. {'1 U' in ,4 v‘ur": ITI-IE L Our Sixty Eghth Year I l TERRORO Is ,NINE YOUNG LADIES 'EREGENIEII WIIII GETTING IEAEGIIs; REGEIIIED HABIT I On the eve of ' Pages 9 to 12 PE .i Peterbcro Reviewâ€"“The C. P. R. will be asked to give a morning servâ€" zce from the north on the Port Mc-a Nicol} line. At the present time, the,-I service is from Havelock in the morâ€" mas sand entered upon a novitiate that ex- ;Miss Annie 'crth. All. Buller felt that the Com- I'Q., 8 might make up a mixed train. lrick, of Pelerboro, 'and those qualities in â€One of the members understoodéMisses Teevin, LindSay. Sister ES-fwhich appealed most to '43.: at Lindsay, merchants were sofltelle; Miss Stella MBIODCY. Chapeauw’caused Eating trade with the promise of a!l’.Q. Sister Martha; Miss Al'mene. l We return ticket." ,lBrioux, Peterborough, Sister Armene. ; with each succeedl' 'ng year. . , .‘ l Previous to this mornings recap-ll As a Peterbcro can't get that trade, ev.‘Etlon three months are spent in pre- . . . . JG“ 5 a: it special trains galore or an aero- paration. It IS a probationary perIOdlchosen p Gagnon of Chapeau, P. had the ister Bertille; Miss Lettie Hat-jrrom c , preacher and expounder word you rank high in you [the conclusion of the three years thelyour people oi-the section referred to know novices take the triple vows and are have e l young and old. . cyer h s : formed by His Lordship Bishop 0'-,' DEUGHTFUL DANCE ,into the lives of many of us and we V, mon, and His Lordship addressed thefyour j yw' clergy noticed were Monsignor! evmmg by the Kirkï¬eld Bridge Club '~. sood business centre when they see received into the sisterhood. . t Tuesday’s ceremony was per-‘1 As a teacher of the Adult Bible Class, your influence came very much gflrien ofï¬ciating at the ï¬rst receptionl .isince his consecration. Monsignorjwm never forget the many pleasant S’Casey of Lindsay, preached the oer-land proï¬table hours AT KlRKFlElD INN? netruction. __ Enovices at the conclusion of the cere- Our Associations with you as past- the most delightful affairs? mony. A number of‘the friends 0‘ the: em in Kirkï¬cld was the yewlyoung ladies were present. Among lsweetest memories of our lives. eve dance given .Wednerdaylthe fMurray, of Cobourg, Dean ..t the 133‘ land the staff of St. Peter's, Rev. J. J. O’Brien, Father Kelly of Norwood, fManse, where yourself and your ami- I There were present between seventy tween dances. Dancing took place inl dining room. where the waxed~ hardwood floors were perfect for the enjoyment of the guests. The program ;of our sincere love and esteem, and; " our daily prayer will be that God'sl richest blessings may rest abundantlyl ] ::z the who may through misrepresentation haVe improperly obtained the grant. l I ion you and yours. ’ , Iz‘ . 'th . About szxtce? thousand geterans, Signed in behalf of the St. 'An-f 5.5 ) oonEISted of twenty dances wl a, grants have so ar been ma e. : drew's Congregationzâ€"William Wal 3 Jarge number of extras. Mrs. Camp- bell, llace, Robert Nicholle, Finlay McRae,l of Orillia, furnished excellent ’John Nicholle, Oliver Matheson, Roy! z; chRae, John McPherson. ' s‘ONTARIO TEACHERS v3 1N P05 his departure from the Bolsover St. Andrew's congrega: tion, the people met after the Christ: Tree on Friday evening, Dec. eleven years last month we: pleasure of choosing you.f among many to be our pastor,:' your character! us then and; us to make you our choice, have shone out brighter and brighter of; kind and lovable disposition‘ ndcared you to the hearts of I ' spent under l 5. or and teacher will form some of thi. :5: I l 5:; I .2: , . tmusAv, ONTARIO u N , [ Pages 9 to 12 l d . .' Linl an Bay Presbyter , held ; persons found trespassmg along the“ y ‘ St' A†k . , ‘dI‘EWS church cn the 15:},- ‘he lot- 2 th trac s or on railway property Will be ‘, ' R _ . 1 W d thr .. h th Th 6 .. and presented Rev. H. H. Turnâ€" arrested not summoned The offence IOWIDS; members were pr-eent nan-b ring and the train eaves Peterboroi ten s otg . me, years. e!er with a purse of gold and the fol". ,‘l's punish-able by a fine not exceed- 1Y1 Re~s C- 3- Lord, Moderator- “: 9.16. :candldates were Miss Ratio Behan ofllowmg address:â€"- ,’ ‘.- - - . ' , I . . . . . l ! ,Ang $10 and 1t 18 hoped that time; BgBest, clerk- Smith Wallace q l "It is felt that much trade along the IOttawa, in religion, Sister Alice; l Dear Fastenâ€"We, the members and guilty of the Want,“ will take Pr \iCDOnald M K . , ~Wl. 37': is taken from Petcrboro, and ithiss Kate Mitchell of London, Sister adherents of “St. Andrew's Churchï¬ ' ' ‘ ‘“ ‘ “ '“H- + 3 . ‘ c 33’, Fraser. Turner. _ g , _ I l mg. Wacts, ministers and several edere :oes to Lindsay. One man at Beth-(Xawel‘; Miss Eva Belanger of Dougâ€"ghave learned with much sorrow and. - Tbn police magistra‘es f tr 1†('omrriss'onerl, W 1‘ l w . . . - : v .. - c. .3 Irr‘ » .1 -2 ‘ ..- . - .y in conversation with Mayorglas, Ont., Sister Alma; Miss Florenceldeep regret of your resignation as? "l‘nce are in receipt of T‘hO fr’l . "nwont‘ed number-e 851.80 p.esen. . I ' -‘ A - a ..c: }7 u ' ~ 5 - -. Zyrazi'utzrn, said that while he had;Lalande, of Cobourg, a former pupillpastor of this church, and of your in-f gletter from the littoral»: aloof-.111: "“ebright Mission I; 0 w t. from m arr to Peterboro before the linelof St. Joseph’s Academy, Lindsayhjtended early removal from this cornyf ‘ “3’ ““‘i b * - ..»2 .it, now he went to LindSay. ,ï¬Sister Agnes Marie; Miss Annie Lon-Flnuuity. f "F it is proposed to ask the C. fergan of Norwood, Sister Theresa†Just 3‘ R. to give a serVice from the gDepartmtnt relating to the 1' Dear Sin-The Secretary :Board of Railway Commissioners :Cana-da has: addres~s2d a letter :Attorney General for Ontario .1th that in 1912. one h ’ fthirty-two eld, praying edVanCed status; from (fambray, mart r:â€" the 0.‘ Oakwoyl or 0,- resisting the tre of their minister, and from zicld, plaintively pleading Rev. Turner to withdraw Mr. McDonald having retired from on railway the moderator-ship, Mr. Sym Province of Ontario, very much smaller num- s to the to the his resignation undrcd and trespassers 3property were killed an :injured in the , fas against a ï¬ber l mingtoc l 5 Mr. Lord gave notice of an over tune to the Assembl 1‘? y in effect that of passengers, rallWay employ- hereafter all the missionary giving. . { lees, etc. (Most of the persons are â€i th? ChUICh b‘v‘ 3“ parties, 01d 823' rofessmn and as a man and! killed or injured whil y tiane service was placed in commis- lleading “P to the commencement 05:3 gentleman you are without a peeing sion. Lindsay has that trade' solid, {the novitiate of the young ladies. AtiYour gentlemanly demeanour and“ and what we have we’ll hold. The Walking upon young, men and women, shall be inâ€" cluded in the “Budget.†Rev. Mr. Watts is back from l l The Secretary of the Board I‘ an - , a? gfflt that the railway l’v‘Ompani‘: “:85; looking halo and hearty, act 1 have been doing their utmost to pre- for cntally, .mth a g“? edge .an: {a vent this unneceSSary killing of fog M;r.anx:nous+call 1? his pocket, l £3 .trespnssers, but he states that when 133,-, man Ha“ Toms docum" l they prosecute many magistrates gng a saary Of SU’OOO' was pre l -.--:;:-:-:-:-:-:-' '1 100k u 1 Den the matter as trivial and sented to Presbytery in due form :z‘t is dlmcnlt to obtain convictions. '51.†d aicepted Ry ML wa‘ts' fUnder thzse circumstances the Attor- EMS “he? to his Oaks-00d and cam ï¬ney General directs that You vdl‘l {my .flou on â€himh- H‘s minis?! fkindly notify the Police Magistrates ‘in this congregation has been hues fand Justices of the Peace laborious, and greatly app» out elated, and the united prayer of peer ule and presbyters is that he and hi:- whe- Best, Beavertorl, was ap~ [pointed interim m ,lORN I Ln this ï¬ne romance of the American Rcvo whlch we have made arrangements to print, Parrish Is at his best. The plot is origin action exciting, the end dramatic the thrIlling scc ' oderator, to whom lution, all correspondence should dressed. sar loss .,. . .. life is caused by trei-‘ipassingy cn 2:311:22: 35;: useful and happy gable partner in life always gave us Atgetrfgwa}; â€:3?" 83‘: pointing 1 0'43] ReV. Hf H. Turner's resignation ai - , «a Vso . ‘9 .1an . w we and one hundred guests i nclu dinggund Rev. \. J. McCauIey. Elsie? it clgeeréultwslcomeoas lto mak "Acts, I}: “12:0:‘mij 1:03:33? Wm: :39 pastoral charge of Ku-kfleld ans many from Lindsay, Toronto and, ’ . ee lu ee :1 ome ur ove an . dire strict enforcement in 0rd,.“ .0 41180?“ was most regretfully a: . Heaverton. Quite a number motoredIVETERANS NAMES .ggatltud: goes out to her who 15 the TllC charming, vivacious hCI'OlIlC'Of protect life and that prosrcut-‘ons fepted, to take effect at the and ed ,. .. Te? imm the lam; place. ,I 1 ;:ejrfgv2rggzrk§:§:;:dt:°;°:: 201:} Randall I’arrisll’s latest romance will fig: ifor trespassing upon the right of Sig†{3:21:63} wile hw- -- Kirkfzeld 133' the Nettie“ and; TO BE PUBLISHEDloccasions: And dear, lovable, little? 5:55 g“? 370‘â€. infers“ frmn thc moment ‘Way are “01: brought only in the in' nossiole regard as lie-pain 2:33.182: rt'lst unto-date hostlery in Canadaf _.... {Moms' we would not forget him in; ,: She meets her dashing soldier lover 'tm’sts of the railway or of the 3121- that a mmist'er m theSe meg“; :tside Vthe large cities, was placed; CttaWu, Jan. Zâ€"There will be a "saying farewell. The manly little fel‘l fresh from the rigors of Valley Forge, on a wajv cozista'nles. I refer 3'0“ t0 the (133:8. waSe ï¬rst pastorate exceeds n_f::s::€:salt: :Oeg::s::s were; roll of honor in the AuditorGenér-j’lcw has endeared himself to all and; perilous nlIL;Sl()ll for General “rushington. 21:51:: (Asgï¬iom’zl'313f it: 30:, : eiel'en years, has earned therighttc. , yr“: O, r f’ w '. 'al's report. this year for the edifica- ;many or “3 “'1“ miss him very much; I}: ‘28.†- ‘ A 3 .. “Mia rest and a change. Accordingly, in ‘-v ““"huy decorated “â€5 e.e.greens, .' ti ,. P“ 1. n‘ d the ‘n'or , _! Dear Pastor, we hope that you and; 5:3 .;:_ 3' 'Sl’lte 05 the urging of people and may wreaths' m" Flowers and Christ-E :On 0‘ “name," an u 1 . ma lyour family will revisit us as oftcni Yoms faithful“ Eiresbytery, and regardless of the '1’. the bells, while ‘ prettiiy shaded; tion of the people, when the naxneslas you can in the future and we willl 3‘5- EDWARD BAYLY. tempting offers of increased stipend; ï¬ghts placed around the room shed a: of all Fenian Raid veterans who gassure you you will always receive a 5:5: For Attorncy Genera’. Fad leave of absgnce’ he held to big- --‘-930"" glow 0"“ the scene. have been given grants ill be Print‘ilnost cordial welcome. And now,‘ , “3‘â€" resignation, Which was accepted, anc‘ The large living room was used as} ed. g’Dear Friend, before saying Goodbye,l REAR END COLLISION gliiev. D. B. sitting out room and the dancersl It will make known the personsjwe would ask you to kindly accept! , also used the big main hall as a'who were deemed worthy of recogni- lthis purse of gold as a slight tokenl 5.2: ; glaze to stand about and chat be‘ i tion, and at ,rthe same time will.ren-l be an- A committee was appointed ,‘to give, ï¬tting and omcial expression . Barely was the New Year two hours l to the Presbytery’s high appreciation .old, and barely had the celebrating;0f MF- Turner’s work and worth ithousands throughout the Dominion}, On Thursday the 34th the Presbyu .begun to wend their way homewai‘ds,lt’ery .metlfor the purpose Of induct-~ flwhen at 2 o'clock on the NEW YEAR’S. al, the ,ing Rev. Thos Dodds into the pan. ï¬mt day 0 toral char f S ge o onya, rendered va- ‘ .. ,1914, the Canadian Pacrï¬c train fcr cant by the resignation of Mr. Kor- ; e . ' .:- 2:3 gOttawa crashed lnto the C. P. R. i‘kl . , pm ded ft or: r number j ARE DISAPPOINTED; Mr. Turner in replying thanked the; :5: Etrain, bound for Montreal, nearlngQItrlohhePii'eseiice 3:323:21??ng “I: --...an a er ' e y . . l Icongregation for being so attentive: -:-:-'-:-:-:~:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:~:-:-:-:-:‘:-:-:«:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-'-:-:-:-:- : 5Havelock. ' 5 ' . ' - ' ‘Z-PP‘IT “'85 served a few minutesi d E â€". . in their duties and especially the,“ """"""""""" ' afzc: twelve o'clock. the old year, Lon on, 1112-. Dec. 30â€"That the 1 Session, Officers, and young people in; having been danced out and the New‘fstandard ofvclducatEOn in Ontario is' Year in. I . . not high (nough fer English boards Prettiiy decorated tables were ar-' of education, is the implication ac- land he hoped they would continue so .1 waged in the large sampl: room‘fcepted today from the announcement Ito woy‘k with their future pastor: '1‘: r - u st 0 honor , 1 ' e re t in er-E e 33: onesses and g e S ,that these teachers cannot teach in He TWA“? a ways b .g a y : , 2381;213d a large table in the centre: . . ted in this congregation and hoped ‘ . :Engllsh schools as cerclflcated teach- " the room while smaller tables seat ' - th’ b t f v rabl re ortsd m..- “d 5,; -scns were placed ers. although they hold first class to see no mg n ‘1 0 e p _. ..ndo'“b:;t' E‘acï¬e‘table was lighted .‘certificates from Ontario, Canada. .Cxu' a. . " lain all} undertakings together,§ l les l l rev \' in†n 1 Godspeed wherever he may beg Vases of cut flowers added greatly to‘itwenty or more teachers from On‘é their attractiveness. 5tario, who are here as interchanges OAKWOOD SCHOOL Over the centre table hung a hugegfromCanada, in the Imperial inter- (‘hristmas bell under which was plac-fhange scheme. Oakwood, Jan. 2,â€"The opening of is our new school will take place on I r-rl a bronze bell which was rung dur-;' Boards of Education, lwhere t in many cases, to in- Tuesday, January 6th, in the after- On- 5 62g one of the toasts. ltario be ' 0 stay. noon. A number of Lindsay's prom- I'puttin , cred them salaries of uncertifiCated ' lit-ops, B.C., made a abort but inter- ft'eachers in some cases, but this asting address proposing the ladiesï¬not sufï¬cien and the Bridge Club. . . ldlme them t After the dainty supper dancing l to . I achers are employed'have of- Mr. MacDonald, the Mayor of Kam- If p The proposal is now being consid- , nstrhmental music. guests were Mrs. P. Mosgrove, Mrsl .b‘ ‘ P. J. MacDonald, Mrs. 1-. Merry. Mrsl - w. J. Mitchell, Mrs. H. J. HoidgelONE 0F FEW.» SURVIVING PUPHS l whole h The building is of red brick with as l “int! H188 Fraser. VI A great deal of credit for the sue-1’ as of the evening is due Mr. Charles e at_one property and is complete in every re- ? . spect, having teachers' rooms, cloak F. D, lerrzv‘. who “‘38 “tiring in his ef': Peterboro Review: "Mr. w, R. rooms, lavatorics, furnaces and play crts to have the Club's dance come: Skitch, of Lindsay, is the guest of rooms in the basement. It is ï¬nished ‘ f! pleasantly. . his son, Mr. V’. F. Skitch, Mr. lid Georgia Pine with beautiful doors L ersation of cypress hardwood floors, etc. New 8 morn- seats are being placed in this week,l of edition and when ï¬nished will be a great be-l in whiCh appeared a neï¬t to the section. picture of the teachers and members .of George Street Sunday School, and the trustees. Mr. E. G. Lytle and 51864, and he found his own picture W. ‘B. Graham, deserve great credit among‘ the group. “Why that‘is ï¬ne" for the was the verdict of Mr. Skitch‘, who throughout added that Mr. Dumble and he and one or two others only survivors.†jSkitCh, 5r. while in conv ,iwith a Review reporter thi ling, looked over the Xmas ; of The Review, I 9 AMES ROBERTSON WAS INJURED in: James Robertson, the popular eeve of Ops township, met With an ccident on Tuesday that will lay fly: up for a. few days. He was out the stable attending to his du- cs when he was kicked by athree- ar-old colt in the side and leg. His Mr. way dow Street, a in . the erection of the school. All ratepayers are cordially were about the invited to attend the opening ceremo- nies. fracture I Mr. Turner will be greatly missed} Thursday - - . . ‘in the congregation and we wish himISanderson, one of the best “:5 beautifully shaded candles andi This 18 a great disappomtment to itlll‘eshers in Ops, nearly :ï¬ngers in a pulper he Was feedin ï¬lhs farm of Mr. Blackwell, east oil lLindsay. He was helping Mr. B I Ewell look after a sick cow and was pulper for feed. The turnips refused hand in to ï¬x whatever was wrong. Two ï¬ngers of the right hand as happened in so many cases. Mr. Blackwell 10st the cow, which ~diedlduring the night. It Was valued two acrell Peterboro I learn that, he ,. . . . n , it . 'of a- painful accident. While on his “cum Of a serious acc’drnt on Satâ€" Mr. W. B. Taylor, the contractor, he slipped on the icy pavement at the the face corner of McDonnel and Bethun interest they have taken . fracture of the leg at the instep. Moore was resting as comfortably as ,‘don, preached. Mr. McKay presided. :511‘. Conn addressed the minister and ,Mr. Bryden the people. And thus, or provincial C. P. Thursday last there was consummat- ned, and owing to I9:! :9. union which should be enduring marvellous piece of good fort not and very happy. Mr. Dodds comes in a soul was killed and only one roan: this work with the gifts which. l:- injured in the serious rearâ€"end cc.1-:large measure, guarantee success a very large and llision that took place. For some pro- :PhysiCally he is the giant of the g was held in thejvidential reason a couple of “dead- be following Um- head" coaches were attached to the were elected for the ensuing frear of train NO. 34 that leaVes To- fronto for Montreal at 10.30 p.m., and: 11 h - ' ‘ :- ‘a t 8 passengers “are m :2: 2:: BANK CLERKS IN Rec. Secâ€"I}. McFarquar. ‘es preceding these. The Ott . Fin. Sec.___W. Gilbert. , left Toronto at 11 o clock as. FRATERNAL UNIOR ,No. 34 with a number of passengers on. Twasâ€"W. Arksey. :Special to The Examiner. l usual éboard. About three hours later, for) Oratorâ€"-A. White. ‘ ‘ lOttaWa train, crashed with tremen-T Toronto, Dec. 30.-.], p, Buschlen. F. B.~â€"S. McKinnon. However, Dame Fortune does not seem to have gone out with the oid year, so far as the TR. luck is concer a une, IN A PUEPER; AT GAMBRIII} (From Saturday’s Post) l On Tuesday last evening Mr. C. . nod, while in ripened experience ant 'in ministerial ideals he is among the 1261:. lccrs two ,' , . year. 3'0“? C. R.â€"-A. Jewell. V. C. R.â€"â€"E. ,Tompkins. lost lack- i g some turnips through a gsome reason not yet explained, the ass through, and he put his _8. B.â€"T. R. James. _ g , ldous force into the rear of the Mon-l got , -. ;author of “A Canadian Bank Clerk,“ . tgtrozal train, close to Havelock, rendâ€"llwho is at present endeavouring to- inen‘t citizens as well as others have caught 1"? the machine, and the nails J Wâ€"W. dordan. ling. andvtearing its “'3? through thelorganize a fraternal union amongst was continued till a little after threegered by the Government that these. been invited to give addresses. Thesalwere tom 05 beforethe could pull Court physicianâ€"mm Ray. o'clock. Iteachers be granted temporary certi- will be interspersed with vocal and the hand away. I ‘was lucky hm The patronesses who received ,thelï¬cates for twelve months. ‘ ‘ gï¬rst each of the Montreal train, andfthe bank clerks of Ontario, for the ltelescoping thi: second dead-head, EOipurpose of aflording them represents- . that the framework “135 piled in 3W'§tion in cases of injustice on the part lful confusion high above the I engine, :I if banks to their employees, has the gwh‘ich had rammed the ï¬rst coaChvalanned a meeting to be held same annual oyster supper about the mi-J- ;While debris was flung far and v.- dle of the month. ' Y ._.___.:,____ â€"â€"â€"-.;._.__ I01, everyéiiwzh~ :degllme in January, moon's BROTHER . KIGKEE BY call “NBS“ My BREAKS IIIs EEG Ilw WAS BEGKEI ; IIIIs MADE GOOD , . Mr. Frank Riches, who lives abo : W. H. Moore Will regret to a mile south of Cambray, was Was today the victim Court deputyâ€"J. N aylor. Auditorsâ€"S. McKinncn, W. Thomp- kins. arm was not drawn in, as hundred dollars. 0 o-â€"â€"â€"â€"_ Ԥ. ,WAIGIIIIIAN MET GIIEII AGGIIIEIIII (From Friday’s issue) Last evening Mr. Lcitch, watchman se days all over the continent and fat the Canadian Cereal Flour , is always Very pleasing to their'Mills Ltd. plant, met with a painful . . . gold friends to hear of their success.§accident, while going his" rounds. Be g, urday on 11‘s farm. He was' kmked m er. Sthart Wilkinson, formerly oflslipped ‘Parry Sound, but now of ' ‘ ., cf Ithe latest , . ed the injured ’ladder of The man. reduced and Mr. :1: j Lindsay old boys are making good- the 5 the n to his ofï¬ce, this mornin Toronto, is 7. to take a step up on the ad fell heavily, sustainin His lantern wan has been :appointed General Yard Master and smashed and his face was so badly Mr. Richcs' jaw was split 1 com- Assistant Superintendant of the Tor- disï¬gured that it required the stâ€" . pletely open, and he is unable to onto Terminal' 8 for the Canadian tention of a M or. It ' ht be at ted th t r o “uh Dumb“ this “term†He mm be mak- H“ â€mm†is of such a Northern Ontario Railway. With his Mr. Leitch does not know how cm . mg a .f’ ' ’ ' _ conï¬ned to his home for some time. serious nature that he Will be un- wife and family he spent New Year's accident happened and war Of the 0- ma. fm'tunately. are not of a Taylor has a Picture of this .unday Denmark has passed a Widow’sj Mr. Moore is a brother 'of Mr. F. able to take solid food for six with his mother, Mrs. .Thos. .W , _ pinion that so ne had II E 'OTS “3“â€- _ a SChOOl in his â€53535†{1125.021 law. D. Moore, K.C., of Lindsay. weeks. ‘ ’30,, town. ,, , » . - . v _ 5 ~ . - 36$.“ _.,-_ - ., _ f him. 1% for onslatioa. Kir A ~