Jottings From Fenclon Falls Mr and Mrs. W. Henley of mna- say, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs H Webster. Miss Ruby Austin returned last week from a visit to friends in To- ronto and Woodville. Continued from page L visited friends in town last Week. say. are the guests or mr. auu mm H Webster. Miss Ruby Austin returned last week from a visit to friends in Toâ€" ronto and Woodville. Mr. Geo. A. Jordam, reeve of Lindsay. spent a few days in town last week. Mr. Leigh R. Knight of Lindsay, spent Monday in town. The hockey match between the Ty- pos of Lindsay and the Fenelon Falls team was played on Friday evening and resulted in a victory for Fenelon, the score being ~12 to '7. The ice was in good condition, and a large number witnessed the game, 'which was well played. The lineup was as follows: from citizens Mariposa Station and unloaded a‘ carload of Oshawa four locked 'gal- vanized steel shingles. all departed well pleased with Pedlar goods. On Thursday, March 17th farmers all parts of Mariposa and of Little Britain met at Mr. B. H. E. Vrooman, the popu- lar representative for the Pedlar Co entertained the customers to dinner at the Commercial house. After enjoying a sumptuous and social feast, the various customers the A large percentage of the custom- ers were men who have had years of experienCe with the Oshawa shingles, some are now roofing their fourth building, which all goes to show - A ,_._v_ -L:.....1.n Fenelonâ€"McGee, Shane, McDougau, we puy am, 1,. a--.†Beateau. A. McPhee, B. McPhee. I During the day of delivery further Typosâ€"Primes» Dovey, Henley, orders were booked to the extent} of 'half a carload. Hickingbottom, Knowlson, Scott. . Kennedy Bros., local representativ- A game 0f hockey was played on es of the Pedlar People, were thor- Saturday night, 19th between the onghly convinced of the merits of Surveyors and Bankers, the former these shingles before accepting , an winning by a score of 9 to 2 agen’y for their sale Two rinks went from the Falls to: __,______+.____ Bobcaygeon on Friday, 18th inst†, , , , Kitchen Requmtes and played the Second round_for the 1 Bobcaygeon-Stanton cup. Bobcay- Are you going to replentish your 2‘90!) won the trophy by 11 shots. kitchen requisites this spring ? Call The rinks from the Falls were as fol- at Rose 45: Co."s and see the display lows: Skip,S tanton, Heard, Dr cn hand. THE FAIR, Kent‘st. Johnstone and Mac. McCallum. Skip g â€"------~râ€"--â€"â€"â€"- Robson, H. Copp, J. R. Hand, and: DUNSFORD s. J. Sims. I .0.-- The contest for the Hopkins cup links ended on Friday, March 11th. Skips Robson and Hamilton played 03 the final game, the latter Win- ning by 15 to 5. The membei‘s of the winners are C. Heard, lead; 8. Ma- son. second; H. McCallum, vice; R. M. Hamilton, . skip. Mrs. R. Weir of Toronto. is the ‘ as follows:,President, Mrs. S. M. guest of Mrs. J. Heard and Mrs. Thurston, yice. .pres., Mrs. W. B. Burtchaell. Kennedy, treas., Mrs, Geo. Burgess, Mr and Mrs. T. Sadler attended. secretary, Miss Edith Burgess. the funeral of the late Mr. Wm. Sad- . A letter was read from) Rev A. J. 15st of Lindsay last week. {Vale, of Hay River, which exp ‘ained fully how the mission work Was car- ried on in that district. Mr. Vale also told what a grand work the Women’s Auxiliary had done, and ihow their work was being apprec at- Miss Bertha Austin returned on‘ Saturday from Toronto, where she ' spent a month visiting her sister, Miss E. Austin. Mr. Pat McCann of Lindsay, was ‘ ed Letters were also read an town on Tuesday. from various representatives. A MYS- A- J Gould 15 V1s1ting programme for the annual meeting friends in Lindsay and Orillia to be held in Toronto :iuring the Mr. W. T. Jun‘s in spent Saturday first week in May was read to the I in Lindsay. .members. «It was decided that meet Dr. R. M. Mason .‘eturned this Week from Toronto. Mr. A. J. Campbell, of Lindsay, agent for the Manufactux‘ers’ Life, was in town on Tuesday. Miss Efï¬e McArthur visit?d Miss M. Henderson of Lindsay on Sun- Mr. B. Burgess of Omemee spent Sunday in town. day. Mrs. Dr. Graham and Miss G. Gra- : ham, were in Lindsay on Tuesday. ‘ Mrs. Thos. Graham and Miss Min- na Ellis spent Monday in Lindsay. Mrs. J ohnstone. of Colb'orn'e is the : guest of her son, Dr. H. B. John- _ stone. Mr. A. Northey went to'Burnt River on Tuesday on business. Dr. H. B. Johnston, paid a pro‘ fessional visit to Burnt River on Tuesday. tury ago. Why then should she give Lindsay, who is attending the Port. her tender little child the fashicmed Port Perry High 8011001. One day re- medicines that have not changed in cently Suggitt bought some chocol- half a century, and which more like- ates and treated some of his cam- ly that not contain poisonous opiat- panions. He ate a number of them, es, that will not cure the child, but and as a result became sick, and re- HEI‘C‘ly drug it into temporary insen- turned to his home. Some of the sibility. Baby’s Own Tablets is a other boys who partook of the l(ghee. mOdem medicine prepared With all olates .are also sick. ,Suggitt claims the care and skill of modern medical that; the chocolates contained poison science. This medicine cures all stom- .__.;_:,...~ ach, wel, teething and other ail- ments kit childhood, and babyhood. . After MGSkIMS And the mother has the guarantee of : ’Ihe muskrat trappers have already a governinent analyst that it con- made their appearance on the Scugog tains no opiate or poisonous drug. waters South of the town. the river Sold by medicine dealers or by mai, being open for quite a distance. , at 25 centsa box from The Dr. Wil- ; Many traps have been set and sev-r aiams’ Meiï¬cine 00.. Brockville, Ont. oral were captured. - on-.. Messrs. Fred and S. Warren spent a few days this week in Toronto. A MOBERN MEDlCINI'I Mr. Neil Robson is visiting friends in Toronto. No sane mother would wiSh her- self treated under the condition of medicine or surgery of half a. cen- Miss Gertie McCall, of Toronto, is visiting friends in. town. PAGE 4. w FOR YOUNG CHILDREN V“ 5“ â€".â€"_ 7' _v_ being ~12 1307- The A large percentage of the custom- :orrdition, and a ers were men who have had years of 1e35ed the game, experienCe with the Oshawa shingles, played. The lineup some are now roofing their fourth building, which all goes to show Shane, McDougall, the popularity of Oshawa’s shingle. ee, B, McPhee. ; During the day of _delivery further Dovey, Henley, â€orders were booked to the extent} of . . ah“ ‘half a carload. Henley of Lind‘ ; of Mr. and Mrs Popularity of a Gshawa Shiagies A letter was read from) Rev A. J. ;Vale, of Hay River, which exp ‘ained fully how the mission work was car- ried on in that district. Mr. Vale also told what a grand work the Women’ s Auxiliary had done, and {how their work was being apprec atâ€" ; ed. Letters were also read 'from various representatives. A programme for the annual meeting to be held in Toronto :luring the 7 Zfirst week in May was read to the Emembers. :It was decided that meetâ€" t ings would be held the third Wednes- Eday of each month at the homes of the members in future. 1 UV What Maraposa is Doing With Pedlar’s Ceiebrated Goods Kennedy Bros., local representativâ€" es of the Pedlar People, were thor- oughly convinced of the merits of these shingles before accepting ‘ an 'agenvcy for their sale. " After enjoying a sumptuous and social feast, the various customers all departed well pleased with the Pedlar goods. (Special to The Post.) A very interesting and enjoyable afternoon was spent at the home of Mrs. Capt. Kennedy on: Tuesday, March 15th, when the members of St. J ohn's church held their annual Women-s Auxiliary meeting. Members for the coming year are | The meetmgrwas brought to a '.’close by singing “From Greenland's icy mounta n†and each member {went ‘home fully resolved to use ‘their best endeavor and ability to ‘further the interests of the‘Women's gAuxil‘iary, and the good work they have to do. - I‘ Mr. John Giles received word by POSt cards and 81311011“) telephone on Tuesday last of the » An exquisite “Fay 0f Fancy P051: 1 death of his sister, Mrs. Hobbs of 'Cards, Writing Material as well as : Oshéwa, and left to attend the fun- ,useful fancy articles at Rose Co. I eral The news. was quite a" shpck :Anything you want will be there. 'to him, as he was‘hnaware of her . , l I TI‘IE FAIR, Kent4§tu i illness. Ate Chocolates And was Ill Port Perrv High School Boy's:Unpleas- ant Experience Lindsay, March 22.â€"To be «sick as a result at being poisoned by eating chocolates, has fallen. to the unfort4 unate lot of Mr. Victor Suggitt, of Lindsay, who is attending the Port Port Perry High School. One day re- cently Suggitt bought some chocol- ates and treated some of his cam- panions. He ate a number of them, The Toronto News, of Lindsay con~ tained the following despatch: and as a result became sick, and re- turned to his home. Some of the other boys who partook of the 01100- olates are also sick. ,Suggitt claims that; the chocolates contained poison Week’s Doings ('SpeCia, to The k’osr) The Institute meeting for March held at Mrs. B. Graham’s home on Wednesday last was well attended, about thirty-ï¬ve ladies being present. Through illness, our president, Mrs. R. G. Webster, was unable to be present, and the programme commit- tee also failed to attend, only two ladies of the committee being present However a. very interesting program was given, readings by Mrs. (Rev) Munro and Miss Webster, solos by Mrs. Munroe and Miss Olive Wilson Helps on housecleaning were then given, This was followed by the question drawer, when some splendid questions were asked and answered, The meeting closed with the National Anthem, after which Mrs. Graham treated "the ladies to candy. The funeral of Miss Violet Cann, which took til-am on Saturday at one o’clock from her home, was one of the largest seerf in our village for a long time. Service was held in ‘the Methodist church, Rev. Mr. Elliot taking for his text, “I have ï¬nished mv nnurse- I have kept my faith. my . course, I have kept my faith. Henceforth there is laid, up for me a crown of righteousness,†as found in II Timothy, 4â€"7 and 8. The floral emblems were very beautiful. The pallbearers were Messrs. M. Cruess, J. Anderson\ W. Rogers, L. Ander- son, 0. Campbell, E. Lillico. The remains were then- taken to Little Britain {or <«r interment. Undertaker Stoddard? of Woodville, had charge of the funeral, which was conducted in a very satisfactory manner. \ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Short and: tam. ily left on Tuesday for Saskatoon af- ter spending a week with friends in Toronto. We are sorry to learn that Mr. J. Dobson is not recovering as rapidly as his many friends wish, and also to hear of the serious illness of Geo. the little son of Mr. Elkanah Treth- eway. M13. Jas. Pascoe entertained a number of our young people last Wednesday evening, which was much enjoyed by all. A pleasant time was spent at the home of Mr. D. W. King the saine evening. Miss Edna Warner, of Lindsay, at- tended the funeral of her friend, Miss V. Cann, on Saturday. Mrs. Elmer Brass, of Toronto spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. Fred Brass before leaving for her home in New Brunswick. Rev. W. Elliott has been very busy lately, having three funerals, and one memorial sers'r'ice inside of two weeks. Mr. McLaughlin, of Fort Williams spent Tuesday the guest of Mr. G. B Renn'ie. Miss Pearl Goad spent Sunday with friends in Lindsay. Miss Inez McCullough, of Lindsay, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. A SiIVerWood. Mr. Russell Wylie, who has been very ill with pneumonia at Orillia; returned home Saturday evening. His many friends will be pleased to hear that he is now recovering. Mr. Ray Web‘ber, who has been ill at Powasson, is at present at his home, and is recovering. Mrs. Melville Gilson, of Sonya, spent the week end with friends here. Miss Florence King entertained a large number of our young people on Thursday evening last. Games, mu- sic, etc., were indulged in until a late hour. After luncheon all repaired to their homes, having spent a delightful evening. Mrs. W. H. Tamblin and family, are leavmg this week for Edmonton Alberta, to join her husband, who went west last summer and took up Little Britain ‘ Live Brevities Don't forget the sandwich social next Monday evening, to 'be given by the Mission Band in the Methodise Church. ('SpeCial to The Post") {seat Seats II'BB auu CVCLJUUuJ u-- Mrs. D. Milloy of Oakwood. Was ,come. at Mrs. S. Rogers’ this week. | Quite a number from here were enâ€" Mr. Thomas Sando, of Alberta, is tertained at Mr. Ed. Rodman's, of visiting Mr. John Sando this week. l0akwood, one evening last week. Our various stores will be closed i Mrs. Simon Crews of Washington, on Good Friday afternoon and even« 'U.S.‘A., formerly of our village, Was Ivisiting friends here last week. in; I' THE LIEDSAY POST merchant tailor. has a good show: suitings in this year and many orders. Our implement agents are selling lots of machinery this spring, which shows prosperous farmers Apparel For Men and Wemen _____.â€"- There will be a special service in the Christian church, Little Britain, on Easter Sunday, March 27, at eleven o’clock, a. m., The pastor, n u uoznm. will nreach on the C. H. Hainer, will preach on the resurrection, text lst Cor, 15, ‘12, 20, Now if Christ be preached that He rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrec- tion of the dead. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and became the first fruits of them that slept. Neverthas there been an Easter display (from which the require. ments of every man and woman can be more readrly Supptied than from our present complete display, Truly 1nd1viduzl 5:346 features are here and we extend to everyone a cordial invitation, to come and make comparisons. Luâ€"rv â€"â€" â€"._-__ In the evening at seven o’clock, there will be service, iniwhich the children will take an active part. in songs, recitations, dialogues, etc, The choir, under the leadership of Wmf J. Yeo, is preparing special mu- sic for both of these services. The church will be decorated with flow- ers, plants, etc., Come early if you wish to secure a good comfortable seat. Seats free and everybody welâ€" Women’s Never had we such a splendid showing and such good values. Quality was our foremost thought when selecting. The new long and medium length coats‘at and up from ................................................................. $5-00 Easter Gloves Everyone wants a new pair of gloves f 3r Easter wear. \Ve offer you genuine French Kid Gloves in tans, blacks, greys and all fashionable colorings. Dcnt’s celebrated make at per pair $1 .25, $1.00 Men’ s “‘5 Clothing ‘ F or Spring at The remains of MiSS Violet Cann, stor, of Oakwood, were interred in our the Christian cemetery on Saturday, a, 20, Mar 19. . . He Mrs. Mark Wickett is visiting her some daughter, Mrs, Joseph Pogue, at irrec- Valentia at present. ' lhrist Our ‘ new fire engine .bought recent- e the 1y from James Evans, a 00., Ome- mee, arrived this week. Now for the :lock, test. But we suppose there will be the no gmore fires now. part. ' Mr. and Mrs. Short of Bowman- etc ville, have returned after spending 3. ip of couple of weeks at R. Avery’s. lmu- Mr. H. 0. Hamilton, of 1 Lindsay, The 1 was in our village on Wednesday of flow- this week, giving piano lessons, on I you [account of Friday being > a holi- rtable day. M :r wpl- Mr. G. Glenny has been ill of late. Our milliners will please you real well in both 5“ and pfieeâ€"more than that, they W111 give vcu a wean; hatâ€"one becoming to you. An immense ran;; :3 Choc from, so that yuu are always guaranteed an 3211;) 1e Choi but we advise your buying early. . Moll- FOR EASTER APSE, l mery AFTER WAR 1; s Women’s Suits Ladies, your Easter or Spring Suit will best bang right now, and at this store where assortments and vali are the very best obtainable anywhere. Mail order a catalogue houses cannot offer you anything 112:: Ourvak -and besides you see what you are netting my 3.: money. Our lines are made by the very best :22 ikersa we invite comparison at all times. We are offering some very special lines of Men’s Suits and Spring Over- coats, made in this sea- son’s very latest styles and nice dressy garments in every way. Prices very reasonable. You can get a nice Suit at... $10.00 Others up to $20.00 Mrs. David Culbert and . Cornish a song aorvwe LINDSAY. FRIDAY will be held in The choir a practice and t? assured. Rev. Jos. Archer laSt “all Dr. Hall, gave his lectul‘e ed by limelight views of 11:} old Quebec at Zion on night of this week in aid 0“ dies' Aid. A good crowd “5‘ Mrs. Tinney of Oakwood" "‘“fl' hf Mrs. Samuel H Mrs. TinneY 0f guest of Mrs. 82 day last'week. 1'6 In V" Telephone 00., we Tuesday of this week 0†Don’t forget to come Of nations this evening time is assured an. We 668011 7 typewriting1\ penmanship. etc. All st! 3w. THE NEW STYLES POPULAR PRICED John n the Mahdi“. are doing 31°“ therefore good ' Sit rag sue: :tle .ys