A By-law to provide for taking 0?- e: the assets and property of the Lib- rary Association. in the rolice Vil- iag'e of Little Britain. and to pro- rzde for the establishment of a Public Library in the said Police Vil- lage of Little Britain. Whereas the members of the Lib- rary Association of the Police Vil- lage of Little Britain at a special r- eating called for the purpose. by resolution declare that they desire the Library at the Association be transferred to a Board appointed an- der Part One of the Act respecting i'ublic Libraries and Art schools. 4. The Clerk shall attend at his 0(- ï¬ce in the Village of Oakwood at the hour of Ten O'C’lock in the forenoon on the sixth day of February, 1912 to sum up the number of Votes vgive'n re- spectively for or against the By-law. Read a ï¬rst time in Council on Monday the 8th day of January. 1912 NOTICE BY THE CLERK The abOVe is a true copy of a pro- posed By-law which will be taken in- to consideration by the Municipal Council of the Township of Mariposa after one month from the 12th day of January, 1912, being the date of Be it New“ m by “F ““3“ the First Publication thereof, andthe icjpal council of the-Corporation Of polls for tavmg the- VOW otthe E130- Bylaw number 695 or the Tow .- ship of Mamas“. Be it therefore enacted by the Hun- icipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Maripoaa that-â€" 1. In case the assent of the Electors as given to this By-law. then the as- sets and property of the Library As- sociation of the Police Village of Little Britain shall be transferred to a Board appointed under Part One of the Act respecting Public Libraries and Art schools, and the assets and property of the Library Association of the said Police Village of Little Britain shall be established as a Pub« lie Library, in accordance with the provisions of the Public ibraries Act 2. The votes c! the Electors oi the said Police Viihge of Little Britain shall be taken on this By-law on Honday the Fifth Day of February, a 1912, commencing 31: Nine o‘clock in b‘ the forenoon. and continuing until P ï¬ve o'clock in the in Mr. John Riches’ Tailor Shop in the said Police Village of Little Britain. and Mr. John Rich is hereby appointed the Deputy-Return- ing omcer to conduct said election. 3. On the 23rd day of January next, at the Clerk's OECe in the Township of Mariposa, at NineJmirty o'clock in flae forenoon, the Reeve shall appoint in writing signed by him. two per- sons to attend at the ï¬nal summing up the votes by the Clerk. aids one person to attend at each pclling place on behalf of the persons desirâ€" A now vezu is before u: :1‘. .7 \v: trust, our fviends and patrons "'2 issue so In: gely favnmd us ." their 0m u! “ ill an“! t! 1119 w?" . 'tixme tn ‘ uvnr us dnri m; 19:23. Ex??? rf‘frnrt will be mad . '0 mm- it your trade. ‘Ve shall mu , ' in every pOSsihYe way 'm m. ‘. store meet your requirvnmn’ drug store goods arv dedrm} PAGE 450 yards Best English Brussels Carpets, in a great variety of de- signs, borders to maech. Reg. $1.25 and $1.35 per yard. January Sale Price .................................... 75c. 375 yards extra quality English Brussells Carpets. in all colorings suitable for drawing rooms. bedrooms etc. Some with borders to match. Reg. $1.50 per yard. Januasy Saie Price ................................... . 3| .21 275 yards Best Quality Tapestry Carpets in floral and conventional de- signs. Reg, 650 and 75¢ per yard. Jan- uary Sale Price .......................... 57c 350 yards English Tapesfry Carpets in all colorings. Reg. 50c, 55c and 60¢ per yard. January Sale Price 41c All Carpet remnants up to 12 yards we ofler at cost. “Bury Me On My Face†sad iI‘r‘ogenes “For When I WAKE THI§ OLD WORLD WELL BE TURNED UPSEDE DOWN†“2â€"- YOU AND EH 1912 0115 Of PTOK-Otiflg. and alike number John. Mr. and Mrs. Cardwell, Mr. icvening at Mr. A. H. 'Veale's. on behalf Of the persons desirous Cf and Mrs. Bodie, Ml" D' 8' McQueen, 9: Miss Emily Fallis, of Cadmus was opposing the passing. of this By-law. Batavia, N. Y, Miss J. Cockburn, of gthe guest of Miss Gertie Hump on 4- The Clerk shall attend at his Of- EBay City. Mich, Miss Steele, Prince gsunday last. ï¬ce in the Village of Oakwood at the i Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Varcoe, Ash- ‘ W Wilbert . . ‘ Mr. Fred Ph'l‘ a d ..-.. hour of Ten 0 Clock 1n the forenoon g burn. iMalcolm have ;:mh:wd now cuttars C†the sixth day Of February, 1912 to; Mr. A. L. Coone, wife and family, ,Ther are the up-to-date kind. very sum Pp the number 0.: “ates ygivevn re- arrived from Lamont, Alta., to “Sit {narrow in the seat, just built for spectxveiy for or agamst the By-law. 5 Mr. Coone's mother. Mrs. J. Cooue. Ftwo. don‘t you know. P0551 By'mw which Will be “a“ m- i During the Christmas week the ; was later found in a shed in thesil- to consideration by the Municipal teachers of the Methodist Sunday jlage. There was considerable dam- Council Of the Township 0‘ Mariposa : school gave the scholars at good treat ‘ age done to the cutter. 8““ °“° mm“ “m the 12th ‘1†fin the form of a. Christmas tree. .\ 3 we. Cecil V8810 has rmmd of January, 1912' being the date 0! 800d pregramme was furnished by ;home, alter spending the holiday the First Pubï¬cation thereof, andthe the scholars, which was much en- , season in Toronto. A Polls for taving the V0939 0â€â€ Elec- .f joyed by all present and reflected ; Mr and Mr: 1-1. Porteous paid tors will be held at the hour, day. ‘ great credit upon those who had the 'Lindsay a 9):â€; via t on Saturdav. and place named in the By'law. }aï¬air in charge. ; Mr. Hugh‘ T3210} has been spend- J. B. WELDOiV. i Much regret is expressed by citi- ling the last few weeks under the par- Clerk- E1onn onnernllv that Rev. Mr. Arthur: 1 _ _ _ Newsy Notes (Special to The Post.) Entering upon another year, we look back on the year just passed and it is pleasing to see that it was a year of progress in Manilla. New buildings have been erected, the po- pulation has increased so that the school board have found it necessary to add another teacher. Our cement walks have been extended. Nobody is rich. but all have plenty. What more does one need ? Of course it is not all sunshine. as in every other place under the sun, we have a few, very few, “knockers." There is the fellow who thinks it shows knowledge to belittle his village by slightingly comparing it with some city, the tel- 10w who tries to make himself im- portant by saying the people in his home town, are no good, they all call me old John Doe, when I’m in any other place they Call me Mr. John Doe. Then there is the fellow who derides everybody else and their busi- ness, thinking thereby to boost his own. He is the worst of all. To them we say start the new year ri'rbt, This is a communit_ where we should all help one another, Cut mt the kicking. Get busy, help the “‘7': fellow citizens, and your vilâ€" “'6. You'll ï¬nd it lvtter. You'll be â€â€œ41 “as crowd. If you can't do this, '1 v not take up a homestead in the “rs-.‘rwpst ? Al. the public school meeting held on Wflneeday, Dec. 28th, Dr. M. Mc- "" n†was re-elected trustee. Follow. rut the instructions of the P. 3- mentor, another teacher will ' . M4 at once. 113 many visitors during the ~=: Mr .N. A. Pattesson, Mlsq ‘ L;'."‘., Miss I. Steele, Mr and Oakwood, Jan. 10. 1912. xor, Miss J. Mintern, Mr. )rt. Mr. and Mrs. R. Pean. ‘ Dï¬imrv, Mr. and MrS. W. :n. M‘. and Mn. Parker. GIL-adenning, the Misses 8t. me Manilla suitable ,or making hall runners, hall mats and bedroom mats. These we will otter at cost to clear. signs 36 in. wide. Reg. $1.00 per yd sale. handsome a ry Sale Price minister Rugs of al dimensions at reductions during our January in floral and conventional designs. Reg. 70c, 75c and 85¢ per yd. Janu- January Sale Price Tapestry, Brussels Willow and Ax- 250 yards of wool Ingraâ€"in Carpets, =0 1. n... f 1 » ..,)! Jflï¬uï¬h‘VHï¬â€˜ mg flaws. .., Brussels Borders. 22; in. wide. ï¬oral and conventional de- three'ply wool carpets in 3 Much regret is expressed by citi- izens generally that Rev. Mr. Arthurc: {has resigned from the pastorate of 1the Baptist church. The church has lgrade much progress and the buildâ€" ling greatly improved during hie i pastorate. Mr. Arthurs is a man ,whose heart was in the work, and {will make a success whereVer he ;goes. The church has much need of more men, workers like Mr. Arthurs. Mr. Arch. Mclnnis has returned from a business trip to Haileybury, where he has important interests. Mr. Dan McLean visited friends Toronto this week. {1912 «71.13% n‘olmk in the afternoon, ‘ for the war-wise of electing a President â€ma .: ‘: y . . Liars of the said Society E and nu 3" ix .m: â€Moments of Receipts and‘ hidmv- 'nts: 2.150 for the pur- ipose. >‘ 5.: , 2' -' : no Directors power to punch ..=v j“. .u szd for the said 800182.? NESTLETON (Special to The Post) What has happened the Nestleton correspondent? It seems too bad to have such an enterprising place as Nestleton unheard of, and as it is so long since our correspondent has written anything to the Post, I guess it will be no harm for someone else to write a little. In spite of the cold weather on Saturday night a large crowd gath- ered to the opening of the new skat- ing rink. Mr. Cecil Veale, the man- ager, has everything in fine shape for the season. A hockey team has been organized and the boys are ready to mange games with any other team within reasonable distance. Mrs. A. H. Veéle is spending a month visiting friends in Harriston and Vicinity. Mr. Steriley Malcolm is laid up with a strht attack of blood poisonv ing in his 1 and. Mr. Harold Beacock spent Sunday """"'_' “‘"" m Messrs. D. A. McPherson. John Trethewey and G. W. Hardy attend- ed the meeting of the directors 'of the Manilla Northern Telephone Co. on Friday. Our male quartet, also several oth- ers from Peniel, attended a concert at Salem on Friday evening. 755...... 53.23“.“ >2 4%. Jrh i... dur ‘50 En“ n“ A The "H'suwui “noting of the Mem- lwrs n" 331» “A ..:":1 Pi Hug nf the l‘mm- Ly of Viz-rm: Aminua m 21] hm ivt)’ win he huh? 2': â€h! Cnum il (“Number in thv 'i‘nnn Hall. in the Timur-1‘ Lmdmr V. W: Than 7 January 18th \ JE‘J...) â€"uu, .1);â€" sosv' F 5‘5 £3351 SBGIHY .3 AMES KEITH VEGTOR’A :' “m“, Mr. Fred P11in and 3.1:. Wilbert 1Malcolm have purchased new cutters. family, ,Ther are the up-to-date kind. vary to “Sit :narrow in the seat, just built for Coone. ftwo, don‘t you know. returned; Mr. Jas. Dean’s horse broke away rattan) in ""1 Messrs. Harvey Hardy of Whitby, It: ' and Fred Hardy of Lindsay spent D ~ty the week end at Mr. G. W. Hardy’s. I. . A most entertaining and instrucâ€" FAIR A tive lecture will be delivered in our “, i' u, "3 church hereon Monday evening. Jinn. , 0C; '4 auctions Lot 1â€" W'itb Tamboir borders. Note these re- from the tie post at the station on Saturday morning and ran for two miles ahead of the train. He tamed of! at the Blackstock crossing, and was later found in a shed in thesil- lage. There was considerable dam- age done to the cutter. Ere. CeCil Vealo has returned Mr. Hugh Taylor has heen spend- ing the last few weeks under the par- ental roof. Mr. Jas. Malcolm has decided to erect a. hennery on his premises and has already secured some fine thor- oughbred birds from the Yelverton district. Mr. and Mrs. John Trethewey spent New Years at Mr. Wm. Trethewey'a', Woodville. (Special to The Post“) Miss Sadie Francis. of Cannington, was the guest of her friends, Misses Pearl and Lillie McKague on Sun- day. ' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Weelington of Wood-ville visited at Mr. John A. Brown's on New Years. Penie! Beings‘ Mrs. Geo. Gilson have returned from a few days' visit with her bro- thers. Messrs. Geo. and Will Perkin of Cameron. Mr. Robt. Wells, of Cambray call- ed on friends here on Wednesday. Mr. Percy Hill and Miss Alice Hill of “The Glen" were the guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. 'Ceo. Hardy on Friday. Messrs. Chas. Osborne and Robt. Bagshaw spent Thursday at Lind- say. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Rice visited their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Thos Russell of Grass Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Christian, whose home is in Sash, are the guests of their sister, Mrs. Geo. Gilson. Mr. Levi Budd of Lorneville is vis- iting his uncle, Mr. Wm. Wilson. Handsome Swiss Curtains, in floral $2.50 and $3.50 Curtains for $3.30 34 am 54.50 Curtains $2.95 Swiss Curtains at Great Reductions conventional designs. ï¬nished THE LINDS AY POST 9f interest $1.95 1.5, by Rev. H. B. Kenny, of Bow- munville. Music will be furnished by! our own choir. Rev. W. R. Archer of Woodville will also assist in the programme. We are hoping for (av. orabie weather and a large crowd, as we expect a good time. (Special to The Post.) Mrs. Isaac Williams. of Valentia, spent New Years in town, the guest of her father Mr. Robert Gainer. manville. Music will be furnished by1 . with friends here for a short time, every success. our own choir. Rev. W. R. Archer of I went to Peterboro 133: week. . Mr. Jae. A. Woodville will also assist in the; Mr. and Mrs. Luken, of Torontog capturing a t programme. We are hoping, for (av. were in town a few days last week. day morning orable weather and a large CI'OWd. The annual meeting of the Agricul- ‘ in the possess as we expect a good time :tural Society will be held -'c the; Trenton. it h town hall, Minden, on Mmday Jan 3-. Wm. J_ 1 I 115th 1913 7 of 1999. :Aflidz NEWg E)? M! NgENf M" and 3475- J J- Mor‘.imer, 0‘: as regards th {town were visitors in Kinmount ocej Mrs. Walter ‘day last week ’: staying with Items of interest Frcm the Northern: 112-. Joseph Fader of 11111 H111 was Mrs w B 1 Fred Soward and Russell Mortimer retarncd to Peterbom to attend school, after spending their holidays in town. Mr J. G. Staples and Miss R. M. Miss L' Gordon. 0f Toronto. spent Sisson, our public school teachers, re- last week end “Eh her mother, M33- turned to town on Tuesday waxing 1‘" E' Gordon. and opened school on ream-5 143p A splendid entertainment was proâ€" morning. ;vided by the members of the Presby- lï¬ss Edith Jones was in Fcneion terian church on Friday evening last Falls last week. iand despite the inclement weather. The Woman's Auxiliary c' St. ':a good crowd attended. Mr. and Mrs Paul’s church held their ï¬fnt r-nor- ‘ J. Robertson of the Toronto bureau ing in the new year on Th usuay lam, jprovided an excellent programme of in the room over the Soho nice ; Scotch songs, dances and selections Rev. W. J. Rayner returned to g on the bagpipes, and everybody was town latt week end. well pleased. Rev. W. G.Smith, pas- The- annual meeting of the Minden tor of the church. ably ofliciated as public library will be held in ~the chairman, and the trustees and library roam on Jan. 8th, 1912. friends are to be congratulated on Miss Florence Fairfield and Ma; their eï¬orts to provide such a splen- Maggie Deacon went to Lindsay last did concert. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper. of Saskat- chewan, spent a. few days with friends at Minden and Stanhope. Mrs. Walter Wright and two sons James and Edward visited her mo- ther, Mrs. Beatty, of Stanhope, Last week. Mr. Elijah Fetterly of Weybum, Sask., formeriy of Minden., is re- newing acquaintances in this vicinâ€" ity. Mr. Joseph Beatty of Stanhope, was in town one day lasy week and returned home accompanied by us nephew, Fred Wright. Mr. James Nesbitt, an old resident of Minden township, died at his home 043 Thursday, Jan. 4. LMr. Roy Lodurck spent his holiday with friends at Peflerlaw. I. D. I. CAMPBELL STOP! “MK 1! READER A superior lot if Khart- horn Buiis, 13 z» 35 mnmhe UM, X't’d‘ and Hymn A“ Stratbaliani, for great “mp:- ing prices, (Iiuwjflming their le‘y cboiw lines 0f brevding, and individual excailgnce, no hater. lot can be found in any stable. Come and see them. Ytilagc in é‘uagraph form. FAIR VIEW FARM, 12 only odd Swiss and Brussels Net Curtains. Reg. price, $1.50 each. Jan- uary Sale Price each .. .............. . 98c Lot IVâ€" sv.oo $7.50 and $3 Curtains $5.95 Swiss Nets, with heavy Tambour borders, 27 inshea wide."1‘hese make handsome Curtainsl Note these reduo ed prices $8.50 and $10 Curtains for 40c Net fur c Net for Swiss Nets it“ {in town last week. and returned ‘home accompanied by Mrs. Fade: who 'has been with friends here for the past week. Miss M. Newhail, ‘wbo has been with friends here for a short time. went to Peterboro last week. The Misses Dossie and Alice Co: of Lindsay visited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Cox. of Minden. Mr. W. Marden, of Dauphin. Man, is visiting friends in this locality. Mr. Wm. Eastman, of Ingoldsby. who has been attending the institute for the Blind in Brantford, was in town one day last week. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Chidley, of Alta and Mr. and Mrs. Hagen of Gelert visit- ed at Mr. A. Patmer's in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Craig and little son, Messrs. John and Arthur Noice and Miss Ida Noice, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Noice of town, returned to the city. Rev. W. J. Rayner's subject on Sunday evening was from the subject he has chosen, "Christ's message to the seven churches." This Sunday he spoke on the church at Thyatira. Miss I. M. Laidley. Mrs. F. Hum- phrey and Miss V. Humphrey an visiting relatives in Hamilton. Mr. W. J. Thurston and Mr. N. N. Thurston spent Sunday with Mr. an“! Mrs. J. Bell, Lindsay. A grand dame was held 3+ +“s~ W sidence of Mr. and Mrs. A. “1:21:09 on Wednesday evening last. Over 8" guests were invited, and dancTncr w-‘r indulged in till the wee sma “or w A splendid supper was sorvcd «4’ 1 o’clock, after which more 83*» r‘ the: was worn out. and 21‘. ' 1+ " the best event of the. pension. Mm. King visited her truisst‘arf Silas Thurston, last week end. Mr. Broderick was Mm m: tact at the schoo? mew-in? the purpose of decidmg w {- Viability of hul‘ndin: a 2".†Kr. Hush EDP-'06 hm: ' pointed teacher at the ' ‘ DUNSFORD (Special to The Post} LINDSAY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12th tains 3yards long. Reg. 82 m and $2.50 per pair. January Sale Price long. Reg. $0.50 and $1.75 pair. Janu- cieai~ these at half price. ary Safe Price Lace Curtains, slightly sailed. We will UK Net for . 70c Net for 24 pairs Frilled Nzt : 24 pairs same as above. L317 2} rd Frilled Net and Muslin Curtains Mrs. Walter Burgess, who has bee: staying with her parents. HI. and Mrs. W. 8. Kennedy. left 101' her home at Lindsay on Friday last. The following gentlemen were sleet- ed public school trustees for year 1912: Messrs. J. W. Elliott. J. J. . Thurston and Thos. Wilson. ï¬r. Jno. [ B. Kennedy was re-elecned wielde: of 'g the pen. . .n.. e. v.-. .._ “~........».« -. 3 The wind is whistling throng: I perch upon a keg of nails. Light up the pipe and. smoke ,And listen to the arguments. iThe chin wag and the joke. {At last the time for closing mes gThe'town is nearly dead. {I mosey den the sidewalk to [My bachelor’s hall and bed. few sample pairs of Sottingham for the ensuing year. We Mr. Jae. A. Thurston succeeded in capturing a three legged fox on Fri- day morning last. The fourth leg is in the possession of Mr. '1‘. A. Stitch Trenton. it having been shot 03 by Mr. Wm. J. Thurston in the winter of 1909. .Amdavit needed in this cane as regards the fourth leg. Big Bill piles on the chunks of fire. The store is warm and dry. And there your humble hikes his way Alter the train's by. The snow is falling fast. This ode is not of summer breeze But winter's chilly blast. This little epitaph will bring back pleasant memories to friends in 9;.) west. Big Bill's debating parlor :- still going strong. Depends upon the care of Br. V. E. Hart, ..'.3derate Charges [N OMEMEE 0X MONDAYS ’ ;" w Furs Made to Order 73. g m Fm 3.x; . .. § U4 Kent-3L, L‘ndsay N 'rquy opp. Post Ofï¬ce YOUR HEALTH "‘2" F. MULLETT? YOUR TEETH "waned, Repaired :1 :1 d Remodeiled ‘. MW‘M Over Gregory's Drug Store 9“"! 1"‘61‘31‘ F SIJ‘J 47c. .j 1c. Dentist ‘1!" m: Mr. Iiam is