Methodist church on Smithy 13¢?- J. R. Evil): wasSpenï¬ng the W in Gmnba'nk and the two 983“" 3037'. exchanged pulTpSts £qu the‘ 530' day. ‘ .‘ .. Mr. Terri! took†for his text Mab- thew 4, 1. "men was Emmi?“ the spirit into the wine _» tempted of the devil.†Mr Niewed "the ï¬iffereï¬t’ Which Jesus “’1 ough, sibowm .55 held firm and “3'1? Satan 9. ' ' a J :ï¬-e came“ "2 We xecognize God as our Heavenlw Father it is going to make our Ens divine and yve will live lives than will be creditable to oursel- ‘WS and ‘to God. As Godds the pro- vider of our lives be 0081!)“: to be, the object of our most greattnl af- ’fvuions. I: is a: great honor when a king bestowe's a gift “P0†3 m1" Ject. It is a andh greater honor when the king asks a favor of I subject. led so it is wi'ï¬h' M ‘He has given us His best and how He asks a favor of Us. He wants our hurts, and. this is somethim that' (Veryone can give. 1.1 we give Bill! cur Marts we will give all whines 933? ‘We are God’s by the right: (if exeation. We are his again M â€be right of redemption. He redeemed “9‘ in 13112 precious blood. at Jesus Christ, not only an the grounds of want, but also on flhe grounds or! self interest we ought to give our hearts toGod. r-..ri_| Rev. Mr, cupied the Methodist was, “Our Best Gift,†taken from Prov. 23, 26, “Afar son, give me thine heart.†It seems that here God is tbzowing down a challenge to us. He has giVen us His best, and now He asks m fox-our best- If fruits of our lives; But we have the blessed thought that. God‘is our Heavenly Father. that He loves and taxes for us. The fruits that .the chouring locusts of evil (have tak- en away from us In is restoring to us With greater bhaings. The subject of the eveniqg sermon Quite an interest“ discourse was ngen by the pastor, Rev. G. ‘ KB. Welsh, at the mornim eel-Vice on the subject, “The Devonring 'Loâ€" cast and the Great Restoration." 'Dhe text was taken from Job 2; 25; “And I Will restore to you the eats thin the locusts have eaten,†etc. All pin is evil and. evil like the locust, cames in and spoils the fairest and best Rev. Father Collins at St. Mary’s church Sunday preadhpd a very im- pressive sermon on the words, "Be- fholn I bring you tidings of tree]! quaLities which may be in us, so than: We. ca 1130 out into this wide world and use them. There are many peo- ple who have talents hiddien away when they should be using them“ for the benefit of others- !l‘he trouble is ’that‘ they do not know how to use than. {that was Christ’s minim to ï¬lms world, to hunt out thche Lal- cnts and develop them. If we ï¬nely only do our duty, we should Still hear as in olden ting, the angel choir singing psalms otpraise, bring- ing peace and goatwilkto men, L ..v-- â€"-.â€"v a vâ€" '-â€"-â€"w" °_-â€"_ ‘ ‘ f r to thee born a. - in 1907 and 1908, and paid taxes onl Name osérVices 11:“ Frgéï¬grw same in 1907. and he called the at- Y A . . (.e tention of the council to the fact "a†035) 'mm be, as “um“! ; [that this same property was owned 5 3 m-‘LOW 113833- . :1 (igby and assessed to Wm. Fn, who 10. 30â€" High mass 7 ' ‘ paid taxes on same. 7.30 a. m. â€"Benedid.tiofl of the ’ hm:eâ€"Rgb1:1vso:;-Thatlthe 5 taxes B Swat 0 arg to n t on ots l and: used 7' 58, SWPR, for the year 1908, amounting to $4.36, be rebated.â€" Everybody who is born todhy {has reason to be thankful! for when: the kinds 'lbere. Christ did not; come to this world £0 ddstro]. He came that we mght receive everlasting “life. He came to deve‘lop any 800G Elmâ€"Lt ow to this ï¬rth he . Nu sent by God wit!!! n with amnion “(we manor. became God knew. that. ‘ut Jew was sent nun angel or abirit the poopb we“ be h. Mined to lean tvq tron“ Mm. Christ 4’.de!!! cm a a simple child and ï¬nd and crew wit!!! the rest of the people. He was then we to associate and in“ with than!†one of their numbgr. Everything to- dq can be traced 133* to the little but; Lying in a manger imBethlehm We cannot understang â€the litera- tur: of today and of this last Cen- tury unless we take in the (mission of Jesus Christ to this earth. \ We cannot understangd the progress of civilization during the last 19 hun- drea years if we: leave out the work of bur Lord on this earth. Every- thing is traced bach' to the birth at â€3“)de {aw pulpit m St. Andrew“. mum: Sunday wt b0!“ Rfflfll- â€- vml (â€WWW DU“ WIS Mum- 1¢ "what-ad by the Mr. In tau tannin Mr. WM took: :10! mm Mk0! a! ‘M semen. m- tmw 6. 17. “I m not m to da- uxroy. but to nuns." m»- Christ em to this oath in . mu sent by God. mu} with pinion Services ï¬eld in at. Various Ton Charms Salty. “a V. QUEENs'r. METHODIS'I: ST. MARY’S CHDBCH Iv The Churches . Terri}, of Greenban’k', oc- : pulpit in; the Queen-d2. be peep): would be in- W“-' n... â€".â€"â€"--- -7... _---,, , m any now u... it! at: Orv-m use! at the Word regal-e came a a may]. buzzing 8- m “the people. at iVed and grb'w want the W and {em-e- m me! choir ohoir onus. “Glory to 0011111: the people. He was then able . and Mt m em a. hm. m “1 wt!!! Pem- 8°“- r. W HMOâ€. “‘ *. “DREW" In 1:06 ueen . ; - "‘ '3‘ ,lme. °n Sm. Rev. 5 J. R. McN ending the MM treasurer, re w two putors that he m bits f9: the Sm- . Deputy Atto ‘ ‘ the opinion I - ' -, . ._ not be chm or P" “I“: M“ year 1907, iiiobinsonâ€"Spenceâ€"That we give John Bell a rebate of $4 for road Work overchargedâ€"Carried. A. D. McMillan waited on the codncil, claiming a day's road work for having to put up fences in the spring, which were laid down last winter for snow roads. McFadyenâ€"Spenceâ€"That A. D. Campbell be allowed one day's road work on next year's statute labor for work performed by him on con. 8, opposite lot 14.â€"-Carried. Dougald McFadyvn waited on the council regarding debenture tax against his property for S.S. No. 3. He claimed that his property Was‘ not included in this section when the debenture by-law was passed. The by-law being produced it was foundi that this was the case. McFadyenâ€"McQuarrieâ€"T hat we re- bate to Doug-add McFadyen the Sum of $1.43, debentm-e‘rate charged against his property in 1908.â€"Car- ried. The property of S. J. McKinnon and John McEachcrn were in like condition to McFadyen’s. That we give 3. J. McKinnon a rebate of 83.74 and John N. McEachern of 82.75 of the debenture tax in 8.8.- N o. 3.-â€"Carried. the clerk, who produced the road list of the road division upon which John Bell's statute labor was computed which showed that John Bell’s name appeared twice on said list in mis- take and that his road work was Spenceâ€"Robinsonâ€"That we leave the matter of Mrs. Taylor re gravel over {or considerationâ€"Carried. John Bell waited on the council asking for a rebate of S4, which he paid in his taxes for statute labor, which he claims had been performed by him. _ The matter was referred to ing on hand, on motion of Robin- son, seconded by McQuan-ie, Coun- cilor Spence was elected to the chair. The minutes of the former meeting of Nov. 7th were read and on mo- tion of Spence, seconded by Robin- 'son, were adopted. The reeve here took his place at the board. David Wright waited on the coun- cil,re his being assessed for lots 57 and 58, S.P.R., which he does not own and for which he was assmed Kirkï¬eld, Dec. 15.â€"Councll met in McKenzie’s hall, Kirkï¬eld, on Tum- day, Dec. 15th, 1908, the day set by statute. Members present, Coun- cilors Spence. McFadyen, Robinson and McQuorrie. The reeve not be- joy. is to tell to the world that Christ is come. l The evening mm“, "The “‘8‘ and am Star†was listened to W 3 still larger WU M that °f the 11101nt and was very interestinE and instructive throughout. -, .._u_ will toward men." am even unto hbisdoyitioatil “by the Christian 01%th the service was over the dhep'heï¬h went, a; fli- rected, and found Jesus, and re- jOich. I ' I [I ¢ When a greet mm win arise and aha-nee uhe whole beliefs or the world, in science, in invention, etc, zimtsoJesusaz-oeeandchsnged the; whole moral world. Accept Jesus uId' wmtobedness and ‘wearinees goes out, and peace enters. ’mne secret of W. The minister was from n in: at! cityâ€"m use! 0! the [lord hanging a m to the people. of peace and repute. m and choir ohoir um. "Glory to Godjn the the lug. «unencum- l the normal! text was him Iron Luke 9nd chap. um um. Uh. uh. )eot helm. "m “at aha-MIMI mruu' ' ' I 4 Thu that Ola-mm urm m an in who open that. "r: only In an mum. and ï¬ll": Won-l Hon condotedd manslaughter“. 'mm. mural oorvlccc 1n concoction wMa Ocnbrlm-d. MW church were most oannMc cad mrmhtc Mr. Hurry 3mm, Mu. Mac and ‘Mlcc mm Fhvdlc and Mutu- l’ergy Muncrcn. mm mm colon. 2m work at flbc choir m “concur only «at for that power be will make no strong so mm when We are led into temvhttion We will be able to m. "th mm me, Dunn". CAMBRIDGE-5T. flETHODIBT ELMN COUNCIL. nub uni-«Md b! The bodyo! Welley Millmï¬onnd flosting in‘thehkenur Burlingtonen aha-hum. Threelebordh’ntee were Win MMNmber,witheloudflne 0:5,715wwkhcdayl. Theliï¬leflshtngfllinemtoï¬eeee pantomime deneer, get: 8500 per week. Addison Smith, the oldeetnen in Kent, a. negro, in deed et Shrewebnry, aged 111. Amntinyinepr'nonin Renew queued by the ï¬remen turning on the The ï¬rst would! at the m inGmt Brit-in covered England ad Wdu you Knives st Tongan refuse to quit phat. ins Opium rappin- Thirty Hebrew hmilieo hove been ordered to leave Fiolond. Typhur bu broken out along the An:- trlnn troops in Boonio. Mrs Files. of Dover, wu found dead in bed by her hubAnd. The inhnt thrown from s G.T.R. trun near Konoh, m otitl born. Thegenersl star-0313. Bu 3: Ridge- mymmbbodotflOOworthotgoodl. ' Austria has 1. tom of 155,000 non ready to inndoServis. More thou holltho oouthorn ototoo on now “dry. †Swinburno would not extend tho hon- ohiao to women. Lid, Amhorzt hon token out o Britt-h potent for o mull. on Wednesday, Dec. 23111.. a quiet wedding took. place at the house of Mr. and Mrs. John McGuire. Penetsn- guishene. when their second daughter Quad-y Alice mi: marï¬edtoMr. John M. summon. principal Bobceygeon ;publio school, uh: ofï¬ciating minis- ters being the Rev. F. W. Gilmonr. Penetangnishene. and the Rev. w. G. Smith, Bobcsygeon. The bride, who was givennwsy by her tether, wore la. beantnnl dress of white puma silk. m bridesmaid was Misï¬ettie McGuire, sister of the bride, who also wore white silk. Mr. B. L. Simpson. !s member of Hamilton Collegiate 1n- stitnte stafl, and brother of the gbridegroom, acted as best man. The ‘ bridegroom's gift to the bride was s handsome fur-lined cost, and to the bridesmaid a hsndsome crescent pin. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Simpson left on the afternoon train for Toronto and the West, where they will spend their honeymoon, after which they will re- turn to Bobcaygeon. I Council adjourned to meet at Lorneï¬lle in Plank's hall on the day set by statute. being Monday. January 11th. 1909. at the hour of eleven o'clock mm. B. Stacey. clerk and tress. on treasgrer: A. EVerson $2.50, W. J. Fry- $20, K. McInnis 818, H. Thorn-buy 823.50. T. Thombury $5.75; D. A. McIntyre 815.75, J. Ward 821.75, P. Morrison 810. A. VeaJe 67.25. J. N. Campbell 314. J. P. Campbell 312.50. J. McEachern 88.50, N. McEachem $12.35, D. R. MoPadyen $7.25. W. Elford $21375. M. McLean $6.50. N. Campbell $5, L. McEachern $1.â€"Ca.rried. Swnwâ€"Wmnâ€"Mt the follow- ing wire fence bonusesbe passed and the new issue his orders for same tmuum for m: l. Haym 85.80. )1. Kitchen 85.85. P. J. Ic- Donald 818.50, A. Boss 82. L. D. Melanin $10.10, J. McRu 87.50. A. Mnrks 64.80, J. Hm 82.90. Mrs. B. Bell 84.70, H. Wellington 84.80. D. Ferguson 015.12, J. Armour 88.60. T. Collins 811.25. C. Ctmpbell 810.20. F. McRae 814.50, P. Ander- son 82.80.â€"Cnrried. ovaâ€"and nut-Gouno- Act, he now in- troduood and pal-ed in the and mm.â€"leod. Spencrâ€"Robinoonâ€"That by-law No. 825 at the municipality of Eldon. a lay-law for appointing the tim and place (or tho nomination oi moon oi tho municipal council oi tho town- ship oi Eldon {or tho you 1909. and oi' appointgig polling plaooo. doputy- returning corn and poll olorko for tho olootion of Damn. ho now intro- duood and pound in tho uoual way. -Carriod. Mel’ladyotr- Bponcoâ€"Thot by-law No. 826 oi tho municipality oi tho township 0! Eldon. a by-law {or pro- viding lor tho olorlt'a tool in col-ry- log out the proviolono at tho dltoh- Mchmâ€"Bmcoâ€"d’htt tho lol- lpwing gun! ncgqunu pa passed 99:! LIVE BITS 0!" NEWS. Spenceâ€"Bobtmonâ€"That the u- count of Mcbimid b Wonk: be lolt with the move for Odjmmt and settlementâ€"Curried. bmture rnte in S. S. No. 5 {or 1908.-Carried. Wedding Bells -Touopmpdnhmm tnke (one of Dr. away" ï¬nk P! mm. See formal: on the wuw â€Univâ€"l the newspaper pow-bed by ““3 °" gsnixation. With “19 ““9960“ of I?“ - .thmughmrchoubeprmflfl. editor of the paper 18 Pie“ Bietry, a deputy from W. gum}. night he deï¬ed the orders 0‘ mepo'eeandbrokeinbhinoï¬ce- Yellow Wm Paris. Dec. 29.â€"The inmï¬guï¬on by the police into the m incident _uuï¬g i. the mph!“ V‘s†who on Christmas D1! “71‘“ M dent Fallieres on the street of Pals: San Francisco. CnL. Dec. 29. With abalancooISMMO hmd.there- lie! corporation which hod charge of the distribution of the fund don-ted to San Francisco during the time o! the ï¬re of Iâ€. will tum this non over to the nrions charitable o - utions the ï¬rst of the_ your. si< Montreal. Dec. 39.â€"'1'he Herald yes- terday afternoon says: “It was learn- ed yesterday on good authority that, alth‘ogh no actual decision had been arri at, there is every probability of the C.P.R. building a railway to Gowganda. the new silver ï¬eld to- wards which _ prospectors are being hm; L. Boyce. Wukaorth; W. ald. West William; .J. Wilkinson. Woolwich. The tollovinx reeves were elected by neclunation: H. C. Melin. Ayr; 1., W. Gun. BaAnon; J. F. Damn. Ernestov'n; J A. French. ï¬lgnlqrd; can. to Build to W 'Frisco Roll“ Fund. In P.E.l. Will Say. acmmnogwmlonewu it correction M inside orttn h“ m m or inside nerve. When was nerve. an. then the 01‘8“! mgtm mmm. M vitd truth. Icahn. W "cum?! *9 all W Dr. M" mum: it u (cw dun I!“ Mvinpronpth‘nd unmaanwnlm The old (Iguana m '01 we! 1 wed atomsd. or mum the res It tan-c mailman,“ 01*- Sheena-tmtwetkmf 3385; 333333;: EEï¬di' ’Eaï¬fgg if: °~ a£“§§§§ othhorhu mulchâ€"diabo- mbemdl’glix‘mrohplwm dutch ° in tom theme this questmn is set forth the text 0! en article by John D. Rockefeller, published in yThe World’s West. The genus! subject of the urticle is "thevslneolthem prinâ€" c: chino†£32m theMdtheBomen New York. Dec. 19.â€""If u combinap tion to do basins: in dead" in av- ingmte undingotï¬ng better result why in not combination ht more in- gorhnt in_ phglmthxypiq wprk?†‘ In} mid-Alum: ox; hi; my wed 9n 71.19%qu hanreceivedSMoomdenco While Hon. Hr. Lemleuxm Rapid. nnd W gun's-t. Prince 3.0,. the an, Osmium. South-Alum: will Love in opention the most advanced liquor law at the whole Commonwealth. the C.P.R. have nppointpd n_!reigl§t Combination In Ask For Conciliation M BRIEFS FROM THE WIRES. WWW mm“- Offluuad hat-Id Wellington w... 21.331. ' " KENNEDY DAVIS MILLING Co. Ltd. OUR â€0110: Fnlrnus, Fromm Satis- Womb; mummm «Duo-d wr.mmumin -womm 89!. Pin-w, who Into-d Buying. WWMMnhfltM oqni' podwith_nodon, urn-duo woodwork ANNO UNHMENI' To Cantu-atom and Parties Janna-y. Justawordbefore Christmas. If in doubt regarding the selection of a suitable gift see our exquisite line of Uphol- stered Goods. our Fancy Rockers. Cabinets, in fact we have a line that will mainly appeal to you. M. E. TANGNEY GIFT SUGGESTIONS l" 673 HORACE WALLER WANTED : FURNITURE We beg to extend to our customers and friends our best wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. Foot of Kent-st. - LINDSAY. â€"l-â€"-- vwâ€"ï¬ ,_ â€"â€"â€"'â€" chm will m y“ bdndhifuh-otalr Myra-Int «to to stub about l910. tor ...Q1 m a.†“at. W BRITTON BROS., $1.00 Brltltl‘l Antone-II Basin... Coll... v... e. W m I YOUR 00088‘ DUNOO‘N willbring youhqppineu To all our pawns and friends“ wish A MERRY XMAS DRUGGIST andtmcttlmt POULTRY All kinds of FURNITURE PAGE