A great many penpxe aw euuruus with lie-mine}: >. Eycstmm, Pain in the Eyehail. etc . who (1:) not, realize that, the rause is a defect or weakness u’.’ the eyes. All :he causes we can permanently tune by our pmpvrly ground glassvs. “Te guarantee satisfaction in every case. comï¬paï¬on is the root of many forms of Eyestiain and Headaches Indian Root Pillsg thoroughly “$th by over fifty years of use, have been proved ‘ safe and certain cure for constipation and WEIGHT SPECIALIST. ; n Kent-ct. (Over Neill'a Shoe Score) 3 Lindsay. ‘ Examinatinni’we. v Eye glasses re mind. Broxen lenses replaced When you buy SILVERWARE you expect to get something that will hold its brilliancy md durabil- ity and also nomething new in de- sign The Siivcrware «0111 at THE n-An" Honey to Loan fl.†Try them. LII‘ “l."- POPULAR JEWELRY STORE meets all the requirements 0! its c-ustomexs. IL is guaranteed by the manufactmer and we also ginâ€" our own personal guarantee A fun lim- of Hollow Wall? {Ind P AGE 6. mama-.3 m mama): ‘â€"â€"="-‘-" Socâ€"(will amount to Eonsiderably over one million dollars. The company will {2-1~2~2"Iâ€1*1~1“2°€~1~1°°1“2“I"?'2»:~°«:«2-.Io ship 209 miles of its displaced track oz. R. McALPlNE g for use by the Grand Trunk Pacific in ‘1' ‘ . . -, :2 . : constructing yards and sidings in the .3 Spend} .nteatmn tn (.INPJN \ ... _ , .3. â€- V0“, Tm?“ and Chest .;. 5 west. Some of these raals haye been 3:. T RICllMD )1 1 _ ftl u .;. 2 in use since 1869 and are stxll goo-:1. .3. W. ; “l l .1"; Sanger“? I ’2' ;'l‘hc:~' were imported from England at .3; {â€3}; “g; ‘1‘; ;’d‘ â€139:3; '5 'f that time or the lines in Ontario. As {O A’)“« ‘1‘“. 13,513 ‘ . . MD 1!.“ 0:. the}. all? only of 56 and 65-po'flvlld 9:0 uttrntxvm mbnrger) :unllldxs- .z. 3 weight, to th': vard. they are consid- .°. vases nf “omen and LL) (re-n °, ; end too light for {.9 heavy locomo- Qo’o,oovooc 0-0000 . . . . â€.0090†N.â€.».O0.00.N.â€.OO.N.“.“.OO.~.~.~.OO.M’ LIVES 110,“, Ill use on the main 111168. All ‘ the present order of rails will be ï¬lled | by the SydneyLQapg grown, mills. __â€"â€"â€"p- lindsay Marble W0: flatware : model ate. Cambridge-st. North of Fire Hall 9 . The Grand For all kinds of Granite and Mamie placed“ orde monuments. Ger. prices and see de rails for deliw All business suicfly conï¬dential and charges low. as I do an my 5“ K MUSIC. awn writings. . B. ANHIS 0ph., D. are alwavs on hand. P1 was tummy penple am suffering which >. Ext-stratum, Pain in mi]. etc . who do not, realize rause is a. defect. or weakness on Mortgaggg‘o ‘. H. KIDD . MCCARTY of of . Prov. ‘mne GRAIN HAULED FROM VICIORIA HARBOR THROUGH HERE BEFORE SNOW FLIES Globe : Englneers have been instruc- ted to begin at once on the location of the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway line from Gentay, sixteen miles west of Smith's Falls, to Toronto, and it is expected that this railroad will be in operation in about two years. Steel will be laid on the new rail- way from Victoria Harbor to Beth- any. near Peterboro, this year. and before the snow flies xt is expected that wheat will be hauled from that harbor. In July C. P. R. upper lake steamâ€" ers will be run from Victoria Harbor to the head of Lake Superior am} if this route proves a success Owen Sound will be either partially or wholly abandoned as a port of the company. The foregoing announcements were made to the Globe by Mr. D. Mc- Nicoll. Vice-President of the Canadi ian Paciï¬c Railway, at the King Ed- ward Hotel last night. . LOCATION OF NEW LINE In speaking of the new line ironi‘ Glentay to Toronto, Mr. McNicoll said that the location would extend iron: Glentay southwest to Believille thence along the lake shore to a point of Leasidc Jct. It would then work I up to Leaside The Company will have a grade of about four-tenths of! one per cent per mile. ENGINEERS TO START FROM TORONTO "I shall send out some engineers on the location work from Toronto."1 said Mr. McNicoll, “and they will meet the parties working from the east, so before long I hope to have the line located." A FAST PASSENGER LINE The line leI be a fast passenger line. It will be on the level and as Scarboro has a high elevation it will . be avoided. It was at one time planned to start the new line from Bathurst but Glen~ ‘ tay has been ï¬nally chosen as the junction. Double tracking 40m Smith's Falls to this point is now ‘ proceeding. The total mileage by this line to Mcntreal will not vary ï¬ve miles from the mileage of the present main line. “Will the new road be double- ‘tracked from the start?†Mr. Mc- col was: asked. I FAVORS SINGLE TRACK “I do not know," he replied. "My idr-a is to have a single track at ï¬rst and when the business warrants lay (the double track. I would sooner 3have a. single track through a flat countr; than a double track up and ‘down dale. The bridges of this line," 3 he added, "might be made so. that it I would be convenient to lay a second l track at any time." i moved 'away from our village. i {We are sorry to hear of the lm‘bendcd removal of Mr. Jesse } Linden and (amily, and also, Mr. 5 James Lindall and funny. GOODERHAM. (Special to The Post) What might have been a serious drowmng accident occurred on East- er Monday n‘oming. when little Ir- win Derman, and Eddy Hadley ei-l lnto the smftly rushing creek, beâ€" mud Rev. C. E. Dave'y’s home. and only for 1h: mmt action of Mr. Daveyï¬who was in the yard at the tine the results would have been terrible. Miss Martha Maxwell has resumed her dates as teacher in the school at Cavend.sh. {The floods this spnng haVe 'been quite large. We were an pleased to see our former teacher. Miss McCordick hero on Easter. M.ss Beatty spent the Easter holi- days at her home in Cannington. The Grand Trunk Railway placed an order for 40,000 tons of steel rails for delivery this season in westâ€" ern Ontario. These will make twenty miles of 80-pound to the yard track and 240 miles of loo-pound track. Th: cost will amount to considerably over one million dollars. The company will ship 209 miles of its displaced track for use by the Grand Trunk Pacific in constructing yards and sidings in the west. Some of these rails have been in use since 1869 and are still goo-3. , The? were imyorted from England at that time for the lines in Ontario. As has ! weaker. Dr. William-s- Pin". Pills, have a special action on the blood and nerves, for they give strength, and have cured not. only msny forms of nervous disorders, but also other spring troubles, such as head- aches. weakntss in the limbs, loss of appetite, trembling of the hanns as well as unsightly pimples, and Skin troubles. Theyi do the, be- cause they actually make new, rich red blood, which means a ,return to they are only of 56 and 65-pom:d ‘ perfCCt health Mrs. J. E. Davey is able to be out. again‘ after being laid up for some time with a sprained ankle. Mrs. Frank Valleau and \ children have been spending the past week at Wilberforce with her parents. An Order for 40,000 Tons Placed at Sydney, [4.8. I GRAND TRUNK RAILS family have DAIRYING T0 TOBACCO CULTURE FON. ADAM BECK. Who will address a putl c meeting: in Lindsay next week on the pow- Will be the Same as in Schoots in Future The Legislature decided that rural school children are entitled to the same holidays as children in the towns and cities. The matter was brought up in the House by Mr. Phil Bowyer, and the expression of opinion then was so strong that the principle of the bill was adopted and incorporated in the statute law amendment act. The country cnildren get an extra two weeks’ holidays. at! schools Opening ndw on September Exhlbitlon o! the Ugty. Amsterdam but just opened It: mm unnualexbtbttton of the ugly. It is organized by a group which devotes itself to educating the art tastes of the people. Anything that modern art or manufacture produces which in an Offence to the eye and goat! taste is reflected, grouped. and 1a~ belied under different clmtfkations Nervous Diseases In The Spring Can Be Removed By Toning Up the Road Thus Slrmxhemn: th: limes u “ faulty matzrial,†"faulty con- struction," “faulty tad bad decor» Lion." er questmn Nervous diseases are more com man and ' more serious that at any other time of the year. This is the opinion of the best mctlcai author- itlw, alter long observatzon. Vita! changes 1n the system after long winter months may cause much more than spring weakness, and the familiar wear-mess and achings. Of- ficial records prove that in Apnl 1111 May neuralgia,_ St. .Vitus dance epilepsy. and various forms of nerve disturbances are at the r worst, es- pecial;y among those who have not reached unddle age. The antiquated custom of tahng purgvatives in the sprung is ussless, fer the system really needs strength ening while purgatives make you Sold by all medicine dealers or by ma'l at 50 cents a. box, or six boxes for $2. 501' mm the Dr; .Wil- liams’ Medicine 00., Brockvinel Ont. HOUDAYS {N RURAK SCROOLS -- 3 f as in the City !0 + W45 +O+C+c+3+c+o+ c+c~+o++3~+0+0+<>+0+6+o+n+ 0+0+C~+o+ +C+ +£+ v " «:+C-+{‘+ _________â€"_I“ §LINENS and STAPLES On Wednesday, Apr'l the ninï¬emth Miss Alma Gertrude Staples, danghâ€" ter of Mr. Robt. A. Staples. of Elâ€" don, was united in marriage, to Mr. Colin Murchison, of Mooseâ€"aw, for- merly of Glenarm. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. W. Jones. of Victoria Road. The happy couple left on the evemng train for their new home in Moosejaw carrying; with them the best mshcs of their mrny friends. St. Mary’s church was the scene of a very pretty weddmg this morning when two most popular young people of the parish weie united in the holy bonds- of mitrimony in the‘perscx: of Miss Eilen Loretta Hutton dauo-r’bte of Mrs. Thos. Button. and Mr. .135 J. Hickey. of the Intrmtional flab \‘cster Co. The ceremony was mun-s sod by a large gathering of rclativw; and friends. Nuptial mass was celebrated by Ven. Archdeacon Casey, who also performed the marriage ceremony. --The bride entered the Church to the strains of the wedding march play ed by Miss Mary Brady, organist of the church. She was attired in a sealâ€" gray tailor-made suit, with hat to match and carried uwinte prayer book and rosary. THE LINDSAY POST The bridesmaid, Miss Annie Hutton sister of the bride, was gowncd in a taupe shade, tgilor-made suit, with large black hat. After the nuptial mass the coupie repaired to the residence of the bride mother, Sussexâ€"st., where 8. dainty dejeuner was served and where they 5 received the congratulations of their , many friends. ‘ Mr. John Hickey, bTOIhZ‘I‘ of the groom, ofliciated as best man. The popularity of the bride was atâ€" tested by the many beautiful presents received. Mr. and Mrs. Hickey left on the afternoon C.P.R. trairi for Toronto and Hamilton, and on their return will reside in Lindsay-st north, where their many friends will wish them many years of happy wedded life. Table Linen Unbleached extra strong quality fur every day patterns. Regular 30:: for ................ . . Special Linen Bleached and unbleached. grand satisfaction. Regular 4 Home Spun Winnipeg, 'Aprfl 22.4116 .0! the pretâ€" Thisl‘men will wear like a piece of patterns, good width. Ragu‘ar 50c far .. Sheeï¬ng Ijnbhacbedfun 72inches is just a nice summtr weight. 0ny ......... ....-..... Having purchased a wry spedal order of plain : all widths, white and colored. Regular 25c and 30< on sale a half [rice and less ..................... urtain Scrim BUTTON-HICKEY. Some Very Encouraging Bargains Throughout our Staple Department Note the Numerous Specials Below SCORERâ€"MCG ILL . bleached. full 63 inches wide, Tnis Reguer 40: for ................... \v dc, n?ce cvcn weave Regular 23c, 330 y ties: weddings of the season took place! this afternoon at 3 o ’clock at the resâ€" - idence cf Mr. and Mrs J. McGill when“ 1 their only daughter, Bernice Irene, was united in marriage to Frederick dressed in a pale blue duchesse satin with a large picture hat of the sane shade and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Mrs. McGill, mother of the bride, wore awhite and black silk dress with a floral hat to match. Mrs. Scorer, mother of the much, 'wcre pearl silk with a white and black toque. Mrs. Coddington, sister : of the groom, wore pale blue silk eoline and black picture hat. Miss Kathleen Scorer, sister of the groom, wore champagne satin and cream picture hat. a Scorer. Rev. G. K. B. Adams, of‘ . STRONG A! Young Methodist Church. ofï¬ciated, the ceremony being performed at an Severa‘ Second-th B altar termed o'. palms and lilies und- er a large bell of flowers. The bride who Was given away by her father was gowned in a beautiful i - white duchesse satin dress with panel! W of Irish lace. the bodice being ï¬nishedi .- ...___ with seed pearl trimmings, wearing {c the customary veil and ormge Mos-3 soms, and carrying white roses, her # CHRIS. Mc ..__..â€". cinit} of the new br.dge and town 3 wharf. The river is rather high at present and parents Cirrot exer- _ ! cfs: too much ciution in s earth-1t only ornamtnt being a pearl necklace? , . ; their childrtn do not endanger their the gift of the groom. Miss Gertrude lives A. drowning accxdent w‘l? â€u,“ Staples. of Carmen, was bridesmaid, â€" ‘ y i and Mr. Henry Scorer, brother cf the groom. acted as best man. At the close of the ceremony refreshments “- were served from a table decorated HIS “"57 SERMON with roses. smiles. and satm ribbon. When the parson W933!“ his ‘33? . . sermon in his He“ parish the parish- Miss Staples, the bndesmaid, was Monet-s nmmally criticized it. result if children persist lo hunting the river bank. The groom's gift to the“brzde was a pearl r'ng, to the best man a ruby tie pin and to Mrs. Coddington, the pianist, aset of pearl blouse pins. The bride's travelling costume was a navy blue diagcnal serge. the cent opening on a blouse of naVy blue saâ€" tin, vefled with navy blue and tan ginon; her toque o! tuscan turban was trimmed with a. collar of darker velvet, embroidcrcd in various color- ed beads Mr. and Mrs. Scorer left on the 800 line train for Minneapolis; Mil- waukee, ChiCago. Michigan, and on their return will take up their re=‘ dance in Winnipeg. 51’19553 {9 £51., "' ‘ quickly stops co‘lébi. cures col-ï¬zz. heals - I o ‘3 cents. .During the past few days al-‘rze number of children have teen noticzd disporting themselves along th rivâ€"r er, and more especialiy 1n the viâ€" icame WAKEL Y5 Fplain and fancy scrimg and 30c qua‘ily, thcs: g3 Warning to Parents 'eavc. Th’s shaming 30 yards in cl‘ar at 19c use. Rea! pretty 23 1-26 a .â€" Q+QFO+O+Q+O+O+O+C+O+< 7+7+3+1~ WW and floral Wli '«m u BE OUR HOI‘ SFR‘ Several Secont CHRIS. Tea Toweling (James 23 mcnes ma very special import order. Shaker Sheets White and grsy, large dnubie b bhnket is extra nice 5ch weaw. t Shining Rea! heavy "gua'xity c: dn light colors. Standard Wcig “'hen the parson premixed his fir-z! sermon in his new parish the parish . {toners naturally criticized it. l “W'hat do you think of the new par - Ion, Mr. Jones?†. “Well. I think he preached too lang, , 3' Mr. Smith." Vesting v‘ F :16 quaï¬ y cf\\‘hitex.ng'i.1‘. range of patterns to choose now. only..... .......... Dress Ginghams cisz too much caution in seat that their chxldrcn do not endanger their lives.A. drowning acadent wilt turd; result if chddren persist m hunting the river bank. Large assmment of pat‘er as m are exceptional'y nice for cai (3 'en 5 we {or ......................... 7 “But remember. he's 3 lord. Air. Jones." A reliable French regulator: never (ails._ There pills are exceedingly powertul in regulatmg the generative portion of the female system. Refuse 911 cheap imitatio‘ns. Dr. do VIII“! are sold at -‘A -.,nAJ-_ __.. -JA-...- “Oh. yes. I Iin’t so: anything to say against his quality; it‘s the quantity I object: to." â€"â€"â€"-â€".~_- Dr. de Van’ s Female: Pills nu sllyuy uuuuuuuuuuuu ’5 a box. or three for 316.â€" VM'aiiledria aï¬y'addrcss. no 8003011 Dru: Co" St. cumin“, Ont EASTER RATES (with minimum charge uf twenty-ï¬w cents) between all stations in Canada. MN) tn ;\in.g:u 1. balls and Puffalu, N. \". Detmi: and Pmb Humn, Mich. GOOD GOING APREL 13, 14, 15, 16. 17 RETURN LIMIT, APRIL 19th, 1911 Auk mmwst Grand Trunk Agent alum: "Hunwsevkï¬rs", "L‘vhmist" -md "SUIâ€â€œI'S vxcmsiuns, or address A. E. Duff, D P.A., l‘urnntn, (mt. sold at Higinbotham“ store. Comes : Full informatxon and tlckets from I. R. WIDDESS. A. EACXABB, '. R. WIDDESS, A, MACXABB, 205:. City Agenu Depot Agent . uvmnsa m m SINGLE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-BE SURE TO SEE OUR HOMEMADE BUCGIES STRONG AND STYLISHâ€"â€" Several Second-hand Buggies For_ Sale Cheap LOW RATES TO THE. WEST s I ' imam: LINDSAY, FRIDAY APRIL \‘estzrg. ()ar 2 c+:+:+:+:~+v:r+-i 4 v * special I SUCCEal Dr. T. P. Mccull 166 BROCK 5’] “’51! viut BE) E' SAY, ox-v lst :u' the '! nmh fm n 2 ans ‘a‘ tints m} The Stamcz'rn .llillinery A New Stylish Hat TheSiamel Miliinery Parloï¬ 3‘ or rnm Kent-st. EastyzundԠFor Easter is 3â€; Lad gas look rum"! 9} every 3931' and MI desire the 131w, becomiun designs Ob' taioabltf. Ufll't’m‘M range of hztsis added to daily and aimnst certain t0 \our taste. v HA RGEY :s‘ox Hoï¬gï¬ and 31d “ 'Pd .1 " n In t, 6 + 1+» WEN RUM 359; Siam! '3‘ an! 114 m 4 sieev new heel IC tive Hos. per ; 10! Um