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Lindsay Post (1907), 24 Apr 1908, p. 9

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M. J. CARTER, - 4o Kent-St. iThe Kind You Have Always Bought d afld Iran with Brass cylinder. For any Depth of Welly :Afing Secured a. first-class experienced P111119 Maker, » Prepared to supply firspclags pumps promptlYo m ‘sonalsupervision since ltsinamq. Rfipairg Wm receive careful attention. Fora long time glasses were used only to assist in reading Offmfwtk, but with increased knowledge of the eye, we 3'9 '0‘th adéust glasses to improve the sight, thereby C3933 Cnromc Headache, Neuralgia and many nervous affecnons (“in-A1 ! We are experts in tea satisfaction. Caused by eyestrair; v'flâ€"OW ' H . - - le de- If your eyes tire easily, '30 “0t mt all serhguseaggrub TPI'OP‘ veloPS- Have the strain removecl ; the ”on“ ‘ 3’1!!de glasses will do it. ‘ Progress Brand Garments gaging neither Opium, Morphine not other NM substance- Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Woman and auays Feverishnws. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Com, It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constip‘fion ”d mulency. It assimilates the FM, W 5.3110 Stomach and Bowels, giving healtlw-and natural sleep. the children’s Panaceaâ€"The Mother’s Friend. Whether you are talker shortâ€"stout or thinâ€"“big” around-or “big” ‘up and downâ€"you can -get just the Suit that suits your style and your physique in Progress Bram? Clothing. 1-81; Opposite St. Andrew’s Church. P. 0. BOX 217 What‘gis $CASIOR| A ‘ Why Glasses are In Use For Over “30 Years. WK CII‘PAUI 00.“. ” mvm. hum cm. are for every man Sold and guaranteed by ““138le. MAY, “3111 m l i 2 Foot of Kent-8t" CASTORIA BRITTON BROS" Look for the label that gnamtew-satisficfion. We are affixing the very best goods, fully guaranteed, at clos- est prices and-terms to suit pur- chasers. Pamnize your own town and get value for your money. Pianos, firms and Saving Machines. ‘ABREN ALWAYS m K1115. UJ P-una- ‘ i. , -u;_,__ __,_ Bea stupk t9 the 0919.031 at only com ,1 cw” halt shown he done, now. The piece glam“ Inmoigmgwm W335 II. I“. o ) go ‘ of Walk from an track! west to su-q. throw new. ma. me mm.» m to; . -§:~mmmum Inspector Dongiae is not We in his requeatzfor a_private offioeucmeu: of Police oVinoanst‘has misc made the request and seams reasonably cerq ngqtting- “than: he asks. Another use (to whidhjis office will be yut is that of a «waiting room for women gthegre as witnesses. At present there Eis not a suitable‘plaoe 3 appears. ' NEW CONCRETE WALK. Tbeire is n‘ow m reasonablu dculc ‘bflt that inthe’ course of time anon; l«matte sidewalk widl “:be bum from frm- Cantu-Mat“ along the north side of Kent to Victoria-am" which is the any the, railway «tracks; Deputy-Reeve Eyma was for build- ing it firm Cambridge to Bus/ens“ am he done with if. He held that if caveman aidewaikl M be built at alt, WU it would he in front of public buildings and 811008 fthatuside of public parks. ” was mpmed in this. by Amqmnm ficGeongh. Aid Bea staph ‘9' the opinion that only. It was finally Mt as before, that is to my. Inspectdr Douglas will be mt his office tram 10 to 12 a.m. on Ith-reb days a Week. Should anybody comeattatfimgwhentlwsmtary Ln:- spdutor in wt in, he or she may! write downxhefir nqques‘bs or .mands on a piece of papar, which will he proviq- ed, with a pencil which will be tied to the wazm with a string. When Mahavodw this they are to slip their ammunication through a slit Ald-urrman Rea ha‘thold the com:- mfittee of several flowers and circu- lam he had taming of the excellent qualities of certpin sweepers. brush:- Evecr since last an the Council has been pondering over the ques- uon of new fire station equipment. and whether further expenditure is absolutely necesary. What is troubling them npw is whether or no they want a fir'e alarm upperâ€"an afâ€" affair that hits the: bell in .the tower. indicating the box from which the alarm comes. ‘Jordhgn. ‘ "-What bemgedqil a hammock" thought age of Ithq others. {.mREE DAYS A WEEK. Some time was spent in. thrashiqg out the question of just how long and how when Mr. Douglas should be at his office. :When discussed in a recent Coupoil meeting it: was decidâ€" ed Ito have him. thege at least twat ham ,a day. for three days a week. but Begum-Reeve Eyres' and: others thought ha should be there every day. Aldegmnfimalp min Iavor of m visit three times a. week for Mr. Alderman Dohsan‘hahitumlly‘ a cum.- «tioua man. spoke’ thug; “Suppose it might be a very wet summer. wt: wouldn‘t want a q‘wqeper at an." SWEEPLN G STREETS. Mac the wish of Aldenma‘n Jon dun carried out. Kent-at. would be swept:. clean every morning. The on- araltian would ~‘be performed by an. able bodied man. who in .the can!“ houra would “get buy with a. spec cially ‘prepared sweeper. This. of commie. as a solution to the prob-a lean; -How is Kalb-0t. to bekept dean and free (man dust! asked Mayor Beat-:- "Thmjundred and Whine - I’m tantalum" ‘Thremfifityâ€"I rmber. " said Mr. Eyrea. , Thad: settled it. The: matter was referred- intthedioor. up said he. "and I think he ought to have an gay. chair to alt in himself." “Don‘t make; it too easy". said Alb- donnan Campballl \wit'h a smile. . -“I think he ought to hay. a lounge to lie diam and rest an alter wad)» Evening Post of April 16 Sanitary Inspeptpr Doug” is to. have an bffice all to himself in ER utown uni, , For some time in: has. been telst that a. private office {or Inspector Douglas was a necessit‘y‘ but action had: always been deferred until last night. when the Council in committete of supply, practicality. granted what \in reality is their own wish, and Mr. Douglas rqquest. He will! have! a mom mthasame corridor as «tho town clerk. uWIELL BE FURNISHED. Mr. Jordan, {chairman of thq Town Property committee, wiln look after the furnishing. "I suppose he‘lll. need a. couple of chairs and a. mule“? Sanitary Inspector and Chief of Police Each To Have a Private Office MORE CONCRETE WALK TO BE BUILT COUNCIL DISCUSSES MANY MATTERS 0F IMPORTANCE The matter was refined. to come nt Street from Cambridge to Vic- toria Ave. Next in Line for Local ‘ Improvementâ€"Town Clock Looked After. amound all daz.” quid Alderman FIRE ALARM .TAPPE R. .VI‘NCE NT’S OFFICE. it cost Mr. The tramportntion cognpanies are streppously ceiling attention to the fact that they: will have practically. an arm corps tho carry to Qubec. 25.- 000 soldiexs; ca-iry horses and am- mmiution. and gig]: to have plea”: of 01 (the 25.000 Hoops that will be Ben; to Quebec far‘ the tel-moat} celebration, 6,090 ,will come from the lt Ithia is carried out. it mean-a that aid tuna :talk «suing a short time ago about tha' mbflity of the railways. $930 pouibility of having to 130 on freight can and an that. was [or nat'biqg at all â€" we gut! in 180;. 01: different occasion; parliamentar- Thew will! be given a chance art the Tenceutamsry to ghow what they real- Montreal. April 16.â€"That the Gov- ernment shall be asked to sand tho troops which and to take part: in the Wtenary celebration early enough so rthat-al‘l may bain Quebec by Bat- xxx-day, July 18. was rose-had at a negating of the comgniasion here. the Grand Trunk und Canadian Pa- oifio Railways. The. counpxmies claim inns have talked about the railways in wartimuyd what thqv could do. Maritime Provipceajnd will be take}: care of by the Intgrodonia'l Railway. The remaining 19.000 wild came from 'thq other provinceg. mostly. Quebec and Ontario. and will be handled by. 1y can 30mm. The sufl'ering which Cuticura. Soap and Cnticura Ointmenthave 8118va men skin-tortured. d18- flguxveg infants and chil- Idnenmnd the comfort they have aflprded worn-out and womegl pan-mg, have ‘ led to their adoption in . countless homes as a priceless treatment for the skinand blood. Infantile and birth 11mm, milk crud. walled head, eo- zems, when. and every form ditching, , skin and scalp hungrs, My" “2%: or jnfancy and child- P «with loss i hood, .21}me in the , 2‘3 _ 1 Q1111; apwmrcLocx. "A blacksmith oouid fix it." said «the Mayor in speaking of .the clock in the town: of the fire station. RI." celmtly there has b02211 nqthing very dstniste as to who should look after. that wondqrtul piece of mechanism and as a result it has been pretty! much a case of ".30 as you pledge" with the aforesaid clock. 'Driver James Bold. who has fixed the odock bqtoro, and can do in: again, will hex-vo- abbar be asked to take over the job on a peummut basis. at so much per. The princiyio Work around tho clock (which ,M‘r. Eyre: says is about as delficwbeasn Miami“) is to wind id: and kebp it oiled. ' _ fdi- éhildren' Id. the 5. 8. Food and D1138? Ac}; Railways Say They Can Handle Troops for Quebec Without Incl Trouble “I was suffering with enema for a an_d a. half and had tried all kinds of medual treatment; but without any results. All tho jomts of my body were aflooted in such a way (Just I had difficult in walking and movm about, It itc so at times thap I coul hagdly keep from scratching It all the tune. I had suffered for about a year and four months before trying Cuticura Soap. Cuticurs Ointment, and Quficura Re- solvent. After using Cutlcuya for two months regularly, not .mnsslng a. day all signs of eczema dxsap an now you cguld not. gall that} avg pad _‘-_L SEEK.“ ‘ia'nza aria 661a; sufficient. to do the Cuticura Remedies justice. Daniel Fisher. Jr.. 1940 Lansdown St. Baltimore. Md., July 5. 1907." Torturing, Disfiguring :flumors speedily Yield to Cuticura. when :the vote was taken to build the whole two blocks. omiy; Deputy:- Recve Eyms 9.51151 Aid. McGeoqgh. vqt- ed ‘yea'. The nation to build it from Cambridge: to oVictoriarave. was, then carried. EUULD HARDLY STOP SERATEHINE USED CUTICURA AND ECZEMA DISAPPEARED “I think wq might expend $780 to far better adv-81153.86 on some of our trout etrdetS.” nuo't'h His :Worahip. (the Mayor. Severe Itching Humor on Joints Made Movement Difficultâ€"Suf- fered for a Year and a Half- Many Treatments Failed to Cure. redintt’his, "What would tho whole thing from Cambrian-8t to Sussex-st. cont 3” askadd Mayor Begs. - “The Street Oommmmr has [118M his estimate at $780," am”. ed Ald .Rea. L "The Council should stake a walk ave: the sidewalk" BWed Aild. BABIES CURED rtime wet. The ratings concur- Mr. S. M. Miller, architect. of Tor- onto. hae been engaged by the special ' committee of the County Council, ap- ‘pointed to see to repairs and im- ‘provements to the County Registry ‘oIfico. to draft plans and specifica- tions. all of which will be submitted at the June sitting of the Council. -‘ Acting on a. suggestion from the inspector of Registry Offices. .the County Council at its January ses- sion appointed: a special committee composed of Messrs. Watson of Mari- pom (chairman). Hawkins of Eldon. Jordan of Lindsay. J. G. Eyres of Lindsay. and the warden (who is ex- otticio a member of all committees) to consider the question of putting in en improved heating system in the registry cities with such upâ€"toâ€"date‘ conveniences and additional room, as the suitable ”inundation 'ot the1 public regained. ‘ .1351) meetings have been 'held with‘ the shore result. Before another .win-‘ ter.‘ it is expected that historic old pile. the , Victoria CountyJ “Registry: ,_- ... I ___- .‘m-A - Afilfnr, Office. .Wfl gm aspect. Ir. 0. H. Miller. of Toronto, to Pre- pare Plans Which County Coun- cil Will Consider in June. Dr. Nqalanda left him when. tho journey came Ibo an and. He had been sitting in cltyc pxjorima’tv to Bowin. but had not an opportunity to speak with him. The youth seems: dd to court publicity. and spoke freely with who“ of his trial. He wm spend some time with Kirkfiold friends. it ja mid. Registry Office Improvements Samoan on the stage stated 1?: xt Bowin was Ruin; Ito Kirkfleld. T2. .re be We: W by a nmnbcx; nt ..c~ quantum»: who Watulnted him on the dad-inn of the jury. A: Ar- gyle, toes bummed to be well known and received many a W chair.) at Husband. . \ Evening Post of April 16 Percy Bowin. the curly-headed .Woodvme yout!» who was tried ml acquitted before Judge Pheian. of De- troif of the murder of Mn. Cornelia Weigh. of Detroit. is having a good time. apparently. in the vicinity‘ of his home. - .. ‘ Dr. J. Neplamds’ol the town. was back north on a hm trip tut Tuepdny. He drove over from Wood- vufle Ito Kirkticld in the stage. and Bevin happened Ito be a fellow pid- ceuger. The handsome youth who amt beaide him was a pertoot stranger to tho dwtar and he paid little atten- tion io him till some one remarked Woodvillc Youth Who Was Recently Acquitted of larder Has Nerve. About and .o’clook the members re- paired to the dining hall. where an appqtizing and bountiful nepnat was halved and enjoyed. by all concerned. Sam and Meets constituted the winding up and concluding events 0! that part of the program. Alt-er that. in conndguenoe o! so many ap- plicants. for W Oriana! degree from math the Linda): and Uxbridmolodz- ice. about one-third remain“! animus the degree in royal style. Among those from ‘Woodville were; Maura. Reuben Thmnu. Frank Loam. Charla: McCall. McCrinnmon. Mr. Good. school teacher, .WoodvdiJe. 2nd Chancel-e. Thae ix gentlemen drove inendhadalwdtriphmne -â€" nd hour! stated. The Uxbridge Innue- Inun were; Mann. J. J. Gould. Chan. Reid. .Wulflis Shier. John G._.V1cara. Rev. J. R. Fro-er. oW’. Dinars. W: Low. brother to Jun. Low. of theVicr Itorin Surina- Oa. B. F. Willis. Mr. Brown. and Jim Graham. Percy Bowin Is Now at Kirkfield in a. whisper that the lad was Bowin. The youth who has. during the last. few weeks. attracted tho amnion o! the continent. leaned to be perfectly at his ease. Inauiuifive glances cast in his dirqch'on did not in the hast disquiet him. he in scammed to no- toriety now. and 'he hailed ddcime comrade. With a! much freedom as a “Shit-hunted ”w -W. ‘ a . Evening’ Post. of April 18 .A training! Vina: was paid {linden} Lodge, Independent Order of Oddfel- lows. on Thursdgy night, by thd com- bined £0ch at the Uxbridge and Woodvillei lodge! a i The whole purpose and the we; pur- poaq was the receiimng of the three degrees by some new-1y initiated mem- bers. .On account of the Menu. 41! the Toronto train the proceedings were delayed until 9.45 pm. Howew elr, afiter things got under way. five vilittinz brdthmn received their dew green and became full-fledged mem- LOWS Will *1}! TOWN. Lou] Brethren Enjoy V131! From Visi- ting Fraternal Henâ€"New lem- bers Receive Third Degree. WOODVILLE AND UXBRIDGE ODDFEL- CAME AND SAW will have assumed a diaer- an old hung building. about thirty {m 10“; {\ t Mr. Makina aw that thef first en:- g'ine was gleaned by a man named Gtorgo Fair. whp came here from PM NY.. .and who superinr tended .11 the work. Mr. Mali-mam- caflad a. 113ng which was tendered the employee- by the firm. whey the aqwnd imp was turned out at Mr. Mnka’ns \mm'led when he com mepcpd to compare the shaps of the olden dayB. Ito, those now 5;: use. In «than days. the mashing: shop was about thirty feet square. to which anâ€" other twenty feet was added. after he had began there a little over two» years. The black-nah shop was in "It took may 3 yér to build the that locounotivef’. said Mr. Makinl. “And I can well, remember assisting in loadmg it on thd Grand Trunk. During my damn we turned out four- teen engine. v Two of then went to Brockvme. one Ito Cobourg and Pet- abomgh road. another to the old Font Hope and Lindsay road. and the when to the Grand Trunk. in; out of national-y wines. and otova. amjl up to that témé. not more than'tifteen men were employ,- ed in «the works. .When the construco tion at locomotives was commcnoed. the staff was £11ch to (my. ed there until 1861. He 0! courses went in as an apprentice. end it was utter he had been there three years. that the first attunpt was made art turning out a locomotive. Prc- vioua to this time. the work at the shops can: ahead for the motif part. a! the t‘umt H'ns APPRENTICESIIIP. It was in 1852. mat Mr. Makins wterad the WW drops when MCSSI‘S. Tutton. Dunc-n a: Hamilton had it in charge. and be was anployi- Mr. Motion. who in now scveutyl five years of use. in in good bent-h. and old flab friends wish him mtmy more years of good heath and pros- perity. Ho 11-- been having a. busy time calling on acquaintances. day we had very little to {mark with. and pros"- um) very slow. butnox. that is not the cue." ,v "I ham beentah‘nz a look over‘the plant as it m to-day.”.rem:-ked Mr. Hakim. tho a representative of the swhlz. “and I could hnrdiy rear lizc :the wonderful charm that have (3km place in the way of mchinery and «tha- dquipunent. It in certain- ly max-venom what year: will bring about. Eva-y deportmant in now equipped with the bed and most up- tto-dam machinery. In the olden A formu- Kimgnuonhn. one who Inado the old Limestone City his home away back in Ithd fifties. in the person 01: John Making. now of Lindsny. who cconpia the position of lockmafler there. in paying a vidt to the city. thig week. Mr. Hakimhan the din- tinotion of Mn; the first apprentice graduated from the old locomotive works in this city. 1nd furthermore. worked on Ith- construction of the first locomotiva which was turned out of than chop. The lollowinig;E nkdtch is one of Lind- say's moat mud mam. Mr. John Making in hkqn from The Emu Whiz: John Makins Was First Apprentice Local Lock Master Premier Workman Turned out of Kingston Rlilway Shopsm Sketch of His Life. Jmaons'n. Total 420; Margwate‘ Mulvihm 329. Genevieve, Murphy 317, Purl O’Neill L302, Gentude Fleury 298, Tm Barnett 2%. Mary O'Inughfin 817. Harriet Tobin 288. Rose Gamin 286. am Button 241. Florence O‘Neil" 234. Julia Mum 223, Clara. Flnher-e ummmmm ‘ a : Senior! II. Total 400.: Agnes Brady; 301. Liznorj Mallet 301, Mary Kingq- lev 261. Christina Buy 260, Iron- Cuntin 267. Anajd Banks 253. Flor-a aloe MoGraqth 252. Helen Brena 251,. Mildred Cain' 248, Eden Duck 247. Mildred Meek-m; 236, Jennie Camer- 2‘31. ma syntax 224, Dorothy, Nicou 220. M1114 Tetraudt209. Clarice We“ my 286, boring McIntyre 284, Ruth Shawn 269, Agnes .Wln'tbe 258, Marie McPhqe 257. Tom Martha 252. Mary, Cain 230. Monica Primgau 190, Annie 1:10th 188. Ada Sullivan 174. Am din Brook; 1%,. Lizzie Gould 104, Dot: lie O‘Ridlx 71, ; . Junior III. Tow 445; Mary 0'- Connafl 335. MmicyBrecn 332. Marx W 299. Mary Heuneasy 286. Genevieve O'Neill! 286, Kathleen Mur- Sepior II. Total .400; Agnes, Brady, PM 63?. Katie Flux-e: 605. Bella. Barry 521. Lucy Gillagdy 477. Annip Killian 438. Clara Martin 433, Madge Denim 400, Genevieve Graeme 374. Glady- Bismhe 382. (live Man 356, Nora O’Ridfly 332. hum Sullivan 330, J union- IV. Total 650.; Anniue Duck 483. Mary Giqu'ly 415, Minniq Cumin 411. Mary B!“ 405, Mary, Houfihnn 383. . Helena Downcy 375, Kain Dwyer 344. Ethel Jame 333. Fm Sadie: 308. Irene Powers 284 Carne‘ O'Riefly $5.. ,_ fl i Mr. Making)“ ban a. staunch lib-e excl whinlile.a.ndw'asaumqg taithtui worker in the liberar ranks I in the early days. when the situation with the liberal! party was almmt 1.10de. He voted 3133th Sir John A. Macdonald, when toad he wouid [lose his job in the locomotive works, if he “lied tint way. Politic-wem' name hot at this time. and although Speaking of the emplom of tho works. Mr. ‘Makinn mid that Alexanâ€" der Carr. now unployed in the tank shop, was Monty one in the shops ,who M38 «there during his tine. ! mAlonnder Milne, now engineer «3 them-mngozthKing, wasan em- [:1on at. the limo, who :Wmiun lr-. 'ving. who still lime near Kingston. 'the shops. The banquet was a jolly, -affair. . As ad apprentice the wages received. by Mr. Making was $3M week. The natal amount paid to an approm tine was $2.50, but as he hd acmeyexpefiupglnaahg) innum- trq’al. he was @ve'n $3. Journeyman were paid $1.50 per day. and some were secured for $1.25. Senior IV. Total 650; Marvarun- ty 511. Hortense White 494, Sadie Kitten 486. Lila Callaghan 464. Mnbet Scully 41Mnrie Clairmont 432. Gard tie Martha 428. Tenn Magnum 428, Mary Lon-erg“ 4" . Loxexta Fro-v chctte 414. Ethel Cote 396. Ruth Mo- Naulty 395. Eden Totmult 391, Mae. gin Martha 35‘, Beta Gouuh 349. Oah- rio Forbext 328. Thu mutt of the examinations for Easter. (19(3). in connection withsSt. Joseph’s convent. in published today; and k u folflowag; Mr. Makim saved as foreman dur- ing hinting” wuconaldered a moat etticient workman. Upon his leaving no took up similar work in Peanuyhanh. New York. and other paces. ' ‘ quite hot at this tine. and althng’h he was threatened. Mr. Matias did not nutter the loss or his situation. "Any! it would have made no differ-a enoa with me if 1 had.” said Mn: Makins. Mr. Maikns says that the business pant of the city has undqgnne quite a changeinthe years passed since he :1in here. but it is in the residential Pupils of St. Joseph's Convent Give Ex- cellent Account of Themselves-n A Complete List. Mr. Hakim is a bum of Wimun Matias. un'ployed at Richardson! devakorr nW'x‘uliun Making was also an employee of the accomotivea worke in the early days; Results of Easter Examinations Here been made. “1 believe that you could lose me in some pmfs of the old town npw," that thegreatest change its

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