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Lindsay Post (1907), 31 Jan 1913, p. 8

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fi- PAGE EIGHT. mm at the home of Mr J Vanstone. SAVE THE BABY Baby's Own Tablets are the one safe medicine to make baby well and keep him well. They are guaranteed by a governâ€" ment analyst to be free from all injurious drugs and are ab- solutely safe to give even to the newborn babe. Concerning them Mrs. Oscar Bedard, Manâ€" seau, Que., writeszâ€"“I have used Baby’s Own Tablets and have to thank them that my little one is living toâ€"day, I know of nothing to equal them as a children's medicine.” The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockv'ille, Ont. HARTLEY (Special to The Post.) 'A very successful basket social and loyalty and high regard for Miss E1- entertainment under the auspices of ford, who had b-een‘the eve-r faithful L.0.L. No. 1153 was held here in the and efficient organist of the choir Miss section hall on Thursday night, Jan. 23. Despite the precarious condition of the weather, the attendance was large, many being present from out- side points. Bros. Wm. Thornbury, P.C.M., and Wm. Warren, C. M., of the Orange Association of Victoria. County, assisted materially towards the success of the program, the forâ€" mer acting very efficiently in the caâ€" pacity of chairman, the latter giv- ing an address relative to a cw of the high ideals set forth in the Orâ€" ange constitotion. Two members of the fraternity gave addresses. Bro. Armstrong of Orillia, described brief- ly, though clearly, the conditions of insurance in the society, while Bro. .Wm. Manning, P.D.M., of Hartley, in an eloquent address depicted the trend of growing tendencies in Can- ada and elsewhere. at the same time quoting figures to show the fast growth of the Orange society in the past two or three years. The .: usi- cal part of the program was conâ€" tributed by the Misses Thornbury of Lindsay, W. Hewie of Lindsay, Messrs S. McKinnon and Carmichael of Cam- bray, Mr. C. Moynes, of Islay, and others. The selections were all high class and were indeed very pleasing to an attentive and appreciative au- dience. Mr. Hewie is a comedian of professionaf ability, and he justly merited the praises he received. His rendering of “The wedding of Sandy McNabb,” was particularly popular with his hearers. Bro. Hewie also auctioned the baskets successfully, and they sold at fairly high prices. At the commencement of the pro- gram Bro. R. Spence, W.M., stated his belief that a Hartley audience was ever an orderly one, and at the close he stated that he had no occa- sion to renounce his expressed con- victiOns in that regard. Marriedâ€"On Wednesday, 'Jan. i2, Mr. Wm. Campbell, of Hartley, to Miss 8. Montgomery, of- Gamebridge. .We extend our congratulations. For several days past the juveniles have been enjoying themselves on the beaver east of the village. The skat- ing has been excellent. The interest in the work of the “Miners’ ” adult bible class continues to grow. Last Sabbath the attend- ance was twenty-three. Miss Pearl McFadyen, of Manse Grove, visited friends in this vicinity last week. Mr. J. Pollard of Lindsay called on friends on Sunday. Mr. Duncan Smith and his sister, Miss Mary Smith, of Manse Grove, visited Hartley friends. on Friday. Miss Christie Nicholson spent :‘un- day at her home in Palestine. Mrs Connor is at present visiting SALE, FEB. lst, 1913 Extensive Credit Sale â€"...â€"- 15 Horses workers and drivers 30 First class cows all in calf 30 Young cows all guaranteed. 40 Head young cattle rising 2. 10 Head young cattle steers rising. 3. 80 Head cattle all kinds. 3 Months credit on young cattle. 4 Months credit on cows. 30 Horse blankets got to be 301de1 2 New cutters got to be sold. 5 Sett single harness new. 12 New leather halters extra good. 1 New monarch robe large size. 2 Yearling grade bulls extra good. 30 Holstein and Ayrshire cows. 4 Months credit on all cows. 6 Second hand halters. 1 Second hand cutter any price. 24 Cans condition powder. TERMS OF SALE. 60 days on horses, four months on cows, three months on young cattle on approved joint notes, on all sums over $20, under that amount cash, a discount at rate of 7 per cent per annum allowed for cash on credit ambunts. W. A. Fanning Prop. G. Jackson Auct. ,ns 1.0: .4 mum's“...me W" Thursday for a few days. after an ab- Mr. and Mrs. Angus Moynes, of sence of some weeks at his brick Russell, Man visited Mr. and Mrs. plant at Milton. R. Spence last week. Mr. Alex. Ross of Lindsay in town Miss Katie McMillan is visiting her on Thursday- . friend, Miss Mina. McFadyen. Miss Margaret Shields, of Victoria Smith and Miss Bessie Road, in town on Thursday. Mr. J. Smith drove to Lindsay on Satur- Mr. T'. A. Wilson in Kirkfield a. few day. days last week. Mrs. Starr, of Toronto, addressed the ladies of the W.C L..T U. on Thurs- Mr. A. Spence held a successful and well attended wood bee on Friday. Mr. W. A. Bark-er attended the play day last at 3 p. m. in the PreSby’cerâ€" entitled “The School Ma’am” held ian church- at Woodville last Friday night. Mr. Charlie Cowan, of Toronto, at Our congratulations to Mr. John 'home last Thursday. Brown, of the 8th concession. The TWO sleighloads of sixteen each, be- sides numerous single rigs of young people, journeyed to Woodville on Friday evening last to see the drama presented by the young people of that town, entitled, “The Village School Ma‘am.” The band organ for the rink arrived on Thursday last, will be placed as soon as the motor arrives. The opening night will take place this week. Mr. J. A. Fitzsimmons, of say, in town on Sunday. Word was received in town week of the death\.at Cabri, Sask, of Nellie Gillespie, daughter of John Gillespie Cabri Sask stork presented him with a baby boy last Thursday. Last Fri-day night was the occasion of a very pleasant social evening held at the home of Mr. Wm. Elford when the members of the Epworth League and the “Miners" adult bible class of the Methodist church assembled to share in the enjoyment of a happy time together. The occasion was one of a dual nature, for the congregaâ€" tion as a whole thought this would be an opportune time to show their skating and Lind- last for several years. Consequently the assemblage was a large one. At th commencement of the program of th 5,,” of this town. evening, our pastor, Rev. W‘ R‘ Ar Messrs. Lyman Faed of Sunderland cher conducted a short service, his and Austiul‘aed of Toronto remarks being laid upon the word “others.” It was a stirring appeal for entire self resignation and the devotion ofcur talents to help those with whom we come in contact. At death of his youngest daughter, An- the, conclusiOn of this part of the nie Jane aged 15 years on Sun- program Mr. Archer called upon Mr. day last The deceased has been in A. H. Campbell, who read the fol- poor health for some time She lowing address to Miss Kate Elford, leaves a mother- and father, two sis- while Mrs. W. Maxwell presented her at“, and two brothers to mourn ter With a nurse 0f twenty dollars: loss. The funeral took place on Tues- Dean Miss Elford, â€"We, your friends day afternoon at 230 p_ m. to Ce- of the Hartley Methodist church have darv ale cewmetery gathered here tonight to do You hon“ Miss Stella WestCOtt is visiting T0- or. We desire to express our appre- ronto friends this week. Ciati‘m Of your services as organi Messrs. Dr. Henderson and Dr. J. at Hartley, also the good will of one Barker, in Toronto on Monday. and all to you. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibbs, in, are You have at much inconvenience visiting friends in St. Thomas this put the choir work before your ow pleasure, and we realize that with you every phase of your Master’s work stands first. Not as adequate payment, but as a token of our esteem, we beg that you will accept this purse in the spirit in which it is presented and given. We rejoice also in that you are not leaving us, and trust yau may long be spared to dwell in the love and esteem of Hartley people. Signed on behalf of the congrega- tion, W. R. Archerm J. C. McFadyen Though this Came as a complete surprise to Miss Elford, she replied in a few fitly chosen words, and thanked the congregation and choir for their good will. During the remainder of the even- ing “detective” was played, and charades were acted. Misses Ella, and Minnie Campbell were chosen as cap- tains, and throughout the contests there was constantly a keen race for the ascendancy. It was admitted, however, by all present that one of the words chosen for the charades WgS very “intricate” and well acted. At the conclusion of the games a dainty luncheon was served, and af- ter tendering a hearty vote of thank to the hosts and hostess the gatherâ€" ing dispersed. fii CANNINGTON (Special to the Post.l Miss; Clara Brandon spent last week with friends in Toronto. Rev. A. C. Cummer in Beaverton Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turner of Pe- niel, in town on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Malcolm Gillespie, of Minneâ€" sota, who has been visiting Mrs., M. â€"Gillespie and Mrs». St. John the last few. weeks, returned to his home on Wednesday last. Mr. Chas. Junkin in Toronto on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Less Cliff in Toronto a days this week. Mr. R. L. Corle-tt of Toronto, in town on Wednesday.- . Messrs. David Francis and Jos. A. Kift in Toronto last week. The Ladies’ Guild of Knox church will hold their usual Irish evening on March 17th. Messrs. Walter Payne and Wm. Huller left for Toronto on Saturday morning, where they have accepted situations. Brock'Lodge, A.F. A.M. No. 354, Cannington, partook of an» oyster supper in the Bennett house after their usual business meeting on Wed- nesday evening last, it being the oc- casion of a visit of the D.G.M., Bro. G. W. Davidson, of Unionville. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Purvis, Cam- eron street west, entertained the board of directors of Brock creamer-y on Thursday evening last. An enjoy- able evening was spent in cards and music. Messrs, R. J. McKenzie and Mr. McLeod of Winnipeg were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cowan, “The Maples," on Wednesday and Thurs- day last. Map .. C. Brandon arrived home on spent Sunday with their mother in town. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sproule of the 13th con. oi the Brock will regret to hear of week. Dr. Brandon, of North Bay, and Miss Eileen Brandon of North Bay are at home this week. Miss Lizzie Groogan returned from a visit to Toronto on MOnday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wilson enter- tained the married people of the town on Monday evening. An enjoy- able evening was spent in cards and dancing. Two rinks of cu lers journeyed to Lindsay on Tuesday to enter into the contest in that town for the District Cup. Mr. Wilson Kennedy who has been in Toronto General Hospital for treatment the last week, had one of his limbs amputated on Monday af- ternoon last. On going to press he was doing favorably. Miss Norma Edwards returned cn Saturday after a two weeks’ visit with her sister, Mrs. Martin, Tor- onto. Mrs. Genney has purchased the house in the west end belonging to Mrs. F. Burgess, and is moving in ISLAY (Special to the Poem ' Mr. Dan Tolmie, of Alberta arrived at the parental home on Tuesday of last week, and will spend the remainâ€" der of the winter in this district. His many frienhs are pleased to see him. Mr. Jas. Wells of Cambray was threshing clover in this district last week. Miss Mamie Naylor was visiting Miss Minnie Campbell of Hartley dur- ing last week. We understand Mr. Edgar Oliver has rented his farm to Mr. Sam Worsley of Zion vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver intend to go West in the spring. Carmichael Bros. of Cannington, have been pressing hay in this dis- trict during the past couple of weeks. Mr- T. McAllister, of Ops and Mr. Willie Robertson of Lindsay recently paid a short visit at the home ‘ol Mrs. Currins. Mr. Neil McEachern and his bride (nee Miss Mary McEachern) of El- don Station, were the guests of Miss Maggie McMillan on Thursday of last l week. They have since left for their future home at Islay, Alberta. Mr. McEachern’s friends of this district extend congratulations. VICTORIA (:00an ORANGE LODGE The annual meeting of Victoria County Orange Lodge will be' held, as per constitution, on Tuesday, the 4th day of February. Lodge will open at 10 o’clock a. m. sharp in the lodge room, Adams block, when the usual county business will be con- ducted and officers elected. A good attendance from throughout thei county is requested. John Kelly, 00.] M 5 ”w few EFI' '.-FI 5i '.-fi 5 M 5 ET 5% 5% 3i 5% handsome. of Mrs. M. Glues... 5 $ 55 E h? 59 5% 5 59 5 5 5% fi he as he 5s as as he a; tin is as 5% pa sh s12 ls sâ€" so 5s 5s 5s as as as as THE LINDSAY POS’l. EEHiHiEfih‘iHiEfiEfiEfiHiEfiEfiEfitfiH-ifififlifliflifib‘iH-EEE LINDSAY ADVANCEMENT t Wednesday, LINDSAY, FRED ‘13 Thursday, Friday, Secured” 3;): ._ V. '7 U! The Success of Last Year’s Event was so Encouragine 4 hays of \ I‘m. . . 4,. ., ’ I ml. that the Adnanoement Club Decided to Make lit lutdoor Enjoyment ior Everybody. {Zane FARES ell GER. and can From any point within 80 miles of Lindsay, good commencing p 1:: trains Tuesday. llth, and all trains of 12th, 13th; 14th and 15th. and returning all trains Monday, 17th February. This gives you the privilege of spending the week end in town. - . wl-mVfl‘l l l l l I G mm PARABE h .1. At 1.30 Headed by the 45th Bat. (Lindsay Citizens’) Bend After Which a Big Program of Sports will be held on Kent Stl‘ee NO ENTRANCE FEE. I. SPECIAL EVENTS for EACH D .51 Y Including Prizes for the best Single Turnout, Double Turnout, and Heavy, EXHTBITION RUNS DAILY BY LINDSAY FERE Benji Splendid Cash Prizes for all Events will beEPaid and No Entrance Fee is Chargci’ In --. that Each Competition Should Have Many En! rigs. Our Good Friend Prof. Joke Klllcopcote W1ll be Here Wits His Eclebmted Rube Boa-eel and W1ll Want to See You. THE LINDSAY ADVANCEMEiT Ci???” Allan Gillies, President. “MADE-INLINDS AT” EXEIBTTEQ 1‘ THE TOTE/N lllfiiiuaADTTTSSTQN 3;... Here will be shown the best products of Lindsay’s manufacturer: every one of whom are putting Iorth a big effort to make th: s by . n -A ,. (Lily ,(18 \\ JVK' r and better than ever. This should be interesting to every vlSItor here. i 4. l UNDER THE AUSPICES OF ‘7“ P. J. Bleen, Program Director. Felix Forbert, ".mnn- 'er Secretary. TIE?“'1EI€E :‘am W“ W“, W $555555Efiflifififlififlilfiflfififlilfiflififififibfifih‘ifi 3‘2- ““9“ ,1 st ..,, HJIITATJF’I. H- REY?!” 4133/57. “as r1“ 1. fi’v‘w a . r T." 1.1!! "1" N A. It‘s, \. l! 1' hi "' M" WW1!- "‘fifllmflmmkkfiflflâ€"mmtfilflmandmwsamfinlfiflfi Malâ€"1:: '”W§~E:__ it"; ‘I ,. st 3

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