th apprehension of engine- Ior others liable to meet With in accidents. We never heard of {munitions mentioned by the WW reporter, but we have M engillemen in the 01d Counâ€" '50 would be thrown into trem- ‘Mmension if a. bare crossed 3?“ When they were starting on if», and who would be frightened m.†0'! healing the scream of a In; Belief in some form of the Flam atflicts most members hm race, and the reputed lat“the-Witch of Endor, the Was of Macbeth and the antics mu†sang in Anoway's Auld “M all superstitious people in Waxâ€"Railway and Loco- superstition tms reporter valent among en- the direction in which {mast when was Many enginemen, he says, W 3 point of being present when- W their engines are turned in or- Eta agate themselves that it is it the right. way, or if in their wee it has been wrongly done, ï¬rm have it set right before con- mg to climb into the cab. Nu- _...... accidents are attributed to; i1 Demons engaged in dangerous W008 are naturally supersti- flmd railway men may be class- 'ith sailors, fisheunen and min. in this respect. It is not diffi- t to work up signs that would m ionld neVer step into the m- ‘p n'th the right foot first. My serious would be the con- pas of climbing out of the cab me right side in order to oil the exclusively by railway men an]; firemen are said to poly of certain supersti- ave conï¬dence in 13?; }w New†dd“- No er in what condition an aging may be in, or to what y be assigned, :they would â€waging to the road or the; Wm’ so long as themgine: “and escaped any accident. An-§ , mmmition this reporter; . w - V gifted ' ' ““5 w1th mmgination A we a! lingering “‘0‘“ m | . w c"lined to Asylum as being turned from east to with the front buffers toward . w __ " ta. e. “’“f'! «ï¬rs. Rlchard Peevers â€â€œ5 g 9 8i . M . h We, Was brought belore the gns . ' 1' .JO 1] hm:- te ‘ _____.__+â€"â€"â€"-â€" boardlng h d a. Moore at Fenelon . ' Mr Leg on the charge.“ The ï¬rst have . regdy donï¬â€˜ A Runaway “(fly he ommittees, where he items of information mes curious if not he discovered many md amazing bbliefs le by railway men newspapers are v1 05"." The Automobile Clubs of Hamilâ€" ton, Ottawa, London, Kingston and Torohto are co-operating with the league in distributing and erecting yvaâ€" .â€" 7, or railway crossings. and a third to show the direction to towns and points a! danger. cities. this year put up between 700 signs in different parts province. Three different kinds of a being posted up; one show number of miles to towns : ; Manilla. ‘ 4th Viee.â€"President â€" Mrs. Lord, Fenelon Fails. Hundreds of Sign: Will be Placed on Country Roads MBtor League fing. The election of ofï¬cers took ,:place at the morning session, and .the following officers were elected: Mission Band Sec.â€"Mrs. B4 Sunderland. Supply Secâ€"Mrs. Gilberton, bridge. CoI‘respandin g Sec.â€"Mrs. Edwm‘ds Woodville. literature Secsâ€"Mrs. Slight, Lind- 5th Vice.â€"President â€" Mrs. Gorâ€" don, Uxbridge. = The twenty-seventh annual~ meet- ing of the Lindsay Presbyterial So- ;ciety of the 'W. F. M. S. was held at Sunderland on Thursday. There was a large attendance of represen- tatives and the different seesioas 'were deeply interesting. Mr. Goforth, of China, was peesent, and delivered ‘two strong addresses, one at the af- ternoon session and one in the even- 2nd Vice.-Presidentâ€"Mrs. Mann. Woodville. lst VicaQ-Presidenvâ€"Mrs. D. Mac dougall, Lindsay. WJ‘. 11.8. ï¬eld a Splendid Meeting Presidentâ€"Mrs. Thos. Stewart. Lindsay. , The Ontario Motor League TheIPresbyterial «-»»â€"-â€" - - 9 Society Session, Treasurerâ€"Mrs. Alex. Horn, Lindâ€" ï¬ecording Sec.â€"Mrs. Willis, Ux- test said milk and report to the [sanitary inspector or the chief of Epolice, who shall prosecute in case of violation. USING DYNUIFTE HOUSE A- complaint was made to the ef- fect that the old dynamite house in rear of the northwest side of Kent. st. was being used by parties as a closet. It was pointed out that it‘ was the duty of the sanitary inspec.‘ tor to see that all the busines p1ac~ es were provided with closets as re- quested by law. The old dynamite house will be razed to the ground. N THE MILK QUESTION I f On motion of Messrs. Keith and gMills the following resolution was fadopted: i That we, the menbers of the Board 30f Health, request the municipal fcouncil . of the town of Lindsay to ipass a bylaw regulating the sale of fmilk in the said town. That no milk sold or offered for sale within the corporation must be under 3 per‘ Icent. butter fat, to be regulated by fthe act Chap. 252, R. s. 0., 1897, and appoint .. .............. .. ......... for thirteen visits and twenty-nine vaccinations during the recent ï¬nall- pox case was also ordered to be An account of W. G. Dunoon for $22.95 was ordered to be paid, which included $1.50 for bichloride for the Parks family to be certified by the was held Thursday evening in the town .clerk'a office. There were pre- sent: Messrs. A. Horne, chairman. J. Keith, Mills, Williamson, Dr. Mc- Alpine, M. H. 0., and Sanitary In- spector Douglas. Meeting of Board of Health Dr. J. M. Woods' account df $29 lat Sunderlmd on Thursday A meeting of the Board or Health Vice.-Presidentâ€"Mrs. McPhail, ed up; one showing the niles to towns in OPDO‘ ions, another indicating Erects Signs ACCOUNTS ready domiciled in boarding house this week. I!â€" Y-___LL -_j n-....lI- ; Sturgeon Point is already taking on its summer garb, and the cottag- ers are getting their premises in shape for the season. Mrs. Walkey is already on the ground, and is painting, papering. and cleaning and putting her store in first class shaoe in anticipation of a. busy season. She has already her new stock on the shelves, and everything is already looking spiel: and span. Jimmie is her very able assistant.‘ Mr. Mallet has opened his cot- tage. Lindsay's Popuhr Resort a Busy Spot These Days thieves gained an entrance to the house by prying of! boards at the back of the boat house. They then unlocked the door and took the two canoes. The thieves were seen by parties who at once inzormed the owner. Prosecutions will follow short- 1)? I;!.m Cottagers Busy Thursday morning the boaehouse belonging to Mr. Rhys Williams, which is situated on the Scngog riv. er just outside of the town limits was broken into by thieves and two Two Men Forced Entrance Into a Boat House and Stole Boats Were Detected Stealing Canoes Farmers, beware of the smooth- tongued swindler, whose latest scheme is to go to a farmer and tell him that his stock must be examined for :foot and mouth disease, demandâ€" ing a. sum of money for the alleged inspection. They have been working in the western part of the province See that all inspectors who call'pro-‘ duce credentials. showing their offi-j cial appointmentâ€"and don't pay them. the Government does that. a spudâ€"and cut the leaf part of! an inch or so below the ground. If this operation is properly performed the result will he a dead burdock. It would only take a few minutes now and again to administer this treat- ment to all the burdocks and other large weeds within your jurisdiction. and the improvement in the appear- ance of the premises will be sumcient to give any one perfect satisfaction for the expenditure of time and e!- fort. Try it this spring and summer. Look out for These Sharpen The burdock forests that are allow- ed to flourish year after year on the streets and in front and back yards of this town are an eye-sore to both residents and visitors. It is perhaps not generally known that the burd- ock is very easily eradicated. The large leaves are the lungs of its sys- tem while the roots forage in the ground for the nourishment required to supply plant life. Take any kind of a sharp toolâ€"a knife, a spade or They m an Eye Sore to Both lesi- dents and Visitors ‘. John Dickson will Wage Ware on the Burdocks A member of the Board of Health stated Thursday evening he had been informed that there Was recently sold in this district 3 number of cattle afflicted with lump jaw, and tuber- cular trouble. They had. he under- stood, been shipped, but upon ar- riving in Montreal the diseased ca't- tle were spotted. This is a. serious state of aflnirsï¬ if true. and strongly emphasizes the necessity of the appointment of a It is Alleged a Number Were Shin“ from Here to Montreal Are Diseased at the Point Cattie Sold? the toner was roadbed to bear. tle manoeuvring Went Into Sever The town road roller which has been operating 0! Wiillun-st. 101' the past day or so, ran muck on Re- gent-st. Thursday afternoon and sank into the sewer in (rout of the residence of Mr. ' A. Putin The considerably. standng at the Sylvestér foundry, and at once took a notion to start for home. The harness was badly ‘farxper near Oakwood. came tearing ,up Bond~st. with no driver behind them. The team was covered with sweat and were galloping at their fastest pace. At the corner of Bond and Adelaide they turned sharply, upsetting the rig and leaving it in the ditch. They then galloped on. but being nearly lagged out they were easily stopped near the sand- On Wednesday about eight o’clock a team of horses hitched to a his, heavy wagon, and belonging to a Tam Left Waggon in the Ditch at the - Corner of Bond and Adelaide-st: Oakwood Man Had Runaway McGill was sentenced in March. 1907, to ï¬ve year’s imprisonment. â€" books of the Ontario bank. of which he was manager. At all events, a pe- ltition is being circulated with A view ’to securing his release. Those pro- mating the move are saying "ery little about it met now, but have succeeded in getting 1'; good my sig- natures, including those of twenty members of parliament, and the man- ager of a leading Toronto bank. Eflorts have been made to secure j the endoraation of members of the? tholies, and the proportion is year- in“. the only one in the vicinity. ly increasing. It has been the desire To their horror. they discovered that {of Archulshop McEvay to establish a .8 number of native women had tah. thome where such students may he ien refuge in the well with their lit- ‘enrolled, have all the advantages of {001%. The mothm-s. overcome. ‘o home. and the services at a chap- ‘had sunk down to drown, but m lain. who would give them the inngpropped the babies on their bodies structions and care they neea at this *so that the little heads were out 0! formative period of their lives. .water. 01 course the water was un- . ldrinhahle, and would be for some 3time to come. i lThe Release 0f {gjnï¬dgnfxonzhg zigzag Charles McGill 5 3:21:22" .4113; .;“1.. “'3; iin the shade, and the very crows sit iand gasp with wings outstretched. .. . . . - . : Onsuchadaythebnttleragod.At Petition is in Circulation ill Toronto!)might the my mm mom on the { and Ottawa :hardly won field and lie down in ‘ -â€"â€"â€"- ~ 3 their tracks. With hilstered leet and; Perhaps Chas. McGill. oi Peterhoro :stmining pulses the some“ w my be a free man this summer. 1‘0- Ethe well. Crazy (or the cool water lieved from the hnm'nhree morehhey make this awful discovery. years'servitude in K111880011 peniten- i Looking down they see the small, tiary for making ialse returns in the ;round black heads of the Indian ha-J’ books of the Ontario bank. of which fhies. Then to their eyes comes a he was manager. At all events. apo- fmoaning cry. a little wail of weak-g tition is being circulated with a view In“ and mm; 1 to securing his release. Thom PTO-f The captain looked at his men. In- rooting the move are “ï¬lls very :stantly the tiren. eager soldiers, little about it Just now. but have ,‘started into eager solicitude of word . succeeded in ï¬tting a good many 5‘8' iand action. In a short time eight ‘ , 1 I 9 . matures, including those of twenty itiny babies lay huddled, shivering nenfbers of parliament, and the man- and writhing on the dry earth. ; user of a leading Toronto bank. 3 Then. once more, the question oi Eilorts have been made to secure lei-ink and food became foremost. At :he endorsation of members oi the E that moment . (“at tinkle, tml ' a committee ha been up- _ momma by the Stete Council to Enema Fulcml'fht of the Bottle lworkouttliedetaflloltbechums,l rld‘ ’hywhichthistundmbernised. and also to bring hetero the subor- Now end on. of com- vdinnte councils the uflnaoue (or m which ecuin mug: of: the a". .‘ speedy and generous action. tighter. Thomï¬ï¬‚tuh â€Mien. “m†l The committee, which is compo-ed “ told by w, 3. B “a 0‘ 8““ D09“! 0- K. M. 3mg. I Edith E. Outhhert in Indian Manor- ville; Past State Deputy Daniel m. ion â€0'“ ‘ herein 'meh "at omen. K. C" â€Whom. m 41‘1“. beyond that of the bottle field. Joe. E. Day, K. 0., Toronto. 171ml:3 The on '“ am “at ‘ "a. proceed immediately to raise the tory mm L “d the Bat†fund. The memorial presented to be. hnd ‘u dung-um: dnvm‘ u†8.90, order set forth that there one mum" out of the bunk“. tween 4,000 and 5,000 students en- The M out '5" mm." “d; rolled at the University 0! Torontoâ€" ,- b; mm†“hm“? wet the second largest in the world; thnt ‘cmommnmed’ d I". m ‘1 about 150 of them are Roman 03- well them“, â€the? the “myâ€: tholies. and the proportion is (1:; ‘ To their honor. the, 41â€ch and 1! increasing. It hos been the lien a .a number of “a" women M m. {at Archmahop McEVny to eat» helm muse in the "u with the†m- vhome where such students my {luck . The mathâ€. 0' . lentoHed, have all the sdvnnteges 0 {had Wm: do" to am". “met m In home. and the semen of n chap-:pmpped the “M“ on the“. Mm lain. who would give them the 111»!thmt the mac had. “me out o! structions and core they nee: at this "at 0‘ the "a, w“ an- formative period of their lives. . . course the University 01 Toronto. The State Council ol/the order have ap- proved of the prOject and adopted it as their own specul work. The sum of $25,000 will he raised for the pur- !wm Establish 5 Students' Home The State Council of the Km“. of Columbus which command last week in Linduy, decided to bear the cost a! the election of a home for Roman Cntholic stndnta attending Knights of Columbus Will Raise 25. 000 for That We great profusion. has recently put ; strdet. and the The Kathleen is now muting duly ot Trade. Some have beef: suc- ‘, rand a committee has been-tr; the 1i!†d the weight of ,0 much for the It will take a. dit- D extricate it. wagon destrond .13 worth 3,000,- fléwm are oht 1n which were put in Head Lake. It is important that no sawdust is allowâ€" ed to enter the water, as it is des- tructive of the chances oi the bass living. I understand that there are no Minoan in thou waters north 0! Norhnd._aflove that point "have up a spew tram which were put in important that no The captain. big. strong English- man that he was. turned from the sight with a. sob. Then he drew him- seli up with pride to think how he had the honor of leading and fight- ing with each men as these. derly. The men good st the babies. In 1 twinkling every baby had 1 Mg. bended nurse to hold it. end an- other big. beaded under-nurse to hold the pennikin of milk to its ut- QSoldiero, you have fought for and earned everything you have or could possibly get this day. I don't ordei' you. I don't even ask youâ€"only â€" these children's mothers have been ironedâ€"And these children are tic manual The long am at rich milk were given clumsily. but ten- cry of motherlesa and starving heip- 1m. Again the captain looted st his men. Then he spoke: twilight unguarded save by the bell- nanny at the head. Withashout olengerneunnd re- lic! the whole company threw them- selves on the herd. They were not so easy to catch, but at last most of them were captured, and pennlkine were quickly tilled. Heenwhile the wnnn nlr had re- vived the babies. end a cry. great and dolelul. hum from them â€" a sight a herd of much gotta. brown- in; their way home's"! through the Bobcaygeon Independent 3 Last unmer the Ontario govemment sent a A special tutu with black but. anowhichnrpruuthat ofthemere tighter. The British soldiers. who†ltbryistoidhyw.8.8umu and Edith E. Outhhert in Indian Hemor- iea, showed a heroism which went hr beyond that of the hnttle field. Tale of the GOCOA mumâ€"33'“ 7 Mum w ii ï¬mwm EBPS’S Black Buss in Head Lake gamma-him. Indian Mutiny Wood and Iron with Brass Cylinder, For any Depth of Well. Having secured a ï¬rsuc ass experienced Pump Makers, w are prepared to supply ï¬rst-class pumps promptly. ‘ £1 Pumps! Pumps! Pumps! Ind: «the-nece- otthe put ymhuboenduetothetuthhlnm and until-in enemies of the Prui- dcnt Dr. H. V. Pogde. In retiring from the We: Dr. Pomspokooltheplmrehe Ind hthoworkottheA-uochtionand reportottheyeuu' work. The portuwereallgnwy‘lng. The tollow‘lngmumnlmow electedtonlltheeightvmdes theBmMotDirectonâ€" Lat night the Young let's Chris- tian Auocution held its annual meeting. Each committee patented a Prospect: lost Imaging for This [nimble Organization Annual Meeting of the Y.M.C.A. Dns.KENNEDYKENNEDY LXAC'I’ COPY 0? mm. 80 "Am USE) mmcomm. "omen bazaar era-4- ns. $.9ch MWdeTMMFREEFOR HCAQE NERVOUS, LIFELESS Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich DEBILITATED MEN and-Machm mm Anyou ; victim! Have you lost. hope? Are on intending to marry? yourblood been fused! lave you an “the“! 0- Nev w Tm vi! myou. “113:". lgss‘dooifor odrns it ynll MCASB COW OR NO PAY “DER Are you . victim! Haw- you hope? Are on intending to ma: your blood been imrï¬rflgvc you 6915st 3W.i§ibt§§d. FMM“ (mug-u ed) on m ot Ion. a5 «as. air]; Wind IuErâ€"ei' can!!!» we [Allan- In liteâ€"you are the “$.35“? 'm‘°.‘€am"°°‘wmcy ‘61“ “M" 0 com i . ~n‘t give flwmun on have bested with doctors. uaed e belts and tried various drug store nonmms. Our Nov w TM has snatched strum a): brï¬nlédot 65 gr. has re- lnpplncss o u rods omens and made mace-ml m of thou-e who ware "down and out." We be speciï¬c rem- edtetforenc‘hndindivid anemordixgw the 1am conï¬scationâ€"m ve no gaunt modï¬does. This hone otthe scents of our wonderful nmu our mum-m car not “Ishtar we puma-the medie- mdnmed to each Mustar- Only cursble_cueq m Fig cochlndlfldusl curl nble (uses no new _Wo have â€sic-(:0! no: man COIN"- A few drops of rose water added to dmonda will prevent their oiling when chopped. was left it is not thought that the thief will be found out. A farmer who drove into town a fev any- ego and lett his horse in one of the church sheds. was very much surprised to find on his return tint a number of ornamental pieoa from of! his harness had been stolen during his Mac. He complained to the chic! of police, but as no clue Ionttohkethochur. no Annotation 13 to be floated in securing Dr, White doctor 18 burdened now widgâ€" omces his deep interest in the the loyal support him ad the work, A Ian Theft lic- Fm. N0 m1“ "V ., art-m on". unanimous urging of oomph. as pre- given