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Lindsay Post (1907), 19 Jan 1912, p. 4

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fot discussion is The School and its relation to the community. The pub- ‘lic are cordially invited to attend. {01: Sunday morning Rev. John Rol- ‘1ins,'B.A., of Peterboro, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church and gave an interesting and helpful dis- Jottings From Liver Omemee ’Omemee, Jan. 16.â€"Mr. Geo. and Elisa Stella. Wilscn were in Lindsay on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Woouatt and child of Regina. Sash. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nogen't. Sunday. Mr. D83. cf Toronto. spent the week and with friends in town. Miss Bertha Nichols was home over Mr. .103. Wilson. of Windthorst, Sas is visiting his uncle. Mr Matt Wilson. The Women’s Instltute will hold a special meeting on Friday afternoon, Jan. 19th in the Council Chamber. The meeting will be addressed by Miss Hotan, of Parkhill, the subject be- ing The Family as a Shaping Influ- .3nce. In the evening a joint meeting with the Farmers’ Institute will be held in Coronation Hall. The topic -.W “U . HI- â€"'-_ held in Coronation Hall. The topic! Miss SOPhY McQuade returned on for discussion is The School and its 'Monday to Ottawa. after spending relation to the community. The pub- 3the past few months with her moth- ).ie are cordially invited to attend. get, Mrs. E. McQuade. Sturgeon Pt. 5011 Sunday morning Rev. JOhn ROI-:- On Monday evening a. very success- iinShB-Au 0f Peterboro, occupied the hill tea party was held in connection pulpit in the Presbytarian church and iwith the anniversary services at Mt. gave an interefling and helpful dis- :Pleasant. An excellent tea was served course. In the evening he conducted iby the ladies of the congregation in the anniversary services at Mount gthe Temperance Hall, from J18.“ past Pleasant appointment. the mening {five until half past seven after which sex-rite at that place having beentakza concert was given in the. Church. A an by Rev. J- N- Clarry, 3- Au 01'splendid programme by home and Cavanville. 7 Omemee talent was listened- to by a A “Edam-em: 0‘ new W01“ has large and appreciative audience. Adâ€" Jars. A. C. Hodgetts and son have returned irom Coningwood where they spent the holiday with Mrs. Hodgetta ? On Wednesday evening the I.O.F. gave‘ a splendid concert in Coronation Hall to their members and friends. The artists were Miss Maud Bigmood, soprano, Miss Lillian Dillon, control- to, and pianist and Mr. Harvey Lloyd comedian. The programme was interâ€" A consignment of new boom been received for the Library and these have been placed shakes for circulation. PAGE .2. )‘t‘ilr‘ ill (1 a IILEIU Clhla “UMVAJVIvu will yield gnod results both nuw and Ian r. Feed‘ng a good stock food for a. whik- win insure bath-P couditinn for umnths to come, and in the st wk business health means pmfitfa If you have ever fed your stock All kinds nf stiwk are apt to he sun down about this time of the year. zud a. little extra attention will yield ggod results both nuw A -1 -LA-\. om English condition must II! 'V III In\. what its goodvficifints are. If 3'01: have never given it a. trial, now isa good time to do so. 5L3d1€5 and Misses’ \Vintsr Coats in Tweeds, Beaver C1oths 21rd wide wae Serges. The shadcs are new), my rt1-e . cardinaL tan and Grey. A111h155ea50n'5 1ates: st 125 Regular $7. 50 to 5310 Quick (1:311:10 Pr1ce each $5 90 25 Chi’dren's Crgats in Serges, Cheviots and Tweeds, made in the Lites: styks. Good warm cmte hr the little kinks. 'l‘hcsv 51.21:] mg:- uiaryzat 6 5010 8.50. .Ouick C§:=.:rin}_r Price ~ each - - - - - $430 \11 {L1 it is 18ft ofthxse: s ~.’1S()r‘:’5 L111 Thtse are mwis: pt Panam 1~, Cm Vini“ Tweeds and Pin-in Chums in 5.111135 myrtlzn, grey, Rack and tunwn, \‘fc 17 at a reduction of 20 per can’t, . STOCP< THRIFTY MAKES during Our Great Annual Stock-Taking Sale Now On. Our surplus stock of Mantles, Furs, Dress Goods etc. all Winter Wearables have been slashed in price to effect a speedy clearance. NIANTLES esting from start to finish, the ad- dress given by Mr. Mitchell, of Tor- onto, Grand Organizer for the Lodge, being heartily received. Mr. Mitchell is a very convincing speaker and gave his views in a clear, concise manner. Mr. Lloyd, who has appear- ed before Omemee audiences in form- er occasions, was as entertaining as usual, his piano duett with Miss Dil- lon being specially worthy of note. Miss Digwood~s. “My Hero,” from “The Chocolate Soldier.jj received a hearty encore. as indeed did all the unions numbers. the soloists graciously responding. Reeve Mulligan made an excellent chairman. being complimented on the same by the Grand Organizer. The public apprecia- ate kindness of the Order in furnish- ;ing this free entertainment. Mrs. Robt. Williamson. (nee Miss complimented on the same by the Grand Organizer. The public apprecia- ate kindness of the Order in furnish- ing this free entertainment. Mrs. Robt. Williamson. (nee Miss lMchade) will receive for the first 'time since her marrig-ge, on Tuesday, §afternoon. Jan. 231d, from four to six. l Miss Sophy McQuade returned On 'Monday to Ottawa. after spending 3the past few months with her moth- GL..â€"-AA_ | _- v- unnn__,2- D‘ Al- Mr. Mr. Herbert Stone. of Islay, berta. is visiting his parents, and Mrs. William Stone. Mr. Gilbert Smith, from the West, is renewing acquaintances here. Mr. Roy Kelly, of Brechin, on friends here on Sunday. Mr. Arch. McMillan of Palestine, visited at Mr. Alex. Murchison’s this week. Mr. Don. Campbell, of Fairview is attending the fat stock show at O‘- tawa this week. called a} CA31’VR‘A aconcert was given “1 tne‘ unurcn. A The first carnival of the season splendid programme by home and will be held on Friday night. A large Omemee talent was listened- to by a number are expected in costume and large and appreciative audience. Ad' 3 number of races are planned. Mu- dresses were given by several clergy- sic will be furnished by the band. men, the pastor, Rev. D' H' Currie,‘ Mr. Morrow, of Glenarm. has movâ€" aficiating in the “113th Of Chair- secl his family to ‘our village. Mr. man. A number of people from here Morrow intends building a fine resiâ€" 8thed the concert and report 9' deuce in the summer. , The Epworth League of the Metho- dist Church Have secured the Coro- nation Hall for a, grand Irish enter- tainment to be given on Monday ev- ening March. 18th. Mr. A. C. Hodgetts. who has been ccnfined to the house through illness. for the past few days. is able to be out again. Mr. Clifiord Robinson. 0! Hastings, was hcme over the weelivend. The annual meeting: of the Emily Cemetery Board was held on Monday eveaing when the directors for the en- suing year were appointed. Miss Blaylock, of Toronto, is visit- ing relatives in town. (Special to The Post.) Mr. and Mrs, Fred Edward returned on Friday after spending a month with friends at Beaver, Minn. Miss E. Thomas and Mrs. J. W. Smith called on friends in Canningâ€" ton on Friday. Week’s Doings 5“er Woedviile Children 0 ry m: FIETCHER’S H 1860----DUNDAS Miss Belle Campbell visited friends in Lindsay for a few days. Mrs. E. Lucas, of Argyle visited Mrs. G. Daynes on Thursdgy. Mr. and visited at Thursday. A large number of ladies both from country and village attended the institute meeting in the base- ment of the Methodist church on Thursday to hear the speaker sent by the institute, Miss Hotson. Her subject was the care and training of children. She also gave a. talk in the evening on the making of a good citizen. Miss May Spence, of Glenarm, is visiting friends here this week. Mrs. Ruan and Master Oliver spent a. few days with Sunderland friends lately. Mr. Jack Whetter, who has been in the west for a number of years, is visiting at his home. Sinâ€"We are sorry to notice that our good friend, Mr. G. F. Bruce of Beaverton, who has acted as overâ€" seer for this section of the Trent Valley Canal since the opening of same, and who so ably filled that po- sition of trust, has been removed, and numbered with the transgres- sors. It is to be hoped that his re- moval is based on those principles laid down by Hon. R. L. Borden, rather than from any undue haste on the part of Col. Hughes. HE WAS FOUND WANTING. To the Editor: I can only say with others along this waterway that his treatment to us has been with all fairness, re- gardless of party, as far as it lay in his power, and had there been that same fairness shown by them- perintendent at Peterboro as was in Mr. Bruce‘s case our boys would have shared alike in the various po- a’t'ors PM ‘nv Petrrhoro men dur- the working seasons along this 1d Mrs. J. Brown Of Peniel, at Mr. Hugh McKinnon's on Ladies’ Fur Sens in Mink Marmot, Black Hare, Coon, Elect”: Semi and Nluskrat. A“ choice caretully picked Fms These we offer to Clear at a discount of 33 1-3 per cent. All est up to at a (158:: chance. ESCOU our rrfmaimng stuck Hf Furs in the lat- deite sides an} sham-S we nHer tu clear imnt 0% 29 5382‘ cam. Now is your k.....-~..â€"â€"â€".- However, we kindly ask our good friend Mr. Bruce to accept .our thanks for his fairness during his incumbency as overseer. and in do- ing this, we will congratulate our neighbor, Mr. James McGirr, for the choice made by Col. Hughes of West Victoria as successor, to Mr. Bruce for the position in question. section. I might say that the position was one numbered with other prizes by the present gOVernment previous to their election in both N. Simcoe and West Victoria, and each had reason to believe that the same would be theirs, and naturally both counties claimed this gem as there were many aspirants. So when the cry of vic- tory went up, this gem, with others went into the great scales of fairâ€" ness, awaitin: the weights of Tory- ism, and so it was after all those compliments were exchanged, peace « seemed to reign, and each felt that -. they could trust their captain; but‘ in a way that only the C01. and Mr. Sharpe can explain, the hand of “justice" was brought to bear on] this good man, and he was found wanting by the weight of Toryism. So in a most mysterious wayâ€"a way that only a trained soldier could explain, these regulars of Simcoe sati in their rooms of comfort toasting their shins, being flattered by their ‘ past achievements, and awaiting the i return cf their captain. When the. ‘ great voice of militarism sounded its ; muffiing tones â€" tones that only a regular of experience whose ears ; had been trained by his Col. sprang ' forth and claimed the prize and in a ‘storm that history has no record of, jcame rushing into this humble vil- élags. In view of the peculiar cir- icumstances which surround this case, 'and the fact that all fairness has ’been shown by the two Sams, we gsincerely trust that when the stew- ‘ardship of our neighbor, Mr. Mc- Girr, may be asked, as it‘was in this case, that he may be able to make that same honest and con-l scientions statement that he did hisl best as far as it lay in his power, ‘ rezgardless of party. 1 (Special to The Post.) News was received here on Tuesday morning of the death of Mrs Isaac Keeley. of Lindsay, mether of Mrs ’D W. King, at the advanced age of 87 years. Misses Vera and Belva Tait visited Mrs. J. D. Brabazon (nee Miss B. J. Weeks goings From Oakwood CASTOR IA For Infints and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the F U RS Yours, etc., THE LINE SAY POST R. H. BISHOP, ' Mr. J. Ashmore and Mr. 0' Zealand I and several others spent Saturday ev- lening in Lindsey enjoying the cool It air of the skating rink. Mr. Hugh Elliott, exâ€"teacher at lMillersmith school, has recently ac- Z ' rented a. nos‘t‘on at Dunsford school. we 'msh Mm every success there. Woods) at Blackwater on Thursday last. The members of the Choir L! the Methodist church were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. C. Weldon and Mr and ‘Vlrs. J. B. Weldon on Friday evening at. the home of Mr. C. Weldon. After tea. oysters and a bountiful repast had: been served, games music, etc., Jwas indulged in. until a late hour, when all returned home after thank- ing the host and hostess for the en- joyable evening spent. Mrs. Jesse Ridd and daughter Stel- la, and Master Wilbert Savinac re- turncd home after spending a couple of weeks at Ne-stleton with their bro- ther, Mr Geo Bavinac. Miss Stella. M‘. Philp. daughter oi Mrs Lizzie Philp. and Mr. Truman Brown, of Creekfield. Sask., were quietly married in Lindsay cn Jan. 10th. ..On their return from from their weddifl; trip they will visit friends Mr. J. Harold Hogg. of Toronto, spent Sunday in our village. in this neighborhood before leaving for their new home in the West. Their many friends wish them a long and happy married life. Mr. Bertram Graham returned; on Tuesday from a business trip to Mon- treal. 7 Miss Lorna. Hullycr. of Little Brit- ain, spent Sunday with her sister, Miss Elsie Hullyer. The Epworth League intend holding an entertainment on February 14th. Further announcement will be made later. Miss Littlejehn. of Cameron, is the l t guest of Mrs. Malcolm; Murray. 1' Mr. and Mrs. T. O'Neill, of Reaboro visited her sister Mrs C. A. Davies. over Sundav. We are pleased: to sea Mrs. William Webster out again after her recent illness. The members of the Methodist' Church and adherents havq'been busy drawing brick from Lindsay, and the weather permitting will be drawing. for some time yet. They have already 1 about fifty thousand on the grounds. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Guson, o! Sonya. spent Sunday with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Webster. MILLERSMITH (Special to The Post.) The recent heavy snowfall has blocked the roads considerably in this community. The north and #9111 roads had to be shovelled out in most cases. ‘ The Bell Bros. have finished thresh- ing clover for the winter, and they also have done a good season’s work in grain, but owing to the hot wea- ther last summer, the grains crops were not nearly so abundant as in previous years. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Richard Padget, on the boundary, is suflering with pneumonia, and we hope to see his speedy recOVery. | Miss Lorna Huuyer vxsited her sis- :ter Elsie at Oakwood on Saturday E and Sunday. Little Britain (Special to The Post.) 3 Mr. Dougal Robertson is in [031: We regret to hear that Mrs. Geroe spending a few days with his daugh- is on the sick list this week. A ter Mrs. F. Varcoe- speedy recovery is 100k“! {0‘5 Mrs. Minnie McDonald returned Several of our young people jour- home Wednesday night after spending neyed to Valentia on Monday evening a week with Lindsay friends. and enjoyed a skate on their rink. - Mrs. Ewing and her husband are A fancy dress carnival is announc- spending 3 few wee“ at her tather's ed to take place on Saturday night. home. Mr. Thomas Robertson's, be- Further particulars later. barf returning to the west. Mr. James Ferguson, of Lindsay, spent Sunday under the parental roof. Children Cry run rurcusn's {CASTORtA A merry sleighload of people from Oakwood passed through here on Friday evening on their way to at- tend the basket social at Valentia. Mr. C. Dayton had a. bee on Sat- urday drawing brick for his elabor- ate dwelling. A few from here attended the car- nival at Oakwood on Thursday even- ing. Mr. Albert Henderson had a. brick bee on Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Mark Wickett visited her daughters, Mrs. J. Pogue and Ma. Fred Start at Valentia last week. Miss Florence Chard of Lindsay, is the guest of Miss Pearl Héoper. Mr. Russell Rodman has been ill during the past week, but is now re- covering. Our village and vicinity was visit- ed with a big snowstorm last week, the roads and sidewalks being com- pletely blocked up. The Farmers’ Institute was held in our village on Saturday last. Our hockey team go to Uxbridge Friday night of this week to play the return game of hockey. We wish them success. There is no danger but what our boys will defeat them again like last time. Mr. Nathan Rodman had a bee drawing brick on Monday for his commodious dwelling. week. Our rink manager, Mr. D. Yerex, is putting electric lights on the rink this week, and we expect many hoc- key games in the near future. On Sunday morning last two of our laymen. Mr. Wm. Suggitt of Valen- tia, and Mr. D. Yerex spoke in the Methodist church, and did remark- ably well. Mr. Geo. Heatlie has secured work at Tudhope’s factory in Lindsay and is at present employed there. Mrs. John Glenny, jr., entertained a number of our villagers at an at home on Monday night of this week. Mr. Ernest Oliver has been taken on the Standard Bank stafl this Miss Russell, returned missionary, will preach in the Christian church on Sunday evening next, taking as her subject, friendship. Live Brevities‘ EINDSAY, FRIDAY JANUARY [9: SCOTCH LIKE (Special to The Post.) We are having. plenty of snow and cold weather at present. Hope it will soon moderate- Mr. Dougal Robertson is in town Mr. G. Nasmith and some friends spent New Years Day at their sum- mer cottage at Ancona Point- Quite a number from here attended the Scotch concert at the Presbyter- ian church at Dunsford on the 3:5. and all report a good time. Misses Ethel B. and Beatrice Rob- ertson returned home Wednesday night after spending two weeks with. friends in Woodstock and Toronto. Mr Allan R. Robertson spent New Years Day with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Dougal Robertson and children of Indian Head. East, are visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robertson of this place. Miss Stella Mitchell, of Bobcaygeon is the guest of Miss Sarah Lewis for a few days. Ihe Last Bow Sale at the Season an 131:. 20m 25 Choice cows, all in calf 15 Homes, heQVy Imam. 5 Driving horses, all young and 7. '. A. FAN. all? 1:.

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