Curtain Stretchers gorse Clippers Paultry Netting Bird cages 1181111111131 8101 Washing Machines Clothes Wringers Slip Ladders- Wheel Barrows Alabastine Glazed Sewer Pipe P‘orttand Cement Fire Clay éï¬cLéï¬ï¬Ã©iH/‘id; Ex-Reeve Boate . Badly Injured Tree Pumcd Hun to Bar 11 on his Farm 1 mad rush. in Emijy I Fortunw Ex-reeve J. R. Boate, of Emily, who resides on lot 22, con. 5, was the victim of a. painiul accident on Tuesday. He was felling a tree on his farm when it fell the wrong way pinning him to the earth and renâ€" dering him unconscious. His son, who had been working with him, went to his assistance and extricat- ed him from his perilous position. He was taken to his home and Dr. Sut- ton of Omemee was summoned, Three stitches were placed in his face and he is besides badly bruised. It will be some days before he will be able to be around. He Forgot Dr. Mason’s ’Name â€ason’s .Name‘ .The general committee of the Citi- I zens' League met on Tuesday night. T . Matters relating to ‘the recent tbfhfnggfizg? hezsbm Isleferring to Icampaign were discussed and many E’,‘ P to the1°é1p°k r- t 1:0“: M- irregularities in connection;with the - -, ea er a e open- ‘ . . ing of the Ontario Legislature sa S. .polling .on 3rd inst. were brought to ‘1?“ C ‘ I h (1 VI v V - 'the notice of the committee. Asmall dun 0- h at e50“ an 1 r. John |committee was appointed to investi- Dargavel member for Le¢d3 grasped .‘gate and report, and the results will Dr Mason ï¬rmly. ;be made public later. A‘strong de- “I (1‘35“? to present 130 you Dr. ‘,sire was expressed that the league Robertâ€"’ began 001 Mathe- should be kept alive and the general j‘j‘n but he had a harder F351; than Icommittee reorganized and streng- P‘r ‘J'amels, .W'ho “59d mltlals 0315/3 éthened for the purpose of exerting The provmmal treasurer was stuck 'all the influence possible in faVOr of fast, like the minister at a. christen- ;*a vigorous enforcement of the li. lug who forgets the name 0f We in- icense laws and to make the league 3. fant, and he was forced to whisper strong factor in the elections for the for aid. ~ town council next year. “It turned {mt “3111:: thehg‘M" stood 1 It was also decided that agitation for “Mercer,’ a r. 330“ was should be kept up for the abolition finally established in his seatr of the 3-5th clause and that another -â€"-â€"-â€"-+'â€"â€""â€" vote be taken atfthe earliest ‘ date provided by‘law for the doing away The QUQStion 0f iwith the barroom and the treating system in Lindsay. i The Question of g A New Armory! The County Council will, it is un- ; derstood, take up the question of a } new armory at this session. Unother strong resolution will be drafted and- forwarded to the Dominion Govern- ment, emphasizing. the urgent neceS- sity of a new building for the stores and equipment of the local .militaa. DUCULS D. D v; V... doses four times a dzw, . , ’ cellent musm f0: . . . '1 ° th ' : IanCd 1n 1t3 bottle, \‘.‘;;1 mg éevenfng. splendld rec1tat1 j Refreshments x 1215: 3 y€3".1’-01d baby 11831“- ing the evening Crust-I 33% 33 Emma :Send 1°C.. name of paper and this ad. f0! our beautiful Savings Bank and Child‘s Sketch 1y 3 month, and four bot- tles over three months, and will make the baby strong and weil'and will lay the foundation for a healthy, robust boy or girl. Kalsomine renny. scan a; sown; us WOM SM W.“ TN“ 0» :iven in half-teaspoon P AGE 14 A 50vcent bottle 01 FOR Prism Paint SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS FIOO!’ Wax Fiï¬e Brick Constable Short Surprised Them A few evenings ago, around the midnight hour, a local physician was receiving directions from Con- istable Short at the corner of Kent Eand Lindsay-sts. regarding the loca- ltion of a residence in the eastward 'where he had been summoned to atâ€" tend a patient. Suddenly vociferous shouting broke the stillness of the night followed by the appearance of a white horse attached to 'a cutter coming across the bridge at breakâ€" neck speed. The occupants oi the ‘cutter, fully a dozen young men, were 'i } returning from a dance in the count- ry, and were, it is said, primed to the neck with corn juice. Up the hill they came, shouting like blood-thirsty Apaches, when Con- stable Short.stepped out on the road .With the intention of stopping the Cutter Load of Young Men Were Pulled up Abmptly Fortunately an overcheck was hangâ€" ing and the ofï¬cer by a quick move grabbed it and brought-the horse to a standstill. so suddenly that a num- ber of the young men took aheader out on the road, while one of them was nearly thrown on the horse’s back. One or two of them evidently thought that discretion was the bet- ter part of valor, for they quickly decamped. The others were given a pretty severe lecture by the constable and allowed to go with a warning. 'Enthusiasï¬c Meeting of General Com- 1 mittez of this Oiganization To Keep Alive Citizen’s League Military Euchre ' Much Enjoyed Knights of Golnmbus Held Very Suc- cessful Faction Last Evening A delightful military euchre and dance was held by the local Council 1 Knights of Columbus last evening in the parish hall. The attendance was large. and a very enjoyable evening was spent. Those who succeeded in winning prizes were Mrs. W. E. Baker, Mrs. J. Walsh, Messrs. Peter Kennedy and Joseph McDonald. , Roenigk's orchestra furnished exâ€" cellent music for dancing and dur- ing the evening Mr. T. Brady gave a splendid recitation. t Refreshments were also ,served dur- 2 Bobcaygeon, Jan. 27â€"The funeral of Robert A. Booth, a victim of the ‘C.P.R. wreck at Spanish River, took Iplace here yesterday from Christ LChurch and was largely attended. Mr gBoot‘n left here some 15 years ago iwhen merely a boy for Toronto, and ghas resided there ever since. -His fa.- ‘ther and mother are both dead, al- i ’so an elder brother, who met death by drowning ten years ago. Robert was the only remaining one of the family. A widow and four children are left practically unprovided for. Remains Interred At Bobcaygeou Wm 519;†30ԠLecture by New Yorkâ€"Geo. DoIling. seven feet and a quarter inch tall, arrived here today from England. He was met at the pier by his brother-inâ€"law, Benj. Corday, who isa. mere stripling of 6 feet, 8% inches. Dollin g wears a number I7 boot, about six inches wide and sixteen inches longâ€"eats enough for three ordinary menâ€"and enjoys every mouthful. It is a'greai thing when one goes to the table with a hearty appetite and sound digestion. Many things tend to make us eat less than the body requires. Constipation, Biliousness, Torpid Liver, Weak Stomach, Impure Blood, Sick Kidneysâ€"all these troubles aï¬ect Digestion and the desireffor food. Poultry Show Gmi Success L l Great Success ls Second to None in the Province-â€" Over 800 Entries The Lindsay Poultry and Pet Stock show will close this evening, and the directors are delighted at the reâ€" sults achieved. The show has been an all round success, there being about 800 entries in the different classes. Mr. D. C. Trew, and no other man is in a better position to judge, stated to the Post this morning, that he never saw a better class of birds at any show. The quality was there, and it is doubtful if the birds could be improved upon. The directors of the show are to be congratulated on its success. They an energetic and wide awake are body of men and the zeal and en- thusiasm they have displayed in booming this event has been amply repaid. The Poultry AsSociation is an in- stitution which should receive every encouragement from the citizens as the annual show is second to none in the province. The need of a suitable building for this annual event was again felt this year, and the hope is expressed that before long the government will recognize the . advantages of this i MR. MACRAE. ‘ representing the dairy department at . Ottawa dealt particularly with th dairy interests. In opening he re- marked that in all the ï¬ve years that « he had been travelling the Dominion i (“D and attending meetings, he never had the pleasure of attending one that : created soamuch interest as the four days' judging classes here had. As to dairy cattle he said that the first and all important feature was the feed. If cows are not fed enough and the proper food they were a losing proposition, and the farmer" might as well get out of business at once. Get the feed right, then start raising the standard of the herd and at the same time start culling out the unprofitable animals. Whether a cow is profitable or not is very eas- ily and cheaply ascertained by the cow testing system which is now be- ing so profitably and generally adopted. He remarked on the pro- gress the Eastern Ontario farmers had been making the past year or two and he looked for great results in the near future. PRES. CREELMAN Prof. Creelman was next intro- duced by the chairman. He pre- faced his address by some eloquent general remarks, and then dealt with the rapid advancement being made by the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph. The student body had grown till now there were- represen- tatives of a great many nations there, and the new year term showed district as an agricultural-centre by a membership of over 1,000 pupils. erectingi‘a suitable building at an early date to be used for agricultur- tages al' purposes. _________._+___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Biennial Conference The ninth biennial convention of the Bay of Quinta Conference Epâ€" worth League will meet in the Me- thodist church,. Cobourg, on' Feb, -8, #_--J.-A ‘Ln‘ 1‘“ It was not alone due to the advanâ€" of the course of study at Guelph that such satisfactory proâ€" ;gress was being mgde, but also on account of the example given the suâ€" perior work I; in agriculture done by the good English,. Irish and Scotch stock, who were farming in Canada. Mr.. Creelm-an bespoke the respect in- ternationally shared for C'anatï¬â€˜ans in different lines of endeavor. an How-4 an 1 “Fruit-a-tives†, made from fruit juices and tonics, is the best appetizer, because “Fruit-wtives†makes the stomach strongâ€"the liver activeâ€"the bowels and kidneys regularâ€"the blood pure and the skin clean. If you want to be well and feel well, take “Fruit-aâ€"tivesâ€. The Lindsay Poultry and Pet Stock show will close this evening, and the directors are delighted at the re- sults achieved. The show has been an all round success, there being about 800 entries in the different classes. Mr. D. C. Trew, and no other man is in a better position to judge, stated to the Post this morning, that he never saw a better class of birds at any show. The quality was there, and it is doubtful if the birds could be improved upon. The directors of the show are to be congratulated on its success. They are an energetic and wide awake body of men and the zeal and en- thusiasm they have displayed in booming this event has been amply repaid. goévéâ€"b'diié for $2.50. or trial size 25c â€"or may be obtained direct from Fruit- a-tives Limited. Ottawa. The Poultry AsSociation is an in- stitution which should receive every encouragement from the citizens as the annual show is second to none in the province. The need of a suitable building for this annual event was again felt this year, and the hope is expressed that before long the government will recognize the . advantages of this district as an agricultural-centre by Biennial Conference The ninth biennial convention of the Bay of Quinta Conference Epâ€" worth League will meet in the Me- thodist church,. Cobourg, on‘ Feb, 8, 9, 10, 1910. It is: expected that on from the various districts of. the conference, viz., Cannington, Lindâ€" say, Whaitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Cobourg, Brighton,. Picton, Napaneee Peterbora, Campbellford,“ Madoc and Tamworth. Some of the best. speak- Lars of the conference will address- ers of the confel this convention.‘ It is dead easy to convince am that he is smarter than you are. be is smarter than you are. ‘1’ w ._ __. , Sick Headache and rdicv all the troubles inc!- dL-m. 1):). Unions state of the eye‘cm. such as Dizziness. Nausea, Drowsiucss, Distress after cutinq, Pain in the {’3 ' 1 8:3. While thvi': mush remarkable success 11¢?!)ch shown in curing ' Headache, yet Carter's .Litfle eqx1._x_lxy v‘ll'na 1310 in} unsuprtion ,_ _.‘-_,1-. ~~nrhv~v~“‘hi‘ v -- v - , Headache, yet Carter's Littie Liver mm; are equhy ulna bleim cnstiprtion,curingu..dpre- v Ming; this sum-:22?!ccnquuint. \\ hi 0 they also comm-t :-‘.|(.is mic. su {Reluctant ‘1, stimulates}: Jivvr and. regulate tf‘c Lo'wds. chn if they only ewe-d 551mm m m Ache theyRmfldbe £32119: suï¬â€˜ur 1mm 11:35 uistrcsm‘: natuly their gooclncssgior‘s who mute try them xvii! f 1‘ able 2:1 90 wavy \"C' S 1’... line to go \.'i:.'.10utt‘.;c::1. ame .211“) 1":1yv ‘ h“... 1mg to 1.0 x.iLL10utt‘.1c:1. Lutiftcralle ACME I A L-_A I __ Is the bane of so many 11 cs that here is where we make our great. boast. Our pills cureit \\ we othv rs do not. Carter’s Lime Live: Pills are very small and very easy to hike. Oueor two )Elismakc a (Io-e. They are stricuy vegetable on! do not gri or purge, but by tgcir gentle action please who use them. mm 8391:1113 60.. 11m 2081. WM Eznnstpricch ssto those who using complaint; but. form- :(".orsnrtcmlhere,and those infrdt‘ncsclittle pillq V81"? ‘5 11...“! by will not be wil- _c;:1. Lutaitcr all sick head THE LINDSAY POST What has been Done tor Farmers and Advancement of Agriculture The great interest being taken in the four days’ short course being held here under the auspices of the Department of Agriculture was‘abunâ€" dantly indicated by the large and thoroughly appreciative audience at the Academy of Music last night to listen to the splendid addresses ZiV- thoroughly appreciative audience at ' B _ S 1' . d V . the Academ of Music 1 t n'vht t :u-rxsters, O lCltOI'S an - utarxes y as l†O OFFICEâ€"corner Kent and William-ï¬ts. listen to the splendid addresses ziV- ' (Over Dominion Bank. Lindsay) en there. The addresses were 'suppleâ€" 3 Money 130 Loan on Real Estate. 1 B. J. McLaughIln, K.c., A. M. Fulton. BA. ing pictures. ' James A. Peel. ,,__ â€"â€"â€"â€"._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€",â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"- mented by several interesting mov- Mr. Thos. Stewart made an excelâ€" lent chairman; and in a brief but pointed address introduced the ï¬rst speakers. y‘al AVA " vâ€"â€"â€" _.._. the good English. Irish and Scotch a1 having come over 25 miles- and stock, who were farming in Canada. they are staying for two or three Mr.. Creelman bespoke the respeet'in- days to take advantage- of the m. ternationally shared for C'anatï¬ans Stru‘ctibn offered; in different lines of endeavor. Mr.. MacRae of the Live: Stock At Guelph there were two- i‘nstftiu- Commissjbners’ stafl, Ottawa. 81119177 tions the college and the expen‘m demonstrated himself to be a master ental’ farm. There were between'thir- 5 of his subject. Comments to the cf". ty and forty thousand visitors to feet that he knew what he was 1311;. these each June, and it was the ac- ing about: were We and: the n wur- LA A A these each June, and it was the ac- tual‘ results on the experimental farmh that appealed to the farmer, rather" than the college; On the farm at GIrePph it was the business- to grow thesuperior and inferior grade of grains, and discard‘ the- inferior kinds for the best. The‘ weaker gave some meat intesesting technical in- fbrmatfon on crop prodhcti'om He showed the great results1 in the inâ€" crease of yields of various crops, as the result of careful and persistent experiment on the experimental farm. The much praised west was referr- ed to as a. great country, undoubted- Iy, but it should be borne in mind, in spite of bank statements, that Ontario, as shown by the last ofï¬â€" cial statistics compiled, those for 1908, has produced sixty per cent- more for the year than the enum west. E “Ontario,†said the speaker amid great enthusiasm, “is the best: pro- vince in the Dominion.†' Prof. Creelman next touched on live stock, the study of which was an important branch in the college curriculum and spoke of the practical results Which demonstrated the suc- cess that attended the instruction in this deparement. Other branches of the college work and their educational value with the highest practical end in view were dealt with and shownwby the speaker to be of vital importance of every- day, moneyâ€"making farming. {The longer the engagement shorter the married life. The proper time to, do what you don’t want to do is the by‘and â€" by'e. Pres. Creelmau’iI the year than the entire the best' . pro- was referr- Solicitors for The Canadian Bank of Com- merce. Money to loan on mortgages at ï¬ve per cent. Ofï¬ces William-sh, Lindsay F. D. MOORE K.C. ALEX JACKSON NIOORE JACKSON, Barristers, Etc. 7‘ ‘H R. KNIGHT Barrlster, Solicit LEE; Notar Pub'ic’. Real Estate, Etc. Representing est. ï¬re, 1i'fe, accident and 7._ AAmnnv‘lfl heilth insurance comvan ius. Solicitor for Farmers Bank of Canada. Telephone 41. Ofï¬ceâ€"Kent-st., over the Farmers Bank MCLAUGHLIN, PEEL FULTON ‘ HOPKINS HOPKINS Helium LOAN AT LOWEST comma muss (iA\-'AI"A 8: W’ATSON. Ontario and Dominion Land Surveyors. En- gineers. Valuntors. Survevs of all descriptions attended to, including Drainage \Vorks. Ofï¬ceâ€"Roger's Blk. Orillia, Ont. P.O Box 228. Phone 267 Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc. Solicitors for the Bank of Montreal Money to loan at low- est rates. omces, 6 William-st. South, Lindsay, est rates. Stock and Seed Judging Course Much Good Will Result from the Third Annual Short Course thmt hemm minute:- mg ZMr. MacRae dwel’t upon the dimerent ; breeds of horses. He said that the hackney was the reading sire of ear- ri‘age horses, the standard bred for road horses and the thoroughbred 5 for sad‘d‘l’ers. The di'fl’erent market classes of horses were then described 3 The (ï¬ï¬erem: paints: and the confor- mation looked for in these various 1‘ classes were outlined and explained. .What types to breed to get these - ' various classes was then taken up. > The horses previously mentioned ’Were always placed by those in at- t tendance, after which their reasons f were given and a general discussion course- It was surprising to note the great interest taken by the crowd that atâ€" tended. At least 700 or 800 attended the session yesterday afternoon. When such interest is being taken in this particular event, it would be idle to predict just where the-move- men't will end. Manylof those in at- tendance are from 3:. distance,. sever-A Bfl RBI STE RS . i‘ng about: were fact contributed intense interest II. HOPKIN. J} ensued. His Resignation Was Held Over County Council Received Chief Vin- cent's Resignation at County Council At the session of the County Coun- cil Wednesday afternoon a communi- cation was read from' Chief Vincent tendering his resignation as County Constable. It is understood that the resignation has been held over until the June session of the council. a twenty-lap track, by a lap and a. quarter, in 56.37. A very small crowd witnessed the race. Art Burn beat Franv Baylis in a ten mile race at Victoria, B. C., on STEWART O’CONNOR, FRED HOLMES HOPKINS. B.A. Barristers. Lindsay an I‘itfle to the and ï¬n: maroon. an Lennon MR IISUIAIGE counuv. LINDSAY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4. EM 'l'he Largest Fire Insura ice 0 the worm. m“ i Copihl .............. $10,000,“ Aocnmuhted Funds. . .. 30,500,000 InvestedlnCmsda.... 9(0‘000 Rates and premiums as low a; any 0319,: respectable company. The sqflement losses is prompt and, liberal. Tm “son 03 and standing of the company afford threes insured in it perfect. securiry :7 guinst 1:: W. R. WIDDESS, 1 Agent for Lindsay and Victuriu 00% I 11'!) gunVEYORs AND CIVIL Emu-g Mnnicipai Drainage Work 3 Spam“ Phone 242 or P. O. Box 25 WALTER. Sun-n. 0.3.5 . GEO. SIXTH. 0.L.s County £11m Seed Merchant and Dealer in 863 Binder Twine on Market Great care is used to supply every 3115: true to name and of good quality. Ontario Marble am Granite Works, Kent-st, Lindsay, 090085126 the Libnn Dealers in all kinis of Foreign and Do} mastic Marble and Gramte Monumen etc†of the latest designs and best was. manship. A call_ solicited THE KENNEDY 8: DA' MILLING COWUMIED Inbexiding purchasers can infer-view W W. Jordan whose good will is stil he business. DEALERS "I lIIIBEB, SHIIGI lATI'I, ETC. PLANING MILL -â€" Manufaotu of Sash, Doors, Frames, and all k of house trimmings. FIRE AND LIFE. We make a. specialty nf Wood: ware, such as Step Ladders, Ironil Boards, Clothes Horses, etc. We are prep pared to give mu £23628 on PAROID ROOFDGJ ready Rooï¬ng in {In maï¬a strictly ï¬re proof and full} guuanze f you need uhything madv nf wood c o n 9 11 1t: us. Esniumte: furnish! promptly. FFIGE All! YARO. EAST SIDE OF Tl VIEL LINGTOI 81'. BRIBGE. PHONE 73 w. H- CRESSWELL, Prop. LINDSAY, ONTARIO. R. F. BLANCHARD Graduate Toronto Coroner for Victoria Comfy. Offwe- Ridont-st, cor. Kent and Say-bl$., (tome: residence 0. m Kempt.) Telephone 45. LITTLE BRITAIN Graduate of Toronto and Tm ty vanities Speeds! summon to an of ruptmfe udgnlsgged necks Gala "03:00 hours Sto 1'; s. m. :2 w} 7 to 9 p.m., or any time by appomi DOCTOR Dentist - Li £16581 Member Royal College De its} burg. All m dern methods in the if“ domains of dentistry s‘ mused. ROOIS 0N K5101431- Everything up-ta-date in Del Teeth oreserved; Crown and Specialty. Splendid ï¬ts in art 556 less extraction assured Price> I Oï¬ice nearly opposite Simpson APPLE BARBER FOR THE OOMIï¬G CROP. SMITH SMITH Formerly Cresswel} J 0"- an JAMES KEITH v" : Avoidc the rush and ' ï¬rst choice by giving Q your order early. iumï¬ BRITAIN William-8t, lindsay, Ont. PHYSI ()1 .41 S DENTISTï¬I DEN USTS L‘0 “I Dem b“? ’3: