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Lindsay Post (1907), 1 Jan 1909, p. 9

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coma v‘vrhe Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for .over 30 years, has home the signature of and has beenmadeunder his pet- ;W sonal supervision since its inmncy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but E Experinients that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Childrenâ€"Experience against Experiment. I Vetel'ina'ry Wood and Iron with Brass Cylinder, For any Depth of Well. Having secured a first-class experienced Pump Maker, we are prepared to supply first-class pumps promptly. SY LVESTBR M’P’G IJNDQAY STANLEY L. GILSON DRs.KmNEDY_NEDY Pumps ! Pumps ! Pumps ! ' Repairs will receive careful attention. CONSULTA oft-in Bhnk for Home genus-.9. 1 workecfor not. I imagined everybod who looked at me guessed my secre . Imaginative dreams at night. weakened meâ€"my back ached. had pains in the back of myhead. hands and feet were cold, tired in the morning. rap tite. fingers were shaky, eyes at: . hair loose. memory poor, etc. Numbness 1n the fingers satin and the doctor told me he feared paralysis I took all lands of medicines and tried many first-class physidansthzore “tom belt ‘01- [111% mon Went mm. or ‘nta fm-r "T m baths. but received little benefit. While "‘ in .1 §.C19mens I was induced to consult Drs. Kennedy K: Kennedy. though I had lost axth m doctors. Like adtowningmnn I commenced the New Method Went and it saved my life. The im rovexnent was like mafiaâ€"1 could feel the vigor goinx through the nerves. I was cog-ed mentally and My“ 1 1"” sent them may Meagan! will continue to do 30.“ W was GUARANTEED on no PAY AND BWM VARKIOCHL STRICTURE. NERVOUS 015mm. BLOOD Di...“ “solemn. §IDNEY AND BLADDB DISEASES end an ..__LC°.NSHLTAIION mm aooxs man. has.» an "in. s..- . Quufiu - OUR NEW Min-non rmrnmrm cure you and make a. man of you. Lucie!- its influence the brain mes active, the blood purified so that all p:mpl~s. blotches and ulcers heal up: nerves become stron as steel. so that Ben my. bashfulness and despond disappear: the eyes me bright. the ::d clear, energy returns to the ‘y. and_ the moral. physical and mental are invigorated; all drains ceaseâ€"no more vxtal waste from the . The 7 wrzans become natural and manly. You feel yourself a. men know mar- raagv: I‘thnot be a failure. We invite all the aflicted to consult us confidentially and tree: of charge. Don‘t let quacks and fakirs rob you of your had-earned dollars. 3" NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. NERVOUS DEBILITY m WEEKLY POST All Counterfeits, Imi Experinients that tri Infants and. Childrel What' is J CASTOR IA The Kind You Have Always Bought GENUINE M. J. CARTER, 40 Kent St. Cor. Michigan Ave.. and Griswold St, Detroit. Mich. ll'Y Surgeon and .Dezfiést. JANEJVLLg 1"! I Castor-i9. is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It mntains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhma and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panaceaâ€"The Mother’s Friend. In Use For Over 30 Years. TN! ccmuu 6°.”lv. 77 IUIMV "It". ““70" cm. "Progress Brand” Clothing Sold and Guaranteed by Also, it’s his duty to dress well economically. Logically, it’s his 'duty It’s a man’s duty to dress well CASTOR IA LINDSAY, FRIDAY '3“. 1 I If you are losing business a !m :2 [small “Display Advt.” in theoe;-I’m Ecolumnsww‘ill' help you find it" ‘mn, .351! ADVERTISE I to ALWAYS _-_: Kindly Farewell I Clock, when their cousin. Miss Mar- 1 jorie Ashman of Breehin'wna united J in marriage to Mr. William N. Mao- ' 1 Donald, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs; Hugh MacDonald, of W. i 2 fine bride was very neatly attirefl‘ in 7a white silk waist with W films skirt while .her trmvelljng unit was; of marry blue vionna cloth will! Int : t 1 I commutrmmmrm-H Q n ‘A véry pretty but quiet wailing tcok plane at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ‘Robert Mdhllnm, Russell-st, on Wednesday. Dec. 23rd1 at i o'-. .n sfigfirt recognition of the harmony! and friendliness exiting among the odhoialb. Mr. James B’oxnll, in the :capacitxy of Santa Claus, distributed ahnrch’. the Rev. J. P. Wilson, B. A., officiating, r when Mr. Edward McNeish, of Fenelorn Falls, was unit- ((1 in marriage to Miss Bertie Jack- son, daughter of Mr. Benjamin Jack'- son, of Eldon. They were accompan- ied by Mr. Fred. Bell and Miss .V'era. Jackson.:‘V' {lill't‘ A Quiet wedding 'took place on Wednesday, Dec. 23rd, at the parson- age of the Cambridge-st. Methndist the gifts mm the pupils. The enemas at the entertainment was due in a large measure to the teadhers of the infant class. Misses D. Cooper and Fanny Beesor.‘ L. ‘ :. Cambridge-st. Methbdist Sunday nachool infant ohm held their 1m- present with a. delightful programme and during the evening Sunday school superintendent flames Bonll was presented by the officers of the school with a handsome stick pin, as mm! Christmas tree and entertain- ment in the school room Thursday night. My. W. W. Staph. assistant. superintendent, acted as chair-max. The little ones entertained those, Infant Class’s Pleasant Time Thnt Branch of Cambridge-st Methodist Sunday School Enjoy Them- We now feel we are parting from one who has our best interests at heart, and as a slight token of om esteem and gratitute. we beg of you to accept this chair and clock with the kindest wishes and fervent pray- ers for your success in your new field of labor." Miss Droogan, it is understoad, has secured, a school near Lindsay. When we heard of your intended de- 'parture, we were filled with deepest ..regret but our sorrow was solved, ion considering the pleasure you will derive from associating with the . friends of your youth. and being with i the dearest of all earthly iriends -â€" a your mother. 1 During the seven years you have Ibeen with us, we especially will ;never forget the deep interest you {have taken in our spiritual and tem- and always with untlrlng zeal 'and patience, your mum acts of kindness to us will never be forgotten. We shall ever pray on: benign Lord to grant you length of happy days to guide in the way of salva- tion the souls entrusted to your care, and we fondly hope your exer- tions in our behalf will be crowned word and example. poral wellare, earnestly endeavorlng to make us good and God- fearing children by your counsel and exgmple We, the pupils of the St. John's Catholic Separate School, Whitby are assembled here to-night for what is to us a very painiul duty. via. to say imweu to you, our kind and loving teacher. Miss Droogan, 01 Lindsay, who, for the past seven years has been principal of the Whitby separate school, was on Monday last presented with a beautiful Morris rocker and an address from the pupils. Co). Farewell. oi Whitby, acted as chairman. on the occasion. and com- plimented Miss Droogan on her sig- nal success in passing so many pu- pils through the entrance and in win- ning so many scholarships. The ad- dress was as follows; Dear Miss Droogan,â€" Pupils of Whitby Senate School like Presentation of [auto and Address MACDONALDâ€" ASHMAN ‘(McNEISHâ€" JACKSON Wedding Bells to Miss Droogan [Aw Special Quintana services were I w“ :hpid in St. Paul’s ohm-oh . yestexihy hat 1 morning. "Rev. .0, H. Hard! and rib.- :.ohuge at the service and pren , . to a flame oanngegaition. specie! ' as." sin was rendered b! (be chit dur- Chief of Police {Vincent was th'e zxecxpienrt of n aha-iatmps repent finance from this Miler in'the shape of a consignment of Euclid): holly and a souvenir bearing a mixture of 6n English rdbin, wmidi he further stated was ringing in {are sullen at the tilde of writing. Mild weather. Mr. Fmoent writes, is prenflixq in En . N O the citizens of Lindsay in the condi- emy of magic next momma: the power question, in accordance with his promise to (the Limbaa boa-xi of trade made Last spring . It is \mln‘togetflar likely W Hon. Adam Beck. .01 London. wt! address Leaum- Co. Thu-shy and presented each at the employees with a. nice plump turkey. mm. at. Ben! acted “Samba Ohmntuheunneryand the secretary at the warehouse. ' About seventy turkeys Were pur- chased to supply .11 the employees- The kindness at the company was very mm apprechted by the em- pbseea r . z i ; x . L year's council by the pnotioe at unct economy in "the diluent Ile- paxtmmts ot the civic government. has a surplus of 3900. w. gram. ing mile of grain drunk! prove a vet: eftective mmign argument 'tor the aldermen who intend upped- ing to We citizens for I. renew]: o! tlxir confidence. . . frterboro. was the victim of o pe- culiar accident Wednesday afternoon while walking about the house the slipped on a. piece of damp oil cloth and fell over 3 tab. She m severe- by shaken up and when a doctor or- xivea he found tint the untortnntte woman and fractured two ribs. She is getting aims to well In can be expected. I . . . I 1 ‘ On Thursday P. -D. Moore.'K. 8.. county police musing. panned Ico- tenoe on the youth who burned the barn of Mr. 1‘. B. “din-'1. 0! (inc- mee, obont two weeks ago. He won allowed to go on “upended sentence. covering a period at two years. . ; The boy has been adopted by Mr. A. Collins. hotclkeeper. of 81113110!. Iona who gave bonfi for his upro- dnction when called upon by the magistrate. : -. ‘ Mrs. Ten-o, Jot-met]: of Lindsay; who resides at 506 Bethune street. Iuismle Iom Cufides Lu to the Cut of a an '1'th intended to load up at once and {start on the journey homewnrd, Thu were indoell the bray men of l thenortm k'. |~ {it.. Boy’s Sentence was Suspended In the m’orninguthe m we: com- ing up o'er t‘ln horizon three arm came et 1 good trot down Con}- bridse-et. The bones end the men _were covered with trout end looked as it they her! come iron the north pole. me Poet men. who we: on ha we: to work, limped on to ride down. He got into oonVereotion with the driver of one o! the teens end learned that they were from Pene- Ion district. nu left home et three o'clock Wednesdey morning and were on their was to the brioknrd. mowing “like WM would pot be relished by many at the people in Hon. Adam Beck to Speak Here 'Bhe M wer’e not!!! renting, while the pres-mu were unnerm mm very useful.» . i I Three Tums go Twat! lila with the ' lam at Ten Below A Cold Drive on a Frostnyorning in» hm cowl: hum then-ix I o 'clook train for Mutton and will. reign! to nail W with tho groom’s Viral". 214 ”HQ-ct.» ham when: this [and to extend their trip to ll‘oranto, Hunflton and I} A Christmas Remembrance Santa Claus at the Tannery Council flu Smith: of S900 A drive at twenty mile: on is Christmas at St. Paul's flll be shed new to the ‘citi- Two libs Enema C, H. Mandi and m, ICAST RI "negation. Emil tanner! m 0m the sen,” "Nordhcmte and flung" "m Men Who Built Q St. Clair manned,” "Canalh‘s N“- 3118151! ”9mg“! “A )1on Q" 3311th an Gem." e .- t4 standard which has been: bet in re- cent issues. In pages are crammed wan: interesting articles. ably il- Plrn‘stratud. The premier position is ‘given to "Blame Millionaires of Co. balc.’ This article tell; in a brunt. racy style, about the Cmndlann who have made great fortunes in the 'xicheot silver mining camp in the world. who they are, and the var- ious «Rinse the: pursued before strikingit rich. “Men undevents in the pnch eye"in cm intensely inter- cams department, It is the policy of the magazine to reproduce the most timely and brightest appearing in the world's periodicals. It is carry- ing out“ this policy ndmimbly. Every. selection in the Jammy number is‘ timely, and serves to mow the are exercised by this competent editor; is! M! in making the workl’al periodicob. Article. 0! week! int“. (d. are The Red Owner: at ‘Antr ion,“ "The Social ”annihilate: of sisâ€"ire. "Sending mum‘- Money The issue of Busy Han'l Mngnxino for January, "en onrpmed the high com [roll lawn". interment hm yhoe I: u be Bivu-nde cemetery. . . ._ lonefltfromther t duet ad ‘ n " mmn'xnm .‘- hm": determined to try Mr. Richard Kylie. on Saturday Kidney Pins. I Mined-Inc Gre- his bro- gory's drug dare and found imme- reouved “1'9 I“ 31¢" tint dint: relief. I have Ind other at “I". Nickel, 1nd died in Rochester Boohh's Wntim end our full; The deceased who was?! yen-s of he leaves behind him. a grown up and honestly recommend gene. ' field “are. by dealers. Price so m m a sunny. Reade: Mr. Rich-.111 Kylie, '1‘ Boodr' 00.. Ltd. Fort 3,39. Ont there are seven! brothers of the sole Cnmdim “A. , ,deceued reading all Peterboro. Broke Hip [one ‘ here were In: nuance" on bond. bound to: minus Mint: in the proflnoe to W Christan. un- oag friend. ufl m of them lum- ed-nn trettedlatflaeyshonld nun their ammo-tia- II it Wu. they were compelled u 10: in town over nfgu. On the W down Conduc- tor White had no Vet! enviehle time of it trying to placate hie pan-ensue. The fireman m bid-L7 bruised by but (all in jumpiac tram the engine. through the MW. While Firm Bulk: and brain-man nu out over the team. thereby, nVin¢ themselves in I Md scalding. 1 he (3de MM down to radon Falls ‘ C undou- und tele- lxlphd to w (or another up cine, which 1'. fl once deupuchd and t1! up.“ traveller: were brought down I We“! In pouible. mm a“ “'0 brown I Vex-y serious as“ "'1 inflicted nut: in)!!! to (U “he men of the Pen- enon mm all! due here at 555 m In. W ”rm "me- When not! I'd'c nation the grown M of a. ”motive blew out. (flung an ab mu: m «:1 mg an Mu- Engine driver. Crown SD! '3' My Locomotiu .1 Med the Train The Busy Ian's [unite : Falls Train down to t .r and tele- ‘ other em 4 tie-patched :1 The nthookpl-Deat'the _ House of Reine on Christmas day ' ‘01 M1. Sherwood Reid, brother of Mr. John B. Read. of Boboaygeon, at the «advanced age of 86 years: The deceased has been an inmate 'o: the Home or Refuse since its emotion end was a general favorite With the inmates. He was mankind _ ed there by his brother. His body , was taken to Bobcugeon today, ' where interment will take place. 3 I I L' I I I PATRICK TRACE}? , The death took plue .We'dnesday of Mr. furiok Tram ct his hte‘ residence. flat 1', con. 8. Emily. aged . MISS TILLIE O'NEIL‘ ,' t 1 Mr. Daniel M110, at Hot 9, con. 65 years. ’l‘he deceased, who was a eufl'erer from cancer. us one of (be but known rendenta in this duttiot Ind have: helix! him to mama‘s Foamy-own upgunilx of bags md xix-h. { . ' The Inner“ will we phoe 1mm: the “Elihu-Hence at 1.” p. m tcuorrovi mm day) 8’! iii pcheed to St. Ital-[fa lint-0'5", than: to the Roman W W. I I He is survived by his wile, two daughters, Magnet sud Mrs. Rich- ard Tenet-d. both of Peterboro. and one son. I". Loyd. traveller tor the We! Ont- Compeay. The funeral took place ot two o'clock on Mbnday and mended to the Little Lake 'Gentlemâ€"The any- of miracles h mnocauputuaaxtoelmtmy 1- . complete recovery. tron whet aeemed g Inevitable deem. it practicdly a. mir- ". . mole. I uttered mom never-e Indiges- , flea and_ Dump-1e for nequy‘ itwo‘ Word was received yesterday of the death at Bay City, Mich, of Charles A. Gonzh. brother of Mr. B. J. Gough. 0! this town. The funeral took place in Toronto to-day. Mr. B. J. Gouxh lett for Toronto yester- day to attend the obseqaies. The death occurred in Lifford on fl‘WMJ'. Dec. aid. or! one of the ‘o'dett and most highly respected re- ticent: of Inner: township in the person of Andrew Gui-.13.“: the advanced we of Mun". 10 month an 19 at”. _ I I The funeral hot [shoe christian. alumna at one oWu-ou the family residence. nth concession a Shavers. warned him plan It Binnide cemetery. . . . ‘ The death occured on Christmas dny of Mr. William Hunllton. ct his residence, Peterboro, It the .313 o! lorty nine years. after an illness of about two years. Mr. Hamilton was born in Coboconk. and has wedded la Cameron for a number of years go- “ mun-um" immedlamy streng- thened the stomach. Insured nound d!- muon and recanted the We“. There were no poisonsâ€"no noxious use. remained in the system. and the heart was no longer “fluted. Then tthpnm and fluttering stepped. "Pruit-l-tlves” in pui up ii two flu- 280 and We. If your done!- has am both. Write Frult-l-uvel Limited. Ottun. cemetery for murmnt ou'cua' \v'ero formed which swelled the wan- of the stomach and passed against the heart. The doctors were ui “0:13.30. Bpeer: ind what we all “irritnted heart.” Indigestion and We“ completely upset ghe stomp. Poison: in: to Peterboro about five years ago He was respected by all who knew Atthletlmemyeonukedneto tr! "Frult-e-tlven.” and from the outset of taking these wonderful tebletl I we: better and gradually thle medicine completely cured me. I took A large number of boxes. verbia- e dozen. and now I em eutlrely cured end I heve tuned over tux-t7 pounds 1:: welcht. Imuoweowellthetlheveeold my term and bought 200 eel-ea more land. I make thls mtunent volun- terlly for the “k. of humwlty. end l m convlneed tut “Frult-e-tlves" ls 1 wonderful remedy that will cure atom- eeh trouble where doctors end every- thin‘ 01.0 2111.” Seen I could not take/food without tearful dun-en end I became elmozt a. skeleton .- the result of the utter- lnc. I could not do our work and be- ameeomdownendweekthet I could hudly walk. I we: attended by two exponenoed doctors. They both pronounced my one heart tenure end lncunhle, end I looked fanned for deeth tn 0. short . time. I not only. had the doctors but after they ave me up I tried my remedleo and treetxnenu but got no better. LOOKED FOR DEATH IN A .HOR‘I’ TIME. [Hardy cm by “Fruit-a-tivu." MR. WILL” HAMILTON. CHARLES A. GOUGH. SHERWOOD REID ( . ANDREW GRAHAM Obituary HEART TROUBLE (Sgd) Henry spears. 3.12.7 An alarm wasrnnkinthsm day (mm themrth "'1“- where: residence of Mr. Sam mm 1' ammmw'““°‘“ thhousebqflll‘tamg‘ nétcomd. in; ripped (TIE-{Ewe W the fire" mass. was x. New mm“ m“ vocal me- "Glam“ Morn" and also the solo. 331108 the diserent In...“ in "Adeste Fidelis." "Tho Pasta-is." a beautiful amnzm was also rendered during the M Miss Lena Shannon taking the “01° At benediction. Roeswi!" "0 8‘” Themndcbytheehoirisworuly of special mention. Under the W ship of Miss Mary Brady. organist. thechoirsenglpesch’smnssinrm a. finished manner. Mrs. Csthro's solo ‘ Qui Toms" and the “Et Inmatm Est," by lies llnry Flenry, together with the solos by Misses L. Shannon Ens. Brady. N. O'Boyle, and Mr. J. Hurley were splendidly rendered. At the beginning of the thanksgiving mmwmtmtesuvu wouldbe:ha.ppyoneforthem In. udtlntGodwould pour down his mum. Referring to the m, benidallhdreuon to MWyGothhednufl hadbeenmdtromm. Thecollectlondurmxthodnym Xmas Services at St. Mary’s, Wm Well Attendedâ€"Such! Pro» gnu-ac of Excellent Issic Qrmudeepcmnematm taken to Dr. Wroomn’e honâ€"e. what! his head was sewn up. Be unowdoincnioeh. | ;.;.-b cent mission, received Holy Con- m in large numbers 8‘ the difi Jud (how the accident occurred in not emu, ham: and so many stor- iamtoldhyuwoemchimto nave teen the accident that it a land no tell whether the driver at tbcrig orbheboyictohlnmc: " Atmwtztheboywuknockcd down mule!- flhe flesh, which ran comm-deli over him. When picked up big hand was bleed-”mg promote“ The sex-vim at St. lary's on Christmas Day were in beeping with the great festival. High lacs was sung by Yen. ”chm Cue! It 5.30 p.m.. and notwithstanding the early hour, the sawed edifice wan crowded to the doors. This macaw- immediately followed by a thanks- giving mass. Rev. Father Collins cel- ebrated the 8.30 o'clock mass which was alsa very largely attended. High mass was again celebrated at 10.30 o'clock, the celebraat being Rev. Father Collins. Owing to the fact that the electric light service was crippled, vespers was not sung in the evening. but benediction of the Bla- aed Sacrement was celebrated. It. Nicholson's China! a line A serious avoided occurred 8m urday. morning on {Wellington-ct. new. William-1., m Ernie Bottles. I hid shout twelve yem of age. w- knocked down and seriously injurec byuwl“£ it‘fl Knocked Iowa and Injured by Sleigh and llmes' floofs oidmt.“""_""‘“‘g“.‘“7‘;‘7"7 The Me Hi. O'Neil m welt known in flit vicim'ty Ind vhitul in Emily hat munch 11x- remain. will arrive this evenim at 0mm and the fungal will take place oi Saturday Inonfing ll: 8.30 from ‘th residence of ‘Kr. Daniel Cos will proceed to St. Luke's Downmilk. and thence to man Oathlic Gander]. e Serious Accident is." was sung by m K. new. to Emifioanes I St. Luke's church] ”‘M'fio'flh PAGE m real new

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