" Ir. Andrews praises Dr. Horse’s Indian Root Pills. 166 BROOK ST., PETERBORO. ‘Will visnt BENSON HOUSE. LIND. SAY. ery 151: and 3rd “’odnesday o the month from 2 p. m. to 6' pm of cons 2L tions Ln Eye, Ear, Nos? om‘ Dr. T. P. Mccullough O. .0 00 .0 â€~00 .0 O O O. O o O O .0 O O .0 00 Cambridge-st. North of Fire Hall For all kinds of Granite and Mamie monuments. Get prices and see de aigns Lindsay Marble Works 5° DR. McALPlNE men or consnrmn . Examination Free. By e glasses re mired. Bmken lenses replaced, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. OI Kent-it. (Over Neill’s Shoe Store) II. B. ANNIS mm, D. For over half a century Dr. Horse's 1ndnn Root Pills have been curin con- stipation and clogged inactive k neys, Vida all the ailments which result from them] They clause the whole system and purify the blood. Sold everywhere â€For many years I have been troubled with chronic Constipation. This ail- ment never comes single-handed. and I have been a victim to the many illnesses that constipation brings in its train. Medicine after medicine I have taken in order to ï¬nd relief, but one and all left me in the same hopeless condition. It seemed that nothing would expel from me the one ailment that caused so much trouble, yet at last I rad about these lnd'nn Root Pills. That was indeed a lucky day {or me, ‘0: I was so impressed with the state mews made that I determined to give them a fair trial. They have regulated my stomach and beret. Imcmddmnsï¬pï¬mmd Idaimtheyhnvenoequdasamedi- 91 Kent-st. !. Whit esmith All business strictly conï¬dential and charges low, as I do all my ‘own writings. Call and see my special Gents’ I7 Jeweled American Watches selected for durabihty and val- ue, in nickle and 20 year gold ï¬lled cases. A dependable watch at a low price. 8%! Estate Bought and Sold and Fire Insurance Effected. Money to Loan Special attention to diseases cf- ef Nose. Throat and Chest '2' W. T. RICH, MD†Member of the»; R0) a1 College of Su rgeons. .5. London, England. Special .3 atwntion to gm get-y anddis- 0:. uses of women and chfldren 0;. It. George Andrews of Halifax, N.S., No other personal asset can be more highly prized than good eyesight. Do not sacriï¬cetne win am way. If trouble. is owing itselfâ€"however slight, -consult an experienced and skiï¬ed eye-sight specialist. Long years of expenence has brought. success '0 us. Yo .1 are safe in consulting us. “’9 have an sale 144 bottles of this excellent. Silver Polish. It, cleans your silwrware without. dust, giving it the same bright ï¬nish it, ï¬rst had. The price tor thisarticleatour store is only iii it costs yemZSc .ocelsewhere. The Popular Jewellery Store W. F. McCARTY MATEHLESS Watches Lowest Prices. Best Results. F. H. KIDD JERELH‘ YOUR. EYES on Mortgages SILVER POLISH Thréat. MANILLA . Prov. 1none SS As there are several Contentious, ciauses in the bill, it will be discussed again. One of these provides that no local option by-law shall be quashed or set aside on the ground only rtth a monopoly has been created by limiâ€" tation of the number of licenses and during the time the by-law is in force no greater number of licenses shall be Hon. Mr. McKay asked if there would be any system of avoiding the ireegnlarity between hotels run large- ly by the bar receipts and those which were practically saloons. K Capt. Machin (Kenora) expre~55m1 the opinion that it might be more equitable and fair to charge the per- centage after the total expenses of the hotel had beenlmet. _ , NOT ON RIGHT LINE. i Mr. W. K. McNaught, (North Tor- Ionto) did not favar the system of taxing the gross recipes, He sympaâ€" ,' thized with the object of getting more gmoney for lï¬canses, but did not think {the “in was along the right line. He :dm not favor the imposition of the I tax on sales of cigars, soft drinks and !sandwichcs sold over the bar, While the man who kept -a cigar stand out- 'Side the bar escaped the tax. Hon. Mr. Hanna said that‘the ï¬ve per cent tax would bring the GOVern- ment about $60,000 from Toronto and about $80,000 from outsite places. He thought the tax was a very reason- able one, in view‘ of the monopoly which gave license holders an advantâ€" age which they were not intended to have. The additional tax of ï¬ve per cent, in his opinion, was the most equitable plan that couldbe devised. Mr. Evan Fraser, (Welland) said he knew of a. large hotel that was forced to close up for part of every year. He did not think it would be fair to tax it so heavily. Mr. George H. Gooderban: was strongly opposed to the tax at all. . “It is putting cne's nose into a legit- imate private enternrise." he decmred “I think. it would be much better if I gthis tax could he arrived at by other {means than by going around and en- quiring into daily receipts, making themselves objectionable. There is no llicense holder in Toronto who would :not prefer to pay a flat license fee of .5600 additional.†“If I had my way,†said Col. Hugh Clark. (Bruce), “I would assess a tax of $10,000 a year. on places that are merely saloons in eï¬ect, because they only pretend to be hotels by having six rooms for the accommonation of the travelling public.†‘ the Government.†said the Hon. Mr. 'dian _“5t-" many men now, he said, Hanna. “While this clause could be got liquor while they were on the list so administered as to be very obnoxi- [because the bartenders claimed they one, it is intended, so far as possible idid not know or the fact. He “8395' to obviate this. There are dimculties, {ted that the question 0‘ knowledge he in the way. of a flat tax." He thought {eliminated and the judge be allowed the per centage plan was far better. ito decide. This suggestion will be considered. Nnr Mr “nwnv onlfnfl if Okay-n The aï¬air -was without doubt the most successful meeting of its kind ever held in Lindsay, and it will stimulate a greater interest in future in horticultural matters on the part at our citizens. (From Tueeday's Evening Post) The public meeting held last even- ing in the Council Chamber in the in- terests \of horticulture, attracted a. goodly number of ladies and gentle- men who are interested in the culti- vation of plants and fruit. HORTICULTURAL MEETING LAST EVENING ‘ EXCELLENT PAPERS WERE CONTRIBUTED LARGE REVENUE. Williezâ€"“That's very wonderful, isn’t. it, papa? 'Cause this is a lemon pip.†idian list." Many men now, he said, Aylmer, March 20"â€Mr- . .17er got liquor while they were on the list King, son of Mr ° Doble. King, *4 1" [because the bartenders claimed they erly 9f Manillaxhad gum? a 5 rt ng idid not know of the fact. He sugges- experience On Friday. evening 1 t.‘ [’5 ‘ted that the question of knowledge he father, Mr ' Doble King. had b g '3 ll'eliminated and the judge be allowed home on St- George-st., from r. L. ~to decide. This suggestion will be 38“» and the méney was to 1 1 id i ever and the writings complel 1. 13 considered. lSaturday and he had a very c< :ic r- lable sized sum of money in his )1 3 DOMESTIC IRAGEDY {which Ins. added to that event: w :n {Fred took up about $100 which :1 d ‘An Insane Man Who Attacked Father, collected for him. It was just la a Mother, Sister and Brother and Fred and his father count t = __ ‘money out on the table. Mrs. ii A terrible domestic tragedy is re- lsu ested that the had tt ’ Ported from the Croatian town of Var- Id gg th bl' d3 yd b t be er 3’ 1 asd, where a carpenter, named Ignaz 0‘3": e m - an 0 h men â€1 Kavor. in a fit of insanity, attacked {smiled at‘what they termed hcr )C his father. mother, sister and brother, ‘ ish fears. HowevEr’ about 8 o’ x all of whom were asleep at the time, . . with an axe. So shockingly was the lFred went out Of the Side door " father injured that he expired almost home, and as he did 50 he thOUia' t. ! immediately. The mother and sister fheard anoise like some one runnin; received ghastly wounds. but the bro- ‘but thou ht that it w s n h' ., ther was only slightly hurt, and took I g a at mg, m" to flight. Kavor thereupon surrender- lperhaps a stray dog. He got Dem-l3 ed himself to the police, still holding l to the sidewalk when something toll. the blood-stained axe in his hand. him he had better investigate, so he Shortlv afterwards his brother again ' ' . . turned nd star ' ~ appeared on the scene. and lxavor im- ! a ted alound the house i . - . . . mediately made a desperate attemm ion a slow trot 1n the opposxte duec- to rush upon him. but he was held back :tion from which he had come. Jtlst as and bound down. The murdorei'. ii is ihe get to the back door a man sud~ stated had li‘md on bad terms with the 1 ' T “ _ . . :d n , 1 l: ,, . â€" ' v . rest 0! the family, and dissenstons l e 13' SI 1'31?!“ 0 t and struck him met 5 Were frequent. [the head Wlth what was afterwards . 3' Papazâ€"“Of course. my son, and oranges would grow on it.†Willie (whose father is building a conservatory):â€"-“Papa, if I plant this pip, would ‘an orange-tree grow up from it?†Hon. Mr. Mc‘Kay thought some change should be made with regard to the Sale of liquor to men on the “In- :‘sting of Messrs. Vincent, Johnston, 'l‘vrner and Wilson rendered an excel- lentinumber, and Mr. Peter Wilson in ï¬ne voice sang, “Woodman. Spare that 'I'ree." Miss Stella Matthic was the accompanist and during the even- ing also contributed several excel- lent numbers. Every mother is naturally anxious for information that will enable her tolkeep the little ones in good health. The Dr. Williams’ Medicine .00. have issued a little book let which contains a great deal of information on the care of babies and young children that mothers ought to know. The book will be sent free to any mother who will send her name and ad- dress, with the name of this newspaper; to the Dr. Wil- liaxms- Medicine Co. Brockville\ Ont. K A BOOK FOR MOTHERS FATH ER KNE‘N on a slow trot in the opposite direcâ€" tion from which he had come. Just 11:; be got to the back door a man sud- denly sprang out and struck him m‘er ' the head with what was afterwards ' discovered to be the slat of .1 bed ' Fred went down and out and did not know what had happened untl his i father, hearing the noise, “em, out 3 and dragged him in the house. He. g soon came to his senses and Was not: seriously hurt, but in the meantime i his assailant had made good his es~i cape. Fred says it was all done so quick that he did not ever. get a look at the fellow, to know whether he was short or tall, large or small, but he would give him a good bit to have , him «try it again, no matter how big , he is, if he will only give notice of what is coming. However it was for- tunate that things turned out as they did. No doubt the fellow was there for the purpose of robbery and he might haVe added murder to his crime had the old people been alone in the house when he gained admittance. 3 “Seems nourishing,†the customer replied, with a splutter; “but I’ve had my breakfast.†OATMEAL SOAP “How do you like the new oatmeal soap?†inquired the barber, wielding the lather-brush with extraordinary freedom. FORMER RESIDENT 0F MANILLA WAS CRUELLY ASSAULTED BY A ROBBER‘ g Splendid Array Of Bargains §In Ladies’ Department at §Encouragingly Low Prices We are giving these at a, price which has never been offered before These are Directoire cut, 19 inch back. medium bust, made of ï¬ne white couti‘, 4 sus- penders attached. A perfect ï¬tting corset at a ridicu- lously low price ........... - ................ 69c Ribbons We wish to draw vnur attention to our special showing of Suede and Velvet Bags, in plain colors and fancy stripes Ranging from 75c to ........ $1. 75 Dresden Taffeta Ribbons, full 5 inches wide. colors of Sky, Rose. Pink, Nile, Grey and Green. Regular 200 and 25c. F or.. ........................ 15c Hand Bags Motor Veiling Splendid range of patterns, plain or embroidered edges, pearl buckles; sizes 22 to 3C mches. For 25c Exceptionaily new. Specially nice for the Spring season. Fancy Paisley silk Motor Veiling. 27 inches wide. Per yard .......................... 50¢ Corsets Wash Belts ï¬g [is The members of Knox Church here held their anniversary and tea. on Sunday and Monday, the 12th and 13th inst. The Rev. Dr. Ru P. McKay of Toronto, who is- Secretary of For- eign Missions. of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, conducted the ser- vices in the morningrand evening on ,Sunday. The Rev. gentleman ipreached eloquent sermons to large :congregations that highly appreciated 'his elegant discourses of diction and 'pathos. On Monday evening tea. was ‘served in the School roomx 0f the EChurch between 5 and 7.30 p.m., to a large crowd. At 8 p.m. the auditori- ium of the church was ï¬lled to the U floors, and the doctor. gave the aud- The Ontario Provincial Government will float a loan for $5,500,000 to meet necessary expenditures during the year and to provide the administration with working capital. The amount of money to the credit of the Province is $3,117,000, but a large part of that sum will be payable as capital expenditures 'on various public enterprises. or the 55.500000. the Hydro-Electric Com- mission will get $2,500.000, of which $000000 will be used to extend the line to Windsor. The rest of the Hydro-Electric: share was for connec- tions with other towns. The remain- ing $3.000,000 is to hold for the Temisâ€" kaming 8; Northern Ontario Railway. The Porcupine extension will take $600 000. and $5Ss,z:0 will be uSed in conneaing the (ir. nd Trunk with the Temiskan‘iin‘r 8; Northern Ontario at North Bay. it is unlikely that any part of the new loan “ill be opened for public subscription as “as the last Provincial issue. i The Government Will Borrow $5.500,- 000 During the Year Washington, March 21.â€"The Admin~ istration ofï¬cials declare that no Ja- panese war scare exists in Washingâ€" ton. They fear, however, that the commercial activity of Japan wiil result in that country controlling the shipping on the Paciï¬c. N0 WAR SCARE AT WASHINGTON Spécial to The Post) BIG ONTARIO [OAN BOBCAYGEON~ WAKEL Y5 ' O'-_° ahead at once. The Verulam Agricultural Society have entered the ï¬eld crop competi- tion again on white oats and we hope the competitors will distinguish them selves this year as on former years“ Mr. .W. Lewis‘ Siberian cats that won lst prize at Ottawa, tested 46} lbs. per bushel, and Mr. Thomas Cosh's Yellow Russian tested 42.3 lbs. per bushel that won 2nd prize. At the same exhibition. mmas and thought the robins ha; miscalculated in some way. On Tuesday evening the 14th inst. Knox Sabbath school went for :: sleigh drive to Nogie's Creek. They made up six loads, and as the even~ ’I‘he Methodist congregation here have decided to_build an up-to-date Sabbath school room to the east of their present Church. Committees ted, so that everything‘ is going ALAAJ 7* The robins appeared here last Tucs- day morning, and our villagbrs thought spring was here,. but when mm‘ds and thought the robins had ience a. very instructive lecture bu the missiOn work and the customs of the Coreans. The choir of the congregaâ€" tion rendered choice selections of mu- sic during the evening. Silk Gloves Extra ï¬ne quality of silk, 22 inches long, two dome fasteners, double tips .................... 7 5c Better quality and longer length; For. . . .81.00 44 inches wide, embroidered on ï¬ne Swiss Mushy good showing of patterns. ranging in prices from 750 to .................................... $1.25 Edging and Insertion nice range of patterns 2.;. sorted widths. embroidered on ï¬ne quellty Vaiusm Per yard .................................. 5c Embroidery, 5 c This week we are oï¬ering something special in Hair Nets, in light, mid, and dark brown, with or without the elastic .................. 8 for 25¢ Frilling Net Frilling; boxed. 6 frills to each box. This is new and very special. Per box. ., ............ 15c Embroidery F louncing Hair Nets WW+Q+3+S+C+L+ 3+3; The grist mill here is running mat: and day now to catch up with 111 the grinding before work is begun by tixr Government on the locks. as 1‘ wfl'. have to shut down while this 1; in W. AteliablcFrenchr 1 . . hm: Thâ€, bills “.3 . egu ator, ne‘er ..... Mu,- WNW}? owerful in fegniatng _;t;c all “=an oft efcmale swzcm, R< ,5 Chap mutations. Dr. do vans are 1: ~ “150*. or three for s10. Mailed 20 any :2: m“- m Drug Con Stumble» On‘ LINDSAY ramps. MARCH, 3 Sold at Higirnbotham’e store. ’ "715i: PmAE-me. _ â€" ' MY m LIIE l0 WISE 0? w on all czar-'01:. Cafes-11H: bath. fulfv â€Jury“; with Wmhenmndumdaterm .24: [cal and. Enriy uppllcation must be md~ “.K FOR HO.E$IEKCR" PQ-PHBET cad-hing nuandhflm Mbu-ngR.AougbR.L1h-A TOURIST SLEEPING CAT-«'5 LOW ROU N-D TRIP R â€: Wm udrdun $33.;00 Edmonwnnzlw -' “I .00. Andto othetpoinninproponioa . a»: good“) mv'lhwhï¬ï¬'anmiucne â€â€™3". ‘, 18 '1' 2.15, 30 JUkE .Z JULY 11. 25 AUG. 8.22 SEPT. ‘ Scanddnlï¬cbufrgmmuiom :2 21.; EXCUROSIONS Manitaha, Saskatchewan, SEEKER‘?‘g '. de Van’s Female Pins Special Tubs lave Tatum 2.00 p. "' " w Mmpa. 1: W216!) CC!!! exp 785 U ‘mcl 3st wh p13 25 ill