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Lindsay Post (1907), 7 Mar 1913, p. 1

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w ' -. Our Sixty Eighth Year a. . HOPKINS, K.C., WRITES COUNCIL H ' ”ml BRITAIN NOTICE T0 OUR READERS ONO TOGGOBN IOS REGARDING THE CAREW CO. S TAXES l . m..- .. IS LEFT OVER UNIIl. NEXT FALL a few days last week on business for wedding anniversaries, etc., kindly sign them with your signature. This 7‘ mt“, was read at last night’s , them do so at their own expense. The the Hogg and Lytle fi rm. ; will ensure their publication, and also furnish evidence of the bona ride . _ . , 3 At the council meeting last night It would be wisdom also to spend a ”Syn of the council from Mr. G. H. gletter stated further :that the council Mr. Lou Wickett, wife and daugnter ; character of the ltem. The Post is always pleased to receive items for .,';ins, li. C., in connection with, was not personally liable, and Mr. , t' b t , d' th _ t , the committee appointed to consider . little to keep people here. Almost [W Helen, of Lindsay, were the guests of publlca 1011, u in sen lng em 1n always remember 0 Sign your name. the question of a public t oboggan levery town is considering questi taxes of the Carew Lumber Com- Hopkins said he would only be too Mr. and Mrs. Bentley Faithful on ‘ _ The circumstances in connecâ€" glad to defend any such action. , slide was asked to report. lot this nature. The town of L'xbridge H .. Sunday. . COUNTY PQLECE €0URT CASE TODAY Ald. Nicholls, who was chairman Ewas providing a free skating and curi- ;;3 " :tf: this matter are familiar to 3 LETTER TO TAX COLLECTOR Mrs Alfred Webster's sale on i ' fl .3. (7" ‘of the committee, confessed that he fidg rink for its people. ..“ggrs, as it was threshed out Mr. John Jackson, tax collector, had overlooked the question. He? Ald. I-Ticholls suggested making at- _ ~ Thursda last was largel attended, . ’ ' 3 ‘ ' 3 " . .3351}. session of the bouncil in received the (011;)ng letter from y y Piggy ithought it was too late now to deal grangements with the rink manage- l ,, ~ and ood rices were realized. . . . ~ , ,. In the summer of ,Mr. G. H- Hopkins, K. 0,, on the . g p 1 . With the matter, but promised tnat . ment for an afternoon for the chi}. , ‘ , _. :‘zze destruction of the l matter:â€" ' Mr. Horace MethereJ 0f LlndSBY. the committee would take it up in ’dren of each ward to enjoy '~ 3 fire, the council ar- The John Carew Lumber Co., Lim- spent Saturday under the parental, This morning 8. 835810“ N county afrse ' 3 3 H I '3 " morrow (Thursday) at 9.30 a. m., the fall. _ skate. LV 4 ‘1 hie-.1 assessznent on the it-ed, inform us that you have threat- roof. police court was-held with Magis- which was granted. Mayor Beal said this question was Ald. Warren said the free 91:39 was 1 DA V“‘i\' 3 fluid to distrain for certain taxes. SEVEI‘III from here attended the play. 1 irate Moore presiding. A well known It is understood that the case has l brought up the first of the year. a first class idea, but the rink pro- “ “ ‘ l ‘ r “ ‘h’t h 'They ha"? paid all the taxes for entitled “McPhadden’s Flats” at the . Fenelon townsnip man was charged a religious aSDect. The Young lady in! Reeva Kylie said two members of position would be an expensive cm. {3 331:3“; fit If 8::st Ellis 81183 Whirh they are liable and i1 you Academy in Lindsay last week. I With fraudulently detaining in his question has become, it is alleged, althe committee lived in the east Open air rinks such cs they have at . ..3-.1l‘.11')f1 0 .~. . s v 3 g . t . , . . , _ s . ,3. . .., H g - .- ‘ g 1013 ’ " 'f.‘ 7 . “\‘ei‘her the council ? distrzliu, an action will_be brought Mr. HOWill'd Lani). 0f the Standard ; house out .0: the possess.on, and believer m the doctrines advocated 5 Ward. Let them look at McDonald’s the east ward schools, was a splen- ‘ 3’ A: thereof have amp-W “flainSt you personally, and we will Bank staff, Sunderland, spent Sun- iagalnst the mil Of her father, a by the well known Fenelon township ; hill at the foot of York-st. as 3 did feature. [ES 3 3 l~w~11~ . ' to for 3" 'th ‘ see that you pay the rosts personal- day at his home here. .young lady Under twentyâ€"one years man, at Whose house, It 15 clalmeu, site for the slide. A temporary fence May-3r Beel said the town hall m ":3 a‘ 7‘ I A 3 H “7.33““ :l) 1tnttl‘revcfm‘lilc-l 31V" if You take proceedings Withwut Mr and Mr" T Tamlin of Cam Of age. The detention occurred on she spent Monday. The young lady’s could be placed in position on the council chamber should be free to ~~ ‘â€" ‘ 3' .i- r l‘jin'D" la n3 I 1 v" . . .. . .y,_ .4 , g, , _. i . . . . V . I M ”335 9273390 .3. - - .rilp cftllcctor not to colâ€" dire“ lnstructlons. . bray Visited at the home of Mr. i Mondabefic 114?th K C fath‘e; 15 opposed t0 haVlngh 1113 wharf to. protect the tobogganlsts any gatherlng of young people who : Tn 3' ‘3‘."Um of Pcvision have We would suggest you had better Nathan Rodman last week. Mr. . . op lnS. . ., ap- dang .ter stay at the man S 01166. from the river. ) wished to engoy it. Mr. Corley had ..;:-:‘9l.n . «\ ~,. . ' ‘ ‘ get an indemnity against dam lges M J J R' h “.1 t Sc peared for the plaintlfi, and Mr. Thos and 13 therefore taklng legal pro- His Worship Mayor Benl said this built a slide in the northern part 0! .31, 755 .. ..3 “txllllOn brad-£311: before and costs before proceedino or let r. .. .. lC , -.1 or. spen uc- ‘ stewart for defendant. Mr. Stewart ceedings to endeavor to compel her matter came up at the first coum the town which was very much an- . 72,39,543“ :. .- 733“ T section 112" ’ so that the council appoint some gerson else urday m Lmdsay' asked for an adjournment until to- to return home. c"cmeeting, and was a most import- predated: The committee should ac: ° 333537.533: 11:2 ..-.. .iCS, the letter statCS, the ' t d. t - .- 3 A large number was in attendance WWw- 3 3.9500273 .~-.;;::-.'. 1.. .3: :13 power to instruct the ‘ 0 IS rain. ant one. There had been a good on Reeve Kviie’s our: estion. at the Methodist Bible Class qan- - s ,g 3 ., . i If the" want to fieht it let them . 9 . deal of ta k, besides money spent, in All]. Irvine â€" Let the committee . ~, .. 1| ..Istraln or collect. The : J n quet last Friday evenin and the f S€H90L BQARB S REQUES‘E‘ GRAN] ED . . . l 7 I . _ ' . a . , g, gettlng people to come to the town. 6:31.31 has, however, power to ln- ; bring an Cth' we don t want to speaking, music, etc., was a l L l meet and take the matter up. . _. rare M , gift-T Lin. not to Collect, and in a ' interfere “1th you personally, but treat to all. a: ' 7 i D i? "E . 1, . - . .. ., 4, W ‘d do so There any independent sollCltor Wlll tell . _ [3 l 3 it ,, _ fl 5.3. ’3 ' Q _ . -. > .- b-lblll - , . . . Mr. and Mrs. Wlll Deshane spent a u d t E; . , ~ 5 3 y; ,, 3 h 1. '1: tion f you to get an indemnity before le ~ .1 b .. . n”.- = a ' J'J " “O “c mu a 3 0 [ing up in this fightsâ€"Referred to few days in Toronto last week. 3 y 3 _ . 5,1379"; as stated by Mr. i Committee. ‘ Our hockey team journeyed to Fen- A special meeting of the council It looked like an adjournment, but Fe? Egg-g] SCEGO! I?! ngg £19733” f? it 1” of”? after 0091:“; .. olon F ails last Friday evening to was held last night to deal with the Ald. Smale said that the members A u I L ‘ 1 Li .. - - h. 33,- ,, \e p.1SSed on a. pct! ion f OMFME E play that town a game 0f hockey. requests of the Board of Education present were gathered to do the busi- " mew-n- ‘”"‘f“"“n0t find fin} limitation! , . 0111' boys were successful, the score that the council raise by the issue ness of the town. The indifference of The regular meeting of the Board playground for the L,CJ, and Centâ€" ' A“ , (Special to 'lhe Pom”) being five to 0119- and sale of debentures the sums of council members in attending meet- .~::';‘ claimed that Mr. Carew: The many friends of Mrs. Harry Mr. John Stacey is busy at present .~ 2 : 11-3311." liable for the taxes 1 McGee will be pleased to learn that assessing the township. ": r3 1.: :I . dispute that he is moral- ; she is recovering frOm her recent Messrs. Milton Groves and Charlie _ ":Zei. 'llze council went to Mr. :illness. Rooks attended the hockey match, .28 made a bargain for him Mr Samuel Stinson and family Little Britain vs. Fene-lon Falls. :'-:‘ .. f;:.-:-; assessment and Mr. Ca- ‘have moved into town and taken up Mrs. E. Yenney has returned to .3: :2. so: l ' uil hi‘ il 3 . . e ' - 'n - .. .- itl of it, b I; am 13thelr reSldence on George-st. h r home in Canm gton after spend ‘ ,,;;.1 11...: curried out his part of the‘ ing a couple of weeks with friends of Education was held last evening ral Schools was referredto. Mr. Begs; , .- de faith Only by a I MiSS Crown, of Reaboro is visiting 1 here [3 $850.00 and $1,800 for the purchase of ings had always been a source ’of in the council chamber, with the fol- expressed himself as being unaltero additional playground space for the trouble. but the question before lowing members present: Messrs. J. ably opposed to the purchase of the Central School and Collegiate Insti~ them was an urgent one. and it n. Flavelle, A. Jackson, T. Stewart, land. He thought they had plenty. tute respectively. The matter came 'should be dealt with. T. A. Fisher, John Anderson, J. B. In explanation it was stated thatthe up at the ”$1113? meeting Monday Ald. Smale and Adams therefore Begg, A. L. Campbell and Drs. White inspector‘s report called for mom night, but the members of the coun- moved that the request of the Board and Blanchard. Qwing to the illness land. cil decided to hold it over until last of Education be acceded to re the of Secretary Spier his place was A special committee was appointed night, Purchase of that portion 0f the Murâ€" taken by Mr. W. E. Agnew. to 100k into the matter of certain A special session was called for phy estatewhich the School Board It was moved \by Dr. White and accounts re the new schools. seven o’clock, but at the hour of had had leased for playground space seconded by Mr. Jackson that the eight o’clock only six members were for the past thirty years), for $850. Management Committee attend to on handâ€"His Worsnip Mayor Beal, His Worship Mayor Beal was not in the framing of,the pictures which Dep.-Recvee Dobson and McWatters, fav0r of putting the motion until he have been purchased out of the go:- and Ald. Smale, Naylor and Adams. knew the life of the option held by emment grant, His Worship Mayor Beal, and the School Board on the property. Moved by Mr. Jackson and sec- 6 ‘0 C Messrs. Dobson and McWatters were The information was given by Ald. onded by Dr. White, that the usual! ggagi é fit in favor of an adjournment' until Smale and Naylorothat the option grants of $50 for chemistry supplies, E 13 her part. There are severe: I be given in Coronation Hall on St. which was held here on Friday even- such time as a full attendance of expired in twentyâ€"four hours. $50 for the library and $25 for de- in which towns have illegally i Patrick‘s Day, March 17th. Don’t ing lase. the members of the council shouldbe The motion was then put and car- corative purposes be madeâ€"Carried. s ' l 7'17}: P t ' 1 bylaws borrowing. and then fall to see this play. where the The remains of Mr. Samuel Web- secured. Mr.~ MrWatters stated that ‘ried, Messrs. Naylor,; Smale, Adams In explanation of these amo'u‘nts it ( 99°13 , ._° 9 05 3 , “i“ ‘0 get out 0‘ it because it “8 wealthy h°m° is ”mush" d°‘"" t° 3*" 0‘ Oakwood were interred in the the business before them was of con- and McWatters supporting it. Del»- might be stated that they are obli. Ottawa, Ont. Sâ€"The House of Com. i illegal, but the courts held that hav- poverty and want (to their last loaf) Christian cemetery on~Mondgy. siderable importance, and it was not ' ReeVe Dobson did not vote. gatory in order to obtain the gov- . . . . . . mons is still in session at one D. m. , in: got the benefit of the bargain, by a millionaire, after he has turned We are pleased to learn that Mr. fair to shoulder the responsibility on The request of the School Board eroment grant, and taken and used the money, they his own son Harry into the street Milton Yerex is 1mprov1ng nicely some half dozen members. Those who re the Brown property for a Colleâ€" Messrs. W. Flavelle and Judge , today, and there are no 518115 3 could not repudiate the debt, and so penniless. Harry goes away, seeks a from his illness. were most anxious to have the ques- giate campus was laid over until a Harding were appointed - ;let 111) by either Side- .mch '3 in this case, having taken the beneâ€" fortune, and after a few years comes l ,3 .; :~i':..; error of the clerk he pays at the home 0f the Misses Parson’s] Mr. and Mrs. Harry Perrin, of Re- than he should. Why Mr- and MrS- 001%“, Of Bowman- gina, Sask., visited at the home of ‘ ’: 291 the town carry out their ville, are visiting at the Methodist Mr. Fred Perrin recently. :r:~.: 2: in good faith 1’ Supposing, :parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hood spent a :1: '.=~:- r .tltes, that the exemptioo l A number of young people of the few days at tne home of Mr. Rich- » 7 ‘YIS 1.3:..1 I'which the firm disputed) l Methodist Epworth League are dili- ard Avery this week. ”.53 z 322-: has accepted and taken the ' gently practising every evening for a Mr. J. J. Glass of Lindsay assist- it and cannot now repu- 3 play entitled, “The Last Loaf," to ed in the orchestra at the banquet, ~nn---.~..__..~ J I . . ' 0111‘ hockey team journeyed to Fen- tion taken up in special session fail- full attendance of the council could Board's representatives on the Puh-t Dr. 3913“» Who followed O~ Tur- in: of the Carew bargain the town back and restores the family to their elon Falls on Tuesday evening of ed to attend the meeting, be secured. L lic Library Board. I 3901!. Of Gloucester. N- 13-. 31:3 8» cannot repudiate its share. No court former position. Don't fail to hear this week to play the Lindsay team Messrs. J. n. FlaVelle and A. 3.. m» wanted to move the adjournment would give them costs when trying Tom Chubbs, (the stuttering butcher in the finals of the hockey tourna-. ) Campbell were granted three months’ ’0f the debate at 3-30, but the 80’" d to repudiate their own agreement, 0.! bay) and Dick Bustle, (the high ton- ment. Although not in the best of BOYS SEPARATE SCHOOL REPORT leave of absence for their trip around ,ernment members still in their seats o ____.. which they got the benefit. If the ed baker) in their proposal to Patty condition, owing to lack of prac- _ the world. twould not hear of it, so Dr. Helena L K ' council believed Mr. Carew has a just Jones (the maid.) The play is bubb- tice, they won by a score of 5 to 4. PUPIIS’ STANDING FOR FEBRUARYI Mr. W. H. Stevens was re-appoint- lcontinued his speech. All signs indi- l N claim, common sense and common ling over with fun, so everybody We think our boys deserve great creâ€" ed to the Board of Entrance examin- , cate that there will be no adjourn- lo': would tell them that they have . come and enjoy a splendid evening’s dit for winning, as we have no rink erg, . iment until midnight on Saturday the right not only to refuse to take entertainment. Admission, gallery this year and the boys are man The following is the standing of essy, Fred Gallant, Clare Connolly, The report of the Financg Commit-flight next, ~when it would come ,r-roceeulnrzs, but to instruct the 001- 30c., ground floor 25c., children 15c. pletely out of practice. They now the pupils at the Boys’ Separate Harry Gall-ant, Charlie Meehan, Josâ€" tee was read and adopted. iabout automatically. at 39c}? flat to collect. This would not {Don t. mlSS this. Doors open at 7.30 possess the cup and the'medals. . School for the month of February. eph Campbell, Richard Spratt, Al- Moved by Mr. Campbell and 3m, , -â€"â€"â€".â€"__.__ gun-3.6:: any ratepayers taking proâ€" ; p. m. Play commences at 8 p. m. Mrs. Alfred Webster 18 lmprovmg Names in order of merit. bert Downey. White, that the Town Council be ash: MILLERSMITH Manager credit-2.2, and if they desire, let , sharp. nicely after her accident. ed to issue debentures for 51030011”, _ 3 Senior Fourth Class:â€"â€"A. Duck, P. -â€" - . . l (Special to The Post.) - . , the erection of a new public school; , 5-9». a Tully. 0- Memory. T- Manson. J =: eaflfilNGTON in the south ward. The school “ml Mrs. John McMullen had the min. Von) McIntyre, H. Duck, F. Curt'ln, F', I probably be a four room one.â€"Car- fortune to break her leg as a result Breen, L. McMahon. ; ried unanimously. ‘of a fall while doing her shopping Junior Fourth Classzâ€"N. Bissette, (Special to The Post.) The Board adopted a resolution to in Sutclifie's store. She was convey- T. Sullivan. .A- Stnmelen. A. Camp- Mr, and Mrs J, s. Whetter spent the effect that the Board and the ed ‘5? the 110891311, Yhere she T111 b3 :35? - bell, P. CommerfO-I‘d' '0. few days in Toronto last week. Town Council haVe a joint meeting, confined for some tlme- We “$11113 - if: Senior Third Class:â€"J. Klllen‘, J .I Mr. James Cowan arrived home'and discuss the feasibility of allow- ,3 Speedy ILCCOVEI‘Y.. ‘ “r O’Loughlln, F. Cain, A. Hargrove, c. from the West on Thursday last. ting town Pupils to attend the Coue'? Mr‘ Gemge EnghSh has been “1 MacKay C. Oliver, W. Murphy, A. Misses Doreen and Ruth Brick .giate Institute for the first year free the Sic}? 1iSt 101‘ some time, hilt i3 Burke M. Cleary, C. Gassign, F. spent the week end the guests of Mr. of charge- The Board does not WISh 21mprov1ng SIOWIY- Sullivan J, F'l-aherty L. Bigsetlte’ " and Mrs. Jos. Givens, Beaverton. it understood that they are com-~ Don't forget our pie mcial to be 3F Train L Gdrard L Hennessy. ; Mr- and Mrs. Alex. Hardy have nr- mitted to the policy. but in view of 'held in the Orange hall March 14m- 1 .III 0,185.8 Jr'_’Jos.oph Tanvyne} ‘l‘ived home from their wedding trip, the fact that the matter has been A, gOOd programme is being premrd 3 I New Embroideries New Cottons i i 3 g . E New Shirtings 3 - - - ' . _ and have taken up their residence in discussed a great deal lately, they by the young people, consisting or 5211113433233, €223: $§§Z§t F32: the house formerly occupied by Rev. would like the opinion of the council .two good dialogues, recitations, so. 1 , - , - eph Tully Ed Power Leo Michaud J. McPherson._ on the matter. ’los, duetts and quartettes. We e1- Word was received in town on The question of the salaries of pub- tend a cordial invitation to the 121 Ed. Commerford. ' _ , , h3 t uched u on . . - .Thursday morning last of the death he school teac ers was 0 P dies to bring pies. II Sr:â€"Joseph Hogan, Lorne-For- in Wilfrid of Mr. John Switzer. Mr. and will be taken up at a subsequent Mr. D. M. Kennedy has purchases! 118“), Albert MEehan, Noel Elven?! SWitzer was well known to many Of‘meeting. A nilmbe!’ 0f towns and Ci' our town people. tics in Ontario have lately raised I M“ Chas. E‘ Leacock, Of the Hy- the minimum and maximum salaries. l A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mid»- dleton on Friday last. Dancing and card playing was the order of the evening. New Ducks and Prints New Cottonades 3* New Neckwear-l'--Ladies New Night Gowns Mr. George Padget's farm in south ward. Gerrard Murphy. Leo Gassien, Henry Brunck, Vincent Curtin, Charles Mir- on, Vincent Flaherty, Cyril Houhh‘m droâ€"El'vctric Power Commission, Torv A special committee was appointed Louis Campbell: Austin Healy, .ontO. attended the council meeting to interview the Town 'Council at an George Neil, 09°31 Bissette. hast Monday night, in the interests II -Jr:-â€"Francis Hutton, Charles of the Hydro-Electric power. Courrier. Willie Killen, George 13%.! Mr. Alex. Dobson in Woodville on early date regarding the building of a south ward school. Mr. W. E. Agnew was appointed to . - - . 3 . e Kenned , son cf Kr. Joseph Cuddahee, John Duke." Monday. act as secretary during the illness 0! 3.! 3:11.83 (FamKIernedy Wis recently mar. New Corset Covers Sr. Part IIzâ€"Wilfred Hogan, Fergâ€" The Ladies’ Guild of Knox church Secretary-Treasurer Spiel? The Board ried to a; western girl in Watmas. us Lehane, Joseph Martin, Franciswill give an Irish entertainment on expressed the hope that Mr. Spier S k W 11 , _ in c’rnorntrlsli -* the ' d C! V \ IFlurey Joseph Cleary. :the evening of March 17th. A good I would soon recover his usual good. as - e a 30m h J a “1» 4:335- I ’ ‘ . I , . r. I e r :;m'~’- New HOSlery an OVES Jr. Part ILâ€"E-arl Burke. Fergus ngramme 1" bemg prepared' and a ‘ healfl?‘ - r MISST Ems] gilt 50:31:- a (:3: ‘ ӎ ‘ E! 3 lWi-nn, Wilfred Hutton, John Baker, general good time anticipated. Dlll‘lng the evenlng the 1:112:38? 0: £2315 ifs); :erafriznds s M . NEW i§ rapEJei‘S and £0386 Dresses Y Oll‘v-er Fortier, Adolphe Blanchard! Mr. and Mrs. Ronald MacKay, of iaddltlonal land being pure as. a. c . . . Y'r ; 1 .. WW ,7 , - __, " - 3 and 3 j . Francis O’Neil, Freddie Teatro, Bert Bea.v..rton Tn 139"“ 1311 Saturday. i m ' ‘51??- 389' / V ”.9 ’35-“ 7 ' ‘ '«wwmruzm-baosas-vowvmvwvoc2«tanâ€"ewanv-W‘ML-oxsm~wwx-v:-w-c;-x.~*:.sv7:-A-Ir--.n:>m.x-.-.3,...-..ogom.,-W. Hutton, JO‘hn Hennessy, Patrick MISS Inluj‘le G:11Chr15t 0f WOOdVIIIC, 3 r, 3. ........ ' mils"! :3 Brady called on Canmgqton frlends on Frl- . '3 ~ '3‘ l 3°“- W»? -.ol 3‘39 ~’ ’3' or? i’ad’os’ Winter Coats 7 " I A' F5 - day- “I? 1’7‘ 3': 3' 3‘ '-- l MT" " ‘v‘v' Iva: («i/13;". 0;] Lei A oil‘s a...» ..4 (av . to ,3 Sr. Part ..â€" --rlno Birgenow, A. i, t . n. .. 10 f .. , l ._ C .. .- ... a". ,;> - . Al 3 .~ 'r-r ‘ M .. ntlnloer 0; young plop o rein, 1., . : . ,1. 1. _‘ 3 , i 321:.“ 1 3 3 1.. Phonills ‘yc'l‘l’ I‘lcb MCIntyre' I. "- Jâ€" 7- " J‘f-n Wranv+ C‘iV' ‘7‘ b'T : E; 3 H ' ' . ..Aâ€" ofi-‘r ..- .- I l 1::3";IJE“53:3;T2fi:m‘:c'm3:3171'31“”::7'ms‘jwm‘fzzj"‘“' .' ‘2‘“ Eddie Campbell. 3’0"“ 3'00“ m [”3” 333“ “V ”dc" . J ‘ ,l'l‘ii cm EDMUND aoscsn.r.l.P.,PrzESIosrlv. w. o. MATThE‘u’n, vh.;-r-:.aSl.)Ehlc 7‘ C, V 3 , T .. the Hamlin Dramatic Club on Friday l3; C. A. BOGER'I‘. General Hannah. m rmcy‘ g, .3 ”I“ Part ,1 B.-â€"coseph Murphy, evening, and report a crushing goodi £5.35 Capitalpaialupsspocfi-Oo: Reserve thd $6,000,600. 13.}.Assels..c,oo.. 3 : liohnn Cuthlrlxl. Charlie hBruncgé L150. time. f 3373' DOfl’t RISK Losmg YOU! fit-.0118)! g? . t \ 111' , ' en (Fl. I - 'I' . _' . ,1. r-MD :Vp _ V“““‘°"v’ 3" O’ucrray, J0 n h St 131’]: 61;) 'l 3 3 L353 07 carrying it “myou‘ "Eli.“g it “‘.IE.“‘;L:'.-.-f.‘f13‘.v;:..l-T,T4 onnor, osep ' oma-s, 9‘81 ANNUAL MEETING 9 ‘Ti meywipeoutthesavngsof‘alnenzne 1713.5Si.l..lcl..3o.-.o. . chop. .- 3 2; Murphy, Stephen Gro'WIBY’ Walter The annual spring meeting of the 5 of?” with the Dominion Bank, this 112le avoided. to Sullivan, Normal-l Flynn, Wilfred ‘ 9 North Ops cheese factory will be Cleary. - . ' “ ] held in the factory on Monday, "I LINDSAY BRANCH, . . . ROBERT Ross, Manager. Jr Part Izâ€"leil . ' _ ' - . Curtin. 'John March lotll, at one o’clock for the .- T313313?» Edward FOX. Louis Henn- transacting of business. F LOW CASH PRECES ‘il --a--- ‘ J, -l.n3,..--»..4â€". .. ..gâ€"n ..~...â€"ru. ' J~o~...-. 41‘ ’- /

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