c rah. L. of II; I. ‘U ‘ I. II|I ‘ ' ‘ l x m '11 iigi‘. -‘nï¬iâ€˜ï¬ Eigalt“! I‘Llyky‘v'zg r (I: ktgr‘igga Fa“.!v, A 3; (I? _ \g 4 . .!z . 3...... .x...»?#5 , , , .V ‘ . The regular meeting of the Board of Education was held last evening in the Clerk’s ofï¬ce with Chairman Thos Stewart presiding and the. following members present: A. Jackson, J. D. Flavclle, John Carew. John Anderson, john Carew, A. L. Campbell, T. A. Kirkconnell, of the Collegiate Insti- tute. Mr. McDougall was unable to attend through illness. ° L. C. 1. REPORT The report of the Collegiate Insti- um: principal, Mr. T. A. Kirkconnell, was read and tiled. It showed a total attendance of 270, or 95 per cent. 0f :h: total number of students in atâ€" tendance 160 are from town, 83 from Victoria County and 42 from outside counties. There was an unusual amâ€" ount of illness among teachers and students. The janitor’s work was beâ€" REGULAR MEETING 0F SCHOW MAE!) ADDITIONAL TEACHER FOE COLLEEEATE students. The me well done. ates-mar member ‘ him ii he would b nua- ~ â€"_.7 , John “aderson. Chairman of '311: Committee..presented the committ e’s report on the cost of an electric clock for the Collegiate In- aitnte- The estimate presented was Moved by Mr. 31:. the Manage: the. Native and m W m that there are 80 11 in the sch001 and exami M be was engaged on Fiavzlie and Dr. White. A RESIGNATION. stitnte. The as! nzafl? 570- M Andtrson and S that the rapol't the dock be ins knuwn Int-tel has than mgh 31:!va a ï¬rmer pvsitiun to cater 'to the These are days of unusuai aciiz ity an m- ter est around this store. Case a ‘ter case of New Spring Wearables are being unpacked and RELEABLE GOODS AT HONEST PRkil~‘S IS um CONJAM‘ A M A____‘._M ..__‘._.â€"_~_. . _,‘ ‘__- tion as a member of the Central School. to take eflect net. On motion of Mr. Flavelle . Campbell her resignation was stair Old estah' ished :1 hotel has just und£ :n xexmvntinn. and i m altlnll thzu «we. NEW TEACHER. suggestion of the Board Mr :11 wrote to Mr- Bissonnette, member of the stafl, asking would be at liberty to come attar Easter. He replied in .ative and in view of the there are so many classes ‘mnl And examinations so pAGE ant: A. Jackson, J. D. 1 Carew. John Anderson, A. L. Campbell, T. A. lanchard. Dr. White, non hnd Principal T. A. «TTRIC CLOCK- Latest Styles in Suits on motion of Mr. {shed a (1 we}! Ist. undergone a m. and i now in hzu‘ m‘er hefty-e :mnfm-ts of its tendered her NEW COMMITTEE“ . According to statute every Colleg- iate Institute and High School hav- ing commercial and agricultural clas- ises must have commercial and agriâ€"- {cultural advisory committees to 1- iact in conjunction with the .1, §Board of Education. There are al "eight men on each of the com- ){ mittee, four from the Board and {our t- from outside, who are actually en- 1:. gaged in commercial or agricultural 1e pursuits respectively. As the name n- advisory implies it is the duty of 16. these committees to act in conjunc- ‘eâ€" tion with the teachers of the respec- tive departments and give such assis- tance in outlining a course of study as will make the work more practical c L. i- ,0 -w... -- .â€"._.-< III‘ '3’ The committees are as follows, dates 3g after the names indicating the year in which they shall retire. no H. Kidd, was referred to the Finance Committee to report. The Board was pleased with the way in which the auditor had prepared his report. When the Finance Committee has re- ported an abstract statement will be publiShed. Commercialâ€"J. P. Donald. (1913-); G. H. Matthie, (1913-); W. B. Sparl- ing, (1914) ; H. B. Black. (1915) ; and from the Board, Dr. Blanchard, J. D. Flavell-e, A. L. Campbell, J. M; McLennan, (chairman). Agriculturalâ€"Sam Carew, (1913) ; W. H. Culliâ€"s, (1913); James Robert- son. (1914) ; D. Campbell. (1-915) ; and from the Board Dr. Blanchard, T. A. SPECIAL MEETING. A special meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Friday ev- ening to confer with the contractors, H. Gay Sons, of Oshawa. and the architect, Mr. Ellis. of Toronto, re the new schools. The Board is an- xious to get the matter settled, as are also the contractors and archi- tect. Fisher, A . (chairman). NORLAND (Special to The Post.) The Dongola hockey team was over on Saturday night to play the Nor- land team on the rink here. All had a lively time, the Norland boys win- ning the game. Miss Kate McInty e spent a few days at Fenelon Falls last week. Miss Parker, of Dongola, spent Sunday visiting with friends in this village. â€"- n In! We are glad to see Mrs. R. T’. Woodcock out again after being on the sick list for a few days last week, also Mr. M. Greer, who has not been very well this last while. Mr. Hugh McIntyre, of Fenelon Falls, spent Sunday at his home in this village. Miss N. Newman and daughter Gre- ta. who have been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Gostlin, has returned to her home at Uphill. We are all sorry to state the de- parture of Mr. Herman Wicks and family, who intend starting to , the J ackson. John Carew, anchard. T. A. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hunter_ left John Carew, this morning for Port Hope, to atâ€" tend the wedding of her nephew, Mr. PING. James Wilson, of Windhurst, Sask to the Board of Miss Mabel Barkwell of that place. on Friday ev- Mr. Alex. D. Robertson and his 3 contractorS, daughter Myrtle who have spent the ma, and the last three weeks and a half with Toronto, re his father, left this morning for his “-3 ;,. a..- home in Woodstock. mmmrmn- rmmmwwan "L 1860----DUNDA§ â€"â€"â€" FLAVELLES LiMlTED-n-IQ‘T 2 west on Wednesday, March 6. They will be greatly missed by their friends he ".e and will take with them the good wishes of their friends for a safe journey and may good luck be with them in their new home. All had a good time at the musi- cal entertainment held in the S. A. ball on Thursday, the 29th. Captain Beck gave some of his sketching, which as usual was very amusing and we had the pleasure of hearing the captain of Haliburton, who gave a very interesting talk on his lie in England. We hope he will not forget to pay us another visit soon. SCOTCH LINE (Special to The Post.) The sad news reached. here Tuesday noon of the death of Mr. M. Nasmith of Toronto, aged 77 years. The de- dcceased in 1888 came and erected 3 summer cottages at the lake shore below Ancona Point, and for all that time has never missed a summer of coming to them. His wife prede- ceased him thirteen years ago this month. Since then his daughter, Miss E. A. Nasmith, has kept house for him. He was a man of great energy and was well thought of by all who were acquainted with him. He was a member of the Baptist church. He leaves to mourn his loss five sons and three daughters, namely, Harry, Charlie, George and Dave, of Toron- to, and John, of Chicago. The daugh- ters are Mrs. J. B. Kennedy, Mrs W. Allen, and Miss Eva Nasmith, at home. The funeral was held Wednes- day at half past two from his late residence. Maitland st. Deepest symâ€" pathy is felt for the family in their great loss. Mrs. Frank Brien while at her house work last Wednesday had the m: sfor tune to fall and break her leg. She was taken to the hospital. Dr. Brown was in attendance. The people around here are busy getting their wood sawed. MILLERSMITH (Special to The Post.) Our pastor, Rev. W. Brown, preach- ed a. good practical sermon to the young men on Sunday morning, prov- ing the great necessity for walking close with God in our daily lives. All who listened to Mr. Brown’s remarks were greatly impressed and we hope the people of this community will awaken to their sense of duty, and not miss these helpful sermons. Mr. Alex. Dunseath is around again this making him twenty-ï¬ve years for assessing the township. ' The ballots for church union were given out Sunday and the two stew- ards and Sunday school superinten- dent were appointed to see that they are distributed properly. I Mr. Joseph Kennedy, of Torontoi called on old friends last week. Mr. WHEEL Kennedy, or. Omemee, 1116 is adintr sh hudes are Grey, spent Friday evening with his ther, Mr. George Kennedy. MiSs Minnie McKee, of Nestleton, is visiting at Mr. Geo. McGahey's, North Emily. Mr. Wm. James McGahey, who came home recently from Graven- hurst, is looking hale and hearty, and wearing the Irishman’s smile. Mr. Jefl Ashmore tells of an excitâ€" home of Mr. 1 ing experience while on his way to Although this market with a load of pigs last Mr. and Mrs. Thursday. A snowbank proved too was reported. high for navigation‘. . Mr. R. Fer I Dr. J. F. Ross spent Friday in Lintsay last week. ’I‘hose interested in the cheese fac- tory attended the meeting at Duns- ford Monday afternoon. Mr. R. A. Campbell. of -L.C.I., spent over Sunday at his home here. Sorry to report 02 the illness of little Miss Jean Ewen, who has been ill for the past couple of weeks, but under the skillful care of Dr. Ross- we hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. H. Mottatt.‘ of Berridale, 'is vis- iting his wife here for a few weeks. Mr. Wesley Wilson and John White. of Omemee, spent Sunday with friends at Deepdale Farm, West Ward. Mr. Sandy Millage of King’s Wharf has completed his contract of plac- ing 6 cords of cordwood at school. Mr. Melville McInnis spent Sun- Dr. McLean V.S.. spent over Sun- day wiih his brother. Mr. Neil Mc- Lean near Woodville. On Monday, Feb. 26. afarewell par- ty was given at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ewen in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grylls, of Wind- throat. Sask., before their departure. for the west. The evening was spent in dancing and card playing until the wee sma’ hours. Mr. F. Faed spent last week in To- ronto on business. A surprise party was taken to the home of Miss Alice Finney’s on Friâ€" day evening of last week, about two mil: s west of our V111“ ge The evening . Was spent in dancing and an enjoyable Mr. A. A. Sangst-cr. of Trenton, spent last week with his wife and family here. Mrs. Jas. Daniel is visiting her mo- :lnr. Mrs. Moï¬att, in Victoria Read this week, who has been ill. Miss G. McKay spent Sunday with the Miss:s Hayg‘arth, of Victoria Road. * Mr. Melville McInnis spent Sun- day in east ward. ' of Omemee, spent Sunday with friends at Deepdale Farm, west ward. ship in our business it is DeCcss- arv that all accounts and bills due us shall be settled on or be- fore ths First Day of March, $912 Jottings From Busy Kirkï¬eid Olkwood. Owing to a change of owner- THE T.TNDSAY POST. NOTICE OAD CO. of bro- time was spent. ' | Mr. W. T. McRae of Porcupine, n, is visiting his Wife and family here. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McFadyen enâ€" tertained a number of their friends on Tuesday evening of last week. A number from this vicinity attend- Ied a farewell party at the home of Mr. Thomas Parson of Cambray on Wednesday evening of last week, and report an enjoyable evening. Mr. Archie Graham recently spent a [ few days in Woodville vicinity. 1 Mr. Tom Wilson, who has spent the past few weeks in this locality, went to Lindsay on Saturday, and left on Monday morning for his home at Islay, Alta. Mr. Gillie McKinnonjs leaving our cou Qistrict to take up residence a; Vic- tat Itoria Road. also Mr. Archie McKin- terz non of East Islay is moving to his ‘ L brother Hughie’s farm. ? 0n" The senior team of Victoria Road played our boys on our rink. on Mon- day night of this week, which ended in favor of our boys. Thirteen of the young girls and boy; took a snowshoeing party to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hector McInnis Although this was a big surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Mclnnis agood time Mr. W. Coad played 'a flying visit to Lindsay last week. GLADMAN.â€"â€"Mr. Henry Gladman, postmaster of Lindsay, suddenly on Monday night, March 4, aged 77 ycars, qunths, Mr. R. Ferguson, of Orillia, spcnt council, as it Sunday in town. that payment The sympathy of tins community is extended to Mrs. Wm. Wilson, of Zion on the sudden death of her mother, the late Mrs. Herron, of Kirkï¬eld vi~ cinity. Deceased had been in fair health until last week she contrzu'pnd pneumonia and died on Saturday ev- ening. Several from this vicinity attended Mr. Hughie McKinnon’s sale on Wedâ€" nesday of last week. We understand Mr. McKinnon intends going west. Mr. W. M. Warwick left on Satur- day of last week to spend some time as assistant to Mr. Ned Thurston, of Balsam Grove. He will be much missâ€" ed in this vicinity. Mrs. Thurston, of Balsam Grove, rerently spent a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Spence. Mr. Alex. Cowieson, of Orillia, re- cently visited his son, Mr. John Cowieson. ' (Special to The Post.) Rev. G. S. Steel conducted prayer meeting in the school house on Wed- nesday evening of last week, and gave an interesting address. The attend- ance was not as large as usual, pos- sibly owing to happenings elsewhere. Mr. Gillis and Mr. Boyd journeyed' to Coboconk on Monday of this week. ! Liveiy Beings MED Pram Eslav to-Date. This week we mention a. few features of the prevailing Styles for Spring in gar. ments and fabrics. COUNCIL APPROVES OI“ MAYOR’S GRANT TO GARNETI' FIRE FUND COMMO'] Greys and Tans are the leading shades f r ~l,'1 2 1.1 the .zew suitings and Dress Fabrics. qu («legaut showing of these new b11149? in inmm. ed Serges, worsteds and Tweed cflects is um 121-3335;“. It is a true delight to pick a new spring suit here. In light Weight. dress fabric.» bordered eï¬w Ls z r dam imam We want «veryh "v to we our exquisitw Suwsginn A... of these new fabrics 1n Voiles, Marqui ettes,Defai:+3 mg SLIBS. We have added another drpssmakin .g (‘t par- -.~ ‘ connection with our business. This new d8};3!’,?.: :1 in charge of Mise Nmrent who comes to 113 Vt? ' 2 ij recommended. W e have now I. re Dressmiidn I mm, a] musts ‘nne in charge uf'MibS lug?“ {mi :22:- Miss Nugeni. This puts us in a better pus to our ever increasing trade. At a recent meeting of the Finance Committee of the council some dis- cuss , 5ka place concerning the do- nati 1 j $10.00 to the Garnet fire func 1 His Worship Mayor Wood. It was claimed by some that the grant should have been considered in When the matter came up in the committee report last evening, His Worship the Mayor vacated the chair and stated that he had assumed an undesirable position when he was ap- pointed to dispense the town char- ity. He did not covet the job. There was no glory in it, and ii there was, he did not want it, and would wil- lingly pass it around. He had been appealed to as mayor of the town to contribute to the fund. He had given his mite as a citizen, and thought the town would not hesitate to con- tribute, as the family was complete- ly burned out in inclement weather. The grant, he felt, was not enough, and he hoped the committee took that view in objecting to his action in the matter. He did not think it necessary to ask the council as an urgent appeal had been made to him for redress. If it was the rule of the council that no grants be made un- less the consent of that body is ob- tained, then .the appointment was a farce. The reflections cast upon him in the report, His Worship said, were uncalled for. Ald. Smale said the action taken was not to affect the donation which was not in order, but the committee felt that the prerogative of the May- or to dispense charity should be done cautiously. He should have assured the people interested in the fund that they could count on the coun- cil's help. that payments over a certain am- ount could not be made without b.- ing sanctioned by the council. . Deputy Reeve Dobson said that if Winnipeg. the grant had been made with the sanction of the council, of if the Mayor had said he would bring the matter before that body everything would have been satisfactory. The money has gone out without the cont? : sat“; there being a; c:- tah“? .6 rule bearing on such mat- * â€"_â€"__ BIUSt hr! Mtid M (552218 of LL - Farm for Safe g'mae .4 O HHMH Reeve Babrock said the council ought to have every confidence in the Mayor. The situation which prompt- ed the Mayor to make the grant was one calling for prompt action. 1\ r Wood stated that when the cou- H appointed a charity ofï¬cer it should state the amount he was not to exceed. The case referred to was an emergency one. If it was neces- sary to go through the formality claimed, the town would have to apâ€" point another member to dispense charity. If the council refused to pay the amount he would pay it himself. Deputy-Reeve Lewis said he was not present at the commiitee meet- ing, but felt that no objection should be raised to the Mayor’s action. New Dressmaking Dept resolution introduced by Messrs rule of that body New Fabrics YOUR MONEY RE Lewis and Babcoc'z: grant was carried 1: V Commencing with the ï¬rst 'Iusc' in March and continuing on es; Tuesday thereafter during March; April, the Canadian Paciï¬c will: settlem' excursion trains to v.2: peg and West. For the accommodatlon of sea} travelling with their live stock 5 effects, a colonist car will be attack to asettlers' eflects train. This I will leave Toronto on regular in; at 10.20 p.m., arriving at West Ta onto it will be cut oï¬ and attacheé settlers’ effects train as menu; above. Mr. Fred Swain, formerly of say. but recently with the Jones Moore Electrical Co.. of To: Spent yesterday visiting friends' town. He leaves for the west to“ to accept a more lucrative '- with the Stewart Electrical Coâ€! QINDSAY, FRIDAY M SETTLERS’ EXflURSlON T0 CANADEAN W For those not traveliin: withszt and eï¬ects, special colonist cars I be attached to regular train lea“: Toronto at 10.20 p. m.. and 2 through to Winnipeg without ch32 No charge is made for accommï¬ tion in colonist ears. (‘.I’.R. em train leaves LindSuy 4.30 p. m. a day to connect. Tourist cars are 2.150 rut: on 1:! lat train leaving Toronto at 19.2.“! m. A small extra charge is made“ accommodation in these cars. m to nearest C.P.R. agent for ‘ “55* lers' Guide†and “Tourist Ci" pamphlet. Farm situated in the 50111“ haif “f '0! number >i.\’ i†the: 15th Concession of Ma'ini‘rflli Within half mile of the Vii} 9“ 0f Woodville. Contains 03“ hundred acre", more or 39"“ “t hiflh‘y cultivated land. “$1 fenced, hardwood bush, f 119mm and good outbuildlt’j Apply to MRS. M SMITse care The T. H. Smith Co. 1 T. C. Matchett, Lindsay, Ont. Smiih Ill 82f!“ unanimously tle the 19 no cry