"that the people shall control justly - the railroads, itelegraphs, telephones, ï¬end other public services, appeals to 2th: sane men of the country as tur- - ï¬shing ample and easy means of pro 'uction of individual rights, and leav- es no excuse whatever for the hair- hrained policy into which Mr. Bord- en blundered in his Halflax platform. It. Borden and the party new real- ifl that his declaration was a great *' ’ l , and‘it'iB'DOt to be wonder- eil’lt‘ thatmceflart should be made to tid'the party of the 0nâ€. “‘1 t° |.|--ma-m ground of 38m Many do not see as well as they should -Others see well, but their eyes become tired. Others suffer from Headache caused by the eye strain. The one remedy is a pair of our glasses proper- ly ground and ï¬tted. For any eye trouble or new glasses see us. We have the appliances, skill and experi- ence to ï¬t any eve that glasses will help. rnntil after the federal- elections. It '- was never formally accepted by the -Conservative party, and the better dies of Conservative newspapers re- radiated all sympathy with his So- ‘ autistic public ownership and opera.- 'tionviews.These were thrownin as Headache and Eye-Swain sop’ 'to the Socialistic coterie which follows W. F. McLean, and the gen- eral tendency of which is to antag- onize 8.1} the solid interests of the country, to make war upon property rights, and to exalt into a species of idolatry the doing of things by the ofï¬cials of the country at the ex- pense of the people rather than by the investors of the country and the trained men whom they employ. The important change made by Sir Wil- frid Laurier in asserting the principle KB. ANNIS. Oph. D., EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. I heat-st. (Over Neill' 3 Shoe Store) vithin the party out of which a. pol- tical platform may be formulated. It. Borden and the machine which manipulates him have not been bril- liantly successful in outlining a poli- cy for the party. On several occas- :sims, when his followers looked to :him for a clear pronouncement on yublic issues, Mr. Borden failed them; he had no well deï¬ned principles to guide him, and he resorted to declarâ€" ations which seemed to suit the pur- gpose of the moment, but which, with- . I:_-_1 LINDSAY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12. (the "weekly post Borden, leader of the Opposition, in View} the calling of; a party con- vention within a few months to dis- cuss matters of party policy and to seek for some grounds of agreement in a very brief time, he was obliged by political exigencies to disavow and contradict. In the matter of the N. T. 1%., it will be born in mind. he “boxed the compass,†advocating a number of different and contradic- tory policies. In various parts of Ca- nada he had made declarations in- consistent with any permanent Do- :minion policy, his object being to -'catch the favor of a section of the people for the moment, without re- gard to the total or permanent eflect upon the country. The notorious “Halifax platform†was the work of Borden himself, and a few of his immediate lieutenants. It was design- ed to include everything in sight, Irom moss-clad Toryism to wild-eyed Socialism, and to serve the purpose It is now intimated. Ill-60' IILSOI, Prom SEEKING A POLICY ment. A Conservative leader seeking to make his party acceptable to the undesirable elements which doclslm A man has a. well-balanced mind if he is able to mind his own business. Smile you. Pa you. The age of miracles is not past. French duellist has just been hit by bullet. Montreal 3 great ¢ one. Carrie Nation likes Great better. She is being arrested frequently now. Tom Flannagdn seems to be the hero of_ the hour in Toronto, while Longboat is looked upon as a good little Injun. It is astonishing how some plumbâ€" ers can dissipate their money. One of them died in Toronto a. few days ago and only left $3,001. Toronto went wild the otner over Tom Flannagan’s victory his Injun racing machine. biggest weekly incre That is a. sign of need not be ignored. Lindsay owns its own waterworks and makes a proï¬t of $5,000 in one year, besides getting cheap water. Ottawa owns its own electric light plant and gets cheap electric light and a handsome proï¬t. Ald. Kylie will no doubt ï¬gure out a. connec- tion between those two staments anti-swear stovepipe. ministers feel the ne Isn't it a little rough on the Hudâ€" son Bay railway route, this scheme for diverting the wheat crop to Van- invention ? A Chicago man killed himself be- cause he had gray hair â€"-â€" and lacked gray matter, we should add. couver. sent to that horse for ‘ There is reason to suspect mum than a desire on the part of the To- ronto police to subject prisoners to .. 1- a good one, especially when a fellow comes home late. A policeman in New Orleans arrest- ed his wife for disorderly conduct the other day. She had talked to him in an unseemly manner. There will ‘be a rush now by many people to be syorn in as special constables. The idea is Helen Keller, deaf, blind and dumb, has been obliged to leave Boston to escape the attention of those who want to give her a good time. 3110 has bought a country place out o! her savings, so as to be sure of a. little quiet. And still there are peoâ€" ple who grouch.. The Toronto Mail and Empire so far forgets itself as to commend Hon A. B. Aylesworth on his having in- troduced in Parliament a H11 pro- hibiting grafting by persons in the employ of private individuals or cor- porations. -v-vv the “1:th degree,†' and it should be stopped promptly and eflectually. Private enterprise has oertainly' reached a. wonderful development when it is possible for a single Eng- lish firm to take an order for a whole Spanish naval squadron, at a price of forty million dollars. Of all the funny stunts that Tor- onto has ever done to attract peo- ple to it, the proposition to send a brass band around to advertise it in the American cities is the silliest., William Jennings Bryan was thrown out of his "automobile the other day. Bill has been thrown by his fellow sovereigns so often an ad- ditional bump or two doesn’t hurt. A Duluth minister ile and the world smiles V Pay your bills and it smiles needs a moral earthquake teal more than a. physical Lindsay who should be horse for treatment. wild ’the other night has just shown the increase for a year. of the times which has invented an But why should zed of any “Ch wh‘t more more 8t and overflowing with them---and every c01 ï¬nd it possible to produce. THIS WHOLE STORE 5 great annual event is reflected 1n fabrics and delightful wear-things. ndless varietiesâ€"the bargains are ngly we prepared for thi hich will obtain on these charming garments, sheer The spirit of economy overs doubly magnetic by reason of their timeliness. It's _to be an event that will long be remembered by prudent housewives and thrifty shoppers, the greatest White Sale of all, the Blue Ribbon White Event ‘ . THE GREAT WHITE SALE BEGINS FEBRUARY 12th No. 5004. Ladies’ Fine White Lawn Waists, fronts trimmed with three rows of swiss inser- tion and four of val , opening in the back, long sleeves with tucked cuï¬â€™s. edged with lace. Sizes 34 to 42. White Sale Price 890 a ï¬ne beading large ' t u i: E s, tucked, .vcollar‘s and Mousque- txere sleeves, as per cut. White S ale ‘P r i c e No. 5 O 5 2. Ladies’ F 3 n e White L a w n Wai sts, with Swiss embroi- dered fronts, ï¬ :1 i s h e d on each side with and No. 501 2. Ladies’ Fine White Lawn Waists; with all-over embroidered fronts, tucked collars, long Mousquetiere sleeves edged with lace, opening in the back. Sizes 34 to 40 White Sale Price, each ........... 1t 00 DUN DAS ,1“ 3""; an. Ask or write for one of our white Ladies' White Waists 1 .38 No’. 5034- Ladxes’ ï¬ne White L a w n W a i s t s, fronts of fine white Swiss embroidety and val. insertion, ï¬nished on each side w it 11 two large tucks. long Mousquetlere sleeves. Sizes 34 to 40, as per cut. White Sade Price ::1 .25 e . 89¢ It will pay housekeepers to anticipate that wants for months in advance when Domestics and Bedding needs can be purchased 'at such extraordinary bargain 400 yards of ï¬ne blanched English Nainsook Muslin, 32 inches wids. very sheer and soft. a suitable cloth for Eadie? apd White Event. MQSWnHééw. Special price for White Sale per yard: ......... ’ 106 500 yards of 36 inch bleached Cotton, a very even weave, ï¬rm and yet not too heavy, suitable for Ladies’ and Childrens’ ww. Special price fox White Sale, per yard ........ 10‘ zoo yards of plain unbleached Sheeting. 8: inches wide, very even and ï¬ne in texture, a good ï¬rm cloth that will wear, my to blach, regular ‘alue 28c. Speci- al {gr White Sale, per 2'6 a border all around. hemmed ready to use, size 78x90 inches. Spqcial for White Sale, 1-29 No. 638. Ladie's†Fine White Cambtic Underskirts, with deco Swiss embroidery and lawn frills,’ three and a half yards wide, dust mflie Dainty, beautifully trimmed. perfectly made undergarments that ' éant examples of expert needleworx- ï¬ne and sheer in quality 3 sly full in cut and accurately proportioned. The prices; nude on these shaming garments for this sale are not % eir beauty sod worthiness- the manufacturers! but we present them as typimli â€"generou which we have . at all in keeping 'lth th would pronounce them as far too low, of the splendid values in this event. Ht ‘7 ' Large tile white crochet Bed mu, grade or mu; m and Domestics gs vibes: which we have for the Blue Ribbon Undermuslins Hammad IS A VISION OF SNOWY LOVELINESS. The housewife will ï¬nd this event a banana for ï¬lling her Linen needs at 1 wonderful sav- ing of money-and the .{unliry of the Linens ere the sort which careful housewives demand : H31! bleached Table Linens. 70 inches wide. assorted de- signs, 10d (ancy borders, u very durable cloth. Regular value (5‘95 penyud. Irinen 33c so only Linen Table Cloths, full bleach, assorted daigns and fmcy borders around, size two and half yards long a'nd two yds. A‘- 35¢ Lilian Sale 'price Towels, made ï¬ne and soft. end.~ are hemmed end plain striped borders size 18x32 inches. Reg. nine 15c etch. Linen Snie ptiee 2 for ...... 256 250 yards of pure linen Tow- elling. ior roller and dish use, 16 and 18 inches wide, in half blached and bleached makes. Regula: value I: 1-3c per yard Linen Sale price a 1 .21: Extra ï¬ne Dcvcn Huck Tow- els. pure linen. and full bleach. hamstitcbcd on ends, six: 20x39 inches. Reg. value 35c etch. Linen Sale price 29‘ :2 dozen only of pure linen Table Napkins, assorted patterns, bright satin ï¬nish, 20:20 inches square. lie-gum value 2.50 per Linens 8'1-20 1.29 N o. 4. Ladiés’ Fuse While Cotton Corset Covers, made four lows of torchon insertion. lace at neck and armbolcs. all I sizes. A: parent. Each .............................. 1 Mumforomofowmumcatfloxlm .13! m2 WWSAY} MAY. mum 12. the most Undermuslins expert needle-workers No. 407. Ladies’ ï¬ne White Cotton Drawers, made with a wide {rill of Swiss embroidery ï¬nished with tucks, both styles and all sizes, as percut, pair. um No. 4ooï¬. Ladies’ and Misse ï¬ne White Cotton Drawers, made with lawn frills edged with torchon lace. both styles and all sizes Pet pm ........ 25c is reflected in 1.50 with a} FM for To hibit d and Bu: Ontario cent: (1 ï¬ve .4. may Mace ml bf: I ream this into