EARN DRESS-MAKING BY MAIL mum; to give._ direct to the public our improVed $15 course 1n dmsmskmg. Including out ‘ ' Tailor System for wholesale price $5.00 Asghemmahrge number at Poo .ecpec: ‘ *--- --- «mm: can by mag! together. my ï¬gment from the Ernest mist suit to e most elaborate 55. This is ' Canadi- thnt the whole family can learn _by 0:}: member taking it up. We have been m busxness for up yeaxjs. have taught Beware of mutations. as some have been known to copy our advs. unicev? chimed where the inventor of this c without our $500.00 guarantee. Write for particulars. _ . “nnocv nDRSS-mo SCHOOL aiWalrobbeJ-yotthddcadM ‘ ' Manual Hex-am; Separate school trustee in fret-onto has resigned be~ Window Glass LANTEBNS. COAL SIFTERS. COBINGERS. BREAD MIXEBS, FOOD CHOPPERS Are your doors or windows drafty ? If they are, get some WEATHER STRIP. Sold by J. GIDWARDSMO. LINDSAY. SIGN OF THE ANVIL. 1.6.[DWARDS 8t (0. CROSS CUT SAWS. BUCK SAws, AXES. : my, Wm Wt economi- cal! Surely not. ‘Last yeti! item 510300.000. It claims a. surplus of. $600,000. and every dollar came truth! the mcemiun ï¬nes, WhiOh MT. Mam W. while in OPPO‘ ; nun Tame meIagram says the himdaofcheivp power $831118: “in placing mm upon tbeM/lfl-t- net 30th they have been 1939‘ in: man a. mom routâ€: Andi?†That, evidently, is according to the law. Common sense would inaicate that the earthquake preceded the ï¬re. It is almost; a pity that the ju- dKifl‘. [hiding who not “That the ï¬re was the cause of the earthquake" There «would then! have 'been a new pxineiple on which to work. One writ- er happily anti humorously: draws a smile; “I! a' criminal in Kingston were to blow up a church full of people, and the victims were found dead, he would: evidently have a fair chance of being restored blameless to society if he could 'get evidence that the people named. in the indictment were in doubtful health and not an. “auto have died whethez: or. not." Wm is conservatim cause at the lack at interest lthken by WNW in thel“Wiftes‘ixb-V- which Inmasdlwtni‘. If. that idea aver becampopular in the English The death of Mr. Justice Killam. chairman o! the Dominion Railway Commission. is an event of national imponance. and will be deeply m- gutted. Re had made the Comm» non a tome in the community. and by his rare Judcmwt and attend: ap- plication to the work. done much to {mpmte m tmmormttom Mamie: o! the way and who many knu- ty problem meow: with the ram- wag-o. me death we: flout m.» pom». M when m cowl-awn: was planning to “menthol: We Gon- hm. It in so be hand um 3:. Km“: Imam a alarm: to N; du- “30‘ would be pdmanefltly without mp- rammatives â€" mm ghe proceeding mghtthmuhm .\ «=3, She Jmam supreme Court has just mandated a somewhat â€unth- hhle Judgment in the suit- against Mrahoe companies [or ï¬re tone: sustained in the enumeration 1011on in: the recent earthquake‘ It is not. mtended that the cuntlagrauon wac due to other cause than the euth- quake, yet the court gravely ï¬nds that the tires preceded the earn.- quake. The strike: the Monetary Times as being arrived. at by a pecu- liau method of reasoning. and it aye; time was out so ï¬m'fllam .thq maxi- mum speak! at W m trains non.“ ham to Tau mai-utainedc thzocgbqut tth: éonrndyt across 1t:wo oceans and a continent to fulï¬ll-1 its muttttthialtflmalimit hubaea «untapped but once. seems, says the Mammal Herald. to accentuate the reliability at the service. and the twan- derflfletï¬ciencyofhhn0pl’. R. “a transportation company. nmmg‘ tummwwtflmg- mi“ WWW Extra heavy and clear. EDITORIAL NOTES. ulars. {5' mass-cum“ SCHOOL Smtford. Ontario. Candi Paciï¬c HANDLES. iFoster Charged Miâ€"Kister With Theft Compelled to? Make Abject Apology The obstruction to the public busi- ness of the county. by the Conserve}- tiveu in the abuse; reached a clmax recently. from Thursday, at 3 p. 31.. until midnight Saturday. the House was kept in continuous session. .‘Ihe estimates of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries were before the House, and not one item was allow, ed to pass. The Opposition. under the leadership of Mr. Foster. passed the time away reading from blue books and making inappropriate comm mts tpon same. Narying the monotony by alleging dishonesty on the part of the minister; but, although repeat- edly united to do so. no man dared make a definite charge. BYDA'I‘ GBSTRUCTIONIS'I‘ S DID .This is the way the matter stands. Mr. Foster, taking advantage or the absence of his leader, Mr. 'Borden‘. organized a. deliberate system of ob- etruction‘ to the business of the House. At the moment. the estimates of Marine and Fisheries being under discussion, they provided the object of attack. The inherent weakness and lack of ability in. the Opposition was never demonstrated to better a'dvan- tage flour after hour Opposition members arose and occupied the time of the House by reading Government reports. and «they did not read them well. There was not a man among them who could speak consecutive- ly for fifteen minutes. Their leek of ability. the impoverished condition of their mindsâ€"their ignorance gen- erallyâ€"was minifeet. There was no: the too strong. If I were to ’gq‘ over it again; after cool moments I would say "trans.terredâ€' instead of ‘ “stead." But my honorable friend knows that I did. not use the word )1: the oftcreive sense of taking the menu for his own use: out at a.‘ vote, but: on taking "a sum 01 money diraah- ed to one vote, and applying it to anothï¬â€"approprieting it wrongly. l am willing to stand by my state meat. but to offer an apology for a! ,lo-.- strong word." FOSTER’S DIRTY RECORD It“ has been remarked that Mr. Fos- ter never deals in scandal but what discussion proves that he ha been mixed 'up in some dirty deal or oth- er. He never attacks a department but what it- tramirca that he was Iomrerly mixed up in; a; disreputable 2affair. He never alleges grafting but it appears *that he has filled the role of matter. He never charges illegal use of public funds. but it appear: that he figures prominently . as I epeenlator and gambler in trust funds contrary to! 13MB He charged that. Liberals out their influence as members of Part tiament to secure lands in tin Northwest from the C. P. R. used! his influence as a 'member 0: [Parliament to acquire land: in tlu ,Northwgst from the C. P. R: | no charged the Intrrior Depart ; meat with having given timbe‘ 9 limits to gra'fternr It transpired the 2 he was a timber grafter when in of a mu! among them of average intu- ligence. The Bouso was neither aun- used. nor instructed. but whs nar- ’focre oompelled to submit to the im- position 91’ having ‘to hear read :9- ports that had. already; been disttib- uted to. and read by, every: unam- ber present. t FOSTER IN THREE ACTS Mr. Foster’s position during tho proceedings may be described in three parts; .U-vv t"' _- Fustâ€"ne accused the Ministc r 0! Marine and Fisheries of stealing iron: 8 vote. ~ Secondlyâ€"11c made a full and STAINLESS IODINE O'NTMENT Does notcdor orburu. cum Rheumatism. Sprint. Bruise- andlarceghndmlpfliodbymbbing. at all Drug Star“. 25¢- M‘- v + 4. Foster’s Obstruction proved that he is unfit to remain in O .0 Qublic life. 1 , . ~ 9 O ' 9 Q‘OO‘OOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOQOQOOOQOQOOQOO faruk apology for having done so. both’ actions illegal and both can- and mthdrew ‘the words. demned by Royal Oommmian. Thxrdlyâ€"He was shown: to have been guilty; when in ofï¬ce 0! the very same offence .which he chance teiized as stealing . The main pbject at the Opposition was obstruction. This obstruction hat! to be based upon something, and tail is how it was done; _Mr. Foster charged the minister .with taking money Irom a; certain vote and us- . "But I am‘ tr‘ank to say that ‘1 might have med 3 word which would be lee: ofleuim than the word “steal." I might have used the word "transferred." But the meaning I had was exactly the same meaning at; if I had used the word “trans- fererd.†Iron one‘ vote and used the money for a purpose distinctively not prdv‘xded. If the Minister objects to it. I .will take it back frankly and telly. Looking at; it, now. that it is in‘ print, it does. appear! to be a lit- ing it let another purpose. Re need these words); . “1 ask any minister“ of the Crown whether. he recommends that as a policy to be pursued. Such a. policy strikes at the very root of parlimcnl- tary appropriations. The Minister had no right to steal from another vote. .Then again Mr; Foster enlarged .upon this and said; , . " . "I took the ground. that the lan- guage of a vote indicated to what purpose the money “in: to be put. and said that it was not proper to take $4,000 or $5.000 voted by Pat'â€" liament for ice‘breaklng steamers and use it to pay the travelling ex- ptr'sea ol the mtnlator and his pvt- ‘ate secretary. I said. M: effect. tuul that was lllehlnm from. one vote to mtet the law of u‘ dlttcmnt aer- vleet it was stealth: from one vote sad natal the money for a purpose not. damned by Parliament. FOSTER“?! AIM? Easing based outruetlou upon the ground that the inmate!- had stolen money trout a Note. In Foster wu commuted with W cm ln which he hm done the mythlna charted. paniculara of whioh will be foun’l below. Mr. Foster. .waa thereupon compelled to withdraw. the offensive words and update to the minia- tu. which he did in those terms; E shown: to have ith Trust Funds of Widows and Orphans Stands Up and Made to Est Crow. “5â€",. But my honorable friend knows that I did. not use the word )1: tin: oftcreive sense of taking the money for his own use: out at a.‘ vote, but: on taking "a sum 01 money diraah- ed to one vote, and applying it to anothï¬â€"approprieting it wrongly. I am willing to stand by my Matt» -‘mcnt. but to offer an apology for a! ,lo-.- strong word." FOSTER’S DIRTY RECORD It“ has been remarked that Mr. F01- ter never deals in scandal but whet. discussion proves that he ha been mixed 'up in some dirty deal or oth- er. He never attacks a. ‘department but what it- tramirca that be was Iomrerly mixed up in; a; disreputable mffair. He never alleges grafting but it appears *that he has filled the role of matter. He never charges illegal use of public funds. but it appears that he ï¬gures prominently . as ‘n speenlator and gambler in trust funds contrary to! lawn He charged that. Liberals used their influence as members of Pat- liament to secure lands in the Northwest from the C. P. R. used! hm influence as a member 0! [Parliament to acquire land: m the Northwgst. from the C. P. R: nc charged. the Intrrior Depart. ment with basing given timber limits to gra‘fterm, It. transpired tha; he was a timber gutter when in of- lice. but he wanted his timber lizmt {we of cost. ï¬e charged that insurance com- panies should be investigated becnuse they used their lands improperly. 1t transpired that he was a gamble: and speculate: in! the trust funds of the I. 0. 0. F. 0! this he was found guilty by Royal Commission. He changed the Interior Depart- dealing with the Government made a different purpose. I declare saw that this is not a proper metho-l of treating appropriationS. I stand ab- solutely upon" ithat ground. I am much older now. than I was then. Ihe act. although it mus not a crim- inal one. might have been done in a very diltere'nt may, and. I am quite prepared to say that in' the years that have pascdi between 1892 and this I have taken†a. step forward- But I am not going to allom the Minister of Marine and. Fisheries to get me to defend; even in my own bption af tea or. lilteen years ago. He†refers to the public press Rs reflecting the view: 0! the maple of Canada as being adverad to the a!- hninslmtive act of members of the Liberal Cabinet. He was himself dc- aeribe'd' by his own. party: paper as “Judas Iscariot." . HOIS’I WITH OWN PETARD It is not surprising, therefore, that Geo. E. Foster was found to have been guilty oi! the very offence charged against the Minister of Marine and Fisheries. When an of- ttï¬ce is charged: against any person or. any department of Government. by Mr Foster; one has only to ex- amine the records. and Foster. bobs nu as having done the very thing charged. It wan no in this cane. Said Foster; “In 1893. under the stress of circumstances having no surplus. I m obliged. for the time hemg to take a null amount of ma- ney out of one vote 3nd apply it to Be charges prominent Libera‘s wuh disloyalty ad a desire to sup- plant each other. This “Irom the lead- er in Sir MacKcnxio Bowell’a nest of .rajtors. ‘ r MNRB la Na mt. uald ullouoe that could l» tell. his Mauro“ penu- allly aymrod to have llama! to halt ha normal alto. and in a voice hoarse wuh oharcln at bolus dlwovored. and Male la consequence ot the ox- poaure. he gave to the Home the following pltiable mtenm. )lo mould have denied. but the round confronted him. In would. have ten- poxlsed but his moms-a were below him. stern. inexorable and pitileu. 1:: 159091 Mr. Faster took $934.06 tron .the commercm agency mm mm used it (or travelling ex- pmoen for mm: um prime mo- ment: on a hunt to .5. Want In- m Ike' Mo [on commercial new Mu be: not Mum of money mm tuna tron u to: expense. at tho We: and Na mercury. TN. in- omout m cm: in award. 18 In“. 3803. "‘ what. I think now. to be wrong anu what I have condemned: in him. I hope I an! xvi-an thnn I was then." COLLAPSE 0F DESTRUCTION This was the humiliating spectacle presented at the end. of obstruction lasting three days nnd nights. Fon- tcr making an abject confession of basing taken money. from one vote: and using it {or mother purpose. It was in consequence of n chat-3o of doing this same thing made against the Minister of Marine and Fisheries by Mr. Footer than the 0p- position declined to pass tint gens tleman‘s estimates. resulting in the memorable deed lock 0! lest week Council mad: :1: call at Raeve.ï¬rrhe minutes 9‘ last muting were read and approved. Notice 011 resigna- tion at onion of pathmantdr. wqe received tram Wm. Putin and James Jackson. A um: was receivgdtroun R J. Mohflzhlin. winning his ao- count at $60 for wine: re county; azmlizaflnn. mil Wining Council to luv. them township meat dons awarding to lam. VIM [onw- in; untim- n-eeived the mat at Co. gunman. .003 cm. on “1" m. 0-25; 1-35 Km. twpadï¬ {or bring:- QM “50- ‘ mum-diurnal t0 M“ Wme-m1°-' ~‘ 3. B.POWLEB.$hrk.l "\tht. ° Never noticed it. " And you my in the cold parlor for two hour- M'ith the young man. .Who was he. anyway?†. . . x “An old mm.†. . . Pg: u 3 7 11-3; 5 a E ; o! . :m ; m 5' W†‘Worh‘l. ’5 1 Câ€. for 161'.“ bf '07! M NM!!! Foster made his nocuntion. he made his retraction. and admitted being ‘gnilty of. the not charge! by him; against enother. This is the whole story. In the meantime the pcople or the country are being led td believe that Foster and his toi- iowere were lighting for some great principle and that the Minister of Marine and Fisheries had been gumy 0'. some serious breach of trust. Resolutions and By-laws Passed Last Sessionâ€"«Accounts Paid. icyâ€"lam, as man but. that Clark. did not man with the Bean's Walkman: d tho lalw in am Manta» echo: Ray-191w. was endeared to In one m. Normâ€"(hat. | SAY-NW N WWW“ annual.- mumumu-mdm. CGEHEMMKMNWd . C ( W19! wt ' mucwmuu 33.3»... m. uni! an own ‘ _' l ‘V tt\; Cm;~hhnu‘.â€"mt ! for!" b° nuw Wyom Mow ch in tho ttawmlip 0‘ MW)†E No Need of a Fire. . ' ‘ Wk, . "Wasn’t it awgul t." exclaimed the mama-house girl. "The tarmac was entirely out: last night.†“I never noticed it." replied he: chum. J . Penelon Township Council Meeting Hm- gnu: its ml 'ml “'1 mm and am Mr. W mum Momma. manningâ€"that (ho auditors «port Ian hawk“ and that- thew. xv- odvo .0 ml: {or than curving».d . Putnam Nutsâ€"tut I 074“ In W at out M“!!! dunn- all aow.mm¢wwm. w a: and 23. m. mastic omv uh «mm m mud n linen Hats Caps Gloves Shirts Underwear Fancy Vests Ne We seem to be having things very much our if we Have not your trade we want it ; we have let the goods speak for themse ves. \Mbw wrong and This is a useful .and read Men’s {end Boy’s Furnishings. place goods, but everything m to see what we call value in I" There are on the aid hndu a. 'tnme dwelling homnc'ory and s halt lhigt, 16 by 32 ft†I. Irma blacksmith l shop 25 by 32 It, sad I stable 3nd dxiving shed 18 by241t. This 1! 3 good loctticn torublncknuith shop. There will be I. [reserve bid. OF A Dwelling House and Black- smith Shop at Finger- board. Under 3nd by virtue of the power ale count-ed in s «ruin indentm We lagging duo the 13th day , n- x_- n. a-.. b- Penalty, 1899. node by Morrison Boyd- hense to Them lone, there will be of-~ tered fox-ode by nblie motion, at the SIKPSON HOUS in the TOWN OF LINDSAY, on Saturday, the Fourth Du of stthehonrot Be'eloekin the Moon, the following hnde ad premises, neme- ly : the South-Eu: earner of the South helt of hot no. 5 in theand Conoeeeiono! the Township “(II-ripen, containing by “movement 2 sores more or lee- dee- cribed no 101101": Commencing st the sentient as e of the aid lot, thence welt nlonz the anthem bonndery thereon four chnine, thence north ‘penllel with the entern honndnrv thereo. ï¬ve chins, thence out [tunnel with «he eonthern benndsry thereof {our chninn more or less to the eastern boanduy of odd lot, thence can 100 sets. prbeipdly cloud 1nd in I high can at cahinn’on with fair building-L This [an in unwed on the India road about six mile. from Lind- n'y. or further particula- spply to Jury at the Stabbing: haunt So le- portcd lobby Inning. ad: I“. M mum. “11 they will not gum. for add nun. or any "00' ‘0 panel or m 0! V dd- u» I». M" M noun: DAM u Law an m DI WAD 1900 STEWARI‘AU‘L :4. s33] Southern (or The.“ Ionian: 7 “995 R Luca Emma" -w3 Evening Post of March 9 The inquest on the body of Fred- erick Stabbing. who was killed on the G. '1‘. R. last Tuesday. came to notice this morning. when the' cor- oner's Jury brought in the .verdict that "Frederick subbing: came to his death from being killed by the Hanger of the second section of the train of the G. ‘1'. R. on the morn- ing of lurch 8. 1908, and his death was due ,to neglect: on the part of the employees otthe G. 1'. R. n not tak- ing precautions in notifying these section men that : third engine with flange: Twp. to come utter. the enoyz pliow,†. . . . . Horth Half of Lot 8, Conces- hereby glven. pursuant to R. 8. 0. 1897, Chnpt. 129. that e11 pen-eons Inning claims or dementia egeinet the eelete of JOHN CARKODY. lete of the Tonehlp of Emily, in ihe County of V'xphorie, yeo- mm. deeeeeed ere to eend by poet peld, ordeliverto 1‘10 nndenigned, Solicitors (or the Executor: of the lee: Will end Teeumentoneld deemed, et Lindeey l‘ 0., on or before the TWENTY FOUTH DAY OF MARCH, 1008. mu- ehï¬etlen end enneuee. eddreeeee end deeeflpuone. end mu cnleu 0! their eeoonnle. chine or made, pnperlv “ï¬lled endthe netnre e! eeennuee (I! my) held by then. And aotlee 1e hereby given nth: the mehnrth :3 0! Intel, the Execute" e! the deoeeeed will preeeed to dletflbue \he needle! the eeld deeeeeed ems-cue pench- entitled meme he eelyte eke old-- at emu "5:: ‘souua alongâ€"tho said-mum bénnduy {in chains meteor 10!: to the place of “3 thumb, title deed- or evidence 0! ti oothertbm those in his possession. For (umber [unionists apply to THOMAS MOABE, Fingerbowd P. 0., or to the nndgnigned.‘ STEWART O’CONNOR, -â€"â€" '__. Teml: one-tenth of the purchase money down and the bdsnco within one n can: from duo of ale without interest. The vendor will not be bound to_ furnish G. ’l‘. R. Found . To be in Fault Farm for Sale. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.â€"Notico is MORTGAGE SALE flolicitors for the Mons-goo. sion 10. Emily. ts Hosiery. Suspenders Collars Neckwear Sweaters Pyjamas [1 our own way with business growing continually, and have taken pains to deserve it and we are willing to WI. O'NEILL, Lindsay, Ont. udy store for whatever is wanted in ;s. No inferior quality or common. new and up-to-date. We want you 3 HACKER I tion No on April lot it say. A] RACER WANTEDâ€"For School Sec- tion No. 5. Opt. Dntiuto commence on April 1-: Meuury‘endexperionce i! uy. A 1y DANIEL FARRELLY, Set-Tron . induy P. 0.:w3d1 SEED OATS F08 SALEâ€"The under- signed hu 3 limited quantity of good elem om owed White level, the pro- duct of good procured tron Dutch md Hunter. London. The belt of four vuie- the tried. Fox turthet information and -â€" 0 co." A0.†' _‘__ 3' Hull. xv: Lâ€"_‘-â€" .__.___7 ,, price 5 yto W. J. KILLABY, [Ahe- ï¬oy Venus-1. Boboonoon 54:4. 7. Huipooanonoothe [inborn home- «and. Thank about 100 um undor enlï¬nï¬on,good building: end archer-d. Fell plowingolldone,10ureoFd1 Wheat. Seem Make end 8 wee Red Clover non Pouo‘oion given ot onoe. For full portion]!!! o b on tho premioeo or toe. B. BOP 1N8. Lindoov -â€"wttd2 FARM FOB SALEâ€"100 ecreo. Eat ht Lot 22. Con. 14, Tomhip of Brock, {tome homo, good born on stone founde- tion. with stehling; emu orchard, new :rivimg ohed, never-failing eprinz. well Groaned evd fenced, convenient to school; shout two miles from the thriving village of Cunninghon, where there in o good groin and stock whet; soil o eloy loom. For fur-the particulue op 1y to ELIAS BOWES, Reel Bottle Ago, Linduy.â€"wfl 100 ACRE FARM FOB SALEâ€"Lot 4; con. 10, Tomhip of Ops, the property of Alex. Nugent. All cleared, roughout house, two fume burns, 3 mile from echool, 3 miles from Reeboro Gain Mutt; t, Store, Post Dace, Churches, etc. 10 miles from Lisduy. Sold st u begun as the proprietor mints it cold before his return to Indie. Soil, cluy loan. Term my. For further purticulm upply to ELIAS BOWES, red estate agent. Lind- ETH KARUH, 1908, the full perticnhn their ecconnts, claims or demnds, proper. ly verified. end the m of eecnrities (it sny) held by them. And notice is hereby given, tint um MARCH mm, 19-38, the undersigned will proceed to distribute the moneys of the aid dececsed meted in the nndersignc", smong the person entitled thereto. Decca ct Lindeey this second dsy 0! Inch, 1908. J. R. Mch-ZILLLE, Treasurer County of Victorts.â€"-w1. .â€" VFOI‘ICE To CREDITORS.â€"‘¢otico is J, hereby given thst :11 persons baring claim- or dommd: sgtinst the Butte of LUKE LONG, so inmto o! the Home of 0! 1.1100011an Victori‘, deceased are to send by post preï¬xd, or deliver to the nndenignod on or fore TWENTI- RTE KARUH, 1908, the full particula- ‘ 0116:: To CREDITOBBâ€"Not co in ' hereby given, pm! to R 5.0. 1897, A Chop. 129, mu :11 creditors :31 when having chino mint the owns of WIL- LIAX HANCOCK. has of the Township of Muipon, in the County of Viotorin, retired tuner. donned, who died on or shout the 27th dvy of November. 1907, no required on or below the ï¬rst dsy of April. to and by poo pte 'd. or deliver to loom-I. We‘don Knig t. of the Town of Unduy, Boticiton for the Executor. of the «We 0: duo odd (located, full pun union of thoir china “4 account- and the mu:- 0! the «cult-u, if my. hold in "on. And further uh notion. um um- ch. Fir-t do, 0: Age“. 3908. the â€"'1'ha Baird at Minty Commie- odd «newton will omeoa to diouibmo tho noon 0! tho void dooooood among an Mon «and toot-ow. huh; record only to tho «duo! VIM any hovo boon mum-d. uni um not to mm (or thoooldoooooooronyponmonohtoooy ponooor poroonool who-out- nouoo Ml not how boon too-ind by tho. o: tho qu 0! out dun-“nun. Dow ot 14-9â€an ‘bth «Lot Pom A.D â€". ‘._.- A soonâ€"- a I|_l.-__ “I-‘Iw â€"‘ w" '- v- - v ‘V_-_' -â€"~ ~ mm moon fitment. swam. '0: Nam Hanoi. Undo- leoy noun Dr. La Gamma. Bflm P‘t)\| m‘Mâ€"fl J â€by aim. pummu no R.S.0., 1897. Obspt. 129. thu. d1 pom- hum; chin. or (hand: min" the Emu) of ELIZAlill‘B H. SCULLY. 13!. or the Tonnhip 0: Emily, in the County 01' V10- torh, upluur. «caved, m to and by put pnpid or dilivor to no undonignod mlioitou (or the executor: of the lat W111 and Tatum: or ui l (hauled. 1;! Limit; EU on or baton the TWENTYâ€" FOU 3 DAY OF MARCH, 1908. their Mu ad mamas. dam and doo- eriptiou. tad tall pvticnlus of their sc- connts. chins, ordonnds, pmperly vori~ (Sod, ad the m of somatic: (it my) held by then. And notice is hereby dun tint, altar the TWENTY-FOURTH DAY OF KAROH, 1908, the Executor: of tho add doomed will to distri- .YO‘nO' m CREDITORâ€"None. u MISCELLANEOUS Lindsay for the least money. well-known makes you have m mt, m LINDSAY. mu. “m n l3, eoneeeeion 5. Fe“ my of Ernest Snellinz. 70 are! cl lad-nee 5 can Hardwood end 25 . Cedar and Tammi Imp. 0: a luddltflkble;eoilt clny lea. rd. tame Buns, one 52:72. vim st. er 3-“ ACRE FARM FOR sm 1 I flaming; log House. well ï¬ninhod , Well fenced, good well. bum: 0! '0: Nine miles tron Lindsey. For m not pet-timbre spply to ELIAS I d2 Bed Home Agent. Linuxâ€""1 may. You must secure 2% have to come here. We in LINDSAYI‘ZT- ENDERS WANTEDâ€"For m. and reflecting School Home j. hon No. 20,13nven,shontq from Franklin, work to, be down manner when Tender: um; '. ceived until noon of April 15th, h Secret-n, A. 3 Val! Pram lowest or my tender not M «â€011.le Ind specuiuï¬ou I seen st Hr. Vonh'. hslt mile in"; Invert, Feb. 29th, 1908 41-2, X FOR SALEâ€"200 acres)! L Lot 4, Com. 2, Eldon, all cleu 3cm under enltintion. balance] land; swmnndergruaJ ploughed, brick droning mm. bun md stone mining. “in 0th buildings. A never-idling well; miles from Lorneville Juneau: miles iron the Villngo of Woodvi not told at once will be rented {on of yours. For (gm: mica]: LR! FOR SALEâ€"116 mi: Ion, nou- Ounbny, 112 mud one are nsplo an". thm m wood; 80 acres time. W“ I“ Fume hon-o, tune bar! 491-50- nu vith lumnmr-hihu W st home: 25 betting ‘PP’O “‘“v " mm School. Church, Poet 05* pron), Gain and Stock Market Blacksmith Shop, etc. For turd! tied“: upply to ELIAS ROWE-‘1 mm Amt. Lucianâ€""f- f r urea. 75 clotted, 70 tillnble pm. bounce second growl wood. Frame and log bop: wiry good {rum house; smoll orchid fenced tad uttered by “'0 8°“ One mile from school 3nd church, miles from Little Britain, ï¬ve tn- pon Station. Buy terms with interest st 4 per cent ’cnhn Ipply to ELIAS Amt, Lindsay.â€" 20 ACRE Fm FOR SALE- Con. 1, “post, the Winin- F. Rogers; 15" um nil tintion. eight acres hardwood bull. and black uh "up, bushes land, “Omexmgoodfsllww Good brick house, good till 50:89, stone cabling, Pi! M driving shod 24x40. Baring never-huh; spring stream 1“ I" bun. School, church. post 050* smith tho :11 convenient. A fun. REES BOWES, Rd H E! “35%; i? E: mu! FOB snafu M I SCE LL.4 NI .0 Britain, ï¬ve nu Buy terms of pa Q, Milâ€! .hnn, M ’EOI