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Lindsay Post (1907), 6 Jan 1911, p. 9

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n the pill e three purpfia in due (as en six ht: royal blI eing M 1' these a b the a: all felt : installed 11 by the I at was requ and proceed ,v that 2 meeting SHlNGS Sttofl‘ ; opened it amount of 1 came wayi Nuance Da§-KHINEDI KENNEDY CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY w tr , a wuucoss vans. NERVOUS DEBILITY. BLOOD AND caminfiefiflfis. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and .u Disc-ac. Docuhnrto ea. . d ~d-vto-vvv-V‘iu fignuxoenelg» é“ â€" ".1“? m was 1!! uce consu t. . enne y "m" "“"m" Kennedy. though I had lost. all faith in ‘”‘" "“"u" doctors. Likeadrowniag man I commenced the NEW anoo TREATMENT and it sgz-ed m7 lll'e. The improvement was like magicâ€"I could feel the Vigor going through we nerves, I was cured mentally and physically. 1 have sent them many patients and continue to do so. WY, FRIDAY, UAN. 6th, 1911. GENUINE SPECIAL OFFER 5 The Kind You Have hl Mays Bought In UseFor 0v {-2an '. Michigan Ave. and Griswoli 5t: OUR HOMEMADE BUGGiES GENUINE The Kind You Have Always Banght, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- W eonal supervision since its infancy. ' o , Allow 110mm to deceive yam in this. A“ n-__.‘-_p,244 v u â€"â€"__.-w “an tCLLCl: ‘l 0". c E All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- â€" ment in Windsor, Out. If you desire to Ially (all at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat ‘in our Windsor_ oflices which are for Correspondence and 1vâ€" vvv-v substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys “’orms and allays Feverishness. It cures Dian-ham. and Wind. Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flamency. It assimiiatcs the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. 'Ihe Children’s Panaceaâ€"T156 Mother’s Friend. Castoria is a. harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paro- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic _ “In“;A -7 - A I” What is CASTORIA » _ -‘â€"v-- Peter E. Summers relates his experience- "! was troubled with Nervous Debilicv for manyyears. Imy it. to indiscretiun and excesses in youzh. I became very despondent and u‘iu'n‘s care whether I worked or not. I Imagined everybofiy who looked at me guessed my seerec. Imaginative dreams at night weakened 'mc-mv back ached, had pains in the backol my head. hands and feet were cold. tired in the morning. r appetxte, fingers were Shaky. eyes lumd. hair loose memory poor. etc. Numbness in the finger: set in and the doctor told me he feared paralysis. I took all kinds of medicipcs and tried many firsbclass physicxans. wore an electric belt for three: months. but received little benefit. I was indnmd a; ”mm-IA '\ ‘- CAS'?”0RIA WM”MW“ . Detroit, Mich. Opposite St Andrews Chuvch, W'nlliam - st Phone I3I-L. Box 2!; ALWAYS , or cnairman of the Educational Con mi'ttee and filled the uosition cred- itably. As reeve or the Cataract Vi lage he was always foremast in “ad- Vancing the interests of that muni- cipality and was a leader in public All these improvements that came into the telephone, came gradually, and in a g00d many instances, as in the case of the Central 'Energy, they did not .come without some opposl- tion on the part of those who were and philanthropic work. controlling and manufacturing the l equipment which had been in service. ‘ . :The general public, however, were . Cheaper Light not slow in demanding that they shall get the best service that is av- ailable, whether it is on a steam r:.i1â€" In Ottawa way, an electric line, or a. telephone‘ and this fact, along with the ele- Ottawa, Dec. 28.â€"-The operation of menligof competition :hxch. 2929.1: th.0 1 the municipal electric light and pow. orl hyears ago oen er mo e ‘er plant during the past year has te :1: onet field, toxiced the improve-i] so su c ful from the finan- me 8 in o genera use. . - - nt th t the Commissmn As we mentioned in opening, many 3:1 stantlpoi a ‘ This Central Energy System has been installed in all the towns and (i': i; s of the United States for many years, and in the' larger cities in Canada f; r a considerable time. Lindsay recently had a type of this system put. into service. Children Cryfi' ran -rL£TcH£R's CASTORIA have said, a very decided step from this style of switchboard to the up-to- date central energy, where a girl can ’make connections with any of the 1 ,subscribers on the board within the " reach of her own arms. This up-tofi date board also did away with the} ringing by the subscriber as the sig-E nals of the central ofiice were made I automatically. ‘ use increased, the business of hand ling them at the central office be- came a larger proposition, There was a very decided step be ‘tween the early switchboard with its crude equipment, where in the first instance boys were employed running from one end of the board to the other mauing connections and then the girl operator came in' and had to call from one to the other to calls that came t< for as the number use increased, th'e ling them at the ‘ The mgle wire or grounded system was then replaced by what was known as the Common Return System, in which there was asingle wire to the telephone and a common wire strung for the whole system and used as a return for all the circuits. The next pronounced development was the long distance transmitter, followed shortly by the metallic cir~ cuit, and when this new feature was ntroduced, many will remember how they had the choice of the old system at the old price, or a new one at an additional rental per year. Then came the Central Energy Man- ual System. This system did away with the batteries in the subscribers’ telephones, and the batteries for the ringing and talking circuits were all placed at the Central omce. This imâ€" provement was not only to improve the subscribers' service, but it was to facilitate the handling of the in- creased Iarge traffic, or number of calls that came to the central omce. i for as the number of telephones in J ' l Switchtoards in those days were .‘ very crufie affairs, and the method of making connections was slow and cumbersome. When the electric light came into use and the wire; were strung on the streets to carry the current for lighting, the grounded 1line system immediately got into trouble, for when the electric light current was turned‘ on their was a hum and a buzz on the telephone wire that made communication well nigh imossible. Lindsay citizens have had some experience in this regard in the not very far distant. ‘ was simply areceiver at each end of 'the line, and this receiver was used' ‘both as a transmitter and a receiver ine user speaking into the receiver, and then placing the receiver to the ear to listen to the return message. it was not long, Ehowever, before the "Blake” transmitter was added to the equipment and the telephone, with the “Blake“ transmitter ans the mld-iashioned single pole receiver came into use and odbupied the field for sometime. This telephone was worked altogether-.011 a 'single wire, or whaz is known “grounded cir- - cuits. l g While the ‘Ca‘nadian Machine Teleâ€" ‘phone Company is installing the ma- chines at their 'Central Office, which will aittomaticaily and without the '3 asssistahce of any girl operator, en- " able one citizea of the town to call ‘ another on the telephone and talk to him over a lime. an operaticn that a short timeago would have seemed to be simply ~a dream of imagination it is interesting to recall the ad- vancements that have been made in connection wit: the telephone which is to- -day recognized as one sot the greatest inventions of the age. Some or our citizens can do doubt remember when the first telephone was, installed in Lindsay, and some possibly will remember seeing rrr read ing of the first nelephone as invented by Professor Ben- At that time there flIOMAI‘IC MACHINE TELEPHONE IS ABOUT TO GIVE SERVICE the prices now charged consumers 55,555? aloe-2:29"! for light. The annual statement will imam nonw- . 35 an will probably recommend to the council next February a reduction of from ten totfifteen per cent in and has been succeeded by Dr. Sims. Dr. Gould has served on the county Council for two years and in the last council held the position of chairman of the Educational Com mittee and filled the uosition cred- itably. As reeVe of the Cataract Vil lage he was always foremost in ad- Vancing the interests of that mdni-' cipality and was a leader in public and philanthropic work. I A description of the {paratus will be given 'sue, for we bclieve it estingjo all our} re when they realize that is the result ’ of the all ian inventors and has by Canadian capital. \x as injured. Retires 5mm i ._.,~_, County Eouncii Woodsiock Plant Dr. Gould, reeve of Fenelon Falls. 13 retired from municipal politics uvuvvu ’thcluu, Hull 11] View 0! tr .d The Company believe that Lindsay position of the bank's afiairs the ca ,8 will receive the Automatic Telephone could hardly be avoided. , in the same manner that did Brant- ~iord, and will give it the same sup- port. The public may be relied upon to demand the best there is in tele- e phone service. If they can secure a service by which they can go to 3 their telephone and call the one to This means that holders of Farmer Bank stock must contribute, assuxx mg that the call will be for the full 100 percent, asum of $584,500, pin the difference between the subscribed and paid-up capital, amounting ti $17,921. Aconsiderable proportion o . whom they wish to speak without the stock is held in the United States t having to ask an operator and deâ€" and if the liquidation is unable to: ' pend on that operator to get the num- collect from these holders, the cal - ber called, they certainly will demand will almost certainly. be for the ful. 3 that service. The introduction of the 100 per cent. Sufficient information . automatic telephone does got ditTer as to the state of the bank’s aflairs l in essentials from the introduction of was placed before the directors at ,_ any other improved method of $0 Saturday’s meeting to convince them écomplishing a certain result. When Of the institutions' insolvency. A ‘an improved type of machine for do- complete financial statement will ing any.operation comes on the mar- be prepared before the meeting 0‘ cre ket it is only natural that those aitors and shareholders, called for who are equipped only with the old January 17":- type, are not any too enthusiastic, WAS WORRYING ABOUT LOSSES- but once the public realizes the ad- Woodseock, Dec. 28.â€"Retiring from vantages of the 11ve machine and the a pleasant family reunion, after hav- beneflts to be derived,, that: their op- ing eaten a hearty Christmas dinner, position, if it does not cease,. is no on the pretext that he wanted to do longer a factor in the race. When a the chores, Albert Baker, a wealthy ’man is paying out his money for farmer, aged 43 years, living near 1 i any kind of service, it is only reas- here, went to the barn and ‘onable and natural he should look himself to the rafters. for the best kind of service he can by a young son. Baker was one of get and when his service is in the the shareholders in the defunct Farm- nature of a public utility, the pub- ers Bank, and his possible losses lic may be depended upon to demand were preying on his mind to some and support the service that get them extent. what they ‘ want in the best and the quickest way. "55 hanged He was found .3 What Proiessor Bell indicated some years ago is now an accomplished fact, and the Canadian Machine Tele- phone Co.. has an automatic tele- phone system operating in the City of .Brantiord, when: Professor Bell in- {vented his first telephone, that has; :made a phenomenal record. After 'having had many delays in getting , into operation and in the face of the strongest possible opposition, they have in a year's time, .. developed a system with 1200 subscribers, which is twice as many subscribers as had been deficloped before competition in twenty years' time. The Company reports that new subscribers are be- cured daily in Brantford, and the growth continues steadily. i I can move certain buttons and call up whom he pleases. The call will be automatic, causing idle wires among those in the cable to automatically comeuinto use 4 and when conversa- tion is-over, disconnection will be made automatically. If thiscan be accomplished, it will do away with the‘ vain army of telephone operators and so reduce the expense that the poorer man cannot afford to be with- out his teflephone." ago, he said : “In the improvement of the .telephone in the telephone of the future. I look for all this bilsiness to be done automatically. There may be a system by which the subscriber Lindsay citizens can trace the whole .01 this telephone development in. their own memory from the time I’ro- fessor Bell invented his, first teleâ€" phone until quite recently, the Gen- tral Energy Mgnual System was in- troduced to the town, but now comes the next important development in the telephone serviceâ€"the giving of this service with a girl '.operator at the central office. Professor Bell in- dicated the coming of this system, When, in an interview a few vom-a lon of the automatic ap- be given in afuture is- bclieve it will be inter- THE LINDSAY POST 'r readers. ‘especxall that this invention e efforts of Canadâ€" has been developed they can go to (1 call the one to ,to speak without operator and de- tor to get the numâ€" tainlir will demand introduction of the ie does giot (litter the introduction of d method of 3M:- Lin result. When of machine for do- [.118 umerence between the subscribed and paid-up capital, amounting to $17,921. Aconsiderable proportion of the stock is held in the United States and if the liquidation is unable to collect from these holders, the call will almost certainly be for the full 100 per cent. Sufficient information as to the state of the bank’s affairs was placed before the directors at Saturday's meeting ”to convince them of the institutions' insolvency. A complete financial statement will a reduction , per cent in s , 6 . l consumers I d a. 1:119!!! 5:091 ganglia. cun- co ,n+-on.‘ ...:n Professor Bell in- g of this system, iew a few years the improvement of D. Balfour, at the Methodist pars- onage, 33 St. Paul-st... Lindsay, on Dec. 29th, Lillian May Johnson, of . Franklin, to Vincent Weatherup, of Omemee. WEA'I‘H'E'RUP----J'0H"NSON.‘â€"By1 Rev. ROBERTSONâ€"McPHAILâ€"At Can- nington, Tuesday, December, 27th by the Rev. Jamesfi. Coon, Mr. William. Robertson, of Georgina township and Miss Minnie Mary Mc-u Phail, of Lindsay. .Woodstock's electric light \plant made a profit, last year, of$16,545 93. But no improvements on capital accounts were paid for out of the earningt of the year Maintenance or restoration was duly provided for. Kirkfield, Dec. 30.â€"â€"rrhé skating rink here, belonging to James Daniels c01- lapsed yesterday owing to the great weight of snow. Fortunately no one was injured. Kirkfield Rink ‘, Has Coilapsed: in of at be an inevitable feature of the future proceedings in the w nding up of the bank. No official announcement of a double liability can has been made so fan/«but it was authoritatively stated yesterday that in View of the position of the bank's afiairs the call could hardly be avoided. This means that holders of Farmers Bank stock must contribute. assum-i ing that the call will be for the full 100 percent, asurn of $584,500, plus the diflerence between the subscribed I Toronto, Dec. 28.â€"A call ; to the full double liability shareholders of- the Farmers To Call Upon Shareholders Cobourg, Dec. 30.â€"George Teasdale of the Bristol Hotel, in whose estab- lishment the Crown charges that a half tipsy sailor murdered a dumb cook, came up before Police Magis- erate Boggs here yesterday and was sentenced to four months imprison- ment on a charge of selling liquor without a license. Colborne is a local outinn villnnn lowering of the charges all round. The Ottawa Electric Company has had' a good year, as has been shown by the distribution among the shareholders of a two per cent bonus above the regular dividend._ If the municipal plant reduces rates, there is, of course, every rea son to believe that the Ottawa Elec tric Company will make similar re ductions. so that there will be a not be presented for a. month or so yet, but it is known that there will be a substantial surplus on the year's operations. This surplus, after providing for renewal fund, etc will allow a further reduction next year from the present low rates for lighting. ‘ Made, a Prefit MARRIED local. option village call amounting 1 Miss Lillian Gordan is the effic- ient teacher.at this school, and the excellent program provided was the result, in a large measure, of her efforts. She is very popular among pupils and parents. The Dragram was well rendered and all E'njoyed the evening. We thank those tram Cameron who gave us their very able assistâ€" ance. Recitationâ€"Miss Marbaret Lloyd. Gramophone selectionâ€"Miss Brock. Recitationâ€"Six little girls. Dialogueâ€"Guess. Recitationâ€"Miss Meta Graham. Song by the school. Recitationâ€"Mr. Grant Terrill. Songâ€"Mr. W. Hewie. Readingâ€"Miss Birdie Parks. Gramophone selectionâ€"Miss Brock. Dialogueâ€"Writing poetry. Instrumentalâ€"Mia; Shier and Mr. McGinm‘s. -0.- Dialogueâ€"The bird’s funeral. Recitationâ€"Miss Velma James. Recitationâ€"Miss Helen Terrill. Recitationâ€"Miss Florence Tomp- kins. Dialogueâ€"The curiousity. Jokesâ€"Messrs Hewie and Smith. Recitationâ€"Miss Meta Graham. Song by the schoolâ€"Glory. God Save the King. will nis. There iwas a concert at nyson’s school on Thursday evening, Dec. 22 and the program was as follows. Chairmanâ€"Mr. W. Smale. Song. by the schoolâ€"Glorious Beth hhfm Star. ’ Recitationâ€"Miss Anna Graham. Songâ€"Mr. W. Hewie. Instrumentalâ€"organ and violinâ€"U Miss E. Shier and Mr. C. McGin- 'time. The factory and the fam will I" 858 "0- have cheap and convenient power, and! 0 many new uses will be found for el- Bgnnte Dundee ectrical energy. Few of the worlds’ commonwealths have had so great a ,. . , Mrs. Herbert L. Webster, wens-1 boon conferred upon them during 1910 as Ontario has had in the completion; street was the recipient 0‘ a beam of the main pole line of the Hydro- hm! Xmas 81ft ‘3 .159 form 05 a electric system.’ ' i pretty satin lined work bafiet. and. :Mr; Webster, a handsome purse Entertainment at "m Mr Mrs mm of Dundee, Scotland parents at? fir. Bryson’ 8 school c. A. Macdonald of the Mom Rank .4»- u- ‘-_, “The cheapening of the cost of e1- ectric light and power is going on all over the Province. It will mean not only smaller charges for private lighting, but it will means also bet- ter and more elaborate public light- ing systems, than theA cities and towns have had up until the present ably recommend to the Council next February a. reduction from 10 to 15 per cent in the prices now charged to consumers for light. To-day’s Globe says: "There are l 1 various ways of earning the benedic-.l giving their time and best thought just now to re-placing the coal-pro- duced electrical xenergy by waterâ€"pro' duced power from Niagara and other sources are as truly adding to the prosperity of the Province as they would be ‘by bringing waste land into cultivation or by increasing the pro- ductivity of lanb already in use. Two striking illustrations of this are fur- nished by items in the Woodstock, Sentinel-Review and in the Ottawa correspondence of the Globe. From Woodstock it is reported that the civ- ic light and power plant has such a successful years that the bills for the past quarter are being made out at a rate of 6.4 cents per kilowat hour, instead of eight cents, the reg- , ular rate. The reduction v.01 20 percent - ‘is a Christmas present from the peo- ple to themselves. From Ottawa it is reported that the operation of the municipal electric light and power I so successful from the financial stand- point that the Commission will prob- CHEAPENENG G? ELEETREC Wéfifi GOING OE ALL {WEB PRQ‘JfiEE 'Chiid’séPlay ”F 13‘"? @351 03"Days “an; ‘.22 [having in the centre 1 s. [um Bonnie Dundee." Mr For twenty years we have been constantly receiving just such letters as these. There is scarcely a locality in the United States where there is- not some one who can testify to the merits of this remarkably suc- cessful Heart Remedy. Price $1.00 at your drugglst. He should supply you. If he does not, send who to us, we forward prepaid. DR. MILES MEDICAL 00.. Tom... \'.U;.;‘.u 1.: uz';cc::_tezo;:s. lies: 1 L about me could not tell were was lite m m . After these spells I would be very weal: and nervous, sleepless a.d without appetite; had neuralgia in my head and heart. After taking the remedy a short time all this disappeared and in a few weeks all the heart trouble was gone-” MRS. LIZZIE PAINTER 803% 3d Ave. Evansville, Ind. Webster bpreciate this gifts highly, coming from Mr. am! MacdonaJd. theSe .gms Present From Bonnie Dundee Mr. Thomas Cufi, who last My celebrated his eightyâ€"fifth birthday is the recipient of an Irish “diam,” or pipe, made of hog oak froin a. rain.- tive, Mr. Thomas ow, offing“. One the bowl of it is engraved the shamrock, harp and irish mundane”: and Mr. (3115 values the rift Highly- Irish Dhudeen Elected by Acclamation as Omemee. . daintuy nie'corated sci HULLIGAN. 0f Bog 63k PAGE Reeve of

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