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Lindsay Post (1907), 28 Feb 1908, p. 10

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Egress 0n . Construction Of Grand Trunk Pacific - Winnipeg. Feb. 18. Wt (Speciai;-It is state-ct that the contract [or the construction of the first bani-:01 miles of the line at the Grand Inn-3k Pacific from Prince Rupert east wiil be [at b) the officials of that m-u- pany in Montreal this week. All Len- ders were opened on. the 6th of the month and since that time the en- gineers have been constantly; c113“;- ed in the examination. and compari- son 01’ the figures submitted by the various contractors. or these there were several Tram the east, ani'sev- (rat others from the Canadian west and the "Pacific coast, in the [In-Jed States. It is understood that the [inn of Foleyr LWAlsh' and Stewart, to A ALA Arnufr,‘n_ BID-\‘uâ€" ,_v_ ed in the examination. and comp-4n- son of the figures submitted by the various contractors. Of these there were several ‘trom the east, ani'se'v- (rat others from the Canadian west and the Pacific coat, in the [In-Jed States It is understood that the [inn of Foley.- LWAIBhi and Stewurt, to Mhom the contract for; the construe- :tion or one hundred. and twentyeix wiles ,wcst‘ Iron: Edmonton wxs awarded, have tendered on: the new “Mum past from the terminus on contract east from the Pacific. Not a Miracle But Medical Science aim; west owing to UK .1110 cots had become Elle: ’lh-e company considered ‘ of remoxing the snow am operations. but the plan paler (eaâ€"sible. The work iorc closed 'down. but. it of the company that if. bible to resume shortly. ‘1. .When this can be done aaying machines mil be: 1 miles may ‘1“ Ul w- A“ _. .â€"- “if . gin work from the Edmonton en-f rnd. will push on the track laying from the Clover Bar bridge eastward. ‘ BUSHING TRACK LAYIAG $ In order Uzet the track laying may be luthncd this year. the G. l'. P. have strengthened their track lay- ing machine. ‘so that. instead of lay- ing three mile per day. toux’ or mare unifies may be laid. The difficulty vvâ€"--v.â€"-_. “Some time ago I began to lose flesh and failed everyday until I had to quit work. My physicians and all my friends said I had contracted consump- tion. I failed from 165 pounds down to 119. I was advised to go to the Rockies or to the coast. I went to both places under heavy expense. I con- tinued to fail, and was advised by the doctors to come home as nothing more could be done for me. Hope seemed to have left me. “I tried Psychino and since starting its use I have gained from 119 to 141 pounds. I have used $10.00 worth of the medicine. I am a well man and I cannot say too much in praise of Psy- chine. The strongest recommendation would be weak in view of the fact that i believe it has saved my life. It is without doubt the best remedy for Inn-down conditions and weak lungs. “I sincerely hope and trust that you will continue your good work of saving run down 0 and consuni tive from the ‘ve. ehi on en aniline centred eucceegnst remain, one of n W's best friends.” ' ALEX. McBAE,‘ Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Almost every meil brings us letters like the shove. ' rennin. will repeat this record in every case. It is the greeted medicine known. At all drug- ‘lete. 500 end 01.00, or Dr. T. A. Ble- ceeli. United. Toronto. Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto, Ont. ‘ Gentlemen:â€" with the mnqhine in use last year was that the shafting was not of saf- ficicnl. strength- to work well on a tram of more than £0; one-halt a day's york. it is necessary to may six cars of steel and; 'an equal ‘num- ber of cars of ties. This is autiicium for one and one-halt miles of track which the company expect to lay in the half day. Wheni the attempt is .madc to 1.13 more than hue and one- ‘~ â€"._I i half miles in the bait day. it is [ouuo‘ that the shutting is not oli sufficient i strength to work the rollers on the pdiditionu! cars. This is the detest in the machinery. which has been rem- edied {or the Operation: of ibiseurâ€" ren't year, the additional strength being given so first more cars can be operated on a single train of track laying equipment. \ A WORLD‘S RECORD It is aiso prOposed by the compmy to work three shifts during the long days .oi' the coming. summer instead of two. By this means it is expmte ed that when the weather is at th: bist, [our and one-half miles of track may, be laid per day by one ma- chine. During last season. it 1.5 stat- ed that a world’s record was made on the construction fine of the Gran-i I'rprk Pacific. For one month it was (:t‘imated that there hadi been con~ structcd three miles 0! track on each working day. .Work at this rat-s was actually done on each working day of the month. Nine sidings were. , 1.- ._.. |Loweven built .as the hue rimme- cdh and a certain amount of Lia-u- mu lost in connection with the com- pletion of these sidings: Making al- lowance for these sidmgs, a rate of three miles per day was made [or um months. 1 record Which it is said has never been equalled in the history of railway construction. This sea-ran the company eXpect to do still bet- 11"”wa In one association that highest yield. of any cow in a. oartain and during" six months. tram June to November. was 132 Iran. tat. In a maghborinz herd the best yieldfiwas 200 lbs. (at. or a. Immune d! 68 qu'mt Ellis .ms 8. difference 'in the earning power lot those two cows of wt LLeaSt $17 in six months. {This is not \a son- . hast W a would; and opoor cow. but between the best cows in each herd. In this case 20 cows of. the , one kind. 61112.1 44 of. the tether as re- Uganda value not Iprowuot. Why should inot the ueturm from scores.‘yes hun- ' dxeda at our dairy cows be increased by ,‘517? (they could be ‘very‘ casilm it ta-rmem Mum rtully alive to the ,possbailities 0t systematic Murrow- I m'ent." We must aim highor.: g In another association a more shatt- limg difference as discernible. Icons while tho Lust cow in another herd itgave only 141 lbs. yWit-h butbdn tat t ' t25mt8.mr £1). thepneoowie The bridge over the Assinibo'm: at Tortage Wm be completed about the {middle 0! the month. of March and the forty-five miles to Winnipeg ml; be put in operation. in the summes. l‘rom '51X to eight. steam shawls wi‘! be used throughout the season in éction with ballasting operations conn and large forces of men will ‘09 em- ployed in this work; The 'ballastiaz: or the entire line win be complete! thus year and the line Operated. The bridge at Saskatoon milk be complet- std about April 15. About Cow Testing Interesting Figures Some Comparisons of Value to Progressive Farmers. fl‘he reloads In! the dairy and; cold storage caw testing associations in the Province act Quebec are tall (at immah- ‘ {45'1” . - - AL AL _:-I.| Msumimg that «the l" the same in both cars (it is (found that. 12 ct case rwouM aqua 188 crodirtddfimrill: $112.70 and the other Mith only $35.32. frhia is a' ditto:- ence of $87.38 [betweenltheae two cows. (\X oowstock Sentinel-Re» iow. ) ’lhcre is perhaps nothing more curious in modern civilization than the persistence of race preju tine. Stiane says that all mankmd .awc originally from thc same. stock. Ite- ligion the Christian religion 31. least uays thut all mankind. are bro- them. the children ot‘ a commun Father. History tells us that moo hatred i3". by a‘ slow and BOLHMim‘JS painful process. gradually becoming .rliminnwted that it. is doomed to so with the black plague. the horrors of withcratt. religion! persecution! and war itself. Yet. a (to: two mm- und you: or gnawing and tenommol nninrul :othor d is. ID um one “of the Mtou at cm} ~‘ 8.10". Little Willieâ€"Say, pa. “films )3 u untrue? _ . = Pa-A coquétte. my son._ is a young wriow .who pretends to be indll’ier- ent about. getting married; again. {WINNIPES} T0 PORTAGE Race Prejudice. Informing. 12v26w§ in! the one . 188 of the Other- [ day. it 13 found not 0[ sufficient kc rollers on the is the detest. in b has been rem- ions. of Lhiscur- Lional strength more cars can be a train of track case-s. pa, what of [63¢ i5 and is $30: all World’s Greatest Traffic Avenues The Lake Traffic Passing Through De- troit and 800 Rivers. MIG“, Féfik 18.-‘T.De mung» unâ€" cr is the greatest .watar (thorough- fare in the won-hi. Btat'ulb'ne 33K!!- exdd by the Ignvmmont b.1907. ghaw that during 1907 23.771 «flail! Pass- ed through it. with a tonnage! of 48,-: 253. , as W with 24,077 "is. eels at 46,072,668 tons in 1906. “Tina merchandm traffic lot 1907 through the Datmixt river amounted to 67.- 692504 mt Itom. compared with 60,- 3 578,155 mi .tona for. 1905- 1 v L . world. In {1381 than-fight traffic through the Boo canhl Was 1,567,741 tons, and, in 1907, 58,217,214 nottom. (the amaze tonnage has doubled. since 1899. mm maximum carrying capacity has increased tron). 7000 tons in 1900t0 13.000 in 1907. .|, ‘ (11136 total' lake. commerce to; 'the season ct .1907 «was 10 pdf- cent}. 11m;- er than in 1906. aid ‘20. par can‘t. Jar. get than in 1905. the total 5W teaching 83,387,919 tons. . ,_I . HEALED BY ZAM-BUK A‘ common result or an injury. .uometimcs ol' gven a tiny scrum..- is chronic ulceration. the skin dis- ease that eats deepest into the tis- sud and is most painful. weakening and obstinate. Ulcexations are brought on oltcn (capecially in the case of Women) by excessive stami- ing or kneeling. Mrs. J. 15. Berry. .man. at .91 Catharine-45L. N” Emul- ton. Ont... says; “I was suffering tor r.,nuznbcr of Weeks with a badLy' in- flamcd and ulcerated leg and aukln. . .â€" f- with no material benefit. My .‘eg was amollen in some places to burst- ins nnvl day and night I gulf-wed severe pains. At this stage my hus- band prevailed upon me to leue off all other preparations and use Zamâ€" BL‘k. This I did and was agreeably surprised. for after a. few applicz- tious the swelling in the 16; was greully reduced and the ulcer look- c-l llaellhier. I persevered with Zun- Duk until the swelling was banishezl and the pain and. inflammation en- tirely removed. Zarn-nuk has affect- ed a- cure when other remedies tar- -Zam-Buk also heals outs. brnius, bvrnsx. running sores. eczema. Ions. quaptions. scalp sores. \ itch. pilu, chapped hands and all diseases or the skin. 0! an druggists and atom-s. Silo. box. or Zam-Buk 00.. Toronto, put.- $1- to." “How does it seem to be divorced ?" asked the curiom‘ young thing. ".Well." replied her wise friend. "it seemed a little strange at first. It was quite a. while before I could get use-d to sitting down to supper. and not Inning anyone to kick about. thy! food." ‘ ‘ 2i-3' on rcceipt of price. The perpetual charm of frahnss and crispnw â€"of daintincss and deli- ciousncss -â€" is in every est in (Everything. In Biscuits, its MOONEY; s. Thinmof Ian. on Work Inc-mo {u noon-rte ndputon do! tymrsdfvithn Winnin- )nnduwyouwm Inc-nu . “farm mama-pm _buildin¢ cgnr. The PEDLAR Pooplom «a» .. Wuhan-Infill!” "W"; ""‘soarraz‘sznur M m "no‘b'rko inc-fur. Addam- “ OSHAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES Then is one roof that um um beam it will last 100 yearn. Guaranteed in writing for 257cm. 18.43» Detmét 3““ ingot 1907 through gram ‘20 67. l' Erma Wlth 607' for 1906.1 3,, L . Strange. ”a“... (mo *1” mt“ a TM WW ‘ “(n-J. Sway 0-. _--7- Gentlemen-Would 7°“ M03“ l’“t fl‘homas whim. an. New, A] minmuniuuonmiwthmo'ho' Lin.B.B.1.Ian: ,1, ‘havo the can: 01 the 900'- 9! Vi°t°fi3 Dear Sinâ€"Your Hater of the Bib Countyâ€"«panic!!! of “‘6 'tWMhiP‘ inset. in .to band. What you «have at Opennd Emilyâ€"an thereinamnt' miucn in Ve:y dawn-tin; to me- ter o! Woe-a I wish “I um Tic m: use on «M mutter- M‘ith than. In"!1 '00-“ nmw‘mt it to mus; have occurred in the town- dcm gas «on u WMâ€"Yonm , Kemp 0: Emily while I m ’a madam { rrnom Mortal-mm . :0‘ a. willing» 0‘ Oman“ nukes ’0‘” t L I '3‘ 3' 1'19"”. matouemt doubly 1min; ' M. Ma. 24th. '08. I mine was mm in the Cann- 'ty ct «Victozin taut you! W Home: of Mums for the (no maintenance ‘0! vllqgnd nnd poor mmqvhomy be not 4.0 it. rr'» numbur. ot-men and .women card! {or therein is now 57. and It MI W you w know that {in at two m from the town- , infip of Emily. It you denim to send -- mmrrtm .tbe mongy to me. the receipt“ .05 it frhomaa Benton-nu, lazy, New Alain. KILLIGWBZ" ._,',’\ Dear Sir. â€".'1‘be proprietor of Th6 Post, be: handed me your letter 9! Jamar: 29th. You my «How Ina uolativo to any matter in connection with the poor (1 the M‘ or .Vic- toriaâ€"Youra truly. 4 Meritorious Action of Old-tine Gomspondcncc With It (themes WNW, Inna" qu nun. R.B.1.Iorwo:" H 5‘ Dear Sir. â€".'1‘ho proprietor of The Post. has handed me your letter 9! January 29th. You may cadres ma uolativo to any nutter in connectio-x with the poor at the Cgumx of .Vic- toriaâ€"Youra truly. - [New Akin. Feb. m. '11:. ‘ a J. R. McNa'uie: _ . U Dear Sin-I got your lotto: yester- day. .When I m Evils in Easily. hard. {rho mother at one 0! “the men I {was working for went around and collected ‘33 or ”lumps. nnd I want vto pay it back?“ Itin inn pctei’ole for an to return it,“ that» win gave it. as I mmmunaniaqgta mm gave it. as I mmmmangka )1 about It. M that than who few of thin. and the: any dead» I gusto 3t 40 you: no. u that noun): has though: the proper @112.on Imam: to than. and not «to m It mm 1.0de it tasthofinnemdthe mm at 0mm m ”It tho min. pcor. Let me know um. song-all the 8th at November. 3869. Myer-t- arcopt it (or “-5! WP“ alt-[Witt muster Grundy twu about the hat sendit‘to yon «mghslmwt mu Irumdm‘oer m in dear old “H... “mm. ‘ r J1.~( t Emmaâ€"Yams. ! . ~_ ___ . _-.--g’ area}. it (or thin yum-attain senditato you an maslcan-ggt Ito-the office. ‘ f :1, ( . vV‘. - The monqy belongs in Ops~ and Emily. and my. rwiah I: that it will do A LITTLE SEED Its only a ting thing. . All dry and hard indeed. But wonderful secrets hide away In the heart 0! u littlo seed. [When ,we hold it to the out. fWe guano: hear. a sound. And yet within this crinkled. shell Aré life and beauty found. There are wee brown rootlets ib: And shining leaves of green. and beautiful. slender. ,gracc stems. And Ilmvcrs to phase a. queen. Do you think it IS nor. Well; plant a seed and Then day by an: wh? watch. ‘ ; g Tm 10:91; mystery. Caltie l’ccders all OVe!‘ Ontario :uc leaking for unusually profitable re- turn in May exporters. In one re- ‘ppect at least the situation justifies the expectation. Ibis generally be- “(“141 that there are not over but the stall-feeders in the province now that there were in the oorrcspoal- ins date last year. In the Unite'l- Status conditions are similar. in- ‘lcss. therelore. goncxal trade is very bad in tipring, exporters in good (in- ish at that time ought to bring sa- tifilactory returns. ' # Many farmers. although keeping a. m-mbcr of horses. do not know" the he slightest l-ilments the horse is heir to. Flat- ulence or colic with swelling is quiek- 1y relieved by e drench of salt and meter (which will only take in a cer- tain amount or salt). followed h; ctntle exeiciso. This will force the cast out. and the patient will econ be r'clicvéd. A second dose in about twenty minutes is advixable it not unlflciently, relieved- w} "â€"7 -_ _ . so much harm among the oats of Ontario. last year. is appearing this year having strenuous times [or cxiszeuoe in Ontario. at. the present uma, ow- ing to the big snowstorm “using poor Luvciliug accommodations. 'lhe easiest way to physic :1 horse when None or otherwise. is to put on bridle with rein on upper sizle of fit rings. passed through over a 5qu in the stable roof. Druw head up huh and pour into comer, of mouth s'ww- ly: it he refusas to swallow. cont-me the nmtrils Her a pigment with [mu-l, 9nd. the medicine will go down. Those who hare no (arms .u \lu'; tario do well omen to so want. but we think any warning ngainst. the «insertion is timely. There is had for N1 who “'Ork it- 800d land, .ni MIG-e who ..tor upon it now win are long “an reason to sin sin- oen- and hen ty thanks. The won and .treo m. ot the great «rut. or tho C‘I. Ind h'lvolam Me at My: clay. I: no: tawny! cm buy It does not TIPS FOR FAR MERS Reports (tom the southern states m that the groan bug. which dud Farmers‘ Institute meetings would you we“ Put (rhoma! whim. Inn. New. A" Lioflion Wm M '1” ' Lin. B. B. 1. Ian: ,1, . at them 9! Victoria Dear Sinâ€"Your we: of the an: I“! 0‘ the 'tawn‘hip‘ inst. in to bud. What you. (nave a B. gunman, Clark and! War. we no (arms in 00-; .rwu to 30 west. but warning Against. the ugly. There in 13nd rk it. good land. uni .r upon it now will reason to sin sin- n....k-. ‘rho (man and Feb. gab, ’08. not. true? -Scl-:sc ci. W: of “is Vicinity, as Disclosed in '. J. I. Icleiflic, Tras. of “and: Co. graceful ”intro. We so am II to countâ€"Yours. ate” Emill be duly «know mad I [mould like to hum you consent (to sum pm“ a. ”on for the ‘moxey lacing neat to m.-â€"Yozm II. B. McNELLLIE. l ‘/ ‘ 1 ‘ Clark mil Mr“. ' Na! “sin. Feb‘ 15. '08. 1 Here are some “dent's (or tarmcr to :cmcmbcr; ; Don't kccp the milk :1: stable. ' Don't_ ku‘p the pet do“ i: manger. always contribute to u the peonle. and it does aéd \ery rapidly‘. it at. curichment. -â€" :Bowumnv man. Don't oblize the cow: ! of door: when the! “"3" the barn. Don‘t expat: tho hog to lay on (at when he is fed 00:11. and then get rippins‘ mad if the cow gets (at and goes dry when fed exolusively no the same diet. . , Don‘t tail to provide the cows with an abundnneed bedding. for the cow that must stand an to rest and be hitchinx hack and lortb' [tom one foot to the other, while ruminating, is not doin‘ he!” beat for her owns-z. REMEMBER THIS Ihere is no land on the race ot the elm, so rich tint it will bear con- sutnt «stopping of any one or wuh any notation of non-leguminons crops, such as main. sorghum. wheat. bar- ley. tub. or any other grasses ouLch or the legumes. (or the simple rca- son that. all these crops are depen- dtnt upon the soil (or the mung-n. and if these craps are removed Crom the land nitrogen exhaustion m-ut soon“ or later follow. Even if the manure lrom these stops was save! and icturned to the lama. with its strtnztln all uniminrcd. it would only put of! the evil day; for at the \‘try best. nothing more. with the exception of carbon. mould be retum- (id to the land. than .was taken out of it. Heme ilio 8\ndtl§tl0n of iamls without growing some kinds ol‘ legu- lminous crop is only a questim at time. ' VII-u yawâ€" 'v Camfixllford Wt church. and has moepbeti «the call. Mr. Strike! pastorate at We thus been we‘ry successtul. rrha missionary and conâ€" nwtionnl funds have "qua: langer thun‘any previqws year. and the gun- nxnl work at the church has prosper- ed. Mr. Sgrihe'g .many triends'will 65}an in Will be Remembered Here. (the AM. \A. J. LHa-rvey Strike. ' Queen-gt. Methodist church. former W. has mocked a unanimous in- flation to become 7 pastor at the Re (best man. 1““- wedd‘ins); “\Vun't 1‘ ceremony 1" She (bridesmaid): "1 lewrtfi .WO". 9‘5“". SHILOH’S Quick cue for the worst coughâ€"quick relief to the heaviest coldâ€"end SAFE to take even for e child. Thu {I Shiloh'e Cure. cm, Sold under 3 gxumége (30“th to cure cold: on can a a (30!!!! quicker than my other medicineâ€"or your money heck. “you: of eucccu commend Shaoh'o Cure. 25o. 50c..$l. QUICKLY; amon‘z the "'9 mi II to .Bi'd 0“!" Huh]. FIR 13. NW! “51" N6 «mom BENEABNEYa in Main.- 3 R. 1. Iowa :tribute to the health 0! ‘. and it does not 31-“): rapidly‘, it at. all. to dub: ;- â€"- :Bowumnvfilc Susta- fler Ctitical EW- an [km the cow “Yes. most 0! the t. returned hoe: it an imwdm‘a' to saw out p to any in in th: cow cows with at the cow the flairy who ac - the generative convention rat the west riding of Victorian was held in the Academy-of um on Saturday. “term. The. “tandem was very and we understand the Who was considered Keirly hero M “though there were a man“! about the hotels alter the conva'tfi'bn who expressed thenlcues as not being altogether: “ti“. :8 they “ought Mr. Sam Fox should have been‘oonuot to retire: and» al- low one of. several hard worker; for the party 30! many campaigns to ht: his piece. Mr. Fox could not. how-.407. be accused d putting the con-Jan»- cion. as aid Sara Inches. and we have; fit to lean! of any free railway? ti'ekets or dinners. Mr. Fox made 0 Mt speech. gin ing: an account 015 what he had 10.1: for Else nding during h’a term 0! of- fices: Ihe task did not take him long Col. Sam Hughes-out ,h'unseifuoose tor a-Iqw minutes. hut tailed to men- tion what he had done (or McKenzie 8: mm. or how aha: grateful ‘nhllnnlhI'ODiStb had .expfeued the": Ir. Suhxlnuonto the Inn- min of West Victoria. Mann. or how philanthropists and gxatxtude. Hon. ML 33““ spec In in WhICh J show that hll 8°" AQVâ€" . sine-hf- infivsv'htch he' endeavored to show that his gocqrnman. had kept its pledges to the pcOple. He spezzal- ly referred to the three-(itch: Lazal Option law. which be Maine} was all thut could be desired. and di1 not L-IJ m‘f nnv hone tML we will :;l'l (bu could be desired. and di1 not hold out any hope that there will be a clung: in the lam Ls td cn- lorcmg the. present law, he express- ed a determination to make the li- c< use holders keep hotcli Hr. Fox's lamination was made.- Women and Girls Gosh Over Bowen air. Fox': 1.. ranimous Daroit. F69. titâ€"Percy Badman Canadian boy tram-WWI.“ 01:11:. who will 030 to trial duringzthe first week at Blanch on the changqq! ski- in; Mrs. Conant Wench. it!» 11810 at tho hour at the county gnuâ€"insoâ€" hr at! at 131130 manner at mud girls am cocoa-net}. 4. . Slayer 0f In. Weld Hero of the Hour A! the County Jail. that they Liane in his woman that he did not mean to ;kill the old taranto M'anan. they might get» hue ma‘ to long-distant; @1on M can up Edmund H. M.. my for Bowin. fru- marning one» at them ‘phonad Mr. KM to any; I ‘ "A boy (with umh a m face! as Percy would. we: denaemacly kill a person. I do hope that you .m'u .msn Hm can and Rat P0113101“. d vWiO tin cane um 33‘ vanpu. v. this union" In the mail vtodgx came 0 pathetic letter from the mother of Bowin. Lt was written tor bar by the pastor of the church, (the father. it seems, tars thathu will-again: his job are ”But I must find. It! may tdgo to my Lu: urban hp is planed on trial or More. it possible.” comes the message 11er the mother. “Even it all the world. turns- against my boy. I will Sodium in him an» .end." \ ‘ The; haunt the [Meet Weather in Years-The Post Appreciated. Life at Otter Tail In 3.0. Mountains Mr. \\'. Kama). of Otter 'lnil.‘ B..C..€n enclosing his subscription to: Tin-Post. says he is an old Victonx county boy. and although 28 wars away he has ml. lost interest: it. his cld home. .He has been ‘lifing in the moun- tains for 1-3 years. and says he vould not leave there now. In rr- tcrence to the weather. Mr. aaygnrth says that they did not haVe zerowea- the! until the last dny of January. when it has 15 below zero. the acid- at they have had yet' had this wm- ter. and it has only been oucc down to sew this month. They have 22 inohehe at now on the level. and a tote! (all of 56 inches‘ At this date hat wintqr they had 38 inches of know. on the level. end the total known“ ea .10 feet. but wintec wee the ootdeet end: roughed. in In closing Mr. Influx-(h compli- (muau The Pout on its continued exnmonce. and partbuhr oom. numb tho choice randy. ““1106 WM lb. come-r. anal fungus-L u. ugu._|n_d th_o_,pr3_:ont tho mildcgt #,_A; _-A‘_._ Tu M. a“; “an thd women In" 3000 0° bring daintiea tho WW1" I: swam gave hint. a nice Need Apply m .wnanr m. was “raciantic story? an hour's an his 50': now. who; (at sublets butts h use“ I true dine-De. We W md Xndioefifon any no symptoms only 0: mum “a fig" sickness-nothing else. m this he: um um comm-273 1-4th h the cation of tbs: now wry 1» 3:213: rm Remedyâ€"Dr. Shoop'l Montiw mm; Cm to the stomach nerves. flour bru- "a my. snug, and (370: to Dr. Shooo and his k mm Wm out first oriztml and hmhly \'..,. 1;”th och Instill: nocomphshmrmu we.» 'vu-ru. an“ Form dLsu'eu. blunting. Y, .z-xsaau mm .1101! congenial. try 1mm. Indigestienl TENDER FOR‘ WOO‘ will take applications requiring farm help : sexvants. The help to come mostly rm and Scotland. msn'. rm Any person wxsnmg w part fate for respectabl‘ or English girls will P] vise Mr. Johns, at his I‘ 99 Lindsay-st. You cannot possibiy have a better Cocoa than EPPS’S. “m moi" prOIIpt “m 01;}: 03-46 Pgel-S‘n "‘5 an. Q" .nd C'rhn‘ Rink. A delicious drink and: sustaining food. Fragrant, . nutritious an economical. This cudlenti‘oon maintains the system in row health. and enables itoto resist winter’s extreme cold. Stmke by (Tl-oars and in bib. “(H-1km $31? '(Ioronw 3 the ““650“ “m mu- nd tubers W ed to wprk to? W »‘ puma tn 3 Goverm wind I“ the 9‘"! many, February lute Them o! necessitybe J. B. Sit-NULL“. County 0“» a." l'hh. 1903" Work. Woof

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