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Lindsay Post (1907), 31 Mar 1911, p. 1

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L556.“ iable 1 th.‘ mach “8.3 The ICU ient ch DC! et of 1‘ BELUCOSE TEXANS WANT TO FIGHT 'tZre Ibrtune then going to John McCllnkey, who 15 ndw in New York awaiting word of 1125 sis- ter. he 2’9 searching 12ft Clayton. He expects to establish in a. day or two vhether the Aentity of the two mm is the same, and if 1101: the search will be ended, the en- (Special to The Post) El Paso. Texas. March ' 29.â€"Pla- Cards hue been posted throughout this any calling for the enlistment 0! on "Demand men to storm the jail at Juarez. Mexico. and release Con- death occurred in 190:. The Hana McCluskey of whom Mr Rowe has obtained trace in Man- treal first appeared there aboufithe meime that the woman for whom .ed that his only relative who might now remain al‘ve was 3 ss- tar, Maria. whu went to Kingston. 09¢" about 1373. John was anxious am his s'ster be found to share Vi?!) h'm the good fortune. Th9 seen?! was taken up .n Kingstm, and tuczd tn Clayton, N.Y. where she '35 known to have b52311 in Wit SQI'V'lCe as late as 1884, at which time she was supposedito have gone to .‘Iuntreal and haslnot been heard of since. m McCluskey ~.s said to have been a woman of education an ac- wished pianist. speaking French “my, and was well spoken of by those who remembered her in Kingston and Clayton. The lath‘ lensignor McMahon. 0f the Sulpic- % m seminary. in Montreal, from i 1350 to 1855. was an uncle of the 1 mm he also died possessed 0:1 Nam. something over $500,000, and 1 he tequethed it to the Catholicl gravel-say in Washington, where his 55th occurred in 196}. l Outflow 13' that his s‘ster with him the Search was tal and {nerd to she was known We servic anallmh“ ”33! on 313 mound that ale-mushy. “'3 WARE [S MISS MARIA MW AHAAss TO A MILLION DOLLAR ESTATE and Blatt, United States citio August our yam-Sixth Year (‘1’ 9 PF? .\‘».~: in“ Trimmings. medium priced in all the new shadPs and efi'acts, “1“”in Laces to match. Coronation Braid 1n navy and brown, Old Puss? 21:91 Magpie. ' New Kid Gloves, ‘2 guaranteed lines in $1.00 and ............ $1.25 3 Specials in Hair Rolls 15c, 25c .......... . ........ 35° New Corsets in the E. T. and D. A. styles. New Corset Cover Embroidery ‘from per yard 160 to °°°°°°°°° 50c Bnyg° - : ° f fin in all the new shades 2.5m???9.71.5"...‘.";“f"‘."f’f..9???...°.’...S¥’...g.’.....; ...... 50c Splendid assortment Victoria J' a . ”3.--? 11 15%": NEW WEARING APPAREI. , F W the yew York ‘ I.0.0.F. in the Province of Ontario, ‘. A‘.“ A ‘ ' MS 13 Kingston last ‘ made vacant by the death of the late he mzllion dollar estate. ; M night by the appointment if Mr. W. the late James . câ€" ‘ Kama, is still in Mon 0 Brooks, 3 Toronto auditor. S Hm. It will be reâ€"' Mr. Brooks, who is a. well-known > Pp brother John inaember 0‘ the order, will hold office ”‘” "7m; work’m‘, as a anm the meeting of the Grand Lodge W39 2“ A a : .. ‘ mm m Scotland. :nt M333” \Fa.ls‘on August 9 next. 13> t. who stat- :Grand Lodge Wm make a permanent ’ wnln‘fh a n’hn ‘. appelntmmt- is in receipt of a cam- m which assistance is a View to locating Mar- »y, heiress to the million tare of her brother, James McCluskey, u VISIT US WHEN lN>TOWN and 00.0.0...- of floor Oils to hand. Mr.. Norman Fetterly and family started for Saskatchewan on Thurs- day last. Msssrs S. Clegg and J W. Fitz- geram of Peterboro were in town last week on their way north to make a survey of the locanon of some Go‘vernment dams. Mr. E. Kirkwood left for the west last week in charge of Mr, N. Fetterle'y's car. Miss Mairtha Harrison of Latterâ€" worth returned home on Wednesday last after spending a month visit- ing her sister Mrs. Dougal IvIcGib- born, of Lyle, Ont. Messrs P. and C. Peck left town one day last week for Trenton. County Auditor’s H. H. Clarke, and Wm. J. Hartle are here; this this week. Mr. Deleznere returned from city last week after attending funeral of his brother. County Master G. W. Hew’itt re- turned on Friday frcm Smith’s Falis where hev was in attendance at Orange Lodge of Ontar.o East. He also attended Grand Lodge of ()rtario West at Barrie. (Special to The Post) Mr. James Mortimer. reevc of An- son was a visitor in Lindsay on Monday. Mr. Fred Rogers. and little daugh ter Olive are; visiting friends .n Trenton. . MCGAFFEY Mr. L. H. Bedlington was town a few days last week. The selectiOn of Mr. Brooks - was made by the executive of the Order. The Grand Master, Mr. Jos. Powers'. presided. There was afull mieeting, all the members having been sum~ moned to Toronto for the funeral of the late J. B. King. Minden Doings Duly Described Mr. and .Mrs. Arthhr Wadmore, of {.9911 SECRETARY [ ES MR; w. BROOKS‘ The 3-14! Giles. office of Grand Secretary of the ami Lawn THE LINDSAY Silks, Sergesz, Satin Eeths B‘W' Iii-33583 the‘ the i (Special to The Post) ’ The Women's Institute will meet at the hame of Mrs. William Slug- git on April 6th. All ladies .are cordially invited. Papers will he gl‘ven by Mrs. N. Weldon, Mrs. A. ‘Jewel, Mrs. C. White and Mrs. w. Craess on fault seam; and fault finding and a very interesting pro- :gramme: is be'ng pronded. Miss M. Birchard of Trenton has been fistt ng at the home of Mr. J. B.rchard. Mr. J. Cullis and Mr. L. Cruess of the L.C.I. spent Sunday at their respectn‘e homes here. Mr. B. Jewel purchased a new horse recently but his neighbor Mr. W. Cruess was not so successful. Mr. Wm. Wilson recently bought fine pcny fur a driver. Mr. Sharley Foster. of Toronto. has been msiting at the theme of Mr. B. Jewel. Mr. John Wilson is under the doctor's care having a bad case of the measles. Mr. Robert Frice is again eun- n?n; his saw mill here. Mrs. T. Suggitt spent afew days last week with her daughter, Mrs. A. Goodhand of Feneloh. ' Mr. James McGregor of Port Perry is visiting at Mr. George Gocdhand's. Mr and Mrs. A. Goodhand move‘l to their nzw home in Fenelon town Ship last week. We are pleased to report Mr. A. Small mueh improved. Mrs. McElroy is at present visit- 11: her 3311 Mr. Robert McE'froy. Rev. De Leon of Haliburton oc~ cupied the pulpit in St. Paul's church on Sunday last. Rev. E. W. Watson preached his farewell sermon on Sunday evenmg to a large congregation. Mrs. John Snell who has been in the Ross Hospital for a month is home much improved in health. Messrs J. J. ‘Mortimer, D.J. Har- tle, J. H. Graham. Wm. A. Welch, H. Seward, E. Noice, A.E. Stin- son, E.C. Young, S.W. Welch. Thos Walker, F. Gartshore, Thos. Trum bull and Wife attended the funeral of the late G. W. Stevens at Cobo- (‘onk on Sunday last. Mr. Gordon Loucks has been suf- .tring nearly all winter as the re- sult of a frozen toe. Some time ago' part of the toe was removed, but he was in town one day last week to have the remaining portion amputated, gangrene having made its appearance. Mindcn moved to Minden Mills last ' “$800 0‘” FOR “89k. week. Mr. Mack Mortimer went to the west on Tuesday last. (Special to The Post) James McGregor of LINDEN VALLEY BADDOW. in Sigh}? {‘8 LINDSAY, ONTARlO, FRIDAY, MARCH 31 1911 KIN MOUN T (Special to the Post)" A fine heavy 1%!) last night and today has caused a great deal of snow to disappear. Mr. R. C. Cunnings. of West Tor (nto spent Sunday with his par- ents, Mrl an'ci Mrs. J. F. Cun- nings. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ha‘hcock and Misses Gertrude and Wilheimine James, of Lmdsay, were guests of Mrs. S. Hughson, her grandmother, on Sunday. Mr. P. S. Mark was at Little Britain on Friday attending the funeral of the late John- Eck, who was well known here. having former- ly lived in oyr village. Miss Jennie Yu}es. of Balsov'er vis ited Miss Blc'dle last week. (Special to The I’Qst) Miss Bonnel and hugs: ‘c. Wallis, of Little Britain, visited erends here during the week. Mrs. A‘ Cameron 'Spen t a few days this week with friends at Sunâ€" derland. ‘ 2 Mr.. Fred Welbster was in Toronto a few days recently. ‘ Miss Pearl Coad and Mr. Emer- son Coad spent Sunday with Lin- den V-alley friends. Mr. S. Walters has been- quite DOclrls“ {or the past two weeks. We hope he will scan recover hxs usual health. We are pleased to see Mr. Har- old Weldon out again after his ill- Mr. Wflliam James, of Sashatche was who has been “siting friends here for a. few weeks left on Thurs day for Cannington to visit friends thzre. Mrs. and Miss M. Slemon, of Little Britain visitcd her S‘ster, Mrs. Bonney a few days during the past week. The ladies aid meets this week f-t the home of Ms. E. F. {0d' 1mm and at the chse of témnzezt Rev, Mr. Barrctt of occupy the pulpit of church next Sunday Educational fund. Re win take the wor‘: The members of th Mr. and Mrs. Bushland. of Little Britain spent Sunday with their son Mr. J. Rustland. Mrs. H. Ewan returned home You Monday nrght of this week after a week in Toronto. ed, The lrerszers ut‘ the Miz-‘Sion Bnuli gr»? now at vmri; :racti'cng for a ccncxt to be :iven on Easter Mon~ day In the c‘mxc}: Mrs. George Hicks we regret\ to learn, is st.ll very ill and her con- dition is causing her relatives con- siderable anxiety. Mr. George Nokes is still very low at the time of writing. Weeks Doings From {Sakwood Miss E. Mchnald .and Mrs. Marry spent Saturday last. in say. man and at the clnse of the mect- ; gflyne- ing ' light refreshments will be ;sarv- 151;. Mr. F Fead spent Stdnday last in Erechin. Mr. and Mrs. F. Anderkirk spent last week .n town the guests of Mrs. M. McArthur. I Review: The question 0f power for {Peterboro which has. within the past liew years, particularly been largely ’discussed,is being brOUght to the front again, and the ReView is inform- ed that a proposition is on foot whereby the City Council will be ask. ed to appropriate $800,000 to be usted fin purchasing water power for Peter- : boro. ‘ (Spain! to the Post.) Mrs. AA. Sangster spemtpaxt of last week in Torontox . Peterboro undoubtedly is in need of all the water power that can be pro- cured. The manner in which past propositions has been dealt with has been questioned on the side. and 8.11-- other efiort to secure for the city what would be an important asset is the subject of the latest enterprise. Prominent and influential citizens Dr. White made a trip ”kt Fri- are in the committee which has the day night to Halrburton going by scheme under discussion, and it is my train. derstood the matter will be brought Rev. Mr. Harris cdnducted the i before the Council with a view to im {service it: the English church lust pressing upon the members the im- lcVen’nz. portance of the subject. Mr. James WLlsrm maid Lmdnnv Mr. Barrctt of Hastings will- the pulpit of the Methodist next Sunday. in aid of the anal fund. Rev. W. Eliiotfu KIRKFIELD WATER POWER who has been in need of i a v‘rs't today. 14ind' The annual meeting of the Parâ€" ish Workers of St. James' church was held onJWednesday afternoon-at} the home of Mrs. Cameron. There was a fair attendance. The secreâ€" tary’s and treasurer’s reports show- !ed that the past year had been a ‘very successful one. Although not having as manyentertmnments as in the previous years the finances :showed a decided Increase over last fiear. The followmg officers were :electcd for the coming year. Hon. Presidentâ€"Mrs. Cameron. ’ l‘r.sidrntâ€"â€"I‘.7rs. R. Mitchel}. , Vice PresidtnLâ€"Mrs. Wm. Bur- - . grepn. with the shamrogk .. predomi- nent. 'Atter refreshments were serv- ed a. good- Insh programme consist ing of vocal and instrumental mue- ic, read ngs, and reCitat'ions, " was given, chiefly by local talebt. Mr. Wes Hewie of Cameron: kindly as- sisted and his solos were much ap- preciated. Elbe proceeds of the en- tertaimnent amounted to $21.50. The Ladies’ Aid of St. Andrew’s church held an Irish evening on Friday, March, 17th in the base- ment of the church which iwas prettily decorated with Irish em- blems. The small tables were also tastefully arranged in- white and A pleasing event rook place at the Methodist parsonage on Wednes day evening. {L‘he members of ithe Epworth League met to hold' a metal evening, and mudeptally to surprise one of their members. Miss V.olet Puley, on the em of her an proaching marriage with a kitchen shower The rec.p1ent is one of the most popular members of the league and has for years been an indefat- igable worker in the society. After refreshments were served the mem- bers dispersed having spent a very enjoyable evenng. Mr. Barclay Mason, of the L.C.I. spent the-week end at his home in Fenelon Falls. Miss Alice Suggitt of Baddow, spent a few days this week with friends in town. Mr. Jas. Minore and family left on Turpday morning for the west. nage. Mr. John Worsley ' left for Van- couver last; week having spent sevâ€" cral months vxsiting his pgrents Mr. and Mrs. E. Worsley and other rel atives. in‘ spite of the cold unseasonable weather which prevailed. The Mis- ses BclLingham and Hetherington. while not holding a. formal opening came in for a share of the patroc Mrs. Junkin of Bobcaygeon, was the gue'St of Mrs. R. W. Mxtchell last week. girn ng ”of this week. Miss Maggie Wikson of the L.C‘.I. spent the week end at her home in town. (Special to the Post.) The trustee board of the Method- Zst church held a meeting in the church on Monday evening, when it. vi'as decided to proceed at once in the erectfion of a. berw church on the 10]: south or the parsonage, now owned by Mr. .108. McFar- land. .-- The millinery openings held last week at Mr. Wm._Campbell's and Miss Wasburn's Were well attended. Jottings From . Fenelon Falls Mr. Rogers ' agent for the Sun Life Wz‘s in our village last Satur. day. ' Rev. Mr. Harris cdnducted the service it: the English church last (:Ven’ng. Mr. James WLlson paid Lmdsay Miss Bfrdxe Clarke, of Falls ;s visiting her sister Dr. White. Austin's mill has started again and thxngs around the village are on the move. away for some time r‘eturncd last Monday and is staying at the Norâ€" thern. lst. Vice Presidenvâ€"Mrs. Calder. Treasurerâ€"~Mrs. B;shop. Secretaryâ€"Miss Nie. Mr. and Mrs. A. Minthorne and Inin moved to Rcscdale the be- Mr. 'Kenny, vet, of Lindsay, pas‘ sed through our village iast \‘ch‘ nesday to visit in the neighborâ€" hobd of Swamp Lake. Miss Maggie Graham. of Peterboro is visiting her mother this week. Fenelon BIrs. 0n Mr. Hopkins’ request the Mag- j istrate adjourned the case for a week. ‘ FIN-E IMPOSED. g Mr. R. Spratt was charged with be- ing drunk on the evening of March 5 27th. After the evidence was heard, a 1511er $7.95 or twenty days in jail waé imposed. The fine was not paid. A change of being drunk while on the prohibited list was also proven but accused said the parties furnishâ€" ing him with liquor were two strang‘ ers from Peterboro. This case was adjourned for a week and will ‘come np when the Hutton case is dealt with. _â€" -u (Special to The Post) Toronto, March, 29.â€"Rev.' Dr. Shearer is .ssuing a, warning to working girls that.Toronto is be- ing made the recruitmg grounds for women agents of white slavers who Visit shops‘ and become friendly with girls and attempt to lure them to the United States. Thursday Mr. and Mrs. \ictcr Grundy spent Sunday with Lifford friends. A feR friends visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Werry on Friday evening and spent a very pleasant visit. Mr. Victor Grandy is certainly to be congratulated. on the excellent maple syrup he produces. Your cor- respondent is one that sampled it. WHITE sums i BUSY IN TORONTO? Mrs. Wm. St last VD vqu-wvu-._v-‘. maple syrup he Produces Your cor“; Miss Northcott spent a couple of respondent is one that sampled it. days with friends in town I ==â€"____,_____â€"â€"â€"â€"---=_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€" Mr. Findlay Mark of Salem, i3 BORN ivisitmg his many friends here. _________...__._.â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"'{ Mr. McLean is putting up a new PEEL. â€"-On March 29 to Mr. and Mrs stable on his lot in the East James A. Peel, Lindsay, a son. ‘ Ward. 3“ Police Magistrate Jackson said that if the statements made concern- ing liquor being suppl‘ed by abso- lute strangers were to be considered by the Court, they might as well throw the statutes ovcrboard. Mr. Hopkins said he was not an~ the Easter law, however, must be observed, and to the qua xious to send any man to jail, The for the det those who violated it would be pun- ithis region ished. - {vitalztv in pies visited Mr Turning to Mr. Hopkins, the accus- ed said: “If you put me in jail you will pay for it. I don’t know the man who supplied me with liquor.” When asked to tell who supplied him with liquor, Hutton said it was a commerqial traveller who was a stranger to him. Mr. G. H. Hopkins assured His Ho- nor that those who violated the Li- quor Act would be prosecuted wit) out fear or favor. The adjournment A at the case was granted by the court. A LISTER SUMMONED James Hutton was charged with be- ing drunk while on the prohibited 1 I list. He pleaded gUilty to the charge. 9 ty of infractions of the law he woyld have to take ms medicine. Magistrate Jackson said he had heard a great many complaints ag~ ainst the accused, and if he was guil- OIiVer pleaded not guilty to the: The charge and Mr. G. H- Hopkins. K.C., : Bclle‘ who was acting in the interests of the { You License Department, asked for an adâ€" tonne journment for a week, and in the vovor meantime he would lay an informa- tin-1e tion against the proprietor. (From Wednesdayls Post.) At the police court this morning, Frank Oliver, bartender at the Benâ€" son House, was charged with selling liquor to parties on the prohibited list on or about March 11th. LIQUOR CASE HEARD IN POLICE CGURT BARTENDER AND TWO ESTER?) 9R TRiAL Mr. and Mrs CAPITAL STOCK PAID UP - 8 4,000,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits 5,300,000 3 Deposns by the Public ........................ 49,300,000 Total Assets..................- ..................... 62,600,000 SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN To SAVINGS AccorNTS Lindsay Branch - - R081.» ROSS, Manage: THE DOMINION BANK FL BETWOQD PARAGRAPKS (Snecial to the Post.) ve visite CORD. OB Grand? Grand}v the excellent at Cannington. Richard German and James Ryan :xxere charged mth being drunk and dzscrderly last night. They were ar- resded by P. C. Brown. Richard Got man, who had $1.75 on his pe:son was relieved part 5: his burden by placing a dollar in city treasury- 'fJames Ryan had no mc=n=y to pay ta. fine, so he was admonished as gm what would harm to him if . ;he didn't. have mr other parts: imo )tm‘s reglon '.3 said to be lack 0t Vitality in the plants. . a Steamship Companies decipre that lc0litparatively few Easter Hirs «.11 [be :mportrd this year.. probably no imore than 10,000 in all. Last year ithe to‘al sales by New Yor': whnl¢ (salers reached 5.000.000 blossoms. Arthur Cooper, 3 new arrival in the city yesterday, was charged wit: vagrancy. He pleaded guilty out was allowed to go on condition!» would make himself scarcr as {at as this city was concerned. _ Feterhoro Examiner: Seating: mom in the dock this morning at the police court was at a premium, but His Worship seen rrlmvcd the congestion by a quick treatment of the first three cases. WE WILL PASS spent. Sunday at her home here. Miss Sharpe is able to resume- her duties as teacher after spend- ing a couple of weeks at herihomo New York, March, 21%.â€"There is ten be a famine 1n Easter~l.lies this yuar. The crop. accord’nz to wholeâ€" sale nonsts here, is only About“ third as large as last seasan. fiis applms to the production on United. States soLI. The: quantity of as» ers that comes iron Bermuda to: the Easter trade is small com“ to the quantity used. The cause for the decrease in the crop in res Ldex EASTER LILEES ~ Will 85 SCARCE Your correspondent has been in‘. formed that a party of G.T.P..sur. veyors ‘11an been busy for some. time past locating a route for a new I'm: from Bancroft to Barry’s Bay, to connect the Grand's Trunks Ottawa-Parry Sound line with the Irondale. Bancroft, and Ottawa at Bancroft. The new line if it goes through will touch at Craigmont and Combermere. NEW RAILWAY FOR N. HASTINGS The following is taken from the Bellevme Ontario: PAGES GEE T0 TWELVE THEM ALONG three said to be lack of ded to make 13

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