63: m» T0 KILL‘SHAHf Dynamite Bomb Thrown at Carriage But Failed to Explode. lcarriage in which President Alcorta ms driving, but failed to explode. g‘ four persons were arrested charged arith complicity in the plot. Recently there has been political 'sunrest in Argentina owing to the is- Inuance, Jan. 26. of an executive de- cree closing the extraordinary see- ‘one of congress, and putting into ef- for the current ï¬nancial year the udget at 1907. This extreme measure made necessary by the obstruc- e tactics of a majority in the Ben- ate which made impossible the pse- of the budget or other legisla- , leaving the Government power- to meet ordinary expenses. Presi- dent Aloorte announced at the time t the Government was prepared ptly to suppress any subversive violent movement on the part of the Opposition. and on Jan. 27 large Bombs Shatter His ’Majesty's is Auto Sent Ahead as Decoy. hosed slayer of ‘vtotae to yhis motherin Woodstock , Ont... Thurgday. . k ‘ m h m 4_ __ , A n . This passage was contained in a setter that Percy Bowin. the self-con- cussed slayp; 01 Mrs. 7L -_ Cornelia Welch, ‘- Wmflntnnk‘ kn the letter he made no reference '10 the approachin trial except to ex- ‘vress the hope 1: at she would be ’ - ' nun mm and (; Saloon Keeper Shot Thief. ‘ New York, Feb. £9.â€"-In a. desperate battle with four men who attempted tomb himuhewasabouttocloao his saloon in East 24th street early bastards , Thomas Oman shot one :0! the to been dead. Then fearing the killing might mean a long term of Hmprisonment he concealed the body In 3 hallwqy optside the saloon and Britieh Flag Good Enough. Montreal, Feb. 29.vâ€"â€The British 1113 is good enough for us,†consti- tutes the head lines of a very out- spoken article in last evening's La. Pattie referring to Dr. Thompson's independence speech in the House of ~Commons. “We are aware,†says La Pattie. A Suicide At Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Hugh 2.â€"â€"In a ï¬t of de- aoondency brought on by ï¬nandal troubles and ill-health} Almngzi - a. well-known tailor; commi 30.5% asunclde Sunday, afternoon 1_n his. store Armstrong Law Amend-u. Albany. N.Y.. Feb. 29.â€"Govemor Hughes yesterday signed the bill of 'Asscmblymsn Hsmn smendin the so- ullod Armstrong insurance sws, so u to permit xnsuranee companies holding bonds on which there has been a default in interest to enter re- msnization. committee, for the. pur- 'â€"-- n! nrntectinz then' secunttes. Sigmization comm we of protecting ‘nd it was forwar hearted mother in day morning- ATTEMPT PRESI DENT’S LIFE. .utried '10 Boyiflgrgougnls Ponitont. “UAOHAP OUTRIDERS KILLED his home. an Amondcd. Feb- 29-40329?! . Hon. Albert Clements was the son of the late George Killam of Yar- mouth, N.S.. and grandson of the late Thomas Killam, formerly M. P. for Yarmouth. He was born Sept. 18. 1849, and graduated irom the Uni- versity of Toronto, cagtun’ng with hi: B.A. degree in 1872 e silver medal n in mathematics and modems and the Prince of Wales’ prize. In 1877 he was called)» the On- Head of Railway Commission Passes Away at Ottawa. at nine o’clock Sunday morning at the Russell House. Ten da s ago Judge Killam contracted a col , which con- ï¬ned him to his house 301' several days, but he recovered-suflciently to be able to be around on Monday. Thursday a relapse came,_ and pneumonia devel . He was under the care of Dr. owell. and serious complications were not looked for un~ til half an hour__before his death. when :ICIpeu I luv------ ._-__, St. Catharines. March 8,â€"While at- Leith, an employe of the Kinleith Paper Mils, slipped on an icy board :and fell into the water. where his . clothing caught on projecting hooks. ‘ This saved his life. as otherwise , Leith would have made the descent |of the spillway and his life would 'have been dashed out against the heavy timbers at the bottom. about two weeks ago, we: mm mm when he passed away. The chietcom- missioner leaves one son. George Knight of Winnipeg. » Judge KilJnm was appointed chic! commissioner in February. 1906. He was appointed a judge .01 the High Court of Manitoba by Sir John Mac- donnld in 1886, and in 1903 was ap- pointed to the Supreme Court. He was 'born in 1849 at Yannouth. N.S., and dusted from Toronto University, ing admitted to the On- tario Bar. United States Alliances Studying Our Sunday Law. Cincinnati. Ohio, March 8.â€"â€"-An- nouncement was made here yesterday by Rev. Frederick J. Stanley of New Hark. that preparations are on launch a campaign for a national Sunday law to be introduced into Con- gress. framed along the lines of the anadian law. which does not even allow freight trains to move a wheel on Sunday. A -n L- “1.-.. .0 .n In 1877 he was cauea to we vu- tario Bar, and practiced in Windsor. 0nt., until 1889, when he removed to Manitoba. In 1884 he was appointed 0.0. by the Marquis of Lansdowne. He represented South Winnipeg in the Manitoba Legislature from the gen- eral election in 1883 to his elevation to the bench in 1885. In 1877 Mr. Killam married Minnie. youngest daughter of the late R. A. Whyte of Windsor. , 1 L-___ .44.“. hnvn 0 Duuuu; . II The first step will be taken at an executive committee conference to held in Toronto. Canada, in May, to be attended by delegates item the anadian Lord's Day Alliance, the merican Sabbath Union. the Sabbath department of the W.C.T.U., and re- presentatives of seven eta Sabbath closing alliances not yet federated with the American national organiza- tion. ties on the widely known. ï¬gure- way on we "1ҠLeith. an emphye Paper Mile, slipped and fell into the ‘ clothing caugh§ .0“, Gas Affects Congregation. Detroit, March 3.â€"Coal gas escap- ing from a. stove in the basement overâ€" came nearly all of the ï¬fty members of a small Baptist Church in the west end of the city Sunday morning. The effect was felt by'the entire con- gregation ' almost simultaneously. The minister stopped in his sermon. and many of the women and children had to be assisted tromihe buildin , and later were conï¬ned to their . Escaped a Horrible Death. St. Catharines. March 8.â€" ii tem ting to operate the slash b o! t. e gates at the head of the wav on the hydrauljc traceb} Three Burned to Death. Port Washington. L. 1.. March 3.5- Three men were burned to death and ï¬fteen others seriously injured in a ï¬re which destroyed three workmen‘e shacks on the north side of Manhu- eet Bay. All the men were Italian lab- orers, em loyed in Goodwin Brothers . They lived in the three sen buildings, which were burned. Italians Leave Montreal. Montreal. March 3.â€"There is an Italian exodus now going on from this city. Owin to the campaign ainst them 101 owing the murders 0 last week every Italian who .shows himself in the street is being searched tor weapons. and this has made them Afraid. Richmond, Va., Feb. 29.â€"-The legis- lative committee investigating the case of Judge J. W. G. Blackstone of the 11th clrcuit court reported yes- terday. recommending that the Gen- eral Assembly take steps for his re- moval from the bench on account of cross immorality. Costly Fire at Marseilles. Marseilles, March 2.â€"There was a. large ï¬re Saturday morning on the docks in, a warehouse belorgtgin to “Ma ..- â€" . the Chamber ofCommerce. ' Tlia dam~ age amounted to several million francs. The warehouse, wnleh cover- _- AAA _‘__1_ nun-v-- egl an £93 of 10,000 5 uare yards, were ï¬lled m3hÂ¥i§flamma lo material. vw» DEATH OF JUDGE KILLAM. Removing lmmorai Judge. wILL COPY CANADA. 3;».ng -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€" came to Ottawa . was with him The chietcom- 10 son. George t I I x l Navel ' Commander Struck While Driving at Port eu Prince. Port au Prince, Hayti. Feb. 28.â€" The British Minister to Hayti has pre- sented to President Nord Alexis a statement from the 'commander of the British cruiser Indefatigsble. now in these waters, setting forth that on returning from the palace on Wed- nesday a large stone was thrown at his carriage while passing the Rue Bonne, hit ‘ the captain's aide on the leg. For ' insult to His British Majesty the commander of the war- ship demanded an immediate apology. " ' - â€-12-- Jud-mu! nut WIPE OUT-SALOONS British License Bill , Propoees Wholesale Reduction. Gradual Elimination Durln; Perlod of Twenty Yearsâ€"Majority of Elec- ton to Carry Prohibitionâ€"Sunday Hours Curtalledâ€"Place License System Under the Unfettered Control of the State. London, Feb. 38.â€"Chsncellor of the Exchequer Asquith'introdnced the Li; ceasing Bill in the House of Com- mcns yesterday afternoon. This is the principal Government measure for the present session of Parliament. The capital invested in licensed property in this country is about 31M.000.000. while over 8,000,000 people are em- ployed in the trafï¬c. Briefly the bill provides for the com- pulsory reduction within a speciï¬ed period and on s nniiorm scale of the number of saloons licensed through- out the country. In cities it is pro- posed to allow one saloon for every 750 persons and in the country dis- tricts one seloomior .evety 490 peo- 30,000 licenses, about oneothird ol the present total. _. ..n _____-_-- stud ltd. "ulna- present. how». The bill proposes that this reduc- tion be eflected within 20 years. Local option is to govern the issuance 0! new licenses and a majority of the parochial electors is suï¬cient to pro- hibit the ' of a license. Chance or" of Exchequer Asquith expressed the opinion that England day closing, but he said that outside the metropolis no saloon would be allowed to keep open on Sunday for more than one hour at midday. or more than rtwohougs‘ in the evening. Billy Human-nu“ _. .â€"â€"-_,v _ V‘ ‘The chief of police declared that two men were ï¬ghting in the street when the captain s carriage was ass- ing. and a stone may have n thrown. The aflair, the omcial add- ed. should properly be referred to the correctional court. President Alexis, however, sent two ofï¬cers of his stafl to the Indeiatig- able with instructions to express to her commander his regret at what occurred just after the British com- mander had left the palace, after pay- ing. the President a cordial visit. he apology o! the President was cold] received b the warship's com- man er, but the aytian Government regards the incident as being closed. sions, which have existed in the League of Russian People for some time past, have broken out in the last day or two into an open scandal. The league is a reactionary organiza- tion, and'a most bitter foe to the Par- liamentary system. It is accused of responsibility for the anti-semitio outrages at Odessa and elsewhere. The league is now holding a congress in this city. Financial irregularities were inti- mated, and an investigation of the large stipends drawn by the leaders was demanded. This was followed by a stormy session, at the end of which Dr. Dubrovin and several 0 - er leaders were expelled. Woodstock, Feb. 28.â€"Jonn nenry Marshall Thomas, a. man of question- able intelligence, who has been a prisoner" at the jail for nearly six months, on the charge of vagrancy. is missing. Thomas was sentenced from Ingersoll, and was a "trusty" about the jail buildings. He was helping William Toull. janitor ot the court- house. tagether with a fellow prison- er. His comrade teased him and told him that he would be sent to the es lum. ednesds evening Thomas was gone. He sit his jail arb, and is at present probably wan ering about - Angus-“1' â€". râ€"vvr the country. in Turk's Island, N. 8. British schooner Mar-i from Weymout t,h Sagua. Cuba. was w came a total loss 01 Island {our days ago. with lumber and he: will be saved Suicides In the Water. Dedhem, Mess" March 8.â€"Chesing a boy named John 0. Roman. with whom he had quarrelled, and at whom he had ï¬red several shots from a re- volver while both were on the ice, Raflaele Calibrese, aged 22 years. fell into the water of the river and im- mediately after ï¬red hi own head, d ' . is believed t e man thought that he was going to drown, water where he tell in was but two or three feet deep. Montreal, Feb. 28.â€"â€"A strike or 1.200 mill cotton operatives at Hochelaga of the Dominion Textile Co. is threatened Saturday on account of objectionable rules governing work. BRITISH OFF'CER Brithh Schooner Virockod. Cotton Worker; May Strike. A Vagrant Who Feb. 28.â€"â€"John Henry 135. a. man of question- .S.. Feb. 88.â€"The “gm-'9 J. Sumner. N. ., Jan. 30 for wrecked and be- on North Caicos go. She was laden let cargo probably oviéralll. Vanished. STONED. strike of st. Petersbnrx. inch s.â€"â€"Gen. Hmnkunpt, _ chief o! the general luff, over-mung the plea of counsel ed the for the defence, bu conï¬rm court-mar- denth untenoe pulod b O tial on the seven terror; . including the HMO!!! Iulim Cdyino. who were convicted a! com ty in the ' ' Grind Duke lot mum the Ii?“ ‘ icholu Nichouivnwh chgglovitqfl, Agni-W __ AL. I Amonï¬ those W were 08 vino. the who had in his 9‘ rested. n 9853901" Calvino. the St. spondent of two 1 Thlovu Mako baring Attempt to Get Cashâ€"Shoot at Teller. Winnipeg. March 2.â€"Saturday night about 8 o'clock. while the Logan ave- nue branqh 9! the Union 885k was AL--- am counter. The despendoes promptly ï¬red and Teller Sussex received a ball throth the fleshy pert of his arm. The deependoee, dieconcerted by the dro in; out of eight and range. end "351“ that in a few moments the banker: would like he urmed. and {aerial that the .ehot dreedy et- treeted “tendon. emitly welked out molested end unnoticed got away. Chenoee of meat are said to be ulior'x’xï¬ 'vâ€"--_._ New York. March 2,â€"In 3 ï¬t of jealous rage, Giuseppe Aniello crept up behind his wife, who was fondling their nine-montha-old baby. in their home in Elizaheth street early Sat- ‘7 Aâ€"â€"- A. -‘tl‘. ‘mm 01116 I“ Wot-wâ€" â€"__-, nrday, and ï¬red a charge of shot from a heavy iowling iece mto her body. She died instan y. Following the ehoo ' . Aniello himself was so ser- iously ten by the brother of the dead woman that it is believed he wlll dxe. Aniello is 46 years old, his wife wns 96. They had three children. An- iello was out of work for the last three months. Aniello accused his wife 0! receiving too many attentions from men who worked with her in the sweat-chop. Hamilton: March 2.â€"The service at the Church 0! St. Thomas was die turbed yesterday by an alarm of ï¬re. but everybody got out safely. The ï¬re was in the Sunday school room. adjoining the church and was caused umace. The flame: worked their way up to the attic under the plaster, and the ï¬remen had to tear Suite a bit of the plaster on. The amaze is about 82,000. May Olve Up Congo State. Brussels, Feb. Skaâ€"The recent de- bate in the British House of Commons and the speech of Sir Edwsrd Grey relative to the Gonzo situation has csused s deep impression in political circles. It is reported thst King; Leopold ' Pollcoman Sent to Prison. New York, March 3:â€"Georga Daw- “OW Irugunv..- - -_ , , . New York, March 3._â€"-I.Iypodermxc injections of a serum sumlag to that. used in the treatment of diphtheria. are being successfully employed in scarlet fever cases. HAD BOMB SCENE AT WINNIPEG BANK. Julous Italian Shoot: Wife. Blue at Hamilton. Wait- ï¬t of 353’ since 1896 we: brought up .- oee. _ At thet moment Hon. W. 8. Field. roee, while Jecquee Bureau. 80- ll tor-Genenl, m ape-kins. end said u it wee the desire at the Home to oheerve the Bebbeth he would move um the egmpitpe the end repofl L- _-....I 6h- . k,†_‘1 In: Fosnmposm‘m 0N mom CABS Old Hlmult W"!t H‘ wards Condemned. cries Mr. Footer re-entered the Chamber utter 11 o'clock. He had been at the res: gnllery dinner. and his return rought Jacques Bureau to his feet. Foster wna railed (or doing what he had condemned in Mr. Brodeur, nune- lyg ‘83 at} amount from an appro. as serious nn oflence u that charged ageinst Mr. Brodeur. . Bumu talked till 11.55, when Mr u- mama... moved the House out of a. t P ‘0 “1° ‘ in thg opinioq-Oi Plot to Murder Priest. Chicago, Feb. 28.â€"The murder of the priest in Denver was similar in every respect We one planned sev- en] months in which the Rev. Father P e Remullo. pastor of St. Boch'a C urch et Chicago Heights, was to be the victim. The nune of the mun is held a se- cret by Fnthor Dunne. who claims tint should their informant be known he would be found dead with a dozen knives in him beiore 24 hours wu From Ofï¬ce to Prieon. Buflalo. Feb. 28.â€"Fonner County Auditor John W. Nefl and former Supervisors Byron D. Gibson and William B. Jackson of Erie County, were taken to Auburn yesterday. cou- victed on indictment: in connection with the eoâ€"called graveyard scandnl. Nell will aerve seven yearsrend thI other two ï¬ve you each. Rueelan ‘Naval Setback. St. Petersburg. Ifeb. 29.â€"Tbe pro- ect for the rebuilding o! the Rueaian thumeeivedaeetbackaeare- eult b! the attitude taken by the Mini: 0! Finanw which eeee no / tund- needed for the construction of a neat and navy. e na eetunatee an amounted to $1.- vwm ’w» Eat-Convict. Gnnby. Que., Feb. ailâ€"Tho burglar who was shot st Gnnby Hill on the 28th £3} Thoma Robinson proves to be P ' ' Tettmnlt. lttely out of the peniton , 1m: serving a. tour-you sentence to: nominating tad tob- TRANSFERRED ITEMS KEEP THEM OFF THE STREETS Dlacam‘ Anna Salarlu of Rural School minnâ€" Taochanâ€"Pramlor to consult mm mm the Opposition Load" About Ro- aw- . ; distribution am â€"- m. ama- In- ) helm Kaopo'l'ab on Aboutâ€: I- â€"Mr. Whitney Explalm. Aflof- Drastic Measures Ara Proposed Against Automobillsts. nonnced that he was keeping tab 9p- on the attendance 0! members nth n View to homing deduction made nity for every day upon which he does not attend the sittings, unlus m one of 51m. Hon. Mr. Foy moved it: adoption. "How am you 0m: to deduct it?" asked Mr, Studhp .‘ ‘ __ M "3W “to ukuv_-- "The clause is not changed," to- plied the Attomeyâ€"Generd, "and the tion process will be 101101! ." 'But I want to know.†persisted loch like a three.†“The provisions of the act govern this mstter,†replied Hon. Mr. Whit. nay. "The member goes to the Ao- connting 0509: under the provisions wuugu vac; uâ€"u “v.â€" .._,, v “I presume," observed the Pre- mier, smiling. "thet hon. members would not do anything like that." “But they do." persisted Mr. Stud- holme. “In the Dominion they have a roll cell and heve them regular. It's e. shame how it goes on here. If I on get hold of a. good lawyer I won’t mind peying 3 little to get the intonation as to how to proceed, and then I'll not on it.†And with the waning the Labor Inn set down. ‘ Mr. MeElroy (Cedeton) be: given notice of en automobile bill under (1 Thursday: and Setnrdnye end on Sundays between the hours of 9 mm. Attheo ' ottheeittingetne Prime Emme' :- error which had occurred in report- i his remarks to the Temperence Em co in n morninl pnper. Speak- ingtotheiuneoneoltheclergymen who spoke hnd aid that they were in politics in this matter. and Mr. word “too†bed been omitted in The Globe's report. “conveying the wrong- ful impression.†said the Prime Min- ister, “that politics wee the sole con- sideration which influenced our ac- tion in the mt .†Mr. J. Kohler (Heldimnnd) intro- duced a bill entitled an act nespect- ing county Houses of Refuge. under which the time for the completion of these institutions is extended from New York, Feb. 28.â€"Thomns A. Edi- eon wee operated upon for mastoldi- tie lat ' ht at the Mmhntun Eye. Ber end t Hospital, where he ha been 3 petient since Sunday. when an nheoeu which hnd formed in the middle ear we opened. Dr. early recover!- Proceedings Abandoned. Branuord, Feb. 28.â€"â€"Prooeedinga to unseat Ald. Beaten. on the ground 01 insuï¬cient property qualiï¬cations. were abendoned yesterday, costs agnimt relntor. This ends the at- tempts to change the political com- plexionrof the council. which remains eight Conservatives. eight Liberals, including Mayor Bowlby. Toronto Nurse in Runaway. lurkdnle, Feb. 29.â€"â€"lliu Johnston. : pmhuionel nurse (rem Toronto; in nttendance upon Mu. W. 3.. Han- ' wreck. Edison Under tho Knlfo. m nun! am. 14505â€. i The bodyof the zvm‘ nhdlflded none 1.110ng “M and other m the bnin 1mm“. Will mytouqmmem... A Human Match Fm he nun-ling in the dud. fl“ we: at the beam body an“ M hum of the comma... M m or the counting“ of w“ it I: competed. n. iron. “-0. sulphur. todlun, “I 1 E tome come from? 17,. ï¬ How etc they enneu to the seven! orn- The ere extracted "a “0th and other “I. and nutrition. the “in? warm-9 rt est 51:: win; Then the u: u destroyed and mm Ne." nerve " troubln.“ In“. 'trouble," or some otha' the vital organs of the hunger cry of the r a; then is the logtul ï¬n th 8 5! {Egg :1 3. 33E? 5: mun. ‘ Plan's Golden .Ir- an: 1: Just the sec: veions curageflecwd ' medicine can make m (3‘ Food alone can makn them. stomach all in allied o tract tron the food the e min M 1nd fat and m 'Nervofoods."b100d‘maki ' no mere tad: and {alincimnih Ind mot diéation and n mull distribute the food. . Marco's Golden Medial I: not I. cure-:1]. It does one of on ‘nd nutfltlbn. TN â€355': Nature feeds the rich. the blood. heals the 1m m the mung vital pom Medial Dhoovery' only obstructions has {have is no alcohol in “Golden n Wen" and it contains new! cocaine not any other narcotic. a Pierce hold! no oebrets from youâ€"i {on that the “Disoov ' count olm Ingredients: idcnsul Queen's root. Stone root. Black a bark. Bloodmot. Mandrake m Chemiall PureGl cerine. From " edicinu,‘ by G Coo. I. D.. of New York. we can: following: “H drastis (Goldensu miss! an al influence over I surfaces. pan the liver it an: equal certainty and efficacy. Alli goguo (liver hwigorator ). it In «gala. In aflections of the splea a ominal viscera generally. h‘ efï¬cient and reliable remedy. A] aaofnla. glandular diseases g. cutanoonaeru ona. intimation.“ diarrhea an dysontery. comm piles and all morbid and mu: EEl. M.D.,saysd8tu anoo._ They tug-cage “‘"AWEP .I-va â€" â€"v' , fly Improve the digestion u Eden of food. Good for rectal m of the mat woman. ‘ c of direct md permanent! Excellent in the bicyclc- hm mic Inflammation and clam! thou..- Anedun Dispensntory says root. 'nunnlsta digestive on can. union of heart god I mm and tonic. Very vain cough randyâ€"acts as a saw the: Nubia u m :lu‘muve.’ The People‘s Common Sense Adm I! s “luble work {at emulation dad is free iron: was. _It_conuins over one 7‘ â€"-4l MI order. for the coming sumi WI“ 01 chy and other PI Wild request thosn wishmg" sod have not them!)- 1:41: m? and Inquire seed pens, to cgllsul a one. and have th< ir orders. xï¬ak pass. It I: sent poet dent in one-mu: of main. only. 31 st: flexiblepc Wager covers cloth-boo Plat-09.8 Bnflumii Owing to the dr‘cuf’.ht “ aha mp0 in â€we “‘6’ without seed of 112‘" km: duo we no r with: I ever before 1.: this time mun speciu urirtirs I And intendinx 81'0"?“ h “ onroflea gt once and! do: while we hlve 12“ mini†and take thrirt The prices for my “deï¬es ~ mfg you QUICK You mav alsot jects you choos‘ ed immedxatcly Call. write or pl NOTICE TO FARE leaving mun Id! and other a. nutrition. much is “weak-'1 L di mad and N n Then the hi astroyod and rve " trouble," lam-J me." or some 0th ll organs of the [C37 Luthe logical In: IOL'NDE yei‘Finz mcu hislime of t“. u-ienties 8Y0 . r) a 01;!an ust w at is“ Hedical beret of the {alludes stlon and e the food. don Medial It. does can heal: the 1 via! 90"? nu pun: 1 In “Golda mun: nah ler nsrcoflc. at: from you 50v ' a: gamma: root. Black (:1 Msndnh m1 oeflne. Fediclnu.‘ h a York. we and ms (Golda H nfluenco m I 0 liver 1t a1 91‘s hue 0“