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Lindsay Post (1907), 12 Apr 1912, p. 7

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hace on Fr :26 by Rev. Church,_E Sunday, e of the :1 are, Mr. . SOY! Tudhopeâ€"A trincipal of thi L this menus? Lac farther, two ' ‘ s. The by of the mace m ednesday, he haves ,f the lady had am V13 annual Vestry Meeting of St- s Chum}! was held in the School 135: evening. Rev. Canon presided. and also presented an! report, which was listened near just closed has been a Isuccessful one for St. Paul's naswas evidenced by the very Raging reports presented from m: auxiliaries of the Church aggregation starts a new year mnditions of a most favorable 0 O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Q 9 O z A 0 O. z .9 333:3...30009000:08.000000900990:0000 we road was therefore inacces- ' morning's train froxn Port zOl'cironto, due at 8.20, was '0? the 8.20 Lakeneld train. after having an extra coach Ed, Proceeded on its regular .‘ W amount L PAM {3133333 VESTRY MEETING EVCOUREEING REPORTS WERE PRESENTED report from the diflerent church is were also presented and the 1's report showed the afiairs of Rh great interest and which no be amcst exhaustive re- a‘the work of the Church dur- agitation to be in a very stisfactory condition. handal statement presented lreceipts for the year amount- “,718.‘.’2; expenditure, $4526.87 '8 hills and the swamp flood. Rack at Lily Lake to the ex- ;mive to fourteen inches and flower 3. distance of half a m :“n S" . '0" ' 0 “£001 NHL.» bullt on purpose to hold that achve ~' “0 was nevep known to be quiet. \ ‘ V'. ’V ‘\ a c :93, sea. film“ selected for thus durablhty, seams double ‘ i f ' . . '- “ 1““ knee double, every pomt where stram comes L5.}'S€a\'ed Th , , , _ , 3 ' ~ - e b . .510 14 years, est school sun; 1t 18 passable to bmld. a. .v. , 5-.‘11511 f VII 31001 Suits Built for Duty S DENDRALIZED TRAFFIC ON THE GRAND TRUNK [N MIDLAND DISTRICT LOW parts FRIDA‘vp of that e 0w of rain r gel lon a1 boytter he be stt far illllilook 1 S d 1 hoo an ' Sc n, dig H so Spézfgam From $3.00 to $7.50 that element rain water of the coun- APRIL 12th. ..:‘. :00000 00 GOOD CLOTHES HATS AND TOGGERY The track was also flooded at the gravel pit, a short distance east of Blizzards, yesterday, and a train had to be sent to take the passen- gers ed the Belleville local. A work train was 'then assigned the dutyl of clearing the Belleville track, which was soon accomplished. At the Tile factory near Port Hope too, there was much water on the track, but the dimculty must have been quickly righted, for the trains are running on schedule. Two washouts were also reported journey to Millbrook, and the pas- sengers for Toronto were able to continue their journey via the old road. The Belleville train journeyed to Millbrook and returned with pas- sengers for Peterboro from Toronto and other points west. Several years ago similar difliculty was experienc- ed, but for a year or two the thaw has been more gradual. Sidesmen.-E. C. Armstrong, F. H. Hopkins, A. Tins, Geo. Coombs, L. R. Knight, Lester Hopkins, 8. Fee, Chas. Pym. M. H. Sisson, C. D. Barr E. E. W. McGafley, G. H. M. Baker, J. H. Hopkins. John Jackson, Lester Lytle, H. J. Reid. Vestry Clerk and Treasurerâ€"G. 8. Patrick. . Auditorsâ€"C. A. Hooper. F. F. Loosemore. Organistâ€"Miss Leary. Sexton-I. Hoadley. Lay Delegatesâ€"His Honor Judge Harding, G. H. Hopkins, K.C., G. H. M. Baker. There is a balance on hand of $191.85. The report was presented by Mr. G. S. Patrick, Treasurer. The election or the officials of the Church resulted in those of the past year being reâ€"elected by acclamation as follows : Churchwardensâ€"J. I. Johnston and Mr. J. E. Jackson of the Pattie House, Coboconk, was in town to- day in connection with the 03113:; automobile case. The Rev. Dr. Johnston, minister of the American Presbyterian church has received a call from Emminual Pres- byterian church, Los Angeles, Cali- Iornia. Dr. Johnston’s first intimation ‘of this was in a night letter. When inâ€" terviewed by 8. ‘Witness’ reporter this morning- he said that he could give no information yet. He had never been in Los Angeles. The Rev. Dr. Johnston has held the pastorate of the American Presbyterâ€" ian Church in this city for nine years, coming as successor to the Rev. T. S. McWilliams, D. D., then called to Cleveland to an influential pulpit. Dr. Johnston during his stay in Montreal, .has received many invi- tations, both from across the water and from the other side of the bor- der, to assume pastorates, but so far none of these attractions have tempted him to leave Montreal. Mr. R. C. Braund, president of the Greene Music 00., Peterboro, was in town on business today. The following tram the Montreal Witness refers to a former highly es- teemed pastor of St. Andrew’s church, Lindsay, some fifteen years ago: The Emmanual Church 111 Los An- geles is the largest Presbyterian con- gregation, as well as the most influ- ential in California. Dr. Hugh Walk- er, the former pastor, has recently accepted a call to Atlanta. CALL TO REV. Mr. Percy Nalsh, of this city who ‘ nouncing 8! was visiting a't the home of Mr. ation fees- Latchford, which was but a short changes is ‘0 distanCe away from the scene or the for High Set accident, observed the struggles of there has be: the man who was gradually sinking tranCe exami into the water and slush. He shout- this year an ed to a number of sectionmen who levied on eac were working near by and together ination. The with the assistance of a number of trance, the h farmers they eflected a rescue. It'schools and required the united efiorts of a dozen 3 tance to the men ropes and chains to drag the i ken by pupils horses on to terra firma. The road- years at 8. cl way. which was but a temporary one 1 now be $5.00 had been undermined by the torrents ’ examinations of water which were pouring in from to normal, h the nearby hills. ‘ â€"_ Examiner: An elderly man named IBigot had a narrow escape from drowning, near Best’s Station, on Good Friday. He was driving a team of horses along a road which took a circuitous course through the fields. At the spot where- the mishap occurr~ ed the snow was piled up to a height of about eight feet. While passing ov- er it one of the horses missed its footing and slipped over the edge, dragging its companion with it. Big- ot jumped out of the sleigh and; landed in some eight feet of snow and water. Children Cry run FLETCHER’S CASTORIA EMILY FARMER’S yesterday, one on the Whitby line, near Brooklyn and another at Utofl, but these of course did not aflect the local system. LAST FALL THE POST ANNOUNCED THAT CERTAIN PARTIES HAD VISITED STURGEON LAKE WITH A VIEW TO CHOOSING A SITE FOR A SUMMER HOSTELRY AND THAT THEY WERE VERY THAT NEGOTIATIONS WERE TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED. THE INTERESTS BEHIND THE PRESENT PROJECT HAVE NO CONNECTION WHATEVER WITH THE PARTIES REFERRED TO, NOR IS THE PROPOSED SITE OF THE HOTEL TO BE AT THURSTONIA. ITS LOCATION IS KEPT A SECRET AT PRESENT. A SUMMER HOTEL ON STURGEON LAKE WOULD GIVE A GREAT IMPETUS TO THE TOURIST TRADE AND WOULD ADD GREATLY TO LINDSAY’S FUTURE AS A TOURIST CENTRE. MORE WILL BE SAID ABOUT THE PROJECT LATER ON. IF SATISFACTORY ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE, WORK ON ‘THE HOTEL WILL START THIS "SEASON AND THE STRUCTURE PUSHED TO' SPEEDY COMPLETION. IF THE NEGOTIATIONS NOW PENDING ARE DELAYED, THE WORK WILL NOT BE UNDERTAKEN UNTIL NEXT YEAR. THE POST HAS BEEN INFORM ED BY ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE AUTHORITY THAT STEPS ARE N OW UNDER WAY FOR THE EREC- TION OF A COMMODIOUS AND MODERN SUMMER HOTEL AT A POINT 0N STURGEON LAKE. THE PARTIES BEHIND THE PRO- JECT ARE WELL KNOWN TO LINDSAY CITIZENS AND NEGOTIA- TIONS ARE NOW UNDER WAY REGARDING THE SITE, ETC. Summer Hotel en Sturgeon Lake Plans Are New Uesier Way NARROW ESCAPE ‘. JOHNSTON We ofiv' 1'. One Hundred Dollar! Reward for any case of Camrrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarr Cure. F. J. CBE.'EY 4: CO . Toledo. 0. We, the undersigned, have known 1“. J. Cheney for the last. 15 years, and believe lmn perfecth honorable in all business transactions and finan- oiallv able to carry out any obligacions made by his firm. Walding. Kinnan tt Mhrvin, Wholesale Druzgists. Toledo, 0. Hall’s Catarrn Cuve is taken internally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaceso the system. Testimonials sens free. Price 75¢ per bottle Gold b: all Drugzxsts. , ,_ un. -_ ..- Miss Mina E-l-h's, of Fenelon Falls, spent the Easter holidays the guest of her aunt, Mrs. George T. Ray, of Lindsay. Mrs. S. Whittaker, of Grimsby, spent the holidays with.her:daughter Mrs. R. B. Harrod. tance to the Collegiate Institute ta- ken by pupils who have taken several years at a continuation school, will now be $5.00. The fees for all other examinations, save that of entrance to normal, have also been boosted. this year an assessment of $1 will .be levied on each pupil trying the exam- ination. The senior high school en- trance, the higher forms of the high schools and examinations for admit- I Higher education and higher educa- tion fees are apparently coming to- gether. Public School Inspectors have 'received a circular from the Depart- ment of Education at Toronto, an- nouncing a new schedule of examin- ation fees. Most striking in these changes is the innovation of $1 fee i for High School entrance. Heretofore‘ there has been no charge for the en- trance examination, but commencing , NEW SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATION FEES -.- n... B“ ------ Take Hall‘s Family Pills for constipation No remedy that I have ever sold for eczema, psoriasis, and all other diseases of the skin has given more thorough satisfaction than the DD. D. prescription for eczema. E. Gregory, druggist. I Step that Itch in Two Seconds With D. D. D. StOp flm itch DUNOON’S All the bristles in a Rubberset Shaving Brush are part of the brush beCEUSP they are held to- gether in a. solid mass of vulcan- ized rubber which cannot lc osen. soften. melt or decay like ordin- ary settings. Rubberset brush- es cost little more than the or- dinary kinds. The name on each brush guarantees it. Plices 40c, 50c, 650. 750, 1.00 and 1.50. At DRUG STORE A Brush Full of Loose Bristles A Brush Full of Tight BristIes Children Cry ran FLETCHER'S .The Rexall Store: THE LINDSAY POST. is better than How’s Thl‘! TORIA Ural-u- On Thursday evening, March 28th, a very unique and enjoyable enter- tainment was held in the basement of the Presbyterian Church under the auspices of the Adult Bible Class. The afiair took the form of an even- ing with England, Ireland and Scot- land, three leaders being chosen to represent each country. The school. ‘ On Sunday afternoon the services Lat the Methodist Sabbath School 1 was largely attended. It being Review Sunday the usual programme was not carried out, but very interesting papers and readings'were given by Mrs. Shield, Miss Bushnell and Miss Jennie Smith. Messrs. Brown and Corneil sang solos which were much enjoyed. Mr. Kennedy, teacher of the Young Men's Class, gave a very help- ful talk, and the Misses Ivory and Parsons sang a duet with much ex- pression. Little Misses Rheta and Thelma Johnson from the Primary i Department sang “Jesus Bids us Shine” their sweet childish voices beâ€" ing well suited to the selection Mr. and Mrs. Graham, of Mount: Pleasant, were in town on Sunday. : i Miss Grace Laidley and Miss Edith Fair are home from Peterboro Norm- al School. Mrs. Wm. Earle Was in Lindsay last Thursday. (Special to The Post.) Omemee, April 2.â€"Rev. C. Best, of Port Hope, was in town on Monday. Mr. Rich Cornwall was in Lindsay on Saturday. Jottings From Lively Omemee When you buy an automobile get all that belongs with it. Don’t pay enough for a “fully equipped” car only to find that a Top will cost you $75 extra; a Speedometer $25 ex- tra; a Magneto another $35 or thereabouts; a Windshield still another $25; and so on until you are “in” or “out” about $208 more than you expected to pay for the car yuo saw advertised or read about in the catalog. The beauty of purchasing 3. FORD, aside from the high stand ard cf excellence .n that Vanadium Steel marvel, is that it comes ‘ ‘fully equ pped”---the Car without “Extras” car comes to you Of course ,FORD gives you a double advantage by p the lowest possible. FORD carries all that «inflow 1M; . There is no hokus-pokus about 3 FORD deal. You pay th¢ automobile -â€" not pieces of one. The net saving to you on Equ your entire investment. You can bank this saving. DO,Ithe salesman extras ; when you buy 3 FORD F. O. B. Walkerville and there i: that to-day should be a part of every car. There are no misundn us to give you a demonstration. Take a ride and k Model T rosh omtunsand how easy it is to operate and control. new literature descriptive of Ford Cars on request. Call, write . Walker ville, Ont. FORD Model '1‘ Delivery car capacity 750 lbs. merchan- dise, coxnpletely equipped. F.O. B. Walkerville, Ont. (No Fc 5 passengers. completely equipped, F. O. B. Walker- FORD Model T Touring Car i __ -_.-.,v 4.. saw“ C] .e. FORD carries all that financial load for FORD buyers, all paid. Immediate delivery. With Complete Equipment: Extension Top. Speedometer Ford Magneto built into the Motor. Automatic Brass Windshield. Two 6-inch Gas Lamps. Generator. Three Oil Lamps. Horn and Tools. room was appmpriately decorated. is held of Messrs. Primeau and Olive: England. Ireland and Scotland being in rescuing two helpless children from written in letters of rose, green and a watery grave last Christmas Day purple over the platform. The pro- gramme was divided into three parts ‘ and heartily recommend the action oi each leader taking the chair for her Mr. Rogers in bringing said act 01 ‘ part of the programme, which was heroism to the notice of the Came- ’as fOHOWB: England, (Mrs. White, gie Fund anent the same and that Ileader)-â€" Address, Mr. F. G. Sandy; His Worship be and is hereby re- solo, Mr. Parsons ; instrumental Miss quested *0 assure the Proper oficials lIvory ; 'Reading, Mrs. Hunt. Ireland, Of the sympathy of the council with 1(Mrs. Harry Lamb, leader)â€"Address, Mr. Rogers’ action. Rev. R. Burns; Solo, Miss L. Par- ‘ sons; Instrumental, Miss Rutherâ€" Mr. F. Robson, of Fenelon Falls, lford; Reading, Mies Jennie Smith; left this evening per Grand Trunk I Solo (with violin accompaniment), for Calgary, Alta. £Mr. J. Deyell. Scotland, (Miss Hunt, 1 1eader)â€"Address, Rev. D. H. Currin; 'Solo, Mrs. Hodgetts; Instrumental, {Miss Poast; Solo, Master Willie Mc- ‘ Ghie. The Canadian Northern Rail- On motion of Messrs. A. C. Bab- cock and M. J. Lewis the following. resolution was adopted at the coun- cil last night: "That this council has pleasure in putting on record the ap- pneciation in which the heroic act HEROIC ACT WILL There will be a special song serv- ice in the Methodist Church next Sunday evening, it being Easter Sun- day. Mrs. Henderson and Miss Gertrude left on Tuesday morning for Moose Jaw, to visit her daughters in that city. We understand that Mr. Ted En- English has sold out his barbershop to Mr. Jas. Wilson, of Windthorst, Sask. ,‘ 'I‘ORPEDO,Ithe salesman tells you it will . Walkerville and there is no time spent £1 at. There are no misunderstandings. and oil and drive away in a happy state Ford Cars 8 old Unequipped) advantage by purchase i $850 BE RECOGNIZED FORD Model T Commercial Roadster, 3 passengers. re- movable rumble seat. comâ€" pletely equipped. F. O. B. Walkerville, Ont. FORD Model T (Landaulet) Town Car, 6 passengers, $ Completely equipped, F. Take a ri_de and know for yourself how pay the regular advertised price, and value in the world. in such enormous quantities that the pri« 1-D buyers, and the equipment for your Fl once. For example, when you antral. Catalogs and other ., write or telephone. i R. L . FAIRBAIRN. Asst. Gen. : Pass. Agent, 68 King Street. East, To- ':onbo. Ont. The Canadian Northern Lines are a. network in the prairie provinces; they have the largest mileage in Manitoba. Saskatchewan a. n Alberta, reaching every point of importance and (pen. ing up new rich territories where lie great opportunities fer the settler. 35,000 FREE. HOMESTEADS open this year near Canadian Northâ€" ern Lines. SETTLERS’ EXCURSIONS at low one way fares every Tuesday till A ‘ 30th, commencing March 12th. that your ticket reads “Canadian Northern Railway” For full particulars apply nearest Ticket Agency. Settlers’ Excursions is held of Messrs. Primeau and Oliver in rescuing two helpless children from a watery grave last Christmas Day and heartily recommend the action of! Mr. Rogers in bringing said act of heroism to the notice of the Carne- gie Fund anent the same and that His Worship be and is hereby re- quested to assure the proper oflicials OF- MODELS : :rusea pnee, and you get a whole is, at the lowest, 12; per cent of 1?: $1100 of mind, with the FORD MODEL TORPEDO positive buying PAGE 7.

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