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Lindsay Post (1907), 15 Apr 1910, p. 9

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LINDSAY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. APRIL 1519“) pERSECUTION runouonour EMPIRE] On Trent Canal Five Years Ago 1,01 Y. Times - .‘t :1 l. '11 N t E f e afghan place on a is“? l 0 ll 01' C . 4513 a“ , in extent and cruelty. I J v 'i l’rt‘t‘e‘”.an LL k ‘ detail .9 TV“ More 59‘9““ Willbe com"WW“‘Coiiilitioas Have Changed Somewhat at Early Date ’ The two remaining sections of ti I y ., ._ by the German 1e Todays downfall of the beauti 5:3] Réllt‘l fine nunibe‘ ‘ “*0 day. and alreab lhe thousands. eq‘ireJerSh cowhide“ 01' the Dog Owners in Peterboro Need Not e ‘Li‘r in a state of the r is increasing: fmm {siom are. in the course, of a short 5 winter, and local prognosticators shooti ly reaches for 5 while, to be commenced." Tenders for the construction of these are adverâ€" ideal weather conditions. :error. ‘ Tye the limited ref-“'01” “here they are completed, it means that Cir" - -. ‘ 's lailV . . , l‘emmled E: 32:11:01; (19“.; Examiner: All this fuss that has the entire Trent Canal Wateran 933 b . I - - o , - :3-A R’ene Of ‘thO .‘ "3,9417 severitF- pears to have been somewhat prema- ‘ "33;;‘170119. 1.200 families have. ‘ eh Tin.“ of fun,” ture, judging by the action oft the! AC 3‘ Lil great deal. of work is to be done, . l d 1 f ‘lie‘ legal committee last night, when it;and both are large contracts. The g‘nousand 51X iun re< am. s -- , ‘ have been driven was practically decided to allow theisections are numbers 4 and G. Num- ‘khflra JEW.‘ .1 .7 . ‘ , “ '. , . { Bvéheir homes during the last fen bylaw to stand, but to make no ef- her tour section covers a distance of; .. .ch Ee. 0 ~ ' d themselves in a _ . Shamans: glib: The Emir of fort to enforce it, at lease the clause t despe a ‘ A: ‘ ' am. acting In cooperation With compelling dogs to be kept on leash {Chisholm’s Rapids, and number six .. 3i; “85mm; JEWS lusting Work ‘ Weather Twenty- PITTSBURG MISSIONARY KILLED ' ~ WHILE HEWAS LEAVING cuuncu ' Pittsburg, Pa., April 11.â€"A sermon ; If A raggedly dressed and col- 'minder that there was somethin ‘n larless man poked his way through i ' g 1 the crowd, and, when he was but a I Mr and Mrs. Joseph A. Robinson, ‘ _ , "m . - - - - ! Lake Simcoe to Trenton ~ ,3 .Mv 3: . d tor man} :tul’.‘ 111 the been kicked up during the past few ! from , a! . . . , . S VLSCQ-‘j‘neces and also those resi- days 0v“ the dog bylaw now ap- distance of 153 miles, will ‘ue open, {the Wind 01' m the air, and todays step behind the leaders, he pressed 1’ Kicff are being persecuted ' and navigation between Lake Sim- gsnowstorm is the winduh of unfavor- ‘ revolver to Skala 5 head and fired PAGES NINE No.18 d 93 Since that [late 'glllml“Martyi§llom,” in which Frank . _ a, an e ‘tor and prominent mis- S d F II 81911. worker, had declared himself 3' arewe . 'ved , I _ , k _ . l Willing to lay down his life for the s r9~91\:w(_iatim indicate the Dog BYlaw Ontario-Rice La e Trent Canal DiVi- mm was tne dying kick of old king Christian cause, was followed yester- At B b " ” . ' day by his assassination, and the 0 caygeon l d 11gI dlowréalsoof a-felloziv church say we can now look forward to 36 er, .0 n 33’, who may ie. _ Am; in arm, the two missionaries Bobcaygeon, Ont, Apnlzllth - ‘ ‘ , .q ‘ . were caving the little Congregational A - - «in Emil": 1.1.105: “My wmmunâ€" Worry About Measure ’tised for in another column. Wheni Tae cold weather prevailing during Church in Wood‘s Run, a suburb, at bout one hundred 0‘ our Citizens the head of more than a hundred for- tthe past few days was a gentle re- eigners. met in the parish hall here last week at 6 p. m. to show their respect to who were about to leave for the , , _ twice. The bullets took effect in the [West After those present partaking ,coe and Montreal Will be possrble. A able weather. , Jaw and temple. We have no re son to. rumbl Gay, who threw up his right hand . a g _ e on to ward off the weapon, was hit first the quality 0f weather (115th up on the thumb and then a second bul- tdu ’n th nt - let was .buried in his head. He fell n g e past two m0 gs, Whmh unconscious across the lifeless body eighteen miles, from Campbellford to ' has bordered 0'1 the Phenomenal of his colleague. There has been great changes in ovgfrhfs 13321331: til): asksassmhistood tum read an address which referred , ““5 ing 15 re- to the regret of our citizens at the of the banquet which had been pre- pared by the committee of ladies, who had the whole aflair in hand, Mr and Mrs. Robinson were called to the platform, and Mr. A. E. Bot- cr 904:0“; - . 1 - climatic conditions durin th - ' ' . 11‘s.; DerSWDIOI'S. has . . is Healy 5 Fa ls, and comprises about _ . g e past volver, while the panic-stricken crowd - F and 133'! 0%“; 05m: 1.3191}, ml refine, the when in public places. ltwo miles. {few years, and in order to show just fled to shelter behind posts and door- departure 0f,Mr‘ and Mtg' Rabmsnn ,be , ' Al d. Phelan introduced the matter I HE ALY FALLS SECTION ‘what the weather was like aquarter way-s. Then stamping his foot on the from our midst, and Mrs. L. Cot- llfithes 11 ed settlement dis- . l of a century a go the following facts bodies, the murderer made off down tingham presented Mr. Robinson with ' 3“}Shere Jews are supposed to 13“ mght' i Heal” Fans ““0“ is the ”“91" are ublished The were furn' hed b we avenue to the ”11mm traCks and 3‘ g°1d “uh and ms' R°bmson With n-lzhe unmolested right of doml‘ “What about this dog bylaw,” he {mediate ground between Randolph p ' y ls y was soon 1°“ to Vlew- A large armed . ~' 1-, . . . f ll ’ ‘ Vznefigpgggggfiufémii‘}: liarkléd iasked. “If there is any doubt as to McDonald Co 3 contract and that of "to the notorious Ignatieffi “May its legality don’t you think we ... had ’Brown and Aylmer. Healey Falls’ has "of 18$ and 1891, and Wlth un- !a drop of seventy feet and it Will be ‘ . . ' ' ' 9,, .ined cruelty are dnvrng out the better rescind 1‘ ' inecessary to build three locks and 8. 'vi- - ’ w who inhabit u ~ - “ I . «ettalsiiiiilt figtggmsand are com- The papers have been givmg us gvery large dam. The 10°!“ W‘“’ 0011' W411”, to seek refuge in the some hot shots," Commented Chair- fsist ofa single and donate-flight one. 5 wded cities, Where starvation man Dufius. I On the No. 4 section from Camp- ', sooner or later com 1 . . . figfihe country. pe “Several people have remarked to lbellford to Chisholms Rapids, there Twentyâ€"five years ago .the coldest ug-o“--- low. Interior, which fomxerly resulted I idouble flight one. There will. also be e abatement of the particularly . e' l ds. hav now - - . . . . ,' Hafiz? a}??? Theree is no Pay taxes and tie up his dog, one river here W111 require a large am- .- any doubt that the persecution man said that he would-fight it ount of dredging. {went has the support of the 3 out.” .____..+___.__- . and most responsible authori- I d h 1; th t h b 1 is . u 011’: t in a t e y aw lAft P h any use the way it is now," said er 03‘ ers Ald., Phelan. “That is my candid opened mild, but it soon,‘ got stormy. h- the expulsions are taking . the Jews are being robbed more more of their educational rights. Trains were, blocked and the high- ls were permitted to accept as l l Jewish students as they pleas- egardless oi the limited percent. action.” “We have to take action,” ‘came is He also ordained that the F335,}, Rush,” Jews spend (102:5 0V8? tOWn 0D astring, reJC>111"}evening, and anchored oil a pOint to} Al WI is child. ” fl “"135 1" T1” longer to ed ‘ d' i organ. éwatch developments, and he had no-l Albany on Sunday. bright red tongues 0f forked light, It ill-beseemed, he said, a Minister l -o' ' . COUnCil couldn’t compel a. man to . . degrees, and on March|1~5th there was It is believed by some of the COD- three dams built on this part. The good wheeling. ‘ _ gregation that the . th st Twent -sev ea preached with the emphatic declara- home In e we - y en y rs ago March tion that “any moment God would want my life I am ready to lay my Wiggins Prophesized a storm on the lite down,” stirred the probably in- I i ' ” 9th but it came with a vengeance on sane man to test his Christian fidelity. ’ ' atson on the 10th, 11th and 12th of March. .Skela “’33 Pmminently 10.03113’ 3.3 a ’ misSion worker; and assoc1ate editor coldest periodlwas when spring be- the pulpit at the Congregational Mis- gan with.18 below followed on the 81011 House as a substitute yesterday, as he had often done before. He came oâ€"fâ€"sk those cigars ? Never. I threw away a our esteemed townsman, Mr. W. J . posse of police, detectives and church a dozen Of siIVer spoons. Although Morton. people, was soon in pursuit, but late Mr. RObiDSOD was taken by surprise ‘ ast night had found no trace of him. he made a neat reply, After The sla er was Jim Radovitch, a , . day in March was St- PatfiCk'S day. character yknown to most of the mis- hour 8 program 0‘ a varied characâ€" It. regist?red 17 below. sion for his radical opinions. A 1110- ter, which "19170116 present enjoyed, 00 March 19th it was 9 below merit before he had meekly read from fully, the participants repaired to . .. 'uvenile leaflets in the Sunday school - h . March 20th Sprmg opened Vlth 8 be- led by Skala; previously he had sat h the". omes. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson . , a back pew of the church during the left .by the yn Saturday . .1 h . l 1 Twenty-six years ago on March 1st regular serman; and at the beginning morning the 9th met. A large num- tests at the Russian Ministry of me,” said Ald. Graham, “that the iWII be *- ree Sing 8 ocks and one the thermometer went dowa. to 27 grille servrces Skala had shaken his her of their friendswereat the sta- an tion to see them 03, all of 'whom sermon Skala wished them Prosperity in their new f Th Boh ' Cl 't' J l. G P d 1 recently the higher private :oPinion. I’ll move that we take no on Pigeon Creek Aways were almost impaseable, The :19 “7:3 3 P fgéggeriaglsbfitnliadudfizd ets romOte â€"‘ A Lindsay boy, in the person of c schools. The Minister of Edu- i "Let us test it anyway ,. adv' i Bobcaygeon, APnl 11â€"Mr. H- B- 3 _ ,_+______ , years ago and after attliorough educa- of the mounted police in the Golden ‘il Schgartz. has now issueld Ald Turn-er “if it is no ,good we lPa-rker, our energetic game warden, i ' 3231 S»: 53;;gdllilsegt: idloerblstSrilldl-i}. lite West, is apparently making ,good. He eepzom mug private so 00 s ' i , CLERGYMAN ls . ' ' z w . . . mm; 2: higher percentage Can drop it then.” {took a run down to Pjgeon Creek in foreigners. He was 25 years old? H e 'has earned proportion from tne wish sent-1112‘s than the public “Well, I don’t propose to lead my Ihis gasoline launch on last Thursday: married one of his converts to Pro- ranks 0f the force to head 5306110â€" I ‘ R D N6 test-anism and besrdcs her, he leaves ‘grapher in the head cm“ at Calgary Mr. Watson left Lndsay only a ‘ c I‘ ,_ l ‘ V ' ” ' ‘ ‘ ' ~ ‘ - few months ago receiving, a position 30.5481 legs; education. , Ald. Phelan expressed the opinion; , . | Ottawa, April 11.â€"Rev. R. G. Pee- - _ .- . , . Wâ€" {that the clause requiring dogs to be fthmg to exhaust ms patience for_ ere lver, pastor of McLeod street Methodist You say You have (111113 smoking 7 With the famous mounted police force on a leash .was of no use and ought ;long he was rewarded by the bright EChurch, yesterday morning coridemn- i Yep never going to smoke again. on recommendation of Chlef of po. . l ’ ' . . . . Field'no for iaving ’ ‘ . 7. - 3- ”911th H t to be . taken out. He was of the lsheen of the poachers' light, and Sgnfiiadlfifiss tariff hefroti‘lllOPS M lThen. why don’t you throw away lice Vincent. and has certainly dbne ‘ ear opinion that if the law requiring ev- l then another loomed up With the D ‘ .. l ' 7 justice to himself In the police ranks b I“Bill” as he went by about town, .. ---- o ery door to haveia ta was carefull ! . . . . - ‘ - . . 0n the outs1de carriedo out there wiuld be little (wreathing heavenward from the dinof a Government which mm pureed : box of good Cigars, the last time I {did not have any experience betore he trouble. He accordingly moved tha _ the “leash” clause be rescinded. lman in a slouch hat and gray clothes ‘ “ville. Ont. April 9.â€"(Spe- “Let it stand as it is but don,tzstanding near the prow,_ poised the'; In. Tenant. a local veterinâ€" enforce it,” remarked the inayor and.lglittering spear, to dart it into thel 15 week Came across a freak the matter was dropped at ’that Eunsuspecting maskinon‘ge,. as it layi- kick was born with its heart point. [on the bottom. At this Sight Henryi From all of which it does not apâ€" {turned on the power and his craft 'sped towards the beacon lights, but, day by conducting public b.3111. - ~ " on it. lesson. â€"_â€"_...L..._â€" .â€" -__â€"â€"â€"â€".â€".___._â€" _._.__._“ _. \~. " outside. suspended by its ( 3 and in the pericardial sack. Pear as if the dog owners need worry bo-rn on the farm of Mr. Ed. very much about the bylaw. alas “the sound 0f the launcrl On the t .. .t and was quite smart all _ . Estill waters alarmed them, and out, / l - . ‘ ‘I y after Mr. Teunant was cal- ,went the lights, and then, where was . died the following m rn' P t t A ' t 5Moses ? Just‘where the man in the .. was perfect in bevefy “2:" to es - gdlns ‘slouch hat was, pulling for the shore its actions were very distinct: ithe warden’s motor boat came to a l l was a 2-inch hole through the P f Olanity EVil standstill, and a. supreme Silence} ... lIISt back of the fore legs. reigned as the launch floated on the ,peaceful waters of Pigeon River, W‘â€" The Examiner, 0f Peterboro, dealsland the maskinonge glided along on . Owed V' t' With a habit which is altogether tooltheir usual courses as the poachers EC Em lcommon in Lindsay: lwended their way to their homes, “A well-known resident of Peter-ieach unharmed. .â€"_â€"â€"__+“_â€"_ To Deathbed boro called in yesterday to ask us to .3 . , {Or ,1 f enter as strong a protest as pos- .f Horrible Death 1 l ~ 7L (u... old-timers, .horrible blasphemy tnat is indulged, . .. farm-re on the east. l 'n t I, . . u £21.31 stabbing affray ,1 0 so great an extent on Peterâ€" “ h _1l-‘-\ “mm? auâ€" lsible against the foul language and of Snap-Shooter . ' n“ ’ v 1.29 ( o- f.“ ‘ - ' ' I to a hm harsh, 7" 10110“ ed his boro streets. He ; Cited as a case in " Kiev/1’3“” and storming over ( . 3-; .~ ,3. ‘li'irxg. whispered: epoint that he had l’jUSt overheard two l Vancouver, 5.0., -fpril ll.â€"F. E. P. Tw‘ ‘1') v. . , - - . - . ' ‘91 $011 yet." men, While ladies were passing, in- lMcMain, a well-known busmess man, Eatteiidams could i . . Ifornierl ' of Sokane and Coleman . he had fled. Miller died ' dulging m the grossest blaSphemY : Alta, “lent tor; frieii’d’s office in the “inut . . and ribaldry, “It made my blood 4 eighth story of the Exchange Build- e: * ' en the Irater. but not until he ame of his murderer. b0 1 n , H .- . ing and climbed out of a window with Cast Up b th “ 5h :31: he remark ed, to find that m‘.‘ the apparent intention of taking a Verne y, ,e 833° 3 a 1 ants 0f thls CltY should so far‘photograph from the fire escape, but 0 mm 116.:‘1" April 11.â€"A forget themselves as to indulge insslipping, he fell and was horribly liner Ton yer ard from the . such language, especially When ladies l crushed. He was 36 years of age, and raine, on Ana 9 1909 . . if 1- .7 f ti ., p u 1 1a.. :- Coast , g. , , twere w h . ,, . ormer y manager 0 is. L035} fibrin up off Si Newfoundland, W88 . 1 u m hearing. It 13 note. lat Grand Forks, B.C. His Wife is in last 9Com“. 0f WaleS, 011 ,p eésant‘suble“ to allude 120, neither Seattle. "KShirle.’ m F‘Shgua’d Bay: ‘15 1‘ one that the police. 'by the -â€" _ \ $21)“ :trftch of imagination, can be R0 Hem: “31" lltf'isghMifons- °mpany Closed. ‘ , ose 0 control, save in a Very me, pri .â€"-â€" e ireeniasons April 11.-â€"The Cana- giew cases, as they may happen to 0‘“ have bought the Palazzo Giustiniani ~ has closed down erhear the onlprits There ' ' ' . . . t - IS an old The intend to ex e] the nests Oc- t is expected to re- Saying that “one cannot expect any- y p p t i l 5 cupying apartments in the palace and l any furnishes employ. thing from a pig but a grunt,” and to use the building as the headquar- I â€" \ r 2,000,000 lire, or about $400,000. number of local men. lit men Will indulge in such unseemly ters of Freemasonry in Italy. N1: __ ichatters it simply marks them as McGinnis Goes Down. ' cOkla _ unfit for human soc‘ t h , . , , pain in th , , . 13 Y- T e only “BelleVille, April Il.â€"Ex-Ald. Mc- dlseases of the 1‘ e must I cure 11.9.3 111 the home, Where the in- Ginnis, charged with shooting up the . Being Allen's H rugs, are 7 culcations of maxims of Purity and police station and disturbing the peaCe Wm .. mm... 1.... 3. items”?! W3 ‘ I M“ ‘be Imparted. J. acso , o m . n 3a. _. lSIOIineandallthe court costs. :pine roots in the light Jack, and a | the Lord's D33" Act. "‘ ‘3i“"*“.""*“" : . uit smoking, and it taught t: - ‘1 ‘_ 1)., Dundas , Flavelles,‘ Limited , ~ 7- ..q: »- ,~~-).- ' .1’sswv72asswxnm sue-ire“ as“: or:- ~-~~~u‘. . J'sIe-‘Qtfir'fw .72 th'I' me a ileft Lindsay, but was a sergeant in l the 4'5th Regiment. SOME “PUN ” “Yozers’ and "Ours” for hours of Sliver/aberâ€"f’o jam as. Hose v.9 Handlcerchie/â€"flz 6 match is a tie- .Mmle by “Hen/7.9 slows the Seat,” English Vests- Spring‘ ".4 (do .1 ccessor'z’ as" are COIN/(3- .]![rtlce (1, quick. (Mala-“.1 Bat/a Robe " Rated by many-0ver-raz‘c«gl by mm'enberated bz/ 22.072.6â€" ‘0ur Collars.” Here/.9 a pmf/ y ‘ Howâ€"dado ‘Crush 50ft Hats.” 0 .199 â€"crmtiz- 'r firmâ€"By way of “the Eastern 0 .p.” CLOTHING AND F URNISHING DEPARTMENT “ Peabody’s” Overalls have many immitators- T0 SIXTEEN

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