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Lindsay Post (1907), 15 Apr 1910, p. 10

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in its sealed lead packages. Tea, buy it ful freshness. You packets from your Besides, you know, “ SALADA” Every town has its advantage an disadvantages and should make the most of them. Every town is peculi- arly fitted for some, one enterprise, more than another, and as soon as it is ascertained whatgvould be. most conductive to the growth and prosp- erity of the place the citizens should - take hold of the matter and push it \ for all there is in it. One man can not make a town. The newspaper can not do it, But one man or a newspaâ€" per with the help of the wideawake men of the. place all, pulling togethâ€" ' er can make a wide difierence in the I place. Every man who' succeeds. in a town is a help to it. The more mo- ney he- makes, if he spends it, the better for the community. The larger business he builds up, the more he advertises, the more attention is cal- led in the town A man cannot help in dustry. firm prices Only town without helping it. . cannbt build up withaut helping the country. The interest, of one is the they are; send for some stranger to campaign do it. so that you can let him; carry 13h " some of your surplus money away ' with him. Don’t patronize home ' schools, it isn’t stylish..Send your l children off, it will. cost you more, but then it is more toney. Be sure enter- inâ€" interest of all. The. rivalry that Province of Quebec voted almost able to make a selection satisfactory sometimes exists between towns 1n . l f ' rohibition last both in regards to stability as well cial police the zv'riter 'of the letters . _ . S the same country is short-sighted pcr “8mm“ Y 0r P . as cost. was 30mm, m. Hamburtonicounty, Branches throughout Canada, and m the United States and .. li¢Y~ "' ’week, only one V0“ bellangblrecordted i " i and in the office of Mr. J. E. {Rogers i " against the measure. 11 ic sen i- ‘ ’ superintendent of- provincial policeg A . 2 . ' . ‘ l . -- ‘4, Dont patronize 1191119 talent. If you ment has been worked up to such a , Mll'tary camp he confessed that'he had written the S VINGS BANK DEPARTME '5"- Evan: 50m?“ to' 31“; oaiir 1:23;: pitch that those in favor of licensei . . letters. As the man showed signs of Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowedat- " on’ mp 0? any 0 Y ‘ . At B f 1d insanit he was not at onc laced ' . h ed n the 11. Th Y . e P rates. Acc t _ men, no matter how well qualified were as am to go 0 p0 e ‘ arrle 'e under arrest but was allowed to re- sun 5 may be opened in the names of War ‘ ’ more persons and Withdrawals made by any I were sentiment I ‘ and do not attend our home tainments; it mighe further the terests 01 your town. "$111.11) we always has a delight- in pound or half-pound {last evening- grocer just as you require it. fifteen weeks ago in Ceylon. O) ._3 a» z E w -< .4 G C". as ._a :5 £ ”2... d money away, every dollar our citizens make, sustaining churches and public institutions. pays richly to patronize home We do not need in Lindsay to pay because every sold just as cheap here as it is in Toâ€" rontlo. If we had ,to pay a more it would be wisdom to do it and build up your town. as The Post ! ments has hitherto frequently remarked. Against Measure . .Town of lleganlic, Quebec Furnishes be The town of Lake Megantic, in th priest, Father Choquette. When he was placed at Lake Megantic there nine taverns, and temperance. ertions the number of licenses wasl reduced, but the evil was only modiâ€" fied a little, and he saw the remedy was closing every bar room- 'gThe night before the vote was taken tillery and cavalry which encamped inspected Watmmite and Other Pav- ment in Telephone City The local deputation which went to Brantford Wednesday to inspect the Westrumite paving material on the invitation of Mr. Moffatt, the comâ€" Pany’s representative, returned home 9 The committee 1:onSISl:d 0‘ H‘s accepted. Mr. Thompson came to the Worship Mayor egg, eputy-reeve city about two years ago from Lind- JAM E was piCked jUSt Kylie and Ald. Babcock representing say and his work in charge of the 5 L942“ , the council, and Messrs. John Ca- rew, F. Knowlson and Peter Ken- 'nedy representing the property own- ers on Williamâ€"st. A very careful and thorough in- speCtion was made of the Westrumite material (of which several streets .are. Constructed in the Telephone city) as well as information secured regarding its composition, durability schools, imethod of laying etcf Other perman- ent roadways constructed of bithulc ithic and other material were also inspected in the city. The Post interviewed one of the . prominent members of the committee this morning, but that gentleman stated that a report would be little prepared embodying their impresâ€" sions regarding the different pave- inspected in Brantford and Toronto. They all had their virtues and strong points, he said, and the property owners on William-st, wanted only the best. ’ ‘ Tenders would be called for the work in the course of a' few days, when it is expected the did-erent paving concerns will tender for the work, and an opportunity will then given them to demonstrate the advantages of their respective ma- terials, the cost of laying, etc.. The e ' authorities will therefore be better es "our in- to local dealers for goods, article needed is w one Vote Record Case was arranged by the par- Three Brigades of Infantry Will Train ‘ There was dead. Through his ex-l , (Special to The Post) Kingston, April 7.â€"T-he mlitary only camp at Barriefield next June will consist entirely of infantry. The ar- Former Local Physical Director Leavmz Kingston Standard: The Board of Directors of the Y.M.C.A., met' last evening, with Dr. Anglin, the Presi- dent, lin the chair. The only item of business out of the regular routine, was the resignation of J. J. Thomp- son, physical director of the associ- ation, which was, with much regret physical department was of the best order. He is a splendid exponent of both and as an instructor he among the best that ever had charge of the Association. In one of the casâ€" ion building are rows of ribbons on which are pinned many medals,which have been won by Mr. Thompson for sprinting, and at one timethe the amateur championship of Canada for running. A resolution of appre- ciation was tendered to Mr. Thomp- san for the good. work he has done for the Association. Just at present he has not stated why he has resignâ€" ed and what his future plans are. Mr. Justice Mogee Resident of lialiburton Sent Him Two THE CANADIAN B Mr. Justice|Magee réCently receivâ€" ed two anonymous letters threaten. ing him with all kinds of,things on account of a decision he had given in a case tried ly him and after sever- al days' investigation by the provmâ€" turn to his home with a warning. If other letters follow, he will at once he placed under arrest. ‘ the threatening letters he at handed them over to the provincial. . . police, and " an investigation :was ‘- commenced. As the letters were ,1 \ printed instead of written, it was The hand but in due course it was. ascertained 1 DIVIDEND NO. 31 Notice is hereby given that a dividend at th ‘SIX PER CENT. per annum upon the paid-up Ca 5’, ,of the Company has been declared for the quiaw March Slst. and the same will be payable at the 0638“ lCompany, on and after Friday, April lst. next ‘Tfi for books will be closed from the 25th to 1315: March‘s .. Kingston By order of the Board. 30th, 1910. ”n- ...”.A .- . _ 7 ) Lindsay, March THE STANDARD B ‘ Banned l873 OF CANADA 303% TRANSMITTING MONEY ‘ ’ For sums up to $50 our Bank .Monev Orders convenient and inexpensive. F or larger amounts We is“ Drafts or Bills of Exchange. Money sent at once to so: banking point in the world by Telegraphic or C5: Transfer. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch Lindsay Branch: 1'. F. Loosemore, Manager, Little Bdiain Branch: C. S. Thompson, Acting l l 'l . . Was 'I‘hreatenerlll ”raseeaasenmazzm‘aim l l indoor and outdoor athletics. is ranked in the main hall of the Associatâ€" held w”+w_ vi â€"â€".â€".. or COMMERCE . ESTABLISHED m7 Letters _â€"â€"â€" C L HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO Paid-up Capital, 310 n. Reserve Fund, - 6n ‘ 8. 1r. WALKER, President ALEXANDER LAIRD, General meager one of them or by the survivor. 'H. ll. HOLMES, Manager Mr. Justice Magoo received! once When Lindsayi _’ to follow up the handwriting.- we..." .. “(A 14“., Encourage every home enterprise . Take an interest in every industry, invest liberally in the stock of faith were reserved for Protestants, ' all among the Speakers was a Protes antâ€"an unheard of incident in that camp three more regiments of infan- Province. Father Choquette’s success try, so that there will be as the called a mass meeting , which was , . . g here IaSt June W111 go to Petawawa that the letters had been written by 3 .OPPOSlTE POST OFFICE - held in his church. The front pews , , , _ , for their traimng this year. In their the man, suspected”. A decoyjetter A CHARTERED BANK. and t- place there will be at Barriefield was sent to his home in Cardiff town- I ship, and he came 'to Toronto and reported to Mr. ROgers. He was put , many through a severe cross-examination} is said, will have the efiect 'of . men under canvas as before. Camp and finally,’under pressure, admitted ‘ Transacts a General Banking Business. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Interest from date of deposit to date of withdrawal. HEAD OFFICE - TORON A. B. McGl » Manager Lindil every factory, even business 533313 contemporary. It will pay it; 1 t' h . ts t r cost 3 unu 8 lug 0t er p ms 0 do will consist of the 6th, 7th and 8th his guilt. *you large dividends and Will ‘ . . ‘ iii; htaegéltl 31:31:; - 13:21:53: ‘hvemse' M éBlfi-gades. The 6th Brigade includis __ . l v ue.. . . .- . . . *1 "'"""‘“"E"’- " ‘t e 16th, 40m and 45 Regimen 5 Buy home made goods. Ask your 0 ‘ a ‘the 7th Bri de the 46th, 47th and 81‘ d ‘ merchants for them. Wear home-made DeputAtion wnil 49a; Begimegiits, and the 8th Brigade unter an garments. eat home-made. ”tides 0‘ l the 42nd, 56th and 59th Regiments. e g food. sleep on home made beds, read ; M C . ' No. 3 Cavalry Field Ambulance, ar. Team 0°111dedi home made newspapers In this way eet omm‘SSIon my medical corps Kingston, will go i 0?! cc Hours am to ‘ m the money you spendis 0111?» :Ewsd- to Petawawa, and No. 2 Field Anzâ€" """'"“"“" I 9 ' ' ' P‘ ' ' g ' 111‘ . . ' - ° ' . firezililggsee bfikyiiryfiw? â€"don’t Reputation From North re Better 23%;“? gig” “”11 d° duty at 33“ Accident at 0°“!ng fllul‘obfllbfldzei run it. down. Stand by your merch- 9.113. Train Servrce l ' .. and Durham-sis. his ormng . 0 Interesting Case ants and manufacturersâ€"they are the l and sinew. of your municipal ! -.+...__.____. A serious accident took place this ESTABLISHED 1817. bone Gazette: As a result of correspon- . , k' 'h ' i structure. Stand by your churches, . . morn-mg about 9.15 o cloc . s on .1 dence which has been passmg between , l and your schools..They are the hope th F 1 F 11 B d f T d Grand Trunk shunter followmg upg mm Paid up ..-....... $14,400.33 of your future. Stand by your press, e sue on a S oar 0 re. e _ l C ty C t the re ular Haliburton train to pass l Best .. . 12,0001 n 0““ our g ' é Undlvided Profits ...................................... 23f ‘ and the Railway Commission, a de- legation of representat yes of the municipalities interested in an im- provement in the G.T.R. service in clock train collided with a waggona . 196 from Fox’s brickyard, South Ops, in ' $21,003; h f Mr. M. M ckse , who hapw . . - 3 ,3, me; C arge ° ' , , a y . Branches of the Bank 1n every Province c. .ne Di.» pened to be drivmg across the tracks it is the tireless sentinel that ‘guards your interests. We owe it to the community in whichw-e live to do everything pos- l Judgment Reserved in Case Before llis Honor Judge Harding 5 pie in every possible way that will this district will meet the commis- . . , . ‘ 0 o ‘X . be to Its advantage. Our neighbor s Sion at Ottawa next week and exâ€" 3 lvester va, Damn ton This is on,the corner of Cambridge and Dur- , A general Banking busmess transacted. at prosperity means a great deal more plain matters fully. The delegates y . ' h g ' 1 ham street) ; . l ' an action broug ’0 by 30106“ S? “95' ' ’ Savmgs Department at every Brancn. It' appears that Mr. Macksey, Was CK' " ’ Office Hoursâ€" H. .. 85A ‘5 10 to 3 o’clock, flANAGEP, 122mm 3 ‘ Saturdays, 10 to 1 o’clock. Raw Fur and Skins 5 WE ARE BUYERS ‘ “WWW to us than someone’s who lives else- will probably-be, Dr. Mason, M. P. where. We should bear this in mind R, Dr. Gould, reeve of Fenelon Falls when buying our goods. We can afford Mr. J. H. Delamere, Minden, Mr. I. to pay our home manafirm price M r K'nmount, ' 1 . for his wares rather than send our Ora tlivooithers. Thezngveli'zsi? 1:2: property, 10,t 16’ 1n the 7th' concesâ€" W gone to the capital on Wednesday, slon 9f Darlmgton, and for an in- Junction to prevent the continuance terrof town against the township of Darlington for damages for dis- charging water from the road on his W000 ant; tOWards 'Durham street :but a telegram received on Tuesday . l , , . of the same. The case was a hard returning . _ HIGHEST FOOD-VALUE afternoon postponed the meeting uno ‘ f 11 k'nds of - - ., l vith 1;; (2:111?- ' til next week. It is confidently exâ€" £2515; haovli: 185513583033: 20th 0 a 1 across the track, after delivering a l tact \ - ; “M“: {n the 33m, EDP-'78 Cocoa i‘ a treat to cm. pected that the representations of 11nd rofil g, d g 1 rs 1 bp an: RAW FURS d SKINS load of brick to a resrdent of that I being than, Line I» A Sustenant to the Worker. ‘the delegates will have suflicient :itnpses esJuaanma targe 111:: at 0 an end of the town, and after allowing l 618 Md fic‘rf‘: ‘“ 511337" -1 1 A 3°“ t° the M17 Housewife. weight With the commission to in- 8.6 ' g en ~. serv " ' H' the regular Haliburton train to pass‘ head in ‘1 D3111“ m e ‘ ‘ . Hopkins K. 0-, for plaintiff, 11.13qu W G to Honest Assortâ€" . - - ceived’ duce them to order the deSIre-d Simpson K C Bowmah"ille for -â€"â€"-â€"-â€"'â€"e umn e ind just started on when, he animal did {oi .9 ‘ PS ’5 3:32:11 geieltitlliertitfi: t;S:;e silage: defendants. 19mm Highest Market Prices claims, without a sound Of warning ' that the 1:751- fish“ ‘ kind of a case crin- be made out ' W and Quick Pew“. the shunter backed from between the t it received) a Fiver w ‘ ' ' “ " ' ’ (1 he team h less. T e 07 ‘ coco A against a continuance of present Remuns Were Internd wn pay axranss CHARGES Siegffiguip: _h1:ti: mg“ out in: seat a few yar St lack of roper accommodation. Evâ€" 'V hi ' ’ " ‘ ‘ - hem. . ' 3311mm bod p '11 . h th d, t ‘ T. 8 mm“ ’91? mummy °f 1’? Sendfor 00919094910 PRICE LIST of its path. The engme struck the the bruises sustal S U P P E R eryf y W1 Wis e e ego. es suc- ternng the remains of those placed horses and waggon throwing the he was not on 3131“; . cess ' ' 'th . '. omen - FREE . . . | . . 7. 1n strength delicacy of flavour, __....___..‘y.__â€"_ Letzgauiltiiriiigthizh? wing: $2.231: FRERES ‘ animals to the ground and complete- l The inJured am . ; nutritiousness and econom in use , s . , LCSN - w h. r Dr Rice, '. ,, u Epps’s n is unsurpassya :1. Never take a hot bath in the mom- place. There was quite a number of REV“; , use. no r. . 1ngwlkgthme r atgtiioengine received claims that if 9812': ' , mm ’ . ' 59;;in injuries from the 5517108 do not follow 1‘ ing unlms it is tfollowed by a cold the relatives «at the departed was :at sponge or you will catch cold, the cemetery. ,- Children thrive on “Emit.”

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