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Lindsay Post (1907), 17 Apr 1908, p. 3

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sea for Spring wear- winches long and its :What is Occurring in the Town and District, and i I Sporting Circles Generally. I Q :HO§§§§§§§fi§§§§§§§fi§f§§§§OOOOLOQQ'OQOO Infant'l‘ine. at Home of imam .""' "W" may Shhâ€"Officers and m. Sam 10‘ may“: Amm eggs“. sauna cut Illafl , a W ’trj E‘ening Post of April '13 hm: of Mr. J. D. Flaveldp’s lo- dfink o! curing. of his Winnipeg 451*. and offim oi the Lindsay Cur- 5; Club. fox-gathered at hill 11nt 1‘ evening. After dinner then pro- mm of souveneirs in the tom 01 Watch fobs to his local rink. was Mbylir Flavelfle. . , . I “RAINCOAT” "m inembem of this rink are Ian's. W. Graham. J. McGillivray. Git-ago. Apru 14. â€" The human! Web for we 18.1 balk line sham» Mp o: the worm. billed for May, 11 between Jacob Schaem; and Geog 8mm. will go by (121;;th to Sutton; tile challenger, unless the PM W recovers from hi3 ”do” Hummm «mam timbpf With them in litfl chops. ; 8mm left last night for. 30°” u, to we the ”Wizard’s” Flaw“! an exhibition unu- with W35" ! measSchaeter became too m i“. M to complete, his wigs-W“ i ht before he left. Sutton said that ' W tum flfio week, the former 101: Mm Wm. and the latter for ED“? me. Mas. Outfielder Walsh joined LEFT TORONTO TEAM. Wilmington, Deil. April 8. - Jen» him and Rudolph left the Toronto This is the most pgglar Coat -A-L 3.. May. and arm 8. mm: win be “1er our to ‘Ldncoln. 'Prenident 1‘63“”: 0am over from Bostonto '5' the téun in action, but will ha” JD “Filavelle, Dines Local Curlers; Presentation; Are Made 0st and Ends of Sport. masher: am: The train. Ian ‘3' for Loom. 'Joe Kelley, LMoCazm and George Brown. 81! Billiard Title May be Defaulted $7.50 to $18.00 JD Duv Spring V768}. ‘ 'fhe coat is fail :5 long and its graceful fines the secret of its W 5.:me”. Imam. APRIL‘ 10:: w. “animals. and MT. gcoordmg to they-nae; goVerning the 'it would bet impos- Clothing ; U13 .4- -n Geo: ge Haakenschmidt, Lion. arrived here to-day en route to England, and has just sent a iengtuy despatch to The London Daily Mail. He 831783 ,. L- much I was defeatâ€" "The tactics by ‘V ed would not have England. Gotoh's I soaked in oil to 9‘ him All the world. ”He d“ his tried to pull my 9‘ his thumb into my man. 1" state Lam- ”‘1 w“ "When protested: idl. however, ew and: Mr .WiJl FLlaytelle present. The ramzu'nder ning .was spent averyL pleah voting this evening as thor- avable. it“ start *tO finish. tghgma been tolerated m > toh-s body was. metally The! usual mthoduof Spreading the i to 9‘9““ my W4“ A oil in «to afloat out a bag, through world knows this 10 be! which it mm; comes. Sailors game- against the rules of W 885' that the br 1‘ o! the .seh at flzd‘adselot the 011B worm gis nails into my me. than wherqthmfigm oil at all.â€" l my ea!" 0“, and ’30le! ‘ TM Christin.“ WV“ World. “m xto my eye. Gotch {Ogght bu like a cat; 1 ‘ .. nan. h _ . n Aaronzé.‘mu ' the waves. and Furnishing Department. hi3 body was oiled. I the reieree paid ”0 he would Flavdue skip. ihe English nub- This is one of the‘ “ TOPPER ” $8.00 and $10.00. of $250 would heed ‘0 me side were and unfair. ullu u- 1...... "I wili keep all my English en- gagements, and. now. that I know Goa-h, 1 will train ta win back um ChJXD‘plonShip, but. not on Am; 1:21.) soil. ' ' ' 7 :4“. .-.r } Patel-bore basketball team made- .‘fea'ted by Central “Y” team from T9- ] route by an more at 2321. » Mike CreeCL a;n Irâ€"iâ€"sh Canadian. alâ€" so made a record in the high jump. 6 It. 1-4 inch. and the hop-step and; gums, 45 ft 10 inch. Con. .Walsh (made a record at tha Olympic carnival. Toronxtm Thumdny night, by throwing the 56-113. weight 15 ft. 8 3â€"4 Encheq. Last recorda‘ L15 :u. 6 398 inches. -‘ l IUU Hack added that; he was afraid Gotch was going to use his mantra on him, as he became so savage in his icul tactics will box 18th. .. BURNS mam A MATCH-K Jewey Smith and Tommy 3“ FUR, ".‘w' m m] mthoduof spreading the all in to @931: out a has. through which it slowly. owes. Sailors some- W say am the breaking o: the ”h mt the“ 513qu the all k worm th: OAS Smith [J Real Oil on the Witt“- tan nundainPari-s 0‘0 2. The pc0pie at the ring- all prejudiced against me most popmal‘ manta" ,Ine Kind You Hm Amw nil in pmvcntiflzi Burns a April Libel Charge ls Withdrawn . fl'he case of momma Vs. John- ston for libel wad called before 31:. Jackson. 7?. 11.. at La) o'clock' to- I day :Ihe libel was caused by Mr. “I Johnston writing a. letter criticix-ns ’0‘ the expenditure in connection with Int the county valuation, which Mr. Mc- Diarmid took as a reflection on him- u“ self as county solicitor, and cnlcuiat- ed to injure his business. Mr. Hopkins, Who appeared lot Mr. Johnston, said. iv was not the inten- tion of his client to injure him. Mc- '“8 Diarmid,‘ in any way. or did he think rile there was any llel in the article 0U oomplaained of. but was simply to 01‘ criticise the upmdimre maele ty the £6 COUDC)‘ Council. in the nutter. ihea‘ Mr. D. O'Connel, 'oi fetexboro. who at represented Mr. McDiarmid, said or ‘whereas Mr. Hopkins had; made allots] explanation that his client had no an intention or desire to libel )1“ cast Er any wrong reflection on Mr. McDiar- an: mid or his firm. they were prepared or to Withdraw the case. He wisbe-l to ev state. however. that Mr. Mcbiarmid an had not rendered a bill to the wull- an ty. but it had. been ieft entirely to .1 them as to what his remuneration pr should be in the case. t! Mr. Jackson said he ed tbc‘piaintxff bad case as he had. Johnston many. year: would not be guilty ness to any person. wuhdrawn, the plain Paw-Vida“. A nry pretty weddlns;~ tab: 344:0 at late home of Mr. and Mrs. Mash “ickett, Little Britpin. on Wednes- day. Apml bth, 1908, when their twin daughter, Mary 1-3.. was unitel in marriage to Mr. l'oseph R. Rogue, of Valenlla. - I, L“ ..\ PronIptiy at 2.30 the once. lequ- ‘ ing upon the arm of her lather, en- tered the spacious room to the strains of a beautiful wedding march. skihtully played by ‘a cousin at the bride; alias Fanny. Hump: Ioroatn. Ihe ceremony was performed. by Rev. W. ’1‘. Wickett. ‘cugog. also a. cousin oi the bride. The bridal couple We”! unattended. Ihe bride Ioi-k‘nd (banning, gowned in cream silk clo- ine, With embroidered chiffon and satin trimmings, wearing a arulal Veil. and carried in her hand a. show. er Loquél of cream roses and :nzrlui hair fern. Her travelling suit was of navy blue brood cloth, and hat to match. Mrer theceremony and congrat-:-‘ ‘lations were extended ,the I‘l.‘¢.(‘ number ot im'ited guests, many of {Lem from a distance, sat doui to partake q! the daintily prepared n.- tuals. lhc numerous and i‘)€£:y presents bespoke the high career: in which the bridal couple are held. Im- groo-n's gilt to the bride was - goid “an-h and chain. Amid show-:0 of. best wishes. the happy couple tool: the exening train [or Campbciitnd and paints east. On arriving hum-3 Mr. and Mrs. Bogus will reside in Toronto. Apr“ " automobile bill to and operation of highways was re: Toronto. April 7.â€"m‘. Sutherl-md's automobile bill to regulate the speed and operation of motor vehicles on highways was reported by the Muni- cipal Committee of the chmia-‘ure Tuesday morning. The features of we bil‘ are; No person shall for hire. pay or gum, an"; .. ....,-.,_ V, public street or highway unicsu “ 3‘ “fit. an gmr r gnu], Hon-v 7 public street or highway unless he is licensed no to do, and no person shall employ any one to dIlVO a. mo- tor vehicle who is not so licensed: license: are to be issued. by the I'm- vineial Secretary’s Department. N0 perron under the age 0! seventeen years shall drive a motor vehicle. If an automobile meets a horse or bar- ses going in.the opposite direczmn -n1: :r rim. horses appear. frightened. Evening case of for libel an automobile meets a 1K sea going in.the opposi and if the horses appear. or it signalled so tq do, shall stop the motor. vet an- .- -._- or it signalled so tq do, the inter shall step the motor. vehicle, inelu'o in; the motor. and shall remain staâ€" txousry so long as may be necessary to allow such rider or driver to pass or untu directed to proceed, and in case any'animal ”9681's to 00 {right- («bed the operator, and my zen- pants 01'. the motor vehicle shall reuo der assistance to the driver of the animal. 0n meeting a Innearl proces- sion outside the limits of a. city the. drirer of a motor vehicle is to stop. and where pxaeticable turn into an intersecting street. road or line un- til the funeral possession has passed. EProvxaion is 1112560 [or persons eun- t'aining loss 91' injurx upon giving noitcc in writmz- MERRY WEDDING BELLS. :kwn said he was. very pleas- Ilaintxfi .had withdraw:. the . he had. known m; . many: years and knew he at be guilty. of any unidir- any person. The case bemg m, the plaintiff paid 4.! the 1g Post of April 18 of McDiarmid vs. ‘ S 3.7 venerable menbc: 01 bring about eighty years his death brought: to a Auto Rules The death took 1 Rgv. Canon be: of the A0- )r ”M years b his son at from the cit?- nitfon and a, nr'dai and a. shO‘V‘ and :nu'ltu suit w“ of and hat {0 in charge it'll" It you .went new health nntlri “math in spring you and. build- up your blood fifth e tonic medicine» W life during the lam; winter month! a Wble for the do. pressed oondfition and feeling or con» stand tiredness which affcclsaomany pmple ovary, spring. This condition means that the blood i! impure and i :Matfly. That in uhnt cause:- W“ fig: and unsightly eruptionsinoamz: ‘othere have twinge: oi‘rhemmatiam. or the sharp. stabbing pain: 01 neuralgia. . Poor-appetite. frequent headaches. and a desire to avoid en- ution is also due to had blood. Any lor all of these troubles can be band fished by the fair use of such a tonic medicine as Dr. \Williams‘ Pink Pills. Every dose of this medicine helps to make new. rich red blood, which drives out inpuritics. stimulate. every organ, strengthens every nerve ".4 1mm:- :1 fmlimz of new health Banish Pimples And Eruptions Everyone Needs a Tonic in Spring to Purity and Build up the Blood. _ every organ. strengthens every nerve and human a tooling of new health and new energy to weak, tired out, railing men and women. Here is lame: that Dr. .wuuam- Pink Pill: a the greatest of 311 spring modicum Mr. Henry Baker. Chipman. N. 13.. ways; ‘iLant eprmg I was so weak and miserable that 1 could hardly» drag myself about. My appetite was pour. I Idld not sleep well. and dreadw ed work. My blood was in terrible bondltion. which caused pimples and small boils to break out will over me. Thine would itch and pain and cue! o‘d me (much trouble . I tried neural Melba. but without the tents. bandit. when one day a friend asked me: why I dfid not try Dr. Willitunc’ Fink Pills. He IpOke so highly of rain medicine that I decided to take his advice and give the pill: a trial. I got a half dozen boxes and the re-H cult was that by the time they wero‘ finished I felt like an altogether dib Iexent man. They purified my blood. built up my whole! system. and l have not had a pinple on my Ileolu not a rick day since. Forthiu reaâ€" r can I can highly recommend Dr. Wilv . mans' Pink Pills an a Blood builder ' ind purifier." Sold by all medicine * Were or by mail at 60 cents a box ’ or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr.- 1 Williams' Medicine. 00.. Brockvillle. Ont. As Dr. Darwin. waswalkin; outlay in his garden he pemeivod at‘ «wasp upon the gravel walk with a 13130 fly nearly as big as itadlh 4?th it had caught. Knoding down. be dis- timtly new. at out at! the Mandi aldomm and then. akin; up with its teat the trunk or middlq portion of tho body. to which the. wiry-d ro- n,_u ‘ Linn-run; â€"-â€".v 7 abdomen all: then. taking up w'xth its teat the trunk or middlq portion at the body. to which the. wiry-:5 ro- minnd embed. fly away. Bun: n breeze at Mud. antic; on that wins! (1 the fly. Wild “In!“ the pump with its hunted and impedad its pro- --v--, Unou this it aliahtqlaxain :with in W!- ECZEMAWAS CURED AND HAS NEVER REAPPEARED Mddmdnoeaemlmw - ' the [3:1 think it is the toilet soup I ever used. I :11 little girl‘s hair wd (madam thittoc. Imoo thankful for what Cutie?“ h“ d°n° focus. Mn. lLLHarm.R.I-‘.D.lI Alma. mm M andJune 12. ’07: the gamma! Med. rim-down "m” am absolutely pm under.” United Bum qud and D1119 Ad" - -_.._._n Mon-l ter Other Vreatment Failedâ€" Eczema in Raw Spot on Baby Boy’s Face Lasted for Monthsâ€"- Cried with Pain when Washed. SANATWF: . [used Contrivance. wm. anhy- ally niotheu. find Cuti- Ient, and Pills the pun- b 5,43%!“ at part of an auction is CW‘SQ Remit; situated abut five miles west of sou-fins mini: and a. halt mild! massive Work Will Begin at Once-- Inch lone! Being Spent. “V8600. down the' Trent rim- j“ P011500 of the: work W pl , A -l -:mr WV. It is expected the work will be by gun at once and it will. or cow's-e. give employment to a largo number arm. There's jun no use in talking. When a woman status to cry. She can have ’most any bauble That 3 pile of gold can buy. If she desired tho ocean. And melted into tears. Sasnv chap would. try to scoop .t up, I! it took a million years. Termingham Age-Elem“. A curioas tish story was told by Dr. Bernard Hollander recently. in a lecture at London. Eng.. on “Inc Mental Functions of the Brain." A pike which was separated tron a number of minnows. placed in the sanie tank. by a glass partition. iur three months, made fruitless stream to catch the minnows, repeats-ll: dashing its nose against the glue.‘ 'lhe pike. however. having learned that its etlorts were of no use, fit» ally discontinued them. The sheet of glass was then ramm- ed. but the now firmly establishc.‘ association of ideas never became als- enlablinhed. tor the pike never aft-x- ‘ Wards attacked the minnows, though i it led voraeiously on all other 3141: iot fish. - - -- , -34-:11- The for your inspection, and we ask you to call and see our splendid assortment of all Spring and Summer Dress Goods, Muslins, White Lawn Waists, Waist Fronts, All-over Embroideries, Laces, Prints, Ginghams and all other material used for Spring and Summer wear. DISPLAY IS READY. [NIB- ANNUAL SPRING When buying we did not forget the men, and our Hats, Colored Shirts, Glovoi and Tie: are the very latest to be found In tho market. __â€"â€".â€"-‘_“ . ' UNCONDITIONALLY in Work Will 3611“ it Once-- 381?me ”1‘31.” I““ In" M“ smt' pszidvely merges every pu- ddeofcarbon (tho lied], W 1th! contract m tmTrent €2.92-_A_tlblolr- knoll-ell All good house-keepers are talking “house-cleaning." What about your Carpets, Linoleums, Oilcloths, Curtains, Window Shades, Toweiling and Table Linons? We have some special values for you in this dkpartmont. 0’Luughlin Mslntyre The Pike and Him": Iust Hm Her W8!- 'k who dune inclnda a 100k a. a mat mile of "c" “'- lot. This ‘11“ io Bios “eh river. Trent divi- For vehiclA a 3nd mwhinory will soon he wanted and the o 19 which give: most genonl utisuction is ' PURE GASTOR OIL} In: people no not swore tint on im- tstion oil. termed Coward-.1 Cato! on is frequently ofiered to: sale end which hes no onto:- oil in it's eomooeit on, being meie by the notion of chemieahion other cheep oils. Now, there no difieremt hints of cantor oilu there are kinda of groin, o‘l eqully pure. my one of which can be taken medicine!” i! defirod, end it ie the chemo“ of then that we one: you s; a. lubricant ot a price dnoot if not a cheep u the imitation oil. Lubricant To the Man in Doubt as to where to buy his Spring Suit we extend a special mvitation to our store. We have no doubt of our ability to meet his requirements, however exact they my be- _ .. , 7-- -l' D--e:-... “as We have afull range of Pantingc and Suitings._womeds and sages, at â€"â€"â€"l v- W. G. DUNOON. Local Agent the lowest prices. LITTLE BRITAIN. - ONT. . J. RICH,

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