Wood and Iron with Brass Cylinder, For any Depth of Well. Having secured a ï¬rst-class experienced Pump Maker, we are prepared to supply ï¬rst-claes pumps promptly. SY LVESTER ‘ The Kind You Have 'V‘ï¬'immfwï¬ 757*†in use for over 30: All Counterfeits, Imit Experiments that trifl Infants and Children- What'ï¬"; is :1:3trrvs-nrv~rxmxfgw Castoria is a harmlesswsubstitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea-The Mother’s Friend. Pumps! Pumps! Pumps! GENUINE '7"-" All Counterfeits, Imita't‘iznsv aTndv“ J ust-as-good†are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Childrenâ€"Experience against Experiment. Repairs will receive careful attention. Though a cheap article of Silverware is but of date and unsuitable for a present we do not hesitate to recommeild any of the following pieces of Art Silverware se the correct thing for a. gift, being modern in design, ornamental and useful in my home :â€" LINDSAY’S LEADING JEWELLERS. HIGH-GRADE ART. SILVERWARE. so good, and so satisfactory. We combine the shrewdest judges of clothâ€"the best designersâ€"the most expert tailoring corps. They work togetherâ€" hands and brains and enthusiasmâ€"to make “ Progress Brand†better and better. It’s the combination that brings perfection. Loon FOR LABEL THAT PROTECTS. The Great “Progress†Combine Table Mirrors, Coffee Setts, Tea. Setts, Fern Pots, Olive Setts, Nut Bowls, Ban-hon Dishes, Servers. Candela- Bra, Jewellery Boxes. . CARTER, -;:4o Kent-St. “Prom“ and Ciothiag L You Have Always Bought, and which has been for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- m sonal supervision since its infancy. 1 Allow no one to deceive you in tyis. I FOR A GIFT We believe in combination. It is combination that makes CASTORIA BRITTON BROS†Foot of Kent-sh, LINDSAY, - ONTARIO. LINDSAY Cress well and Jordan, DIALERS IN roman an DOIES'I’IG 0mm up IARBLE uouuusms, nun- sronss, PLUIBERS' sur- puss, are. All work and material strictly ï¬rst class. Being a. new ï¬rm our stock is well selected and of modern design. Prompt- ness and satisfaction our motto. BITAHID MARBLE WUHKS. Oï¬ice and Shop 14-7 Kent-st, Nearly Opposite Public Library. W. W. JORDAN. ’F’G CO 114 IIIâ€"M â€"-â€"â€"â€" ‘ ' ' OOOQOOQ‘ .§§§§§§§§%N§§.O§§ORO‘QOQOOOOOQOO f â€"â€"-_n . A! vuc “luau-In- v. -"-._v ++vt§ #4 9*.OM00§§§§¢§§¢§§§§§§Z§§OOOOOQVOOO tlc before the meeting of the World‘s GENERAL CHURCH NOTES I There are 370 congregations con- 3 Church Congress '1Ԡyear. tributing ‘0 the German Home Miâ€? I. The .almanac issued by the Luth- sion Board's workin this country. I ernn General Council places the . . " "' . ' membership of that denomination in f ‘ W 11, Te ., 'Ine Baptists 0 1‘0". ort x Huts country at. about 15,000 over cud vicinity are trying to raise 31“» i 9 . . a 000,000 while the year book, mp:c f 0: o 000 or the Buckner Orphan Homc( iirccently sent out. by the Joint Synod \ There were 4,000 fewer children ol’ Ohio. make it about 50,000 short l' that number. ; baptised in the Episcopal Chum-h [or 0 the year past than. in the prevm“s . One of the Sunday! school uniohs twehe months. . , , . 0; England has taken up a. new Jmc i The Universities Mission to Cent- rni Africa, which owed its inception to David Livingstone, has just. Leic- brated its fiftieth anniversary. . The ancient parish church of Nor- ton. Cuckney. in Nottinghamshire. England, has been restored. through the generosity of the Duke of Port- land. . ‘ . The missionary spirit has been so aroused among the Zulus that they have agrees to support then: bishop in sending a worker to the Swawzi mtxon. (The annual meeting or the teabhers and oflilcers at the \ Canflm'idlge-st. Methodist My school .will lg; held in the church pad-[or (at 7 o'clock sha'rtp. l. ..\‘ .K From 597 to the present day Engâ€" land has produced but 34 of the grim- ca of the Roman Catholic church, and only one of them. Nicholas Breakspear, rose to the highest of- fice of the church‘ . t There were some novel proceedings at the dedication of St. Michael‘s Mission Church at Coventry, Eng.- lsmda. the services being followed by .A The Methodist Foreign Mission Board closes its financial year with a; deficit of about $85,000. due prin- cipally to change: in the administra- tion of the funds at the church. In connection with many large business houses in London. Unions for Prayer have been Iormed. one in- surance company having over 400 of the office staff as members. a gymnastic exhibition, which inï¬nit- ed boxing contests. Father Bernard Vaughan. one of the most notable of the Catholic priests of Great Britainq recantig; coi- lapsed after addressing a large gath- ering. but a. few. days later was ag-nn at his s_trenuous work. 2 An innovation has been started by the rector or vicar of Epping. 1mg- icnd, whose parish is building :1 new church. in getting all the workmen together every Sntur thy morning for a. 15-minute service. '. The Mormons claim that the anem- bership of thelr church in Germany is growing constantly. but. falling off rapidly in England, having: reached h1gh water mark in 1849, since which ,time it. has lost steadily. Chazi-ty of speech is as divine a thing as charity or nation. fro judge no one harshly. tto‘ macaw“; no man’s moï¬-vea, :to believe things as they Began to (03‘. until proved. ather- mvise, to 'bemzpeu' judgment with mgmy, â€"sunely this in quibalas good as to build up chumheg, undamï¬hel most gloxiousqtallleaadsem. , ; 4,“ L t Each prscopal communicant dur- ing the past year gave $20.32 to misâ€" sion work, an amount larger by :55 than any other religious body in this country. the Presbyterian following with a contribution of. 515.70. ( According to statistics gathered by the Methodists of England, the mem- bemhip of the various sections of the church throughout the world totals 8.448.964, this number including probationers. as against $7,369.- 549 two years ago. The first step towprti arranging for the nineteenth International Eu- charistic Congress. which is to be held in Westminster Cathedral, Lon- don, next September. have been tak- en. the Archbishop of Westminster having named the secretaries. :7 The Federation Council of Church of Christ in South Dakota. has declar- ed in pronounced terms against bringmg to life a. superabunduncy of churches where none; of the so- cieties can gain a. healthy growtiu p New proof of the fierce physxcal strain involved 'in work among the “aubxnerged†of London is given by thq recent Vlemths or Rev. Claude H. Ehot and Rev.‘ J. H. Ware. two of the best-known East End; workers, both of whom were in the prime 0!? life,\ Mr. :W‘are having- beon a famous 01(- 10rd: athlete. " ; Baptists in ‘Eungary. which' has proved a very fertile field for that denomination. now number over 16.- .000, 'but a difference of Opinion over seeking the patronage of the State has lead to a. threatened split, which eminent men are now. tryjng to, act- “Suffer little chfldren to come unto Me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.†NEWSUFTHEGHURGHES The Establishment of God’s Illus- dom on Earthâ€"Articles Bearing on Church Work at Home and Abroadâ€"Carefully Selected Gon- trlhutlons will ‘he Received for Publication In this Column. . The_almanac issued by me uncu- eran General Council places the membership of that denomination in this country at about 15.000 over 2.000.000, while the year book. mere :recently sent out by the Joint Synod of Ohio. make it about. 50,000 short, of that number. . . One of the Sunday, school uniobs of England has taken up a. new line of work in maintaining an employ- ment bureau [or young men and girls. the intention ‘being to place them with persons who will have an eye to their church welfare as wen as giving them work. , There is no profession in Great Bri- tam that is so heavily taxed as that of the ecclesiastic; the table of fees and the payments. which are requir- ed by the church’ and the Govern: mont. being a scares! or unen'flug complaint that has lo! 210“" to an eflort to secure ‘3 reduction. ( St. Paul's Episcopal church at Roosevelt. L. 1.. has been bequeathe'l a very handsome piece 0: damask for an altar cloth by 94 woman who wished to allow her appreciation o! the kindness of the church while she was ill in a. hospital. ' Priot to coming ale \iuron New York Moor to tho \Amtic regions. Commander 8608!" E. Peary gas in- texvievsdd concerning the supplies for Rooseveltt. and among other flatwa- tions {put to him â€was this; “How about alcoholic think: 1" rrhe anmver cam decisively. "No mam can drink nkoholic liquor who goes to the north. 1!; mould mm with Itothc man and a mango to the! Mom." . "The growth ,of prohnity, ;s can of the srcatcst. evils of the presnnt day. The vain use of God's name. Father, Son and Holy Gost. 15 shock- ingi; common) In: profane man fouls the air, he fouls his :oaguc. he fouls society and. has gliucd noming by it. He shows no respect for himself or for others! “run you damn this or damn that. or FREVALENCE OF PROFA‘SI f I His Lordship. BishOp Worreli, of Nova Scotia. recently dciiverci an address at Halifax on prohnity which has been attracting gran ‘at- tebtion. In the course of his remarks he B'tid , damn your enemy. or damn you friend or damn your-salt. have you evil thought what it means to be banned. 1! you do not believe in fu- ture reward or punishment. you are using an idle and meaningless c);- prwsion and making yourself as an imincere and witless man.‘ If you do believe that. there is some time Cum cuflOlntmcn go Oct!- eun Raolvent “1% tom 0‘ “macaw :3,va o: 60). Sold throughoutmewond. wmazmoom-ml’m 13500- bunA .m a... met-MamWMMBmDh-m gimme relief and refreshing sleep for skin-tortured babies. undress for tired, fretted mothers, in warm baths with Cpticura. Soap and gentle anointing: With Cuticm-a Ointment. _tbe great. 3km cure. and purest of moments. he would use it. for his own patients. I used two cakes of Cuticum Soap, three boxes of Ointment. and ï¬ve bot- tles of Resolvent, and I have now been cured oyer seven wars and but for the Cuucura. Remedies 5! might have lost my life. I have lots of grand- children. and the? are frequent users of Cuticura. and alwa recommend it to thg many people w om my bush gees lgnngs_ to ‘my gonna every day. .I -I-l__-_ leg. twenty-ï¬ve 7 years eczemaonmy y--_°v w .-., iv}; Jean-Baptiste Mind. 01511170}- 331;, 2777, Menuma. St... Montreal. Que.. Feli. 20.19074“ lag WES DWI“: {will WU m, “I ‘WU was like a, piece of raw flesh. d’I had to walk on crutches. I boght a. cake box 0! Cuticura. Soap. n Cuticurs Ointment. and a. bottle of Cuticum Pills. After the ï¬rst two treatments the swelling went down and in two months my leg was cured and the new skin came on. The doctor 00qu not believe his own eyes when he saw that Cuticurn_had cured 13:9 and saiithnt \ ï¬rst. He said. “Try ,, if you like. but V I do not think they . will do any good.’ - At this tune my leg was peeled frqm then kgee. my {00} -_J Y L- I o BELIEVES LIFE SAVED BY CUTICURA REMEDIES SUFFEHED WITH [EZEMA 25 YEARS Limb Peeled and Foot Was Like Raw Flesh-Had to Use Crutches, and Doctors Thought Amputation Necessary â€" Montreal Woman Writes of Cure Seven Years Ago. “I haye been twgted by (19ch 19!; SLEEP FOR BABIES Rest for Mothers. g‘lï¬'t' bit but I d I would try aha Q ldcevh. if 9 pun-nae. that your surely a arch. a [a maniac. ‘ ruined g prisoner. been is: ever ma; “ionlj y asylum, Hum? T 01‘ m.- su‘hv wo oooo¢»g§«ooooo when you must answer for your decals. it you: have lhtoned to .ex. pun-nae. and seen {tom true it in that your sin will find you out. you surely could not mean you wish etch: a tale for anyone. The :avmg maniac, or the helpless invali'l. the ruined gambler. or the feta-red prisoner. thee-a are some who haw. been damned here .and now. what- ever may be the future for cheap... ‘Wonlj you go to the hospxtnl, the asylum, the prison. and jecr at Unmi Then let us with full 9.3“va 01‘: m.- rcsaponaibmty, or life .umil such- work: They condemn Their? Users; They ‘injurc all an!) nencfit won e.’ SEX; MORALITY There is now a. proposition, say-s the Lutheran Observer, to introzlucc the'teaching or sex morality into the public schools of the United States. or at least into hte schools of the higher gradcs. Its gosh-ability. from the standpoint of the practical need. no one will question. It: practicar bility is another matter. lts udvoe'itcs point to the manifest results of the teaching in the schools: the physio- logical effects of alcohol and tobacco, in lessening the number 0? men un- der thirty-rive who use 'these thiqs. and the visible decrease of the drink- ing habit. They point, too. to the op- pmition which this teaching aroused in the world of education when first it was begun, and the claim is made ‘thut "if widespread evil is ever checked it will be by the systema- tic training in the 'public schools on these moral issues upon which rest all human progrm. human .virtuc and human character." When all the world is old. lad. ( And all the trees are brown: And all the sport is stale. lad‘ " And all the wheels run down; Cretp home an!- take: your 913.00 x there. ‘ 1'13. spent an! maimed among: Godgrant you find one [ace there ._ You loud mu Ill nu young. in; at undies endpbe «showing of gum all the time. fl‘he minister next tuned to the social audition. stab in; that u preamp money was vul- gaxly paraded. fl‘he spout ct reï¬ner ment', b said, semen with being ec- evstomed to wealth, Money erpidly earned inclines the owner to ostenta- tious dimly. As .we progress. he said. ave will enquire! ‘ £1159 correct spixit and bearing. a‘l‘hd bindin: of our booka. he declared; should be less thought 0! than the pencil marks that show that they have been mhdc use of. No societyt gun in pct-mar ont it based. entivrolyimpon richw. It is inmllwtuali'ty. reï¬nement and gul- tum that twill last}. L ‘ v - (Charles Kingsley.) .When all the worli in young. lad. ._ And all the trees are green; And every 30030 a. swan. lad. . And every has a queen; They hey {or boot M1 horse. lad. . And round the world. away; Young blood must have! its course. 3 1“ ‘ l ‘ - o \ And every dog his day. _ , The real. deep. scriomi ï¬nstincls of lilo am unapwcciatcd at the present time. declared. the minister, and noï¬e and parade wevmil. These: are the obaxacteristicu at the child or. than Oaserve the enormous preponder- ance of ï¬ction in the public libraries and Lbs prevalamé on tho c'gguet‘te habit among the boys‘ and the cm!- very people to whom are ten talus denim us; they don’t: think we are kindly. ngrc: mold hoopla at all. There mas never n 30:83:) nydt who had any rm! friends. Where you. {neat a man or woman you have nothing bebtar to â€V330. Pretentious are full at clam:- or . merit in a'lemt-( say. tell them it‘fl aiwccm or fine day and was on. Behold how great a matter a limb firq kindled: â€" and the tongue is rt fire. Letusmâ€" mumlcer that the ï¬re can consume. it cannot restore again. not even undo the mischief it has done. age. than the standard ~§yorks of Scott. frhackeray, Shakespeare or ev- en the book at books. the; bible. This is a. very 81¢ State of affairs. Let us remember: that kloyallty to Christ demands of uni-that M'o rc- noumo the devil antlall his works. And the devil works his mightiqst by the perversion o! the human tongue. We are this world [or a few years to do 6011': work and not. the devil's «The maple «to-day. said ghe minia- tcr, do not dam ithemsclves by um- dertakinz sea-ions reaching. and they would rather read. Um ngwspapcm and books by Fraser 'and Ralph Conâ€" nor. and other bookBLoi' the present (the prevailing sins on the times was the abject on a «about Mama by Rev. Mr. [Wallabp‘ of Woodstock. DEADLY VICE OI" GOï¬IP. FICTION AND OTHER EVILS‘ ONE FACE. Distribution of Fresh Seed Grain It Will be Made From the Central Ex- perimental Farm at Ottawa. Salvation Army Scheme of Immigra- tion Disclose: the lens. ; During the p181: [our years. The Salvation Army has succeeded. in bringing to Canada a good class of Farm laborers and domestic servants. ‘ Notwithstanding the protest made in some sections of the country. that there is a. surplus of labour, the Army Officials find. there is still a grest demand 'for agricultural lab- ourers. Ind they) ham Tonnd it neces- sary to charter several ooean' liners to supply the need. The call [or {arm labourers. comes from all parts of the Dominion. Ind now: that. the, On- \ OATS - Banner. 3W. le-awake. White Giant. Danish Island. Thous- and Dollar. Improved Ligowo. all whit: vanetiu. Black oats are no: recommended for general cultiva- tion; a law samples. however. are available. which can be sent if spe- cially, askei for. . . Applications should be addressed to William Saunders. Director ol Ex- perimental Farms. Ottawa, and may be sent in any time before the 15th of February. after which date the lists will be closed. so that. the saun- ples asked for may: be. sent out in good time for sowing. Applications should mention the variety they prefer with a second sort as an alta- nnlive. Applications will be filled in the order in which they are received. no long as the supply of seed lasts. ï¬rmers are advised to apply curly, so as to adoid possible disappoint- ment; Those applying for Indian corn or potatoes. should bear in mind that the corn is not usually. distrib- utcd until April and that potatoes cannot be mailed from here until all danger from frost in transit is over. . No pans»: in required on mail mat- ter addressed to the Central Experi- mental Farm. Ottawa. How to Secure Efficient Farm Aid . Only one sample can be sent to each applicant, henco it an individual receives a. sample 0! oats he cannot. also receive one of wheat. barley. Indian corn or potatoes‘ Lists of names from one individual. or appli- cations for more than one sample for one household. cannot be entertain- ed. The samples wiil be sent. free of charge through 'the mail . By instruction 0! ma Hon. the Minister of Agriculture. 3. distribu- tion n» being made this season of sum - ples of superior sorts of grains and potatoes to Canadian farmers for the improvement 0! sees. The stock for distribution has been secured main- ly from the Experimental Farm at. Indian Head. Sash. and Brandon. ms... The samples consist of oats. spur-g wheat, barley, Indian corn, (tor ensilage only). and potatoes. Inc quantity of oats sent is 4 pounas. and of wheat or. barley 5 pounds. sufï¬cient. in each case to saw one.- twentieth 0! an acre. The samples of Indian corn and potatoes weigh 3 pomia each. A quantity of each of the following varieties has been se- cure! for this distribution; WBEA'I â€" Red Fife. beaten Preston. Prinale’s Champlzun. Huron early bearded sorts; 1‘ and Stanley. early beardless . ties. ' INDIAN CORN, for ensilzgz. -â€" Eariy sorts. Angel of Midnight. Compton's Early 3111 Inngl’eléon'; later val-“ties. Selectei Leamizig. Early Mastodon and White Cay: Yel- low, Kent. ‘ POTATOES. â€"â€" Early varieties, Early White Prize and Rochester Mel Medium to late varieticé. Oarmnn No. 1, and Lat: Puritan. These later varieties are as a role more productive than ghe earlier hub. ' ‘ BARLEY- â€" Six-rowed. Mensury Odeesa. Mansfield. and Claude. Two- rowed. sundweil. Invincible, Cana- dian Thorpe and Sidncy. ' CASTORIA. A. .m Kind You Have NEE W I THE WEEKLY POST. LINDS an acre. The samples of and potaooas weigh 3 A quantity of each of varieties has been se- .‘ [With n knock [or every There willtntlotleasbre {roam bet'm 1903:- The Wave. Letusthenboupnndido‘ tario Goverment has beided continue supplying [arm help. it is likely that immigration ‘ ada‘ will not commence until April. the demand for settlers out under The Army auspic be very great. The ï¬rst ch ship will be the “Kcnsington iz-g from Liverpool. Februar- [or British Columbin points. ed by the “Southwark.†on 5th. for Ontario points; 111:: '1 from Glasgow, 'and' the "Kensi itnom Liverpool, on March; ‘,‘ < Farmers who have not mad cation for help for the coming are advised to write for app forms and further particul meat-Colonel Howell, 20 Al Toronto. Ont. The cuss of grants supplied by the Arm given good urination thro the country. Ind the experien have had in' the pat years in action. will evidently qualif for selecting Boiubh farm .11 0000A A delicious drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritious and economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter’s extreme cold. Sold by Grocers and Storekeeper o in i-lb. and id]: Tins. n‘. FRIDAY. u