Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Lindsay Post (1907), 11 Feb 1910, p. 7

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THE LINDSAY pos'n - PAGE 7, W O 0 0 0 0 0 ~ “0600......"90000000090 .. .7 0 0 0 0 . . .“u0000”0000000000000000°00’..?..0..0“0"0lI. 0 . - Q a q 0 0 I0II0"0”0"0.'.0"0 0"0"0‘.0"0 0”0"0"0"0”0"0.'0"0 0”0"0"0 0 '0.‘.0 ’n’ 0'30 ‘0 0 ' 2 - , 0 0 . 0.0.. . . . . . . O . . 0 ° ° ’ JO: z':":":”:”0"0 9 : z ’ z : ° ' ° ‘ ‘ ’ ’ ° ' ° . . I O 0 ° . . ° . . ‘ ° ’ ‘ " ° ° ° 6 ’ i A. 9 0 3 9”: 0"0":'°:°°:”:“:”:”:”:”:”:”'0’“... . 0 0 0 0 0”0‘.’000000000. 0.000000’00’00‘00‘00‘00 V...”° . O 0 0 0 0 O 0 9 9 ’00‘00’00‘00‘ ’00’00’00’00’00’0.‘oo’»°~°“’”‘..‘.¢ 9 0 ¢ ‘ 0 0 0 9' O 0.. . 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :00‘ ~ 0. . .90.”.Oo.».00:00:0.:..:..:...:..:”:00:00:00:0.:”.‘0:00:00:00.00.m00.”.00_._ . ._ ,_ .13.“. . .7 . .0 . , . , _,_ , , 0000.0000000000.00.00:00:00:00:0o:..:..:”:”0”0 0 0 0 0 ”3.3.0. :‘g , . . . - - - ~ ~ - 0.0. O , . .‘0’. ~ 0 0 0 0 o_. ._ .._ . . 0 0 _. O 9.“ 0 . 9’. 60 0 .O.. O O O O 00. O. O O O 0.0 . 0 0’30? 00 0 30... O 0 0.0.... O 0 O O O O O O. .00....09.”..0.00.0¢.00. O O O 00 O O O O O O .0000 O O O .00....0. O... 00 00 .0 00 h n I O O 0.00... O O .0 0.0 N O O O O 9‘. 0 O O 00 O. O. O. ".00.... 9.00 O O .0 0.0.0.. ’0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0.0... 0.0 ’9. O... 0.0 O... O O '3. 0 1°. 0 0 0 0 “0.0900,. 0 0 ”0°... 00 0 ’0 0 .0 0 ’0. . 0 0 9.90.. O .0 CODM_‘ .3.‘ mm" :22? mi option ‘ 5’ :3: t~the C ‘E’oio te to s u,” :f: .2. ho Willie e now I ewear :2: :2: Ms e l2 La: When one of the most beautiful displays of White Goods ever presented in Lindsay will be open for your most critical inspection. :2... 1:. , .. Great pains have been taken in making our chOice of these goods, and bought when cottons were at their lowest ebb. The great- 5253: inert Laue. est economy 15 made pos51ble by purchasmg at once---as cottons are gomg up by leaps and bounds. BUY NOW. 3335:- [weltoa, .u- 02° 3: 3’ ’ COTTONS SHEETINGS PRINTS LINENS GINGHAMS AN 3: .... y r , , D MUSLIN UNDERWEAR :33: was born . ‘ ' ° . IE: :3: Imam”, Truly we say you can save much money by domg your buying early. $3: in the Au» , ~' - :2: E: by Mr. 0 . . .3. :E: ‘Gzencaw Elegant Stock Underskn'ts Immense Range of Drawers Beautiful Night Gowns ”Iii ier beauty. '1’ ’E’ Wi'liam l \ Most complete variety we have ever We are showing many kinds of the In endless quantities. The newest kinds $215: :33? 0‘ .r. ‘\ carried, an the newest and latest styles in above at a choice of prices that makes buying in a variety of different styles that. are :i: IE: E; 3:53;: . 3 I 3....” r \‘l a collection of prices never attempted easy for every person. Every piece newâ€" well worth seeing and we never. had 1:12: {1:31 i‘ersior ’ i . “; before. All new goods. better valua- :g: :E: i” 4. White Skirts at 75c White Drawers 21c up White Gowns 39c up Jigs. up to $12.50 each to $3.50 Pair *0 35-00 Each 321%: EB true, 0‘0 0?. {misc true. {:3 Will 1: h. M l. 0 .i. .i.‘ the Laurie .3: 5.. W ite us in Read Every Line as: ie peacock 0 . IE: '2' the swan, wa t of the red boooklet that has been delivered to your o? 1:: the middle. 18 S :3: ’3’ .1 may home. It will convey to you but an inkling of the o: :2 may 5P“ . . :z; Piling ‘3’?“ That every lady should see. The very latest variety and bigness Of our .2. 1:: l ‘ Lam . 0 0 o O .6. .3. “Sad and creations and very many distinclive and exclusive . ' i; . ' styles not to be seen elsewhere. A rare collection of Wh' M 1' U d ’ S k as... . ite us in n erw r too 3;... “‘1‘" S” " DAlN I Y WHl I E WAIS I S ‘5: by the 0 2 .J , . . ’2’ °2° innie at a , , \v gigs-xi“ ‘; l as we show hundreds of other kinds and styles, ranging 2. I . I ;_. ,r \ ‘1 A . 0 o . 0:6 ‘3 afiair .l .. /, 7 l 1 that Will appeal to every lady in Lindsay. , , .;. 5. ; Robert ‘ "" . in prices from 19¢ per garment, up to $12.50. Very . 00 . .. P R i. 75 500 Ea h - w W... a I‘lces ange om c up to . C high-grade and classy goods. e racobites. :2: z? the low ' ‘ .§. 030 b... °" lET US TALK T YOU ‘ABOUT COTTONS LINENS SHEETINGS TOWELS 3131 are thatt , y , 31.5. E After I ‘ 0:0 .2. used .. . . .f. 3: .5. event 200 Yards Grey Sheeting 100 yards T. M. K. Grey Cotton 100 yards X Bleach Sheeting 3; Ferguson' If . . . - - . .. . :‘ " 0:0 0:. _ ~ , (.001 men ..,t . . - . S lendid wei ht, clear and bright cotton, free from any starcn and Of real good body. nice even thread. free. fioin specks and “ lll bleach 3. 0:0 to whom ' 'ni; .5 .Qfigég. it: d If g file“ edfi‘izmfipfgffi’e 3131131: bleggii 1:55;? ’ mm; a. at the? price of cogtons to-day, is very cheap at our price. 36 10 quite readily, want you to come and see it. 28c Sheeting down 23 .3, '3 I; Douglas seeing p91. Md ‘ “ ‘ g. 20c inch wide, lzgc cotqon at C to per yard. .............................................................................. C .;. 3 he GOVC M . ............................._.................... ...... .z. .3. .‘lI he ever a ‘ ° ’E’ '1' .7 The call 120 Pure Linen Towels 750 yards M. K. Grey Cotton 1 00 yards Table Linen 3: . ha" "in. . . . . . - k '11 wash This is a. sna . It is one-half bleached ood strono'] even make '3' :3: rver to 1....» L. . 1 , -- - Clear ev en ood thread, pei tectly free from any spec s, “’1. . ~ p . g . r, . . . as “I t rust :“ad Size. 91“}: g: xiii 11129:; 33%: ngsdog :fne gatilgchgagimg’iai: a real perfectly whiteg. and can be put to a great many purposes and is 5 nice bright patterns and good damask borders, is a. real good 43C 3: 'E' ‘ treason“ Dennis and hemmed ends. fi’hitc Goodgs price per pair 1. . 25c very cheap at our price. 70 cotton, per yard ......................... C Width, 10 inches Wide. Money saved at this pfie, per yard ...... ’i’ :3: b is CC’nten . . O O . 030 :3: stand- eff Linen Lawns Cheap White Marseilles Quilts Another SpeCial One A: 79 an rm . _ . - ‘ ° ' .:. 0:0 4 , g ims is the . . - - - , _ 1 F nch make. and ure bleached and pretty raised patterns, That is surely‘a bargain. White . Marseilles. Counterpane.-:Real 9:0 .z. : aveâ€"V: db; gaigfih. even Wirgaetssioofiregfigg iiniciemiiiiilngii‘dgs £1): $313.53: 180ng3 in mag; dig-igns and finished3 around with pifidsome bcprders. Large fléll bleiached ‘and. is a geryl 300d l'onkufslclutlclitiseian tfillslb‘afgglpattems :3: 'E’ oehin ‘1‘ ya. 'd. ‘ .2' i . - ’ . - ' ' bl b (I. Y savin a is rice urin o goo varie y, in ex ra arge Size. 1 s ,1. 3. '3' lee 1‘0 10 .7... m e... w... 5c eigenstates: ........ 33f... ....... e. ........ P. ............... e 1.29 ............... . ........ . ......................................................... 1.69 3. Ty ‘ ‘_ 13$ ............ . . .... .s. 000 ...............-......-.............on... . a .z. 0:0 Ln 39- ‘ 3 O‘. .:‘ matCh “l ' - :E: :5: {”3105 of 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 N V . .E. ‘5’ bib '3 . A Partial List of the Good Things in this White Have Y on Seen the ew arSIty :5: :E: I it is i . 0;. of. ‘ this ’ ood Sal ' ' ° °" "’ e. 3“ ~ .‘ 5 e ' ‘ b f L d f w». G _‘ Com ination or a ms 3 , acorn .lte Kid Gloves White Shawls Lace Curtains . ‘ . I3: . whlflhite Vestings White Belts White Laces We have them, the newest yet, Corset Cover and Drawers combined in If: lte .Lme" Collars White Scarfs Curtain ”“3""3 a very nice quality of fine muslin, handsomely trim' mmed. Prices $3.00, $4.00, :2 .g. wthhite Ribbons Wnite Silks White Embroideries $5 00 and $6 00. ' '3 If: Ite Spot Muslins White Serges White Sheetings . .. p . f 2 50 1313; White Pillow Cotton: White Shams White Lawns PRINCESS SLIPS, in a very large and varied assortment rom $ . up- :3: .3. 3110W3Y' . 0:0 .E. J 0 E 7 z, o: c and 13' ~ Very lad , . 2 . Phone or Mail Orders 3:.“ _ ’ " countyyin'rlt town ‘ ' ED Promptly Filled. .§.::: and W“ this we VI ed to . ~ , 7 _ PHONE NO. 25 39;. gain is at sale. . , _ , .3. .3. _ A)“: , . _ . 0 _ _ 0 . , . . . . . . . ~. -. 0 “0'0. 0 ‘0 0 0..0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0..0 0 0' 0'0 ‘00°“.8?}O.OO:N.”.”:“.”:¢°:”.~.“.”:“:”O”.‘ :3. .. . " . ”33;!“ka3}.:..;..:..:..:..:..:..:»:.oto'otnzootootootootootnzu:~:~:ut~‘~?:~:~2»:~:"3“:"3”Ft”:“3“3”:”3”s”9’3“3°°3”3“2“.~:~:~:~:~:~20s300:»:00:00:”:“3”30°30'34”?o”?3”3“3”3“.”o°°.”o' '0”0”0”0 ;;;;:;;;;:0:;;;;;;;;;12:;2:g;;;;:z;:;:2.0:.2:1’:;:°!:;:;:”:;:“:”:;:;:;:”: .0: 2.; ”.9... ' ' 0000000000000000 0... ...... .. 0 0000000000000000000000w00w0000.’ .000.’ 0000 ’9'. 00.0 .go‘.””.00..00. ’ g "':":’°:”:”:":”:°. ':":”:"0‘.'0'°0”0”0”. "t”. 0”0’.':‘€”. 0".”N“. 0”.0”0”_ 0". ”.050”. 0”0°’0_. ’9 ”.090“. 0“?! 0”. 0“0’.’0. 0‘90”.0.0”.0"0”.0‘.‘0 0’32 0"0"0.0”.:1°0”0. ‘3 “.0”?! 0’.‘ ‘5”0°.’0””””0” _ .1914“... .

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