1 « .. -r-w-l irsemmlv . . r ’. . “ " ~ ~vs Ink! “ohm-4‘ «atoms.- in your spare time at home, or [Elan onus-mulls BY ullli “WIIY Not gammy ' Take a Personal Course at School. ' To enable all to learn we teach on cash or instalment plan. We also teach a or- sonal class at school once a month. 0 ass commencing last Tuesday of each month. These lessons teach how to cut. lit and put together any garment from the plain- ‘ est shirt waist suit, to the most elaborate dress. The whole family can learn from one course. We have taught over seven thousand dress-making, and guarantee to give ï¬ve hundred dollars to any one that cannot learn between the age of 14 and 40. You cannot learn dressanakrng as thorough as this course teaches if you work in shops for years. Beware of wt- tations as we employ no one outside the school. This is the only experienced Dress Cutting School in Canada and er celled by none in any other country. Write at once for particulars, as we have cut our rate one-third for a short time. Address :â€" â€"w 1yr. SANDERS’ DRESS CUTTING SCHOOL, 31 Erie St., Stratford, Ont., Canada ANTED AT ONCEâ€"We have decid- ed to instruct and employ a number of smart young ladies to teach our course in Dressmakir g, having- one teacher for the six nearest towns where they live-â€" age 20 to 35. Those who have worked at dressmaking, or like drawing, preferred. Please do not apply unless you can devote your whole time. Address THE SCHOOL. fl THE LOCAL OPTION VOTING. .‘I‘he advocates of local option have good rec-son to loo .mtisfied with the results of the voting, says .The Tor- onto Star. It was; 9°15 a swooping victory; there rwere reverses in some places, and in others .the, three-fifths clause operated against the friends of local prohibition. But the moveâ€" ment is making steady progress from year to yealr. Every year thel area in ".with our Maker; Nemomnd his Sqâ€" pvt-ere “cialist friends think ltha'tl “worked from the outside. NVcdbnlt , “--that is all the difference ineltzween "usâ€"merely a question of method." So says. Stroller when lwriting present social economic conditions-l I would draw Strroller’s attention \to method at all, iourl simply a motive, tive or how good the undividual, with: out a method nothing can foe accom‘v The Liquor Seller?†“Name" Replies to “Stroller's†Criticisms and Make: Several Telling Hits-- Csrnegie More Helpful to Society Than John D. Rockefeller. it that they are consigned to‘ a place the price of( coal will not ’00 it can be ,a burning question with! them. And 1can there foe anything: said tn favor "Nemo is evidently not 1m accord ‘of our own immediate {Part of the earth, rwhere similar economic . con- ditions prevail etc a greater or less extent 2’ Stroller. although doing his level Ioest to uphold and apologize for, practically condemns the lwholc system when he says: ."Nemo ask- "ed why were w .not demanding “from the «party in power the carry- “ing out of the :planks we advocate." and Stroller exclaims, "what in the “world have we loelenl doin_g these "many moons! .VVe know that we “have Sir \Vilfri’d car. «but he is only “one of two hundred, and ten," Strol- ler also mentions that case of a pre- mier of another political faith who. he says. is only one of. ninety. .That is to say (under? present conditions) whether a premier loot honest ordisl- honest. or «whether he be saint or sinner, unless a majority, oven of his own party, support him, the can do of the ‘lech that this {plan of his is no and it matters not» how. pure the unob- plishod. Stl'oller’s plan is. “Sancti- fy the individual and all will be Well with the social order.†_ Suppose that we should adopt his scheme and res cind all legal law against ic-igamy, murder, theft, (moezzlclmenlt and graft, and depend entirely on this something that he advocaltc's, and what avould halppeni If :he has got a SURE CURE, rwhygnlot alpply it in the case of liquorl selling and gum!- :oling l Why not sanctify the liquor seller, instead of invoking :the aid. of ' legal machinery in the share of local nothing. This is ‘thq least that can option or prohibition? Stimuli-cac- hfl'i‘pcn. provided premiers are hon- tion through the gospel was the est. and there have been dishonest strongest argument advanced {oy'the premiers Stroller has proven (at supporters of chattel slavery, [before Iva-St to his own satisfaction). and. we the American civil War: their great hallo only to take evidence from the come so common that fear M0 “’9†' rrne Tor-ï¬ber sad the bribed are about ad honorable no '3 thief. and the anal that renew†the goods knowing them to’ loo Stolen when he receives them. (What 50' oialists doject to is that under our system that thieving and’ dei'UN should loo qmlble. and it will flour- lab as long as the profile-making sys- tem lasts. When mqnla‘re out for , profitâ€"and it is impoeulOlG .10 he 2 otherwise under a W0! rriVate ownership and WWI Profit â€" it, is impossflole for them to be; lndcpl-nr l dent. heme they are purchascalole :lnd unscrupulous when they see that suc- , ccss lies in a certain line. and willf resort to any mhcmcl to forward their 3 desires. Our maid admits that orlr l leery takes on several forms. and the1 d ' d ‘ ' k U smart loriber understands his .busi-l TOP In IO- 3y and pic noes. Now, in this matter he. as in 5 many other cases, points out the evil. 5 but forgets to point out the remedy; l after this, when he: q‘oinlsout wrongs, I as he did with reference to the inju-r . tive of the \l'aom‘r-Slfllr‘r‘ in the do,.rrt- mental stores. he should! .take time to point out the remedy. _ In several of his letters 'Strolli‘r’ has dwelt on the idea that Socialism are inconsistent rwhesl talking{ of So!- clalism and christianity; very , fro,- qucntly he has said. "when it suits them they .will quote 1th: sayings of Christ ioy the yard} but it is qua-i tier-mole if they bediovq'a word: of it." By what {process of reasoning has he arrived at such a nemarkalole conclu~ sion? As usual he leaves his read» crs in the dark! Socialists zpolnt to good men and great: teachers in all ages who have striven (to elevate mankind and make the world better lay their teachings. and are willing Wâ€: are well aware of the fact that althoug you expect us to give you a pretty close price on an OVERCOAT OR SUIT. If you knew how close a price we are prepared to quote you, you p what others scream about as “bargains." We don’t like the word “ bargains.†They are generally more fakes than bargains Good good at an extremely low price are the only bargain offer, and anothcï¬hing it’s nobody’s business how little we charge you 1...- Overcoat or Suit, that’s a business transaction between you and us. GEE WEEKLY POST. LINDSAY. FRIDAY. JAY. 17th, W ________________â€"-â€"-â€"â€"- OOWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0.0 Even the best clothing we have in stock will be sold you at prices that will surprise you. If you buy now, this or Overcoat will be practically new for next year. . \ ‘ \ â€ï¬gâ€"K THREE MONTHS 0F coll WEATHER YET; p ‘ l; hthc winter is not half 03-6, SW6 , :S uit *5 avbi-ch licenses are nod issued is en- ged; and it appears that once the mCBLLuEOUS- i MISCELLANEOUS panacea for the evils .of slavery or-poeite political party to prove that to rut their rtcachings .into practical was a change of heart {or master. and Stroller's idol is still jworse. As Em» use rwhen the aim and object of such -, slave, and many Aioolioionilslt preach.â€" merson Iputs it, “Nollqond, no fellow teachings are to lift (the downtrod; ers of that same gospel swore de- feeling. no enthusiasm; these are not den and oppressed and place every NOTICE To CREDITORS‘ ,l___ . noun‘ced as agitators. cranks anodis- men. out hunger-s, thirsts, fevers and person in the enjoyment of their full 1" Militi‘l'flngcc'offfflz:illicit-1::fellifijZZZf/x: ! HM FUR SALEâ€"Being composed of ‘ tur‘oelrs of the «peace and more ousted â€Petites Walking." (The speed; of 8. rights. But the climax? of assurdf- M, dun}! '0/ V,-,,o,},"h’mm. pkmfm/l 5 ’- My: nonlixhalf of 121:8 33:: 24,11 con. from their lpulpits {00th in the North fleet is the speed ,Cfl ills slowest Ship. .t,’ was. reached WILJl our raglan. -. r- Notice is hereby given. pursuant tol, [stead 9;.er igwgbaosut ‘ltlommfer: £3; and South, simlply ioecaulse they claim- and “107F413"IE 0f W 01‘. failure. of vilim makes his unalnurn- M ‘3" 1' “The Revised Statutes of Ontario," 1897, l cultivation, good buildings and orchard. ed that the only remedy focr this any social economic system; is its 13181-01110â€. an eminent English wri- chap. 129.. m“ ‘1} creditors “d others, Fall plowingall done,lO acresFall Wheat. great rwrong of chebtel slavery as worst human product. Look around tor. and tries to cyst odiurn. on the. “3?, claims J'ï¬mszcibe 1:“?sz “1° Sacres Alsike and 8 acres Red Clover for all other twron-gs, ovals eradiclion- and see. 'What Wel‘haVe got! Surely Sccialistic movement my attacking m nern 0 ’ w ° ‘ on °' sown. Posse:slon given at once. For Stroller will "not contend that there _-. .._ __â€"...â€"- â€".â€"_â€" QTRAYEI) onto Lot 15, {Int Con. of , L on or about 20th Decca bar, one i r shire Sow. The owner is requestmj ' prove preperty, pay expenses sac renew. v the animal. JOHN JOHNSTUFI, Wes. ‘_ cool. Opsâ€"W3. w, FARM FOR SALEâ€"Lot 16, (-c-r: ’r. E, ' in)“. In five cases this year, there was an attempt to repeal the icy-law, and in four cases the attempt failed. ‘While the three-fifths majorilt‘y clause seems to operate Lunfailrly against the local optionists, in other respects they have the advantage on their side. :They are always: working don, 116 acres, adjoining the V9.39. I: of Palestine, the property of J at; - -. ney, 80 acres cleared, balance pastur about the Seventeenth Day of February. . . . . ' h ' Elatchford's religious (trillionsL Docs 1906, are required on or before the full particular-s a ply on t e premises or to (1‘. H. BOP 'th. Lindsayâ€"TENS along lines of least resistance. Onlthe day after the pollingl the friends of local option can scan :the results and select their fighting groundl for 'the year. avoiding the places :where a fight would be hopeless and select- ing those where there is hope. (They can always keep morecst \of,pub1ic opinion, or a little in advance of it, and there is no doubt that public op- inion is working surely: and steadily agair st the use of intoxicanzts. In the old days the contr oversy Was cozducted in a haze of sentiment and illusion. It was popularly suppos- ed that beer was a focdl as well as drink. that rum and wine and whisâ€" key wercs curses of physical strength and mental inspiration. fl‘hesd ,no- ticns are now laughed at by hard.- headed men who would have paid lit-- ‘tle heed to the. fevrvid exhortations or temperance orators. longer under the glamon of urine. “Joseph Vance,†one of the master- pieces of modern fiction, is. a temp- ernme story, more effective than "Ten Nights in a {Bar-room.†The strength of the local opltion move- ment lies in the fact that it is mov- ing. forward in companyt with pulolic opinion, social custom, and the needs of business. , .1 . EDITORIAL NOTES. ' lThe North Ontario Liberal conven- ticn will be held at Beaventon on Fri- day, Jan. 17th. Kingston Whig; If the election act is to be amended at all it should Le made so drastic that. the pot-house politician will go out. of business as a- milllir of choice. â€"-The temperance members of the Toronto City Council are taking the inrntive in the matter of the reduc- tion of liquor licenses issued in the city, and will more. to have sixty- three out 'off. ‘. Orillia :Times; The threeâ€"fifths sele- tion of the liquor license not must be repealed before many towns can carry local option. Ill is too great. a‘handicalp in towns and cities. [The idea that a liquor man’s vdto should count for more than a temperance men’s vote is repulsive. ltlhe people will not stand fan it wary, long. Sunni: or or later the! Government will have to change the law .to a simplest Majoli- ity vote, which is more in accordance .with British fair play. \- \ Pcterioocrmgh Examiner: When Hon. Mr. Fielding inurodmced' hisliuwt mm: iour. Sir Charles [Dumper (than the political oracle of the Consea'vaa '_ tivc party) foretold complete; disash ter. the ruin of all manufacturing. j industries. and a general ,cpmlmerciul. collmpse. Fortunately, he was {not a true prophet. (Toronto! is a good: (Tory city. but it has failed. Fojustify Sir Charles’ prophecy. 'I‘hxel Customs collections for the year ;1907, while more than}: million! and n half inexe seas of last year. are $7,849,939 in. excess, or three times greater than‘ they were ten years a310~1ast year 31146771267, as against $3,821,328 in 1907, I'l‘he growth os’. Toronto. thus indies-bed, is but a; type of ltlhe‘ pros!- gzerity and expansion whictthave ef- fected the whole Dominion“, l Two more Dominion fly-elections take place on Wednesday next, Jan. 15th~one in Stanstead. Que, and the other in South Huron. Stanstead has been 'a Tory riding for years, but ,the prospects are that it will remain with its new found friends. the Liberals. .. I . l ..r . . Liter azure is. no poor div-inc. and that if they. kick against Rev A.. M. Stirton: on this question says in part: '11:qu economic lawsfoy “which wealth rapidly gravitates in- “to fewer and fewer hamds,'lceing ma.- “t‘hematilcal, would still prevail ifrthe “earth was peopled toy. archangells.†And more the holiest motives univer- sal. the selection of a true method for (up-plying these motives to social problems would demand just as much consideration as it does lto-day. It is very unfair \10 members of the capitalist class to intimate that the social iniquicies of which every thinking man complains are due to their personal depravity, and. this. we do intimate when wet propose individl- ual regeneration as the sole remedy {or the evils of centralized wealth. Some of these capitalism may be bad menhiouttnany of them are not; many of them too, like Rockefeller and Beer, are earnest adherents of this same evangelical religion, ,Iwhich is proposed as a remedyr for all social disorders. It must loo remembered, too, that among :the capitalist class the professors of religion are in no way conspicuous for good g ,works alcove those who maklellnp starch pro- fession. M'ho, for example rwould claim that Rockefeller isllrnore help- ful, socially, tthan Carnegie? ,Yelt. Rockefeller is a devout Baptist. while Carnegie is commonly reported to ice an avowed infidel. _ "But. what reac son is there to hope! that: even these motives rwill ioe forthcoming L011 any large scale from theI organized church life of the present day? Is it no; true that quite a limit of our current! religion has now no altruistic value whatever, losing confined to the in- dividual’s selfish effort to flee from the wrath .to come: Stroller’s plan has been in operation for hundreds of years, and doasl he contend that there are no sanctified; individuals at present, rwill he claim, or admit that there are no results from all those centuries of work, and if there are sanctified ones. and if he still claims that they are :the remedy. then why are the ethics and' bombings of the lowly Canpen’ter not/applied? In the Hungarian enrollment a bill has just in thou but been instnuuteu. been introduced that provides that Our friend starts out mm the as. employers will loe “Iowa,†to inflict claration that there is some pretty, corporal punishment uupon la'ooncrs h°t INK in the {shape 03 newsprin- under the age of eighteen; if the la’ol- 0" 00mins to Canada .nrom the other orer leaves the farm nvilthoult permisl- side. and scattered amund ,IJndsuy. eion or fails to. perform the Sundav Quite |true. when maple: are oppress- duties required by this master he may 0‘1 they will endeavor .gto-thlrow of: be fined or imprisoned: 'tstrilking.†the yoke of the oppressionâ€"choc is bu. or «refusing to work, is punishable by man "nature, and. eternal .uvigilunoe a fine of tnvcntyjâ€"fiye dollalrs. or pri- is the lpl‘lbe 01' .liloelrty. «We can die;- son for ten dam and as his maxi. per-so with the argumenbs that he mum wage is not, more than fifty doll- dl'an n fr- --n . , .. .7 -. c lars a year. itlwzill be an easy, mat)- ation 9100‘“ 'PWPIB geltlting ,6er of tcr to keep'himlaselrf. all his. lifcf. In the continuous mental strum. Our Russia, .where the head of the notion friend has discovered that the So- is the head of the church. and {where ciulists are politically opposed. toting to say that this head is not sanctified party now in power ,in the States means imprisonment or death. {the quite 'true â€" thw are owned and run daily occurrences in that; nation are by the capitalistic party. and when too horrible to relate}. In Great that party rules the common people Britain, thelrpeatest and moist enlighgt- suffer in various; (Ways. ._ and Beefy ened of all existing lggmlpiresl, a turn of the ova-lamb, tin clamour arm- country where millions oft copies of 011381: the people becomes greater. As the loible one printed. sold and given to his charge 0}! immanent-t is 'éoo away, and where there must. be many 31mm for a moment‘s widera'u'on. sanctified people, thirteen millions or A5 long as the .head of the. nation one-third. of 311 lthwuinaltion. in the rules in the interests .of the trusts most [prosperous times, are always ex- the Socialists will oppose that party, istin'z on or untiem lthe poverty line. be it of :wrhatevelr‘. {political stripe it {There the few practically: own ev- may. ‘ . 3‘ U- , ,: eryt'bing. and the many own nothing, IThen' he "goes on .to sayl that he has and where they have . taught [the discoveredwbhwt the Socialists ,have that their afflictions ( are strangle ideas of bribery the very fact that geople offer bribes shows that these wrongs, providence‘ -. ,will see to the system, is wrong; and it has he'- are no sanctified individuals in these two great denominations of , church, the Anglican and. Roman Ca- tholic. or the Orange organization, showed he that, _ for articles. or omic vwrongs against the lpeople. they have all in the just. on election der to shoulder to lthi,JlOII'$. and in that same article he sums up the out claim. child, no matter what ' his creed. er'ly suascribe to the newts of So- cialism.â€"Yours truly, Lindsay, “Dec", 1907. Nolaâ€"(rho alcove letter Iwasl‘. rc- cei-ved toy us some (weeks ago, but. -holiday mashâ€"Editor Pose. '_ , “STROLLER’S†WISDOM. (To the Editor. ,of The Post.) - Sinâ€"Inasmuch as “Stroller†taken in hand. tol set forth, in your issue of Dec. 3lst,.’a declaration. of occ- jections to Socialism. which most surely are not believed by many am- ongst us, even as- he delivered them unto us rwhilsh from «the beginning were eye-witnesses and ministers of Socialism, it seeunelth good: to me also, having had some experience all! the 'world, to «write, in \ordcrg most ex- cellent Post. (halt thoul‘mightest know the certainty of them things where- th the yet to make a point in one of these self interest, and to perpetuate ec- dass, joined tissues andgm'archod shoul- .whole thing in a mutshell and makes and establishes a clear case for the Socialists when he says i â€For our part. we never could 5gp what a man’s religion had to dollwith his qualifi- cations as a servant. to the people." That (under present conditions) is our Socialism. simply seeks to lio- crate the economic slavd and to- es- tablish a just induStrlal system which shall apply to every man, woman and color, nationality or previous condi- tion. and I take it that from now on Stroller and his friends will eagl- â€SEMO." «publication 'was deferred. owing (to the colllTlINlcmons hath not our friend knowâ€"and we celicvc Fifteenth Day of February. ’08 he must knowâ€"{hat inl England, to send by post repaid or deiver ro . - nd 3» ‘ ’,, McLaughlin, Peel Fulton. of the Town Tiff, Blamhford “if.†a h Tavern of Lindsay, Solicitors for Moses B. Deck, , , ' . the administrator. tron 0‘ the White ï¬aVQâ€"‘hflt thc Clo!" And further take notice that after such ical party and the capitnllstic party last mentioned date the said adminisfra- we†always unitul to hold 11,3 ma _.,_ tor will proceed to distribute the assets of â€e" OI the people rn 304m“ submisl» thereto. having regard only to the claims slon to their wishes. .“ ban “‘0 read of which they shall then have notice, and of the struggles of mm like Baxter. the said 'dminlstrstor will not be liable pym and liamc‘den. and 53;, the means for the said assets or acy part thereof, to that were used «all the ruling pow» ‘auy person or ms. and administe ed by such men as Judge Jeffericts and the Star Cbam'oerites. is it my wonder that cold men speak out and deny such abominable tyrants the right . to rule! True, tlws: are things that are past. and thr tyrants have been shorn of their gowcr. .to a great ex,- tent. lent the s; irit that rival“; predomo inunt then lives stilln :VVc saw only a. few years ago. when the tithes were “i; “i ‘. them at the time 0’ such distribution. Dated the Fourth day of January, an, loos. McLaucquN, PEEL FULTON. Solicitors for Moses B. Each, Administra- w3 tor of Binjarnin J. Deck, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In full! .l/alfrr oft/1t Extra? 0/ HUI/{am Barry. (at: (ff/'26 Techno/zip 0/ JAM/pom, m .H†Cox-mgr of l rdorra, I'm run. llrrmlm. ll-ti' 1' ’.- 'll l',~.nz:.llf~.l l'l l ‘l‘lil‘l stone Government. that; the Church «party and the money classes «were hand-in-hand against the common «people. It it any :wondc‘r. when such things are carried on in the name of christianity, that men would say that christianity is the rworsy foe to So- ftlllhulf \Vr “at"; will; '1" ,‘i 'l; Eighth day of February, 1908, hlElOf‘)‘ ‘of the. struggles of M album to send byprst prepaid or deliver to the “UN (““T'W“ ""“' " 1' ‘ undersigned solicitors for the Executors in their efforts (afterwards! success- of the estate of said deceased, their names ful) to liloeratc tho chattel slave in tdlresses and description. full pmicnla's ....-; f {‘1le s1... “5 (Pier. to 1550‘ to of their claims and accounts, and the . , . _ nature of their claims and accounts and learn that one great. 905mm" the’ the nature of the securities (if any), held had to overcome was the Christian by them. church [which stood shoulder to shoul- And turtller take notice that after the do; with (In: .~..lv.rlle.J.-l. . 8th day of February, A. D. IOOS, the said talisLi-e) party. If our. friend is Executor-s wrll proceed to distribute t e doubtful of this, fortunately .. they assets of the said deceased, among the panes entitled thereto, having regard placed themselves on record, and he can fro referred to them. onlyto the claims of which they have ll tum: ar. ACll.~S,‘.:-'.,L:}ll’) is. 1,- been notiï¬ed, and will not be liab‘e for the said assets or any part thereof to any 30131118 ? ‘th but the Mecnnry to.“ person or persons ( f Whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at rants Of our SOULS “5.110. while disâ€" the time of such distribution. gusting us- with their knavery. came Dated at Lindsay this 2nd day of J anu. some to deny the God. such monsters $17, A. D. 1808. dishonor. Men rwho have {attested McDIABMID WEEKS: on the swwm’m 0‘ “the People, "Y of the Town of Lindsay, in the County of out *0 '“3 t0 ‘00 immaterial that the Victoria, Solicitors for John De Guerre powers that are ordained are of God. and George Whetter, Executors of the â€"-You:rs. etc, 3 saunas. “ d 3““ "'3' Oabwood. Jan. 11th, 1908.1g , â€"__-=_â€"= (Chicago Journal.) lodern lldlCIm- , Nothing is more attractive No sane mother would wish herself polished finger notice. A, gl'r'ndstouo treated under the conditions of ln-r- may be used for this purpose. dicluc or surgery of half a century . For an oily skin consult the Stan- nso. Mrhy then should she give her dard- Oil Co. . little one the old-fashioned. medi- ' Heir on the hrms may be remov- oiucs of half a: century ago, which ed with a lawn mower. If this. docs more likely than not contain pois- not prove successful try a scythe. onous opiates that cannot cur: the . Shep IS the great beautifier. To child... but merely drugs it into lemâ€" get the best results it should be por'rry insensibilityl. Baby's Own indulged in between meals. 'I‘nblcts is a modern medicine prc’ -~’+-â€"" pared with all the Skill Of modern New Large Ste‘mer. medical science. And the mother who . . . . . , . . . . ., _ The horthcrn havlgatlon guns tnls mc-llcme to her child has _,. h h . d 18,. d an‘ 8 r 0 , the gunrantecmi' a Government an- “me an, ec c ‘ pe .en-. alyst that. it does not contain one particle of Opiate or poisonous sooth- ing stuff. This medicine cures all the minor ailments of little ones. and makes baby a healthy, laughing. heppr child. Sold 'by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from .The Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Ca. Brookville. 03t- ===== Close Quarters. Smithâ€"Do you like 11va in a col in the north-l. :flati . - Jonesâ€"Not muchâ€"sneezed in the bath tub 'iast Sunday? and the 'kit- c'neu fell through that parlor win- sure a steady increase in profits for dim ..-. up......',ytsrs-\ .;._l.__...l.-..- Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897. Chap. 129, Sec. 38. that all creditors and persons having claims against the estale of the said William Barry, who died on or about the four- teenth day of December. A. D. 1907, are requested on or before the Hints for Beauty Seekers. tract with the Grand Trunk and the Grand Trunk Pacific to, handle the lake business of those lines. For the increased traffic the company: will build 8. 5.000400 vessel. which will {be the largest passenger ship on the upper lakes. The vessel will be built at Collingwood. and the company's officials state that she will be the Instant. as well as the largest veg- .“ ll Myawwhv ~. the deceased among th6 parties entitled { persons of whose claims, notice sba‘l not have been received by i once pasture. l Barns with stone stabliag ; Pig Pen, 36x20. ' with work shon above. bu‘ldings. A never-failing well; miles from Lornevrlle JunctiOn: : miles from the Village of Woodville. l not sold at once will be rented for a term ,1 of years. For further to ELIAS BUWES, Real Estate Agent, ‘ Lindsav.â€"wtf. M: l ' l l than . containing 5 and in a high state of cultivation with fair lbuildlnga. This farm is situated on the leadln I say. I The possession. of I the new vessel. with the arrangement I which the cornpany has effected wrth is nowopentothe public. Chopping done its railroad connections. should: in- for ï¬ve centsa bag, for cleaned grain. lwtf. mu FOR SALEâ€"100 acre: East 1.! Lot 22. Con. 14, Township of Brock: frame house, good barn on stone founda- tion. with stabling; small orchard, new drivicg shed, never-failing spring. well drazned ar d fenced, con venient to school; about two miles from the thriving village of Cannington, where there is a good grain and stock market; soil a clay loam. Fcrfurthe particulars ap ly to ELIAS W ARM FOR SALE-IOU acres all cleared 80 acres ï¬rst-class tillab'le land, bal- Good House. 2 frame Sheep Pen, 14x36; open shed 24 feet, all on stone foundation; Driving Shed, 24x42, Windmill water in stables with taps. Three miles from the Corporation of Lind-say. Terms easy. Desirable farm, good situation. Apply to ELIAS BOWES, Real Estate Agent. Lindsayâ€"mi. .ARM FOR SALEâ€"In Mariposl, 100 acres, 75 cleared, TI) tillable, 15 acres pasture. balance second growth mixed wood. Frame and log barn with stabling; good frame house; small orchard; well fenced and watered by two good wells. One mile from school and church, three miles from Little Britain, live from Mari- poea Station. Easy terms of payment, with interest at 4 per cent. For further articulate apply to ELIAS BOWES, Real tate Agent, Lindsayâ€"wit. ARM FOR SALEâ€"116 acres in Fenc- lon, near Cambray, 112 acres cleared, pne acre maple grove, three acres mixed wood; 80 acres tillable, balance pasture. Frame house, frame barn 49x50, stone wall with lean; never-failing spring well at house: 25 bearing apple trees, one mile from School, Church, Post Ofï¬ce (Cam- eron), Grain and Stock Market, Store, Blacksmith Shop, etc. For further par- ticulars apply to ELIAS BOWES, Real Estate Agent, Lindsay.â€"_wtf. FARM FOR SALEâ€"100 acres, west hf a Lot 4. Con. ‘2, Eldon, all cleared, 90 acres under cultivation, balance pasture land; a large portion under grass, 14 acres ploughed, brrck dwelling house, frame barn and stone stabling, with other out- 1 1-2 " 1-2 If particulars apply Farm for Sale. North Half of Lot 3. Conces- sion 10, Emily, 100 acres principally cleared road about six miles from Lind- or further particulars apply to WI, O'NEILL, wtf. Lindsay, Ont. NOTlCE The annual meeting of the North Victoria Agricultural Society 00~ 'willbe held in CAVANA’S HALL, Vic. tor-in Road, on “Vidcnd °° “PM†8â€â€œ ‘3' 38‘0“? lWednesday. the Twenty-second 000. has made all new 10-year cou- 1 fat 1 lFir-st. and Second Vice-President, Board ‘ of Directors, other business. Members are all respect- fully requested to attend. ' MYLES HAYGARTH, Day of January. 1908. o’clock p m., to elect a President, Secretary Treasurer and Secretary. NOTICE The Davidson Grist mu GEORGE DAVIDSON. Little Britain. 6 bush, frame house and frame barn, fluâ€"L'- of water, small orchard, church and col. within a few rods cf farm. Willbe so g cheap and terms easy. For further pa: ticulars apply to ELIAS BOWES. 1-0:" Estate Agent. Lindsay,â€"â€"wtf. 10†ACRE FARM FUR SALEâ€"i; ' -: . _, con. 10, Township of Ops. .r property of Alex. Nugent. Al? c roughcast house, two frame barns, , from school, 3 miles from Reaboro ~ - Mark-r, Store, Post Ofï¬ce, Churczâ€" w in miles from Lindsay. Sold at a : an: as The proprietor wants it sold brief» 1.; return to India. Soil, clay loam. 133:: ‘ easy. For further particulars 2.3;: :. ELIAS BOWES, real estate agerlL. Ln. say.â€"wtf. {)OO ACRE FARM FOR SAULâ€"3r. u: .. 5th Concession of the Townsh; r Eldon. Large frame barn with oxen f: ' stabling with excellent stabling, good no brick house; 190 acres cleared, 18...»: tillable, 10 acres mixed timber. :oc.‘ well. One mile from school, commie: to church, post ofï¬ce, stores and 1.;M'i smith shops. Avery desirable farm Fe: . - price, terms. ere, apply to Ella BOWES, Real Estate Agent, L...Ceaf. -w t . 1 ACRE FARM FOR SALEâ€"Lo: 13, concession 5, FeneLon. pro:- erty of Ernest Snelling. 70 acres ‘3?an balance5 acres Hardwood and _ acre! Cedar and Tamarack swamp. Circe}. land all rlllable ; soil a clay loam. Tr: . frame Barns, one 52 x 3'2. with s'cne Stabllng; log House. well finished meme. Well fenced, good well, bearing Hrccsri , . Nine miles from Lindsay. For 2 r3. 2.2: particulars apply to ELIAS iauxl Fr, . Real Estate Agent, Lindsay â€"w:f. ‘ 20 ACRE FARM FOR SALEâ€"“o: 2;. _ Con. 1, Mariposa, the pry . :7 cf‘ William F. Rogers: 150 acres trad»: c:- tivatien. eight acres hardwood bus. es..- and black ash swamp, balance ;:._~t:re land, 110 acres extra good fall when: and. Good brick house, good frarc» on: 50x89, stone stabling, pig pen ; x26. driving shed 24x40. Bearing or .src never-failing spring stream 1': rod. tron barn. School, church, post ofï¬ce. m smith shop, all convenient. A it"s."l-C; farm. ELIAS BOWES, Rea; has: Agentâ€"wt!“ ‘1 .ARM FOR SALEâ€"70 some fun; joining the village of Cameron ‘ cleared. 50 acres rillable, balance past ~ lrame house and kitchen. frame by 30x50. with a 12-foot lean: good st-eh stabling full size of barn ; 60 bearing f. trees, apples, pears and plums; two .20 wells. School, church, stores, blacksm' shops, post ofï¬ce, grain market, chopp' mill and railroad station, all within a f rods of farm. Eight miles from Led. . and the same from Fenelon Falls. 38" ’ chance to purchase a well situated for. For further particulars apply to SEAS BOWES. Real Esnte Agent, 1. ad!!!- Mav 2, 1907.â€"wtf. .ABnl FOE SALEâ€"About 2«: one of the best grain and stn .. 5m! in the County. being composed .,: 1,0: 9 Concession 3, Fenelen, the property of 'k W. Routley. A good frame to: ~~r 78‘ for bricking, frame barn 4I').? _ l stone wall and stabling and o ‘ buildings and young oreharr‘. east 50 acres there is a brick ' stable, one and one-half miles f» v and near the thriving village of - '- ' 1‘ ' well watered and some wood . J»- , miles from Lindsay. Want to an .. r' onlâ€˜ï¬ For further particulars apply 1.. .. . ~ BathES, Real Estate Agent. L 3552? ARM. FOR SALEâ€"23' 0 acre won 1 sale in the T wnsllip : 333‘ ham. A twoastorey white Brit‘s '1' " ' metallic shingles and comer: «£11575 Barn, 60x 105. with metallic sizing «5 93‘ cement floor in stable under bar: that?“ shed, sheep house, hog pen and 5‘1“ 155 acres plough land, balance p853?“ with a never failing spring creek 3211‘“ through it; soila clay loam, 5271““ 4 miles from Stouï¬ville and 3 mi 65 fl.“ Markham village on G.T.R., and :5 nu1 from Locust Hill on the CF 11.: «reamed atLocust Hill, church, post o'ice I“ school ll miles from farm. Ccnsxl’":d one of the best grain and stock 3: Markham. For particulars apply W E SOLWES, Real Es ate Agent, Linda!"