of Mr. "‘ 9, Mrs. Morsely. 318 ecu ‘7 Wedn Six W JOSEPH CURTIS Independent: Mr. D. Curtis, of the iBeehive Farm, Vesulam, was shock- ed to receive a telegram on Wednes- day from Brandon, Man. ‘3 Obituary , z -- 3 'phoid fever, but had so far recover- .' ed as to be able to .resume his stud-n ' ies. However, in his weakened con» dition pneumonia deVeloped and proved fatal. The body will be sent home for burial. The family, have the In the autumn of 1784 plenty was heartfelt sympathy of their many home in the far west. The again showered upon the land, and ' éSpécilt to The Post) . . ' . . . . eserwas athometoa . . x B - .. â€ï¬ends 1“ erulam and obcaygeon. . . number of her friends last Friday I MRS. M. A. CHADWICK 3 . . ' ' their lives were those of a frontier A M I Mrs. Mary Ann Chadwick, wife of Oxford blble’ by Mr: Wilbert Foreâ€" . evening, the 4th. people in a wilderness. Their homes Suggestion to Have Steamboat Town . Mr. JohnKinghorn and Armour ress was were log cabins, their farms patches , This Pelmlaf R950“ HahCOCK: Who were to the north ,reSi dent for many years of Uxbrid g e read by Mr. Geo . Parrington: from which the trees had been re} ---- [country a month 830, are home '1: : died on Feb- 23rd, at the. age of Mr. and Mrs. McNish and daughter moved, but still bristling with; At. the Sturgeon Point cottagers’ agam- .g: l 81 years and seven months. The fun- We, your friends and neighbors, stumps; their food was simple and f meeting last night-in. the - council Mr H. Routley, Haileybury, visited :2; ‘eral took plaCe from. the homestead, have assembled here this evening to limited in variety, and their cloth- ' chamber it was intimated that his father, H Routley this week. south of the town, to Uxbridge c em- express rzpr :ymplathryt Wat}; you and ing coarse and in few sets. Pork, :stealptier connection, With 'Tliurstonia A number of our citizens are tak- â€fl: ucceSSOI' t0 ‘ etery. Mrs. Chadwick is survived by gfmrgnonat it: t it:n v: removal beef and mutton were scarce be- i mlg be Very advantageous .to the ing advantage of this cold snap by 3, her husband and three childrenâ€"Mrs. gs . o e est, and canse the supply of live stock was Otonabee Navigation 00.. ~0W1ng 1:0 getting in their ice : 7’ l J. H Smith of York Mills Thomas at the same time we hope that hap- small, and increase in' numbers was the growing popularity Of that sum- Mr Jack Crai l . . . . . . g who left for Ed- .. , ( ox Fenelon Falls and George at home. piness and prosperity may attend you checked by the depredations I of the mer resort. 3 , monton on Tu esda was ’veu a faee- ‘i 3 _ {in that new and distant home. We wolves. A staple article, of diet Wasl Thhl'Stonia is situated on 5th!“ well rt nd dch bg1 u her bf}? Y I ’will always be pleased to hear of Indian Cornmeal, from which was geon lake aimost directly rpposite â€Pa ‘.y a M ed y g n m u oug ISDAY 3your success and we sincerely trust made “Johnnie cake," the bread of Sandy Point, and approximately a ct ls friends on on 3" night A M I that in your new home you will meet the frontier. One of (SpeCial to The Post.) . with pleasant associates and friends Miss May Tolmie recently spent a large crowd was present and ajol evening was spent. . who will merit your confidence .few days at the home of her sister, esteem. Your intercourse with us Mrs. J. JamieSOn, Glenal‘m. __ . always been of a most pleasant char- , MeSSI'S- :3th Graham, John Mc- acter and your absence will create a 3Nabb and John McDerinott, three of l . . « our enterprismg young men, left on 1y : OWi'ng to the inclemenCy of the h ity. If stage connection were I went er only a very small crowd d ,' and wild turkey were established from the village to atten ed the MethOdISt Church on Thurstonia .visitors could take the Sunday night. Iï¬ndsay and spend InefSOZILdv-gir: W. Weldon of Browns at Thurstonia, returning .by l ' 0 , were the guests of the evening which would M§ng1V§o§IrsonRSu§Siy and f 11 , we can take consolation The clothing brought by the Loy- make a D1031?) delightful day's Ollt' f K: , , t ' ' t M am y the coming. summer In the emplOy 0f from the fact that wherever your lot alists from the “States†was made ing. This project will be investigat- 0 mmom were V151 mg r and Mr John McFadyen foreman of a is cast your influence will be for to last as' long as possible by means ed by all the parties concerned a d ' rs' Jas' W-OOd 'aSt .Weell’ shridge gang- MR McNabb also intends good and our loss will be others’ of Working Clothes being made of it may be put In operation. On “‘35an a mum? Epworth h t0 visit his sister and other friends gain We ask you to accept these deer skin. Nearly every woman'wore “w 31%qu mseting was .held m the M8- a t e r at lNerale before returning- presents not for their value, but as a leather dress It was very durable GLENâ€"MARIPOSA’ - 0t: a: urch. Sessions .Were held Mr. Dave Graham and Mss Mabel a token of our respect and esteem, but With constant use became glazed . â€" - 1n, e ternoon an evening. Re- Currins recently paid a flying visit to and as a souvenir of your reSidence With grease. It was the practice to " (Special to The POSt') pg): were g1“? by various member Miss Lizzie Gilchrist, of Woodville for- with the people of Long Paint and use strong lye in washing clothes, Mr. WGSCOtt has moved on to the 0ddr: eanguiha soe8" V81: miss-Helge merly of Islay- vicinity, and we furthermore trust and it is told that a girl attem t- iafm recently mated by Mr Treâ€" Eteefes 01f G18: r: n13: 0:11 luv Ti: 1 Mr John McDermott entertained a that when your earthly career shall ed to clean her deerskin dress by In]: Tr b'l h d t W dâ€" attendance we: lar: and 6; wer: arge number of his friends on Tues be ï¬nished and your labors ended, Washing it in such a liquid that .1 e 1 co as move 0 00 reatl‘ be ï¬t d bg th 3 th __ day of this week at the home of Mr you Will be counted worthy to re- to her amazement and great distress V11 e . _ is rd) ne e y e gOOd mas M‘*’ Dave Ferguson preVious to his depar- ceive the reward of the faithful and it shriv-elled up to a bit of crisp NMrS W H' McCrimmon and Mtg a ' ture for the West They tripped the hear the Master’s “well done," leather In her predicament she had McLean attended a rug bee at ==~-' “â€"v‘mmm light fantastic till the wee sma hours Signed in behalf of your many to take refuge in the potato cellar Mi: AW Mcléay :13“ wee; A l and a very enioyable time was spent friends, Wilbert Foreman, Geo Par- until her mother could fetch a blan- Mclfean ma“ ebiesotgpd ms petti: OUR THAN Ks on Tuesday's Post. , by all. ' rington ket Most Of the household utensils Woodville his:n week carmva 3 â€"-â€" . Mrs. William Thiexton, of l Mts' P rouse and Mrs Everson Of Mr. Alex MCNISh 0f Pierson Man were Of WOOd’ the Whlte’ fine-grain~ Mr M Mchnnes who is laid up i, announce the engagement 3 Oakwood, recently paid a flying visit made a suitable reply for all, repre- ed wood" of the' poplar being preferr. With scarlet fever is improving nice- We are indebted to a large (laughter, Luella. to Mr. R. sto their sister, Mis. Marshall Moyn- seating his father, who has been in ed From this were made the forks, ly. number of our subscribers Clarke, of Roland, Man, 363. Very poor health for some. 1"me spoons, plates and trays in use In Neil McLean has sold hISl valuable n oflln. R. W. Clarke. of! Mr. Angus Ferguson and famfly of .Mr. and Mrs Alex McNish have every frontier farm house Gradually team of reay horses for the h d- Who resPonded to our “113‘ _, mmhew of Dr. Clarke I Woodville, recently spent a few days spent the Winter on 'Long Point and these wooden dishes were replaced by some priceg of five hundred (101;; scription notices sent out a n. a“, guest of his nbrotherâ€"in-law Mr. are taking their parents and Sister pewter supplied the pioneers by U. but has bou ht th t f l f Th Alex. McFadyen. Mr. Ferguson and back With‘them, where they Will re- S peddlers, who, with packs on ba 8 g , ano er earn 0 COUp e 0 weeks ago. ere “my: Egg? Post’ family intend shortly leavmg for the; Cave better attention. their backs, went from house to hit; Heck Ferguson of Toronto, are a number we have not J. Peeing an; famillv. [of whiny in our Vicmity are suffering ' e 2::sviarvzlila:ï¬gdfzzrghlnylfkpet; visited at W"H’ McCrimmon’s last heard from' We Will be ‘3. Northwest Territory ‘with an epidemic k 0 G F Y i ' 8 SI- week, pleased if we hear from them 8 need “5w†M ‘ R‘ :n , a . n wn as, erman amine ears ver. . p The sleighing is getting very poor . ‘ Halloween: ":81qu in (111835183. hWe hope they may soon I but it is hoped that the sleigh'can during the next week, that .1 i , “ i r I‘ 1 n' ‘ t Wim- : In Early Canada . . we may send them'nnnnn- middling . . " league this year and an organization Seek Ex-Members V ' ‘â€" ' citizen of Li" The latter part of last week was meeting will be held soon. Get in hot and fine bUt Sunday was the “1533'. and ’ ' . . scene of a. thunder storm (icing us a favor. , thoughts of poor crops and short- -â€"___~§§.â€"____-m ~ 1. llorsely, oil Of Queen 8 own age, ,recalling vague memories of . M hSt evening accompanied Canada’s onetand only great fami via, G.T. t . Communicate With Sec' y of Regiments ‘due . caewan, Where they will ne ’ ., 1n; the People s Store . . . f duplication for now over a cen- ‘ - .. Semi- tennial lie-union ., ° ‘ :9ch Or land. Cen tury. In 1783 writes C. D. G.. Rob-l . err, ‘ ~ “0' Fenelon Fallb’ Several thousands of former memb' erts, we at Mr. Paton’s a. great excuse took place, Fashionable Spring Costume Materials “â€1 in Lindsay on Satur- I ers of the Queen’s Own Rifles will and‘t he loyalists flocked across the i0? Allandale today to assemble from all parts of the Conn- \ o B o l k 'f not ' we... Drecsmahng. em to do now even! you are . , nebt at Toronto next June, fora re- . "“ me Grand union in celebration of the Semn~Cen- their descendants have made great ifï¬n writes Mrâ€" tennia'l of the regiment. The festivi- They divided into two main s’dreams . Company are ties will commence Saturday June, one moving toward the Maritime and to turn out 18th with a reception at Govern- Provinces, the other flowing west- promptly l ment House His Honor the Lieut- ward to thesregion of the lakes. ‘3 a chance for ’ ’ chant-Governor, like many other not Those Who tables Ladies’ white cotton underskirts, 2 leaders. No. 1. Good quality cotton with lace and em- brodery flounce $1. No. 2, better quality at 1.50 "N“. OUR LEADER in ladies’ drawers made with deep hem stitched frill at..... Dresdin striped nets, 18 inches wide, suitable for blouses, 2 specials at 50c \ and 40 , and the;St. Law- . present members will be an unique rencef They made little clearings in Leda? for 931's illness the first affair. During the week from , gran-d bishop} the virgin forest; with thevlogs they cal pageants on a scale only equal- constructed their habitations, and led at the Quebec T-ercentenary will between the stumps they planted be given on the Rosedale Athletic Corn and sowed wheat. 10 pieces new striped and checked dress grounds. In addition there will be ‘In 1787, ginghams, 2 leaders at 10c and fronts, some have lace yokes, all have 97 the new cuï¬'ed sleeve at ...... . GOO-IO... I I 3 ,er ‘3.“ â€at, .f. up .‘V‘ ‘i(:‘/; ’ ‘ s ." 7 ’ 5 Pieces new roller towelling, all pure linen Two specials in White lace curtains. No. 1, a with stripe or plain border at:........ 08 I good curtain 6 yds. long for 50c. N o. 2, 1 ï¬ne lace. 3% yds long, 60 ins. wide, for to. .oooOIooooIoooooonoon o o a oeoooouooooe oo' so. g one became the is, desirous of gettin The people had ‘ to touch with as man g PeI‘Sonally in “hungry year." y of them as pos- dig those Wild, .13 witnesses " e“ “b (a . v,-f!»;‘$_!;"‘ " “hem“ ’°°t3 WhiCh 3 Dozen ladies’ black satin underskirts with See our carpet rugs before buying. Here is a- . 3' sible- To that end it Will greatly Children “0"†as "aw“ mm" deep flounce, regular 75c value for 0 sample of what we can do for you, 9 75 ' E REGISTER fauna“ matters if the ex‘m‘emhe’s Buttemuts and heath nuts were ' .5 Good tapestry rug, 3x3§ yds. for... . Who see this Will at once commun- sought'with eager pains. The early \X cats with the permanent Secretary buds of the basswood were gathered MARCH 15m- Sale Mr G. I. Ridden, 36 K1ng~st., East and boiled With the weed called Stock a d Implements Toranto, and prevail upo and pig weed and g. 1 ex~members they know to do the wild Indian cabbage. Game of S ) 0t 10, o ' ‘I ' . an Many. people buy Winter Mantles now to save mane 11 promptly send sorts was fairly abundant â€"â€" deer, ' them particulars. ~ 3 rabbits, turkeys, M 3.... ... missing; give you 25 PER CENT. OFF ALL WINTER GOA . . crept about with 01 s 3 Mrs. Johnson Reduced Prices in Furs l p e MMM“MV"‘:’M“W -, A ~ , ~ 97......“ ..