carr,_52 inches] regular 24-00, $8.18.... ...... . ......... ..... . . ..... . 18.00 live sssocial-ion- . 1 “5,3,, 3.5:: Runs, very prime. handsomely furred. regular 20.00, sale. . . . . . . . ............. . . ..... . . . . . 14 75 - â€"Lind.say races next week will be i “Exam 53:33,: 5:016, 70 inches long, reg 23.00, sale . . . . . . ... ..... . ............ _ ................. . . . 17.50 a big drawing card, if the weather , West-cm 530:3 tl‘JOVfOV‘<°â€"1' Scarf, mink“ 25-00. 5118-" - - - -------- . . .............. .'. . ........ . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 prove:- favorable- . ~ 1 ,- Scar, lull length, regular 18.00, sale ..... s . . . . . . ...... . .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 14.00 . -- Genius wouldn't be so often mis- : Stoles, well-tuned, reg 15.00, sale ................... . .......... . . . . ...... . ........ . 11.75 indarstood it it would. only, learn ts 1' . 3. ., “ink Stole, 72 inches, handsomely furred, regular 18.00, sale .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.50 “59 n ll‘pfwl‘it‘vr- . 4e: a e t‘aperzne, regular 35-00, sale ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ ........................... . 25.00 - Some men are Ina-dc 0“ the 0"- h‘etern 512..- CoLLar With long seal stole, regular 25.00, sale. . . . . . . . ................... . .......... . . . . 20.00 der of billboardsâ€"a. flashy trout with i “:3; 3:32;: 5:01e and Muff, regular 10.00 a set, sale .................................... . . . . . . . . . . 7.85 0- Wcant 10$ behind- ; 1:5,: (035:; 5232:, reg 5 oo, sale 3.75 3 4 hair Stoles, regular 5.00, sale ................. . ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3,50 l. â€"Experiucce teaches us that if we : :3, 11:53 51.2}: and Bluff, regular 20.00 a set, sale .......... . ...... . .......................... . . . . 14 75 want a thing 011939 “‘0 mus“ P17 33, 1,351.3. >131: . luff, Empire shape, regular 14.50, sale 10.75; one Alaska Sable Muff, Barrel shape, reg 14.00 ‘ Pretty dearly for it- stale '10:; on: -‘1laska Sable Muff, barrel shape, regular 12.00, sale 9.00; black Coney Muffs, reg 2.50, sale -HR.Y is coming in almost Nerf. 2.90: Black Opossum Muffs, reg 6.00, sale.. . ................................ .. ............. 4.75 day. iThcoprice remains in the nesléh" 53,1335: Laps. rrgular 3 35, sale 275; Electric Seal Caps, regular 4.50, sale ..... . ...................... 350 90111004 0‘ $13 and 5” W to“- Oxé, Ra: Caps. reguar 3 30, sale 27 5 ;.2 Persran Driver Caps, reg 11.50, sale 9-00; 2 Astrachan Driver Caps â€"-limc and tide wait for. no men. regular 5-00. sale 400; 2 Seal Drmng Cap5, regular 4-75, sale 3-50; 3 Persian Lamb Wedge Caps, regular but you can‘t make a woman. Jieiieve 15.00, 53?: 7-75: regular 7-00, sale ......... ' ......................... . . . ..................... 5.90 it when she is putting on her hit- 1 Ladies near Seal blouse front, western Sable trimmed Coat, regular 53.00 sale 47.00 ; reg 45-00, sale ...... 35.00 - ~Al'0ut one woman in 3- hunted near seal Jacket, regular 38-00, sale ..................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.00 is {001 Of “tailing 8055.10 “'8 “5“" it. 'lhe other ninety-nine hanil: it 1 Ladies plain _ . . cnaz‘. Mantle, Size 38, length 27 inches, reg 25-00, sale 20.00, srze 42, length 30 in, reg 40-00, sale 32.00 r 319,911 Astra ‘ _ . . ‘ 'an Lama Coat, Size 35, length 24 inches, regular 35.00, sale 27-00; 1 Astracnan Mantle, size 44, 3*- “how-“le- â€"For quality. and durability. the 12111 Russ: I 9 length 33 inches, regular 45.00, sale 35-00 3 2 plain Bocharen Jackets, plain, regular $60-00, sale ...... . . 47.00 _ 1 Bocharen Coat, size 38, satin lined, western Sable trimmed, reg 45-00, sale . ........................ . . . 35.00 'SC’JEQJ‘“ "Plan“ 0‘ T°r°nt°9 9“ : Bocharen, Coats, size 36 and 38, Western Sable trimmed, reg 60.00, sale 47-00; 1 Bocharen Coat, western via. One or these {pianos on view sable trimmed, bright curl reg 45 oo, sale . . . . . . . . . ....................... . .............. . ....... 35.00 1‘ GONMD'S Art Storm-4m“- 0 inches long, western sable trimmed, rat lined, regular 75.00, sale. . . . 58.00 â€"1mliwt0r Knight twill ioa. glad to receive annual (reports from: scgcdon 1 Ladies’ fur lined Coat, brown cover, 5 11, Emily, sections 4, .10 and 11, Ver- di, 46 inches, rat lined, Alaska Sable collar, regular 80.00, sale 63- 50; 1 black cover length 1 ' lack cover leng‘ . D 35 inches. marmot lined, Isabella Fox trimming, regular 35.00, sale ........... . .................... 25.00 1 W53: Thibet Stole, 72 inches, reg 7.50, sale ..... . ........... . ................ . . . . ................ - 6.25 ulam, and 6 andlu‘l, vac- One White Hair Stole, 72 inches, regular 5.00, sale .......................... . . . ............... . ...... 3.25 - EXODJDBO 5'0" Old instrument One black Opossum Caperine, regular 1 1.00, sale 8 00; one Seal and Astrachan Caperine, reg 1 1.00, sale... . . . . 9.00 I“ 3 'leQnimeE' A liberal allow- Iwo Seal Caperines, reg 15.00. sale 10 00; one grey lamb Collar, very prime, regular 11.50 sale .............. . 9 50 NM! 3H“ be made 111699118003 0!! Two Grey Lamb Collars, reg 15.00, sale. . . . . . .......... . .......................... . . . ..... . . . . . . 10.00 new at Goodwin's Art Store-div!“- One Grey Squirrell Throw Tie with muff to match, very prime, regular 25.005 sale . . . . . .......... . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 . - A good way. to begin the new year is to settle all small account:l dies’ Near Sal lur Mitts, reg 5.50, sale .............. 4.00 sale 8.90; Ladies’ Astrachan Gauntlets, reg 4 50 that you owe- Another 30011 mail- 1 Ladies’ black Opposum fur Mitts, reg 5 5o, sale 4.00; La is when you get out of debt keep out ersian Lamb Gauntleis, reg 10.00, sale 7.75; reg 10.00, Ladies P 53133.50:regular5.25, sale ............. . ..................... . ............. . 4.25 Two Hair Seal Mufs, reg 1.75, sale 1.25; One Perstan Lamb Mufl', reg 21.00, sale 15.00; one Grey Lamb Em- of it. ~ pire 31:5, regular 1 1.50, sale ................................ . ............................ . ...... 9 oo â€"D0n't forget t1!“- li-his is 1908._and One black T‘mbet Mufi' and Ruff. very choice, reg 23.00 a sett, sale. . . . . -. . .1 ............. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 17.50 that it is lthoughtmropm‘ to 0113113” One black. Thine: Bluff, regular 7 35, sale .................................................... . ..... 6.00 the date 01 the year on WWPODd“ ’_____._._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€""â€"“â€"â€"â€" ence at least once 'per annurn. how’s the time. , --Four cases of merchants mistak- ing shinplasters for four dollar bills ' 5 ' ! Boys’ Tweed Overcoats, 12 to 14 Men’s hard and soft Hats, fur felt, Ladies and Mlsses years, reg 5.50, sale 4.00. Odd sizes $2.50 for 2.00, reg 2.00 for 1.50; reg 1n.Boys’ Overcoats, 11 to 15 years, 1.75 for ................... .. 1.25 were reported toâ€"day In our, in- gomg at ...................... 1.00 ‘ '5 ' ‘ 3"- fr ' stance the mistaken 1ndn‘1dual was .113 ..om Youth’s long pant Tweed Suits, 7.50 Dress Goods and a non-advertiser. â€"Faney check home covers-n. strap uce from for ..................... . .~. . . 5.00 at 1.2 2 ’ Tw it 1 in from k8 . 1.: 5 30 Mens eed Su 5’ ang g s" and Buckle. complete, $2.00 each. mrts, reg- 10.00 to 12.00, on sale ....... . 5.00 , , , , . :110 53,. ................ 1.2- l 2_ B0 5’ Tweed Suits, ranging from hairy blue, brown, green and black W bite blankets at 3.2.50 {per pair. Odd ‘ 3'52)“. I“ VOL“ Skirts pleatedi 4 503m 5yoo on sale 2 5° Satin Cloth, 65c, sale .......... 500 101,3 of man‘s .wood’ under-shirts at ‘2 ‘50- “it“, 1 ...... he ., . . ’ .......... - N v 1 w e 7 . - . W, h; 0:, 00, 5.1 e ...... \. ......... 3.00 1 Men’s Pants, $1.50 for I_oc; 2.00 for reg :53; E35233; bro 9: gr en V €082,335, Eaglilprt'ace. wll‘I‘hc Horn Bros.\, oollcn Lac. es Back and - aw Skirts rev. 1. o 2 0 for ................ 1. ' ’ """""""""" '. ' “' ' ‘7’ 5:50. 531-: . . .K. . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 4.;5 , 5$i.2550veralls for ............ 1.0?) V Regi. navy. black, brown and P1313 â€"'l'rial catarrh’ treatments are be- de. brown and :22 3' Panama Skirts, l White Shaker Blankets, 10-4, reg eagtéapétregf 63:31:60. ds. ' ‘févégé: 3’3 32:1 $332,? $223823? "3” $7:- 21': 6.2’: $1.00 sale 80C' 1 1- white and re ' i r. 1 n. 9.01 e. is. a :4 “a: -s‘ 150.--, 00'}: Skirts, Sa; reg 1’50 sale ’ 4 gr 1);; sefifis’ 1:63 “P €91,509 sale ------ 25° at: provwz to the peopleâ€"without . ‘. ‘ 1““ ‘ ‘ V '. ’ """""""" ' s ades 0 amoline Silk reg 551‘ n -'s costâ€"the great value of 3 .r:::;:.:~, 38’ :' 7:. sale ...... “#0 W W0 lBlanket 6.00 for . o: ’ ~ 3 1’“ “3 L‘ a 1 ~ 0 3 S 00 25:4 10° .. 60 {or 5’ $ 43900 sale ...... . . . . ... ........... . 44c [his scientific prescription known to ' v - ‘ ’ 9' """"" ' Black Mauve Silk bri ht finish (will d ‘ ‘s cv-r where as Dr. Shoo ’s / -l . -; r n g rupgxs. c y p Ladies and Chlld ' $1.50 Comforters for I 13' 2 2511’; not cut) reg 90c, sale .......... 68c Catarrh Remedy. Sold by all dealers. """"""""""""""" ' Fancy checked and plaid Silks, taf- hockey - 1 â€".t demented young woman from ren’s cloth MantleSl f n 1' 6 u. . u 2 l carpets and 0“- et24aninchamrgégse,'le§8€d:,c, lisgaht :33 Fenclon Falls, in charge- of Constable (“5 Wm "11’; “W $6 ‘0 sale ' \ b g ' en. ‘ A4; .3 j A .o: sa‘e : :3- k... 12 50,. Gluths dark shades, reg 60c, sele ....... .44C .1001: passed through town Tut'sd'l) . v . -.- . D . , . 1 morning on her way to the slay-1.111 sale o : re 52.1; ‘ ' " a 3 . . 5‘0 :- . -, 1'00 ‘ W" 13.00, Hemp Carpet, floral dCSIgn, reg wrappsretta and at Mimico for treatment. She is BJl’l to have been the victim of a young, sa.:10.oo:r:~'1:315:11: . . . . 11. 0" Misses Con: ".... ;- 00 for 4 050,l 13 1-2c {01 10c; reg 18c £01.... 12 1-2c' L- 4.00 inâ€" Srsw- :7 74,10 2:01 4 -63 Heavy Matting, reg 25‘: sale 2°C3 3‘ Shaker Flannel mar: of that village, and the disgrace e. .... s- lJ .... .3, . o . .. ' a, 0 Ladies' {‘13,}- 3:331:55, suitable to: patterns Union Carpet reg 33°, sale Cream Wrapperette Wltb, blue, red of her condition had unhln.td h.r make over {or 3513;...” 7,0: of ,0 20.1; 25C} reg 33C, Sill? ------------ 30c and black dot, reg 13c, sale ...... 11c mind. ' . -‘ ' ing at... .................... :‘Cl 2 patterns Lmon Carpet, reg 45C, Navy, black and bro“ fancy \Vmp. - -â€".\1!‘. A. D. Mallon was til? TCCl- AilDCl-S. (Lens: and Tovs {cit-i sale """"""""""""" 35¢ perette, reg 13c, sale . ..... 11c Picnt last week 0r 3 Very lumi- Ol'ETS from i:il.'i:"“.15 POW 5:111:10, all 2 patterns ‘VOOI. cotlon Carpet, reg 10 pieces ‘Vrapperette worth up to some gold-handled umbrella. 'v'lell‘E'J halforix. ‘ i V n 1 75C, 53-18 59C} reg 57C sale 450; reg 52c 10c, clearing at ................ 6c at 0"" e“all" dOUMS- 1‘- “713 gi‘c“ f sale ....... . ............... . 420 7 pieces plaid Shaker, suitable for him by Mr. Sam For. )I. l. :‘.. for his nhlc work 10 putting votes or- the i “7001 Carpet, 9°C: sale 7°°3 reg 1‘00 men’s shirts, reg 14c, sale. . . . 11 1-2c l ".8“ 8 Fur coats l sale """"""""""""""" 750 Pink and white, also blue and white Rugs. fawn and brown stripe Shaker, 32 inch, reg 11c, sale list for the Conservatives, He put more on than any one man in the 5011.) Men,» (~33: Coats, reg 55.00 .Tapestry ‘3 5a.: ...................... 35,00, With green, 3 x 3 1-2, reg 10.00 sale ...................... 3 1-2c riding. , 3 _ - 1n . 2M3YYE03-iizcd i'leal‘t‘r Collars, reg| 7-503 reg I1-50 5313 8-753 reg 13-50» “a?” Havelwk Standard “5'5" $35-00, sale ................ 27 Sol 5316 ............. . . . . . ... .. . 9.50 TabIa Llnen and addition to the alienation 01 don-old- at! marmo-t-lined. Beaver Cover, otter Ends of Tapestry Carpet, 1 1-2 yds. 1' Ir . . : ”asking the C.P.R. all the way {I'm}, ‘ ”01‘3“, reg $50.03. for ...... 38.00 long. sale 45C, 50C and ---------- 55C owe "lg . ' , -' Montreal to Toronto. “116091119305. I5 . 2 liens Cali C0315, Astrachan col- Ends 0f Brussels Carpet, 1 1'2 YdS . . ts { . ‘ [c considering the mmhty of 0,00:- m’ ”3’ 5“ 30 53‘ lon sale cand ........ 1.25 2° pieces, reg 100 prin 0-” 7 structing a second line um italp the J ' 1' """"" 25“” g, 750, 95 150 yards unbleached Table Linen, . . a. a, m , 5°C Tapestry camels 4°C: reg 60C reg 30c sale 240' reg 27c 33‘: 20, reg principal contains 0! tra to. 0113 "en 5 ninth over. for 48:; 900 for .............. 60c ale 00 33" cc bleeched 1 north share at the st. 11.0.me and Floor Oi-clmh. floral designs, 2 Patâ€" 5°°’ s 1 5 ’, c g ’ we 6?: Lake Ontario an m as Patten-Dora Goats terns, reg. 25¢ sale 200; floral and 1588:): $373?” Sc'sor: finish. rig rrhis, it is Ioonlsidemd, mules tin-pero- Beat-e,- cloth block patterns, reg 30c for ...... 24c c sale 50° check Lien reg Sc, sale alive when the nemgralln line tram 5!:00 say; I-O 11:9. gelfftoocosllaal: 7r: 16-4 Linoleum, reg 65c, sale . . 53c 7 i .7 v . 5 14¢ Georgian 5m: 'to Hamlfi is :mlt. .. 1' A 'Vv‘r g , ’ . _ . ........ ...-"......pou-u. . ... enemj Gran run n. alums Tweed Overcoats, reg 8.00, Men’s Cloth Caps, fur lined, reg 50c Crash Towelling, reg roc, sale 7c; 5,101,031]: f‘v‘uiam McWood. surgin- Se 6.00 for 40¢; reg 850 for 65¢; 1.00 for 750 reg 12c, sale ........ 90 “we“ of the our department, re- \_ tires after 5:: years' service anl' is succeeded by James Colman. W. B. Rosevcar. general car accountant. re- llnderwear and Gloves Mini-'izeceiined 55,135 and drawers, reg 50c, sale 40c; Men‘s wool Shirts and Drawers. reglflaf 50¢ each, sale 40c tires atter as yours‘ service and‘ is Ladib‘gié Pimp-'4 li'ltd Underwear, all sizes, regular 40C, sale ..... . ............................ . . . . . . . 30c sue: ecdcd by James McGowan. W. H. Ladfs 0:11:15 filid pujk GOWDS’ lace trimmed, regulaf 75C. sale ............. :1 . .................. . ooooo t . 55C Audio; 1138 bccn fippOlnLed audit): of ..s llanclicite Drawers, 50c kinds for 35¢,- Spun glass and sateen Undersklrts, reg 1-10, sale ..... . . . . . . . . . 85¢ diflumemmts. N. J_ pom, sucmh . 20 per Cent- oh“ all flannellette and white Underwear not mentioned in this list to the office of general auditor. via; A1150: (..Oi'SEfS '(ir‘ a'l 1 or) Corsets """ . n . u ......... c c . . 0 a 0 . a . .............. . . . . ...... . o c . 0 85C E' 5V0 “.alkert M41030 l'CtlfL‘mPnt OH {:{0165’ 3sz l'. (iii-.5: ’1-io kinds for {0;- 800;. 1.55 for 1-18; Ladies’ black Tights, reg 90c, sale 69c; reg 1.25 sale... 950 pcnsiun' has uHeady been “WWW“- 1:) {hits Cream knitted Drawers, reg 55c gale 400,500 Vests, 8113 40c; reg 1-25 for... . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 95c ; "A. tickling 0008b. "0; any 0‘03:- ‘3 . .gc (hired Handkerchiefs for men, reg 10¢, sale.. ..... 6c ll flu-ICU)“ ItOPPCd. by r-hShOODh“ :5 .>°° Yards fed single fold Damask reg 13c, sale 90; Fifty Linen Towels, regular roe, sale 2 for 13¢; Fifty Linen Towels, Couch Cure. And it is 30 t org“: - 0“): retitular 25c each sale 2 for ’25 print and flannellcttc Wrappers, reg 1.10, sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 750 l! ”armies! and film that Dr. 5500? no Mcn‘s Wllllr: cbtlon llandkerchiefs reg 5c, sale 2 for 5c; 3 styles Ladies’ 100 Handkerchiefs, sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c “.119 ”OW“. 0!"!‘Vhw’ W 8‘" 1‘ .50 , Shuhnd Floss, all colours but white and black, sale 5c doz; Berlin and Zephyr wool, reg 8 me, sale. . . . . . . . . .6 1 2c walkout hullshon ""1 *0 "T! ' g: Heal." W001 Hose. ribbed; reg 28c, sale are; Cashmere, plain and ribbed. reg 25c, sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . soc {33:92 :ggleangr: 3:131:33: fig“: 5 oo 2 39308 Will not Admit of our mentionlnc m“! “30" b“ 9"” article in our "Mk 1' on “1" healing mountain- shrub- furnish the ‘ curative properties to Dr. Sheep‘s 4“ ,‘2 ‘ . Cough Cure. It calm- the cough. and . 00 f heals the sore and “mill" bron- 5“ 5 ‘ chicl membranes. No opium. no chlor- ' 0° ‘ Q g ' oform, nothing harsh and to injure i. 05 - ‘ or suppress. Simply a "llama plant extract Mat helps :0 Incl ‘o'allfl 53s: 4. Opposlto Terry’s Restaurant. iiivrmusrr INTERESTING JANUARY SALE “135.3%, OF INC-8 AND GENERA ' ' I' DRY GOODS' What is Happening in Town and (he uses however. that have aided us in clearing the decks for an imposing January Sale. Country loud AM! 01. lungs. The Spain-dc call this shrub (cw. dam GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Prevail here During this Great . . January Sale. . . '1 01mm: or All *sunrwssrocx- 1’ 0000000000000000000 This Is our greatest talc and when you roallzo that every garment every yard of material and ovary article In the store In roduced in. price you cannot fail to see how important It Is that you should fill every want here. We must sell about ten thousand dollars worth before February “It In order that every dollars worth of surplus stock may be disposed of. Everything Is marked in plain figures, and anyway you know our systemâ€"when we say anything is reduced you can depend It Is and when we say it to greatly reduced you can be assured the values are worth coming after. BE SURE AND COME DURING THIS MONTH. 180 and 200 Hand- l0( Children's $1.25hats 25c 500 Tapestry Carpet f... 39( 65c Tapestry Carpet 49( for .............. 3 750 Tapestry Carpet 59( for kerchiefs.......... for W. Castile Soap, per doz- 22( Untrimmed Shapes [5( for ......OOOOOOOOO en...‘............ 7250 Squaw Bags for 50( £9.00 and $10.00 Over- $5 coats ......IOOOCOOO 3.103351???“ '50( iii? if“. . ii??? 4.95 $1.35 Long, white Beys’ 3-piece $4.00 KidGloves........ 2r)“: Suits L95 Collar .d Cufi‘ 7.'0 d , Setts f0:n l2 ['2( gtolessiiidgscfrcifuf 2150 Up- to $1.25, Baby 25( $9 00 and $11 Stoles 811.50 Ladies’ Tweed Mantles............ $5 $15 and $17 Ladies’ 3'0 Mantles $7.50 and 8.00 Lad- 2 z ies’Sklrts .5 250“) 81.00 Ladies’ '0 Bots (, Bonnets.......... ScarfsandMufl’s .... . , Fur Mantles and fur-lin- ngfi, spech ° - - r - ° 9 ed Cloaks at grieatly reduc- ed prices. . J. SUTCLIFFE 86 SONS, scenes: ~ ~ LINDSAY ~ - asses: .....IOOOODOOOOo-QO. which the doctor uses, "TheT5;°'3d Le ' s I o c ...-D answer-sew d M k V F m 03;;- 5.3:“; ...: . :1 er ac ay 3 lctona arm . Camille Flammarion 5:1)"S that re P ' ' l‘ l 'd 111. A red light. ho:\- [OVInClal T0“ 8 d Th d clfci'l. :ziriicgilod‘} the cod of. titre iiiow r ave ousan s QJI‘C!‘ in in in; st ly assists the w _ mp . Will Address :1 Number of Liberal Re Pakenham Pork Packing Company :xtolhel' drink. 3-5:: 1 -mochmkaeoldquicklyn 'I'om - - -. . . . your dmgrist some time Candy Cold Meetings lips Month. Limited. Liquidation. ' Prevention Dm'â€" . . _ -"' 1:31.” “fled “to now dispensidg F. G. In'wood general. fiag‘ctam’ of The liquidation of this Company has ’Proventioo. for-theynrc not 031,393. the Liocral Asmcintion of Ontario. :00“ big“; closed. 133 Z‘TOPCTL“ l .‘ C " 1. ~‘ ’ - '- but. decidedly mm and prompt. has arranged for the follouing con- l‘tj; Timon 0;:u3011:*:‘:1tu:£o;§¢ . . . - , g I. . _ ‘ . ‘ ' ' v 1 L11; PIPYW 9mm“) no ”mm”? :0 .a "who“ r l ‘ whatever for the shareholders. For- auve, nothing limb nor are enmz. Jan. 10.â€"Ea:~t Lamoton, Dominion l, 1. . . , . .. . ,. Preven- . . - unaue .‘y {or the shareholders 111 this Taken at the We lt‘E'e- and provrmual. M atIonL \ ,, .localitv, )Ir. R J 3101.11113th KC tics mill prevent Pneumoma. (Bron- Jan. 14,â€"North Rentrcw, Dominion i-wlto acted [om ,hgm raised .hc',,(,:n: chitin, La Grim. etc. Hence the and u‘rovinsial- PWORC- - ishortly after the liquidation 1that name. Retention. Good ‘0’ (evens!) Jun. 16.â€"â€"Eazst. Northumocrland. Do- it)“: preferred stock of the Cdmprnv children. 418 I’mntwe 25 cents. minion and provincial. Vi'arkworhh- . - had not 5m lcgallv created. and thda" Sold by all M“ Jan. I'llâ€"North Ontario, provincial, 1 there We’re really nto preferred charc- â€"â€"Some lentcrprisina 9‘“ “3"“:- Beaver-ton. - - . .‘holdcrs. out that Lhe rpeople who paid. young men have cleaned o“ a 11an Jan. 18â€"East Middleaex. [provinciahlmonce in for ram-ma t k ‘ on the river a. little. below. the Mad“ London. ‘ \_ ' l l ‘ . ‘cntitl'ed rte SUAQEOC [their :21; “'0: son William Company's builiinee- Jan. 21â€"Card'well. provincial, itch and com um“. , am 5:21,. They flood it every few: deifi- and 3‘ unham. U ’ torus. Asia. mint. (harm if...“ night hang lantern3 “0m“- ‘0’ ‘1” Jan. 22â€"Sou.th Waterloo. «provincial in ranking some sixty-Live gum... skaters to see by; A boat-house 1’ Pm' Galt. . t ;. ' creditors for the amount (than: they "id“ in which to put on and. Mt" iHon. LG. Mulckay, rovincial landi- , - it skates. and altogether it is quite ,. . {P 7 ,- 3P3“! for m rred stock, up] m m 0 i041; ' mk' .Persons °r‘ “”1 m wdmnvenumrmmt now getting 40:. on the dollar, ltho an Up’ te wen air r . min; M’ith East Nonthumlmlandâ€" same 1mm as the stick 0 ‘ do not. belong to the manag'c- ‘ . . - .- ' , . .- and am; cm, “110 _ - I of ti? South Huron nominations Mill take dttors mmmg paid S] a 1 llcrs ment of the rink. 9‘? .3 6.8 . be place on the 15th inst. at Email. irwho neglected to r di *th' .- ccnts towards maintaining it in flood L'l 1 m . .h bee 0d 61"“- art-- eu- p .0- ioeJ'a , nan are n turning {erred stock and. entails-ht claims a; 00:12:;10; the Stomach. rt or Kid- as follow-1's; fl‘humday night. Shipka} [creditors get nothing. ,i. ney nerves get weak. then these or- Friday night. Grand Bend. ' frhc litigation has loom cam-Ea on an. ““1” fail. Don‘t drug the H. 11.011110! add a. number, 01 1.0ch now (or about five years. Some eight. 8 men M'lll lac qpcakcm ‘. . t . incurs-as in all were. tried as tests. Ichrcc - r timulatc the heart or . , .‘ . . ' :t::;:. :EOtsifl simply ‘ makeshift. ‘Thfl :roronto (Lilo-oral mum is 0! “'hisah “rent. “the Count Of Apr Get 0. prescription known to drug- arranging‘tor a W ‘0‘ mephngsfito {9094. all of “much were decided in {a- gists everywhere .3 Dr. Shoop's Re- loo addressed by Iedm‘al cabinet. mm:- vor of the contemiOn- an] i by Mr. ' . The Restorative is prepu- . . :ilor::pvr:ssly for these weak inside mil-1‘ the and. 0!:th18’mmmh. If Sir coir-ions were also td relieve a large cerru. Strengthen these nerves. builz‘. 'WIKM.‘L'GI'1¢I can out secured. the inumaer of people in this “aim” who then up with Dr. Sh00p‘s Restorative association .wrll have Massey .HulL, had culmribed for stock. {mm haviâ€" .-tsblets or liqui in; to may for it, and m a maul: 0‘ the whole litigation many, thousands. dâ€"and sec how - ' o c. Free “113- - l quickly helptwgllll :eqndclt by, Dr. Could Not Identify Burke. ,0, don”, “we saved ,0 people 0; 919 tat 'fi Wis Your health is 1 Charles Porteous, the farmer who this county. - Shoop. Rummy tin lc test Sold by was shot ”four times, in the head: ty surely worth t u ' p ' ’ an unknown highwuymau. at Cavans- n“ Rank“ a“: all “1"" Ville. near Millbrook. 0nt.. curly in Evening Post of Jan .4th' f’f' Dtcunbcr went to Toronto on Min- Mrs. [B Sloan. 0‘ Fm; Sm [NW “18 Should“. day to see Chas. Burke. whom the lo- w,” m innit MU killedl lfl a 'M“_.} Last egg-many Bob MW'na-n call police have. in custody on a chute accident on the C. p R. “gram old m "...“.known hhneshun mzhllc of ngrnncy. When Porteous saw him morning was“ 0‘ Sudburv. ‘1.“ 01111:: workml at the term} id Mr. Owen he could not be sure that Burke was waves,“ to Wm, hon '5;qu Mr 1mm, had the micron-um in junior the men. as the shootinz look plat:G 301,1th 0‘ this ,0“) “Lila or 1%,; 1118 ought!“ [flfifi‘m Illp and [all m the Ituhlc. and he was unable to tiouman ltooort Johnston, 0‘ Ithn, G. in I 0- ‘W ' dhlccstc his act A good look at his assailant. An- . . TIL. and other rel: t vol 5 ‘, - uhouldcr. .Whllc alclc to! “an 31:. other farmer who says he saw the cinity ot Valentin. Mamkgfkm; cunld and unpainted!!! gum be will nuance man earlier in the day wul lady [was mm to Fielding ‘0, man. not loo able to be belch at Mark to: a be brought to the city. to he“ a meat. Duo-eased «was marzipan“ cg llxll1.l h«\\ .5 look It Darts. . a large tmily, rations. rrho first meeting will be held McLaughlin. The effect of these do. ' ”ks-z“; ,,._ a

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