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Lindsay Post (1907), 15 Apr 1910, p. 4

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a“? ‘k‘ l .-â€"-â€".-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-- ‘â€" __________.._.-â€"-â€"--__._._â€"â€"- ___._...â€"--â€"-â€"--â€"-’ . an extended visit with friends in l At M h t - Smith's Falls returned to her home :3. 0‘ er 3 Age of Teii -_â€"â€"-- Mr. J. J. Miller is again back at carpenter work in Toronto. boys are enjoying Some. , of' the teach” fish .2. . 3 ’o’ .. . . . . - Ives ftrylng to . . 0:. 1 Solid brick 12 rooiiied dwelâ€" .0. themse , . Chica o A it'll l3.â€"â€"â€"Ufhcrals of the 0? ling house newly [apered and :i: worms to swun and “’0th some 0f juvenileg churi yesterday began an in- ? painted throughout, good cc- o,. the fish. Some are learning to tell vestgation of the case ofhnnie E995» o. No fish of any great 10 years old, who gave birth to a girl baby at the county hospital several days ago. It was reported last night that the young mother dud her child fish stories to . d and soft. water 0:. size or amount have been c 2:: went cellar. har . ' and furnace. good stable and 0:- O . driving shed. half acre of land ‘ aught as O O O O o O o i o O 0. é. o O o i o O o é o O o o O cipleship” was ably taken up iver Gordon- A consecration service was held afterwards. An invitation is extended to all to attend. On Sunday evening Rav. Mr. Snow den preached a g00d sermon to a goodly numbered congregation, tak- ing as his text Revelations 4 and verse two, “Behold a throne was set in Heaven and one sat on the ,throne Next Sunday, Rev. LSeCCQme, of will have charge of the :3: with good garden and fruit trees :: yet. '3 “ice 3“?" a“? $153“ “995’ S‘tu' {0 Rev. Mrs. Wilson. of Dunsford was were doing well. A ‘i .e 7 tee‘reri . . n , ___._____.â€" : ‘ , ~“ . z n wden last , '5 2. ~Ora-acre of land With 112 0g “Sltmg Mrs. Res; 8 f: d M unt Insane Mother’s Crime. ’3’ feet frontage 9n Colborne St., :3: week On Sunday e .VISI 8 . 0 Akron. Ohio April 13,â€"“The spirits .3. near hath Ward Sfihool. as: g, Horeb with a view of interesting; the kept bothering 11-19,... is the only ex‘ .;. {1:‘*.?".f"‘~7{"‘{'g‘f‘;“,. We?“ ;,g 3° ladies and organizing a woman s planation offered by Mrs-Rosa not. . '2' ‘31“‘6‘ l 51 fife. 0 (:f '1‘.‘,‘,’,dpi,‘,,- ” missionary society at that place. quardl, aged 20, who yesterday killed e o:. ,“f M {Ofe‘ _‘1 N” 1 ” . . f .fi d 'aer two-year-old daughter, Margaret, 0 ‘1’ “‘e““7~‘{“f" répposim paice ‘ O :3: Mr. Horace 'Grandy. (3. L1 or. ’ with a club and so seriously Injured : '2' DDT?W:T$E§gned w,“ R911 the .. Spent Sunday With friends In the V11‘ her one-ycar-old babe that the child’s 5' o, is x - ~ _ . death is expected. 6 '3' above to erties cheap or Will ’ lage. '2‘ be glaulptop receive offers from 2:: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Timms, of Beâ€" weggm Farmer Killed. : :3: prospective Iniyers for anY or .. thany spent Sunday at the home of \Vinnipeg, April 13.â€"â€"Alexander §' .§. the ““38 PM? 5- :3 Mr. T. a. Howe. Phillips, a farmer of Roland, Man. 0 in ’z‘ KNIGHT .i. Mrs. Jas. Hobbs left Tuesday for “’85 flatally llljlll'ed. yesterday by be- , z of. LEIGH Re :: Oshawa to visit her daughter, Mrs. lug “1'0““ from his “3' l § :5: ' ' °.° Epworth League was well attended BADD OW 9‘ .2»:»;»:»;»:»: :»:»:~:»:~:~:~I”:”3”:“9%”1“? last Friday night The topic Which : u ‘ I .' d' - ' _9_ MI...â€" was Christs teachings about:y (1)Sl- (Special to The Post.) 1: The reopening services of the Me- . 9 9 thodist church were held on Sunday and Monday, the 2nd and 3rd, were well attended. Rev. Mr. Moun- teer of Cannington preached both morning and evening on Sunday and V. also gave a grand address on Mon-1 day night. The Norlaud minister 3.1-; so gave a,short but good speech. Mr Lord of Fenelon Falls, for some rea- 1 son did not appear. Mr. J. L. Cooke: of CobOCOnk, also gave a little story ' The ' choir rendered most excellent A meeting of representatives of the Bell Telephone Company and the peo \ ' ple of Janetville was held here over a week agowith the view of nstal- fing, the system in and about Janet- ville. Two propositions were made to the people of the Community, one was to instal the phones at $25.00 per year having a three year con- tract and to have twelve persons put On Sunday morning a large con- gregation assembled at the Presbyte- rian church here to hear Mr. Gomm t k . . preach his farew‘l sermon. Mr. Conim 00 the serVice m the church on Sunday and Rev. Mr. Cook ‘. i. ,u. "'.'WWWM . your) * ‘3‘: i. THE LINDSAY POST o OOO~'OOOmooo-.Q.-.Q...â€"Q. coco-O ’ LADIES, YOUR TROUBLE m as to where to get your Shirt Waist or Blouse this summor We have just opened UP [ 350' Lovely New White Waisls: that the most fastidious or exacting lady will find ‘ the waist I was looking for," in this elegant collection of , . tile newest waists This Tidy Little Waist at 98c. sertion in front, neatly yours for . .. o Here Are Three Real Good Ones L Iai‘l'ies‘gfl‘ailcired Shirt Wfii5t5.tgmt awn 'es in s. .iiiei‘ett‘ swe vais s g I £ ‘ $1.50, $1.25, $1.00 :1' .......................................... Fancy White Swiss Waists, $3.75 fully tucked, heavy insertion, pane. look good after washing, very new ........ ........ ........................ in phmes' By tbs, we would get a gave an excellent sermon using.- as . , , . free connection with Lindsay and his text 2 Cor. 10' verse 17. “He 13°C?“ Mr. Crarges SGFVICE at POW' ; from Cmral 3‘ Lindsay would get that glorieth let him glory in the 188 COmers' , _ 0 another connections of the company Lord.” The subject of his discourse Mr. _N. Coodhand has hired for the : Only seven farmers have signified being man of charactere which be summer With Mr. Thos. Curtis, Veru- 5 their willingness so far to pay‘$25.00 said was the essence oilife. To, have lam. . - . . per year °r~$75'00 for three years--- a good character, fine points must Seeding 15 the order Of the day 2 and five more are wanted. It is a be kept in view he said. They were, here and some are almost done. 3 rather large output fer the use Of Love of Jesus Christ, Confidence in _"â€"'+_{ g the phone. God, Clear conviction of fundamen- May and June i In case that twelve persons cannot tal principles Of our religion. We The Lindsay Federal Business Co â€" 3 be secured toput 1“ the phones, a must be servants and lastly we must lege has prepared a special short hilt 0 second “09°51‘50“ was made’rhat be filled with th Holy Spirit. With .. . " . 9 the people of the community form a . practical bOOkkeerg course, Whmh O “ . .. remarks on these he preached his can \be completed in two months 0 company hele and run their line to- farewell sermon to our congregation May and June are the two months : 9 set apart for this work. The cost of instruction, books, business papers, examination and diploma, will be reasonable. If you are not satisfied when through we will refund the price of your tuition. Is that fair} Come along. The F.B.C. is waiting to welcome you to a practical business training. here. He {bade all farewell at the door before leaving to take up his work on another circuit near New- e. The circuit here is now vac- or a call will wards Lindsay to what is known as the Pottery Corners and there con- nect with the Bell line into Lindsay district. The phone will be a great benefit to everyone in this part and ' it is hoped that an agreement will , soon be made. . Mr. and ,Mrs. Louis Fallis, who . have resided at Janetville Staeion l for the past few years left a week or so hgo to their new home at Nestleton. They are not going so Ve- ry far away and we may hope to see them frequently. Our good wishes go With them to their new home. Mr. Oliver Gordon has hired for the season with Mr. Thos. Stinson on the 14th concession. Our teachers, Mr. Thos. Wauchope and Miss N, Bell returned from their homes to take charge of their duties as principal and ass'stant of our public school here for. another term. Mr. and Mrs. Isaah Fe'ir spent a n Peterboro last week try- a house. Mr. Feir's V castl ant and candidates f «(Mâ€"4...,â€" STANFORD GRANDY PLE;\SAN'J: POINT. The death took place in Millbrook , _ on Wednesday of Stanford Grandy. (SpeClal to The Post.) The funeral will take place on Satâ€" We are having excellent Winds atl urday at 2.30 p.-m., to the 9th line pFesent' ““011 fife drying the land np cemetery, Gavan. fine for cultivation. .__..__ Mrs. Jas. Brien is on the sick list JANIES SKUCE at present, bUt we hope to see her out before long. The funeral took place this after- Mr. Leo Zealand who is attending 110011 0f the late James SkUCe, 0f Queen’s is calling on friends here be- Mount Hdreb, from the residence of fore going west for the summer. his son William, EISiD'St-i and Pro‘ Mr. Walter Hore returned last week ceeded to Mount Horeb cemetery. with his better half, who he found The deceased, who passed away on near Bobcaygeon, 5 . Saturday? morning, was aged 30 The “Beaver,” owned by Mr. Jno. and now they intend mov'ing to P9- years: and has been a regident 0f Carew, made the first trip, of large terboro if they can secure a suitable Mount Horeb since 1847 and was b08133. dOWDithe river Saturday. place. widely known in the entire county. Mr and Mrs H. Wilson of Lind- The sawmill has again opened up He was an Irishman and was born say, .called on friends here Sunday. and resumed business for another in Cork county, coming to Mount â€"""+"” season. The ice all left the pond ni- Horeb when only a small boy. where No better tonic could be devis d c913, and the work is progressmg fa- he resided until a week ago. The late than Ferrovim which consists (ff Mr. Skuce was married to Elizabeth fresh lean beef: citrate of iron and vorably under the supervision of the . ‘ . T ° proprietor Jn. R. Burn. Both shingâ€" I\ewman. who preceded him 18 years pure 01d Spanish Sherry W1 ne. Jue) few- days i ‘ ' . Th . -eswa‘ndq lumbenare being turned out. 33:; ey weiilet mfg“? {tin-.012 12:28 enough of the latter to stimulate B. lies 12911184 Johnston and Eva ii: 835 :1" {:5 ‘(is r :1" mt e the digestion and enable a weakened ar. -1“ e1 laSL Week 101‘ Toronto y an 0 g" e am 0 mourn stomach to assimilate the beef and where they hive positions. We wish their loss. They are; John H.,Bury 5 iron. Try this invigorating tonic if _.._â€".â€"-â€"â€"+-â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€" Send Letter land and commenced seeding opera- ' Head. tlons. Many have quite a number of acres sown and promises of a good DANIEL FOLEY year are ViSible' The fall “OPS are The death took place on Saturday looking fine as also does the clover at his residence, lot 34, con. 1, Big. ”‘1th hay “09 Promise to 'be good by,. nearlUphill, or Mr. Daniel Foley Winter seemed loath to leave us an old and highly respected resi- smmg .Put in a good strong battle, dent of that section, aged 05 years. and triumphed, 1’“ Sunday evening The deceased was born in York perhaps She sat up late and OVCY' township and moved to Digby, many â€"â€"â€"-â€"- Eveniiig According to Announcement with the beau- and four making us Peterboro, coktrod the‘ground “W which as well as ti-uL, 1‘ . P. Grozelle, CO 081' andgmakmg roads 50ft Bracebridge. The four sons live _at Mrs. augerated what is known feel z"* 1: .‘t .- .3‘ ~’ ' ‘ii -.lt the day time to certai Miss Lela Burn who. has been on interment. J . til 1 W . . ' ' . e“ gr s success. Green, m H' Lindsay, Richard, you are thin-blooded, weak and gen- With the fine weather and early Mexrco, Mrs. W. Elliott, Mount Hb- , , - . . , erally run down. $1.00 per bottle. spring, the farmers got out on the reb, and Mrs. James Fleming, Hill -w16 By Telegraph Night lettergram Service Start This ileit (it; Monday morning. At any- years ago, where he has resided since ""'â€" to; or” v. intâ€"er stole around again filaere is left to mourn his loss be- Announcement is made by how the - y ...anday morning and again sides a loving wife, two daughters, Canadian Pacific and Great Northâ€" sons, Mrs. Conway, of Western Telegraph Companies that, of commencing to-day,there will be in- as a ‘night The Very Latest in Fancy Net Blouses fifth of the r each additional ten words 0 '- -.ao,a.z :2». h .- ‘ a, LINDSAY, Emmy in. \â€" Q.-..".OO*OOO".O OOO+OOQ+Q..-.. ARE ENDED __§ l I 0 _ l i ‘just f i ew sleeve, wide embroidery in.- d open in back, all sizes 98c In good white soft Lawn With the n tucked in back an are right up to the front, in many new patterns. beauti- $3.75 This is a lovely waist iii the real Swiss. 1 down front will always wo Very Good Specials, Cheap In White Lawn W'aists, fancy emblo dered front, short sleeves, smart looking garments, Open in front. Bargains at this price, $1.00 and ............ 1.25 t Fancy embroidered front. Val. lace in back and sleeves, a grand looking waist that will suit the most exacting lady at "‘ this price ..................... 1.50 ‘ Wonderful Waist ‘. Just only $1.29 Lawn, all over trimmed insertion, 1.20 Good quality, embroidered f r o n t, with heav y lace sleeves a1 so trimmed cheap and good, for ...... “'e are sliowingthe finest array of new Net Manv kinds at many fil‘ifl’r. ' of making and fitting. l:.~f'.1‘ . “'aists ever shown in Lindsay. in new shades such the worry as Paris. CopenZagen, Ivory, Amythest, \Vistarizt l Zephyrs, Ginghams. English ('z:lim<. , Black. etc. in every 3 50 d 3 50 is here at $1.50. $1.23. 31 w - 1 . own to . . a-.- price you wish ......... " New Silk Petticoats. The greatest line we ever had. ; pleased with them, they are very ’ come in black and all the new ('i‘li as. They are marked See These English Silk Petticoats Just landed. The best q . price, come in black only. they are goulg to be a. great seller, will give the greatest wear. They iihi‘f’ifiSSTfi...‘.‘.."...sf‘if...‘.l?"‘...‘.‘.'3 $2.75 l you ever saw at the Iron-strong Moirette Underskirts Have been selling fast. give the greatest satisfaction. different colors With the Mourners! and ................................................... Brand on each Skirt. Bli)’ nnl‘: ___________ LADIES, WHEN YOU WANT UNDERSKIRTS COM THE GREAT SKIRT HOUSE OF LINDSAY /_____________./ Some lit‘“ 3111* C": i A They are a swell skirt. you _ sight, come in many shades. - . either prepaid or collect under usual and taken at r collected delivery. Commencing to-night fifty e sent for 25 cents. One regulations. and will he ate will'be charged for counters, over telephones 10 r 1658‘ by call boys at any time up to ,mid- . at the senders n the case of other ,f agent and a: his A Telegraph night, but as i and SIUShy' stopped the pregress 0f home and are Timothy, Martin, Jos- lettergram service between all points Fhe, farmer in the Sealing- But all eph, and Cornelius. There is also one in Canada and connecting points in The Qanadtan Pacif'c . ‘ . _ . t th | ‘ is lair and well again and the snow sister and three brothers. Th" the United States. This is one of the Company announces that the servme ‘mght Wires, will not be pu ii: We , to contract with mm. d‘d ”'3 harm, but make some 50ft are, Mrs. T. Crimmone, and Michael, most importantlsteps ever taken by will be inaugurated between all their ‘wiresuntll night. and when ‘0 “ 1 reasonable ,. , water WhiCh Wis VET? scarce in .Comcli’lls and John, of Victoria the telegraph companies. It means offices in Canada, and connecting om- res are clear of all full paid day at?” ‘ ted . 3"; many places. i Road. that a~ fifty word telegram can be ces in the United States, not in- iness. Night. 18?“?ng W}? b: :li- th ' ' Misses Erna. and Greta McDonald The \funeral will take place ‘fmm sent after six . o’clock at night for eluding telephone points. Message 6 ered free Within a .half mi e Q: 5 000 serVi-‘e Cf Burketon‘ are spemfing a few days the late “81581108 . t0 the, Victoria the regular day rate for ten words. must be Written in plain 313811811, lemurs office in towns o . - with Mrs' ChfiSt‘ie Armstrong. Road Roman,Catholic cemetery for For instance ai ten word telegram in and all code or cipher messaaea are lwpulation or less. and With“; 011 n ‘8 p ' ' I . ‘ ' n points costs barred. Lettergramas Will he BWUPM mile oi the ofices in other 0"“ y

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