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Lindsay Post (1907), 21 May 1909, p. 8

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i1 , The ,dainty refreshments served by the ladies during the evening came in for warm Words of praise. De- The altar society of St. Mary’s church held a delightful social func- tion in the.parish hall last evening. which was voted by the large num- bu' present a splendid social success. Twenty eight tables were monopoliz- ed during the evening in games, the lighttul instg'ume'ntal music was fur- nished by Mrs. Jackson during the evening and was thoroughly enjoyed. The Power at Burleigh Falls Delightful Social Held in the Parish Hall Tuesday Evening Cam] 03min Power Co. Have Set a Price for Sale to Peterboro Spratt, Staflord O’Neill and H. To- price, etc., of Burleigh Power. The actual amount of the sale price is, of Wm. out of courtesy to the City Council, not yet to be made knowu to the public but the other items of information concerning it show whe- ther or not the proposition is an ac- Altar Society Score Success llr. J. A. Culverwell, C.E.. van known ,engdneer, ,and. Mr- brought with them the figures - asked for by; the city council respecting the 3500 h.p_. for day use can easily be developed. Allowing for all expenses including sinking fund, rent and upâ€" keep of dam, interest, transmission and transforming, etc" “laid down" ntjhe city limits, the cost per hp at 'the price named to the dty: Mr. Culverwell says, wi 1 not exceed 37,-. 50. For a, portion of the year the av; nibble horsepower will reach 4000 or even more. but 2700 hp, he. says, can be relied upon under all condi- with a 27 foot head at ordinary low inter means 2700 h.p, on a. twenty- !onr honrs’ run. By keeping back a little in the “mill pond" at night a emu Wm The Utmost Value 'v -_ 'v_r you can poésibly get for the money. In our line of Spring and Summer Clothes you will find a. thoroughly progressive policy on the question of Quality and style coupledflvgith a fixed purpose to give you the best clothing ,, LL - “A..-“ for Your Money ‘ "‘QUALITY so; “it“ Review. Suits for Men. and Young Men. $5.00 ' to $25.00 ” :. The flow at Burlnizh CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER 'i ., of Toronto and Peterbvoro. They Q We belielein our-tha-mou- 'mmro value and we ought to, for that is what has made our. business what it is. g Another 01 Lindsay’s young men has heard the call of the 311“:qu for Gowganda, in the person of Mr. __I.A To the Great West Horn Bros. Woollen Mills cupped a carload of blankets to Winnipeg on Monday and followed it. with a. car- load 0! yarn to the same city to- The statement is now being made that a man’s brain begins to shrink at the age of forty years. This may account for some of the strange ac- tions of the Opposition at Oteawa. Most of them are over forty. well known to a blacklisted man yesta'dsy, not being the assessment. del Schools will give a public ad- dress on “Some changes in our school system." Thursday at 8 p. m. in the Collegiate Institute baton the County Educational AWOL Messrs. L. D. Nesbitt and Ancil King were in Manna yesterday, on a trout fishing expedition. They re- Mr. B. J. Gough auctioned of! a number of cakes at the close of the social, and as a. result the financial receipts of the evening were consider- ably augmented. The ladies of the altar society, of ahdflhis departure from -_town will he learned with regret. For the last number of years he has b'esn inthe employ of Adams Brothers, where he was always held inihigh esteem. The Post joins in wishing Mr. Coombs the best ‘nsuccess in his new field of labor. goodness is as necessary to building a successful business as to building a successful thing of any kind. ‘ ieaves next week for the nort try, where he has accepted a. position. Mr. Coom‘bs has In of Lindsay's popular young In the scramble for trade some dealers are prone to lose sight 93’ the fact th_at III-and- AIA ______L ‘1%mamw Brand” aml‘QDWICumnf’ Bnmd Clothing make lasting friends for this store because the wearer gets a llttlo more than he pays for. We’d rather slight our mflt than the quallty of our cloth- lng. We’d rather add one customer whom we’ve cutle- flod than two whom we’ve Another 01 Lindsay’s young men has heard the call of the sflurfielda of Gowg-anda, in the person of w. James Coombs. Wellington-st, who leaves next week for the north coun- try, where he has accepted a. good position. Mr. Coom‘bs has been one of Lindsay's popular young men, arter Call of the North citizen 310118 With “0th” Public Address A Good Catch He Went lip supplying liquor will find a able to of Mo- Peterboro, has tendered his remgmb tion to take effect on December 1st. next, and his resignation has been accepted. Mr. A. H. Stratton, who 101' many years has conducted a successful business in thercity, has [ween ap- pointed to fill the vacancy, his dut- ies to commence on Dcoembet lat. Ant Vety Little Water is Passing On: the 01d Dam evening he said his prospects were most encouraging. as the people of the riding wished to be rid of the Sam Hughes political rule. and to have a. representative whq had the riding'a interest at heart. and could do more than blow his own horn and Sluice is Cut water abuve the locks 3-3 last ‘3 nos- 1 he VOIIQIBIC Bible and has out three big sluiees in the gates which allow the water I to rush through with tremendous F1214 Day force. The water is lowering fast, and this morning very little was On Monday evenin an enthusiastic going over the m' As soon as the meeting 0! the pufflls o! the colle- “m 8°” “"1 “mam“? “ 13"? giate institute via. held in 23 tom number of men will be taken on and 101-. th e purpose of discussing the the work will be rushed as fast ~33 question of an annual field day 0! Peterborough’s New Postmaster you-old Lindsay boy was phoed on the G. T. R. 9.15 tum by his rela- tive: bound for Toronto to via t his out. He was unaccompanied. but a. tag attached to his :oat explained Attendance Was a Disappointmznt Small Crowd Turned out to the Public Meeting Called for Tush! w: Anderson. and J. E. Adm were appointed to advertise the meeting He Went to Six Year 0“ Lindsay Boy's Exurieace at Union 8min had aneye only for his own person- al interest. Mr. Gordon had a. very large meet- ing at Haltbnrton on Monday night. and he expects to get very strong support from that portion of the The turn out of ratepayers Tuesday evening to the public meeting called (hr the consideration of improved school accommodation lot the town was disappointingly small. At 8.28 o’clock there were hardly sixty citizens present, and Ir. 'l‘hoa. Stewart. chalrman o! the school board. in addressifi the gathering emphasized the necessity o! a larger attendance or the ratepayers vhen such an important matter as the building of new schools was to be discussed. It would be better, thought, to call another meet!!! an early date. Thnmday night of next week the date decided upon (or the 1 i1; ‘33 judicious and thorough a mu- ner as possible. When he arrived at the union eta. tion about 11.30 there was no one present to meet him. and the Toron- to Sunday .Wotld states that he wee taken in charge by the .station nu- thorities, who had an exciting time trying to hold him. He came to see the city and was determined to take in the sights. However, he was in- carcerated behind the his high coun- ter until late in the alternoon. when his aunt arriyed and took him to her home. iné. Ind it is to be hoped that ev- eryretepayer will paste this date in his yet and be on hand. An advertising committee Conant- Campaign in Contractor Ritchie is lowering For personal and family reasons nL H- C. Rogers. nostmaster_ o! On Saturday morning a little six- in Lock Gate" East Victoria See the City lst, gee, it is unduistood- "in F” b' Mr. E. Lloyd occupied the chair and in addresing the meeting stat- ed that the teaching staff. hed dis-. embed the proposition, end were pepL fectly willing to have the field day provided the boys took hold of the work. It Was then decided by the meeting to award models for the senior and junior champions receiving the most points in the duh-rent events pulled on. The age limit was fixed at six- teen years for juniors and lover that age tor seniors. The funds for the purchase of med- als will be used by the selling of entrance tickets to 'the sports. Bad- The business this afternoon was of a private nature. but the 8009“! meeting of both laymen and minisâ€" ters will be held tomorrow morning Dr. Clark and Mr. snarling are the lay representatives from Cambrids‘? The Cbliégiaté Standard Raised for Matriculation W. Foley. of Bobcaygoon. hi! to last ”mommy-Lottie Into John J'- cOoughun ‘took place on Wednesday g Gough s from the res-Mona.- 0! his tuber, Hr. mania Coufifln. at Ops township. ut‘ 8.80 o'clod. and In one o! the Bicycle nee. The (allowing events were sated ity be held on the am «you» Running high jump. Putting shot. Wheelbarrow nee. Throwing buebcll. Wm - ““MQ- .‘ “mm- W “mmsmt ‘~§‘ Corner Kent and William-31:9. éd anywhere in Lindsay at...‘ This is the suit we want the young man who thinks he has to go to a teiior and pay a high price in order to get a perfect fitting styl- ish suit to see. All the style features that have been introduced by the best American cutters for this season are embodied in this suit. It is made in blue and black worsteds, serges, cashmeres end botany twills, in both single end double-breasted models. We feel confident that these suits cennot be duplicet- 1 7 q“ Men’s Suits We have specialized on n 310 suit. and feel that our offer- ing will equnl anything to he found in Americl. Made from the latest. tweeds and fnncy wonteda in a large veriety 0‘ up- todntae plttel'mx, end finished with every little style detail wanted by the fuhionnhle dressers. The linings end trimmings ere of the very first qunlity, end we are sure this suit. I 0 will plense every men who sees it. Sizes 36 to 44... Atuwh‘ ..._ - suits, our cutters have cut them in servative md slightly ultra-fashions to suit men of all tastes. Sizes 1 here from 36 to 44-. Priced at ...... quiék selling Ken's Suitsâ€"Blanks and Blues This is n suit any man would be proud to wear for best or business. It is made in fine black and blue worsteds and botany twins, in both single and‘ double-breastnd styles. The linings are of fine mohair. In cutting these A A‘ A_ 2.. knol‘ nnn- Handsome single and double-breasted models, finished with dl the letest style kinks, particulerly fine suits for the young fellows. $531.3?n233133fl‘3‘?Tiff??? 5.95 B_ J. GOUGH You can choose garments from the foremost tailoring concerns in America. You can select from hundreds of different models and 5.95, 7.50 ,510, 12.50, $15 Men’s Suits Men’s Suit: .â€"fa.shiona‘ole models, Sizes are 10 8t.....~.. '.‘.°f?i 12.50 Eggs, trash per dos. 17c to 18¢. Butter. pa mud, 24c. to 85¢. Lad. 15c. Ducks. 81.00. Chicken. per pair. 81.00 to 81.10. Best Manitobc patent flour $8.10 to 88.25. smut rolled flour. 82.90 to $8.10 Pena. small. per bum. 80c. Buckwheat. 53c. bias. Pmmuwm Much cows, $30.00 to $50.00. Dre-sec! has: 89. 25 to $9.50. Hogs Int. :7. as. Hogs. live select 87.25l Spring what. 81.15. Goose what 81.15. on. 42¢ per bus. White Outs. 42¢. per bus. M. 1.11. 81.80. Hny. new $14.00 per ton. Straw, per ton, $5.00 to $5.25. W tattle. $5.00 to 85.50. Stocken' attic. good. $2.50 to $3.- Son. Biathlon Cgme 1.00“. MARKETS :, 90c bus. Ken’s Suits Many men feel that $15 is tlxc in}. price to pay for a suit. It is for just tlnm- gentle- men that this suit has been designer} (w our special order. Thene is not one point about the suit that we think any man “’lni' really knows good tailoring can take cXL‘t-Eatlun to. As well as the standard blues and qlack mater lals, we have had it male up in all ll)» fancy effects that are p0pular this season. Blade in the most extreme as well as conserative mudek Every size is here for every fivure, an} em faction is guaranfeed with every suit. «'5 Special offer .............................. $ Every boy deserves to be well clorl:r.d-iz teaehes an early and necessary pride in that “personal appearance" which is such an im- portant factor in the developement of i agltood and manhood. Our prices will prove that your '24 7.3- can wear FINE clothes at the cost of the ordinary sort sold in the average stores. Children’s Brownie Suits sizes 21 to 26, 3-piecc, all-mm}. weeds and worsteds. Regular 4.50 to 86. 1 m ress Up the Boys co-o-oooo 00......- minion R. KELSO Toronto. s that neglected child! ‘0! adoption in thi s locau' Roman Catholic boys, aged Price Street. the Riggs' old Stan em convenience for and the experience gt your service- Bond 1138 been defeat! loundland by a maid“? my now go way back ‘ In the Morris chair PM by his successor Your Eyes and Your 6139‘ Gough’s SALE -â€" A roe weeks 0 Lindsay old

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