Lace curtains 3 yards long, regular 60c, 381° 49° higyard lace curtains, strong net, wide and Regular 1.35, sale .............................. 31 wmrtains, 3; yards long, 03‘?“ good p“. ’“gular 1.75, sale .......................... 1.49 I“? curtains regular 2.50, 8310 ........ ..-.---- ‘2 a?“ curtains regular 83, sale .............. . 2†Mm â€W"? Em Madras, 36 inches, reg. 200: "l9 "" 179 en and white mwm’ W oooooooooooo 00.3% Wave, regular 11.50,sa.1e ........................ $10 TaMtry squares, big range of patterns, size 3 1* reg $12 , sale ................................. 10.50 Tapestry squares, size 39:4, sale ........... 11. so rsamless tapestry squares best balmoral tap. ., "3‘11â€320,sale.. . ...$18 and Jute rugs at 3 60, $4 and ............ $5 Union â€111 new bright patterns, size 3x3; yds. W86, sale ................................... 5.4.0 Same rug, Size 3x4, regular $7, sale ..... . ...... $6 Rims Squares, size 2§x3, sale......‘. 5.50 T‘Wry Squares, size 3x3, sale ............... 7.50 Tapeng squares, 3x3§, sale ..................... $9 wgfï¬stry‘squares. size 3:34;, extra. quality; 61050 , Lace Curtains NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO BUY Many opportunities for careful buyers are presented here. Curtains and all kinds of Housefurnishings bear a ten per cent. reduction Friday and Saturday. GREAT RUG AND CURTAIN SALE {he McGafl'ey Store For a long time it spread no fur- ths. Yet it furnished an object lea- n that could not be indefinitely igâ€" mrL Thoughtful Germans came in tin: to ask themselves why it was ï¬t tne kingdom of Sweden with 5,- ..M inhabitants. has fewer places mm which has accomplished munch in Sweden was first put in- m operation in its developed form ma: city of Gothenburg, and hence m to be generally known as the Gothmbnrg system. It was adopted indue course by all the chief cities in Sweden, and it met a similarly humble reception in Norway and Carpet Squares The per capita consumption of cpirâ€" was liquors decreased in Sweden mantersin 1851 to 7.2 liters in 1995 Instead of 8 quarts (the equi- m of 73 liters) per capita the mmption in the States is over 17 911035 for every man, woman .1 child. This is the average given â€:12 census reports for the year ya, when the total consumption of main force six years are number a mullenes had dropped to less than 509. In 1896 it was 132. “while the saloons shrank away 50me that in 1869 there was but a; for 8,028 o! the population, and am years later only one for 13,- 59 inhabitantsâ€"figures that gain den! signiï¬cance if we reflect by way denim" that Jersey City, for ex- ..mxe. has a saloon for every um: W â€that time there were more than A“ i. [1181133 in Sweden. 83d it as snid dint liquor mum be 9“" at 51th every hut in the . ' When the new law had â€main force six years the number {.w m was cow-m w conduct the liquor tram“ 1" â€a “ fl, .5 to eliminate all private 91‘0- ï¬t,†gain that might result from a! We being directed to the pro- notion of public utilities calculated m â€m as counter attractions to the .9113» The novel feature of the law on- M in that country so long ago as 155 consisted in the provision that well companies or committees might n W in various communities W m the liquor traflic. in such a “:08 “ys now Wm, weden l chad 0‘ hquof m mm 'w “I“. 23000 Dis . 01' Very 843 inhabit-at; . , flunk: cm 13 the [15! H alf Cam] : e '1‘ 13.000 enticed in 1 8m in that country was 1,322,- mflfleries Going :31, a. .1. o, .‘ mKto be {mm m “1'! with 1:0 â€m“ I 011:" 83100118 Shrinking hum“, o 150000 ' r in m‘ m it} mm “-__L 0:30de has invented a nb raflic control which 'hlbluvl I" ' Half Century dry in any of the being tried in this sisters, one bfother, Colin. and sis- ter, Mrs. Pattison, are living at Newdale, Manitoba, Mrs. Pattison and daughter having visited the fam- ily this winter. Dwessed also leaves an infant son. The funeral the]: place on Monday of this week. The setâ€" some six or seven years, and by her ndble qualities and courteous manner was a. general favorite, ~and her and- den death was a great shock to her many friends. She leaves a. loving husband to mourn her loss. also a step moother and two brothers and known by her maiden name. M188 Maggie McNabb. and he‘d“ 119’ m3" riage some three years 38°, was pm miseress of 131:! P0815 031°9- 10“ took place on Friday night '0! last week, after a. few hours' illneaa.‘ MRS. ARMOUR HANCOCK 2 A great gldom was cast over the entire community when the death of Mrs. Amour Hancock, of Cambray, was made known, which sad event cancer, having been for some time under treatment at the Rose Hemor- ial hospital tor the dread malady. Mr. Clifford had reached the age of 64 year's and four months and had' spent a number of years in Coboconk where he conducted a milling busi- nessinthecourseoiwhichheeamed the respect of all with whom he came in contact. The empathy of a wide circle of triads and acquain- tances will go to the bereaved ones in the loss they have sustained. been 3 Meter for some months from mDuahedagreatdealemwith-l Many people in Lindaaywill be I out the aid pt Special legislation. ' shocked to learn of the death at“. ~‘ï¬____ John Napier, Parry Sound, on A)?“ . 11th. The deceased lady, whose maid- Obltuary ’ en name was Selena Ashton, lived for e‘ ' 'annmberoiyearsatOreuwellHAi- “-â€" ' ;terhermarriagesheoame'ithher MR8. THUS. BRADY. ihueband to town, and lived on Sun- The death took place in Bniialo on Beret, he being a driver on the 6.1!. : Friday of Mrs. mm;w 33 3. AM a iew years they moved to ‘ years. The deceased lady was after. Parry Sound. be having accepted I nor resident 2): Lindsay, and was position on the James Bay 3811"! well known. She resided here about In "581°“ 311° '33 3 Mb" 0' ߠtwenty-five years ago, and has rela- Presbyterian church. She was loved tives in One township. ‘ by all who knew her. Deep mthy ~ . _’ is felt for the son-owing hudhud and ALEXANDER CLIFFORD ; two small children. also her mother, The Post regrets to announce the Who livedpwith 18"" Th" 3mm“ took! death of Alexander Guam-d. rah. place at 811'! and on Tuesday 0 color, regular 90c, sale ........ V .......... '. ........... 7 5c Carpet samples for mats, 60c, 7 5c and ...... 90c Hemp stair carpet at 10c, 12§c and ......... 20c Tapestry stair carpet, saleâ€50c, 69c and. . ‘. . 75c Striped hemp carpet, sale-12c and ............ 13c Extra heavy jute carpeting in stripes and floral patterns at 18c and ................................. 25c Union carpeting 1 yard wide, good patterns, reg. 30c, sale .......................................... 250 Union carpet regvlar 35c, sale ............... 30c Extra heavy Union carpet , new designs, regu- ‘ lat 45c, sale ......................................... 38c ‘ Wool ï¬lled carpet. regular 7 0c, sale ......... 60c All wool carpet, very heavy in red and fawn Curtain poles 1250, 25c and ...... . ..... . ..... 450 Tapestry curtains 83 tom; ....................... 85 Tapestry table 00v era 1. 75 to. .. .......... -. ..... 83 Art â€ma, special 15c and. ...... ......._..20c 5 Pieces art musline at ......................... Opaque shades. oil ï¬nish with the lace insertion Sage shade with wider and ï¬ner insertion, Union and Hemp Carpet Window Shades Pit DOOOOIOIIIIDDJOIODIO... 0 JD... COUOOOOOIOI. O... onnuco-oonon 0...... cannon-coo one... cream and green oil ï¬nished shades, bird. and he will appear in court on April 30th. A local citizen in the month of Feb- ruary last lost a. valuable fowl from his coop. Another citizen has since been charged with the theft 0! the cease running until Wednesday. when nothing was left but the frame. The windmill .on Mr. T. Conin's farm was badly wrecked by the high "I must say I enjoy your paper very much, espedally when there is curling news in it. Wishing you ev- ery success, etc." . In enclosing his subscription to The Post, Mr. ’1‘. A. Pratt, of Evel- The Baker Lumber Co. has about twenty-ï¬ve cribs to bring down yet. The timber cut by Mr. John Cerew _on the Kennedy term, Croce Creeks, has not *been towed down yet. The Marie Louise came down the river Thursday evening with a tow of logs from the upper waters, the pro petty 01 the Baker Lumber 00. They were put through the locks met even- The board of trade metal? and were {allowed there by ' a1781's»numberofsorrovrinxï¬'lemle ~l and relatives. The husband end teln- jny have tzhe sympathy ot the entire 50011113th in their and bereavement. Charged With Chicken Lifting Cunbray, was mo pro-ant. Thore- Logs from liner Waters Windmill Wrecked Enjoy: the Post In conducted by Ron; How Death at Pam w o «0.00 no. boo 00.0.0. ‘oaooooont wants pocket of accused. Witness ukedj what it was. She looked at contents: and then put It hack lathe pocketJ Witness had no reuon to think of any harm being done. The weaned came to the house on Snndny morn- lng when witness was at church. He was there when she returned .1: one o'clock. He 1nd dinner m m. "I. ’ 'nccuned luring dinner rend! when witneu arrived home. After supper ‘ the accused went but to Tom Crawford's. He cane hack to wit-' home load†morning, but 1 bits, and always bore a good chub. ncter. Accused mde his home buck and forward to the bane o! wit- ness, who 1nd never any halt to find with him Daniel was in the kitchen when he took box out of the coat: the only reference the accused nude to the property was ï¬ve years ago. when he said to her father in her presence that the youngest ought to have a. home. Accused was a steady worker. and did not squander his the same astound in the boxinthe pocket of the mused. I To Mr. McLaughlin witness add mas eve. A week after accused went away the witness notimd "the stuff†in the tea. About a cup lull of tea was mixed up with it in the bot- tom of the can. The white stun in the tea was examined. and; it was with abont halt a pound of tn in it. Witness ï¬lled it with tea. on Christ- Thomas, who also took ill on Sun. day. Witness and brother were vom- iting all the time. Dr. Grant was called in .on Thursday. He sand 'about an hour and had supper. Mrs. Campbell, a neighbor, also 1nd eup- per with them. She drank tea. They had a tea connister'inthehouse rats. Witness 3", the box. It '9 "was burnt. A neighbor put it int: little larger than sample produced in i the court. "Rough on rate" was printed j'and his sister. Two doctors were oh it. The box wad opened and con- then called. Dr. Grant tool! some 0| tents examined. The box had been the tea at upper. Dr. Grant we! opened previous to this. Wltngg- ; not sick alter taking the tea as far brother, Dan, put the box up in ac- as he knew. cuse'd's room window. The content: To Mr. Mm wltueee “id looked like light stun; not .3 white that the accused drank the tea out asflour, and coarser. Alter witness'of the same teapot as the test at brother Dan went away she put the ' them on Sunday night. The witneaa boxinthecoatpocketol the m!aud his sister drank tea out olthe ed. She never saw it again. Theac-‘me can ’0? 8 whole '0“. three cused came to the house on Christ- times 3 day. after the accused left. mas eve, rooming with his brother, After the sickneas they took the tea Tom. He stopped until Monday alter ' irregularly. Christmas. Witness and her brother; Th0 witneu '85 asked Vb! 318‘ Tom, went to church Sunday morn- banned the tee. and he replied thet lng.. The accused was the only one hedidnotthinkoltheboxcoutaln- left in the house. The Sunday after ; ingthe rough on rate. They thought New Year's, after accused had gone'O‘ the b0! DOOR alter the tea Wu away. witness took sick. The nonna- hmed. He never e“ teeth on ret- ed lelt on the Monday prevloua. before end never had then in the Witness was sick until the lollowlng . house. The witness eeld he had been Thursday, aswellasherhrotherjsickloraometllnelnthetall and 5 a g 3 9. E 1 5 coat and a rain coat. Daniel Parna- ment, a brother of witness. came hane three weeks before Christmas. ‘etaying about a week. While he was working about the place witness told himtogettheoldcoatol accused and wear it. He came down with the coat and putting his hands in the pocket took out a box of rough on perty ln Eldon. mums got her 3“,. m ooxPunmn! portulonxuehenvodoutotm MPmt.theoouphlmt. tum.Hel-lntherwinodtheum to '“uettenlled. assume“: he,ghethm‘ht1wunmdthem. HI had'uointemtluthehome._'1'he accused ouoesnldhethonght the Meme. Hewutheowner‘ol the youngest should hnve sclslm..wnsn property. His brother Henry and necuaed‘nndwltneeswereconvm tovhithlmoncelnuwhflmnu lurch ittook placentthehtter'n-howlmtvidtwulnthelutd . over ï¬ve m m. Her tumor '0 He did not my .11 mt but 19“ 3 present. He hnd not nude his win hornethex-e. 00%“ 51' ““1†it that time, but all knew thnt never stayed over night, but stnyed Thou. would get the property. The at n neighbor's named Cnvtord. The seemed hsd not lived ln‘ Eldon mince wen-ed Im "dun: in that neith- tive years ago, He in; been m borhood around Christan week and his own living since he was able to on Sunday morning he odor-ed to 'do no. He was at the home of the come over and do the chores. While witness st Christmas tune. coming the vitae- tad M- m went to on the ntteruoou otChnstmneeve. church. mmmhom tron Before that he visited in November, church he was getting the dinner ‘ 1stay1nxnteli days. Hehadaroonl may. Thedeterlundetheten. The In the house then. sud on you; The Suudny utter Henry wt both \ “my Idthlnclotheeiuthewoomâ€"n the vitae. and MI sister 80*: “- her home: He was not carried, huh kept Wot gut-ten. Thou. Pn- 11m 1:: WM. about to miles iron THE FIRST WITNESS Hm Pullman mid she lived in Eldon township. lot 24. con. 2. She crown, while Mr. R. J. McLaughlin acted to: the scanned. MyworeFHD Moore. 1: 0., Countyrouunmmu mam. “MmhsveukenpheemJ‘n. The preliminary much 0! HWY 1?th, 0! WW. WW9 at Bum. 'ho is chm White trunk: to hi. brother. thmhv 'Parliament Was {5 Committedfor Trial: mtmg- ' not sick alter man: the to: u (u ,1, w'uhelmew. mm“ To Mr. William um 3mg. tuttheaecmddmkthetu out “mm’ofthcsametupotuthemt ol mtm'themonSnndlynitht.Thewituu m!udhumdmkmoutocm Thaw'samemtorawholewoek. three came-thnessdny.nnertheuecuodldt. ,A ,, A“-.- bI-A “Ahâ€"m bl.-- ‘A-L LL- 5‘- Dlaee Wod- {tho stove by Thomas Pun-mt. 3M Wit slightly before istopctittntho stove. Then wu tnotnrynuchtutnthem.'rhm immuthhgluthemmtlook- odukononr.shod£dnotwt the â€3' GW- there In no doubt tint these people 0! Woodvmo was and. H. mm were mm; from “Denial poison- thsthomcaflodtol‘hanuPu-c mbbutmquutlonwuthe mo- Mnt'rpheooutho month dun mt wubchindthout. He Jam. 80 load luv Pull» am he did not think ant he was mtmmm.mmdu-mmmoutmucumm mmummumw commitmmm-odto mammmuumwamwm next honse. Magistrate Moore said the that caused the den-us. Arsenic evidence had no bearing on the one would produce‘sueh cantons. The unless they were trying to mason: “the“ 81" it u hi! opinion tint thtthoaccnsodwuiuue. itmu'unkpoiaoningthuteanud I mas DELLA cmnm a†“m °’ xâ€! 1’th :a‘irltwclnmold,thodm¢hur THEBUIDIING UP.‘ ‘0! undghbormtgevegvmm. Inmuptheevideuoe Hr. 581:9 knewthe Panama“ welland “mm '0!“ ‘50 Gm m wuomat Puliunent’sontheday laddnotlvetormch;crm.m mtthoypntthommthecton._IsidthereWunhnkoleudmto‘ "sumdmeueypuuemt wu Ibovthuthem-edhdmttu 'sxekonmtdeyendm got myopopmthem.mmee (rind- wont Assoon_uuhohaddonethnt she dinner. They did not hunted mm: day. She wu told to pnttho tam was the reason he hod been-am DR. GILPIN. intsunghctlonngoimtheuoeuned . Hearstmpeetedhubrotheronthe “WWWNR to I!" muyumycmhmd that“, evidenceï¬euidthothewuosned imum'uumuuymm tothehflhmeathomonhnury ,pnthimuptotryandprooecute his 10th mum-aw both of the Pot- hrother. He replied that no one pot “menu at the house. He now himnptolt. tint '1‘umth not To Mr. Devlin the wiéneee gem won. but did not canine him. The thettwoyeemegocheeecueedeeue- mmdhoennmodlnryP»; eaggooddeuotmmebym‘lmnentndcmetotheeonelmon mahotlwtthnrevolmm thethItttwuwhntwumtheuo house. Magistrate Moore «1d the that caused .the sickness. Arsenic evidence hed no boa-in; on the use would produce such mm. The nnleeetheywmtrï¬ngtomkeont “Manituhuopinmn mt church hevumtinxtb m my,mmmmmm The euuymmmwtboth the'itnmndhildMKOt lick- Everyflmotheucvunnd um untudck well wouldeonoomml meuhbodlndb'u'mt' ingalot. Theyenunnod thou. mmedm.mmtm‘ lboxdromonnumtbeyex- 'mlnodthetufllyfom it"! themflndolstnlinthem u wumthebox.umumfln tu‘ wu bmt.Aneuhhon-pntit 1â€â€œ {mmmmmudm'im ’mdhndsur. Two doctmm than ctllod. Dam-attachment a. tea .t supper. Dr. Grunt to not acxmmxthemum' had W had any out-aw†communion vlth u- broth. Toll-.Wthmum hehadflvohtoflnn. The!“ on .wuchthcynndeontdudflm udwuwotth.boutn.0fl.kmv anomwhymmm lubonldtrytopobonuybody. ' moonumm. Thoanrumt.theoomphtmt. Ira-Walled. Hommmt ho‘ wunbtothaotthenccnud. Ho haduvedonlotn.con.z.lldon.lfl mule. Hewutheomr'o! the property. Hiawatha-Hana and MEDICAL TESTIMONY biomabox «menu-semen wrath-m “ “anthem honest.“ in'terhsvin¢worhd with 53 hwoboabmgï¬uhofldhnm kept sud “styled.“omm malnowlednotaxm: boxotthhundotpouon. comm-rm FOR TRIAL. Th: nut-tau aid he thought mm.ndnturudmxtdnymd marina tothshflon by the evidence.Heuklthnthewucsncd tothePu'u‘neathoncothuury 10th manila-aw both otthe Par- lumenttctthehonse. Hnnoucud vitae-n gave it a his opinion tint them otluyl’uunmtm dmwmm. 1 wunotutdl'iell.fl vomltlnchellsndwu ‘_ may or mousnn. J. Sutcliffe Sons A Great Dress Goods Offering thYdeMlo'm These m the second consignment of our I-ported Dress Goods sud have just been placed in stock this week. They are in Chevron stripes, Poplins, Cord de Soie and Annuree in the newest shades of navy, brown, taupe, ten, green. sax blue and black. Your choice of this range st per yard ......... fl“. O... OOOOOIOQ I Hr. mum: witness aid plate. They have come from the very best mixers and for style, ï¬t, ï¬nish and quality are unsurpassed. The range includes Pnnamas, Venetians, Voiles and Ladies' Cloths. We give you the advan- tage of our buying these very special and it means considerable of a saving to you. n Wonderful values are represented in our showing I e S S of these porulnr garments. Everyone of them is S k ' t considerably under regular price. All garments If s nreoftheverylntest stylennd have been made within the last three weeks. Long costs, slashed effect, gored skirts trimmed in dupery eï¬'ect, buttons and satin trimmings. Colors of brown, mvy, green and black only. Spec- 1 2 so in! prices ere now 814 end . ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ,,o April Store News ORDER YOUR J. surcnrrrn a: son: o OOOOODOCQDOO out. 0...... SEALED TENDm addmaed to the Postmaster M. win he received “Otto's until noon. on HUI]. It. “Juno, Mfor the conveyance of His Meatys Mails, on a Contact. for four yea-s 6. SW and 6 times per week each my. between BEXLEY and KIRKFIELD OOBOOONK nod FENEDON FALLS KIRKFIELD and LOBNEVILLE GI. RAILWAY STATION from the 191: July next. mm notices containing fut-that informuflon u to opuditions 9! you mathewtchugeflrhorï¬ns A bicycle pump is good for clean- ing mud furniture. -leu-pool merdnnts .nac . the Mn all 01 m Lndtanca um Comwumvu in Bobcaygoonon'l‘uudayholdingpol- lacourt.Arecidentotthatvfllage “Wilson Huntin- uncharged withndnxolensivehngnngeudbe- ingdrunk‘nddiaorderly. The de- lcndut was found guilty and was Mtwodoflnaudeomon the A number 0! neutron. Ccnw‘snfll lattenSntundzymghttobdnx til. 10“ down from up the rive. The lophsvetobethmnah tholoch by Imitatuflnth them hytbeywfllbeldtom. Mail Contract Mr. L. Crawford. the prisoner, who went 81,000 m m; haltoutandhls Onr'stock of new spring skim fqrromgn and misses is now com- “wrench cunt-mascuotknw that they looked like. liver Drivers on the Job Mahayana G. 0. ANDERSON. Superintendent. cut all. have OSHKWI out on 81.90