DAVE Jactnrels all kinds ? 0f W0“. f urmshd eeialty. :Io. mucus, MYF"‘ widg" W n teeth '69†e. iwses ‘5 market. mutated Ironing and and Do .numems 531: work- ‘Onnty, 0F TI ONE 1‘ inty ’rop. Pure“ ity. THE R Areryou a vzctim? Have you iost hope? Are on intending to marry? “your blood been iseased? Have you an? weakness? ’OIlf.New Method Treatment WU cure you. Whatdt has done for others it Will do for you. Consultation Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion free .0? Charge. Books Free-â€" “Boyhood. Manhood. Fatherhood." (Illustrat- ed) on Diseases otMen. ‘30 NAMES L'SED WITH irr WRITTEN comm. No nameson boxes or envel- %§g%w Confiden ' Question litandCanaf Treatment FREE FOR HOME .... mueral of the 1am Eliza Car- 011 was held Friday afternoon from ï¬le resmence of her son, Mr J03 â€TOR, Wuham-st and was largely mtended â€he sen: ~by friends and relatives- lone xcen were conducted at the 2%“ the deceased’s pastor, 397‘ Ming March, after which the re" and placed in the vault. the pallbearers were: Messrs- Ale!- ‘1‘: J. Hora, G. Mills, Thee-- Y WELLlAl-ST.. OppositeSf. - Andrew’s Church. P. 0. BOX 21 N ET I c E All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- see 35"‘fr m _ment in. Vlinfisor, Ont. If you desire to no Flick 501191;: cal at_ our Ma‘hcal Instxtute 1n Daron as we see and treat Labozw;:.t.‘ In our Wmdsor ctï¬ces which are for Correspondence and I flit Can-a lian businms only. Address all letters as follows: â€ribs 9‘ WM- WABBE N iThe Kind You Have Always Bought csuume imam; “muss Kind You Have Always Bought. and which has been T: 2156 for over 30 years, has home the signature of and has been made under his per- :sonal supervision since its infancy. , m Allow no one to deceive you in this. tcrfeits Imitations and “ J ust-as.good†are but AB Cfilï¬ents thzit trifle with and endanger‘the health of ï¬gts and Childrenâ€"EXperience against Experiment. 3"me to the - Tot; meteria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It; contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panaceaâ€"The Mother’s Friend. 'l' 04: private addm. '. Michigan Ave..and Griswoid St, Detroit. Mich. What is CASTORIA In Use For Over 30 Years. TN! CIN'I’M com-u". 7? .“IAV swan. N“ YORK cm. . KENNEDY 8: ,KENNEDY, Windwr, Ont. EBELETAT‘ED MEN FEBRUARY 4. CASTO R [A 01:er ’Method Treatment has snatched .‘hunareds from the brink of dos ir, has me- storcd happiness to hundreds homes and hasmde successful men of those who were ~“down and out." We rescribe speciflcm «lies for-each individu case according to the symptoms .aud complicationsâ€"we have no patent- medicines. This is one of the secrets 0! our‘wonderful successas our treatment can- mtï¬ail.-tor-we prescribe remedies adapted to mhzindividual case. Only curable cues acâ€" (vented. Weflnvo done busing-u W Nice†20 Yeas. WEE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY In addition to our complete stock of high-grade new goods we have just; now some splendid values in sear-x1 hand Organs and Sewing Machines to clear ant for lack of space to carry. One New Lady’s Bicycle, Very cheap. Terms to suit purchaser "YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. ‘thexicxinfxs of earjyjjndiscrecigps and later e}. 085535.th are failures in lifeâ€"won are :the ogwwe.lfaxf1 restore todmanliood as): revive t espsx-‘o energy an vita ity. n‘t give unindespair because '01: have treated with otherzdocbors. used eectric bets and tried Kat-ions drug store nostrums. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines }chinson and Mr. T. A. McClure, aBrampton, W T. Carroll Rockwood Land John Carroll Sault ‘ste Marie, Bogus Coins A number of lead quarters are now in circulation in Port Hope. They are Canadian with King’s head and Unitr ed States of the ordinary issueâ€. The bad pieces are easily detected. Be- tween the ï¬ngers they feel slippery or greasy as compared with the silver coin, and the bogis can be eas~ fly. bent with the ï¬ngers. SPECIAL : ALWAYS E t l I 5 3 ! What might have been a‘very serâ€" 1 ions accident and whichwas rather a miracle occurred last Thursday. Mr. ‘ Jas. Fanning, sr., was walking along the railroad north of here and fell\ hurting his chest and face. Mr. ,. Fanning who is quite old, tried in vain to get up, but could not. He heard the train Whistling and lay down and; rolled himself off just in 'time-to clear himself of a terrible death\of being run over by the train. The train hands notified the men at the station. He was taken “home and medical aid summoned. Last report says he is improving, and doing as well as can he :expect- ed. At ï¬rst the joker was inclined to tell the truth about the: inscription, but as the man proceeded in a voice of great emotion he felt that the ex- planation would be hard to make. He let the matter rest, with his faâ€" ther in possession of a beautiful case in pomt. The result was that the minister got up next Sunday and with the dollar bill in his hand, he preached on this text one of the most powerful sermons ever delivered In fact, so great was the succes of it, that every now and then] He mak- es the dollar bill the subject of exâ€" hortation to young men. A joke that did good, but unexpect- ed serviee, was played years {ago by a Montreal newspaper man on his fathâ€" er, a minister in Chicago. The sari-be while home on a visit, found his fathv er’s purse, containing a single one dollar bill. The lone bill brought an inspiration, and he wrote on the mar- gin the words: “The last of many thousands, spent on Wine and womâ€" en.†Not long afterwards his father called him into his study. The min- ister's manner was very impressive. “See this. my boy.†he said, hand- ing him the bill with the inscription, “study it carefully. This is a sad warning given to us all by some wretch who fell lower ' and lower until, he reached the end of his fort- une. God only knows if after spend-y ing that dollar he did not end his fatal career by a, self;inflicted death. Take this'to heart.†The Joke that Was Returned a vast amount of goood is certain :“to result. Despite the many counter attracâ€" ti'on's last evening a good siz‘ed aud- ience assembled in the tOWn hall to listen to the address of iss Yates, of McDonald Institute and Mr Gilbert, of the Ottawa Dxpe. im- ental Farm. Mr. D. C. Trew, the local poultry. expert, occupied the chair during the eveningl and in his usual affable man- .ner introduced the diï¬erent speakers. MISS YATES' ADDREo‘S. The address of Miss Yates on Win- ter Egg Production was a splendid effort. This talented lady imparted information to those present regard-‘ ing the production of eggs during the winter season in a manner which cannot help but result in avast am- ount of good Many Valuable sugges- tions and hints were imparted re- garding the care necessary to be besâ€". towed on poultry during the winter in order to make them productive. : The points the speaker adduced and j the advice given proved a revelation . to the poultry fanciers present, and ' Children Cry run FLETCHER’S CASTORIA 8‘1â€de ““988 by Miss Yates on , Those in Canection With Missionarv Poultry Matters Were Discussed Winter Egg Producnon and anything that will measureably prevent drinking is considered worth having. The petition will, we underâ€" stand, be prevented to the council at its next meeting. Fenelon Falls Gazette: In some of the municipalities in which local op- tion had a good majority of votes, but was defeated by the threeâ€"ï¬fths clause the question of license reducâ€" tion is being considered and action being taken to cut off one or more licenses. In Fenvelon Falls the matter has been taken up, and a petition is in circulation asking for a reduction to the legal limitâ€"that is, one licâ€" cense. Experience has proven that re- dacing the facilities for drinking re- duces she amount of liquor consumed THE LINDSAY POST" ; “In Mandi City was a gathering 'estimated at from seven to sixteen thousand people. A durbar had been held the day before and the commisâ€" sioner was expected, so that we had large and representative audiences. As one heard of the treatment ac- corded to prisoners by the common people -â€" although the insurgents on the whole practised restraint â€" one was glad that India was not at the mercy of a non-Christian rule. Pun- dits, in the Rajah’s service, who had been put in chains, were taken out in the boiling sun at noon to dig holes with spade and shovel and to ï¬ll them up again, until, in the foam of perspiration, they were oflered a concoction of sharbat mixed with red pepper to quench their thirst. High-caste Brahmas thrown into a small room, had their food of chap- aties prepared and cast at them, by Mohammedans as though they were dogs. One prisoner, relieved of his chains by a government ofï¬rial and three police, was found to have both his arms fractured and to have been left in that state for some days witnout treatment. Such were some of the punishments accorded to East Indians. The cause of the people seems to be just, but their methods of redress will probably call upon the leader of the revolting party the government's severe reprimaod."’ License Reduction At Fenelon Falls Koreaâ€"Dr. J. M. Waters, P-resby- 3 terian missionary to India. ! South Americaâ€"Dr. J. G. Brown, ' Toronto. Why and how of foreign missions »â€"Rev. H. J. Keith, Peterboro. These classes were the special fea- ture of the institute, and the inter- est displayed in them was encourag- ing to the young people in charge. Rev. R. A. Haslam, and Dr. G. B. Archer paid a visit to the native state of Mandi, in the Punjab, North India, and their report shows am- ong other things, revolting cruelties: The mission study classes in con- nection with the missionary insti- tute were very largely attended. The delegates and young people of Lind- say manifested a great interest in the sessions. There will be an effort made to establish classes in connec- tion with the young people’s organi- zatians of the various churches. Fol- lowing are the classes and teachers: Strangers within our gates â€" Miss Sifton, Toronto. Brutalities of Hindoo Natives Organize Mission § Study Classes ’ Institute Very Successful is leased to a The Misses McPherson are old womâ€" en, probably seventy years of age, and resided alone. They have lived about three miles from, this! village practically all their"]ives. It appears from the news of the affair that has been received here that the lbrute enâ€" tered the home apparently with the intention of robbing the house. From the fact that the women were so badly beaten up it would seem that they had made an eï¬ort to defend their property. Norwood, Jan. 28.â€"-â€"A sensational assault took place about three miles from here shortly before noon toâ€"day when an unknown man, a tramp, en- tered the home of the Misses McPher- son. Both women are now suffering to such an extent from the injuries re- ceived at the hands of' the thug that they are lying seriously ill and Drs. Pettigrew, Sutton and Ford have been called in- to‘attend them. One is in a dying condition. A report was received here that the assailant had been taken prisoner and . was in the lock-up there. Brutal Affair in Peterboro County Friday Morning Two Woman Were Assaulted An ino:dent somewhat simflar to that is said to have occured among the same actors at the outer depot here when they were leaving for the west.â€"Peterboro Review. “The Tempest and Sunshine Com- pany, which’ appeared in the Brisco Opera House on Monday evening had a lively time upon the Opera House stage just before the performance. Mr. Carl Uhl, one of the members of the company got into an alteration with the manager and his Wife, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brandon. accusing them of insulting his wife. Mrs. Bran- don slapped Uhl’s face. Brandon pun- ched him, and afterwards hit Uhl ov- er the head With a curtin pole. Even at this Uhl had the ’best of the game, and a couple of other mem- bers of the company started in to help Brandon, and a general mix-up occurred. The next morning the mat- ter was aired in police court when Brandon had Uhl up for using insul- ting language. The charge was not sustained by the evidence and Brand- on had to pay the costs. Actors Engaged In 2: Scrap A Good Deal of Tempest About the “The Sunshine and Terepest†Company The Napanee Express of this week publishes an account of an “unpleas- antness†that occurred there just prior to the presentation of the play “Tempest and Sunshine†among the actors presenting the play. The Ex- press says : On learning of the affair searching Surprise Soap Please name this paper. NET; 55:36:76- ant to us. DARCH HUNTER SEED 60., Ltd London, Ont. 5 If you will write for our-â€interesting new 1910 Catalogue we will send it free, and include, also free of charge, a packâ€" age of seed of our Burbank’s Giant Crim- son Calitornla Poppy. This Poppy is an entirely new creatiou in Eschschottzla {or flower lovers. It grows immense, beautiful flowers. It was originated by Luther Bur- bank, “The Wizard of Horticulture.†Our 1910 Seed Catalogue is one of the largest and most complete ever issued by us. If you prefer. instead or the Poppy. we will send a. free package of our Asparagus Beet or D. H.‘s Excelsior Swede. 'Write tolday. if interested. mentioning ehoice. Do You Want FreerSeeds? Councillor Lawson drew attention to the fact that East aod West. Flamboro’ owed the county about 2600 each in taxes on account of some road repairs, and this matter will be gone into on Tuesday mornâ€" ing next. cil has decided to take up the ques- tion in the morning, and go fully ’into it. Mr. Washington Said the police committee and he had talked over the matter, and he thought it would be well for the county to enâ€" gage a‘high constable who should be paid a salary suï¬cient to enable him to devote his whole time to po- lice matters. The present system did not allow fees to constables unless they made an arrest, and then they were very small fees. The result was that the administration of justice in the back townships was practically a. farce, as men could not be expected. to quit their work for nothing. J - J. Foran, :who lost a mare over three years ago, was asked to speak and he told of the difliculty he had in getting the county police to work He recovered his mare in Toronto af- tenthree years’ ceaseless search, and stated that ae‘believed if it had not been for the .county police system he would have got her in two weeks. Hamilton, Jan ZSâ€"The matter of reorganizing the county police sys~ tem was brought before the county council this afternoon, and as a re- sult of recommendations that were made by Crown Attorney Washingâ€" ton and Sheriï¬ Middleton, the coun- In connection with the resignation of Chief Vincent as High Constable of- the county, which was received by the county council and held over until the June session, the following despatch from Hamilton will be read with interest: His motive in such an act was evi- dently that of robbery. An unconï¬rm' ed report is in circulation here, to the aï¬ect that one of the women is dead. Wentworth County Council Deziing With Important Hatters 'The prisoner is a. young man. He gave his name as Robert Henderson, and his home as Toronto. He had but‘little money on him, but be had letters addressed to himself at the above city. Salary for the High Constable Havelock, Jan. 28.â€"’I’he young man who made such a dastardly atâ€" tack on the Misses McPherson, near Norwood this morning, is in custody here. He was followed iron Norm-cod by two farmers, and when near Have- lock the latter called to some section men working on the track for assist‘ ance. The assailant ï¬red at his purâ€" suers, but his shot went wide and no one was hurt. He was chased ï¬ght into H‘avelock‘ and there placed in the lock-up by the village constable, Mr. Fred Bennett. parties for the wretch were sent out in all directions. REPORTED DEAD. PAGEgs