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Lindsay Post (1907), 28 Feb 1908, p. 11

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Cieik: m8“ 51A. 10$ “MES Low! 1‘ ‘ h the business interests 0! Lindsay for over belt a century. It has one of the century and tar ay stands among the great end mg Banks of the world, with substantial capital and reserves and large assets.‘ 1: is equipped to underth every kind and description of Banking business, both domestic and foreign. to furnish Travellers credits, and drafts negotiable in any rt «the wozld where Banks exist, to accept for collection items on any point, to conduct, in fact, any mention coming within the sphere of Banking. Referrizg to the Savings Department. accounts may be opened with the deposit of one dollar. It is remarkable now saving: accumulate, and no better advice can be stared to those, who are able to lay aside a little from time to time, than start a Savings Bank account. In due coume it places the possessor in the comfortable position of being at least comparatively independent. and tree from the necessity of ‘ favors cf anyone. It is always a good thing to have something laid by for the My day. that may come at any time without warning, so I would suggest to those who can. the wisdom of commencmg at once, to plant the seed from which may be invested later on the goodly truit at financial independence. 0m Hoursâ€"IO 10 to l dchck. fiNK or gqmnux. Western Bank of Canada LITTLE BRITAIN Chartered by Act of Parliament 1882. Tni‘ Bank, with its 123 branches :3 mud” in Canada, Uniteq 'Smgxheet Great Britain, is in a. pogmon‘f 1‘ 'ti. 9'9?! requzrement in the hue o cg: We banking. Deposits £31.90 anappmrdgxregefl: “P03 which interest mu be palm highest Nuded four times a year, at current rate from date of. deposit to 4183' Of withdrawal. DepOsits of SI and upwards received; interest allowed at current rates and paid quarterly. The depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any pox-don a! thedeposit. LIN‘NAV RRAVCF, ' ' We Go To MORSON, manager “Imus for the purchase of smoke”, etc. '3???“ Special attention in tho ling ot Ln soliciting your patronage *0 "811m von of courteous treatment 5nd M01111)! attention to yaur business Mm Inn-.- Dent; ”11W fins VICTORIA LOAN . and sAwfiOs COMPANY ‘jfln anti-z THE FARMEBS’ BANK OF CANADA. m IAIRD, General Hanger 1. H. IRELAND, Superintcndeat at “mm“ Mwager. In his address to the ”harem lders Mr. Travers referred tot the success the new bank had ma nth, and t0 the satisfactory prospects or th‘efutm'e business The depositsof them at the present time $647'596-33-â€"'1‘he Globe, Feb. :9 $1.00 arms AN ACCOUNT yin Went. Depodtsofsundupmdsmm hwzwfihmmghat current nteofinwesthunwed. . S. THOMPSON, Manager Savings Department. “Ll. Farmers’ Business I‘. F. Loosemore. Hammet- BKAxcngs ALSP‘Q‘!‘ emu“? AR” “68%;; mun“ 54.50%“ w- flufl'M HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO 03.01““ A GENERAL BANKING ”BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMHERClAL AND PM" PAPER WY SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT H. B. BLACK, IMO 3 O’clock ; Slim“)? ”NAGEB LINDSAY BRANCH. Office Hours. 9 un . to 4.80 p. m. cazed Accountant; Jami Rum“. m. V. Manager. "5““ 30““. ASSistant. ........ou,uo.000 Pos'r, LINDSAY. mu, mount as :3” “MW? “QM“ “Ll-'9‘? "'1:- Kdtm 9‘ M“ - ' ' Aum 93‘8 ii“ LINDSAY BRANCH ESTABLISHED 1817. mm 1m Faxing; Capital, 31 0,000,000 Get your training in the school that is qualified to give you the best that can be had. THE BRITISH A M E R I C A N BUSINESS COL- LEGE, Y.M C.A. Building, Toronto. Write for catalogue- purposes. We manufacture Doors, Sash, Fumes, Bgse, Cssings, Mouldings and Inside Ind Outside Trimmings, all kiln dried. ANNOUNBEMENT Parties having their have it dressed and. 1 notice. - H p- ‘5. nouce. All goods manufactured by ourselves must be as "presented. Office and yâ€"g'd East side Wellington st. bridge. Phone 47. KENNEDY 8:. DAViS MILLING Co. Ltd. J. H. McGULLOBH. M. IL, 0. M., JANETVILLE, ONT. omee hours, 8 to 11 an, 7 to 9 p.111, i): HeCunoeh, being urged by, and for ihe convenience of his pagents in Lindsay and en» ~nndiug country, has arranged to be in ' in ‘ssy one afternoon each week. Dr. HeCnlloch my be consulted each Soturdny deal-noon in Phe oflco oi the 13:. at Willmm and Russell-ate. Dr. Poole, corn one. hour: Set-unit”, 12.30 to 4.30 OUR MOTTO: Fairne: Promgtngss, Satis- ‘SMMB "faction. ................... $000,019 : Fairness, mat own lumber cm atched on short woman“ LINDSAY mom DOWN AND our LIGHTNING HOCKEY IN mm HALF u'l‘ho tint goal was soared in .7 1-2 minutes by Miudhnd. followed 3 1-2 minutes later by another one for the sum team; «than Lindsay began to pick up. and utter. 8 M pinata. o! 1‘33;th “citing play. 1311M their that int he «Midland mu. Midlmd [W86 unable to retaliate until unto: 12 1-2 minmtas of the hardest why. (the mum; team .was able .to hold them mall in hand. and managed; by, puck from then in My a likely. Itching mm!) on Lindsay’s goal. 0n- lvnmwmin'utea ort‘he firsthalt Great Crowd Witnessed the latchâ€"In Second Half Lindsay Played an 1 Gameâ€"Soon After the Start They flat! to Drop a Ian and Later on Were Three lea Shortâ€"Final Score 6-6: game. After the that puck-ctr Midh land lookedtohghletoninply mun away with Liam. tad soared two (adore M l s- ma w. M m “kg-I \ myvaw s3 “8. m t mm m ‘m a; fimmgnifikg am kmfimi m mum 355-.“ m a; w @“é‘ mu 3“ mm 15% “firm“ may “gm. w fi H m *3 m m mfifzfl mm MW mm W 5cm Wm *3“ m mm. «M m“ M . ; Pm“ had new on a km: mammal and» we score when mood manna 8. W3 1. m u tha clan at hoo- ku our boys Wore putting up Vac simply mum. thins: looked snotty might- Ethic. however. was not: he must unannou- pant at \tho Belong one or the langest crowds evelr packed into Lindsay skating rink. dupiba an admission fee of half a dollar. Lindsay Intermefiflen loot the round Ito Midland last night: [â€" nainly owing Ito miserable trickery, «which Wren Hancock round him- selt helpless to prevent (will; to the weakness 0! the, 0.-H.A. rules. ( Midland came mam with a special train carrying about 250 molars. most at rwhoun‘, whils claiming to be confident of. victory, manflefitod a ditturéaimg fear as to tho result 101 the match by Musing to put ‘up tleir money mm they «were uttered a Bead sure thing with lmwfi mar-l o. gin for eventualitifl» whey Menu-u » realize that Itho first game any tthe _ mound only all to t-hem' through Lindnay lacing compelled :to play a man short. and the! did not seam #0 be an: all confident. that (theyi would be able to pull a!!! xlhe some trick her: As Invent! disclosed. their euc- pnss in imbroduoing tricky mathod? nun: muslin in' km Vim . mtfl puck-oil Mn: and Bdaq'rta. 01 Midland. £011de each other: to the; poralty box [or tripping. and Ran-i dull scorer! «No 4 for Linnhay after a clcvdr bit 0! manoeuvring. fray- .lor and Stoddard were the next! of~ folders Ito lg'et maternal, and while they more of: Midland made a 1,1!»- poxate attempt (to score. but every rush of their tor-wards was checked in brilliant style by the Lindsay: men. who put up super-i.) hockdy. :thn the ball nan; the two teams {were launched around Midland goal, tho Lather te‘em being purely on the do- fensiva. Scoreâ€"Lindsay ‘4. Midland {THE SECOND HALF. ‘1 When the teams reappeared on the ice the spectators more keyed up :to a high pitch of exoiteuncnb'. Immo- diately attelr «the lane-d! Switzer. .Midland’a centre. tripped Koyl. and ma: sent to tho boards. Lindsay, acor- fini; a minute latent atbu', {whirlwind mix-up in trout at the Midland: goal. Stoddard doing the trick. b manly two alumna ml». who ma come from at part: to sue the. game. So mgmy «Waste! m Hm my pk an the mimy hm mum; g!) mam mt Mm rim tax-5H avian- mg mm M M magnum um mm aw ans. 3%: MEMMW From start to finish the gum (syn: clean and exciting. and the players of both sides (knew the highest gdmir- aflon of Bv‘urymxe or the crpwll or Northemers From! Unexpectedly Successful in Stopping Lindsay Rushes Goal, and Their Forwards Were Hustlers. gin for evmlmalitkl. {they Maud - Jealx'xze that the first game any tthe mound only tell to them" through Lindsay being compelled to play a man short. and the! did not Seem to be at all confident, that ttheyf M'oaJd be able to pull out! nlhe mmo trick hen As events disclosed, their euc- pass in finbzdduoinag 'tnicky mqthods was quite in' kegp'm; with what: Ebbâ€"ifs 013mm AT MIDLAND om TWO mouwn smmons W»- It would be :rank injustice to imply. that Midland are not a first-class team â€" they are 'clever 112011932 @135- exs, every man Jack at ’etmluâ€"c (and: {what would. have laden, a tainstrulggle between evenly matched teams Was nullified by an unapommaana and successful vartbeflnfipt on their pant to com-pol a. victory after it had been made plain that Lindsay could out- u Ulmnw w; - successful attempt on their pant ‘30 smashed. He Was carried to the com-pa]. a. vactory after it had been ,wajyfiqg (roam, where he was exam- m'ade plain that Lindsay could ou‘t- imadlqy (Dm. Brde and {Whim {they play them. ' z ‘ ‘- could 1an no marl: or indication 0! “‘35 GAME" " ‘ " ‘- injury, andthamiare pronounced him (the first Lhalf rwas Lightning ho:- fit 'to 139 on the ioa, but Managed key, of. a lament). that fairly madrethe Gould attuned to per-um him. Saying, cmwd gasp. Play commenced soon “He says Ms hunt. and «them’s moth- after 8.30, (Lindsay Batting the moâ€" in; under heaven or in the 'rulas to bar and. carrying; i": We!“ down 011 the compel him to play: if hdsaya he isn't :idland goalmv‘hnrquittzar cwptuzed fi ." Sorrowful. the Lingsgy men ' A . -- . it and abtmmptdd a rusn. no was obeCketd anti the disk Lreturned to Midland «vicinity, «when CoLey notch- 9d No. 1 for Lindsay threla minutes after the punk-off. Stoddard added anothel one minute later. and the rafters fairly shock with the cheers of Lindsay‘s «enthusiastic supponters. During the next rush Sullivan was send: to the tame Nice, and. atom-“d orces. mine latter. as soon as he ge- termed. to m ice. Bot control loft the rubber and made a clean swish shot from the side. tallying Na. 8 lot- mndmy. PW broke loose. the atom! m and cheering tor Em mm A LOOK m. Evening Post of Feb. 2 in \7 1-2 tor Hush «mm M We: a panto- uhrly exciting run up tho Koo Mc- Lonmn. Midland“ husky covor. com- plalwd 0! an injured uhouldu‘ and moat a“ the be. Lindsay. 0‘ oouno. M to out all: m 911 abo. and am a um: m 3mm the team. it mil dooihd M finer ahould pm, mil-4dr! during than". at the game. What or not this man a mains. in i W qt opinion -ho'eortunlyg'ot in mzoodwork M1110 on uni See Who game {than moat outwith ii: Manda“ \ Limbo: mu put up a. anchor-jack not a. mill: all hail the Midlandera down from than ntill that and. oL the Rune. and in not about five minutes before full time was called. were able Ibo shove one. in tho MidlandtzoaL (the score at tha cold of tthd game: thus atcoid. Midland .7, Linda? 2. .L. The Linda-J team «was treated. mall by all. and than nothing- bnt. praise for Memo Calmeu, d Barrie. How- o'texr, there was one man. «the penalty. rwhom ovqryfaodx m5 diam‘Jol'aiod'~ with. Ba was imply rotten. and ahomd himself utterly 1m in a. spirit of tairjlafi and uportsmanship. w WAR 9% m w m W W “V“ M MN“ MW M mm N“ mew wmm mm m m m m km W: m in W W M an mm: m: mm mm m 99% Bach ham m mum; of mhat tiny mare made $1ng the mud 91»;th 0mm any u: an other that It mu may mohey. A mm n: mm m immi- ui out w glam an mm mm; 551555553 555 Myth fur the mamas b! m m Why was 5553 555555 5mm; um UM teams 55 55555; 555 55 it! 555M515. 5 55 5555555955 555 m 55M 555555 55555513 555555: 55% w W 885555555. 15555 b55555 5555 55555 $55525 5555 55 55*t 5555*“ 555 5** “55555 5555:“ m 55 $35th a full mm Soon after the maxi 1y “my NM!- Midland'a tom th .wu mud m lull“ minute- lfitd! 1M mm, and the am: followed: In mur- lu of a minute laborâ€"um [run the punk-cu. rrhn pl” than con- tinted u. mining few minute mithout mpther nearing. but my, leg“, ' \ c It was during the next puck-o“ that mudsafs trouble bdgan. Cotey was sent :to the tcnoo Iod hiding, and Randall tollawnd a few mondfimter. when Buffing. covebpoint for Midk 1806. tell on Itha ice aftetna MIG tmsa 510 on the left wring. insisting in plaintive tones «that his ankle .wns “I cannot speak too highly of Psy- chine, for it is the greatest medicine I ever used. I was just about ‘all in’ when I began the treatment, and in 3 months I was as well as ever. It is a great tonic for weak. snd run dow'n peo- ple. There is new hie in every dose.” J AS. STOLIKER. Ridgetown, Ont., Dec. 19, 1906. It is a sin not to tell your sick friends. about this Wonderful prescription. Throat, lung and staunch troubles, and all run down conditions quickly cured by its use. At all dramas, 50° and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd... Toronto “Life in Every Dose” 'p Uphill who WI: 01 the shuffle. audits w. boom Mimi: a minute lat- er. when Midland unwed their (inst Bod. My main mutated. to the m W Robert- beina allow~ odtopdlit in H: .011th Mr. Bannock :vdwd his Mplam un- Ibr uh. 11“.. "I‘m n’o mind-reader. |gonth|nen." ab marked, to means: L. a Km‘m was Puma: at tha MK! box; "ilk says he's hurt and can‘t p11]. I mmt nco‘ept his statement. but I don! mind «knit- ting that Ito my mind the “flaw is ‘ shunning.“ ' .Whrn the gum was Wed after a. lull! interval Killian! moral anoth- or arm 1111a- 1111 punk-on. 11111111 c0111 plo 1! 11111111131 fitter Mylar added 1111- 1111121- 1111 111111111. 1 Amer 11111 11111101111111 1111111111111 1111 11111 1111111111 111111111 111 11 31111 11 11.111111 11111â€" 11111 $311?“ 11131; “11231” $111191 £1“ 1111111; 1 ' m» “mm-3111'? M 111111 M11133 1 ”1‘11 111111111 m 1111511111 11111111 111111111 1 1 :11 1% 1111111 11111111 111111111: 11111. Q 1% 11111111 “111111111 11 ”:1076'. 8. Gould; rim 3083‘ Why. 'bwanhimdruo murmur- ty; left. Endings; who. m- in; his mom: away! Putting mfg-.9 - '7"â€" , ads in nhontyanta (at tho wig. - NOTES OR THE GAME. -_ law tomock at l ; u ‘ ‘ ., ‘ From “”7" wt Ch. ATS 3'“. MY. mm, one 01 game "“3 ‘ 9m w- «The!!! i' thud link allow-8 Do you. ever W“ W um M?“ "m 00‘ find yam-nan W in libtla cir- M“ W w W mu” m“ 'cla‘ like tint! ‘Do you Wear- ‘umt' “'1 «there ‘5 Mute]: 9° sol! tabs «emulated by mere size V dad-It about haw tho gum would go 4-183 W'-b7. mp3“ ”cm; with men men s lids. (their. tor- and WOW! “iguana gm made were checked no close that mm n4 um’fiah You “gnawing m" WM!” 67- gmmed “1“ 0"! “m M W’ all. “in: You are thinking in th vwronz mmunotstopthomem’ aha-11901 that narrows as you 30 Eherm‘a lye-nothing radically wrong with a: Nation whose rules a- law a player to go to the referee and say. “I’m huntâ€"I quit plat. w more.” and than make a tumour. 0: what should be 3 game olihockeyv ”van men a aid») No one. can coun- poll I‘h’mtooolna on. “than!“ am at n Batu: Mom (would not Do a bit :1 goat. He Bays be is unable to play. and that's the dnd «:6 him‘. anid also one of W othcn Mm“ v hand may. I]!!! Sullivan, their cov- er-poim mu retired. the game can.- unuiuz six main adds, . g, t 32w £5. .28 £833 39!:â€" Uu E82. genociâ€" Usn Pug: gag. 4806:. a? Bar...» :38 i... no... 593:. 35. E. o. 9. a? did it. Bonn: W mu re- name: annular team that did. it. too; Bollevillo Bot sick flame aim a time. Whore cpl! to have a man with I W Into M the game and than hue to unit. «1119? could new: and anytime: skate (at him. and the game would “wan go You'm either got to bda‘great deal bc'ltdr or a great deal “cmokeder” than the nth!!! team to win; ,You‘uo got to have 7 batter m6; 5, 4. 3, 2 or 1 betbqr mun. mum.- other team fancies. I! they can’t beat yon. with 7 man. they will come! you to try mint 6 can an. Idahomt. it your goal-bender is a good sprinter you can twin games - itjou‘rsdnso o! honor is small enough. h \( - as. (I‘M m {we gosh to‘ytho but. with 25 minutes mill to go» (finely. something had to be done. and «he; did it. Sana: um Mb re- -Wo much hard laser- Lmbfi a lomzi shot. and have always given the glad hand to Itunns like Shwttord and: Pe- uflooramgh when beaten on our mer- éts, but We a. buzzing that {bodes ill to: «Millard over last night’s ht- tlo Emit. fe~ (L L ; Orange .Sentinel; Sir. Thomas Simughnessy alighted from his car at Moose Jaw recently, paced up and down the platform a ,moment or :wo. and noticed a -'bar_ in the hotel op- Arstcd by the C. I'. R. Co. the'e. 1‘Cluse that place up,". was the ner- (mptory order of 511' Thomas. Tho: door was locked and the men who a;- tend-ed the but were paid off. The room is now. devoted to other pm». roses. I fl‘he Bi; advertiser is very much at a Reality. (to Mid mu man» who ,53 easily discou'mged this armour {douiatlm looks like a. (wall! of ada- mant. But «the 9811 map has: no need to be discwrazglei {1‘0 park- phrase an old lqgeqdandto bring“: up to data. the faint hunt "don't get mare." As I saidlaetore.‘the small man is apt to tail gmalle'r than an Ire-ally EB. And, he's apt Lq think the Bil; man '15 1313861! and now; im- pmgnajole than HE is. “well me what you think an” Iivyjll well you than Lia won Intâ€"whether you teal labia to hold your own against ‘gll loads. at likozbwo WinqtheiBank 0! “wt“; ‘15? s It you man; to fight with the» Big fivm tor your share or made; look tar tho wk specs inaudm; tellaw‘e amour, Eben beep jabbing them a l The Value of the Small “M" Compared With Page Splurge: In may: at mrmt “0m and "W'ulum «K- mmwwumum I- uoud «.1me thank (l‘ha mwmamuuww- ling-Wain. Bowen w: “mdetht-izmn .mmmncw "m“ m!" mic-lbw tolhw. "110"“ Wbthomhlmuflke: Mm! “We! the Wheat-nu! 1mm" In» itth teuaw ‘33. m gunk Wt. Bo in a limp in (he mm. mum- the mad of ms um. «Lâ€"Has mu Mob-‘1' .Wh'- hank! mutt be ml Imam- aud he‘d Ln as helpless as a great Liatwhhm about outdtha’ Imam. He'd ha out at it Emma. Bhiuflmuhwauflmmmp with tho alt lfit am. Hi- two-iota): buck tam-amid “£41 at" want 6011. but an M1 “toll tar? mmh. afloat-W Iota mould Bowen h hulk, Ha‘d h I)! M W: n'. L ( mhmumuMMtondt on M m 3mm tho moi-shat wbo duh. on «cumin: and cut mica. fl‘haBigtollawcanmdom inmgnuuflophmmsm d‘a atunpt to copy these tactic: is small spunonldbumitotlthe Quench»; way! {than an: mentions not my. to ugwor. but in (:th day; at! al- most univeml advertising, it's up to . ADVERTISE WE MUST. A In advexfis'm; there can be no set ruleâ€"em Mammy. Mith a “m; P. General advice and general plans are very nearly mless. First of all ave must replixp [that we have to fight a hand light on a nuances battle field. when ‘the contestants give no um rrhe idea. is tor everybody to .take :11 the quarters tamed. by book ova-ooh the lines on ,which the author Wanker can madam flail: the We with maze formidnble xivnle and vary ao- frho am More m is £110.90?“ qt tho mall mains” with 5110 mall 31 Wunfimtfifl dotortha small man (who has much “'33" houses roommate m' 30" i' "h" to advent-tin Mull in a small the conditions is wags!» a. Big warmer. don't think anthe .w. know 1111 is successful all “63 things." We know. 1‘ i! ‘ W‘to Jacket: with. But wq nearhfit lat him. marryus. Lotto: think u Lita! some at tho Libth min we know of. Don't m at tha m «:9 Wm’ 90' .Why, wwwmmtm- iuzhinmonay'uwgyl Pnttinsinmeb nda innhatyunt- tau-(hawk; Fal- lawtolnockatl ; U. . ..’. Maybe tha' Bug adventmr in your line at business Lives and thrives on a Wain-giving basisâ€"ho generally 605.11% thud of bemguns never seems to cease. Each day brings its list at attractiana. counted on to draw people in and Lead them tow dam things in regular lines which shuw- s 135139 96' oeitkot pro fit. Eh Datum- uo his bait; that main“ M van clad“:- “MW WWW him 1.15% 'to fight with ytha Big for your share of grades as was): Spots mm Bis; mour. Eben twp jabbing EURM "TRAININGJ CORSET FDR 5mm WOMEN anmkSlyflinfyou wearthis Model- "noun-set Millet! W I”Vfl".mldhallgood£|nratluwghâ€" out Canada. himfihbnccomp 'ishsimflxmbbg mWWâ€"dhvbhfiomh W fl‘he advertiser Mho harps on Qual- ity and Meg-it and Exclusivmess. 3; he happens to have an occasional car'- gsin to otter mu teal it to wide open ears. (the public will {lock to! his store, because they know that they'll surely GET a bargain. They know that Jones in nland-amt! above all things 10: 9mm: end Wlity. The advertiser, therefore, who build: hisLmimsson‘thesofidrockotDe- 150V tho mu UL can fpcua its tire on jmtntqw viulpoinul..udkeep_ panning. man an}: at mphlnpâ€" WM just one giggle song, gnd it it’s sung well it «~33 Q'stick“ Eternal harping on one or 'UWo strings my ncit be picturebgue to the harp- iut, but whom it is done with; shll and power. with repetition of swoject out with change 0! word and: tom. it will in time mags an indolble ime pregion, on the pmliq mind. . x flour. than. out tho mu a. Jan modem-him! It m’thedom b; “1518 min. It «at be dam by «1km; quantity. But-1t can be dong by talhng' Quality, Lt an be done, by “13in; mm I: an be done by am; good service. It can be dam by um; 1'.“de- shunning â€" MW of Style. Who Di; Maw preaches Price and Quality. he an be checkmated by, 91mm 0mm and float. all Ly; ovquasmly hammer“ at a-L in film; clear Data, «When the small odvmhnapdn; tomb: let. him nah it with no ans-attaining tin-cm «Let him. leave norm (or donut in tho mind 9! theprospestim chwa _! than: .twoufl cream with envy. unbawtxnpina. _ clan-cut. distinct style. with He can sue qmll advertiser ad. shun and the . “PM 3 hurt. ad. 0 l' ‘Mh‘dmum mum-at own-mum‘s qmwueindun) 2153 on; 01 commotion! 01‘ “yaw 0?! m0; WWII) ‘8 ‘mg; And. up“. 3!?“ W"! “I mm 193M W mugquommtuy Alum man shadow. - a B that won' “131mm less" as it grows olden: VI? (The small meh‘e businen has in own ‘ Points at Excellence in which it and play necourl fiddle .to-pooody. not even the Biggest houses. 11 it hasn‘t its a pretty wash: affair. mhme Points of Excellence should be taken up one by one and Jail before the render. m», might be worked into the smell wanking space un-v. der the Benet-31' heading. "Joms' Points of Emellenoe.” In each change of copy one point only should be dealt with, and themastshould be made at it. Careful thomght win he called for in farming each and: Even a “fined hand een’t do a small ad. 0! this sort justice by ‘flashing it of! inanimate.” It Sham-Mm! a whole lot in; a new worth and shake min fig and. armâ€"divine its fire. Ithstouxmgs co magenta apwmâ€"QUMW- _“ in unlimilgrxl i made an! ion on the reader’s 8-point a fur spaéa antonoel madeclehd'lj ress to as”. it v “tinnitk a clear nip gds it will “etéck” in the'neader‘s far better than I. long. Nf'im‘led ”gum-t5 r . Whatever yo‘u have to say. don’t say it in an apologetic. halt-hamster! may. Say it earnestly. simply and plainly. It «will sink into the reader‘s mind and wry with it conviction. If your little aid, has in it the; pxoper brand of yeast it will em. tully raise the reader‘s curiosity. and mesa!!! he'll be irresistibly; tempts!!! to give you n aid» . Once you havei him hoohad k'qno to yonto laudhim. Andomeyou mu. that's 1 show; at no my n?! that (We'll have 1: ' labqr- Ianâ€"I'M till am. my. abnmmwmm We 5.!» TIME INK ii! EE

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