M’ PAGE 8 es, from Ontario Municipal- Associat- ion, from COL, The Hon. S. Hughes, from Board of Railway Commission- ers advising that the matter of the Stewart bridge was being taken , up with the railway company. by Sunday’s flood. . The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Communications from Inspector of Post Ofï¬ces re new rural mail rout- On motion of W. Best, seconded by W. Walden, Wm. Channon was ap pointed pathmaster of road beat No. 76, in the place 011‘ ..F Jordan who has disposed of his property. Ops Council met 'April 8th at 10 a. m. All the members present, except Mr. Hickson, who did not arrive till afternoon as be bad first to attend to the'repair of some road culverts that had been washed out in his division Proceedings 0f Ops Council Tenders for the Township printing for the ensuing year were read, and on motion of- W. Best, seconded by G. Maloney, the contract was awarded ta The Post. On motion of W. Walden, seconded' by F. W. Hickson, the Clerk was in‘ structed to write Col. Hughes. also the town council re the advisability of locating the newI bridge over the Scngog river on the second or third quarterline og Ops. On motion of W. Walden, seconded by G. Maloney, it was decided to hold a court of Revision of the 1912 assessment roll on Monday, the 27th day of May, 1912, at the hour of 10 3.31. in the Clerk’s office. On motion of W. Best, seconded by W. Walden. the reeve and clerk Not For The Man Mess Brand†Clothing is for particular men â€" and especially for those who demand a great deal for their money. Such men are not satisï¬ed with ordinary garments. They insist on absolutely correct stylesâ€"on careful hand tailoringâ€"on new patterns â€"â€" and on guaranteed values. They get all four in “Progress Brandâ€, Fashion’ 5 favorite fancies are fully reflected in “Progress Brand†Suits and Overcoats for Call and see them; 9’ lads and gumtud by H. Vineberg Co. Limited, Montreal. M. J. CARTER. Who’s Easily Pleased Sold with a guarantee b! 40 KENT-ST. LINDEN VALLEY The W. I. branch met at the home ‘of Mrs. Jess Gorrill on April 4th. A {paper was given by Miss Tillie Han- ,cock on “Girls and their ideals.†.Then Mrs. Jess Gorrill gave an ex- ,cellent reading. Miss Jessie Goad 3and Mrs. Jess Gorrill gave a duet accompanied by Miss Tillie Hanâ€" cock. Preparing fish and eggs for the ' table was well discussed. Among the visitors present was Mrs. Lillico and daughter, Miss Dot Lillico of Oak- wood. I Mr. E. Thurston was present to ask that he be not put in for more statute labor by reason of his as- sessment having been divided at the request of one of his tenants to be separately assessed. He was quite willing to have such a tenant asses- sed as tenant, but did not wish his rates increased thereby. Mr. Thurs- ton was assured that his assessment would not be changed, since he was the one that paid the taxes, and that the tenant's name would be put on as householder. Mr. Terrill, assessor, was present to formally return his roll. and to call attention to the state of some culverts in his division that were damaged by the recent floods. Mr. Terrill was complimented on the ap- pearance of his roll, and the matter of culverts was turned over to Mr. Best, commissioner in that division. On motion of W. Walden, seconded by G. Maloney, the following ac- counts were paid: D. W. Terrill, on acct. salary as assessor, $50 ; Treas- urer Kennedy, for new cash book, 87; Clerk for postage, $2. The Reeve and Clerk were author- were authorized to have a new sup- ply of road lists and instructions for pathmasters printed. Mr. Allie Greenaway of Victoria University, Toronto, visited his cousin, Mr. Ernest Hancock. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Gorrill spent; thé- Easter holidays in Toronto. Mr. James Manning, of Eden callâ€" ed on friends in our neighborhood on Good Friday. Miss Rennie Cullis, of Toronto, spent Good Friday at her heme here, and on her return to Toronto was accompanied by her sister, Miss Bessie. Mr. John Emmerson, of Nestleton, was the guest of his brother, Mr. James Emmerson on Friday. Roads were impassable here on Easter Monday owing to the floods. The creek overflowing its banks, ice from ten to fifteen feet square was thrown upon the roadway to a. depth of three feet. Water was running ov- er the bridge two feet deep at the bridge near the cheese factory on the twelfth line of Mariposa. Miss Laurie McCorvia, of Toronto visited her sister, Mrs. W. R. Cruess on Easter Sunday. Miss Alice Swe‘tman visited Toroné to friends last week. Miss Ruby Cullis and brother John spent Easter at their home here. The Misses Almena and May Goad, accompanied by their friend, were the guests of their cousin, Miss Jessie Goad. ‘ Mrs. D. W. Terrill accompanied by her father, Mr. Spencer White spent the Easter holidays with Stirling friends. ed -to get a. new by-law book. Adjourned to meet May 27th. LINDSAY Jottings From Busy Kirkfield (Special to The Post.) Miss Kate McInnis, of Toronto, is visiting under the parental roof. Mr. O. Harman, of Stirling bank staï¬, spent the holidays at his home in Beeton, Ont. Mr. Roy McKay of Sheddar spent Easter with his parents. Misses Elsie and Pearl Goad, of Oakwood, visited Miss Asham over the holidays. Miss G. McKay, Miss Mosgrove and Miss A. McInnis spent last Thuréday in Lindsay. say. Mr. Jack King and Master Kings- ley Waterson spent the holiday in Toronto. Miss E. McDonald is spending her holidays at her home in Orillia. J. H. Ewen spent Thursday in Lindsay. Miss M. Fraser, of Detroit, Mich, spent the past week at her home here Mrs. A. D. MacLean spent Satur- day in Lindsay. The young people of Kirkfield gave a. very successful dance in the town hall on Wednesday of this week. Am- ong those present were: Mrs. Mos- grove, in gray dress; Mrs. Sangster, pretty white embroidery dress; Mrs. Bruce, white linen; Mrs. Daniel, blue foulard; Mrs. MacLean, tan mull; Mrs Ewen, blue lustre; Mrs. Wm. McRae, pretty gray dress; Miss Mosgrove in Mr. A. Gordon, of Gamebridge, spent the holidays in town. Mr. Russell Campbell, of Lindsay L.C.I., is visiting at his home here. Mrs. Wilbur Trevin, (nee Anna. Mc- Gillivray) is visiting her mother at present. Mr. Andy Spencer, of Toronto spent! a few days in town last week. \ Mrs. Jas. Bell, son and daughter, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs Mr. A. A. Sangster visited his fam- ily over the week end. on Easter Sunday, as the fires could not. be put on in furnaces. A Much excitement was caused in our town last week, while Bert J ohn- ston’s show was in town. Much praise. is due Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and company for the splendid enter- tainments given each evening. Mr. Johnston certainly is a wonderful magician. Master Jack Daniel was the winner of the little clock in the contest, and Mr. J. Daniel won the prize of $3.00 for the bottle contest. a dainty blue mull with overdress of 10 Cheap horses, all good fam.hor8_ crystal net; Miss MacKay in pretty es. organdy dress; Miss Ashman, pink 1 Extra driver, young and sound. mull; Miss Smith, blue crepe de chine; 6 Shanty horses, consigned for 331% Miss A. McInnis, white organdy; Miss 1 Car load buggies, all up-toâ€"dste, Edna Smith in white embroidery; with auto seatsl Messrs. G. Ryckman, H. Ewen, J. SPECIAL SALE Daniel, A. MacLean, F. Rothwell, J. “Shine,†black gelding, trotter,{ Vernon, 0- Harman, G Raynes, C' rising four, worked miles last sun.â€" McKay, Wm. McRae, Jas. Rusland, met in 2.42 over Lindsay track. By 3- Campbellv W- Timmy, F- MCGirer “Fritz Bingan†2.14%, ï¬rst dam Miss (Balsover), Jas. Caldwell, M. MOf- gPaisley 2.21. pacing. and 2.29 trot- fatt, H. D. McInnis, C. Gusty. Those itinr'. ‘irom out of town: Alex. Gordonw ONE SPEED MARE. (Gamebridge), bliss Coad, 0: Oak-:- “Hazel Wilkes,†2.31% by Harry wood, 3- N951)“, 01' Cams“! Ont- ? Wilkes 2.16%, full sister to Eva and Owing to condition of roads, quite ail-Iazel Wilkes 224%, trotter, and number who received invitations were i Maud Wilkes, 2.18.}. Harry Wilkes, unable to be present. An emoyabletz-Z‘ii and Silver Pete. who could evening was spent and excellent re'lbeat 2.25 3tin‘es as 4-year-old This . x ‘ ' freshments served at 12 o clock. Mrs. i mare was only handled three months Mosgrove and Miss McKay pianists. ‘altogether. A. D. MacLean, violinist. , HERKLIN BAY STALLION Owing to the depth of water in the basement of the Presbyterian church, the pastor could not hold servicee GENERAL PRODUCE Butter 35c. Eggs, 22c. to 23¢. Cream 15c. and 30c. Hay, $18 to $20. Hay, baled, $18.50 to $20.00. Straw, $5 to $7. Cattle, $3 to $6. Hogs, $7.70. Lambs, $6 to $7. Sheep, $3 to $5. Hides, cattle, 9c. Hides, sheep 50c. to $1. GRAIN AND PRODUCTS Barley, 75c. to 85¢. Buckwheat 60c. Bran, $1.40. Flour (best Manitoba) $3. Oats, 45c. Oats, rolled, $2.75. Peas, large $1.10. Peas, small, $1.00. Rye, 95c. Shorts $1.50. Wheat, fall, 93c. Wheat, spring, 85c. Wheat, goose 85c. Alsike, $12.50 bus. Timothy, $5 to $7 bus. FOWL Chickens, 18c. to 20¢. STOCK WEEKLY MARKETS Mosgrove spent Monday in Lind- SEEDS Proceedings of Eldon Council Councillor A. D. McEachren report- ed on commission re- opening 6th con. which was blocked by snow, recom- mending that Geo. Jackson be ap- pointed Pathmaster on Div. 29 in- Lorneville, April 6.â€"â€"Council met on Saturday, April 6. stead of John was made. Thomas Russell addressed Council re water running oï¬ the 6th con. line into his property. and wanted priv- ilege to deepen the road ditch. ‘ i McRaeâ€"W. F. iVIcEachren.â€"â€"'l‘hat A. D. McEachren and Rod Moran be ap-i pointed a deputation re trouble alongi 6th con. . By-law No. 390, abyâ€"law authorizâ€" ‘ ing the sale of school property in S. S. No. 5, held in trust by Municipal Council for Trustees of said section was introduced and ï¬nally passed. l D. A. McFadyen, on behalf of Eldâ€" lon Central Telephone Co., waited on 'Council asking to have by-law passed allowing Company: to erect line along township highways. Clerk will pre- pare by-law authorizing Company to erect line. THE LINDSAY POSE Snead and Work Horses April 20, 1912 20 Horses, all classes, workers and W. F. McEachren stated complaint has been made to him that Alex. Mathieson had been cutting trees al- ong the public highway. Clerk was in- structed to notify him to desist. Wm. Coad addressed the Council complaining of trees along west of lot 4, con. 3, Eldon, being a nuis- ance to travel as they held the snow in winter, making the road almost impassable on account -of the depth of snow and pitch-holes in winter and kept the road wet in summer. Clerk was authorized to have the trees cut dOWn. Tenders from Hugh Moore, John Thornbury, and Malcolm McEachren, for supplying power, team and fore- man respectively, for the stone crush- er were opened and considered. None- of the tenders were accepted, and new tenders are asked for up until April drivers. 4 General purpose horses, young and old. 1 Bay gelding, 7 yrs. old, true in all ' harness. 10 Cheap horses, all good {authorsâ€" es. 1 Extra driver, young and sound. 6 Shanty horses, consigned for sale. 1 Car load buggies, all up-toâ€"date, with auto seatsl SPECIAL SALE “Shine,†black gelding. trotter, rising four, worked miles last sun.â€" mer in 2.42 over Lindsay track. By “Fritz Bingan†2.143;, ï¬rst dam Miss Paisley 2.21, pacing. and 2.29 trot- ting. CsmbinationSale HERKLIN BAY STALLION m‘J be oï¬ered. He is by Hermit 2.16} stands ï¬rst in Ontario. sire. Winner of the ice race in Lindsay 1910, win- ning beats in 1. 0?} as a 4â€"year-old. Is sound and gentle in harness. CATTLE SALE. 6 Cows coming in. 3 Farrow cows. 20 Head young cattle. and dry cows. 1 Secondâ€"hand buggy, new last sea- got to be sold. 1 Carload of best buggies made in Canada. 1 Carload of auto seat Glengary buggies. 6 Months’ credit on buggiesâ€"longer, if »you want it. 28 Ounce Tops, rubber and best leath- ther trimming. - TERMS OF SALEâ€"6 months’ on all new buggies. 60 days on Horses, on approved notes ; 3 months on cat- tle, on approved notes. On all sums over $20. Twenty dollars and under, that amount, cash. A discount rate of 7 per cent will be allowed for cash on credit amounts. W. A. Fanning G. Jackson son. 1 Seth double hook harness and old single sett. 4 Setts new single harness, all dou- ble and stitched. 6 Fancy WOOth rubgs, heavy goods. 1 Double stitched fancy Kay harness 1 Chatham incubator and broader, Proprietor Brown. Appointment Auctioneer. 20th. Reeve Steele reported that by-law No. 380 of Township for improvement of roads in Township had been sanc- tioned by the Government and that they had made a grant of $1600.00 to the township. W. F. McEachrenâ€"A. D. McEachren â€"â€"That the following be appointed Commissioners for the diï¬erent wards in the Township for the year 1912 :â€" Ward 1, A. D. McEachren, Ward 2, R0 ger Moran, Ward 3, F. J. McRae, Ward 4, W. F. McEachren, and that the Treasurer be authorized to cash each Commissioners’ orders to the amount of $750 and that this motion have the corporate seal attached to give it the force of a Byâ€"law. â€"Car- ried. , One of the Auditors, J. P. Camp- 1 bell. read the report of the Auditors of the accounts of 1911, showing: : Total receipts for 1911 ...$ 31,018.53 . Total expenditures for 1911 27,178.76; LC]. cu. J. auscu. Jas. Jack addressed Council re drain No. 1, stating that contractors have called on him to have him re- lease them from liabilities for allegâ€" ed damage. He stated that he had made tnem an oï¬er of settlement. without prejudice, but they had not accepted same. Accounts to the amount of $154.06 were passed on motion of W. F. Mcâ€" Eachren, seconded by A. D. McEach- ren. Council adjourned to April 20th at 11 a.m. B. STACEY, Clerk and Trees. RE ABORO Total immediate assets on Dec. 31, 1911 ......... 6.66-2.05 Total immediate liabilities on Dec. 31, 0911 ............ 6,602.03 Excess of receipts over exâ€" Balance immediate assets over immediate liabilities. 60.02 McRaeâ€"A. D. McE‘achren.â€"Report adopted and ï¬led and Clerk instruct- ed to get 200 copies printed for dis- tribution and auditors honorably dis- charged and paid. penditures .................... A deputation composed of James Years of Experience and an access to the 33W holesale Stocks of Canada’s Foremost Clothing Manufacturers has been the Key- note to the Success of this the larg- est Exclusive Clothing Store in Victoria County. We can Save you from $2.00 to $5.00 Why should you pay other stores ‘ more when you can get the same ’ Value and ï¬rst class Service here for less money. If you are particular about the Material, Style aru‘ V'V‘ ark manship of your Spring Clothes you’ll do well to come here. We Guarantee Satisfaction. You’ll be Made Welcome Here, Whether You Buy cr Not Ready-to-Wear Apparel is rep- resented by Our Clothing. Makes this Store the Most Po:;::,.- Men’s Suits from Boy’s Suits from ...................... Men’s Spring Overcoats ............ Spring Hats ............................. Spring Shirts ........................... Stylish Spring Neckwear Very Highest Tj Your Spring Suit 3,839.77 .$I 50, $2- 'ercoats.................. £38.00, $10.00. 3| .......................................... 50¢ 75¢ 1 50c, 75c feckwear ............................................. Ross, Eli Budd Angus Ross, John scs killed McFadden and Wesl?y Budd waited ..'1‘ R. ha on Council re proposed Drain, in lieuI the comp 'of proposed drain No. 2. It was deâ€" Mr, H cided to have all interested parties horse meet at Plank’s Hall, Lorneville, on iSaturday, April 20th to have mat- ter arranged. - the mum to v. ick. Coupled Jas. Jack addressed Council re drain No. 1, stating that contractors have called on him to have him re- lease them from liabilities for alleg- ed damage. He stated that he had made tnem an offer of settlement. without prejudice, but they had not accepted same. REABORO Ms. Uriah Holmes who has been in the Ross hospital for a few days, re- turned home on the ninth. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ketts have moved away from the village, Mr. Ketts having got a position as foreman on a farm near Toroxito. Mr. Peter Hawkins lost a. valuable driving horse by drowning while try- ing to cross a bridge a few rods west of Mr. A. C. Reid’s. Mrs. G. S. Smith and Mrs. J. C. McNevin spent a few days visiting at St. Mary's. . W. J. Reid, who had three hor- ...... $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 to $20.00 ........... $l.50, $2.50, $4.00 to $00 ..... $8.00, $10.00. “2.00 m Shim ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 50c, 7:», $1.00. 3:200 _________________ 50c, 75c, sum $2.50 of ansu. mm“ the company horse to a b wick. A banc u the dqimal, which Kiss Ethel Bari days at her home Rates , SIIO ' 10 Q This old estahl known hotel has 1'! thorough NUOVRIit a [newer pCsitiun t to cater to the Mt: (ms. An _ex tire house is electric light throughout in the most In“ “’ith the 2 ah! Old high >t4â€- C conï¬denth In Mr. H. MC) This ma esm-"FW' def? known hotel has just u D} thnrough renomtion- and '3 H a. better pcsitiun tha!‘ “fr J to cater to the Comfort} P‘ttr- vnam‘ H acquisition l MAIN STREETv Close to C. P- Dennis Pam†modern ath ma steam ' L": [113‘ aw '3 th1