Agent Canada Life Assurance Go. For Lindsay and Victoria County. 09+»woooooooooooo+oo+++¢¢09¢ooooooooo J $Â¥$Â¥$$$ 0000+ on merit or in amen time turc welfare men of sinion, of courage. of con- viction, of disinterested patriotism. of high ideals, to direct legislation and in this-country. are not .too goon 10: the â€Provincial Legislatures. In a :word, we- want men of brains and character, pxogreseive. strong in de- Unda': the. 390% caption. the 0th:- wa. Frw Pres (Emma: tal- .‘°win.-, .rdl’mm'aajr; - The campaign ohm mpï¬m 4h: Govu-ngnpnt. .carriqlgqn‘ in the ï¬gpodï¬m‘ press. washes a immigra- m mtwshom tins outing; and. whmyer this; is the cam, any. 30-4. jauwledgment of the progms which the count}? has achieved at a result 41f the â€130221 M0! il dwfl’ avoided and ï¬ery nrtflica is used to tame the Imp-man ï¬at ahe- Gav-F West Victoria has already; selected ,its representative and has found in whims Stewuha man-of "brains .and character,_ progressive. strong, in debate, forceful in;argnment and of experience in businss.â€3Mr. Stewart, {moreoven 'E a an": who will un- doubtediy take a. paominent,‘ part in Apxob'ncial politicm . W hat, premium do we place on edu- cation when we send. to parliament as representativeof the whole people of the constituency men of mediocre intelligence, inferior ability, weak in influence, lowgin ideals, men who bulk small in their own community, who are not leaders of men, leaders of thqng‘ntrlenders in; society. ‘or leaders in great moral issues? Legisâ€" lators are lawmakers, r . Canada. just now. is bulking large in general regard. she is extending ï¬ber influence, she is standing - for lat ge things, her parliamentary rul- ers must come .into contact with elevenmen and strong business oom- binations and corporations; 'great public issues must be considered, and enormous expenditures must; be wuâ€" nolled. What. earthly, use to, send men of small ‘conceptions, narmw. smart is responsible for whtevw abopptofthe'oestin ï¬nancial-P“ incoming Battlers. ; The “mister;- anape†jomiist 1mm. in the wand- ice of the Part William Dunkhabufl' xï¬ch mama-id tor m exercise of I). mm“ Will. - L u The W pf 19 to’ ï¬x WV, impri-omnt for indecent oviduct rision, illiteratewordiï¬ary‘ men :to mpete with gteat minds. and (to handle great measures '3 asks 'the Bowmanville Statesmanq West Dur- ham. it goes on to say. is ’worthy of a repxesentativel who can hold nis own with the best men of either party. Look to it then delegates, that the .best men is selected. \ “It (ANADA [le ASSURAME (0. which means that the Company 3 self cent. interest basis, f any old-established company holds the strongest reserves 0 on the North American Continent. creasing pelled to reduce their proï¬ts for this purpose. STAINLESS IODINC OINTUENT 7110's [mm 15 mm Iorceful in argument and of ex- THE DOUKHOBORS. IMPORTANT FACTS 90»0§09w090 ,coNCERNINGâ€" R. WIDDESS, was made by the Ottawa Citizen, on Sathuday. the text for an attack on! the Dominion Govgal‘nment .and i'ts'ppt migration policy. The gum dues:- ea that the Fort William Doukhobors were [thrust on WPW m that their fellow opmrxmem’ mmaininz in er the lame “Dahlia 0‘ tin and“ should the 39 who peniwï¬arx mike! should be deMï¬d- L, 11 rthe 1am mahrity abound be in hmpï¬emflmitiaimt as well that everyone mama know upon whom rents (the respamibiligy of put: ting them there. It certainly does; not 153' withthe Daninion Govern-If meat. The Dommim Government must. of eoufse, assume a measure of responsibility for their introduc~ don into the country, but it has no authority it: deport them after they [have been here for aspen years, not is it apart of the Danibégp Govern'm Mum‘s dutiestolsiae'that they, con-d tom {0 the laws. That fungctinn at government belongs to the provinces .themselves. a ' '2 . I than any taller people who from time to tunabxmk the laws and emptin- iahed bywthecourbs urethruat upon ~the. province. . They. in the. exercise nfrthaeir nghtsas-naidmgcm ada. saw tut tojuehve and anther Ontaé- :10. They m at liberty to do no. just the m all am nine in at libemty to cgnEge his Win or glace of residence, There was no law an ‘prqvent 3.11m. It was then, on their advent into Ontario. tom- the Ontario 60an to see that they: eon- fm-me‘d 'to the laws of the province. Tile Doukhobors ad: Fort .wuaim were not w m‘ Dahlia any, more continue for so many months to the \djagraoe' of the pmnqce, is for that ~Gov¢nnnamt to mg. i 80100;; as when: are now the was- But. instead of doing this then-or vincial Government has been [guilty of knowingly mining them. em since they came} within its jurisdic- txon, to indulgel‘ in laWâ€"breaking eon- stern provinces‘were under terriboémt‘ rgovwnmwfl and rthe Dominion Govern- ment ’waS'chariged with the adminis- trarbioqof flyqlgw. no (long were the Mohair: mallet Me It!) the duct. . .Thg Provinciaé Government asl- lovnefl it to continue with mu knowi- ledge of :the facts. .Why the Pro- v'mpial Govqrnmept permitted it tot continue for so (many months to the during that; past winter. thex ware cromptly put into may But. when the Provincial Gamma were ctr.â€" Wei. the anjchority and responsi- bility of that: Dominion .Govqnmenl. ~Wter maided in the Provincial Governmgnlbs. The lessen Ithï¬ DOH minion Government had taught the Doukhobom seemed. however. ctohave been sufï¬cient in deter flpm from such exhibitions in Sankajchawan as they have ï¬ance given in Ontario. It was not until this dampnged party; 11: is convenient â€" and seems to be be custom -â€" for «its 099006313 to rail at thid Dominion Government {or ï¬ery, oocuretnoe‘ that does apt suit them. andï¬mtho next breath. to pro; tat again; thy Dominion Govern-4 trust's amazed interference with pro- vincial rights. .. Canada is a confeder- had arrived azt Fort William and tound rthqy were under the. Odin-in Government thart'they saw ï¬t 1:0th range decanox aI thy: have been doing for the! pant nix mouths. \ . OR a pany may will f 1n- com- 00000060000‘609'0‘009066.00.09090. 006'... m up â€Spam-WW“ .of that Federal Gwen! taina othgr power: an ‘ m in the band: 021 Governmentq. The 'P «manta must be M the manage of it- 0“ A: to the deporluï¬d mm. which tha Chi: IIIIJCQBB Parliamem conferred (the 9.11M unable the Dominion ‘ deport them after the: ed in the country for 1 have been. Until Pa the Dominion 60qu warrant to not. (ï¬le not permit «it. i“ The Dominion 60‘ have been. at!) blama in 13‘ ople *0 Cahada. T] have opposed that P“ time. but if it did. it ' alone in doimz so. Tl Government at that 1 ;iion or pmvinpefl. with certain pow- m 3.051 xesponï¬bfliues in van nan:- ot the Federal Gmalummt and oer- !ta‘ws other powers and responsibilir m in the blinds obthe Provimiall Goverm.ensts;. The Provincial Govâ€" ernment: must be bold responsible for the discharge of their duties. 3!! “am an the Dominion Government for the dischanze of its own. 9' A: to the deportation of the Donk'. hOborB. which tha Citixeu so blindly augment. Parliament has not yet confeh‘ned (the authdty which would inflame the Dominion Government to {deport them after they have domicil- ed in the country for the period they have beenato blame in bringing these [:1 ople *0 Cahada. The Citizen may have opposed Ithaj: proposition at the time. but if it did. it was practically; alone in doin‘z so. The action of the Government at that timg had prac- rticahly the 111.14 mam-nation of Parlia- â€"--» «ha of an mess. Thamtorea u «at neat and of the yreSS. Inemww. for ‘Ithe initial term! â€" if ere. ror them was â€" in: bringing them in- :to the cpuntry. all the people of ,the country who ma it must ahu'e the responsibility. But, for the alona Inuit tab the reaponaibiï¬ty. Anguitweme desired todopork these 119101110 afflict they“, have bum seven years in ï¬ne country. it is lot Parlia- meat to m’m the auharity'. For we uneprgined rmon the people of Canada yttnch izpportanse the public position, in inverse ratio to the actual inpoxtanm of the place. As has bean aptly said. our aya- ttqm of advammt. with- mt pub- lic man. is fimt school! trustee. the Councilman. Ithdn the leakiature, apd lastly tha Eedexal Parliament. If we look into the: actual responsibilities that e‘ach position carries with it. we ‘ can rehdily, mount by far the most’ unpontant,,woa-k .to bei done, the work that touches the peoplo‘ closest. in bath mind and (pocket is that of ‘achod trmxnd so on up, ordown and yet we attach the more import;- awe. «the less the position actually interests us»; In the matter of th0 Ware. as campered with the Fe- deJa-I Axum. Ithé work that. thq fG'J- near does. touches us to;- mom than that of thd latter. anthouzh most men prefer thq bonus of Ottawa to‘thosa of Toronto. 1 Anna locall legislate: for all school matters. an municipdmat’ MB. and all civfl rights, in fact it really. regulates everything outsidq of what is reserved. for the Radars!†(lure of :tbe courts in sz~ um as M Ill-Vb the‘power of GM tar- a‘ï¬m, if mete-sari. it can readily be sqzn how important it is for any-conâ€" qtituangy to be properly rapl‘ewn'ted in that body. The public land: beâ€" long to thdprovince. and if they am rto be developed, {we need men in au- thority who have. courage and fore- aight to know the best thing to do. When the Boss governmht first. augmented the building of a raiiway. 'mbo thd hinibarland, they were ridiculi- ed by rthe present government, md scribed the country the stunted poplar and rocks.†T6 dayhemdhh party one patting: railway ranging through it. Dan readers will! have no doubt nogioed rtho huge army-uh“ .the‘hnagethm amounted to talisman â€" over 38:9 000.000. .We the m; of thosg, who would seek ctoanako out «that :this was not honestly spent,.or that- It was not 11me needed. but we. would just like to calm our indppendent rehders attention to the tusilade of mateanpered criticism that was kept ume yearn ng'dne by by Whiting. Mu- .theson. at 31. when the expenditure Iwarn:mtt.‘hl:1;lt Wyatt itlwa My. 1: We want may ha totaled. carping cri- ticism. but W11 Consorthin.‘ especial†When Liberals. m,in pow» the usual mood of adjectives were. hurled at the heads of Mr. Ross and his panty. .Mr. iW-mixtneu actuallyde- scribed the com as the “land of about Conservative handling of tin- mncep, not on]: “bare. but 'awwhore disc. is that their idmï¬ are, 80031114â€- ly much mm than the income. no mad-W how hit; it is. and their ideas or woman are YOU. 1113â€. outaws Ito-day, it in the‘ at world over... Th, worst about Conservative handling m ammo LEGISLATURE. lipid“ Govemmsnt to not. frhe cou: deporlntion of the Donk" uh tha Gluten so blindly Parliament has not yet be authdty which would Dominion Government to 1 after they have domicil- can a, their attitude in biJities in the main hmumm and W" m and respomibili' s 034119 Provincial! The Provincial Govâ€" be bald musible a of flair dut'ws. an is there that the prooet- Parliament d008, worst teatnm but ï¬t horn in than, tho; the con: man peoplemcwareto pay. md they are there «to 11110 and to spend. that «they soon mm any country into the again; who ï¬t in not our own. out it is an amp-oi! difï¬cult matter to be culled (the guns. withou raiSin; motion. .wu m vex] much draid that we will! ham to pay at high price. for rtbe Whitney wine. and that at an!) distant date. , , murreoltion are 0‘3 ceremonies of WT cideut Peasant. { The. apparent, death of am vegan}- tion in the autumn! with its ratorn scion to difae in thQ spring. is one of that my «that observatiom primitive mu: made of the uni“ in which by found Wt. Thour. ‘ mngls of rewriting, of it ham dun;- od man's sense of wonder as it» It has inepire'd a great deal of his literature. colored aJl in: rdigions land erupted much of his worhsjm It is as much of a wonder now as ‘ it was at the dawn)! history. m1 ago! before swat. when Ina-n ï¬rst rea- lized the difference between himself and the beasts of the field. The reâ€" newal <3: Whip vitdity has .1- way: and WWhem been celebratâ€" ed. and it always Ins and always 'wm stir we inn-gamma. For the intoliecttud life of man to kqop him up to the incmsgnt qtrugxglo without which progress would beigpossible. and at tbs, mot want of whose cessation rectum eion admin the one thing nwdtul is mops â€" tthg appeal to (In imaginafl â€Lion .which always, a man to do his ' utmost, and to do it without much thought. of the. immediate reward. Rnimr'fl 311mm Ito wintexmkes thought. of the. immediate WWII-I. Ewing's auceepion to winter makes that appdn-l; and hope spring: at,» nal in the human breast because -“-n-m-n' and winter seed time and Material, inwuodtml and spiritual aurreotion are qylnbolizcd by the “flanks of Mr and the COUP- W brings ,‘ggwery christian the assurauoq‘ot m mm death. To [the amnion of “1‘ ages; “Dona death 9nd an I" .the empty tomb Bantu max-05,93 gives to the club flan tHa- «ï¬nite negative answer which hwity‘ has always and everywhere hoped for. To tho Hc- brew the‘Pasovcr recalls the enâ€" round. cape {man the W W WW which naturally‘ m the symbol- ot escape fmtthe mvitude of m and that epaily new in“ the “how!“ of mimic: from death. mumtnï¬min i1 thatlocandcbeutngama vatment. but is a move in tho right (ï¬x-anion. «Why, should this custom not be, fouowed more generally 9 Whip Taylor asserts that the Toxic: wiil stay at Ottawa till Christmnz, but they will prevent the now, Do- minion Election Act from passing. The Opposition may very. much du- like the stringent provisions of the new bill to prevnct' crankcaseâ€. but whether they will or not. it will becmne 1mg. gunâ€"d Jilr. Clements, 01 Kent. made a arthcr humiliating display. of his ig- norance of those public. matters witn which a member should be awuaidt- ed. on Friday last, in discussing lon- usea paid to agents [or immigrante. Hon. Mr. Fielding rather took the ground from under his feet by point- ing out that no bonuses are paid for immigrants, and on Southern Euro- ‘pean immigrants, absolutely no nan-t bonuses to agents areJmid. This is a bit of information which should be noted by many Tory critics oï¬ the Gomnment. \ hall. is one: (that will command itself of mm mm m- itself . Jar-twan- and mall «nipped â€Wt“ m‘“ “m my mom be- m“ m“ plated it..wiu be on °‘ m “W ï¬g†of w W! M‘“ m cm maximum: ‘ W'W' out. The fact that Moan: municipal de- mm have recently been sold: to EDITORIAL NOTES. EASTER. on Southern Euro- absolutely no tutu-t 5 areJnid. This is a m which should be Tory critics oï¬ the in in dicaticn Inc King 0! Italy has kindly usur- ed Mr. Watchorn that the Buck Hand hasn't any body; but. no long u i: is able to strike Just :- well witho‘xt one. that does not men to matter very much. A; scheme 1 men: (or la gr, MacKay Fos'g law reform abled Whitney t0 rdorm lama“ ‘ this session. and ter The otter o! mcdonald Colleg: to place its bacteriological department at the diapoetl (II the city for pure milk tests is one more evidence at the cat éalue ot the institution which Sir William Encdontld had created and «ndowed. and» the gense of pub- lic responsibihty with which it is be- ing In Great Britain a lawyer is l're- mier for the ~(inst time in a century. In camdn it iq necessary, to to through the records 0: the Domini0‘1 and matinee with a microscope to ï¬nd a Premien who what not a. luv- ycr. the he: tint both ooumucs z-zt on vexy nicely suggcata that : e oa- soantial point about the head 0 In gov- ernment is his charactcr‘ and not his profession. . The proposed construction or new taotorida and mills all over Canada 3nd the .contqmplatgd extensions to nanny of those in operation. ix; order to must the requirements of increa’ inz trade. i; a pleasing aï¬gn. says the Moqtreal Mung. In Montreal alone‘lthe: have the prom}? of a. nmnhfl' of new industries (.213 year alone‘the: have tno prvuuyv v. .. mantra of new industries this year or next. mun-ins Lhoumnds of skim.- ed We and laborers. while the om o! navigation within thenext two mt will mean the ro-anploy- W of several thomd men who nre anxiously awaiting the arrival in port at the rim ocean steamer. What 5m: 1;me. It: i ‘ ings, it’: and also the satisfaction of knowing Shirts, Underwear, Gloves, l over election. administered. "' ' ' the township of Invar- to chloroform the move- law reform.’is the way. . timbr- sp ytoANDREW MARSHALL 35' charactcrwed Hon. Mr. Box 130' reform resolution. It en- EGGS FOR HATCHING.â€"$L00 ad .ney to prevent any irtw ' . Rhodohhndï¬odl m Cunt]; Prolific name being brought “9 winter Myers of lugs, 51'0“ n. and it; staves the mAt-|They mun-llama 3nd ï¬rst 6 mi]. ((5.1. Infertile WWW P?†l have beenweu 5' 'Pre an â€"v â€"v--â€" HAM. Wewï¬â€˜ï¬ï¬zfl‘: 'lv‘hâ€"evywnre'unnlleeten nnd 3 nm clu- able fowl. Infertile 03: repheed tree. VARIANDWELSK Li any Ontâ€"din FOR SALE -â€"The nnde ' ed offers for sole one Conndim Clydeednle Sullion, rising 3 yrs. old, sired by.King Alb'ed. (lmp.), den, Hnntmnn, (mp4. sired by Old Hununnnn, known to m horsemen a one of the beat Clydesdale: thnt ever come into Canndn. He in n splendidly proportioned colt, and weighs 17001he. Ap y P. J. CLANCY, Linden! P. 0., or Lot , con. 5, Opt! â€"w4. FARM FOR SALEâ€"Being composed of cultivation, good buildings nnd orehud. m WM311922°2192§§$ “no...“ 10 ACRE FARM FOB SALEâ€"Lot 4; con. 10, Township of 0p, tho property of Alex. Nngont. All cloned, ortoG. Gooci brick house, good hunt horn 50:89, stone mbling, pig pen 20x28, driving shod 24x40. ' 0mm, never-tolling spring stream 10 rods from bun. School, church. post oï¬oe. buck- unlth tho , 311 convenient. A desirable {Inn- BOWES, Bed 1mm Agent --‘ Mai’ tnd Empire; Jim Stratton and the Torontd Globe viithl .\. G. Mac- xay and Charley Smith are now the leading spirits of the Ontario Oppo- auion. and. them is no wonder that so many. Libernl candidates are :9- !usiog to run. 1 t 6t. Fcnelon Falls Gmtte; At the conâ€" vention of the Liberals of West ‘Vic- toxin. held st Lindsta recently. Mr. Thomas Stewart; ‘ was unanimously chosen as the «mum in the com- ing provincial. olectima. 1! anyone can win West Victorin; over 1.0 the Libernls, Ir. Stmrtul the man. THE THIRD PAPER It the merchants of Lindsay lead their cmm‘cnauoe and usunnce to he outbhshmon't' at 3 third. paper in that town, m venture prelizt mm:- sin .uuc be long ‘ 11 they ‘ . on Full Value for Your Money Dollars are Dollars Now-a. 999999999999 20m (entuw and Plogtess Bland garments. This is not an irresponsible advertising statement. We stand behind it and are prepared to prove it in every particular. Men's Suits, ........................... 87.00 to $25.00 Men's Spring Overcoat: ...... $8.00 to $17.00 Children’s Two-place Suits 81.50 to $6.00 Boyd 2 and 3-ploco Suits $3.50 to $10.00 Get in the h'lbit of coming here for your Furnish. itâ€"it means dollars saved for yen, knowing t eves. Neckwear, Fancy Vests, Socks etc. :m6 and '8 u _ Pï¬ggio‘nl given patio m 6.3. BOPEWSf CANADIAN OPINION. MORE YET many goat. I: “once. on the W Undnv-â€"‘ I» NISAY. FRIDAY FAR! FOB SALEâ€"160 acres, 1.“; Lot 22. Con. 14, Township of a.“ tram house, good ban on atom m tion. with mining; mu orchud, . drivin shod. never-tuning spy-ind (lain sud fenced, convenient to '3‘ Mt two mile. from the thrivingï¬h of W when there in g“ ' and stock market; soil s chy 1., ortnrther particular! opgly to m l Bowm. Bod We Ash, Lindsay-1 ACRE FARM FOR SALE-k 13, concession 5, Fenelon, " Cedu’ and W Imp. an! lenddltflhble; soil 1. chy lam. 1‘. {rune Buns, one 52 x .‘2, With a. gaming; log House. well ï¬niuhed in. Well tensed, good well, beeï¬ng Odd Nine miles tromjdnduz.‘ 'For ten-d Mn:- L‘Ilu lllllv. umâ€" â€"â€" v 7 7 'cnlm apply to ELIAS ROWE W Agent. Linuxâ€""L I! urea, 5 cloned, 70 tilloble, 15- W. bolnoo second growth ii? wood. Fume 33d log bamwith mi: good tun. house; mull orchu-d; eased 3nd W by two good vi. Ono ' tron school snd chm-chm miles from Little Britain, ï¬ve from In! pots Button. Eloy terms of pug-I. with interest at 4 gr cent. Form ‘culm opply to [JAB BOWIS, Rd to Agent, Linday.-wt£. E 15ndâ€. urge portion under gnu, 14a- Eoughod, brick dwelling how, 11- md stone subling. with echo: Ii branding A never-{ï¬ling well; 114 mile. on Lornev‘LUe Junction; 21: miles from the Village of Woodvilh I not sold st once will be rented for; all otyom. For further puticnlnn up! mums BOAWES, Read Em An Blacksmith Shop. etc. For ï¬enlu-u apply to ELIAS BOWE, W Agent. Lipduy.-â€"Wtf- _/ and the me from Fenelon chmoe to purchase 1 well si 5‘ For further particulars apoly “I†1.;n -vâ€"v' H) 7' c‘uss wells ut barn ind house‘ H summer fullow 50 acres {311 91"de 160 urea Wheat :nd Oat stubble. ‘ rich, um even soil. no stone or 8° unti'lahle. A rare chance to first all“ tum cheap and on 93" F0: price and terms applf W BOWES. ta] estate MPn'. 13:145.!" #Aï¬f‘r‘oitistA'LEâ€"xonh m1! 9; 2:; E 5 3.? i g E g: 3E; ABM FOR 81193â€"703330 M I S CELLL’VE 0 U S H N DSAY Evening P1 M m $200: “We. E F Given for (I: mute lash! NM New: â€"â€"i password â€ration YOU Hill C 010 DIFFEREN For Rebates W, n blue out R ooudn‘