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Lindsay Post (1907), 28 May 1909, p. 10

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a? nut 21 Mae 0! teachers and the ut- -ud: interest prevailed thrth fin proceedings. HR. I-IIOKSON PRESIDES On motion of Inspector Knight, Mr W. D. Hickson, of Bobcaygeon, was 'W to the chair, in the absence of fin president, Mr. Trewman, of Kirk- wxwho had not arrived when the mating opened. Mr. J. H. Knight med the meeting with a word of Victoria County Teachers Convene omen Ba'tha Nichols, Julia. Motherell, Fre- kick Reeds, J. Dewan, Pearl Jun- kh. Tena Wallace, Mable Eagleson, m Thomas, Mable Brisbin, Edith rm, Mary Greenan, Adeline Poast, "’i'nreell Ames, Maggie Droogan, Lil- fia mutual convention of the coun- t of Victoria Educational Associa- tion opened last Thursday in the As- 13 following teachers m Victoriaâ€"Ala Townsend, Wal- ‘tu- McLean, John Simpson, News ”by, Lila Nichols, '1‘. A. Kirk- tunnell, H. S. Rosevear, John Rog- ues. Mamie Staples, Flossie Smith. Jam Pan-kin, Gertrude J unkin, Ma- ble Brisbin, Pearl Perduson, Annie Ric, Emily Haugh, Helen Meehan, .On motim of Mr. ‘the following teachers 1i: Droqgan, Duncan McDougall, Dun- can McPha'dyen, Mary Jane Wray, My Walker, Mable Graham, Sarah Wey, Maggie Fee, Alice Fan- ning, Belle Smith, Louise. Limbert, all Kate Thompson- 'ut Victoriaâ€"N. S. Naylor, '3. Wagor, Belle McEachern, B. Mar, Gertrude Thornbury. B- John Rogers as convenor. Hr. D. McPhayden explained that ‘there had been a slight change in the >programme, and instead of the ad- ult-ass an outline drawing, Inspector Stevens was to give an address on a; subject Comm» There .ug large attendance of the Wh‘ Fields, Ethel Corneil, Bertha Rea. 1m McKenzie, Ethel Burke, M. E. Pinkham, Jessie Brown, C. Lapp, m MetheraJl,rMay Fowler, M. Imgsford, Stanley Reid, W. H Kes- lock; Helen Haig, D. McQuan'ie, and writing. In opening Mr. Stevens said that the writing of our schools is not max-1y up to the mank. It was so w. ”5“", Luv~v_, _, and Lapp. The committee will tonight at four o’clock mth the address W delivered by Mr; mm .McDouzall. of Lindsay, on what they know. To be a good writ- er one should study and practice at it' until they are perfect. Nobody an accomplish anything without ”the. There are, said the speaker, .a. number of faults which writers 3mm. and which keep them from writing good. The most important of these faults is the bad position. fine be swinging thei good writing. one can’t go without the other. Inspector Stevens offered a. good deal of encouragement to the «poor writer, and explained that if one only tried they could all make amnell, Rosevear and McPhayden took part 'in the discussion, all pointing out that practice was the in good writing is to sit up straight and get a g00d free hand move- rment. The child should lean forward from the hips, not from the should- ers. Each class in school should have daily exercise at the blackboard. It is good to cultivate a free hand movement, and is an exercise which 'the children like. Practice is neces- sary to be a. good writer, and an ex- To write weal a person. has first of sill to sit right and hold his pen or pencil in the right manner. No per- arm can write and at the same should be practiced until ac- .ished. Form and movement got to go together to make SPLENDID ADDRESS . THURSDAY'S SESSION feast and LangSford» and lagers. Hickson. Mcmhem ROLL CALL must be placed flat on committees. able and instruc- '. D. MCDOugallv rs were appoint- Colle- Kirk. I wasdealingwtthoneotthe moat . importsht questions in school. 1110. He said that he considered that composition was one o! the most im- portant things that a. school child had to study. To be able to con- dense into a. few words, a story or discussed in so able a. manner. He believed with Mr. McDougall, that :the home education had a lot to do with the boy' a or girl’s composition, schJol children should be taught to write letters, address envelopes, and make out business forms in the early classes. Principal Rogers of the Separate school led the discussion which 101- lowed the address. He thought that composition was like writing, in come from homes English wasnsed. a speech was one on! the genteel: gifts a 60y or girl could have. The speaker said he thoubht ' that the boys and girls in our schools should be tought composition from the first so that when they reached the high- er classes they would be good md-. done," said the speakerp “is better than a lot poorly done.” A boy or girl should be taught to do what he undertakes thoroughly. Mr. Mo- Dougall also thought that the PROUD OF HIM. Mr. John Campbell, of Fairview, said he was proud of his old friend and neighbor, Mr. McDorgall. He had‘ very seldom heard this subject He thought thatithere was a deal in family teaching, but 1 Messrs. J. H. Knight, J. Simp- son, of Bobcaygeon.‘ and W. Hick- son, of Bobcaygeon, also spoke on the matter. Mr. D. McPhayden also took part in the discussion, and brought out ”in mat usefulness and need of perfection. Mr. McPhayden thought that a standard should be used in marking compositions. Inspeceor Stevens said he agreed with the rest of the speakers in Vre- gard to the condensing of letters. He said that Mr. T. J. Tilley, inspector of mo- del schools, spoke a few minutes, en- forcing the need of courteous speak- ing by the children in our schools. The speaker thought that the teach- ers should try and get the children to love they work and their teach- should try and encourage the chil- dren and they will work all the harder and better. AGRICULTURE IN SCHOOLS Mr. D. A. McKenzie spoke on the necessity of giving the children of our rural districts an agricultural education. He asked for the hearty co-operation of all the teachers or the rural schools. TRUSTEES’ MEETING. The meeting of the trustees met in the senior leaving form. The read- ing of the minutes of the last meet- ing were approved. Mr. W. D. Hickson, president, oc- cupied the chair and gave a very in- teresting address on the duties of the trustees. He put great stress on the putting of good books in the school libraries and the appointing lot good teachers. -- q‘L, done. Mr. Stephens emphasized the necessity of reading good books, Mr. Newton 3111819. -7 MORNING SESSION. ers. _A kind voice will often help the children along instead of scolding, meeting at some length. After the address by Mr. Campbell the following omoers were elected for the ensuing year :- . Presidentâ€"Mr. J. Campbell. Secretaryâ€"J. Staples, of Lindsay. WEST VICTORIA SECTION. The West Victoria teachers’ sec- tion met in the a85embly hall with Mr. C. Trapp, President in the chair. The treasurers’ report was presented and was highly satisfactory. The President, Mr. Trapp, Little Britain, delivered a very strong ad- Audrtorsâ€"Messrs. Newton Smale. B. Gray and D. McDougall. THE EAST VICTORIA Teachers’ section also met Thursday in HA form. The president, Miss A. Fanning, occupied the ‘chair and de- livered a very strong address. On motion the address will be published dress, which was listened to 71th a. great deal of interest. The following omcers were elected; Presidentâ€"G. B. Rennie. Secretaryâ€"W. H. Stevens, of Lind- were elected as follows: Presidentâ€"Mr. J. Simpson. Viee.-Praidentâ€"Miss D. Walker. Secretaryâ€"Miss M. Thomas. Auditork-Mr. D. McDougiall, a The officers for the ensuing year he also believed in thorough- INSPECTOR SPEAKS which did the mind some scholars in composition had Campbell also addressed the a small amount well done etter than a, lot poorly it DISCUSSION. ing absent. The rep’ort o! the cow mittens m brought-in and adopted. A long discus-ion took pipes on the questicn of having Part I win!- tions. It was the ophuon of tho” present that no following subjects should be tried at the entrance ox- aminatzons: â€" Physiology 41nd Hy- giene, Drawing, Elston-y, Nature Stu- dy and supplementfry mm. ._j The following omens were elocud for the coming you '-- ' Presidentâ€"H. s. Booevou'. Vice-President â€" S. Truman. Secretaryâ€"Mr. D. McFadden. Auditorsâ€"Mr. Newton Smle Mr. D. McDougall. Master at the Collegiate, gave a very interesting and instructive addrea on Outline Drawing. Mr. Robertson ex- plained his address by a number 0! drawings on the blackboard. Session Brought to a Close District fleeting of Methodist Church Concluded Thursday The time of the ministerial session of the Lindsay district Methodist churches was taken up on the open- ing session with the examination of candidates {or the ministry. Rev. B. McCulloch, Omee, Pm- ident of the Bay of Quinta Coder- enee presided, and opened with devo- tional exercises, after which Rev. E. W. Rowhnd, of Minden, was appoint- The probationers were 2 G. C. R. McQuade, G. T. McKenzie, F. L. Phelps, W. E. Honey H. E. Gn- hnm and J. 0. Totten. Mr. Mchade has been a five year probationer, and on motion at Messrs. Wilson and Brown he will be received into full connection and or Meesrs. Graham and Haney were on count for three years and will be continued on probation. Mr. McKen- tion and will continue 30‘. The following who have been‘ at col- lege were recommended to be return- On mation of Messrs. Wilson and Real Thos. Brown was recommended as a superannuated minister. On motion of H. W. Foley and Snowden P. Browu was also recan- mended for superannuation. EVENING SESSION The evening session on Wednesday was featured by a, splendid discourse on “Life and Favor of God" by Rev. Mr. Snowdon, of Janetville. THURSDAY MORNING. A joint meeting of both ministers and laymen ’was held. The following laymen were present: W. B. Sperm. Dr. Clarke, Wm. McWatters, Lindsayf J. McRae, Omemee; M. Ruth, Bethel; W. J. Grandy, Janetville; W. Levis. Dunsford; W. B. Fair, Cambray; J McFarland, Bobcaygeon; R. H. Bak- er, Minden. The following young men were rec- ommended to be sent to college: W. E. Harvey, Little Britain; N. E. Graham, Lindsay; J. O. Totten, To- ronto; A. L. Phelps, Bobcaygeon; G. T. Mackenzie, Omemee. ' Mr. Cuibert. Allen, Lindsay, ‘was also recommended to be received on probation for ministry. AFTERNOON SESSION At the afternoon session of the dis- trict meeting in the Methodist church yesterday the following were elected as delegates to the Bay of Quinta Conference which will he held June 2nd at Bellevme. Messrs. W. Flavelle Dr. Clarke, w. B. Sparling and ’Wm. Watters, of Lindsay. J. McRae, of Omemee; W. Grandy, of Mount Hor- eb; W. Lewis, of Dunsford; W. B. Fair Cambray; Joe. McFarlane, Fenelon Fans; D. McFarlane, Fenelon Falls; Visited the Point Mr. Somerset, 0! Toronto, wea- tern manager of the well known ad- vertising firm on McKim Co., of Montreal, was in town Wednesday on business. Mr. Somerset visited Stun geon Point in the afternoon and was very much impressed with the bean- ty and convenience or Lindsay’s mm- to the stationing committee at conference. and Mr. Ventriss, of Bobcaygveon. Alternates-J Seymour, Bobcayg- ecu; J. Boxall, Lindsay; and Mr. Ga- briel Switzer, of Powles Camera Rev. M. E. Wilson, of Dunsford, was appointed as district representative The meeting came to an end yeeur‘ day afternoon at 3.30 p.m. THE PROBATIONERS OUTLINE DRAWING. SUPERANNUATED I; m I. mutt-ml p.091.- The Dmmkll. for Instance. p11 our modern building: to flame. What. such h“. bl°¢h Of stone were carved-130W they “'6" moved um put In placeâ€"u. med“ to modern man. no humans Awm {We} physi- dun. too. We know an: they used mm Mces 1n man: may dimes. 80m. you: ago, a. physlclut in Ottawa discovered 1 method at oombinlnl the Juice. 0! ml... om". flu and prunes. by which the most remarkable results have been chained. Whethzr ”Fruit-1417'" (thm com- bined fruit juices In tabla} (9m!) are t vu-vâ€" -- v-. ‘m-‘v â€"â€"- ~ rediscovery of the pmcflpdom' ot the ancient Egyptian. will probably never be known. Certainly. the ancients never bud n more effective remedy than “Fruit-.- :!ves" for all Stomach. Liver. Kidney and Bowel Troubla. "mu-nouns" are sold by dealers at 50¢ a. box. 6 {or £2.50. or trial box.- zScâ€"or sent postpald «m receipt 0! pflce by Fruit-nouns o! Mlle Lenn Irwin nnd Mr. Dnvld Henry Loves, both 0! Emily town- ship. Rev. E. A. Penman officiated. The couple were unattended. The! will reside in Emily. . ding was solemued at the chspel of the Blessed Sacrament. Demure- ave., 81111310, New York" April 27th when the Rev. Father Mejdln unit- THE EGYPTIAIS’ SECRET. m attaded by her youngest sh- ter, Hm Loretta curacy. and Mr. John Rickormn supported his bro- ther. Following the ceremony. which Limited. 0mm; the Hotel Stetlu' ln Wuhlngton-et. Afterwards the bridal party drove to the home of the groom's parents, at Hamburg for dinner. Later in the day the young couple left by the Eln- plre State Express for New York and Albany. nnd other points out. On their at his home, 129 Beverley stneet, To- ronto, aged sixty years. The late Mr. Adams had been ill nearly a year and his ‘death was not unex- pected. Prior to his going into the hotel business he was a grain mer- chant at Port Hope. Dec?ased was a charter member of the I. O. 0. F. at Port Hope The late Mr. Adams had lived retired in Toronto for the past eight years. He is survived by his widow. The remains will be taken this afternoon for interment in Un- ion Cemetery at Port Hope. avevxIm; Chicago, Ill., April 26th, and her main: wens interred in the lan- ily plot at Oakwoods cemetery. that 11un-st., which some of the old resi- dents of Lindsay and Victoria Coun- Her death 'was due to a cancer, from which she has been a patient sufferer for several years. Her hus- band predeceased her in 1891, her ter Eta in 1899. She is unwind by two sons, Char- les and Frederick, residents of Ohi- ena engaéed in the hotel busing \. During the sixties and seventies they conducted hotels in Penelon Fells and Lindsay. The old Dominion House on Wil- ty will remember. m under the management of Mr. Porter for Dev- An old Lindsay boy, Charles D. Cameron. of Chicago, in renewing his subscription to The Post, speaks in a complimentary manner of this newspaper. Mr. Cameron is 3 top professionally known an Ghee. De Camo. He has achieved a brilliant success at the Hippodrome. ,, Lon- mehtal Swine mm‘v the perfection in animal um- pmétrmmixit “madam. duke mil-W discovered was roped into vsndevfllo. LOVESâ€"IRWIN At three o'clock Wednesday‘ stur- oon the wedding took place 3t the Buffalo Courier: A very quiet When you Wedding Bells William Porter. 330d sixty- died at her home. 5751 CLANCYâ€"RICKERHAN. Obituary New York. tion to The Post. speaks tel-bore. It will be war! 'Lmentafy manner °t this diunond hon-c.3111! in Mr. Cameron is a to? to ”walla-11mm l the show business. ad 19 3'30. which shuntin: em 301': Susan: Money to lonn on W on can save should be phced in 3 Savings Bank bsoiute security for ypur money. _ - This Bani pnysrintetest on the DAILY BALANL Interest for every day your money remains on deposit no time. In this way not a dollar is ever idle. OficeHoursgunJospm. 61111: or MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817. Branches of the Bank in every Province of the Dominion. A general Banking business trnnsnoted. , Savings Department at every Branch. $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 and the exact amount payable in Austria. Belgium, Denmark, France. Germany. Great Britain. Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland is stated on the {ace of each cheque, while in other counties they are payable at cum! rates. The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtaioed at every office of the Bank. 131A LINDSAY BRANCH. - - W. C. T. HORSON. Manager What is known as a “home coma-l Mr. Pat Plonrd. of Alplna, men, pbore” has been erected at the and (anally, accompanied by his diamond, where the C. P. R. m aon-ln- law, Mr. Bert Bylow of the tnetwollnes oftheG. ’1‘. R.. lnPe- sune place, arrived last evening, in terboro. It will be worked from the town and will take up their nosi- diamond house, and is placed there deuce ln Lindsay. Mr. Plourd lived in to particularly. guard against dun- Lindsay some twenty years ago, 2.3., whlch shunting entlnu may do. and no returned to his old home. Tberearetbreeboaxdeonlt. One ' P R. nefor Belle- 101' “111;qu the ° “rug. F I , â€"Uxbdd¢e Journal: Barrie race- ”he payer: have voted the bonus to the G. 'r. R. It will iiiflii'mm m. The ahunt- w“ Fmdr! Company tor the ee- mtollmprodmr ‘m- erawfllbeabletoworknpcloeeto ltandwlllbenldaedbylt. W'mmowebdicverthe ohm Qh-t mm ."indmn" THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ALEXANDER “121), General W ._._â€" u .«a -â€".- . EW‘I'ON SMILE, Assistant. JAMES LOW, Manager Ofioe Hours. 9 mm. to 4.30 p.m. daily. Saturdays 7 30 to 8.30 pm Educ éfimn Bunch: c. 3. Thompson, Acting Mgr. 3 1-2 and 4p. c. Interest on Savings THE SIANDARD BANK TXEMERS BANK Branch“ also a munwwz. Woodvnlo. Bonus-to M91... 8m Sandor-had and WW8. be new" Travellers" Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most convenient in which to carry money when unveiling. They are issued in delimitation: d W l873 Youan opennSnvhpAccuntwithOnchflu. Whynot downtime? 71 §§3§g28>033213 33.35533.i¢%1§§§21333 Smudge...â€" gfiuuéwunwj 5 8839.80 «3.» a I. Mfumofmispuiwhflyconvafientfalhue who Eveapmedishnceftomtown. nun OFFICE. TORONTO TRAVELLERS’ CHEQUES low 3 o’clock, Ian. 10 to 1 o'elo: MAKE 'I'Hl8 'YOUR BANK A. B. "0(3th (1 1m. to < om. Manager Lindsay Branch. I873 OF CANADA 77 A Joint Account EVERY DOLLAR of Canada CHARTERED 1895 the 0mm BALANCE You_ vill receive Paid-up Capital, $1 0.000, 000 Reserve Fund, - 6 ,,000 000 from Port Perry. ty,gnd8mun m umsndtunymm H. 3. BLACK. lANAGER LISDSAY BRANCH. Eu, condition! of "937' no... ”co-0... No Place like Hone ESTABLISHED 1807 ”0,011,023 sinus LINDSAY, FRIDAY I The Best is None Too flat Our Customers. nu of Little Britain, beg, to nomthnthe has moved“: my. opposite the skating “ELI first... and purposes “Will his hm o‘ bootxnaking “‘1! in; in all branches. ELI-1m thanking his customers (or M on. hope. by strict stung. human and good workman; secure a continuance at that Fine Suiting: of the Latest W1 Is prepared to fill your wants all the latest styles Summer Cl‘ LITTLE BRITAIN - on“ Gndm of Toronto 1nd Trim” vanities. Bpecisl uttnntion to d] .' of nature sad paw-god necks (Ga... -_--__- w-v -V _-___ '“L 0mm9tol' 3.111. 2.1”: 7coOp.m..ox-snytime by uppou. LITTLE BRITAIN. - 0? RAILWAY and 061 TICKETS. mum Pacific NW ~ Mm. nonunion no“... And “If. R... _ GAVANA 0M and Dominion Surveys of all dcsr-rimoxs including Drainage or‘ss. allot Boxers Block. M! 2.0. Box 228 For Intuit! 8115“” Th m You Hal; M! -r. c. MATCH-IE”! m out!“ O “fl" :1 .. pmbmy mum" mu. all J. J. RICH All informatnon, Otc. furnished on cation. Call or m mum GOLW hubaantamdin the crucible fiance, withthe fiz-eotpd and 11:3 not been: wanting. The largest and. pzypnluBnninanaSchoolinEan Ontavio. Individual inntructiun .\'n and: Mail Comma. Enter 1r.) ‘luy. Write for pnrticnlars 60 Kent-sL. Lindsay. . HUGHES .I G. w- YEARS let-chant Tailor. SPOTTOI a McKOIE Manly.“ BOOTMAKER 331M ”! mum iota 3W 1pm.

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