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Lindsay Post (1907), 13 Mar 1908, p. 9

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9.999. [A my I: min 1»; r: amen,” mm: ’lic a. may. THE abut“ 73 9 and!“ magnum: Lenten nines 33133 3 to “a and Iron with Brass OWN": For any Depth of Welly _‘ HMng secured a firsbclus experienced Pump Maker, are prepared to supply firatpclass' pumps 13'9“th ‘ M. J: CARTER, - 4o Kent-St. Repair; will receive careful attention. The Kind You Have Always Bought GENUINE uInps! Pumps! Pumpsi? We are experts i guarantee satisfaction. For a long time g’asses werezusod only to assist in welding or near work, but with increa‘ied knowledge 0f the eye. we Eire able to adjust glasses to impme 'thc Sight: “’9wa cufmg Chronic Hcadache, Neuralgia and Ina”? nervous afiecyons caused by eyestrain. . If your eyes tire easily, do net wait till senous Wk .de- Yebps. Have the strain removed ; the sooner the mar. Prop- erly adjusted glasses will do it. {Al-St, Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance- Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and alloys Feverishness. It cures Diarrhea. and Wind ColiC- It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giVing healthi and natural‘sleep. The Children’s Panaceaâ€"The Mother’s Friend. Infints and Childrenâ€"Experience Why Classes are What is CASTORIA In Use For Over 30 Years. TN! curnun noun", 7’ lumv m. Opposite St. Andrew’s Church. P. 0. BOX 217 ," cpncIANs. iFoot of Kent-at, LINDSAY. E BRITTON BROS“ CASTORIA 1305?. LINDSAY. FRI!) LINDSAY [We are offering the -very best goods, fully guaranteed, at clos- est prices and terms to suit pur- chasers Patronize ‘ your own money. 'ARBEN and~ get \value for you: 'a I!- You cm. eyestraln. MARCH 10. '08 ALWAYS a remedy which is really good in cases for Web it is inteaded. I on, your: Very only,” DR. ERNEST A. ALLABD. Doctm recognize tint Psych!” is one of the very best remedies for an throat, loung and stomach troubles 5nd all run down conditions, from whatever cause. It is fine prescription of one at the world ’13 greatest specmlilts in div eaoerof the throot, lungs, and stomach, and allwuting 41.968800 Ask our dm gist for it, at 606 end 1. .Blooum, Limited, Toronto. “Dr. T. A. Slocam, Limited Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen. â€" can; aond in that of ’my friends. 'It at- fords me mug}; 91mm} to rgcgmmend ' My many thanks for rsychme and Ozomulxion. I have used them with vegy grgap sg‘tisfufion b‘ot}! in my own flarzlell swam out to the stranded Storm carrying ai line, by means of whxch (our sailors were :lu‘2-er blougbt surety ashore. ln'ens when Lhe steamer Lady Ezgm was wrecked at the same point in 1860. Their action resulted in the estabhshment, '0d the studenti«manxxâ€" ed life saving station at‘that. poiut. Congrqssmm Geo. E‘ Foss of Chi- oago has inuoduced a' bin in. the Au-.â€" uica '. congmss authorizing the sec- rctary of the treasurey to award gold medals to ‘the. two bishops. Bi- shop 114:1;de displayed great hcioism in suing several dives in the wreck of the schaoncr, Storm. oft Evanstou in 1864. Bishop Fowler saved several lives when the steamer Lady Sign) these changes; but the spectacle that is nrescnted when one looks back ore-r a. considerable pcer of rcii- gious development is such as she 11d make even the quest conservative or men tee! rety'tendor and consider- ate for ithosc who seem now to be a long way [from the main body at the n-ligious world. :Who knows but that they may be the pioneers of such a: change .as these at the put? 5What did the conservative men of telnt years ago think of the first pastors .who inaugurated church base- After n’early half a century two deeds of bravery by theological stu- thnts. then attending Northwestern university. may be rewarded. The students are now Bishops Chas; H. Fowler ~91 New; York. and Jos. C. Harlzell, .missionary bishop of At- ucu. both of. the Methodist Episco- pal chumb. ball clubs? _ Ten years agd a. church hockey club would have horrified Lhe eld- ers of every Presbyterian. church in Cat-Ada. A decade or more before that again, the erection 0: an orgul for the beauLifying‘. of publigwoor- ship “as having the same effect; Then; is no need to accuse th‘. churches of inconsistency because of Ten years ago, as Dr. Campbell rc- marked, it would: have been impos- sible for him, Or indeed for .3105: Prds‘oyterian clergyman, to thaw ap- proved or tolerated. the idea a! the formation of éporting clubs in con- nection with the church. Tokdny the whole conception of: the social 3:14- txon of the church; has changed. No one‘nuggests now‘vthat it is beneath the dignity of an organization con- stltutcd mainly for the worsmp of God to employ its powers for any; number of .worldly undertakings. provided that they subservc the main purpose. Furthermore. we are get- ting a very broad idea of what does subseqve the worship of God, and pretty nearly anything that tends to make men’ better and more honor- able and more earnest and mute courageous is included in the defi~ ni'ion. A Doctor’s Statement HIKE CHURCH TAKES HOLD. ' (Montreal Herald.) The fact that; the world moves is continually being '00an in upon us. It. seldom gives a. more gtriking rx- omplificatiom than in the words of the Rev Dr. Campbell, and the reso lution of the Montreal Presby:.ur',- ymterday concerning sporting or- ganizations within the church. 00.09W090WH” Fowler. an moanent swimmer, 1r: The lmhlltllmont of God’s Klug- dom on Earthâ€"Articles Bearing on Church Work at Home and Abroadâ€"carefully Selected con- tributions wlll be Received for “Suffer 113]. fiwtug I t' I h. c [um 6 mare‘ggxdo; of Heaven." Pub] on n t '3 o n. 606666666666666606600666666666666666666 . | | | | ' I66 sonnlly saved three! Persons from rm”. ” § dxownmg by swimming out in the 0 A DAILY THOUGHT._ ‘_ 0 SlOrIn-L63'Scd lake and towing thnm . -:-â€" _ . ashore nhcr {boy had been wasiwrl 0 {This- world wfll never 8111““. off the Lady Elgin. There has never 6 ‘ “â€"3911 '!’- ' § bu-n any officia‘: recognition of limit 6 .‘TG Suit your whims to V'the § deals. ‘ fiv‘ 60666636600‘ 6060660666’6 ‘- " I J .~‘-4‘\ “Sum-r little children to come unto Me. fur of nuch . islthe Kingdom of Heaven." OOOOOODOOOOOOO’OO BRA YE METHODIST BISHOI’S ooooooooowwo€€o+owooooooo¢0¢fi09.00009.9 . wmtld, " ~ I X 1mm Miser man shapes into I God’s plan 1 As the rwa-telr shapes into mus world will never animal: . . final! - . «(L‘ 3T6 suit your whims to tithe Wtdl‘; Some things must go wrong 1‘. . your whole lite long. And the am you know it . the batter. ' It is folly to fight with the . Infinite; Ami go under at last in" the NEWS OF THE CHURCHES (Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Baie St. Paul; C.C., Que. March 27th, .1907. OUGHT. . ‘ - hover 811301 .1}; -' ms to ‘(the go wrong 10mg, . - m know it last in rth‘e‘ . I 1 113” into . \2. as into the O o O Q + Q Q 0 .9 \ ' , 0 It with the 0 ‘ H O + § § § , O r Wilcox. 0 o Multitude: think 01 death. rath'ei um: 1th: Mam «they; must meg; 1M: Mth. will, plan: .to tumor. Ercning Post of March 9‘ CAMBRIDGE-8ft. METHODIST. Last evening Dr. Bishop. mtor o! the Cambridge-st. Methodist, took his text tram the 46th verse of \the 24th chapter 06 Matthfiw, He said he felt. 1mm matching the greateventa 01 the 'day and seeing the; Yastim- pmvemiuntn that have come topass any, ml that «vary perm: state a lcaiviliza.‘l:i.mn m have mohqd. that two um Brewing a great deal mar .the demtmudbmho‘tmhm kind um Emu: unzed us to pro-u We tor flail mt event lot (Which them an: a mm as #01119“. but; lament mm as to tune. inhere- !wbitiu émwtthopartoun *0 “I W. a. all must. Bing an' m. at W! m L I. H ‘fl‘he dthelr. denominations which came wrest fto these in porimtxot nunbars ud'thao Congregationalism; with 699,327 membdm. and with a net 133511 for the year or 9.604;; and the Episcopalians, with 830,659mepn- hers, rwith a melt loss a! 15.633‘ mem- AT THE CHURCHES LAST SUNDAY nominations during. the year were as follows; Baptism. 108,358; Metho- divts, 101,696; Lutherans 65,172; Pree- byterians, 49,627; Disciples. 20,365. INTERESTING FIGURES. Dr.“ H. K. Carroll. to‘r a pouplq o1 decades, has annually published stat- istics which indicate the numerical strungth and growth of the various Pxotestant churches of the United States. lTheLre are five ‘dcnominaJ tions which number mo‘re than one million; Methodists. 6,,660 784; Bap- tists, 5,224,;305 Lutherans 2,.022 605; Pmabytd‘ians, 1,821,504; Disciples. 1,- 285,123. rm» net [gains of. :theso 'de- (W'. 0. Bryan); .s We all have acne conception of God, and our relation to him ..and in (propomtion as it is a‘ ztruel one. in: molds our lives for god. fl‘hm is nothing in this. .wdrld that so largely determines a. (man’s life as this ;e- lation which he established with God. We warmed: enough a: pest. and therein an immeasurable ignlt between the strength at a ‘mmmho dandy right bebanse he thinks other: me watching him. and the. strength of the man who does xiaghullaeeanso he knawa God. is seem; human. the time. For the former the time will come when he thinks that he .is not scan. and than he will fall. ;But'- it a man belid'Ves that the eye oil God is We on him. hqhastthdst-reugfll and support thwt he cannot hayettwho didoelieves in the existence of aper- Bonal Gui. y . \ "Manhattan island is more and mom the Paris at pleasure-seekers and the London of buninms; it is .momandmaw-a Iorehgncity. 01 our population, Ithn ‘tRoman Catholic church claims 930,000; there are at least 600,000 nun-christian; leaving a Protestant minimum at only 720,000, which is 50,000 1% than it )vas twen- ty years ago Only the emanat fraction 0'! these 720.000 nominal Promtants have any connection with the churche'al” 3M _. . “.While the church has filled with doubts an'd fears.” he said, “there has been an ever “deepening. estrangcment babwaqn the church and large class- es at our populaBom It is a world- wide phenomonon. Philosophy and science have shaken religious faith. Socialism has made tremendous strides in every chfistian country and the end is not yet. ‘ V New York . March 2.â€"Prddic'tion that 100 years hence the island «at Manhattan rwill loo 3 foreign mission- ary field ‘to‘ which a Christian! church will be swam; worms. was made! by Dr. Charles Jdlmo’n in his tenth an- mimmy mom a]: the Broadway talaexmnle, the oldest Congregational church in [he Unite!!! Stakes. H ' “one. In a min Sunday school a tlitvtle girl told .the story of Solomon and the disputing mothers in this revise; “Solomon ma 3 very wise man. One day two women want to him, Quar- xeling album a baby. One woman said. 'TI‘his is my child.” and the oth- er nvomm mid. “No. 'taint; it's mine." But Solomon spoke up and said; ”No. no, ladies; don’t quarrel. Give ma my m-oud. .anrl \I'll make‘ twins 0! Chin. so you can both! have us SCIENCE AND RELIGION. OUR RELATION TO GOD. IMPROVED ON SOLOMON (in. Duchamp” was so bad that I broke out all over “taint?! at}? tLimits boils. web test gro nn' ey were as ' an - nuts.oanaing great ' and tnnery. I thought they woul take the skin 0! my whole body. but I kept {mm scratch- ingaswdlasloould. Iwasaorun down that I could hardly do my work. and, in time. gut-e me. cur-a Soap. Omtment. Reoolvent. and Pills for about ought months, and I can truthfully say I am cured. I cordial] recommend Cuticura Remedies to who are afflicted the same as I was, be- liexrifil that. If they will use them woo ‘ng to dxreotlona. they will and them all they 'are represented to be. Any one doubtmx the truth of theabovo‘ mu writetoMr. Burnett, whow'lllcheer- quLV9u9h f9r 9!:“Esmsnw -_ ,u ”WHAIB'EOHQQT: lii'ir‘fb';'§. Cedar Corners, Tipton, 18.. Aug. 17, 1907.” “I cheerfully endorse the abovamo- timonid. It is the truth. I know Mr. Bordwell and know the condition he min. Benevgrtimolpmmngcho Cutiqum BMW-n .. . - .. 5. Parsons who have completed. their sirtielth year are exempt groan hatiqz. as «well as sink muons. and thwe rwhosa work is too laborious to allow that!!! to fast, but pqnmisaion must be obtainqd in such cases tram that emu 4 ‘-.r . ‘. “I had “itching, tormentinf oaemn. ever since I come into the wor d. and I up now a man fifty-avg you: old. I tried all kind- otmedicmeslbeard of, but found no Nil. I was truly in u {rightful cqnqmpn: _ Mg last my blood , 'I _____ 3. Fish and flesh cannot be, used at thnsamemeal. not eveng‘Sun- days aux-1n; Lena , , ( ( 4. All persons who have reached the mgu 0t twenty-om are bound! to m union mt by their contes- 2. fl‘ho 11311 at flesh meat is Wow- ed at tho male on Bundhyu' anti at the principal meal on all Mondays; «Tuesdays. Thursdhya and Saturdays, with the exception 01 the, Saturday at Eufl'oar tweak and. Holy Saturday< 8. Pam exempt from lusting are asde to make some amends by “citing prayers and giving aims. ”And dm’ her mamnia whip her when the was little I" "Yes. Tomuzv. ' "And was she whipped when she was httie f" Who Was Responsible Tommy had been"; punished. "Mun- me." he sobbed, "did your mammm whip you when‘ you were httlc’a" "Yes. when I was naughty." am ET. MARY’S. 5., . . Rn. Fr. Collin- cedo'orated high ‘mass at St; Mary‘s yeabeaday. ,Ven. Axghdoacan My, man pm. to the [guest ddlieht at the large congress!- tion‘ mt. He read the epic": and 1398981 tar the first Sudan in Lat. the W being ascending to St. Mather. iv. chayt‘ar, vetoes 1_-11. Leta: abrid meme tothegplea- me it [gave him to foe (unmet Ithe peopla once more with health restorâ€" ed. Fr. Casey read several pastoral lethal! {mm the Bishop of Patel-bo- aough. promulgating 'thn Lenten m- sgnlastiom and {Papal edict concerning engagement: and marriage. The Low mgubtiou m; . 1. wmmmssumaap with the exception at Sunday. 1; WHOLLY CURED IN 8 MONTHS BY CUTICURA Suffered Torments from Birth -- Boils Formed as Big as Walnuts â€"ln Frig htful Condition and Could Hardly Work- Tried All Kinds of Remedies to No Availâ€"At Last at .tho closing hour they see the} gamer! a bubble and the mask of their uprighbebu-neu slip. away. Can anything Ln more clear than the mxipture'a alt-Mont 01 what consti- tutes tram landlines! nWo should match all the (time for the and of thinly will come when men are thz at 0th:- thm. . ~'. ”CHINE EBZEMA HFWâ€"FIVE YEARS Evenwyhu'e we ace men who saus- fy themselves with that which has the appetramo at righteousness. but has npt its mtial elementa.untu alfiwiâ€"fiaén, 'ripeon. h." mun. ”hand It the hat. uncannnt malt: mm with God sud min 3qu It will not work. nut In this marinated so- mat at our whob lite from I the cradle ta 5th! mm. at our whole “to contact. at our. olursote‘r. I‘M announ- at our lilo determines the quality at our destiny. .Whmer in not duh balm death clones imam» not be 'done utter. thuretom we should pay that God will make us appreci- ‘su tho W: at life's length. ‘ In itnfineloqnmam’nmheisu sinner. to put at! thinking. at death and at the manner at his Jilc. We IhouM Ln sbh! t0 hail death with joy instead ct lehr.‘ ‘ . .1 ’ "Well, who started it, anyway: tut nub-um momma”. "What's the matter 1“ demanded :he passenger. ".Why are you driv- ing sorccklesuy V I’m in no hurry." "Ah. g‘wan avid .yez." retortod the wily. "d‘ye think I’m. goin’ to put in 'tne wholo day drivin' you round (or twp hour-l 01ml“ A 'traveller. finding that he End a couple 0" hours in Dublin, calla! a cat and told the driver to drive him around Ior two hours. At first all went well. but soon the driver be- gnnl to whip up his horse, so that they narrowly escaped several to.- liners ’ English History.â€"F. Reed: 91. E. Ktl‘l‘ 90. Julia 'Murphy 86, J. Fla- \‘elle 8.5. W; Spence 85. ‘E. madca- ald S4. A. Notes 81._ D. Lamb 76. N. Davey 73, V. Preston; 72. J. Patter 71. 1! Pepper. 70, I. Lytle .69. A. Richardson 69. M. Cinnamon 68, Z. Suggitt 67. M. Naylor 65, N. Peel 65. M Jordan. 63. J. Greer 62. Jas. uvrphy 61. C. Graham 61. E. May- bee 60, D. McQuarria 58, V. Sproulc 55. L {Whitesida 54. V. Tecvin 53 J. O’Connell 53. 'J. Graham 52, W. Susi- zilt' 49. S. Minthorne 42. Absent- F. Callaghan. . Ancient Historyâ€"W. K. Anderson ‘75, Henry Philp 75, Merrilt Knuwi- con 64. De Willett Puffer 6:». Evelyn Gmham 65, Helen Flavelle 63. Ralph Hardy 61. W. G. Fallis 60. Wilfred Knowlson 60, Hugh McLaughlin 55. Grace Mitchell 55. Joe Bislmp 51. Lucile Kay! 54. Rowena Fallis 52, Cccal hugent 52. Leo Rogers 52. He- tor anlcy 52, \\ illard Fallis 45, Elsie McEachern 44. Pete: Spratt 4-}, May Tolmie 4-1. John Murphy 43. Oticl James 42. Chas. Sulcliffe 40, Melâ€" ville Brokenshire 34. Roy Wilson 29." Mund Mark 25. Annie Patton 28. Mil: .Webster 22. Louie Wood (taken sick) 16. Absent -â€" Miss Grandma-1.; Miss O'houzhlin. Miss Peel. Miss Mil- I! let. J85. Killogly. 2. 11311083 29. 0. Stewart 26. Ah- ,unlâ€"R. Williamson. G. Rogers, F. 13101“ ushire. 62, D. Edwards 56, 5. Newton 56. 0. Anderson 55. LL Nicolson 53. G McLaughlin 51, A. Greer 51, F. Pratt 50, J Graham. 50. L. Stacey so. Rich 47. B. Jackson. 46, W. R. John- son 43, G. Vroomnn 41. B. RiChdl'J.‘ can 40. M. E. Fisher 38.. fi. Tompr kins 3.5. J. C. Spratt 33‘ H. Bu: ton ' FOR)! I. . Scienceâ€"L. Brien 78, .L' .Fallis 74. } H. Mercer 71. s. Flavellc 70, v. Mcr~ ‘cer 07, R. Thurston. 67. C. Primmu .66. F. Gilli: 66. G. Thompson M; A. Hughes 61, B. Guiry 60, M. 15:33 58. I McCullough 58,‘ Fred Bridle 58, A. Sproule 56¢ K. Lawrence 53.. “v“. McMahon 53. F. Jackson 51, N. Callahan 50. T. omeilly 48. .N. Arm- Strong 4!. W. Anderson 47. R. 511'le Is ‘5, N. Edwmfls 43. L. King 4‘2, 0. Vnrooe 40. M. Wray, 40, N. Thurston 87, H. Naylor' 38, Frank Bruin 3:2, S. Paton 81. V. Gillogly 29. D. Spratc 28. E. (Henderson 27. L. Yarnold 27. C. Waller 26. G. Carroll 21. 'E. Parka 22. 0. Mark 16. ~ COMMERCLAL FORM-8531035 swungâ€"A. Preston 74, I. moh- axdson 64. H. Duck 64. L. Arm- gtrong 62, H. .Moynes 56, d. Jobbilt 54. F. Button 50. W. Gray 30- “35'3“ - 3. Thurston. 'R. Broad. 1 Laws of Business.-â€"L. Armstrongj 84. G. Jobbitq 71. R. Broad 33. W-1 Gxa'y 68. A. Preston 58. 3- Thursâ€" ton 57. I. Richardson 52. u. Mayne: 4.7, F. Button. 334 H. Duck 18. J U .‘l 10R COMMERCIAL Arithmeticâ€"G. 'Lamonte 100, R. 'thdon 96. W. ‘1'. Mayues 81. H. Hunger-ford 82), M. Varcoe 71.. A. Bxiumcli 70. G. Button 70, Y. L351- ley cs. W. McCarty 64. G. Wilkinson 63. L. Brown 61. M. lmgram 60, J. Sunpsol 55. R. Ackert 54, .W. Mo-l Mu'kfi 53. F. Bagshaw. 57. H. J.‘ Coadl 45. G. Edy! ~13. A. L. 11-!“ Wood 34. ' 4 Bistory.â€"0. \Vxlliama 82, BL I-‘intt 79, 11. Burn 78, N. Ncsbitt 7!... J1. Barcus 72. A. Stewart 72:. .W. A. Marshall 71, S. Sinclair 70, J. B. Parker 70. C. N. Haugh 69. J. Mc- Dougaln 66. J. O‘Neill 06, 2?. Touch- bum‘ 65. L. Clarke 64.. G. Phelps The Standing of the Pupils Weekly Examinations. The. Collegiate Institute Report Pretty Quick. FOP-MI lILB FORM. IIIA rm 1:. Surprise the "You don‘t say I" said Dick. "1. my old Roxie} had a haul in "Mdlâ€"erâ€"not I hand emtlyh " Not Exactly. ' (Phflhwhid Press.) "" £8. Miss (Roxleyi and. I are straw» gets DOW." said Torn. 'I‘ve been at- ed not to call. there attain." - Toronto Star; The British limos- ing bill will wipe out thirty tho-s- wd saloons .in twenty years. It .will be a happy day for the British unthingman when he loves his ems! and cheese more than. his beer. '* 7 m cam-.2 Eng (tsh ' , Tonesamlmvmlhm ' neurons mam. make. no. " -m1nolchimOumNa-’ mm Mental and drab Won-3. lb W ”’auknm. mm 8):!- mm and Made ”Abuse or Em" Plioetlpcrbogsiqurfl Onewillpl d: 31.1.1395 Bash an! "rnzg‘amé; _ -__..‘: Office and yard East side Wellington 1:. bridge. Phone 47. KENNEDY 8; DAVIS MILLING Co. Ltd. Patios having their own .‘nmba :- hsva it dressed and numbed on shat notice. All Vgoois mnnfsctnred by our-Jun must be u repreoe:.:ed. To Contractors and Parties who intend Building. Our futory ha been rebuilt and equi- md with modern, upto-dnte wood-worl- ing_mnchinery. We no in 5. position '0 furniu‘l 311 Bad. 0! Dmsed and Rough Lumber for building purines. In an the 30:0 manufacturers of nummcnbedlumbcrmthew- ' We manufacture Doors, Sub, Fm. 8339. Casings, Mouldings and Inside d Outside Trimming :, .11 kiln dried. ANNUUNBEMENT CASH PRICE for HIDES, HEEEPSKINS, LAMBSKINS, TALLOW and BARK. 050: and warehouse at Wellington-st. Bridgaâ€"ém. 9f Lindsay, will pay HIGHEST The R. M. Baal Leather Ca, flamin pronpt uttention day or ' t. OFFICE-46 Peel-5‘., between 8. A. Barracks and Curling Rink. WANTED ! HIDES AND BARK Gmdmtn of ’the On‘u'io Veterinary College. W. G. DUNOON. Local Agent OUR MOTTO: Fairness; Prom ptnegs, Satis- faction. BROAD 8“ NEWTON VETERINARIANS, uumv, - - ounlm L Wecd’s Phosphodina, ,3; 7“ 2.7»: 0m; English Remap Canada Furnishes the Cheese.

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