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Lindsay Post (1907), 6 Mar 1908, p. 9

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r... wwwwmuuwum beef slot; N DSAY 11168 90... arkct. is. as in mm mm lam dual-I, to to a... he: I 33"“: to ‘03-“ $115,. fifififlflfilfll! 0 oonogssss Pinups ! Pumps 1 Pumps ! Mu J. CARTER, ' 4o KeI'It-St- 00d YLVESTER M’P’G LINDSAY 'W and Iran with Brass UV!" For any Depth of We"- aerng Secured a. first-class experien‘ced Pump 1 e Prepared to supply firstâ€"class pump" [”0”de 133 WJY If ysur eyes tire eas: 1y, do .not waittill serious Mob]; dc- “IOPS- Have the strain remomd; fiasconerthe eater. roP' 9‘3 y aéjuaied glasses will do it. for a long time g’asses were-used only to assist in rmdmg 01’ Hm work, but with incrawd knowledge or the eye'. we are ablerto adjust glasses to inmove the Sight, thereby CW8 Chronic Headache, NeuraniR find «many nervous afiecnom Cause_d_?ky eyestrain. u _ . . - “pairs will receive careful attention- “Pregress 5mm!” Clothing “Progrcss Brand” is progressive. It is al- .ays betterâ€"away, s improvingâ€" alwa sthe best made, am}. best wear- ,:ZoithnginCanadn. Loon FOR THE LABEL THAT Paoracrs. 1 Why Glasses are The most convincing example of the t:emendous strides,mhich recent years have witnessed in fine tailoring, ls Forward - Better Opposite St. Andrew’s Church. 1’. O. POST: LINDSAY. FRIDAY. men oth‘ i Foot of BRI‘TTON BROSu We are ofiering the very best goods, fully guaranteed, at clos- est prices and terms to suit pur- chasers. Fatronize your own Piaims, Organs and Sewing Machines. (DPTIGIANSg town ‘ a money. Kent-8L, LINDSAY. ‘I'NI OIMAUI “an". I" "I. em. Brass cylinder, Of we". get value for your oyostraln. H! 217 55c {£551.03}, or Dr. 1‘, A. 8100111117ng Toronto. These are earnest reachers of the gospel of Puchine. hey know where- of they speak. Psychino cure. all throat, lung and stomach troubles. It is a great voice strengthener, acting directly on the vocal, respiratory ma digestive organs, thus specially “1‘th to public speakezs. _A‘t‘ all dragging, RU ISELDERS JVBJSTLE HYMNS ‘ Dr. E. H. Peace, of the Fort-4st. Pufibytcrian church. Bqualo, spoke to an audience of specially invited saloonkeepers at thc Y. M. C. A. the other night. The: meeting was ‘ar- ranged by Wellington. M, Logan, the religious secretary. The. audxcnce,wu attentive and occasionally manifest- ed 11.5 approval of the .speaku. When it came td the ainginzghor. ever. they wpre a. little on. not knowmg the words, and the leader sug'gcsted tthat they whistle the hymns. They did; and Dr. Pence 'join- ed them. , . ‘ Rev. J. 8.1. Wilson, Markda‘le, Ont: “I have taken two bottles of Racking and am pleased to my that I am greatly improved in health. I was troubled with my throat, but new I find it about restored to its norm“ condition. I find my work very much less Mag. 7 I believe Psychino it All chimed for it. “You may ‘go in," the warder smified. ”Although your tune we did not. know, A cup of water to a chad. ' In more than all the passing shaw." I'hc beggar turned to take his way '.With humbled. mien‘ and drgomng head. The wander called to him to stay. "Come in ! ,We've heard you sing :‘ 11131571121? SALARIES .Toronta News: The Bishop of Niagara has again raised the ques- ‘tion or clergymen’s stipends. a sub- Jest \‘which has long vexed various branches of the church. Thercis ical virtue in preaching for a small sal- ary to people who cannot afford a. better one. but no virtue at all in "prepching cheap" to a prospesz congregation. The view put. lorward by the Chicago Interior is that. while it is sometimes the minister’s duty to be self-sacrificing. it is not the layman's duty to furnish him with the-occasion of'gracc. The business of the laymen is “to pay up and trust the Lord" to find some other way of derelopinfi the, virtue of alâ€" truism in the preacher. The beauties Now. by some careless prank of htc. Ehese tour met: pm the Way to ‘Dflllh. .. ‘. . a And Journeyed to the JoyOus Gaze M’hu‘e but the perfect enter-em. The wpxder halted thorn. and Lou now. all ,who entered must be known 8y goodly deedsâ€"by deed: of cold- By. helpful actions all their own. The honored men explained that they Bad given of their. earthly wealtn To help thein fiellowp on the way To knowledge, peaeetnlnoae and to my parishioners. I believe there is nothing better for throat and lung troubles or weakness or run-down sys- tem. For speaker ’s sore throat I have found Psychine very beneficial.” Rev; W. H. Stevens, Paisley, Ont.: ‘ ‘ Psychine seemed just the stimulant my system needed. I shall add my testimony as to its efficacy at every opportunity.” Rev. E. ‘M. Browne, Amherst Head, N.S., “I have often "recommended Psychino since taking it merlf, for it is a cure for .the troubles you specify.” Rev. Chas. Stirling-Bath, N.B.: “I have used chhino in my family; the results were marvelous. I heme visited people who state that they new.” used its equal. I mongly recommend it. Rev. P. K. HcRae, Forks Baddeck, C. B.: “I always count it a pleasure to recommend the Dr, Sl_ocun§. Remedies (But still the beggar sang away. M'ith awkward music in each word; Incl through the balance of that day the three that chanting echo heard The;- heard. and held the fading Itxalns. As memories of things that bless. Ant! added to $1161? other gains The golden one of k'mdlincss. A tattered. beggar in the 'strect Sang always some; old. crooning hymn, V And. held to those whom he mith meet; ms hat. \xith ragged. greasy brim. TM» men-two mighty \men -â€" .uma b .â€" T“: honored leaders of the town; Came. too, a demo of repute highâ€" Each passed. thq beggar with a 0000000000000000000 } of sacrifice appear. to best advantage ,thn equally shared by clergy and laymen. The minister should. be well enough paid to live on a scale \of nomtoxt comparable with that of his average parishioner. Elders. trustees and churchwardens need more curiosity as to how. their preacher: get along. I -~ ( '.:-4. . _-â€"' ' ‘ ‘. z ? (DRE 'JOY’OF ‘LIFE. t .; Il‘he mu'mhoaa been a: mm with kind thouzhta tar am. and whose +oooo'o‘ooosowoofo'oo¢§+o+¢o+¢¢¢****‘*‘* ”“ 4__ ..__....__§ Lame. too Each pa: flown. he said. 'W. D. NeSbit in Chicago Tribune.- Preacher’ 3 Opinions NEWS OF THE CHURCHES The Establishment of God’s King- eom en Earthâ€"Articles Beating on Church Work at iiome and Abroadâ€"Carefully Selected eon- tributions wiii be Received for Publication In this Column. 'ld *' Omotthdmrezts 0‘ happiness is tound in an habitual emphasis of Pleasant mm and the Denim!“ mum; aside out all Indian! elemental Iwmnhthdr. Wu world- “If any. .umfl q: a hartficultnrist (who am“ M walk 'thrOWZh a flame:- 133mm. and 36°- =- W pm ‘lwith blossom without marching» .mtil M found at least one low leaf. rrhqro are m mwmot look upon a mft‘picmw‘ Maul: madam; gnu-inch at 1h; amnion m ”3’" °’ plaid It a bill whim passed itsfintread- in; in tha house at summonstthis Mm Wounds a. law. juvenile lovers at thadgaret will have ('1 hand h‘nm We their appetite. an» ad: in a guvqmmgnt Inc-sure. .wh‘oh m thd existing, laws (pr the W at children. It pro- hibits mom; under tho use on 18 when mm for mans less than 16 m old. caught smoking in the “not: or other public places. and m thdaale at cigarettes 'to mywsounndaertheatgnotma Oh! but you my. mow must come topvqry heart and: every homngeo. indeed it Emu: it is @696th and than the uhwdaw; and madam. that shadow daupens way into the blank- ncsa of the night. But tha strang- est pardox at all lira fig. that joy and ”trauma! and room in 8:0qu heart. the ban an {ailing and: the aura but a passing and. , 11, when sonaws come .we turn' our back. up- on an blessings. and in Ill Mint; Insanity our. Moles and our tears. we will W in making ourselves gen-ninety W; but it. on the other hand. W have the shadow: be- hind ml and look i119 the sunshina we will find how Hood and: chagrin; and halotnl it is. frha dun-best sha- down in mod lives are those that each man casts by at ' in his awn light. Add every philos- opher at Life ultimately makes the discovery that it is the Withings d 1m: that are the most. real. vwhile what seem: Ito be evil: 31mm rthe Boston, Feb. 26.-â€"Next will see eight of the fashionable churches of Boston tanned into longing houses for the poor. They will be kept opt!) night and day, they will be warmed, and lighted, and the com- fortable pews will bea turned tutu tots and beds {or the members of the unemployed. That was the {agree- ment 0! the pastors tabday. and un. less the trustee. make it 111190333be the- churches will be thrown open next week. The action comes 3-: n result of ‘the visit of Morrison ". Swim hnd the army of unem’i-owd turd a. committee of twenty-tire men. “ho marched on the churches dur- ing the morning services. ENGLEB MEASURES. . fl‘ho‘tollotwiug is taken from 31 re- cent London. Eng‘lami, dupa-toh: pru'nishalob (ileum. Among; when: latenesting tenures. the Lil! ehtahlishes juvenile courts throughout thug nonntry and calls for special places at detention for chil- gxen. instead of nullity; them to the mdimxy prisons. at propodu furthâ€" oxmomo that the imprisonment of children ,bd who]; abolished. -â€"Ch*rlstian Guardian. An effort is to‘be. made .to end the terrible waste of input life: thrmghsdmnm parents rolling on than" children in bed” rrhe returns show that 1.600 infants perish an- nually from this cause, and in. the! future pom (will be punished for such deaths. Burning: are responw an)!» tor an almost dqual number 0! infant deaths. and penalties me pm» 17in tor parents who leave children alone in Rooms. with unguarded. tires. (DEE 'JOY'OF LIFE. t .; fl‘ho mn'twhoaa been is mm with kind thmghta tar am. and whose lite deeds meal that inner {puntnin tat-sweetness. must lac WW. (or, at- bu‘ all, tt in only “that.” insane tam «gothâ€"r thn an kill tbujoy that unity mun mu mount to 3m. 11 you will live drag]; wishing; not in an; urrqw or trivial. Ion-d. the happiness at others. and mum no day. pass without 96:» deed. haw- ova: mall. that cent- to fill out mm xvi-)1, manning up an the opportuzb it: at helpfulness as it Milan. toy‘ that great divineay-ordamcdl u- um that never fails. you will drink the map a human napping: hold in the land: at God: himsell. of sacrifice appear. to best advantage when equally shared: by clergy and laymen. The minister should. be well enough paid to live on a scale \of nomfmt comparable with that of his average parishioner. Elders. trustees and churehwardens need more curiosity as to how. their preacher: get along. I w i I'.:-;._. OPEN CHURCHES FOR THE POOR A SECRET OF HAPPINESS. Q'OOOO‘OQOOHOO§O§§* E i: dud (not: that I M. little than 35 Rabl has cl synagt n atrc Christ used to take Bis dluipla aside into the quiet wilderness to reflect on his tnitha. 80' must we come apart from the world 10: n time in order to be built up in our (aith. but we cannot become hernils, (or we nimst also rub up against the ‘0! d. The nun. who has no mo- lar-I tflhimself {or 'oommumon with (Sod is not complete. 89 lacks sou-:- lhing. He loses a: great force. Jesus huh. all our cares and wrongs. Nmer (leaping. He always bean our needs. If “p are to be followers of Christ Gnu In! hair momma m “1111mm 'th thancnlpsginduvply '1 In and parasitism!” no .90" ‘1 . n t My with 1nd minis. hm- cur! loosen and ii mt Jesus prepared in seclusion and quiet the work :hq has to do Sn the Open. Be dew the work entrusted to him by his Father; He revel}: to us the relation man betra to the work of Me and communion with the Father. .We must learn before we can teach. and we must add to our capital daily. This communion is es- eential. Christ did no! neglect It and and: the serum; is not aboyc his master. To the ordinary man it must .IJ‘m that the christian is unprec- ticat in spending' time apart. ye: it )lr. .Walleoe aid Jeane taught as we: custom”: in his day, stopping often! on ‘hia fly to give his wise thoughte to his followers. who ire-as- ured them up in, Itheir memories. He taught men a broader. richer end tuner understanding 0! the unrip- tura. He obeyed these laws, not be.- cauu- they were the law. but because lie approval 0! them. Because it. was in' the bible did not mean to Him that it yawâ€"right, but He did it. be- cause he felt it. to be right. It mat- up. not who wrote the Scriptures. bu: we ehould approve them Dec-mac they contain all that is right and just and good. "Love your neighbor as yourself,” in the law by winch we should be governed in our lives. wefimst be sensitive as Chris; the need. and requirements of crowd us, \ AT THE CHURCHES LAST SUNDAY Evcnjng Post of March 2 AT ST.- ANDREWS At St. Andrqw‘s last-night Rev. Mr. Wallace took his text from Mat- thew. 10 and. 27, "What I tell you in darkn’eaa, that speak. ye in huht. 1What ye hat in the ear, that puach ye on the hmtops." en: Hebrew. in. the most prominent synagogue in that city. f3: $1365; 3611'.”me her witfi warm water and CuticunSoapnnduned the Cuticurn Qintmgyt. §he wgn cuxed ~# _I_._ I- -- "I take great pleasure in telling you whatagreathelpitmformetouse Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment {or my baby nleoe. She was auflennfi from that terrible torture. eczema. on herfaceandhan . Herhandswere so bad that she could not hold anything. Shecriedand mtchedallthetlmeand could not sleep night or day from.the scratching. I had her under the doo- tor’scareforayearandahalfandhe eeemedtodoherno .. Itookher tothebeatdoctorint ecltyandhesaid that she would have the come until she wassixyeusold. Butiflhadde- ded on the doctor myfiabty would ave lost'her mmd and dled tom the want of and. ' “I used all the remedles that - bodytoldmeaboutandltorturedt child almost to death. Then I saw in the paper how. (tumour-a was the thing I L-aL-A L... do _ 11le ”Met. 0L Baton. who has charge of one of tho unseat synagogues there. has recently when 1 strong position: in liberal centi- ment. urging his congregation. and the Jews in general. to make San- dny. the day of their religious services inntead of Satin-dun He claims that many consideration. among which“ business interests have a 'inrge pia'x. demand this concession to modern conditions if \tbe young Hebrew people are to be retained within the histoxic 10151 on Judaism. The Sunday has been obnen'ett for years by Rabbi Hirsch. Cbicczo's most emit!- CURED IN THREE MONTHS BY CUTICURA REMEDIES All the Timeâ€"Torturin Eczema Covered Her Bod Id Not Sleepâ€"Doctor Sai Sores Would Last for Yearsâ€"Skin Now Clear. BABY GIRL CHIH] AND SEBATCHED m. Eva! Hahn's in” held” um. mm. m tell us than no not: out!» m.â€"4Ncweu Dwight mun. . . .'_,l\ - to which». 11*! Mud the} ra- ns]! calm the blank}; Yet there Wanna; Era commands; P. dud not have one broken ‘boqgh. (rt-rd never was a book to min but that at M can math or oven-statoâ€" GROWS HAIR JEWS ADOPTING. SUNDAY “I 90 than In the morning Mr. Kcenleysijc cue en interesting address, and gave ha» arguments from a busin;ss hun'e point 0! tviem as to the \.1 'ae of ehristianity as a. civilizer. He ur¢~ ed :11 believers td greater dexotion to and sacrifices (hr the Kingdom of Christ. because of what Christ had done for mankind. "For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich. yet for you: sakes 'He became poor. that ye. throughaie poverty, might become rich." Be enlarged upon the wou- dn-rl’ul inheritance that is our: through the power: of Christ. and the wisdom of appropriating it and also: a! tollowinc His example Jhe m a! .the Sande: school Evening .Post'. of March 2' The concluding services in, 2.0::- ntctiou with the Layman's Movement campaign in town. were held in the Cambridge-st. Methodist church yes- tuday. and notwithstanding the in- dtment weather there was a .3091 Attendance at both services. The ad- dxusu wexc good. and the results were most gratifying. Evening Post of Feb. 29 I fl'ha South! school hall of the 9am: i W MelthodiSt church was till. 1 ed again hot night by an. armin- cm M Ma». Kennleysido 101- I law-ingumthoauquvt otthanight, Motto, spoke on, “when Holy Spirit and 3 Millions." Bow. 1.3. Shore fol- lowed with on Mania on, "_Our Mis- Boou'y Objective .und Mrs. Inineg invented the audience .w-ith a 3010.; mm interest in the meeting hasdecp end as the week has program. apt! in my «aspen: hot evening’s meat- in; math best at {the series. Eh. evening service -W_al presided me: by. Mr. .W. Fianna. any; rwas may 3W Mrs. Geo. Black- well 3.113. a mud: pleasing solo. and Rev. Mr. Shore gum in «digress no “What Women Owe (to Christ.” in which h- piot'n‘rdll the. lite am 500th“; “on at thb mm of heathen com!- tfies La- compund with those at chx‘ustian cwntrics. He was follow- ed by Mr._ W whatspokc on 'que: and: Moos.” Both ad- dxm men an ‘of interesting ‘and Convincing. maths: and were {wand by I lam gums, .. 4.4 _ Great Interest Taken in the Confer can: Held in Town Last Week. The Laymen’s Mission Talks “mmm noaomhtrwiulhd bun-r giving and more interest in missions by the numb”: 0‘ aver): church in tawn. U r ‘ a‘hmaday annex-noon an addrflW given to cm India! by. Mm» U. B- wanna. at fluronto. M Will- mot't luv: u m 899531193 “It on a, m m d "Missions." the lee- Yesterday waa Quinqu’agesims S-m- day. the last before the commence- ment or the penitentinl season of Lent. Despite the storm and bad roads. large congregations were pro- cgnt at both masses. the presence of no many from' the country being a strong proof ol the warmth of tneir piety. Rev. Fr. Staley. at St. Baal'l, Toronto. spoke at both masses, his muons having special reference to the Lenten season and the duty rest- ing upon all to do penance for their uh: Fr. Staley is an imprccsne epchker, end his two visits to Lind- Evenign Post of Feb. 28 Ibo interest m the Fondpvamd Mis- Iiomry MW Conferenca.which u. being held in the Cambridge-sq church. gas on without Went, ind cull Mm‘ is W with M from W different church- say have establuhedL him in the es- tum of the convention of St. Christians must 10 live as to enrieh the lives or other men in nu waika‘ of hie.‘God depends on us to pro- clnun the gogcl’q teachings so that those ‘nnd near. local and foreign u“ get the sled news. u we“ spent tune.- for later we will be stronger and better for it and far more tudy :tor Me's work man those who do mot. go apart. All the great prophets of history have fol- {owed some vision that have gotten apart. AT. 51‘. MARY’S @pildsp la];â€" y fzgstashdau 332M. B. ANRIS. Oph. D... that wash day is like child's play. There is nothing in it but pure Soup 3 It cannot injute the clothes and , the "teens! demon results. To wash ,. . the Surprise way The address was one that tuna: who had the pleasure of hearing it will not soon forget, and was 00.: of the strongest appeals (or the M33» shanty cause eve! given in town. The collections will maiden-LN: exceed those of last: year, $880, and when nli sources are heard (mm, the wt, it is expected. will be in the magnum 0( $1310.. sacrifice of those who helped us when: .we needed ’help, and it is now. for us to it) our share to give “18' gospu to every nation. Napoleon had said 0! China. that she was asleep, mod? to let her sleep. She is an“ ,waknng up, and when she wakens up will be a- great. menace to the W9! lei unless the christian religion gets hold of her and makes its civilizin‘; and bcnggnant influence felt. it had. been truly said that it would pxy. the christian nations or the world to pay the entire expense of chess-v isingChina. ‘We have laid outlaw! to the work, and we dare not lei so or draw back. The society needs more men and. money, to mompfisb' this] work. 7‘ . : THE EVENING. SESSION In the evening the Rev. Mr. Shane gave a most eloquent, comprehensim and convincing addres on “my 'é‘xons.".jHe can a short resume of un- home mission mrk. also in Japan. China and other. foreign fields. In speaking of the home work, he «looted an mat in the Iifa at Mr. Isaac Single. one of our honored citizens, who, when an anpreauao boy. in the old country, remembers coatsibuting a chilling Out of his. wages of seven and sixpenoe a week, \which .was sent to Canada for (ha sprout. ol' the gospel in Canada, “‘0 are reaping of the generosity and Dr. MeCnfioeh my be consulted ouch Sunday dbl-noon 1- the oflieo at the No 1 Dr. Poolq. comer Willjun an}! RmU-oh. was full of interest and profit; through the timely and telling ac- darsses _b: Meats Keenleyaide and Share, and the offering of the School‘ (or missions m the largeg in :t: history ‘ All these cases we can petmaneato 1y care by our properly ground glasses. We guarantee salishctioo in every case. Lowest prices and best results. mm m 92 Kent-st. (0n: Near. Shoo 8m.) Linda-g. Eycg‘uses repaired. Broken Lona ephcod. A great many people an sufl'eting with Headiche, Eymin, pain in the eyeball, etc, who do not miize that the cause is a defect or weakness of the eyes. 0:1]: receive prompt xttention day at nia t. OFFICE- 46 Peel-3., between 85A. Bunch sad Cut-ling Rink I 5‘ Dr. Hemlock, being urged by, and iv the convenience of his patients in Lindcny and surrounding country, on: anmgod to be In {.49de 090 utsxfncon each wpek. JANETVILLE, ONT. 0590 km, 8 to 11th., 7 ”9p... Eye Strain and-Headache: Graduates of the Onzu-io Veterinary College. A , _ _ a I. H. Mcflllliflflfl, M. 0., 6.1, BROA D NEWTON VETERINARIANS, my, - - 0mm. Oflce hour: Sunnis”, 12 30 to La) Mthcdirecfimoatbc fin and You am L35 w.

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