(Spedal to The Post.) Mr. Levi Arthur is spending a few days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bobt. Jones, who‘ have been married for twenty-five- years, celebrated the anniversary of their wedding day on March mm by having a silVer wedding. About thir- ty invited guests were present and a pleasant evening 'spent. Mr. C. White had the misfortune to have the end of his thumb taken oï¬l on Saturday last, while helping to saw wood at Mr. W. Lee’s. Miss Lillie Thompson, who had had a rather severe attack of measles,- is improving slowly. Mr. Ira Gardiner, who has been at- tending business college 'in Peterboro has completed his three months’ course and arrived homewon Satur- day. Welcome back to Franklin. Master Harry Hart, of Mount Hor- eb, was the guest of Walter Thomp- son on Saturday and Sunday last. Mr. Harry McCorvie has been un- able to be out recently, on account of measles. Erainage contract Sealed tendel s, addressed to under- signed, Orillia, Ont., will be received up to 2 o’clock p.1n , on \Vednesday, 27th day of April, 1910, for excavation and computing Municipal Drain No. l. of the Townships of Eldon and Thorah. Fq‘particula’ys see posters. ‘DA_L2A_~ Ac Plans, proï¬les and speciï¬cations of work required to be done, may be in- spected at Township Clerks ofï¬ce. Lorneville, Township of Eldon, or at engineer’s oflice, Orillia. Ont. A G. CAVANA, O.L.S_. _ $5000‘: barns. '$6500‘1°°‘ $7100 acres close to town ï¬rst-class buildings. MONEY T0 LOAN 0N MORTGAGES ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CON- FIDENTIAL AND CHARG- ES LOW As I do all my own writing. $85005 _,' OR SALEâ€"66 2-3 acres in Mari- ~' pose, one mile from Little Bri- tain. 56 acres cleared, balance hard- wood bush. Frame house and frame barn with stone wall. Few apple trees good well and never failing spring. Well fenced. Mail box at door and telephone in house. For further par- ticulars apply to Elias Bowes, Real Estate Agent, Lindsayrflv‘i, $7F' FOR QUICK SALE WILL ' 3 buy 1% storey frame house 7 rooms and woodshed, well on prem- ises, electric lighted, good garden; fruit trees, One of the (best locations intown on St. Paul-st near school, lately owned by P. Massaw. Apply to J. 0’REILLY.â€"w1d3. 91 KFWT-S'l‘. - - - PHONE 28 PAGE 8. Engxnée'r for Township uf Eldon F. H. KIDD FARMS FOR SALE FRANKLIN FOR SALE -100 acz‘eg in 3rd Con. of Ops, good house and 100 acres, all cleared in Jagetville. -1 mile from Lindsay; a. brick house and barns. acres, frame house. Livei‘pooVand Chicago Wheat PM Close Higherâ€"Live Stockâ€" Latest Quotations. Tuesday Evening, March a. Liverpool wheat futures closw toâ€"da' 956 higher to Iï¬d lower than yesterday: com futures 35d lower. y M wheat at Chicago closed as: high- :er than yesterday; May com 198: higher. and May oats §$c higher. Winnipeg Options. May wheat at W'innipeg closed 30 high- :er than yesterday; May oats sac lower. , ‘ ~¢ n-‘I 15‘s.. (1 {“336 Jig]- Tofonto Grai n Market. Wheat, fall, bush .......... $1 09 to $1 10 ‘ Wheat, red, bush .......... 1 0’) Wheat, goose, bush ....... 1 05 Buckwheat, bush .......... 0 56 .... Rye, bushel ................. 0 68 Barley, bushel .............. 0 58 .... . Peas, bushel ................ 0 90 ‘ Oats, bushel ............... . 0 43 0 44 Toronto Dairy Market leeese, per lb ................. 0 13 0 13% Eggs, new-laid ............... 0 25 Butter, separator, dairy, lb. 0 26 0 27 Butter, store,; lots ............ O 22 0 23 Butter, creamery, solids 0 28 0 27 Butter, creamery, lb. rolls.. 0 29 031 Honey, extracted ............. 0 10%. Honey. combs, per dozen 2 2': 3 00 Liverpool Grain and Produce. LIVERPOOL, March 22,â€"Closmg‘â€"Wheat â€"â€"Spot dull; No. 2 red western winter, no stock; future, quiet; March, 85 M; May. 73 11d; July, 78 10%d; Oct. 79 8%(1. Comâ€" Spot "moody ;_ pow American mixed north- unchanged; receipts 2149. i Eggs-Firm. unchanged; receipts 21,466. A CATTLE MARKETS. Hogs Active and Generally Lower on United States Exchanges. LONDON, March 22.-leerpool and London cables quote live cattle (American) mm. at 13%c to 1%, dressed weight; re- frigeram beef, steady, at 10%c to 113‘s per 1b. Toronto Live Stock. TORONTO, March 22.â€"â€"The rail- waysnepozi receipts of (331‘ earloafis at (Special to The Post.) Preparartions are to be seen on all sides for spring. Some are get- ting the material on hand for build- ing, others are occupying their time sawing wood, preparing seed grain, or clipping horses. There were some wild geese seen lately coming north, but have been seen later making their way for the sunny south again. a IOVUV Vâ€".--v - by Isaac Grotf, and were fed by Messrs. E.'Snider of Elmira and J. Sbantz 01 Waterloo, who both deserve great credit for knowing how to finish cattle. and doing it. Milken and Swingers. Trade in “ï¬lters and quince" is not nearly as strong, and prices were reported at $30 to $55 each. Veal Calves. About 200 veal calves sold at $4 to $8 per ~CWt- â€11.121 Sheep and Lambs. The market for sheep and lambs was strong. Ewes sold at $6.60 to $8.35; rams. $6.75 to $6; lambs, at $8 to $9 per cwt, l’ tna n yeauax ua‘v, â€a.“ vâ€" - , abutâ€"March 511515,, May 31.06%. July $4: Oatsâ€"May %(, July 36?“. EAST BI'FF- ALO, N.Y.. Cattleâ€"Reoeamgligo head; i hemmmctoï¬c. dtydréaed'veals.mcbm;®w€ Sheepandtambr-Wlm .5 ï¬ toabg'ahmflton;mwflto ' «mishap. - Hogsâ€"Receipts at. W M;Mt wemm. Chicago Liv. Stock. ' CHICAGO, March nâ€"mâ€"m ‘ no; market steady to strong; mars. to 88.65; cows, $4.75 to 863; belt“ m 36.75; bulls, 35.5 to as; m. :3 to! $10.60; stacker: and fades. '45 to an. Hogsâ€"Receipts, 12,â€; , weak. $0? 33' magma, : m ‘ to - ; mm ‘ choice. “SM. $10.60 to 50.5: packing. mg to $10.80; pigs. $10.30 to ma); bu k sales. $19.78 to 810x). Li a g? Hog prices firm, a and watered, and $9- try points. t 75 1.0. . ;usu£auueuu5-.m l . ' 1 Th P0 t. Chicago Liv. Stock. . (Spe‘na t° e S ) CHICAGO, March amassing; Mr. Fred Webster from the west m; we: mmï¬wtoauggg maï¬a and Miss Lillian Webster of Oa'kwood :3 a??? 131;?‘5‘; to“; entree. 83mlI spent Sunday with friends here. mï¬mésï¬tgez’ut‘ndnzmm "' “wag: Mr. and Mrs Chas. Short and chil- choice, heavy, men to m: ‘ ' A dren left for Toronto on Wednesday :ï¬uflgoifhmï¬g nm‘wmw.w en route for their home in Sasha: to $10.80; pigs, $10.30 tomes; bulk ‘ toon, after spending a couple Of 881%: 312-23 £32233 m. 11W: “mpg months with friends here. $7.75 to â€a.†y n 976 to 39. i, There is an epidemic of influenza _A_ __. ._ ‘1..- Lnnnnn n.“ fhn â€A1.m“\1'\f\"_ ? Flour, Manitoba, $3.10 per cwt. Rolled oats. $2.65 per cwt. Flour, Manitoba, retail, $2.85. Bran, $1.15 per cwt. Fall wheat, $1.02 per bus. Spring wheat, 930. per bus. Goose wheat, 93¢. per bus. Buckwheat, 50c. bus. Barley 48c bus. Rye 620 bus. Oats, 37c. per bus. Red clover, retail, $8 per bus Alsike clover, retail, $5.75. Large peas, 85¢. per bus Small peas, 80¢. per bus. gets, $7.75 tb also. Vedaâ€"Receipts 100 may. Hogï¬â€"Receiptg moo Hay $12 to $15 per ton. Clover hay, $13 to $14 per ton. Straw, $3 to $5 uer load. Pea strawi $1.50 per load. Eggs, 22c to 25¢ per doz Dairyvbutter, 26c. to 28¢. per 113'. Creamery butter, wholesale, 29¢. Cream. per qt. 15:. to 30¢. East Buï¬alo Came Market. Lard,18c. per lb. Chickens, 22¢. per lb or $3 per pr. Hens, 18¢ per lb. GeeSi 14c to 15c lb. Turkeys, 22¢ per 1!). Ducks, 60c to $1.10 per pair. Live hogs, $9. 50 per cwt. Little hogs, per pair, $7. Mutton, retail, 7c. to 15¢. Pork, 13c to 14c per 11). Pork, front quarter, $12 to $14 per cwt. Pork, hind quarter $1Z.DU 1:0 {010' pa cwt. Beef, front quarter, $7 to_ $8 per cwt. » Beef cattle, 36 to Sc p‘?r 1b. Sirloin, steak, 14c. Rib roast, 12c. per 1b. Spare ribs, 10c. per Ib straight. Beef, $6 to $7.50 per cwt. Hides, $7 to $8.50 per cwt. Head cheese, 12c. per 1b. Potatoes, 40¢. per bag. Beets, 15c. per pk. Carrots, 15c. per pk. Honey, 12c. per 1b. Apples per bbl. $2.00 to $4. Hardwood, $6 per cord. Soft wood, $2.50 to $5 per cor The ice on Pigeon Lake never was better for travel all winter than at present, and it looks as though it may he travelled till the first of Ap- ril. Mr. James Stimson has moved to the farm he bought some four or five years ago, and Mr. Robt.AWhite who had it leased has_ moved to Mr Charles Meehan’s farm near Downey- ville. Our school is progressing favorab- ly under the management of Miss Ella Brady of Lindsay. There is some talk of our teacher going to try and work up a concert of some kind and we understand she proposes putting an organ in the school, and the proceeds of the con- cert to finance the organ. This is a move in the right direc- tion as an organ in the sch001 is what is certainly required. There are some fine instruments in this 10- cality but very few know much about music and it would be a good chance for those having atal- ent for music, now that we have a teacher who is qualified to teach them. We hope that the people will make an extra eï¬ort ,to assist and encour- age our teacher in the undertaking, and last but not least, ' we hope that the trustees will not let $15 or $20 stand in the way in order to keep a good teacher, Beef, hind quarter $7.50 to $9 per There is an epidemic of influenza among the horses in the neighborâ€" hood. The Wire is being strung on the new branch of the Manilla Northern Telephone Co., on the thirteenth con- cession, and we will soon have some dozen or more new members on our A great many of the children are are suï¬ering from attacks of meas- les. Master Everett Wright is suffering from an attack of pneumonia. Collections will be taken up in the Sunday school on Easter Suiiday in aid of the bible society. Mr. Wilbert Wylie and Miss Ethel Wylie of Oakwood and their gu'est, Miss Maud Jones. of Omemee, spent Sunday afternoon here. Owing to the uncertain condition of the roads, the weekly prayer meeting is withdrawn for the pres- ent. hind quarter $12.50 to $15 per SOUTH VERUL-AM PENIEL THE LINBSAY 150341: per cord. Directors Secure ‘PROVINCIAL HEALTH 30m mi 014 Town Ham PRINTED IN PAMPHLET m COMMUNICATIONS From Mrs. Stewart, re Wallace family. From Board of Railway Com- missioners, re O'Holloran’s crossing. From County Treasurer, re lands Pa- tented in 1909. From inspector of prisons re Ops patients. From Sawâ€" yer Massey re graders, etc. In regard to Mrs. Stewart’s reâ€" quest that Council buy abed to re- place the one burned after Mr Wal- lace’s death from tuberculosis, Coun- cil thought something should â€be done, but as the township had been- at so muCh expense for maintenance of this ‘amily and for funeral charges the: it was decided on motion of Messrs. Hickson and Deyell to just give $5 towards this purpose. Clerk was instructed to advise Board of Railway Commissioners that Op's township did not wish for an overhead crossing on G.T.R., at O’Halloran’s cut, but would rather have smile of the banks removed that obstructed the View, and have a light placed there for the safety of after night trafï¬c. Messrs. Flavelle and Hopkins were present and on behalf of the cemetery company oflered $175 for the old town ship hall building and Ops interest in the land on which it is situated. On motion of Messrs. 'Deyell and Sloan the offer Was accepted. Walden, and Hicksonâ€"That Clerk be instructed to notify G.T.R. Co. to fence their lot at O’Halloran's cros- sing. By-law No. 691 conï¬rming the apo pointment of pathmasters nee-viewâ€" ers and pound keepers ‘ sduly pas- sed. sed. Deyell and Hicksonâ€"That the, fol- lowing accounts be paid: Anderson Nugent, for undertaking re the case of the late John Wallace $20; Thos. Moore for burying a nui- sance, $2; Registry oflice fOr search- ing title of old township hall, 50c; Ops share for hack to take members Railway Commission to see O’Hal- loran’s crossing, $1.00; J. Staples 8: GA“ nrnflbf?“ fnr WRIIHCC fam‘llv. ton of coal a week now, While 1t used to consume a halt a ton aday. SEREICE-S RECOGNIZED Mr. Patrick Welch, the vigilant and energetic patrol sleuth whose duty has been to prevent the contamina- tion of the upper ScugOg, [had his services substantially recognized by an increase of ï¬fty cents. Mr. Sinclair opposed this reckless expenditure, but Pat was ï¬nally granâ€" ted the increase. ing title of old township hall, 50c; Ops share for hack to take members Railway Commission to see O’Hal- loran’s crossing, $1.00; J. Staples 8: Son, groceries for Wallace family, charity, $2.54; Allan Gillies, for printing and publishing abstract statement $5; T. A. Newman for ex- tra work on road .beat 21, $4.50. The question of securing a typewrit- er for the oï¬â€˜ice was discussed as council in the past had frequently found it necessary to pay for conâ€" siderable typewriting, and on motion of Messrs. Deyell and Walden Reeve and Clerk were instructed to look inâ€" to the matter and report. Council were unanimous in the he- lief that if the small graders were as good as represented by Mr. Brodie, of the Sawyer Massey 00., it would‘be wise to secure one so that more of the pathmasters might ï¬nd it convenient to get grading done, thereby than was now possible with only one grader. The Clerk was there- fore instructed, on motion of Messrs. Walden and Hickson, to ask: Mr. Broâ€" die for a free trial of the grader ab- out April 1st. Council adjourned to meet April at 1 p.m. Mrs. William Broad is visiting her son, Mr. Edward Broad, at Bobcay- geon. Mrs. Earnie Earhart has been ill for the last week. We hope for her speedy recovery. Mr. Roy and John Drew, of Can- : nington, were visiting their friend, Mr. Harry Drew, on Sunday-last. Mr. Britain, visited friends in neighborhOOd last week. the Miss Mabel Davey is visiting her brother, Mr. John Davey. causing the white mantle to disap- pear and old mother earth once more appear to view. Our boys have forgotten their hockey matches and fancy skating, and are turning their attendion toward the popular sport for the summer months, baseball. Our boys secured the silver cup for the Mariposa township league last season and are entering into Charlie ' Wakeiord, Of Little the 'fray with renewed energy and ambition. At the time of writing our young people are preparing to assist the Zion Ladies’ Aid at their entertain- ment ’on Wednesday, 23rd, inst. All Mr. Carl Davison intends to take nticipate a pleasant nd roï¬table a trip to the West on Tuesday, Feb- :ime ‘ a p l n Miss Mabel Davey is visiting her brother, Mr. John Davey. Mr. Carl Davison intends to take a trip to the West on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 22nd. Spring term ‘ opens Monday, April 4th, at. the Federal Business College, Lindsay. Our instruction is indivi-- . dual. Take a course with Ins and we ' can fit you for a-good position in a $ few months. Call for our spring 3 CRES SWELL Spring Term ’ Our school is open again. Mr. and Mrs. J oblin and Mrs. Wil- lins were visiting with Mr. George J oblin in his new home at Valentia Mr. Mark has oï¬ered his temn of colts for $400, but did not sell them. Mr. Joseph Pogue’s wife presented him with a fine baby boy last week. 2 Syrupmaking is in full swing.\ g Mr.‘H. Carpenter, our local trap- 'g per, reports some 30 odd sabel skins i he has caught this spring. 2 Now that the bright sun and warm winds and occasional showers are r causing the white mantle to disap- near and old mother earth once present being, Messrs- J. D. Flavelle. chairman; D. Sinclair, Thos. Brady, Mayor Begg and Supt, Hammond. 1 When the minutes of last meeting 1 had been read and approved, the re- port of the inspection of the boilers at the pump house was carefully con- sidered. They are in good shape, the sixteenth inch of scale not being de- trimental and with the addition of a' few repairs to the valve everything is satisfactory. 1 The insurance policy expired this year, and the members thought that since only .one boiler is used now, the engineer in charge and Supt. Hammond could keep the other in ï¬rstâ€"class repair. Steam is kept up in case of an emergency, the electric pump doing all the work at present. THE PROVINCIAL TEST. A letter was read ‘from Dr. Amy- ot, of Toronto, stating that the re- port of the ozone tests had beea sent to the Provincial Board of Health, who had accepted it and forâ€" warded it to the printers for publi- cation in pamphlet form. No inkling as to whether it is a satisfactory me- thod of waté‘r puriï¬cation from; their standpoint has been divulged yet. A Fire and Water Engineer's :our- nal was granted to Supt. Hammond. WANTED REFUND A complaint was heard from Ald. M. J. Lewis wanting a refund as his bill had suddenly doubled itself in one month, and therefore he estimat- ed that the meter must have been leaking. The matter was ï¬led for the present .‘ \ Trouble resulting from the leaking of a. meter installed at Mr. J. G. Edward's, was amicably and satis- factorily settled to all. The numerous accounts were perus- ed and ordered to be paid, among which was one for coal for the pump house. The turnace burns one-half a ton of coal 8. week now, while it VALENTIA (Special to The Post.) Josh Swain of Gavan, was visiting friends here last Week. Mr Phil Mark is busy with his saw- ing outfit every day. The Women’s Temperance Auxil- iary met in the basement .of the church on Wednesday and report a. good time. Repairs to the ofï¬ce ' furnace had cost considerable money, and a dis- pute arose as to who should pay it, themselves or the. landlord. A settle- ment was reached by both paying a part. us;- What makes Joe all smiles ? Qbouncing baby boy. The Orangemen are improving' already commodious ball by pm 2 on a tin roof. We ,are sorry to learn that Mrs W. Corneil is rather under the; weather, having contracted a bad cold. We trust she may have a speedy recovâ€" ery. improving ï¬eir :5: hall by puttingi °° A ‘ LINDSAY, FRIDAY Victoria County Farm: Electric City for Com Wants Damage; From Peter] Mayor Morrow has am: he had a V1331: Saturday hm wardens of Peterborough and}; ia counties, CODCQI‘Dlng a Claim damages from S. Shermivfl Victoria county. Sherman 1m horse while driving User a . ï¬erce snowstorm some time a“ has been previously “Waiting“ breaking in the storm, a“ team falling into the lakeogei was drowned, and Lhe Othera injured. The city pays tom“ maintenance of the bridge, “in nects Peterborough and Vi counties, and it was held (3).; erborough City would be um damages as well as Pew-m ty and Victoria county. 1“ solicitor advised the com the city has no responsibiliz“ nection with the accident . bridge which was under trol. The mount of damage.‘ was $150. The city was loom Sherman to pay $50. Olin†1 t of the said highan mg! g m the said notice, and 51mm ‘ lished in The Post NewspaperI paper published in the Town}!f . say. a. neighboring municipal“! I Townshi of Mariposa and 1" own of the Co mty 1? the said Township of M311 situated. -1 _L Public Notice is hereby givq. the Corporation of the T Mariposa, intends at a the Council of the said T ‘ MariEiasla, to be holden in the ship 1, in the Police Village wood, in the Township of on â€BAY, "IE EIGMEEIII APPIL, LB. 1910, at 10 o’clock‘ forenoon, or so soon thereafter Council may on that day meet a. By-Lam stop ing up and cl ' part of the Pu lic Road of ' bet“ een lots Five and Six in sion ‘A’ of the said Townshipoi posa. The said By-Law authorize the sale, conveyan grant of the land comprised in a portion of the said Highway: owner or owners of the adji lands respectively and in ca? owner or respective owners nil become the purchasers at such as the Council thinks ï¬t and ii able. then the said By-Law may; orize the sale of the said land In other person or persons for the or a greater price, or the said B} may authorize such other dist! the land comprised in the sandy! of the. said highway as may hell The Council of the said Town! Mariposa shall bear in person! council, or Solicitor, any 0136‘ land may be prejudicially aï¬ed the stcpping up or closing of N Highway. and who petitions] heard at the meeting of 111150 I on the 18th day of April as pr!i mentioned for the purpose of ‘ ering and passing the Byâ€"Lz'! tioned in the said notice. “I j On the strength of the 0m tor’s advice, it was moved 1,, Morgan, seconded by Am. a and carried that no action h: â€"Review. "‘fhis Novgc‘e shall be posted. one month before the 18d!‘ April in six of the most pub†in the immediate neighbo thool‘ Dated this 16th day of l The undersi med 15 35 R to all Wes Now is the *5 as pIICSS Wi crease in 11"}. months. LEIGH R. Barrister, NOTICE 515k bf I time