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Lindsay Post (1907), 7 Mar 1913, p. 2

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for Marmalade Oranges, the time when the fruit is sound and juicy for marma;ade. than delicious home made Marmalade for a t..ble delicacy. Our Prices Are Right We furnish an orange slicer to save you time and make it pleasanter. c Q 3 3 o O o o i o i ”What Is Nicer ‘ i o X 3 3 _ s _v W ~«;:_~~â€"â€";â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" . ' - . ' eincr done ii I S Ii 05 Admiralty, and as is now b a 3:13" LINE A f P by Australia, would be a much wiser din advance proceeding, and one which would ‘ strengthen the Empire without bait- ing any European naval power to further cut throat naval competition. $1.23 :cr yzar; $1.00 If pa: 1 d‘rect to publiSher We have 3 no subscription agents. V‘I'ILSON ‘5‘" WILSON» ' It should be for the Canadian P80- ’ . Prolific-10w . .ple to decide whether to imitate Euâ€" erfzcs. . . William St I ropean folly or European wisdom. M : 1.135 05}. '1 , F RIDAY, MARCH, 7th. FIELDING IN LONDON “v...” . A_'â€".~â€".â€"‘ GERMAN PER". iâ€" Hoe. Mr. Fielding is doing great ‘missionary work in London. In his Almiz'v‘; von Tirpitz’ statement in : last letter to the Morning Post he the Corn: .2: Parliament formally ac- . wrote: . cepdng on behalf of the German I “There was," you say, “only a difâ€" -i'ravernment, Winston Churchill's doc- I ference of method between the two :rine tl‘jl’. Bri'ish supremacy on theipolitical parties in Canada.” Difier. $93 mu“ be liePt “P and recognizedlences of method are sometimes very With at least a 50 per cent superior- important. In this case the difierence 'iEIv' over Germany, drove the last nail was vital; it was the djflerence be- into the coffin of the still born Bor- tween giving a preference to Great den smergenCy. Not merely in Eng“ 1 Britain and not giving it. Mr. Bor- 1.r_nd was the German statesman’s ut- i den and his associates, as I haVe “”3““? ""910“an d! but 3150 in Ger- I clearly pointed out, advocated a many and 11:? 3 .:jrhout the world as a. ; “mutual preference,” which could harbinger 01- race, and the end 0‘: only mean that Canada should give cut throat naial competition. This is ;‘ no preference to Great Britain until 8303” by the "Neuie Freie PreSSS‘.” I Great Britain was ready to reriproâ€" a leading newspaper, which on, the rate. Now, as you well know, the day after Yon Tirpitz‘ declaration moment when Great Britain was '3‘“, “The point in the important ready to reciprocate never arrived. ’11:“ in the -' 511513115 betWeen Eng- Mr. Borden‘s mutual preference never land and Germany is that British su- came into existence. If any 9:19 prematy at sea is to be rec0gnized readers can derive 5.6mm; from a 31973 and {01‘ the future by Germany. kind of preference that could only be " 2 ,9?!“ legends 323915 German invasion found in dreamland, I would not i .u: 2.2)" boron: ~55: paper. In the wish to deprive them of that com- dsz’fli 0f nation; there is 110 such fort. But the world is disposed to be 933-13333 of understanding as that practical in these matters. The Brit- “fn'tchlrc-l by which the German Em- ish Preferential Tariff that has been , PL”: 33 to take “P011 itself in this 01‘ in operation in Canada for so many some other form to remain at a cerâ€" years, and that has been so justly . tail: distance behind the British na- commended by the Morning Post, and as rover. This is surely one of the by most other good Britishers, is raw: and strongest guarantees of not the mutual preference of Mr. the peaceful disposition 0f 3 (30119 Borden and dreamland. It is the real 317-" ~ living preference, established and ' “TIES-lag “5313. the Westminster maintained by the government of Sir FGaZéLt: of February 8th says. " l‘he Wilfrid Laurier. in the face of the 'Germms have "their naval law fixed known hostility of Mr. Borden and .for some years to come, and. they are his associates, ‘not Likely to increase it unless the political strain is renewed. If the [HE AUI‘OHOBELE [NDUSTRY politic-:1 strain is not renewed we shall mt in 5‘ few years hence em-l A remarkable feature of the auto ergo ”:0 9‘ 903mm“ in WhiCh it will Show now being held in Toronto is 1”“ agreed on how Sides that a cut- the great increase‘in their use dur- t’hroat naval cempetition is more in; the past ten years. Where but :3. Sally. we have learned during the lsingle small Canadian factory existed past year that there is more sense in then, thousands have since been SEIKO” than ti“? pessimist supposed” turned out in a number of'towns and . ML 80518.11 S anxrety to send to Icitics. Not only in urban districts England “D’OOO. borrowed money, is their use ever increasing, but also to increase this “cut-throat naval _ . _ . . . . in rural communities, the scorn and competition” IS hardly likely to en- . . able people there to learn that there anathema of the farmer being rapld- ly converted into a dean for their is more sense in the Canadian Gov- _ . eminent than the pessimist supposed. utility. When the opportunities for ‘The establishment of a navy to successful locomotion presented by the prairies of the west are reviewed, guard and patrol our own sphere of . influence, as advised by the British there is little doubt of the brilliant â€"- v i KEEP THE YOUNG FOLKS At Home in the Evenings. A Player Piano or a Phonograph Will Help. ‘ very attractive for all and greater interest is added if the person can render the mas- terpiece himself. Anybody can skilfully operate a Player Piano or a Phonograph and derive immense pleasure from it. “NWT l mmuumoummm. ' ,o 50 0 Call in and have a demonstration. 2 Good music serves to make the home i 3 3 O i I ( : ~ The J. M. Greene Musrc Co. Ltd g Kent Street - - - â€" LINDSAY 7 § LRIOIISNESS helium. IN SCHOOLS; 'less, but the dread that it will end prospects in store for ,this important section. of Canada’s industries. W’â€" .â€" The St. Thomas Board of Educa- tion has prohibited dancing in the assembly hall by any .of the societies of the Collegiate Institute, and the i O O O O O l ' c NOW 18 The season I E Stratford Beacon thinks the Board 0 If there is a class of men and women to-day that ought to be rankâ€" men and women who are strugglingl The Liberals will do well'to fasten public attention on this phase of the situation. The Government is strik- ing at the life of the Dominion as a free countryâ€"London Advertiser. ' l I ' . - . m plan 0f training every Canadian boy ' reached, and the importance as all th h of the world it of sixteen to hit a Yankee at five 0 0 e ’ . . ed among e .r0 3 hundred yards, and having arranged matters of this kind only after a full ~,.or’4‘ l THE LINDSAY POST. . «film ~ ._. «was... . ,, -.â€" ~w ~â€".¢«-â€"o~-aâ€"~- / tract between the anxiety of the I- nw’ “* solete practiCe to uphold its dignity, 'ernment in Great Britain to rely up- oths own dignity without such ad- SI'IGHTLY SARCASTIC There is strong parallel between the experience shows, of proceeding in barges . . . s the Week- two cases. Mr. Maxse made c V ANCOUVER, B C.. ..... A convert B zeal 18' say ' against the British Government, and VICTORIA, 3g ............. ~ con- ly Sun, proverbial, and to a. before a select committee refused to SEATTLE. WA ‘31... ...., This will be a big (1 as the last tournament held in 1907 the Borden Government to resurrect ob- and the readiness of the Liberal gov- Colonist Rafes On Sale Daily ventitious aid is very marked. MARCH 15 I0 APRIL 15 Inclusive From LINDSAY To LWAY W ‘HOMEEEEKERS' To Manitoba, Saskatrix .7. Alberta Through (30;l('Il(t~ .13: 3 l’ ist Sleeping Cars “'35. . II p. n. on :lhnw- (Iain- : $47-30; PEG. No ay for Orillia, roll in t money to . Change to v‘r-r' ., Y I' is the class in which are found the, the hundred million Yankees in order, opportunity for consideration and brought one .of the largest crowds . ‘ - . ‘ . lfive deep. to shoot them through and deliberation. I am not prepared to that ever netted the town). Special n.s cor... .y. A..- ‘ trains will be run here by the Fire ought ta pay a t.;,. Bands of Huntsville, ward the upkeep (,f ‘ hope of other reward than the good attention lor the most part, There is nothing dramatic about their work, and the world must have its drama,. or it will have no heroes. If a man goes over Niagara Falls in a barrel every school-boy in the country will! know h’s name, but a man may spend} 'his whole life in. the service of hu-l manity forvthe causes of disease andl the remedy, and the people of hisI own town may. scarcely know his, nameâ€"Woodstock Sentinel Review. , The Review is right, The world’s greatest heroes are those who give; service to humanity without the more? of" trumpets or the plaudits of thei people. 1 -a-â€"â€" just reached New York, says that he I fine fusilade will 1:3an hopes to convince all skeptics thfit 1- ’ M has really discovered a W. tu-, berculosis. Tires-"ft may be said thatl Rafiâ€"r: the greatest benefactor the world has ever known. It is not the the western provinces are under-rep- pain that sufferers complain of in resented in the present House of this disease, for it is almost pajn- Commons to the extent of twenty- fivc seats. But the population has grown since then so fast that the under-gepresentation today would be nearer thirty-five than twenty-five. fatally. True, the open air treatment has been quite' successful in thous- ands of cases, but it is not every one who can afiord to take this treatment. A man may be suflering from tuberculosis and may still be able for months and for years even ' ico by sparing the lives of his enem- to do his work, but the disease is ieSL They repaid his consideration by capping his vitality and will in the murdering his brother and then him- end result fatally. Dr. Friedmann’s self. The code of civilization was treatment, we imagine, will avoid the regarded as weakness in a land necessity of a man’s giving up his I which had known the iron hand of daily work and will in that case be a lDiaz. very decided advantage over the open air treatment. In discussing the cure, the King- ston Standard says: If Dr. Fried- mann is making his announcement without having given his remedy evâ€" of the empire; Sir Wilfrid Laurier’ev will not. On the other hand, Mr. Fred Press: A very pleasant event Ottawa, Borden’s proposalsâ€"which are definâ€" took place" at the home of Mr. and meeting of the itely put forward as an emergency Mrs. Wm. Dudley, Midland ave., on Association ery chance to prove its curative pow- ers, then he will have to be classed among the charlatans of medicine. His assertions, however, have been so positive that we can scarcely be- With future expansion or modifica- many relatives and friends met to coâ€" Connaught, 001. the Hon. Sam Hugh have he is making them Without a tion on the lines which Sir Wilfrid lebrate with them the twenty-fifth 6 es said: “We have applications from certainty of their truth. Thousands of people will anxiously await the result of Dr. Friedmann'sl treatment of tubercular patients in New York. FIGHTING FOR PRINCIPLE The Ottawa Free Press, which: should be in close touch with Liberal ments thereon, it wouldprobably aid headquarters, says the policy of the in no small degree to render his im- party lies “Opposition to the Borden prisonment less irkaome. The con- naVy bill to the last ditch.” “The Liberal party," says the Free Press, “are united and determined that, if they can possibly prevent it, Canada shall not enter upon the dangerous , policy of direct cash contributions to the Imperial cxohequcr until the peo- ple have been given an opportunity to express themselves at the po ." The Liberals are standing for a. principle as well as a policy; a prin- ciple much more important to Can- ada. and the British Empire than three Dreadnoughts. Mr. Borden pro- posesa, violent and fundamental con- stituti‘anal- change by the use of a parliamentary majority won on a different issue. Except in the Prov- ince of Quebec, the naval question was not a. factor in the last election. In Quebec itself twenty of the Gov- ernment’s supporters were returned as opponents of naval expenditure in any form. Before the election, too, Mr. Borden had not abandoned the Canadian navy idea. He has no man- date for repudiating it now, and com'itting the country to the servile policy of tribute. He is attempting I to turn the whole current of Gant- adian political development into an old one deserted since the era. of res- ponsible government. they may do. for the prevention of!qulte effective, and it “"0 " h 1 ~ttr ct :the rest 0‘ the Canadian male disease. Yet t ese peop e a a no to address Boards of Trade and Canâ€" Mr. Maxse went free. adian Clubs, which is a function of 1 ‘- to the empire, and to the generat- pati-ently. quietly and often withouti through. That would be cheaper and assume the responsibility of adusmg ions yet unborn. 1 rftbc bees. This is fine news, but it’s [no guarantee that the consumer will {not get stung on the price of honey 'next fall. is to put shot in the keyholes of TUBERCULOSIS iBritish houses. Add to this a gay Eold boy coming home early' in the Dr. Friedmann, of Berlin, who has Imorniug, himself half shot, ;and a the Maxse case, n According to an- ' n practice, Mr. Maxse could be uld leave , the House to take an-- immediate acâ€" 3 free I tion." There the matter ended, and Sound, In the Canadian Parliament when the Miller matter was broached, Sir Wilfrid Laurier asked that the cus- tomary two days notice of motion be given so as to give opportunity nestimable importance to the nation, for the wise deliberation advanced by PUBLIC OPINION Premier Asquith in England. This was refused, and the matter was tions. ed to answer, although assuring the House that his secrecy was not be- cause any person. in any way con- ~0- DEEP LAID CONSPIRACY (Exchange) The latest fancy of the sufiragettes den had no hesitation.in assuming the responsibility for the immediate, ed. and Mr.)‘*"':: 18 in prison. 1 _ The Westminster Gazette says of. W . 4, “wwvm-v WERE NOT REPRESENTED (London Advertiser.) On the basis of the census of 1911 such cases is considered sufficient and the Speaker as guardian of the House will know how best to defend it, and how best to deal with.the offence." It is hardly a good advertisement! REVERTS TO TYPE (Montreal Herald) Madero introduced idealism in Max- that the Tory Government of this! country is recklessly reverting to practices which are condemned obsoâ€" lete in England, where they originat- ed. table.” THE LAST WORD (Montreal Star.) Mr. Borden's proposals will add at 1 once to the effective naval strength AT MIDLAND policyâ€"are in no way incompatable Friday evening, Feb. 14th, when their of Brigades, and Bracebridge, Burks Falls, Gravennurst, Midland and Lindsay. The main features of the program will be the firemen’s hose and ladder race and sides these, however, there will be a Peterboro, 1:9”. long list of races and other attrac- mind" mass Huntsville Parry the band competition. Beâ€" At the meeting on Wednesday Mr. (Guelph MercurY) railroaded through the House. itill'er ‘A. A. Cooper of Huntsville Was elec- This has been a great winter 101‘ was called to the Bar and prermptor- l ted president of the Association in ily imprisoned because he still refusâ€" place of Mr. Joseph Gibbons of Or- illia, who resigned. Major Grant of BiShODS. was reelected secretary. . The Lindsay Fire Brigade applied for nected With any government or Its admission into the Association, and Priests seerce could be implicated. Mr. Bor- their application was granted. action which Mr. Asquith had rcfusâ€"IWHERE STATION NAMES ORIGINATED t t th 1 k towe or even to Orillia News Letter: Mr. Wm. Grant sen 0. e c 0c r the first station agent on the the tower for refusing to comply land railway here speaking to the with a request of the committee of I News Letter recently grked the must" Of Commons. . But such “Have you any idea where the names practice 18 obsolete and it is doubt- of the stations Uhthofl Srhepler and ful whether anything would be done. IFessertou were. obtain ed 'tiN'o Well The general opinion is that a. sum-'1,11 tell you The president of ' 3:52: o tfewizlészniidadvgézs n: railway company, then the Midland , . . and Nipissing, had about exhausted purpose. The Speakers reprimand in his credit and was finding in financing the construction Beaverton to Midland. Finally a Ger- man firm of bankers, Messrs. Uhthoff Schepler Feseertou, of Berlin, came to his assistance with a half million it for Canada to let the world oow I loan, and a little tribute to them, he named three stations in their hon- or. That's how you got three Ger- man names on your Midland SILVER WEDDING TAX EVERY MAN FIVE DOLLARS Feb- 27.â€"At the annual 5 28th, 1913. to Laurier has sketched. anniversary of their wedding. |50,000 young men who want The house was decorated with AN OBSOLETE PRACTICE ‘ ferns, red and white carnations, and If Mr. T. B. Miller, Canada’s pris- oner of state in the county jail at Ottawarwere able to secure the curâ€" rent copies of English journals with reports of the Maxse case and com- entine’s Day. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley have resided on Midland for over twenty years, - and have won the respect and esteem of all who know them. At 7.30 the bridal couple, with. their friends, sat down to a bounti-i ful dinner, after which Rev. Mr. Sparling on" behalf of the guests, thanked Mr. and Mrs. Dudley for ‘their hospitality. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley were the re- cipients of many useful and valuable gifts. . , Among the out of town guests were omesee ers Mrs. Dudley's three brothers, and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown. Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Wel- don Brown, Fenelon Falls, and Mr. . , . . ExcurSlons / and Mrs. Andrew Brown, Chatham. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley join in wishing them a happy . . - and prosperous life, and hope at the WIIllleeg RCIUI‘II end of another twenty-five years to ;$35.0as celebrate with them their golden ~. _ wedding. Edmontggfgg Rem LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE JOINS Assocunou Other points in proportiOn. Orillia News Letter.â€"The annual ’1 Return limit , 60 days. - tournament of the Northern Volun- LOW Round-trip Rates each teer Firemen and Band Association| TUESDAY, March to Co. will be held in IOril-lla. this year 0,, ! tober, inclusive. ThurSdaYr July 24th. , This was decided at the annual For tickets and full information ap- meeting of the N. V. F. Association, ply to which was held at Huntsville on T. C. MA T'CHE'I‘T, Agent. Lindsay. Wednesday of last week. Mr. Joseph Gibbons represented Old-Ilia. as O .â€" :c ANADIAN ' , PA-CIFIC WBWMQMQQGWWK. ;. g; 52; eh 7i g phone 13. . 3‘ decorations in keeping with St. Val-l aw trouble câ€"p‘, -' I ':'v- on -s g. 31:“; ‘Each Tuesday March tr. (:1: elusive via Chicago and :1; O'k': ,. .â€" t ter’s Cathedral this 1 Bishop parts of the diocese. 3., RISE-3p Macdonn I bishops, Mgr. McNeil Mgr. Spratt (Kingsto: . . Full 7. Bishop Scollard (Nora. .. 8.; were present ceLebrzltr-E reposo of the soul a. O'Connor was (attaz‘nie’. r" ‘ I t.» .. .4 ~â€"â€"__. PETERBORO SEE is NOW new I did right. declaring that “the whole vex-tie zeal may be attributed tn? ad; give the source of his information on SPOKANE, WASH ........ WINNIPEG AND RETURN $35 atmosphere of such an institution of vocacy of universal military tralnlns the ground of editorial secrecy. Mr. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. , EDMONTON AND RETURN $43-00 i~ learning should be charged with the in- Canada. by two of those ,elghteen Miller refuse d to give certain infor- LOS ANGELES, CAL ...... $50.05 Tickets good for C'- (i .- ~. Pr”.00 y seriousness of the problem of hie): Toronto Liberals who abjured their mation demanded of him by a muckâ€" SAN DclgcgfiAL ......... tionate ,OW mus M ”1%.; “at? WhiCh latter remark ls (1m? htruel; party, and its principles in 1911' raking, outfit which was determined Propertionate. low. rates to other W says the Kingston Standar , t 0113 Against whom m the mighty cum to get information to, if possible, in- oints in Arizona. British Cclumbia, 1' as on; it does not necessarily follow from age making force, which these gentle- jure members ‘ of the late Govern- Ealifornia, Idaho, 'Mexico. M autumn, odAlbe‘ rte?! ,. ”hatchery/an Max, 13 this that dancing shodld be pram? men would create, to be directed? Is ment, on the ground that,to do so iival‘tggfiligtagggg‘iu‘gzgtgiiigmn'l‘lerfivzgttli i 357:3.“ 3,51. ited. There is seriousness outing kn it the United States? We read in the would injure himself in legal pro- risk Grand Trunk Agents for full‘in Ontario, I’t'tlfl‘lmlq, ‘1 lg? school life for five days in t 8W,ee , organ of the Canadian Defence ceedings. . _ . _ There the analogy particulars. .. and West. ,. 9,, without asking the pupils to continue League to which most of the eighâ€" nds .,, - , , LOW RATESâ€"fl ml L . mm that seriousness after whom hours ’ ' - llied e ' - The Grand Trunk l’aeme Railway 13 and Tourist Sl 0pm- . 1,2,3” th oint of denying themselves teen have elnce conversron a . Mr. Maxse was brought to the bar he shortest and quickest route be- without (:li-ingo, 1 I‘Jfi’ff i0 't'e tp pleasnre The time has themselves' that ”one “130g 81°” of the Mother of Parliaments. He re- Wren VVinniPeg-Saskatoon-Ednlnnt‘n,ILUO p.111. on at...“ .2 , egl lma e . , _ . “1“ I d f r Puritanism. can prevent Unde Sam from execut fused '1: 0 answer the questions put, Berth Reservations. Literature and Full Information From An" C T. ‘ passe 0 . . ’. (I Dd th I. , . . - â€" ' . . . .. ., , .. ’ , M 1 ”gent‘ ____.__________ ing I118 desrgns or. Cana a, a a and Premier Asquith declined to pro - - . -.,_... .. ., u”, , mm...“ ”H EM” . PRETTY our more a. the “We"! Preparation °‘ wed further. remarking. “Under the w. n. Wipnsss, c, p. may,“ my, pm a“ Idefence." If that is the obkct we I circumstances and having regard to A. McNABB. Station Ticket Agent. who!” ill l!:i;li3:;- - .v. uprefer the Hon. Colonel Sam Hughes the stage of the session we have ...... . ~uv' 'v-A... .h ”an“, 6 a1; '(afirhr - 'D'AM‘A.‘: bishop McNeil sane: 2115:, ._ Rev. Bishop Fallon {re-mud men. The ceremony of '1». that the See is vacant. 3' bIe that advantage was ' occasion of most of the (lfl'. ., 3 ".52 ops beingr submission of three {1327‘s Holiness the Pope. TENTH WEDDINGâ€"â€" mummy OBSERlll On, Feb, 24th a. very pleasant or ning was spent at the home of 1': and Mrs- Wm. when they held a celebration of the tenth wedding day. About fortyâ€"ti invited guests sat down L; a. m.”- suppcr. Friends w: present from Beavertmz, (3ng Oakwood, Edal. Islay, and limb? The evening was spent a late hour when. well please: with tbt Mid- the from time- games until went home uous oyster present tr" Everson, evening eujoymcrst. BORN HORNâ€"In Lindsay Comm? in music a: y. L... Children roe rlrrcnra's . ‘ Mr. ani Canadian Artillery ' Horn a daughter. toâ€"day, in the presence. ' his Royal Highness the Duke of cry toen- CASTORIA We haveagood stock of first-class Orangesaal Trv ours and you fine flavor and free from frost. . will be convinced that they are the best in town. 25, 30, 40 and am: doz. Also bitter oranges fur marmalade and the free use of slicer. 'l Our Florida Grape Fruit is of excellent dive! and good heavy fruit. M Cantonese Dried Gingerâ€" SPECiAL fection and at a remarkably cheap price. . of finest quality, ._-.___ porous 1o“ Groceries, Kent St. ChinaHall, Kent 3'. N " ._ Machine or Bell A most delicious 0011' 25c 1‘3 Fresh Cured and Salted Fish of all kinds assassaaesaaeeeeemr {Lore " .‘ and I." ellâ€"kg, t y 3' 88 r 5 ”LIZ-"then boo ’ .. Aid. Ad nmmmmr.e1nrmmmme‘l-nm “CSQQ‘EQ‘EQL -5 . . - . mmmzmrcfimQQ¢QaQQQ . .‘ I . L I l.inls.-Z-‘ , therein; ‘i: cant; . the has. ;_ perty a: , Reeve deal of ed the e ‘3‘? The TOI ” ‘ '1 tion wo' ,, chis::;’.- ‘9 missia r. the par - ceed on f; mittee d decide c the cosr work. _ Mr. A. ' ,Mrneeting “'jregard i ~Breen an i.» at their pavement: [330116 city »,;,.~.»;§«(Torontc They had beervaru j‘igineera fr . ”ties, stm ways. 1 When A i‘to fix the permanent " on lands ”work, am1 by genera discussion ‘cided to 2 ,on Kent-s say-st. Kingâ€"st. vid~sts., 8:11.119 5 Very car; would enj st. should .that sized 50 per ecu concede ,ctation, a B. StatiL-l bulk of paved in 1 Riplaces W31 “twoâ€"third: {He would ~._f-.case of Li H-‘flraVenue fro -f‘Porth and ‘-â€"-â€"-â€"n ~~ *4 , ‘11. .. 7‘?“Ocl

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