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Lindsay Post (1907), 14 Jan 1910, p. 4

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(Special to The Post) It is with regret that we think of the defeat of local option in such places as Fenelon Falls, Lindsay and Peterboro, and all on account of the aabominable threefifths. However the high pitch of moral sentiment all over the province may induce Sir J as. Whitney to consider some fairer Legislation. We also wonder Whether all the voters can Soothe their con- science with the though-t: “I have done my best.” Mr. W. E. Powles attended Uncle Tom’s Cabin in Lindsay on Friday Book III.â€"â€"Total 900.â€"Lu1u Cooper, itfipy : 636.1% ildred Powles, 445. Maggie Itheyl Powles, 433; Alice Powles, 420; Ghd- "keepin ys Chidley, 415; Clarence Parrish 377; [ room. Isaac Hardy 314; Absent, Hattie ! The: Powles. Book IL-JI‘ot-al 900.â€"Bruce Cooper 497; Jessie ’l‘arbotton, 416; Arthur Hill, 359; Gertrude Lamb, 382; Alvin Parrish. 280; Absent, Harry Moore, Maxwell Hewie. Below will be found the school re- port for 8. S. No. 4., Fenelon, for Book IV.-â€"Total 900â€"Wi13-ena Par- rish. 432; Laurie Moore, 0. Absent Walter Chidley. Book I.â€"Gladys Cooper, Elsie Gil- lis, Ernest Hill, Cyril Parrish, Elmer Herron. Harold Perrin, John Gillis, Absentâ€"Gordon Hardy,A lma John- ston, Rexford Brown. Eb Primer â€"â€" Andrey Gillis, mambo Powles, Gordo'n Taggart. Bessxe Lamb, Ada Hill. Absent, Meltille Rutherford. Owing to the scarlet fever epidemic school was closed for one and a half SUICMFEE’S BiG PAGE 4 Our stock never was more free from merchanflise that was not moving quickly. For this reason we claim our offerings were never better However we Ui\_:â€"1"‘ lsiv VLâ€"JVVAâ€"J v â€"â€"â€" v _. fi-_,,_fir‘ irrifi’ifi'uizfy Fins: Between now and then out must go every odd line, remnants or lines of which to great 3 gm m: rmmins. From Saturday morning, January 15th, until Monday night, January 3153;, wili see great distribution of the lines among our customers. Do not fail. to be one those benefitted by this money-saving event. ME 80 MMENGES SATURDAY MORNING You can’t arrow to miss this event be POWLES' CORNER â€""â€"- '_7 ‘L the list for most business done. OSHAWA Xig‘llgxduél‘égfiâ€"‘TCANOTHER ANNUAL’ RECKONING DAY which :eve many lines that must be cleared right away even if thev F. tlivy are too small to go home, so 8 ,they have to put in the whole day -‘ ,‘ keeping silent in the stufiy school weeks. The attendance was rather poor owing to the prevalence of conâ€" tageous diseases in the section. NELSON C. HART. Teacher. Take Time in The Schooling There’s an old saying that “A lit‘ tle learning is a dangerous thing.” and I believe that may be the case under certain conditions. You know, there's too often a tenâ€" dency for parents to think they’ve got the smartest child in the coun- try. so they start him or her in And right here let me say, I wish the law would fix seven years as the minimum age when children could be put in school. The little tive-yeas-old is a bundle of activity, mischief and questions. No wonder the mother is in a hurry to start him to schoolâ€"so as not to be pestered for at least a few hours a day. In the city where kintergar- ten schools exist, the little chap is ’ kept in school only a brief period and the entire session is but a play ‘ spell. But in the country school it is‘ difierent. The teacher can’t spend all i her time amusing the infants, and . . .â€"â€"~.»..â€" They are pushed ahead grade by grade faster than they grow physi- cally, and there soon comes a re- lapse of mental activity. The child gets weary of mind and can ’t study with a relish. The mother insists that the child attend school without missing a dayâ€"0, what crimes against the child body and mind have been committed by that habitâ€" “perfect attendance !"â€"and the mind and body that needs a rest from school is given a start towards ruin. How much better that a child get some considerable amount of deâ€" velopment before being crowded in school to keep up with a grade or . SUTCLIFFE A class. The child starting at nine or ten years soon catches up with the one started at five years. Why ? Be- causethere’s body development back of a strong but unschooled mind and leaps ahead in training because of its backing. It should be remembered ‘ that a child is far better off running wild on the farm from five to eight, or nine years, than cooped up in a school many hours a day. Of course proper opportunities for schooling should be given after the start is made. Because ge is old enough to ride a plough he should not be held back. In that case others soon get ahead, andvhe is ashamed, because of his size, to go to school, and soon loses interest. Watch the children. When mental weariness is manifest take them out of school for a while.â€"Ruth Forest. I Address, American Pia: 408 Queen west, To ix CIRL WANTED-T0 a: I eral housework. Ap] R. M. BEAL, Adeliade : says-am. A .â€"â€"_... ‘ ANTED â€"â€" A quali '- ‘Prote'stant for Union salary $400, duties to cor ionce. Apply to JAMES 1 sec,â€"treas., Fenelon Falls ‘â€"d4w2. ' _ J ackâ€"“Yes, I had a little balance in the bank, and I became engaged and nowâ€"” Tomâ€"“Ah! love makes the world go round.” Jackâ€"“Yes, but I didn’t think it would go round so fast as to cause me to lose my balance.” -Dvrv- v, v- â€"â€"â€"._- .7-‘ Gentlemen Who are 35“ Price right for a quick sale. Apply to Investigate. and see for yourself Elias Bowes, Real Estate Agent, the art coverings in wigs and tnupees Lindsay.-â€"wt1. Prof. Dorenwend patent toupees are now worn on over 90,000 heads by all classes in all stations of life. c: FOR SALE OR TO RENT-White â€"â€" In this particular structure, the ventilation is perfect, as light as a feather; is securely adjusted to the head; can be combed just‘as your own hair; they make any-man look younger, besides the protection you get from catarrh, colds, neuralgia, etc. Call and see them at the Benson house, Lindsay, on Saturday, Janu- ary 29. OSTâ€"On Monday, Jan. 3rd, 8 - brown bound with white on the paws and chest. $5.00 reward to gny person giving information that will lead to the conviction of party de- taining same. ROD MAUNDER.â€"-w1. g You can’t afford to miss this event be your wants ever so small. So come. LOST THE LINDSAY POST Here you can buy largely at about the same outlay you would be at if you filled only a few wants from many other sales. ‘ ANTED -- A qualified teacher, '- aProtestant for Union 8.8. No 11, salary $400, duties to commence at ionce. Apply to JAMES POULSON, ANTEDâ€"Representative to can‘- t ~ 1- vass country and small towns for a new musical instrument. ' Easy to play. No knowledge of music re. quired. Fine chance for a hustler. Address, American Piano Harp Co. 400 Queen west, Toronto, Ont. ARM FOR SALEâ€"Lot 11, con. 11 Emily; 200 acres more or less: 140 acres cleared, balsam, l«sanitarack swamp. New frame house and frame barn 36x80. Small orchard well wat- ered. 5 miles from the town of Lind- say. Property of DENNIS SCULLY. Price right for a quick sale. Apply to OR SALE OR TO RENT-White brick house, 52 Regent-st., about one half acre of land with large barn water. Reason for selling, owner '33- ving town. Apply on premisés or to T. I. WILLIAMS, Box 126. Lindsay. OR SALEâ€"Seven roamed brick. * - house with i acre of land : hard and soft. water. Apply to Mrs. A. White, 27 Victoria-3%.. Lindsay. â€"wdtf. \ *OOD LOT FOR SALEâ€"West half of lot 15in the 4th- Concession of the Township of Fenelon. A bargain for quick sale. For particulars apply to McLaughlin, Peel Fulton, Soli- citors, L‘En‘dsay.â€"w2. .IRL WANTED-To assist in gen- eral housework. Apply to MRS. M. BEAL, Adeliade street, Lind- EVERY DEPARTMENT BDNTRIBUTES GUT-PBIEED LINES FOR SALE WANTED everyone aregood sellers, blecause we are Consusting of 100 acres. more or less, barn only, known as the Wilson Farm, being Lot 1 Con. 8. Eldon, on the Town line between Maripnsa and El- don, 1 mile 9. LSC of Grass Hill station. This F: mn will besold at a. bargain. on easy rms. lmeditte possesinn For further parmudms write D D McEACHERN o: ‘2. A WILSO N Executor-s of the PI; \Vilson Estate Canningt'on, Ont -wtf. TRAYEDâ€" Onto the premises of the undersigned, south 1131! lot 10, con. 9, Mariposa, one spring lamb; owner may have same by pro- ving property and paying expenses. George Nokes, Oakwood. I am agent for the General Live Stock Insurance Co. of Montreal, and can take risks on all kinds of live animals. Dr. Broad, ofiioe 46 Peel-8t. Live Stock Insurance land is good clay loam, suitable for any kind of grain, drained, and all cleared but about Fifteen (15) acres of pasturage, through which there is running water. Situated three miles East of Lindsay, on good gravel road, There is a frame dwelling. kit- chen and woodshed. Large frame barn 45175 feet with stone foundation and stabling for all kinds of stock. Ap- ply to MOORE JACKSON, Solici- tors, Lindsay, Ont. or A. BLACK- WELL, 1 Notre Dame Street, West, Montrea1.-â€"wtf. ARM FIR SALEâ€"Improved farm of one hundred and flity acres, more or less, being composed of the South Half of Lot Twenty (20) in the Tenth and the West part of Lot Twenty (20 in the eleventh Conces- sion of the Township of Ops. This Stock-taking is a tell tale time among the differ- ent sections. OR SALE 'OR TO RENTâ€"Part 0! lot 21, con. 7, Ops, just east of town, containing about 3; acres of good land, well drained. There is on the premises a one storey frame house, good stable, driving shed and hen coop. Good well, g acre of good bearing orchard, g acre of new straw- berry bed. Will also sell cheap 1 good cultivator, wagon, disk harrow. ber- FARM FOR SALE STRAY ED comes BARRIE pAINDBAY, FRIDAY, JAN. 14th. '10 292. LindSay, Ont. ry boxes, crates, stands. etc. every- thing necessary for the cultivafion and growing of strawberries, also a mare and colt. 'Apply on the premis- or address JAS. MAKER, P. 0. box ARM FOR SALEâ€"Lot 15, con. 2, Fenelon, containing 33} acres, more or less, adjoining the village of Islay. 90 acres cleared and about 4} acres hardwood bush. New frame barn 50:65 on stone wall with first- class stabling complete, cement floor. Log house, well finished insrde, partly plastered and partly boarded. School post 011100 and blacksmith shop withâ€" in a few rods of farm, 6 miles from Cambray station. Grass Hill and Cameron grain markets. The proper- ty of JOHN R. COWISON. For fur- ther particulars apply to Elias Bowes Real Estate Agent. Lindsayâ€"with ARM FOR SALE-100 acres, east half lot 16, con. 9. One, all cleared, good frame house and frame barn with stone stabling. 5 miles from town 01 Lindsay; the Hooey property. Terms easy: wants to sell at nnce. For further particulars ap- ply to ELIAS BOWES. Real Estate Agent. Lindsay.-â€"wtt. ARM FOR SALE~Being composâ€" ed of north half lots 23 and 24, Con. 10, M-ariposa, 116 acres more or 1085, all cleared, frame house, frame barn 58160 stone stabling and windmill, good implement house and hog pen, 30150;"two good wells, one mile from Cambray station. Terms easy. For full particulars apply on Premises. GEO. F. WELDON, Linden Valley.-â€"w3. . BWARM FOR SALEâ€"50 acres bang S. W. i of lot 9, con. 8, Ops. There are on the premises good farm buildings ani a never *ailing spring: land is firstâ€"class. This property will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply GEO. MARTIN , Fenelon Falls, Ont. The Annual Meetime.r of the Farmers’ Unlon Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Council Cham- ber, in the Town of Lindsay, on Thursday, 3rd day of February, Iglo, at I I o’clock a.m., to receive the F mancial Statement, the elec-_ tion of Directnrs and such Other business that may be brought be- fore said meeting. The Annual Meeting of the North Victoria Agricultural Snciety will be held in Cavana’s Hall. Victoria Road, (Ill WEDNESDAY, January 19th 1910 at One o’clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of electing a President and other otficers of thy: said Society, and to) receive the annual report. M. HAYGARTH, Secretary. R. G. CORNEIL, Sec-Trees. Dated at Lindsay, 8th Jan.. 1910.wâ€"3~ Omemee, Jan. 8. 1910. To the Electors of the Township of Emily. Ladies and Gentlemenâ€"Accept my sincere thanks for your support. My endeavor- will be to conduct, the busi- npsso? this municipality and county in an economical and straightforward manner. _. - ‘ 'i‘ox‘u-y opponent I tender :nv best, wishes Sincerely, PUBLIC NOTICE Wouldn’t You? If you requlred glasses or had any trouble with your eyes wouldn‘t yml rather go to a Spec! list in nation! work who is endorsed by the leading modi- cal men and residefi and has his office permanently in Lmdsay. It is your interost to do so. Very moderate gl-ices. Examination and consultation rec. . Children’s eyes a specialty. EYESIGII‘I’ SPECIALIST 92 Kent-st. (Over Neill’s Shoe Store) Lindsay. Examinntxon Free. M. B. ANNIS, (NHL, 0. Eye-gymsses repaired. Card of Thanks NOTICE CHAR. CORN EIL Broken lenses death ge for lived - Ln?

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