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Lindsay Post (1907), 24 Apr 1908, p. 3

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0" ' BfOtblf Sucmds.’ the ALI. .. I- 2' sh I“ £91an bro “twooitbem in Little Rock. with 3 Boston American team. Pat and m“; and they met a cousin from. mm, playing on the Memphi- fl In Evansville. Will Donahue. W m, shines. They met a. In“ light of the Donahue crowd in Chicagon m they run acre: -__ J fim has: for the White a» n: m 0: men, friars figur- ‘. m have when following in‘ The Evening; Post is prepared to gutESh scores by innings. togethe: with the batteries of all amateur mini! games, and scores by quar- m with the line-up- of all lacrosse niches played by the Lindsay teams indie Wu or elsewhere, the apâ€" poaching scuba. No matter 0’: how hula importance, the game ma ybe. if the me is authentic, it. will be gained by The Evening Post. Scam must be sent in on the day unit}! the games are played. They who mailedzto the sporting editor, The Midlaml' Baseball League this 2nd Vice-president; in: will be-mposed of {our teams. EPetmbOnough. Gums. Ford Hope, Patel-borough Smrtm-yâ€"Traasurcq udPeterbomugh Athletics. This was‘ ,ton. Port Hope. is run}: of the annual meeting of Executive -â€". Messr: What is occurring in the Town and District, and $ sporting Circles Generally. , : Hofoooeeoowovooeooooqoeeoeeot _. A I,‘ "00"” 5* Dengue held Friday afternoon in '4! Amerimnhotel. Port Hope. when “Hour clubs were represented. Bel- “15%. Lindsay. Oshawa and Bowman- rile were not. represented and it was W m Suzhou! without them. there were _present at the meet- !» Insets Roy Jex. Cobourg, 'Preâ€" imt- A. Johnston and Carney Rims, PelerborOug 1) Baseball Cluo: 1min Connors and E. Desautel Ath- 1““ Baseball Club. Peterborough; 1‘“ 1min and suck Mulhall Co- mug 39d secretary-treasurer S. I“5381011 and, Ike Walters, I’ort aching P08? . 2% Wa- ] ion of officers resulted. as vacâ€"V--. __w "w I . than“ fl” MUM of name deep :"mhmmmmaa- no . . in! “Nation formed. the hop. Ma that it wihli sham tm ' h” ."5 however much “‘1“ ‘I ' . I .' I ”’le of Curious But Well “n [acts MINES Ban ! oxidant-Roy Jex. Cobourg. . ! 1 Viennpmsjdent~ -- Harry M0!" ‘ Peterbomugh. Wlegiate FoothaulAl' 'Team Organizes MIDLAND LEAGUE MEETING ’SEND IN YOUR SWISS Playm- (:11 Sam has won his she is 8 IBM'M" flaw rto start out in Victors Again in Line. “’33 Platifwl duct night DELEEANIYS. Inn room if thg i‘Lnd- Imtitute. when. with d? of boys present. 8 '38 organized. The gurring in the Town and District (1 sperting Circles Generally. , an ’06: .of April .15 :ann'. mm. mm 24th. '0 Other Fails. in Baseball {has a brother. who has mtue efforts yto makél good dupite his size and ‘S'Uma‘th. lLarry Jajoie. another big daamond king. has a brother WhOl u'ttc-a'ly failed to make :good even in the South Miphmu League. Christy ‘Masthzebon had his brother with him in New York. He was st:ong and had plenty of speed, but couldn’t grasp the gauze. Chi-ism], according to Harry Tuthilll, has another bro- ther now in college, who is fast de- veloping as a pitcher . â€" FEW BROTHERS SUCCEED. In the present American League the Tamehfll boys, Jesse and Lee. stand out as great. stars. as excep- tions to the rule, John Ganzenffi. of Ominznati. is also a. star from a fa- mily of famous players. The Ban- non brothels once aspired fpr hon- ors in baseball: They were! fleet. of foot, but wild op bases, run-ninz like Cobb. but without Cobb’s judagsment. Hardly a player inlhhe big league who has a brother, but has watched him make efforts to WW the same path. .Veg'y, vary few of them have aucoegeded. "The funnimt combniatipn of bro- thers Lnbasoballllhaveever run up nwtione in the game. "was down at Oberlin Conege, when Cornell played “They had twin brothers on the team. Lfl‘he mammt dressed then alike .1:de couldn’t. tenone from the other, One, played the out- field and be was absolutely useless as a ball! player. the average kid on thesandlotscould hambeahanpim. The other one might have won. fame in the ma‘ns. for he could hit ater- rific cu'p: or left “an the min oifice, thus as- auxing their publication the follow- ing day. Be sure that the scores are absolutely correct, with names pro- pcrly spelled, and figures clean and t‘orrectly totalled; of publication. Communications may be sent as often as desired, and will recexrc prompt. attention. Secretaries of all leagues and clubs are requested to send to the sporting editor the names of the members 0': their teams, schedules‘ of games, and such items as they may deem worthy Secertatyâ€"Treasurcqiâ€" .S. Locxmg- um. l’ort Hope. Execut'ne â€"~. Messrs. Mulhall, Co- l-ourg; Johnston, Peterborongh; Con- ners. Athletics, and Waltérs, Port mr-. The question of residence mile was discussed at me .length and finally it .was decided that all p1aycrs must be- signed before July lst. A farm»:- check' is placéd upon thp importa- tion of players after the season is under way by deciding.’to allow on- ly fifteen certificates to each chub, which it és’ thought :will eflectively stop the practice 0'5 bringipg in practically .a neyv, team for the final games. ' x 4 The drawing up 40: a the appointing, of. mm motion left o‘er unti League will. in all ,1)“ on Saturday. May 36%;. The club am out jar ran the mom ors maightand 311m want is a F. Dennison. IS. G. .10me. ' Tbe club wm play as an Inflepcuur cut team- that in tt"; any, Itwiunot ' ' withanv We.“ . . 1 dang’ . he expressed opunon as: :21“ 2;” with 10030! and. onu- ”in -lnh¢ .vilfl 1” arranged. and a.- ;zgm" mm- .AN 1 I ll? mm fiuggestionu clubs 4 us up 01 a schedule and mg, ofinunpires was on over until May -,6. Tue in 3:11 probability, «span B. Williamson, .0. Pa:- Wm. Spence, P.8prnu . Touchburn. D. Spraatt. m manned wt 15 and Judzinlzfrom' 3 connection last a be financially -‘Fred A, Clarke. oannection, and 5. Locking- and clubs are ‘t he C0080- ' \. THE OFFICERS. Those; who will guide the fortunes of the new organization are; ~ Presidentâ€"Mt. Dtmkley. . SecretaryeTreaLâ€"J. Bishola.‘ \ Captainâ€"D. chQuarry. . Executive committeeâ€"W. Spence. G. Jobbi't. R. Johnston, H. McLaugh: lin and .40. Donalld, secretary or com.» mhttete- KEW CLUB FOR PETERBORO. \ swung! Midland League team has hem organized in I’eterboro. The new nub is to be. an ail-’Peterboro aggrega- .ion and. calls itself the Athlea'xs‘ Bast-hall Club. Listen to what 01"! Emu-rung has to say; The idea befre the club" is to have a team compo-:ud of Peterboro’ players. Home bzcws wiil be given every chance in me world. and the officers believe this. is enough material in the city 10 en- able them to put! a strong team in them in the league. one that will t-nr only: give a. good account at it- self, but Will also be thoroughiy rop- roseuiatn‘e ot- iPeter‘oor-ough. l'ie nrw club should meet with cc-zry success, and will doubtless receive “1‘: htally support of thq citizens in their commendable mow. of having an All-‘l'cterborough ' team. It IS understood that "Yebbie" 't‘la- hcriy and "Prunes" Quinlan Will be on the fir-mg line of the new, ciao, whiie “Dubbie” Shea. the former 09p- ula rshortstcp of the Peterboro-igh ch ‘n, who has been in Brantford fir several years, “’1“ be behind the nu. Shea has secured a position in the city and is expected to arrive soon. The Athletics will supports. reso- lulion calling for a strict residence rule in the Midland League. cam up, namaly, to how the Annual Spam Day on what is gum-alum known as Excursion Day. Nothing. definite was arrived at in this man-t their. the proposal meeting both with favor and: ‘wfith opposition. IWhen somebody suggested the 01? gainizmti‘on of a baseball team. the idea was hailed as a panticularay: bright one. and“ it is posEibLe may: Tne members of the Lindsay Whist ‘ ,Club congratulate most; heartily and feel very proud of their fellow mem- ber. Major Eli Hodgins. who with his partner, Mr. Ryder of the Londou. Ont. Club has succeeded in landing the premier trophy; at. the Canadian Whisi League in\ Toronto last week. These two gentlemcn deserve a great deal of credit for winning the Hay trophy, competed for as it is by all the bant‘ whisters of Ontario. It is understood that Major Hod- gins is having \in sent. to the secre- tary 01 the local club and for a time it will be placed; in ’the club roam. The score; Canadian whist tourney results; Roy Trophyâ€"Hodgins and IEbl-ILLB g ong â€"- 'râ€"u v Ryder, of London, won. 9.43; Behar- riell and Connolly; ,of Toronto, 53.86; G. Yevy and Logan, of Hamilton, 8.14; Connor and Wilcox, of Lon- don, 7.29, Biggar‘,and Shaw, of To:- onto, 2.29; Coleman and Dr. Clary, of Toronto, 0.7L r .câ€"pâ€" SHAMROCK IV WAS LAUXCHE'J. â€"-Slr Thomas Lipton’s new racing yacht, Shamrock IV., was launched today at Fife’s yard at Fairlie, Ayr- shire. The new yacht will be com- manded by Capt. Sycamore, and is to compete in the British regatta; A. CHEALB MAN . Hans Wagner has finally .aigned with "Pittsburg at a. rumored salary ‘of $10,000 for the! season. He playâ€" '. ed on Monday. of 1‘.) Kingston, Belleville, GanOnoquc and Napanee have formed an Eastern 0n- tano League. They want two‘ more towns. .WILL IT ? Torontos open the regular season in Jersey City on Thurmhy. And the joyful parts of it. is that getting in- to fast .oompany will. put a. flap to their getting licked by bush league nines.â€"â€"Toronto Telegram. as NEEDN’T. WORRY} So long as Tommy. Burns can get $10,000 pet for licking softer things than postage stamps, he need not care for either 'financial stringencins or the highly colored criticisms of the colored vote. ' sâ€"aâ€"h- FATHER 'CHADWICK DYING Henry Chadwick, the “Fathen of Baseball,” is dying at his home :11 Brooklyn of pneumonia. He is 53 years .old, and was born in England. He is still the editor of Spalding‘s Baseball Guide and other basebul puolications, besides doing work; for fine Broeklyn Eagle. ' ‘ h the mucous mug-1m Such :figfigsgguhl’doggver be used except on pump- Zions com reusable 11le, u the «we the willdoiltato tom oodyoucapo b. ly arive from Hug-Co tfl'rgfedmo mg: urod . - Cheney ~ 0 -. ~ 239 uoflegcury,udllmkon uterufiy, an! directly upon the Mood and mucous aux-1m. o flwsym hbuybia Ball's Clan-h Cure be sure you get those no It In taken intend] , and made in Ohio. by F. J - Cheney Co. Tau - Sold by.“ drugs int. Pflce76c. per bottle. n__.ll.¢ l)!“- lnv nan-H-uinn It was an auto runabout ‘ UDtll it struck a. ruck; There was a crash ‘ And then a smashâ€" And now it’s auto truck._ (chimed up bx Mathias mono re y 50% tfiaweâ€"Tt Vinita-k in_ rm!" 7 l on an ad made in Ohio. by F. J - Cheney CO.“ Tel: : onw- free. drug int. Price76c. per bottle, Sold 3.11 “alga-D‘- Funny Plus for Constipujon, Odds and Ends of Sport. Baseball (“Why I Recommend During a. wish gomisb. 3‘. 5.. : griex ed to find her and friend‘ Mi. Olding had fon years been af- fected with asthma and bronchitis. but now a complication of discaaes was ravishing? his system. He had been confined to his bed for months and was reduced to a skeleton. <1 hough evidently‘ glad to see in}. he tonversed with the great-est Jiffy cuity, and seemed ‘tq realize that it was the beginning of the end. He was daily growing weaker “ his feet wue swollen to twice their natural size. and the sold hand of death was upon his brow. “It'ar no use." he said Ieebiy, “the doctor’s medicine is not heiping me and I am going down rapidly." I played. with him as {or a man soon to pushinto eternity, and .when I took his hand in parting it was the last timq I expected to see him in the nah. Three years later while on another vtiasit to my mother's Michaei aiding was seemingly in better health than The Particulars Of a Remarkable Cure Told by a Presbyterian Morgana- The Suffer“ Brought Bock From Dani's Door I had ever sccmhim (or. as Burglars Attemptto Rob Wakely’s Store Monday Night Broke in Through Front Door and [handed Place But Missed the Cask-Robberies at Canning- ton Also. too Also. , Evening Post. April 21. (the dry good store of Mr. Wake‘y Kent-st. was broken into last night. That it was ap‘ ottempt n: burglary cannot be dofited. in view of the facts as given the, Evening Post by Mr. ‘Wakdyfi ‘ that some tine last evening. presumâ€" ably about twenty-five minuta to di- even. the front door was washed in by two men who Ive-allied through the store. out to the back. calling at the office on the way and made a diligent search generally. } \ x U A 7 -LAJ m “nu-- ( l were open yawn-day. .We had a. big day 03' WW1 and another yesâ€"i term." said Mr. .Wnbely. EBONY]? DOORS INSECURE. J‘he cucomuful attempt at ante“ ing the store through the from; door emphasizes the fact. or rather goon to show. that aueh a_ thing is poaflbld. (rho Evening Post was intonmed that the majority of doors along Kent-st. are just alvutu accessible on Wake- ly’a. in this meld. [that it gives the police force very little chance to prevent such depredations when own- erns of building's do not see to this matter was the opinion expressed by a good mghy buninep man this mornr. ihat some time last evening. presum- ably about twenty-five minute; to e!â€" even. the front door was smashed in bv two men who walked through the stow. out to the back. calling at the office on the way and made a diligent search generally. } . \ gh {t (their sojourn was a short one. howâ€" ever. 3V8:- «,- roman CALLED IN. Mr. spines. bathpqght himself that some- thinz might he‘ amiss and took steps to sob that Policeman John Short was inrixed to m. John hurried. but before he ,golt there the men had elated out. He saw what damage had been. done. which was slight. and undo further attempts to round up his men, ngt they had apparently left town. . MISSED fl‘HE CASH. “Did they get any moncy’v’ IMr. Wakely was asked of mm: Evening ‘Poatq . \ "Outside of poaihly a few coppers. . ,_ .: _,_.. mum. ma taken. that , I John MW. - firearm: ' . AT CANNINGTON. rl’haa burglars made good their csâ€" cnpe from Lindsay and whore they want is unknown. But four storm were entered in the village of Can- mnmhon 17 miles northwosc of 1m; lalt night. and two men were se :1 driving in a. buggy 5303-08 east. fibullt 3 o'clock this morning. (the. stores. which that entered “are R. L. Cor- ldtt's where they got clothing. C. D. Stone’s boqt 9pc! shoe store. tho Mat- thcws hardware store. and Wahluce's general store. At each place more or leg damage was due. and in the first two namcld. a considerable am- ount of goods tr ken. No trace of men had ban found lute this amen- baton he .cat there the men dared out. He saw what damage had been. done. which was slight. and mada further attempts to round up his men, but they had apparently left nothing of any we know 0‘ fix {ould Tell Because he Saw In: Rebuilding Their Houses- Real Student of Nature. An old. «high cheek-0013180. Extramur- hainefi trapper, darkened and matti- eir beaten; by years of such work in am kinda of WW. was alippfng 1‘- oungi among Ithd haunts of the musk- rat when Inspector Bradshaw paddled up (to ask as to the results of thiq wank trappina- - . (the old {endow W88 unite npn comp- mm: 31191.de 3W!) on 'a pipe an mainly a few coppemv value was taken. that present" he answered; one. how" Dr. Williams’ Pink Pillsfi Musknts I sai l.‘ he had always beeng ailing. In shecr' dufieartion he had asked his mic to get him Dr. .Williains‘ Pink Pills. They soon began tq help him. His appeitte and strength began to im-' prove and to the astonishment of his family and friends. he rapidly re- gained his health. Now; though the burden oi well nigh [our score years is upon him. he is able to do stair; day's work. and is in the enjoymcntl 0! good health. even the ssthxnn has' ceased to trouble him. as in former: years. fir. Olding himself. as, well as hi: neighbors and the writer of this let- ter. confidently believe that his run- cue from. the very; Jaws of death -- seemingly no miraculousâ€"is due All!- dex the blessing of bad to the :in3-~ly and continious use of Dr. Williams“ Tim: fills. REV. EDWIN SMITH. M. A. ‘ Mr Olding himself write-3:51 am glad Rev. Mr. Smith has wriuen you about my» wonderfuh cure. (or I cou- fndeutly believe that if it had 'not been (or Dr. waliams' l’ink Pills l _wovzld ham been dead long ago. It would be impossible to exaggerate the desperate condition I was no when I bega mo use the Pills. ‘No one thought I could get better. I warn- 1y dared hope myself that Dr. Wil- liams‘ Pink Fills Would bring me 1hrough. but they dldvand I have ever since enjoyed good health. Though I am seventyâ€"nine years old people are always remarking on boar young I lookâ€"and I. feel young. 1 can do a [air day's work. and .1 am better in every way than I had been for years. I cannm say too mucn in praise oI Dr. William' Pink Bills and I take every opportunity I can to recommend them to friends who nro ailing." continuing; ‘Tl‘hara was lots of money in Ithe' store all right. but. it was where no burglars could touch it. Thaw evidently figured. and cox-met- ly. too. on the: fact that no banks black as "the dark“ Moon with ser- e‘xfio satisfaction invulneraple to alt! enquiries. Finally an idea. struck the veteran am; turnips halt around pound to some nearby r3". houses) “Goin' to hava’ second winter". he nun- â€"._.__ in the water. it Was a rodent with’ ' mama-in! for big bane. "Sure nail we have loom winter”. he repeated. and placing .‘his chum. the black pipe. in his mouth. leisurely 1e£t his cum:- pa‘u'lon and (glided Ion his duties. "Sure unit”. we did, have «second winâ€" ter. and the very day that spring cooled off. the same old customer and his unseparable pipe swung round the bend. and saw ahead 0: him his pre- vious day‘s questioner, COMES rl‘RUE. Hi3 jams unioorpned. the wrinkles spread like avsbove radiating had all over his furrowed face. and putting double attenzth into 112! drokes. bore down on an victim. the Fish and Game Inspector. smiling vex: conti- danflv md chuckling to himself. Making a. similar swam motion with his but]! u on the previous day. he. said. “see! what I tell you, sure mutt second winter”. aid with a big. AT CANNINGTON. I ST “a «um um “w jAcx O’BRIEN: RECORD BREAKER Jack O'Brien. has createu. a “W... for a mnskrat atch this season. Jack is as uterus: ct the game. and annually “out“ t hr“ numbee: of pelts. but never bctoro has he up. pronched the rccort he reached last Saturday, night. when. after three weeks' trapping. he had a pile a 45:: skins to hit. creditK . The pelt of the furâ€"bearing rodent is \aluale. Forty cents apiece is what Ed». Armstrong. Fleury and other buyers in. town pay. providing: that they. are in good condition.. .Thus the industrious O'Brien O'lnl hue \eomething like $170.00 for stringent times that out little pile of greenback; would be welcome to most anybody. amt" Jack! is to be congratuhtod on his success. 1 O‘Brien had‘ been ”trapping wiih ‘Bob Baxter: on the east crceb ab Cross Crcehs., Baxter secured 200 skins. which by! the way is no me-m catch. Single‘ handed O'Brien per- .tormed the lead of mring the 425 l that this record has not I’been ghat this record has not I'ueen «wallet! in this vicinity. in a' gooi many summers. O'Brien exp-cm to secure 150 more before. tb. mien Mothers Feel Safe closure. The“ was once a famous athlete, Whose record was haxdish to belt; On a. cnrcnlnr tuck (He could see his own back. So nimble mu he on his feet. ' It's a great pleasure and very satis- factory to deal in a store that treats every customer alike This store is full of new Spring goods that appeal to all classes of peopleâ€"the rich. the poor, the conomist, everybody that buys good goods, wants good styles. and have thier money go the farthest. YOUR SHflPPING HERE .M~”M« m“ M Evening INGMONEY IF YOU D0 Fine, French silk and wocl Eoliennes. French T w i n e Voila; (plain and embroider- ed) self colored, French stxipc ed Dress Goods in all the. fashionabic shades. To go at. per yud. 85c and... 1.00 A good line of pebbie cloth Dress Goods in 111 shades for YOU CAN’T HELP SAV- So much for the Dress Goods DIQSS GflflflS Post. April 21. has created. a record ouch this “33""- m u the same. and CASH AND ONE PRICE. apiece 18 Fleur! and 13‘, pr'ovidinf! condition‘ Parts The next thing is Corsets. The secret of a good figure this year is a proper fitting corset. Slendemess is the proper canlour, rather straight linesâ€"that is, over the hips The waist, of course, round and small, as compatible with preserving the proportions. A full line of D. Er A. and Cro- mpton,= corsets at from soc. tot ................ 2.50 For vehicL s and machinery win he mud Ind the 0.10 which gives gourd satisfaction is Lubricant may people Ire not sure thnt n im- tation oil, termed Uomneroinl Castor Oil is frequently oflered lot nle nnd whieh has no eeetor til in it's compoeit on, being nude by the notion of ohemienlsion other cheep oils. Nov, there nre diflerenc kinée of cantor oilu there no limb of gain, e‘-l eqnnlly pure. any one of which an be teken medicinuly if desired, end ft is the cheapest of these thnt we offer you n; e‘ lubricant nt 3. price gluon: i! not 3: cheep u the imitation oil. PURE CASTOR Ollâ€" DUNOON’S Evening Post. April 21. A large number! of, sympathizim; friends and relatives attended the tuneral oi the, late James" Hamilton, which took place this morning from the family residence, Kent-st., to tho Garnd Trunk nation for interment at 'Peterborough. A service was con. ducted at the m by, the Rev. J. W-~ Wallaee,, ministert of St. Andrews church, of which the deceased «rm 3 member. m M who wwzre resent were; Meal-rs. “A. Jackwi, R. . McNeillie. 1’. Boertaon. Thee. Stewart, R._M'tnd D12; Bros!» oun-‘ ‘â€" -- _~ pleura: L, a» :wâ€"w â€"â€" _--_ V--- The late Mr. Hamilton WM a fibre- ther of his: Teter_H_§n}i}tpg 9.961 Mr. OAS'I‘OnxA. Bun a. g The anf! You‘flan ‘1‘“ w Good Funeral of Mr. Hamilton. DRUG STORE (OISEIS I- a.-. HamiltEi; iot Petuborongh. 8095'

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