7f IVDSAY, FRIDAY, JAN, 30th, 13. ' ’ THE LINDSAY POST. ' . 7 PAGE NINE L . several small stores, and every third HNA_ DRU_ flu DYSPEPS'A 1â€"71, A. W. Eck. Cockerelâ€"l and 72, 1 1a 1 1. - ' . . W 27:11.11in nigfxariaiondgrgldlt: $12,312:: geast and south of the town, and a without anylnstmg good 11111.13 beam Pulletâ€"I T- Trotter; 2 and 3. A- . hemmms' . m Allow no ncto decei1030uinthis: ibig bridge across the Saskatchewan 0f your tablets 'urnzg SUCh C3585 as [Henâ€"“,1 T. J. Cole. Cockerelâ€"Z, T. ' - All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ J: 1st-as-«rood †are but lis in course 0f ConStWCtEOIL The line Experiments that trille with and endanger the health of Ehas becn opened up and graded for Infants and Childrenâ€"Experience against E .zperiment. Ea distance 01 about 30 miles, but un- . PJ. ' 7r 1 compounded acco 11111;; to an exception- 2' Methcrell, 2’ Vickery Bros. Hen A l ltil the bridge is completed no steel . l . _ What is C S I GR IA 75 ,can be Iald' ally good formu' a, from pure ingrc- _1 and 2’ Hayes Warrian; 3. E1 3 I arrived In I e Pas on ThUTSdEY clients, by expert chemists. If ouare ‘Metherell Cookerelâ€"l V'cker Br “ Castoria isa harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- } n, ht d Fr' 11 I 'y ‘ ' ’ 1 y OD e t 1 king for troubled with our stomach ust . ' . goric, Drops and Soothing 8,1,- "ups. It is pleasant. 11; E g an 1 av SD n 00 your Dzucgisyt about]; ‘ ' G' MCClenand’ 3’ Hayes Warâ€" It ma Ices child's play of washday. mine I decided to gixc ’11:: .1 a fair trial. Black Javas â€"Cock-â€"-1 T J Cole 'yl‘lic yprmâ€" ed 5:1 isfactory in my case.’ The remarkable success (’1' Na- Dru- Co J1 C1319- Pulletâ€"l, T- J- C019- l '3? Dyspepsia Tabletsi 13 such :1 success as 7 Buff Orph’in‘gftons.â€"-1, G, McClelland l l Keep in mind: Surprise is a pure, hard .l‘oap. can only come to an honest remedy, ,1- ,7 building is a pool room, which is TABLETS VICkeI'y Bros. Pulletâ€"l and 1, Vicâ€" 7‘: £- , inishtly ï¬lled with Indians, half kery Bros; 3,11. W. Eek. _. 7 777" 71: Children Cl y for FFetCher S Ibreeds and foreigners of all kinds, as PM“ OI Great W77Ie to Me†. Lucas. Henâ€".1, J. A. McLucas; .2, 77, It Cleanses -‘ 4~ 1 u . , ' 5 j' 1. \\\\\‘\ \\ 1 . . \71‘ \ \\.\1 \$1\\\. 77we11 as native Canadians T1115 38101" Main Meharry; 3, Hussey Cor- . ‘ 71 all kinds of clothesâ€"' 2"} V I I i 7:0115 tZWnSite WhiCh is being on There is only one exp‘anation forth ley. Cockerelâ€"17 61- 31111313 2 MBin ’t‘ injurcs none- renz e e 7 ._ 1 1 ‘ - - 7 t 1 11' over in England and down numbers of 7377777757757“ 7677 cm that we Me-harry, 37 J_ A. McLucas. Pulâ€" 7 77 Flannels washed With. gens, is surrounded on three sides by receive praising Na- Dru-Co Dyspepsia letâ€"1, G. Buller; 2, Mein Meharry; ‘ 7muskeg and tamarack swamp. On the Tablets, and the: is that then: tablets 3 Jean Baptie. north side flows the Saskatchewan certainly (10 C111"? any kind of stomach 7 _ 7 River So fine indeed are its pros« trouble. 7 f 7 S. C. White Legnorns.â€"â€"Cockâ€"1, T. ' Here is a t1 ica letter ‘\ ' . . 7, , 77,97,775 that lots on the main 7 street Eliza Armswori’llxay. Cans071730111 11153 7Trotter, 2, A. Empmngbam, 3, W. are Worth $260 per foot frontage and “It is with plc: sure I write to Inform gElliott. Henâ€"1 2 and 3, T. Trot- The KindiYou Havgéalways Bifuglbt’ andfln hich has been 7 111pwards. The Hudson‘s Bay Rail- 1:717:77 (171:1; ay?;70:77111)0171 77C: tD7xs7p7eps77ia ter. CookereIâ€"l, A. Empringham; 7 3:37:77; :ashed 0 ve ca; as orno .1 11' 1 . ‘ to r e o , . . re in use r 0 r 3 S, C Si... nature of 7-way connects with the C. N. R. to the me I tried rer 7.271} 37767 remedy but 2, T. Trotter, 3, A. Empringham. . pmsflva as I contains neither Opium, Morphine 1101: other Narcotic :information Queeniing. Surveyor Dyspepsia Tablets compounded bvtlic rian PUIletâ€"l Hayes Warrian; 1 snbst: nee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys “011mg 1hr"; I had 11““ka 1‘1 gettmg National Drug and Clicmjcal Co of sand 3,G.Mc()1e1-13nd -m~â€"~mm- w.“ ____._.___ Ann ,___. and allays Fev erishncss. For more than thirty wears it 7am ything dednite for some time, but i Canada, Limited, and sold throughout Black Orphino‘tonoâ€"COCkâ€"1 Mein 7 has been in constant use for the relief of Const; anion, j'at last a man pointed to a couple of 7 the DOmimOD at 5°C abox, 14.2 lMeh'arrV' 2 GT Bun , 3 J' ,7 ANNUAL SESSION DOMIP‘EGN ALL!AN(E FlatnlenC), \‘l ind Colic, all Teething Trout 1 1nd 7 Edog hams racin, by and told me .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€":â€":=-â€"â€"â€"-_â€"_-â€"-'Em 777:7â€77 ' ' u er’ ’ ' A‘ JC' y Durrhoca. It rCfIIIIQtCS tile Stomach and. Bowels, 7' :that they belonged to Mr. Berry. I and the worst of the trail we had Sp Cg] agpo-wn Leghorn“ _C0ck__1 assimilates the Food, giv ing' healthy and n9 .tural Sleep. The Children’ s Panaceaâ€"The Mother’s Friend. :at once looked up the teamsters and: left the other driver far behind and 7,11. arranged to start on our thirty: this brought me another experience. Hussey Corlcy, Henâ€"1 and 2 lmile trip at 7 30 a to Our 30 mile The teamster with me went back to ' GENUINE CAS I G R 3A ALWA Is itrip turned out to. be a 30 mile snow- help his mate, while I went ahethussey a: Lorley; 3, A. Empnngham ‘Cockerelâ€"l and 3, A. Empringham; B th S f {shoe tramp, and while I was rather ears e ignature o lgmn Istood the ordeal well UNDSAY SHOULD SEND DElEGAIION. The annual convention of the On» lines the plans which govern organ- tario branch of the Dorainion Al-g izcd temjerancc eï¬cr: in this pro- liance is called to meet in Massey E vince. Hall, Toronto, on Wednesday and! “The prefen: Provincial situation Thursday, Feb. 26th and 27th. The calls for more earnest thought and convention call issued by the execu- wise d'cision. Our position is strong- tive states: cr than ever before. Of the 5:35 mun'r “With gratitude to Almighty God cipalities, 488 are now dry. Of the. for the encouraging success that has 347 Still under “(39115", 125 have given attended our efforts in the year that a majority for I ocal l’rohii. ition. The has closed, and appreciation of the extender) of our ClllffzitiOI“; al pr opa- d Cordial co-operation of moral re- ganda by the (16-910! ment of our formers regardlegs of creel 01‘ parâ€" field day work has been most en- ty,11.hich cor tribe to 11 so cï¬ecï¬vely courzvrmz and the fact that both po- A. Empringbam; 1, Vickery Bros; 3, as 17Bros; 2 and 3, A. E‘mpringham. S. C. Buff Leghorns,â€"-Cock~â€"1, W. 12, Vickery Bros. Pulletâ€"1,Vickery { hitched u ‘ our ten do 3 and afterwards learned. I “mushed†on we p g Horc; 2, Vickery Bros; 3, R. H.‘ ‘told me that the trail led directlye 7started out to the north and cast 7 the dogs, cracked the whip, and away ~,~- ~v a. to camp with my team. The driver. 1 The next morning before sunrise into camp and it certainly did, across the Saskatchewan. The old we went, this time in the dark. I'SrSOhy' Henâ€"1 and 3, Vickery BIOS; )thermometer showed some 40 odd deâ€" 011mg to the guide rope as my only("'717171 A- Street, Cockerel.â€"â€"1 and 3, grces below and I had some difï¬-1l- hope, and stumbled after the dogslVlc'eI‘y Bros; 2. Wm. Hore. Pulletâ€" Th Kind Y H A1“, B0 t ty to keep my face from freezing but over knolls and holes; when withinil and 2, Vickery Bros; 3, R. A. e on ave a3’s “managed it SOmehow. The trail was about tWo hundred yards of camp my l Street {heavy and as we had big loads the dogs heard the camp dogs and startâ€" I Sâ€" C- Black chhorns. â€"-Henâ€"1 an '11 Use For Over 30 Years "going was slow. In the afternoon we ed at a terrific pace. How I ever 73, Vickery Bros; 2, Letts Hender- 11-1: csunun covenant-trauma“ weer. new roux cm. . ' _ ' t - u a 15011. Cockerelâ€"l and 2, Vic"er Bros. 7 7 7 7 7, 7 _ 7 7 7had to came a lot of our stuff in or made that last vso h ndred vane 11 .1. Y t) 7777 C77 07771777 777777777778 777,077 and 7777707 partiss 7777.777, 7,77,,777anfl 777,. an der to make camp that night. is a, mystery, but at last I was in P11 etâ€"-1 and 2 VICkeI'y BIOS th t t 7 d 77 . d t‘ (7.. nee in t .. 7, m7, 780,731,077 . . r.a- enrra .- as». g The ï¬rst part of our trail was [camp I brought in my team all right C Buff Leghorns ‘COCk"‘1 W- i e subs an la a vanc game as a ’ executive committee issues this call. means that we are on the eve of Still w S W re of it the were ‘A.S McLucasl Henâ€"1 and 2, J. A. ‘ . . a. . 1along the grading of the railway but but ere I a a a y Lven larger opportunities are before greater things. The present l’l‘OVln- 317377-77, a t the dogs,‘ McLucas. C cke clâ€"l . A. - N ii“ ELLE {T}; R FRQIVEC LE PAS; MANITOBA‘ the last and laIDCSt pai’t 0f it in amon St the ten S and 0 r E 0 r ' J MC us, and another vear calls every cial situation is fraught with 1 Ewas through spruce and tamarac and of all the racket lever heard, 7Lucas; 2, Letts Henderson. Pullet ir'end 77 777 777777 "to â€87,737, activ- crest 00.777qu a“ grace r1511 01151- I â€Swamp It was only the width of a we had it there for a few minutes. It7-â€"1, Letts Henderson; 2, J. Mo. it! D; 7770:1771aqtréi7707777g woo“ - 7.777;; 117773777777 .W,as 767777778 :7. ï¬rm When FROM FORM ER GLENARM RESIDEET ltobozgan, and the snow on each side icok some one who knew more about 7Lucas R. C. Brown Leghorns-«l, y a ‘ ' i “ ’ 7 -_ '. . U - ,,_ ,, ‘ U “11 ‘77 t t 7_ d th 'I did to strai hteri out 7 J A McLu 7 2 R A St t “Every church congregation 11:1 Onâ€" it was more necessmy for temper- _____.__________.. 7113,5301' 4 feet deep Ibou W0 m1 ogs an g ‘ ‘ ‘ cas, " ' ‘ rec ' tario, every Temperance Society, ev- ance workers to use their consecrated es from camp we crossed an open the mess. 7 lHenâ€"l, J. A. McLucas, Cockerelâ€" 't' . , 7, se se a d t fran‘rl and fur trader an eaSy Winner Both were! 7 1 7 _ ery body of 1:1 izens demrous- of -reeâ€" 7 .ommon n , n o . .. y 71mg, and the trail was completely At last I was well thawed out andll, J. A. McLucas. Pullet 1, J. A. in: our land from the 777,775 of inâ€" fearlessly, yet wisely and carefully7 of that class of men who have been - - ' - Z - 7 drifted in, SO that one Of the driv crawled into my sleeping bag, thor McLucas, 2’ R' A' Street. temperance is earnestly requested to formulate plans for the impending .34 verf. net resting letter receiv- 7 _ , practically all over the world, and ' d t c ri ' the . ‘ _. Li's. Donald Spence from her} .ers went ahead to break trail for oughly tired an no a ng in 1 s, (1~ Black M1norcas,â€"â€"Cock 17 appoint delegates to this gathering, struggle." =\- Spence. formerly of Glen' wetween was and ï¬cuon they draw ithe dogs Here cam my ï¬rst OPPOT- least that it was 40 "degrees 131310“ I Me‘in Meharry; 2. E- Metheren- wh'ch 's ow reco 128d 5 Ontario’s It 1’8 important that a representa- .::: at present on a government no lines. ltunity to handle a. dpg team. I took have now been at work a week and Henâ€"1, E. Metherell. Pulletâ€"â€"1, S. Prdvinéialn Parliamitiit ofaTemperance A‘tive ‘delegation of temperance work, in the neighborhood of Le We were due to change at Hudson's the driver 8 long whip, cracked in while the weather is cold, we man- Oliver. Workers. It unites all denominations ‘ are from Lindsay should attend the Bay Junction at about 3 a. m. but and yelled â€Mush, mush†and away age to keep fairly comfortable Orurl Blue Andalusiansâ€"Cockâ€"1,Letts and classes and agencies for consul- lconvention, as the deliberaticms will our prayers were answered and ouri went the dogs I clung to the guide cook is a gOOd one and that covers 318‘" Henderson Henâ€"1 and.“ D 1403311 tation, decision and action. It 1131* ideal with matters bearing on the si- WVW'W "J\ IM’W‘ .. In; Po". is in receipt of the fol- Di‘a? .‘Jo henâ€"I am sitting up as . wmwaâ€"mw. nan 1 v OJ-u. immune {nos-3 as gossible to the stove in our train was about 4 hours late, so rope of the toboggan and kept7 it multitude of sins. 3, Letts Henderson. Cookerelâ€"l resents and voices public opinion. It' tuation that exists in this munici- .~'1'.‘.-: rem, nmi devoting about half of I that we (ha “015 have to turn Ollt on the 'hard trail as well 3'3 13°55le9 Yours, and 2, D. Logan. Pulletâ€"l, 2 and 3 speaks with influence and authority. pahty as a result of the recent local 1:1; time to «1:101 111" in wood; most ml 7 3 to when we arrived at Hud- 731' the time we got through this bog W' A' SPENCE ID- Losmn- It luYs dowu the principles and out“ 0131011 V05?- BlaCk SpaniSh.~COCk"-1, D. Whit' W WWW 1113- 39711-1, 8- Oliver; 2 and 3, let; 27 D. Whiting cock, D. Whiting imale, T. J. Cole female; 2, T. J. 7D. Whltm‘g' Gockerelâ€"l, 8‘ Oliver. hen, S. Oliver cockerel, Husscy 7 Cole male, T. J . Cole female; 3, Cul- Ipunetfl.’ 13' Whiting; 2’ 8‘ Oliver; 3' Curley pulle‘b; 3, 8. Oliver hen, D. [118 Lean male, Cums 3‘ L63“ ‘9' D. Whiting. 7‘ male. Whiring pullet. W. C. Black Polands.â€"Oockâ€"l, S. -â€" IOliver. Henâ€"1, R. H. Crosby; 2. S. Partridge Rocksâ€"1. 3- A- Street! Any other variety Of turkeys 1 of 11:: are tirr e here is profitably ; 5011 Bay' Junction. We were due \[1 sp n: in keeping on a fire. Today, 7 leave here at 3.30 a. In. so we sauOn-g T 7P0ULTRY SHOW 77 7, 75 77777777 warm, not be- tered up town and hah breakfast. 037 .1. 7-; than about 20 degrees 207.7,! returning to the train we were lformcd that the train would not‘ ,7. , out I was obliged to i leave until 3 p. 111., so we started in’i 1 .13-†d ys in Winnipeg, tWo Of 7 to do the prosperous and progress, ve7 L tt P‘ d 7 Lett _ . 1 « - .e erso m e, s '1 ‘1 "° mt as 835“? â€a“ 1i town Of Huason Bay Junmon’ W85 391ԠW111 be found the 1151: of the pringham. w 77777.7 77 C 1â€"1 Oliver. Pulletâ€"l 8. Oliver. cocv R. A. Street nen, R. A. Street £8773?“ 7777:3773; 1131 n.1,. male '-.- m. t if the C.I’.R. coulil P113 in the time 80m:10W.tlle Elaicelpiize- Winners at the1 LindSay Pet: V 871771“? 1;:“717 3:; Oles‘d :3 Jas 7 Golden Polandsâ€"Cockâ€"l and 2 S7CO'CLer31, R. A. Street pullet; 2, R. 17,1. J L507“ 727777877; ’ M ' ‘“ - ' 1:31:12 to make an"thing *5 wont the 51719 01 enarm 8“ 0' . Stock and P0111“? S 0“ ' 1° erv 03' nâ€" an lOliver. He â€"1 . A Street hen, R. A Street ullet. l ' ' ' ' ’ ‘ Baptie; 3, Vickery Buos.Coclierelâ€"1,L and 2 S 01““ p : Rabbitsâ€"1, Wm. Elliott male; 2, Cockarelâ€"l, 2 and 3, B. Oliver p111- male, T. J. Cole female;‘7 -, F. Head . time. I left the “Fog†cated in a spruce and tamaracf Light Brahmaâ€"Cockâ€"l. 37 013179117 letâ€"1, 2 and 3, S. Oliver. male, E. Metherell female; 3, S. 011 - 7 .' ‘ . - 7 l ' o. n.7,. 10. 20 a m a,,_7177S\1va.m:1; it looked to me as if the 72 Mein Meharry; 3 J, A Medan-7 7 'Wm. E11101t, male. l Carrier Pigeonsâ€"l, Letts 6: Hen- W. Glasspel; 2, A. Stockdale; 3, Vick- ery Bros. Palletâ€"l and 3, Jas. Bap-. conductor night pull in to the sta- « 1a.: on Thursrla‘.’ 3:1: Silver Pol 11d â€"-C 11â€"1 11 2 Ver female- , 77 , icas Henâ€"1. s. Oliver;9 ., Mein Meâ€" . _ V-ck r s a S- 06 an . S, 1 , . 7 .7 , ,7 x: (11;: of the seven Pullâ€" 7 tip'1 ome (13} to find that the town Sharry. 3 J A McLucas. Cookere'lâ€" 7t1e1, 2. 1 e Y Bro -_ t k 1 Oliver. Henâ€"1 and 27 F. Oliver. Pul- Eln'cdsyl Geese ._ 17 E. Bietherell 7derson mane, Letts .len1.e.-o:i fe- -2 .77.,†7, 7M 7,7 Le .7, q. was Wiped 05 the map, drowned in Golden-laced Wyarmot es â€" Coo â€" 7 7 7 E M t' ll . , male ' “ noâ€... 0 â€"3 - :,1 n H Crosby 2, 8. Oliver; 3, J.1 J H 7 7, B t, letâ€"1, 8. Oliver. 11.a-e, -- e mere remaaea 1‘ a. trim We were a : the swamp. l ‘ . and 2 R 0"†“' 33' a? ‘9' 1.1 H r1 ._ 1 African Geese â€" 1 A. Stoclidale 1 Fantail Pigeons â€" 1 Art Carew ' ' ; ’A. McLucaSL Pulletâ€"l, R. H. Crosby; H 1 J R. H 2 Jas Ba. tie {Bloc amourgswâ€"Cocl. 1, Jas. 1 7 » 1 ttv'fe was the everi it IaSt W9 Pulled out for Le Pas, ‘ . 1 enâ€" ' ' ope, ' ' p ' .B 1 0 Bowen Ducksâ€"1,131: Broad male, unale Art Caz-9.1 fer: le. l 7 2 S, OhVCI‘, 3 J. A. MCLUCELS. 1 C 1- 1‘ 1___1 Jas Ba t:e. 2 F R 81131145-, - A- NICLUCZIS,° u, D. Whlt- 1 ’ . yr ~:;; down east 0. 3 what the real estate men call the: . " 'Oc‘w e ’ ' ' p ‘ ’ ’ ' ‘ v _ 1 Dr. Broad female. l H '11 13"†“"-1 I ""tSé» ' Hender- ' l - ‘ Dark Brahmaâ€"C'ockâ€"l 8 Oliver H e- 3 D Whitinpuilet_1 J33 i0.-.~ Hen 1, D Whiting 2, Jas. Bap- 7 o...er l,CO..S , ---- - 72V» 7- «’13 agent for 3 i Winnipea 0f the north. In due time; ' ‘ ' op g ‘ '. . ' __ Bowen Ducks 1312 -â€" 1,11‘. Head, c a 11 P .1 ct term: ~ 1) R ‘ 1 a ‘2, F. Lowe Hen Cockerel and P111- 1? tie J. R. Hope; D Whiting tie PUAICt 1. Jas, Baptie; 2, D- ’ on ma '1 " " r1- ‘ â€â€œ ‘1 “’ ' , 3111:? good naturâ€"' are arrived at the 111310115 Le Pas i ' ' 1 . ‘ 7- ap ’ 2’ . . ' 1111111111 1 ‘ male, Dr. Broad female; 3, F- Had 2.1. Street male, R. A. Strac t female. n7 0 11 t7,†Tt 1's “7,077. the si e of Cambray 011-7 3â€"â€"let 1,2 and 3, S. Oliver. IBSDECEWE' 3 White Wyandottesâ€"l, A. Everson; 7 g. 77 male 7 ‘ ““1 ’ “n ‘ ' ‘ W ' 52, J. R. Hope; 3 Hayes Warrian, Silver s. Hamburgs.â€"â€"Cockâ€"1, J. L“ 1 Po t r 1 iZCOI‘Srâ€"‘i. -er Care‘1‘é'm316~ "-" 1'1‘ " 1 . - s 411171: out to Ore". Art Carew fez na'; 0. ; and last of all '1: s:~...ati1.'e of the en- ,l [V very much scattered, and as therel y. B .. , leg-i n Ducksâ€"4 T J Cole male ’11! 7 meme. Henâ€"C ckerel an 1 â€"â€" are no hoteis I had to hunt up 9,( Bull Cochinâ€"Cockâ€"l, J- A. McLuâ€" Henâ€"1, J. R. Hope; 2, A. Eve1';son 0 11 Pdllet J Cole 777777737879 7-77 E Wo 77377.7 2737777 _ 1 and 2, J s. t 1 u .. 5 _ . . boarding house. This, however, W325 cas Henâ€"1, J. A. McLucas. Cockerel 3, J. R. Hope. Corkerel 1 and 2, J. Golden SaH 13:17:) 1e, regpecktively. Pckiu Ducks 1912â€"1‘ J Cole, male 7 T m‘nle rPigeon l G. Mainder 1, J. A. McLucas; 2, Hayes War- R. Hope; 3, A. Evcrson. Pullet â€"- 1 am urgs.â€" oc â€"â€" 1 J. E. Metherell 7977777787,, 777 E. 27778777877971 1.:a137 G -..aunde. female, 27 Art Ca- »;i-nz, no 'self. not very dif‘iicrlt, and as there are: -- 77 RT and She c0ntractorlt‘c Veral restaurants, I soon had aiuIl rian; 3, R. H. Crosby. Palletâ€"1, J. 7'.J R. Hope; 2, C. Hardy; 3, A. Ev-7§ap:1e. l He..â€"1, 2 anh 3.. J- 7Bapt1e. male, J, A. McLucas female; 3 J7 A. .rew male. . another as to who stoniarh, and felt prepared to late IA MCLUCW; 2 R H Crosby 7 ,erson. 7 I :0 ere *1 and 2' Jas. Baptia. Pulâ€" McLuCas male, S. Oliver female. ‘ JaCObiIE Pigeonsâ€"1, F- Lowe male, pest warns, with the my 30 mile trip to camp. There are White COChlnS“H‘~‘nâ€"1 S Dimer. i Buï¬ Wyandottesâ€"CDDKâ€"l, R’ H“ [le .71" 2 and °’ Jas. Bapme. Aylesbury1 L'uc‘ s â€" 1, T. J Cole 8. Oliver female; 2, G. Maunder male, ~ Cockerelâ€"l, S. Oliver; 2, R. H. Crosby. Saver 13- Hamburgs.â€"Gockâ€"â€" 1, 13- male ’G. Maunder female. -..-___ “WWâ€â€" Crosby Pulletâ€"l 8.011ver;2.B H i Columbian Wyandot‘teSrâ€"H‘enâ€"l and H- CrOSbY- Henâ€"1. R. H. Crosby; 7,7,77,87,71,.7, Duds 1912_1 T_ J_ Trimmersâ€"1 Art Camw role, an, arm, 52, J. 0 Mark. Cockei'éi - 1, J. c- 2,, s Oliver. Cockerelâ€"l, s. Oliver. 0073 male T7 J7 C0773 £7,777,777, came, female7 Partridge Cochinsâ€"Cockâ€"l, R. H. 7Mark. Pullet â€" 1, 2 and 3, J. C. P1111994: 8- Oliver. 'Indian gunner Ducks i912__17 E. t Owls,-1, G. Maunder, female- 1 ° CNS“? 1 an“ 3 S Oliver' Hen ’éMark . gown P‘ Ham‘burgs'40" ‘1 S Woouard male, 1,2, 2, E. Woollard, _ 1, J. A. McLucas; 2 and 3, S. Oliver. Partridge Wyandot‘tesâ€"Cock -â€"â€" 1 A. Oliver. Henâ€"1 and 2, S. Oliver. female 7{ cumin (“mull Rem, S 37. ICoekerelâ€"l and 2 Oliver13 J77 A Cameron; 2. E Street}, W- Elliott, Cockerelâ€"l,‘ S. Olivee.‘Pnllet-â€"â€"1 and McL-ucas. Pulletâ€"l, 8. Oliver; 2. J. Henâ€"1 and 2. R- A- Street: 72. A- 2, s. miver. 7 A. McLucas; 37 37 011v“, Cameron. Cockerelâ€"l, Hayes at War- 7 P yie Game B antamsâ€"l G Buller Black Langshansâ€"Cockâ€"L Chas. rial; 2, A. Cameron; 3 W. Elliott, v 9 ' 1 Muscovy Ducks, 1.12â€"1 S. Oliver, Captain ('ranwell is home agaigr female. [from Toronto, where he spe - a week Toulouse Geese, 1912â€"1, S. Olive: 7 and during that time hean 7/071? COCk 3- Buller hen, 3- Oliver cooker male, A. Stockdale female; 2, A. {mander Eva Booth of the U A The I-I-h La. " ; :. I am very grateful to you Varicose Veins on both sidesâ€"pimples: 1 1 5323;} never forget the £31: or your on the face, etc. After two 171031115 â€"1, R. H. Crosby, 2, 0. Stone; 3, S. 7V1ck¢ry Bros; 2 G90 Moore. Henâ€"l Silver Sebright Bantamsâ€"1, Hussey A Stockdalg male A Stockdale {3 «I -~ - 1;. as vamcosn vms comm. . _ 7. 777,77 comm 031.11. BLOOD DIS B. on†N07 16888 symptoms when he Stone. Henâ€"1, '1‘. J7 Cole; 2 and 37 Punet 1, Hayes Warrian; 2, A. 7,} G Builer pullet, 2 G Buller Stock dale male, A. Stockdale female 7C3 7737 77510077771 wen nd scome 1 3'3 13 1 Patient No. 1647i “The mt! are all started treatment :â€"Age 21,s1ng1e.1n- 0 Stone ‘Cockerelâ€"l R H Crosby, Cameron; 3, R. A. Street cock, G. Bun“. cockerel; 37 S. Oliver AfriCan Geese, 1912_1 A Stockâ€" 7 D n g a 7 3 .- . ~ 7:. n my legs and arms and I feel (vulzed in immoral habits s veral years 2 C Stone; 2 R H Crosby Pallet S C 3110116 Island Reds â€"-Cock-1, cock dale male 2 A. Stockdale female; 2713:: 11:3:th :nSplrid, enthu7 7- anew, 5 an m 1115 as s rong a c mun- ,j ' If - 7 . 7 ,. Y can treatment he writes as iollowszâ€"“Your 7 7 W I: d w. . 1 2:33.331?,;°’;:cf§m§’;§di,g°“,, to “leldcotme lens-7101 i131; gigginiwxgay 5. Oliver. {1, A. WV. E1211; 2, Geo. Moore, 3, Vicâ€"l Corley cask, Hussey Carley hen, male. $3770“ t: ï¬gélt cn and se e to to , : , _ “‘17,: ‘ 7 a 0 say a n " . __ . , en .â€" am. 1 .7 sage...er.Tga§Sn§o:Â¥futgn$t 1:71:72 lin Vajdoofse Ve17ns havgncompéeigiy 1119- Silver Grey Dorkimsâ€"Cockâ€"l, z ‘kery Bros. Cookerel 1, A. W. Eek, Huggey g; Corley cockerel, Huseey Bronze Turkeys __ 17 '1‘. J7 001737 e u ., . 5"3. ’ ut aw an seems ' __ - ' - 1 . . " - 2pm.; 7Ioi-“1377‘keh777r7777r cam ted 777773 and 3. 0111118 Lean. Hen 1, R. H. 2. Geo. Moore, 3, A. W. Eek, Pullet Carley pullet, 2, 13. Whiting cock, D. male, T. J. Cole female; 2, Cullis Children 0... A. tired. I have no desire for that habit Crosby; 2, Cullis Lean; 3, Jas -â€"1 and 2, A. W. Eek; 3. Gen. Moore Whiting hen; 3, S. Oliver hen. Lean male T. J. Cole female' 3 Cul- \. *1 m r w EB 7RD m}: h\ h ; . D 9 9 â€Y5 .170 3‘0‘\*“‘3 C “hammer and it I may like this w C .5. ‘Baptie. Cookerelâ€"l, B. Ohver; 2 and R. 0.. .Rhode Island Redsâ€"C‘ockâ€"l Golden Sebright Bantams â€" 1, D. lus Lean female. FOR FLETCHER'S Bronze Turkeys, 1912â€"1, T. J. Cole C A S T 0' R A I have every reason to believe I will. )..A: ‘ - ,' 0‘! In? ' . I 1 ‘me 0 o v 3 ...ent Bo. 16.6.). Age -3. S.....le. Thanking you for your kind attention." 3’ Cullis Lean. Full 7 1 and 27 A. W. 5771:7727 P. Conquer 7 Hen 7 ltlng cock, D. Whltlng hen, S. mum‘s†. t. a 1 111 .‘,,..‘7., - 1, 1i in immoral hails 4 yearS. 71270- etc. 0121 ' 1 it: urin ' I!‘ at 3â€". At- -' Lea " - W ’ - ' » .».- ‘(eznse (Emilia; 111131111. pain: in cam-:11 14 rorxnsnr 0x15: 110311111. Cums 7 n, 3:1 V" _ l â€" 011V“ cockerel. 3. S. 011%? cock. S. _.___.______ . .__. __ wax sexually. He WriteS' â€"--‘1 Patient No.13522. This patient (aged = Colored DorkmgSâ€"‘CocL-l. J83. ecoooooooouno-ooooooo Ollver hen. Buï¬ Cochin Bantamsâ€"1, Lotte " 3 ur letter of recent date .211 58) had a chronic case of Nervous Deâ€" '1 - 1 am p: . Qsed to say that a’tf’r ,ilit, and Sexual Wes... ness and was run Baptie. Hen. Cookerel and Pulletâ€"l, IIIIIIIIIIII'lllllllllljl‘III-rllq fl . 1 months treatment I “011111 down in vigor and vitality. After one . 2 and 3 718757 Baptié respectively. If Henderson hen Letts Henderson 8 h N Y I! 7 7,, W77 6 , I ., , h t a 201- , - 1 on have an hotos - . eginï¬t e ew ear ari t b oin to 31 T.“ {iofsigngwoz taggireconifng ‘ Eiliï¬fi‘iï¬â€˜i’gï¬i‘na 3671;113:777: 181:7": Barred Plymouth Rocksâ€"Cock â€"- 1. y ~ y P cockerel; 2, 8. Oliver cock, F. Lowe g‘ y g g :._. year). game pounes '1 one men so 1 77 F Head' 2 Hayes Warrian° 3 F. h 7 3 L tt H d k' S I will h3\e to congratulate you.’ Later - 1 , 1 , iou want 61113! ed en, , e 8 en ersou coo , . J : 11011-1.» SEEMS nrrrnnnx'r. 59:13,?" “33323312: $055,155,733}: Head. Henâ€"1, 2 and 3, F. Head. 3 g 01m, hem UV ARREN S PIANO S I ORE Cockerelâ€"l, A. Empringham; 2, F. White Cochin Bantamsâ€"1, S.- Oli- getting better every weel'. †His last re- come in and talk it 59. 3'. ‘3".".‘ No. 1-5923. "1 have not had _ cm. 3.7 â€".- I 1 m 5-, 7 . . . . 7 " ' ,..~ Emission I 0-3-11 line-1" When {33? lam-11101112: $211,115.21 11%;. 1171 11 Head; 3, A. Empnngham. Pullet â€"~ ver cock, and also hen, Letts Henâ€" and making your chozce of what it Will be " diï¬s fine. The “'0 5- seems I; t e:, I thought a. one time I 7 , - - 7 â€E" 1'- different to me and I thank wcgï¬d ‘iacger be cured but I put eon- 1 2 and 3’ F’ Head. over With 115- _de-rson COCLerel’ Letfs Henderson s1 , . «7:..actmg me to you. You have ï¬dence in you from the start and you White Plymouth Rocksâ€"Cock -â€"- 1, pullet., A Beautiful Player Piano and in what $17k? 1 an honest doctor with me.†have cured me.†Black Cochin Bantamsâ€"1, Letts Henderson cock, Letts Henderson hen. S. Oliver cockerel, Letts Hen- derson pullet; 2, Letts Henderson cock, Letts 71 Hendersori hen, Letts Henderson cockerel, Letts Hen- derson pull-at; 3, Letts Henderson cocv, Letts Henderson hen, Lotta Henderson cocke'rel, Letts 7 Hen- derson pullet. A. Empringham; 2, T. Trotter; 3, W. Elliott. Henâ€"1 and 2, T. Trotter; 3, 7 . ,7,_ . £7,735 and ul D'-~ _ A. Empringham.Coc1§erelâ€"1,A. Edi-7 :« 11:31:77 (3112:? ‘5’ KIDNEY AND 15 JAR ab “"7â€" .1 pringham; 2 and 3, T. Trotter. Pul- 7 7 7ONS' 'TATZON FREE. BOOKSFREE. Unable to call write for a Que-121.3111 letâ€"1 and 3 T Trotter 2 A Em- w-‘iiii 5:? home '1" reatmcnt. r»; ' ipringham. n mmmmwmbeaadmua {com-Cam .7. «at . WNQT REE adian CommndmoDevmen* 03 “HOW" Buï¬ Plymouth Rocksâ€"Cockâ€"l and O 2, Mein Meharry; 3, A. Empringâ€" 7 gammy KENNEDY. 1111117135612. our. ' ' ham. Henâ€"1, E. Methereny, 2, Vick- ,1. “@313 Raga I ' ery Bros.; 3, Main Meharry. Cock- Cor. l‘v‘lie big-an Ave. and Griswold St..77 ere1â€"1.Mein Meharrv; .2 and 3. A Black Rose Comb Bantamsâ€"1,Hus- ’ . 1 ,7 . mat... . . .._'c Empringham.P1flletâ€"1, A. Empringe sey Corley cock, D. Whiting hen, ham; 2, Mein at Mehsrry. 8. A. 3111- oooooooooeoooooooooooe D. Whiting cockerel, D. Whiting pul- - i ' z r 'Ei‘iï¬a’fi’éka’ ‘c 3‘1‘25155121353731‘3131115" GURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY '7'. ,,. 1-.., 2...; cu... vmcoss vsztzs. unveils 11135111111111.3109!) an: :17 ' § i A First Class Organ and in what CBSCd - ad 1.r:ce.t A Victor Victrola and large range of records? % i t Your choice of 4 Best Makes Sewing Machines, and at very Right Piices and crrns of payment when neces- sary 00.0.1060. OOOOOOOOOOOQO THE L EE STUDIO over Gregory's Drug Store O _ ’ William- st... Lindsav. Opp. WARREN S P'AN" SIURE lhomas Automobile Gare ge Box 217. Phone 131L MMWH+W+44HS “41¢ v+++§+++§ §++H§+§¢ 0 0.00000 OOOOOOOOOCOCOOOCOOOOO. i A High Grade Piano and in wh- t n: ake and stvle? OQOOOO. l . arm,- .;;..~ 7 . is»... â€Jim. 1...,7; «“1. .s