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Lindsay Post (1907), 28 Jan 1910, p. 4

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MONDAY, JAN. 31â€"‘By Elias Bowers. auctioneer, auction sale of hard- wood timber, in one-half acre lots, on lot 23, con. 12, Mariposa. one- half mile from Cambray Station, on the Cody estate. Terms cash. Sale commenced at one o ’.clock .. .v-n TUESDAY, FEBRUARY, 1-5â€"By Geo Jackson, auctioneer, credit sale of valuable farm stock and imple- ments. the property of E. Richardâ€" son, lot 3, con. 12, Manvers. Sale commences at one o'clock. sharp. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 15th, 1910 TUESDAY, FEB. 22ndâ€"Credit sale of farm stock and \implements, of Chas. Meehan, lot 8. con. 12, Em- ily. at one o'clock. A lot of fine horses. and cows at this sale. Jos- eph Meehan. auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 23â€"By Elias Bowes, auctioneer. credit sale of valuable farm stock and imple- ments. the property of Samuel Lewis, lot 5, con 8, Mariposa, Sale commences at one o’clock sharp. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 16,â€"By. Geo. Jackson, auctioneer. the entire herd of “Sunny Acres." Short- horns. Property of Wm. Channon Son, Oakwood. Write for catalogue sale register ON WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 16th. “1910 by Elias Bowes aucuuncer. farm stock and imp‘ements, the property of T. H. Thompson, lot 10 con. 6 Fenelm, Sale at 3 o'clock and without reserve. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1?, â€" By Elias Bowes, auctioneer, credit sale of registered and high grade stock the property of Elias Hooey east half of lot 13, con. 6. Fenelon Sale commences at one o’clock. -â€"By Elias Bowes, auctio r, on 'lot 4, con. 1, Fenelon farm stock and imple'glents, the property of Albert Gilson. Sale commences at one o'clock and without reserve. FRIDAY. FEB. 18,48 37 Elias Bowes auctoneer, credit sale of valuable farm stock, comprising 16'cattle, 4 horses. 15 pigs and 14 sheep, zSpecial to The Post.) Mr. {11333. Graham, of Wilberforce, is at present a visitor here. Mr. Wm. Hartle is spending a week with friends in Toronto. Miss Ida Noice is visiting her par- ents here. Mrs. McKenzie and daughter, Babe of Haliburton were visitors here this week. Pl, Mr. B. Mar 1: of Penelon Falls was a visitor here this week on his way to Dorset. The Minder: public library have se- cured the services of Professor Stubbs for the evening of Tuesday, Feb. Sst and a pleasant time is ex- pected. er. Herman Bowen of Coboconk, was a visitor here on Saturday. Mrs. Gill is seriously ill. Mrs. Miles Henderson, of Badette, Mich, has been visiting- het mother \1rs.Kent., .but started. for her home on Thu: I.sdszy morning. Mrs. J .1 McMaster. of Toronto, ar- rived here on Wednesday evening and i is the guest of her brother, Mr. 8. Phillips. Mr. John McCarty is here from the West visiting friends. Miss Lena Munn arrived home on Monday having spent a pleasant week with friends in Haliburton. The Minder: hockey team will play the Haliburton team on Wednesday, Jan. 26th in Halibuston. on Saturday, Jan. 29th on the Minâ€" den rink. --- «- 'y'n‘n’ farm implpments and household furniture, also a quantity of hay turnips, and lumber, the property of Donald Brown, lot 23. con. 1, Fen- elon. Sale commences at one 563042 §barp. The Minder) junior hockey team will play the Haliburton junior team PAGE 4 Money T0 3.9313 01: Mortgage AZOY!’ Midiand Loan Go. 91 Kent-st. Lindsay EXPENSES K?) "T LOW SALE REGISTER F. H. KEDD MINDEN PHONE 58 News Letiér From Janetville ‘ Owing to the bad and wet weather 'iast week our rink was not in shape ‘for skating and the horkeyxeam did !not get much practice. As a result, .also, Bethany hockey team d-i-d not [get over to play on Friday after- {noon, but we expect them some fine day soon. an Orangeman." He gave very good common sense reasons telling why he Was not afraid or ashamed to own the open bible and its tearhings, al- so the .religious liberty of the asso- ciation. His address was interesting to all. being interwoven with spicy parts to keep the younger ones in good spirits. Nest on the pro- gramme was a-‘dialogue. “the Nigger and the Dutchman,” given by Lloyd Johnston. who acted well-the part of the Dutchman.‘ Herb Johnston who acted well the part of the nigger and Bernie Sheckleton who acted the boss' It,was humorous and gave variety to the evening. Rev. Mr. Snowden then gave a short address, after which more pictures were shown by rBro. Self W. M. Jas. McGill occu- "pied the chair. The ev’ening's enter- tainment came to an end about 12 .o’clock, everyone enjoying themsel- ves. The proceeds were $71.30. and W111 soon De tue same: as ever. i Mr. McCalpine McGill received an- other telegram from his father in Minnetonas, Manitoba, stating his serious illness, and desiring to see ihirn. Calp left last Tuesday evening .for Manitoba, to see his father. lLast report says Mr. McGill is imâ€" ,proving. Mr. W. Smith, of White Lake was in the village last week. Mrs. P. Barr, Walter Graham, Mary McColl and several others have been under the weather with la grippe. The young son of Mr. A. Curry had the misfortune to be kicked in the font: kv nnp nf their h‘nrses. Mr. Thos. Wauchope tried to play a. little game of hockey one Cay last week and was struck by ‘a stick over the right eye, making a nasty cut. It was necessary to have the doctor dress the wound and put in a few stitches. It is improving nicely now, and will soon be the same as ever. i Our merchants, ~Messrs. Burn, Hawkins and Mch have adopted {the plan of early closing part of the §week. After Feb. lst stores will be :closed on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings at six o’clock. This will give the merchants a\chance to have the evenings to spend as they 2 Wish. ‘ Saturday’s severe storm made the roads impassible, so that Rev Mr. Snowden did not go out to‘ his other appointments. On Sunday night he had a fair congregation, to whom he preached a very‘ good sermon from the text' “Blessed are,the pure. in ; heart." Mr. Wm. McGee has returned from the hospital in Toronto, where‘ he underwent an operation for his eye. He seems very well pd thinks it has improved his sight. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mills, of Ho]- land. Manitoba, are spending a weeks back near their old home, At present they are with air. S. Stin- son enjoying another Ontario Win- ter. Miss Margaret Hobbs spent a day or two in Lindsay at the beâ€" ginning of the week. Mr. and Mrs. G‘omm and family of Pontypool spent the latter part‘ of last week at the home of Isaih Feir. . Sunday’s storm made church servi- ces rather small. Only seven heard Mr. Gomm at the Presbyterian church While only five were present at Methodist class‘meeting." Next Sunday church services will be abandoned here on account of quarterly meeting and love feast ser- vice. at Bethel appointment of Jan- etville circuit. All other morning services are withdrawn. Very few attended the Sunday school convention at Bethany from here. 5 Eyesight Specialist » S. L. Taube. eyesight specialist of Toronto, will visit the following places: Tuesday, February lst, Mansion house, FenelonFalls. Wednesday, February Budâ€"Foreâ€" noon, Campbell house, Kirkfield. Wednesday, February 2nd, after- noon, Chirpaw hotel, Victoria Road. Thursday, February 3rdâ€"Queen's hotel, Woodville. If you have anything wrong with your eyesight, do not fail to consult him. an- (Special to The Post.) Miss N. Billings of Toronto: is vis iting friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Tindall were at Ursa on business. Mrs. A. Day, of Tory, Hill“ is visiting Mrs. A. D. Graham. Mr. J. McDonnell and Mr. A. Cur- ry left for Minden to attend the county council. Mr.'Atcheson and Mr. Lowery of Highland Grove, passed through hei‘e on Monday. Mr. Rivers has broken the Lake Road from Little Bear Lake. Mr. J. Alsop called on Mrs. Davey on Saturday. Miss Helen Graham returned on Saturday after spending a few days with Mrs. Kettle at Ursa. Mr. P. Barr of Irondale was in the village last week. V TIh‘e young son of Mr. A. Curry had the misfortune to be kicked in the face by one of their horses. The Women’s Institute will hold their regular meeting on the first Wednesday in February. A11 memâ€" bers will please accept this notice, and try to attend. Miss Hazel Kennedy of Lindsay, spent a couple of days at‘her home lately. The moving epidemic seems to have subsided and all is serene again. Mr} and Mrs. F. Baby had ahurâ€" ried call to theie sister, Mrs. Hernâ€" on of Fenelon Falls, Who is danger- ously ill. Miss L. Baby is under the weather Mr. Tretheway is visiting his sisâ€" ter, Mrs. Tretheway of this vil- lage. You needn’t lose your hair. Bear- in'e Will keep it strong and healthy. The Canadian bear grease in the poL made is the efiective thing. 50c. a jar (Spelfial to The P059.) Mr. Walter Wood, of Pontypool, spent a couple of days last week at Mr. chh Nancekievell’s, inttalling a gasoline engine for him. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Short and children of Saskataon, arriv‘3d here a week ago to spend the winter amongst their many friends and reâ€" latives in this vicinity. Messrs. Ernest Wright and Fred Gilson and Misses Mary Bagshaw and Lena Wright, our delegates to the convention at Cannington, on GOODERHAM PENIEL THE LINDSAY POST Days Wednesday last, report enjoyable and also instructive sessions. Mr. C. E. Weeks, of Woodville was in our neighborhood on business on Friday. Peniel was wen represeuwu a. Manilla on Friday afternoon at the annual meeting of the Manilla. Nor- thern Telephone 00., of» which so many here are members. ' {vi AFinal Clearance of All Log Surplus and Winter Stock 'For the last three days of this month we are going to have a big Clearance Sale of all surplus and winter stock. Buying for three stores in large quantities to get close prices you Can 58F: that it is almost an impossibility to clear out every line entirely, but we are going to clear up stock on Friday, Saturday and Monday, Jan. 28, 29,3l The savings average from 10 more, so study your Men's $1 Gloges 59c p‘ai‘lf ‘U‘vu U 7- Vâ€"vâ€"VV Mens mocha glov,es W061 lined, wind break and dome fasteners regular 31 and 75c pair For 4 Days only ..... 596 600 Underwear 39¢ Garrpept ‘ 3 Days Only vvv vuv-vâ€" â€"_ ' Men’s elastic vrâ€"ibbed fleece-lined and lambs wool, double-breasted shirts and finely finished rlmwers, regular prices 60c and 500. For 3 Days only ............ 390 506 Wool Gloves 380_pa.ir_ Men 5 fine woxsted wool gloves in naxy, u bite and black. Regular price 500 For 3 Days only .......................... 38c Caps or Gauntlets 251:: each -“J â€"â€"r__ -__ v.v Children’s iinitation grey lamb caps and gauntlets, not many of either one. Regular price 50:: each. For 3 Days only 0‘0 Wool Legging. 1.59 wad â€" Another fixof Flack 2-1 ribbed legging in medium and large size, regular 25c yd. For 3 Days only ........................... 150 500 Wool Clouds 25¢, each Women’s navy and black wool clouds, large sizes, regular price 50c and 40c each. For 3 Days only .................. 250 Women’s l.50 Waists, 69c each A clear-up of odd lines. Women’s Waists of lustre, Nuns' V'eilifigv Sateen“ Meroerized Waistings and Wrapperette, m black, cream and colors. Regular prices $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00. For three days a only .............................. 696 Women’s L40 Gowns, 79c each Women's Heavy Saxony Flanellette Gowns, in cream, pink, sky and stripes. Regular prices $1.40 and $1. For three days only 796 ....................................... Infant’s Sleigh Robes 2.29 Two only white bearsldn robes, with pocket. Regular $2.85. 2 29 To clear at. ........................ . Women’s $8 Caps, 2.50 each Women's Heavy Winter Capes, some made of regular cape cloth, others of matalass-ie cloth, all trimmed with black thibet fur collars, well line-.1 and full lengths. Regular 88 and $6.50 each. To clear at... 2-50 J. SUTCLEFFE £9? SONS $1 and 750 Dress Goqu 350 was well represented at Direct Importers Friday, Saturday and Monday Jan. 28, 29, 31. Only iiiritpfiiitp‘éi £13332 3 Days Only ore from 10 to 20 per cent. and in many instances a. great dual D study your best interests and fill present and future wants. 35 Mi‘. and Mrs. John Sowden of lsister, Mrs. George Giison. Port Hope, and Mr. Prouse, of Al- ' Miss Ethel Black has returz berta, spent Sunday at Mr. W. J. gher home in‘Toronto after a Wright’s. ‘weeks’ visit with her aunt 1'. “an" Wrurhf 1Q 1mDI‘OVin2 his Neil WCSCOtt Mr. Henry Wright is improving‘his property by tearing down the old building situated on the lot he re- cently bought at Peniel Corners. Miss Parkins, of Cambray, is spendingm law days the guest other LENDSAY 10 per cent. off all Furs, i‘den’s U ad e r w e a 1', other than lines already reduced Fur Sets Reduced in Price 1 only, \Vcstcrn Sable Set, Ruff, Muff and Throw. 1 only, Persian Lamb Paw Set, Rug, Muff and Throw, lNcar Seal Rug. Muff and Throw, regular prices $20.00. Your choxce 14 95 1" only, No. l quali- ty Persian Lamb Set. Rug. Muff and Throw. Regular price $35.00 To Clear at (0)0 son... 0000‘ ........ Infants' Overalls 250 pair Infants wool overalls. blacIâ€"i only, ex’tm good buying. Regular 60c and 50c lines. For 3 Days only .................. 250 500 Wool Hoods 130 each Children’ wool hoods in white, black and colors. also camel hair tams. Regular price 50c each. For 3 Days only ...... 130 250 Barrettes for 15¢ each 40¢ Gloves for 25¢ pair Women’s back cashmere gloves, two dome fasteners, lined. Regular 40c and 35c quality. For 3 Days only ............ 25C 75c Centre Pieces 49¢. Women’s white ana colored Evool mitts, regular 50c quality. For 3Days nn‘ only 1.25 Centre Pieces 79c Centre pieces of fine bolting silk, embroid- ered in pretty designs with fast- color em- broidery silk. Two lines to clear at cut prices for 3 Days only. 750 Quality 49c. 1.25 Quality 79c. Women’s hand made barrettes I“in shell and amber. Regular 25c line 3 Days only only ........................ 01‘150 500 Mitts Going at; 29;: pair You cannot Spend Money in the Housefnrnishing ] Section without SAVING considerable. I This section offers you a great money saving opportunity. Many lines are al- ready reducedâ€"but we offer you a. Special discount of 10 per cent. ofi‘ Carpets, Curtains, Window Shades. Rugs, Lin- oleums, Oil Cloths, Mattings, for the last three days of this month. Consider your wants and this offer should appeal to every home owner or head of the house. Remember this offer is off every- thing except lines already greatly reduced b0 go quickly. OOO:¢UOIQOOIDOIII. coon-Io Women's Coats of twilled cheviot. vicuana and kersey cloth in black, navy and fawn, sevenâ€"eight length. semi-fitting. Regular prices, 5 $10, $11 and $15. To clear 8.4-9 Women’s $10, $ll, $15 Coats 4.95 Women’s 6.50 Coats, $3.50 Women's and Missa' Coats, three quarter length, of tweeds, cheviots and diagonal cloths in colors of black, navy, green and grey. Regular $6.50. To clear at 3.50 Women’s $10 Coats 5.95 Women’s kersey and beaver cloth Coats, seven-eight length, semiâ€"fitted. colors navy, green, brown and black. Regular price $10. To clear 5 9‘; at ................................ . U Women’s $6.50 Coats 9.95 Women’s and Misses’ sevenâ€"eight length semi-fitted coats, includin; military style, colors navy, green. brown, black, and in kersey an} broadcloths. Regular prices 5 $12.50 to $16.50. To clear 9.9 LINDSAY. FRIDAY, JAN. 38th Barrie and Oshawa. Mr. Ed. Hardy, of Califoenia, has spent the past three weeks newing old acquaintances here. es tomorrow for for California. UL 'J 1J0) C 29c The [155 1" $011 Mr Ab:

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