(the “Weekly most \ :TLc W10! Cobalt. he‘not feeling .very kindly ‘tovfard the Ontario Govl ,einmeut for bleeding th‘o'town and district of fm $123638: noth- ing by the way of aiding it to secure ï¬xcfptateotiofl- water service. and that sort _of thing.‘ Lt m sto m. that w peopxq .thxough its gavel-mat - should be wining. rto at last see that thus: who serve than dorm: do so at. a loss. .We, have heard of purchasing agents to: large railways, being "taken in,†and yintnally, “soldâ€. and the me}: mauppoaedltobe the cutest otthdr sex. -We.agm that it than is col-a 1m bdtwesn Nomi: and sau- ar. mo the detriment of the. peopte, someone ought to suffer. It only: goes toabow that the beat muï¬s am amampo be had, when every, body aim; hongbtly. no meter. what the system may be. If a man or men start ott-to beat ems/nae, whethf: .mtoï¬ndoutdhatfhdneptxisthe “#1014 . . . . LLBDSAY, FRI-DAY. APRIL 2‘ , I'l'hié is a [attention that interests us all. and we mag the people rwho pay the piper. ‘It‘ has given risé to more aoâ€"ca-klad scandal. than mimost anx othqr phase ogpublic expenditure. We an "on? norm bv amr means that 9v. tasie: otbqr phase of._pub1ic expanditure. We do not agxue by any means that 9v- ayyth-ing that is bmughtmp in this way. whether done by Grit or mot; ‘r wrong. became some paople, especimlx when on rthe opposite side.- aaem to have ‘etx hazy ideas about what pro- ï¬t peppbo‘ouspt to make out of a “OHSï¬lEdmflQ otherday,wasvetymuchatseaaa to the beï¬t‘way purchasing should be done. HaeitedrtheC. P. R’.asan example. but Sir Wilfrid; Laurier thawed in a flew rwords that irï¬vould be impossible for any government to do things the same as a corporation; or a. Mercantile 'home. If the C. P. R'yaepaamp inmihor W8 also they need, they buy it at once, without any, fuss. but if the govern:_- men; or any one for them wemto at- tempt anything of that kind. it would. give rise Ito am amount of scandal. Fancy Barnett. of ï¬ancee, getting chat thatmnem was saved would cut an {ca with him â€" he would argue. as if the hm amount was a. steal. it can hem thatano: Government is handicapped in a mum, in the yutchasmg of supplies. IW'nth res- ponsible government. it would beim- pmmibhe to hand the work over to purchasing agents. as recommended by the Civil Service Commission. We must never look to the miniski- of any. Save your strength this spring by letting borax. ammonia salt soda, etc.. aid you in your house- cleaning We have the right. quality in such things and far- msh the goods at lowestgipricw. YOu’ll need insecticides, dis- infectants, and germicides also to make the spring upheaval what it should be. \ We have the best in these. fancy Barnett. pf. mace. 8 bold of a purchase! dike that 3' :facd: thatmnem was sawed. “'0“ mot. and even if the prioe‘ comes tigh. wen doubt if wane B walling .to give over any respornsibility to it- responsible par-ties. -A.s dang as the segue: is not getting an exorbitant profit. we fail to see whxtaultshould be found ,wï¬th (than for making money out of we govemmqut. .We have hard of people who have tea. [- cned for public works or supplies. and lost my. some of them have been ruined. Surely. rthat is not right)? A. HIBINBUTHAM, BIUGGISI‘ Neariy opp. thexPost lomceï¬ Lindsay. KIM. and make him musi- bie for anything and everything that is done in that department. (this is the genius of our {gun or govern. PURCHASING PUBLIC SUPPLIES. .5150. 8 WILSON, Proprietors. EDITORIAL NOTES. 24t h. ’08 €11 \Ve could move our Floor-Covering Department Into a separate building, run it independently of our store, and it would stand just as it does now, supreme among all other Floor-Covering and Drapery stores in this locality. ‘1] ‘But (here’s the vital point) we couldn’t begin to quote prices as low as we do under present conditions. Simply because operating expenses would be greater. ‘1] Besides our-great buying and pOwer standing as a store of many stores procures for us additional discounts which we couldn’t receive under the supposed conditions. We keep in Once used in 1 without them. We are open to give you ideas and estimates in furnishing your house. We sew and lay Carpets to your order. Tapestry Carpets, an unlimited range to sel- ect from, we have new designs and colors are the best. These come in two widths. The 111; yard width at $1.00 and the 5} yard Widths per yard ........................... 500 Wool Carpets, made in a range of patterns for most any room. These are 36 inch widths and are in colors of green, blue, red and fawns. We warrant them to give good wear. Per yard .................................... 7°C Brussels Carpets, in a range of Colors and new desig‘JS, most of these have borders to match and some with a three-quarter stair. Pet yard ........................... 980 There’s a. good reason why we otter these uaro pets at such low prices. It’s this: Our Carpet stock is overloaded and we must make a big hole in it quickly. Buy New Curtains at these Saving Prices These are Nottingham Lace Curtains,from the best manufacturer’s,- and are full sized, strong durable nets, and all new designs. We advise you to make an early selection. THREE SPECIALS White Lace Curtains, in dainty patterns and good borders, edges are all locked stitched. These come 3 and 3; yards long, twelve different designs. Per pair $1.00 White Lace Curtains, in swell designs, hand- some borders, ï¬nished with locked stitching on both sides and ends, plain and ï¬gured centres, lengths 3 and 3% yards. $1 5 o O $4. 50 and $5. 00. Whice Lace Curtains, of ï¬ne wash nets, with floral, conventional and plain centres, all ï¬nish- ed with rich looking borders with fast‘ edges, lengths 3 and 3% yards. Per - pair .................................... $2.00 Lou Curtains 50c to $15.00 per pair. In this sale we offer you white Lace Net Bed is at these very special prices : $3.50, Curtain Stretchers Lace Curtains Best Carpets LStOCk Gilray’s Curtain Stretchers. your cleaning you’ll not want to be Sflkaï¬nes why we offer these Car- in most cases in two pieces, the Corners have no scams. We have the cream of several mak- er’s output and the patterns and colorings are very ï¬ne. You’ll do well to consider us when thinking of purchasing. Sizes 2 i x 3 yards to 4- x 4 yards. Scotch Madras Muslin in very rich looking oriental designs and colors. We have a very select range for draping and window screens, widths run 26 to 50 inches. Prices per yard 25c to ..................... $1000 White Curtain Muslins, made without frill, in assorted spot designs only, they are 30 in. wide and are very mnch in demand for kitchen and bedroom curtains. Per yard ................................. 12 1'26 White Bobbinette, with borders and insertion and frills of lace. These come in plain and point de espirte nets. Width is 30 inches. Per yard ....................... 250 High-grade English Brussels Squares. These come in very rich looking patterns and are woven in stripes without any corner seams. The colorings are crimsons, browns, blues, fawns and greens. Sizes come 2} x 3 yards to 32 x 4;» yards. Sizes 2} x 3 yds. 3 x 3 yds. 3 x BQ yds. Price: $12.00 $15.00 $16.00 Sizes 2} x 3 yds. 3 x 3 yds. 3 x 35 yds. Prices $7.00 89.00 $10.00 31; x 3% yds. 3} x 4 yds. 4 x 4- yds. $12.00 $15.00 $16.50 White Curtain Muslins, with frill down one side, these are 27 inches wide. They come in spots, conventional and floral patterns, d 206 If you’re in need of a small rug, this stock can supply you. We’ve got a much larger selection than usual and the prices are as low as ever. We will just mention prices for Smyrna. 18 x 36 inches at 760, $1.00 an! $1.50 80 x 60 inches at - $2.00 and $4.00 36 x 72 inches at - - - $8.00 Tapestry Squares Curtain Materials Tapestry Coverings Brussels Squares Door Mats These Wilton Squares are made of a very ï¬ne wool, and they give many year’s wear, the pile is very deep md no sound is heard when walking on them. They are woven in strips and have no corners seams. Plain colored American Denims, in all the art shades of blues, greens, browns and reds. These are 36 inches wide and can be used for wall and floor coverings, also‘ for cur- tains. Per yard ........................... 33C Hard ï¬nished Tapestry Coverings, in rich dark blue, crimson and green grounds, with broche designs and oriental colors. Width 52 inches. Per yard ...... $1.00 Brocaded smooth faced Coverings, in . al, olive, blue and golden brown grounds1 raised broched patterns. The width is l 50 inches. Per yardâ€: .................. u Buy your Coverings here. We have the largest variety of these materials in Lindsay. Direct imdortations from France, England and the United States. These Axminster Squares are imported from Austrin from the best known makers of Eur- ope, woven all in one piece and in very choice designs and eolorings. We make you some very special oï¬'ers for this lot. Sizes 6} x 9} feet 7; x 10} feet Price: $15.00 $20.00 8} feet x 11} feet 10 feet by 13 feet $25.00 $85.00 (11 While the question of price is important we haven’t allowed it to blind us on other important points. We carry a great quantity of Carpets, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Curtain Materials and Draperies, and provide a wonderful variety in order to make the choosing more satistactory. 1] Now that the new patterns and designs have arrived you will do well to make an early choice. Come before the cream of the various assortments have been selected by ï¬rst comers. An Here’s a lot of Mats sent out to us from James Templeton and Co. The yarn in them was made to use in their best quality of mats, but they got no orders for as many colors as they had yarn, and so to clear out the neglected lots they made up Axminster Lists in hit and miss patterns. SizesO27 x 46 inches $1.50 Axminster Squares Carpet Remnants Axminster Mats Wilton Squares 3 x 3g yds. 3 x 4 yds. $20.00 $85.00 here. We have the 27 x 64 inches $2.50 Tiff 50c rders, from we offer at in cardin- nds, with We have just received a full range of Newell's latest patents in brass extension Rods, extend from 3t05 feet, and arefromthesnshtocurtain size around. Heavy Curtains in Tapestry out, a very rich looking 040*:1 look homelike. Losve Your Order for Shades Here A very special offering in Window Shades greets your eye in this column. These are special numbers made here in our own work- Extra heavy Inhid Linoleums, English makes. These am made pattern is through to the back shop. Good quality of Linoleum, in a number 01 floral and block patterns, these are all seasoned and well printed. ‘We have them 4- yards wide d39cpersquare yard, and 2 yards 350 wide at....' .................................. number I; and ial offer only ..... ’ Opaque Window Shades of good quality, mounted on Hartshorn rollers, size 3 x 6 feet, trimmed with a lace 8 inches wide. These are in cream and greens. Each complete only .......................................... 550 Opaque Window Shades, in white and colors, size 3 x 6 feet, mounted on extra. good rollers, trimmed with 1306 or insertion only at 500. With hoe and insertion, each com- plete ........................................ 75¢ ;vear off. The ï¬dth is 2 yards. square yam .......................... We nuke to order :11 kinds of house or shop British makers, all well seasoned and clear printings. YOU’LL GET YOUR M WORTH {N THIS LOT. 50 odd Optque Shades, in diï¬erent colors, all trimmed with lace or insertion, size 3 x 6 feet, ranging in price 50c to 85¢. Each complete .................................... 35c OILCLOTH BEMNAN TS Best Linoleums Heavy Curtains Brass Rods 'H BEMNANTSâ€"We have short ends of floor Oilcloths 1, ers wide. We make you a spee- this lot. Per square yard 196 in Tapestry, Chenille an looking lot to make your mm, Scotch made so that. nck and 031 ads. For (I tab the “Gather: spacial p The Evening Ibthï¬. C. ‘M.w MB Id!!! m duli: ““17! Mel â€Chi-or widowd Lu [I4