_- .__° _' â€".â€"â€"~â€"J ‘H van» uvub u ' v-vv‘ . l 7 V'â€" v - it. and Mrs. .\o.l..an Corneil, of . . . . .future. We Wlsh them every success .' “at. visited Mr. and Mrs. G. M188 Minnie Wooldridge spent the in their new home. . Washington during the holidays. Easter holidays with her sister, Miss . †‘ ' Lottie Wooldridge and other relatives I uuya. :55 Margaret Cameron visited at in Toronto ' FRANKLIN Ir.A.CamerOB'S. Sr. If? ' _ . Owing to the inclemency of the 1:. B. B. Hicks spent Easter at Mts- 0' ‘1 Chapman' °f Ubly’ Mlch : weather and the impassability of the Ir Geo. Hick‘s. left to “Sit friends .m 0111.118" U1- 3 roads, we had no service on Sunday ' bridge and other pomts prior to re~ ' a; at: 9 home on . last. 1'3““) p“ e r rn d . turning to her home after a pleasant , may BYGZILRC after spending a few . / _ - visit, in their neighborhood. i Mrs. $105. at??? sémnt thepï¬ias- "‘5 m 11Ҡ~ A young son arrived at the home of x ter 1101‘ age W1 men s m c e.- llr. and Mrs. J. H. Robinson were . Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McMillan on. hero and memee. nailed to Peter?“®~'° 0-“ Thursday last, I Wednesday, April 3rd. [ Mr. Fred Staples, of Toronto spent crib: to the ‘1'1‘111955 0': their son-in- Owing to the spring flood several. Sunday with his uncle, Mr. James bridges near here have been washed ‘ Noble. y away, and our rural mail carrier, Mr; The highway to the west of the vil- )Irs. Bchuire and Miss P9371 MC' D. Tait, could not make his trip for. lage is impassable on account of the 1113337110 haVe been Visiting 1181' bro- -’ several days, as the roads are al- ; water which is over the bridge which r, Mr. W. 1- McC‘aHOugh. 18“- 011' most impassible. i crosses the Pigeon Creek. The bridge I I .zw, 31:. Howard James, who is danâ€" sorslv ill in the Sicholls Hospital. Y to V131": With friends in Messrs. C. Hill, F. Ferguson, J. v is thought to be unsafe. [383! before returning 1:0 their[Gordon and A. McPhee spent a few' Miss Angsie Anderson. who is at- m in Oshawa. ‘ 533's in Peterboro. ! tending school at the Lindsay Colle- hid. I‘mers. at Mr. “MaCk' Murray’s; L .555. Ewart and Clarke Weldon, of ngsgy, at J. B. Weldon‘s ; Mr and .35. J, 13. Bruce. Lindsay, at W. M. ï¬czdyke'si Mr. Tom Shields, Ome- m’ 2: the home of Mr. P. J. Gray ; 1155 H. G. Fond, B.A., of Port Per- 5. at 311'. T. P. Coad's; Miss Ellen ind, Lindsay, with Miss V. law; Mr. Clarence Falls, Paisiey, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. MS; Misses Almena and May Coad, â€am May Chubb. Toronto, at the3 want. Geo. J. Coad. ' [129- F. Mason. of Toronto, cal- hi on friends here on Monday. Ir. ng’Gardner and Master George masts of Mr. and Mrs. R. Gard- A number from here spent Easter; The Mission Band concert had to â€mate. Among them were Mr. ibe postponed owing to the bad con- ndlrs. G. B Rennie Mrs v 111.311-: dition of the roads, and will be given In. limes Lizzie and Jessie; on. Kindergarten-g. Alps-Em in the him. Mr. Lorne and Miss Muriel! Presbyterian Church. hm Miss Minnie Wooldridge, Mrs. E Misses Pearl and Ethel Prouse spent fa Taylor Mr. J. F. Brass and: Saturday in Lindsay. Emmy.) "3. Alex Anderson._ I Messrs. w. B. Taylor, J. A. Thom- !r. George Hibbard and Mr S Hib-‘ dyke and D. Trumble. who met with art. efBeileville. were guests of’an accident a couple of weeks ago, In. W. P. King. are recovering nicely. Misses Pearl and Elsie Com‘. spat. Messrs. Wilton Rich and Clinton 'mdFri-day with friends at Kim-g Can visited friends at Bobcaygeon .. .... ...-- m IISIIIIIIS AT OAKWOOD VILLAGE BRIGHT BUDGET OF NEWS PARAGRAPHS ................... ‘L......$5.0° 3x4x‘;ards regular 81?). 00. Sale. .......................... ‘l 2. 00 ............. :..........--638 10 N, off all Mattings, Floor Oils and Linoleums for ten days '3 1-4 yards x 3’ 7 xegular $6.00. 89153 £3x4 yards; regular $12.00. Sale. - - - 9n ')XI) {)3 “\' .................. 1 0.00 -? yards; regular $10.00 Sale Elsie Com} spas! Messrs. Wilton Rich and Clinton fiends at, Kirk-E Can visited friends at Bobcaygeon ’during the holiday season. 2' “'Oud‘liue, will Mrs. R. Dobson and Miss Emily ,_â€"Among the visâ€" holidays in our R. J. McLauchlin of Toronto, and , of Bowmanville, . S. D. Walters ; did Mr. P. G‘ MC‘ the Post) zrrm's; Ml's. , of Woodville, :‘nel Prouse, of 59‘s; Miss B. t the parsonâ€" of Salem Mrs Year ; The Mission Band concert had to ébe postponed owing to the bad con- 1 dition of the roads, and will be given on Monday ovsuing, April 15th in the ...... 7.75 Messrs. W. B. Taylor, J. A. Thom- dyke and D. Trumble. who met with an accident a couple of weeks ago, are recovering nicely. Mrs. C. D. Chapman, of Ubly, Mich left to visit friends in Orillia, Ux- bridge and other points prior to re~ turning to her home after a pleasant Miss Minnie Wooldridge spent the Easter holidays with her sister, Miss Lottie Wooldridge and other relatives in Toronto. Miss L. Davidson vxsited at her home at Stratiord during the holi- days. Mr. C. Weldon spent Easter at Homing’s Mills, the guest of Dr. J. E. Keys. The meeting of the Women’s Insti- tute will be held on Wednesday, April 17th at the usual hour, at the home of Mrs. Joseph Tinney. The mem- bers of Manilla branch have kindly consented to render the programme, at this meeting. A cordial invitation is extended to all the members to be present. Master Claude Rennie is spending the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. McCtu at Blackwater. Miss Jean McCuIlouch, of Lindsay, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Moses Webster. for the past sixteen years has been living on the farm. ,occupy the pulpit of the Mvthudist S . Society. Rev. W. Limbert will take charge of the work at Woodville. Mr. T. H. Tinney, \of Medicine Hat, who has been visiting friends :here, has sold his ï¬ne {arm of two hundred! acres to Mr. William Wooldridge, who] SALE OF THE LINDSAY POST Nottingham Laue Curtains, 3 yds; reg $1.00. 81.18 .................... 75c Nottingham Lace Curtains, :3 1-? yds reg $1.25. Sale............ .. .. 93¢ Nottingham Lice Curtains, 3 1-2 yds mg $1.75. 8318.. ............. L33 Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3 1.? yds reg $2.25. Sale ................ 1,75 Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3 1-2 yds reg $2.50. Sale ................ 2 00 Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3 1-? yds reg $3.25. Sale ................ 2_5o LACE CURTAINS i l I 3 I l ’ Miss Angsie Anderson, who is at- tending school at the Lindsay Colle- giate, is- spending the Easter holi- ‘ days under the parental roof. The new C. P. R. line past here which was constructed last summer, is covered with water and will have to be raised next summer. 1 Mrl C. C. O’Neill and daughter, iMiss Alma, of Toronto, were among ' our Easter visitors. { Mrs. T. H. Foster is ‘ spending a few weeks in Lindsay the guest of :her daughter, Mrs. T. A. Newman. i Mr. Joseph Channon and family in- I, tend moving to Lindsay in the near ,future. We wish them every success 'in their new home. EXâ€"WARD‘GN CALLAN. »Successful Defendant in Automobile I Case at Spring Assizes. Owing to the line between Omemee and Peterboro beihg flooded. quite a. heavy trafï¬c of trains are passing this way recently. Miss Flossie McGee of Toronto, is spending the Easter holidays at her home here. « ' Mr. Guy Tripp expects to have his saw mill in full swing this week. FRANKLIN Owing to the inciemency of the weather and the impassability of the roads, we had no service on Sunday last. Mr. Moses Webster has solgi his [arm north of the village to Mr. Ri- chard Ferguson and will move short- ly on to the farm he recently purchâ€" ased from Mr. W. A. Silverwood. Dobson spent Tuesday in town. WWW!“ †LlNDSAY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. APRIL 12 1912 Miss Dorothy C. Frencn, of St. Hi1- da's College, Toronto, is spending the vacation with her parents at the rectory. I Mr. and Mrs. D. Robertson spent Easter with relatives in Toronto and Forest. Mrs. M. E. Calder spent Easter in Toronto. Miss Jordan returned from a visit to Lindsay relatives on Tuesday. Miss Vivian Kerr, of Bellevil-le La- dies' College, is spending the Easter vacation at her home in town. cation in tov Miss Marga the vacation. Mr. aners. Walter Jordan .and child are spending a few weeks in Toranto. ' ' The Misses M. and K. Twomey were in Lindsay Tuesday. Mr. F. C. Taylor spent the week § end in Toronto. Messrs. B. Mason and V. Lord, of L.C.I., are spending the Easter va-A Miss Dickson is visiting friends in Toronto, and will later visit with Montreal , friends. JOTTINGS FROM FENELON FALLS (Special to the Post) Fenelon Falls, April 9,â€"Mr. Percy Aldous left last week for the West. Mr. Findlay Robson left on 'I‘ueshay One lotâ€"â€"a manufacturers sam- plesâ€"of anots. Dutch and Sufr, stock collars. slightly soiled and the balance of our wgular 9 250 lmes to clear at on!) ...... C say selling Semi-Ready Clothes. As a rule April showers bring May flowers. Whether this will apply to this year or not yet Remains to be seen. At any rate these showers are sure to wash away the remains of win ter. THIS APRIL SHOWER has washed awey the profit side of many of these specials anal by the time three days have draw n to a close, shrewd buyers will have removed the merchan- dise. Be one of those buyers. The specials form a clafs that at this time of year cannot fail to attract the attention of careful buyers of home and personal needs. Three days, 12, 13 and 15th of April. I nree uays 01' Very Special .Q An April Shower of 55:57:3535; Values ‘2 s . '3‘, ‘ q .1 as w .. : T4- ' if L: (f' :C v 1., mmwmwmmp n. a aâ€" Th: only Store in Lind in town. Margaret Wilson is home‘ for Collars and J abuts Vt‘ * 3 Ladies’ Spring Suits. 13.75 ‘4 Misses suits of shadow stripe Veno- Lian cloth. largq fancy collar and comes in the following colors, Navy, green and brown. Very special $10 value at only ~u-s..-~o..-.-- oo-uo a... A clearing of all our ladies tailored waists in linen and vestmgs, all sizes in the lot. Regulas pxices $ 31.75 and $2. 00 each, at. l 50 Ladies Spring Suits in blazk and navy panama and tweed etfect mater- i 11:. plaid tailored models. collar and rovers of fancy silk, $13 75 mg: linings. Spyflal ...... ' Our imported quality whit» honey comb bed quilts, full double bed size. 65x77. extra close weave. Regulm $1 each. on sale Fridav. Saturday and Monday at ..................... 890 Ladies’ Spring coats in black and fawn colorings, all sizes. short lengths to clear at a very luw price $3 95 O Tailored “Waist: only Ladies’ Spring Coats, 3.95 Misses Suits only $10 Bed Quilts) 89¢ each Mr. Archie Clarke, of Woodstock, spent Easter in town. The Parish Workers of St. James’ Church are preparing to present The Temple of Fame in the near future an entertainment in which scope is af- forded for the display of amateur ta- lent, and which never fails to please. This entertainment, which was given here some years ago, with much suc- Mr. R. Bel! visited his parents last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Junkm and fa- mily left for the West last week. Mrs. A. Trudel and child spnt Eas- ter with Lindsay relatives. Mr. Harold Wilson, of Peterboro Business College, was home for the Easter vacation. Mr. A. Clarke, of Lindsay, was in town on Good Friday. cess, will contain many new and in- ters'ting features. for Calgary. Miss Bessie Nie, of Orillia is spewi- ing the vacation at her home here. Miss Be§ie Nie, of Orillia, was in town for Easter. Mr. Archie McKendry, of Lindsay, spent a. few days at the Falls this week. Mr. Morley Rieve spent the Easter vacation with out of town friends. Mrs. Geo. Moore and children, are visiting relatives in Hawkestone beâ€" fore leaving for the West. Mr. Lithgow Robson spent Easter with friends at Stouï¬vi-lle. Ladies impox-tee kid gloves in t m grey, green. navy and brown. sizns 55; to 7:}. A cfeam up of mu- $1.90 and 75c qualities. On sale 50 Friday, Sunni-(12w. Mcnday C Ladies’ Kid Gloves 50c DEPARTM ENT STORE LINDSAY Here are two values in linoleum that, you should take advantage of. All '14 yarls wide, genuine imported quality, good rangeof patterns and serviceable cloths. Special pox lineal yard (4 yds wide) $1.79, (or per :quaxe yard 45c) Extra quality (é yds wide) per yd $2.00 (or per square yd 50:) This islan axtm goud quality for the monPy. Strong close weave and good for boy’s blouses. goal pat lo terns. Special per yard ............ c Fine weave linen ï¬r ished Mum-bed sheeting.r72 inches wide and 30 regular 353 quality on szde at, C Men's navy blue clay wmstmi suns. coat made in the popular three button sack style vest. is medium heivht, ' trousers cut in medium peg _$ style. A great lender at†12 50 a pnpular one, hrown [diagonal ma terials, made slightly form ï¬t $10 ting ..................................... Men’s new Spring nvercoats made in an English style that, bids fair tn he Bleached Sheeting at 30c Oxford Shirting 10c yd. 3 Day Linoleum Hustle Spring Overcoats $10 in Toronto. Men’s Suits 12. Mr. George Griffin spent, the last of the week visiting his iathe-r near Cannington. Mrs. Salter, an, is under the docâ€" tor's care. We hape for her speedy Mr. B. Norris, from near Barrie, visited his sister, Miss Edith Norris, at Easter. Mrs. John Eades, of Manilla spent. the holidays here- Mr. Howard and Miss Ethel Wilâ€" son are visiting in Toronto. Mr. Johnson Wilson has been spend- ing a few days at Cambray. BADDOW Jennie Suggitt are spending a few (Special to The post.) days at Mr. A. Goodhand's, Fenelon. Mr. Charlgs Hepburn of Beaverton, Miss Lela Fell is confined to her is spending the Easter holidays at bed with tonsolitis. MP. George Goodhand’s. . Mr- Harold Snmritt, nf Lindmv Sc A spoof»! quality in enamel and gut beuuzy :mi bar nullar or Jzthot pins, Eme special value 10c at. each ............ Beauty am! Co" at Pins 10c Mr. Newell Goodhand and Miss Mr. John T. Graham spent Easter Mmuuuoaosun. “.9. m w. unmmm c. A. 8005812000071! Manager. Gupta! paid up. 84,700. 000. Reserve Fund 35.70051â€. Total Assets. $70,000,000 A NECESSI'I’Y wm TRAVELLING Travellers Checks and Letters of Credit, issued by this bank, are cashed in any part of the world. They are self-identifying, and make it an easy matter to- procurc ready money at any stage of the jcurney. THE DOMINION BANK Miss Queenie Young spent the holi- day the guest of her sister, Mrs. Norm Beatty, 3c Radford ave., Tor- N onto. 1 ' Mr. J. R. McKay, Miss GraCE‘Mc. Kay, Miss Alma. McGinnis, His Maud Mosgrove, Warden Steel, 821:: Trueman, H. Ewen, all of Kit-triad, wete visitors in town on Thursday- Master LOydc Wilson went to Burnt River last Saturday to spend Easter with ms grandfather, Mr. Atkins. Mr. Harold Suggitt, of Lindsay is spending the holidays at his home Mr. Jos. Oliver purchased another farm near Bobcaygeon last week. Ladies ï¬ne quality (‘ otille (--ur at: in white ï¬lled \x ith nut plouf a: long: Style with four hpme J25 supporters. Extxa Show a}. Our Special 75c Corset Rooms Second Floor. VVomez;’s Institute Rest anagar, NO. 17