SCOTCH LIXEâ€"SEII'TH VERULAM There is to be a grand picnic at rxlberfome Friday, June 11th un- der the auspices of the Wilberforce lethodist church. In the evening an old time concert will be held in the mas. We n‘sh him all success in my" field of labor. Several of our farmers finished PUSEY (SpeCial to The Post.) “a from Toronto. we are sorry to learn that our band doctor is moving away. Dur- inghissojourn of one year and a M! with us his faithfulness to duty and ready assistance in all good works won for him many stout E Special to T1165 Post) The Weather is pleasant anv Another shipment of the Dr- A. Reed’s Cushion Sole Shoe for Men and Women, easie st shoe on earth. in boys are having a lot of fun mung suckers. We wonder what M will do to amuse themelves m the suckers are done running. Just ask to see our line bOYS’ boots when in town for are sure we have the goods Offer that are Bidets. Special price °f month ............... “-7 ‘Xr. Sun Watson's little son Dem. ies o! sermons on the Prodigal Son “is Wag from a m .t. lastSunday, considering him as he mi 01 pneumonia. We hope for his left home and when away from home recover.“ and his return. Iiss L. Tetterly has gone to her 2 Mr. Han-y Shel-la has his sawmill Wm Minden to spend Victoria. ‘ running again, cutting Mr. R. Ken~ m with her parents. I MY'S 1088. m E. Boyce. accompgnsed by Mr. Thos. Kennedy has had his is: m and Master Jack Truman? dwelling bricked. improving the an- W W to Peterboro for Victom " pearance very much. DI!- Emily Creek bridge is in bad shape The boys are haVing a lot of fun ‘ at present. If the county fathers do mdï¬ng suckerS. We wonder what ; not soon; cease "considering the wis- M will do to amuse themselves : dom of building a new bridge†and m the suckers are done running. I getting to work and having a mo- For every day work or l2 PAGES Worth, May let. â€" Mia ll. Wwas the guest otherâ€:- m, on Sunday last. 15 land Watson is home from OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE SPECIALTYâ€"SOLID LEATHER FOOTWEAR Lattemrtb Tmh 10 In Interesting Form by tn. Wt Gama § Told The Post at the Van-5m “a"... mum of 3 No. 45.7. Chroma Kip Bluchen, solid leather Iter, heel and soles, a boot we can safely guar- mmnmm Ntws 0r Iflf 015mm Money Savers ALL SOLID LEATHER OUT Sixty-Fourth Yearâ€"No, Let us show you the class of 's we cam in stock for the cCullough’s éve satisiaction. Plain toe and large Special pzice for balance $139 ........................Q. C Live Liners Mrs. A. E. Webster, of Oakwood. is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wright. Mrs. Geo. Hardy is spendingatew ,days with her sister, Miss Bertha .3 White, Hillcrest Farm. Mr. Russel Awde, of Toronta, and Mr. Russel Awde, of the West, are Duprau was absent from prayer meeting, which was conducted by W. J. Wright. Mr. Ham, of Port Perry, spent last Friday at Mr. Ben Coolidges. Owing to the district meeting be- ing held at Cannington on mednes- Miss Mary McInnis is recovering from an attack of quinsy. Miss Allie Weldon, of Oakwood, visited her friend. Miss Bertha Short recently. dern structure placed there the coun- ty will be in for damage. ing sheqp, lowing Eagle} truly the country residents live near to Nat- ‘Special to The Post) Mr. M08. of the Baptist ‘. preached the ï¬rst of a ser- sermons on the Prodigal Son I‘HE LINDSAY POST to Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Humphrics spent the week end with friends in Cannington. Mr. Humphries is a great pedestrian and though past the three score and ten, can make the distance to Cannington, over ï¬ve miles, in a little over one hour. A pace that would put many of our "younger men down and out before they had gone half the distance. Miss Lily noose is visiting-friends in Port Perry. Mrs. Robinson and children wt to Visit her pareniï¬ at more. “ Miss L. McDonald is visiting in Toronto, Hamilton and Branuard. of the W. F. M. Society, which she attended. Miss E. Pearce is visiting in Tor- onto, Hamilton and Galt. Mrs. Dr. McPhail was in Sunder- land last Thursday addressing the ladies of the Presbyterian Church upon the great Ottawa convention of the W. F. M. Society, which she Dr. F. H. Coone, of Keswich Wash 'is visiting his mother. It is rumored he may have to buy an extra ticket on his return trip. Among those who spent the holiday here we noticed Mr. F. Savage, Mr. J. McLegn, Miss N. McQueen, Miss Jessie McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Card- well and children, Prof. De Lurey, of Toronto. and~N. H. Carmichael, of Port Perry. Mr. A. Dixoa was at Zion with th( Cresswell ball team. He says he’en- joyed the scenery on the trip. Mrs. Young and Miss Robson. Pet- erboro, and Mr. W. Douglas, Lorne- ville, spent Thursday last with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas. Mr. L. A. Edwards went to Toron- to Friday to be on hand 10: the King’s Plate race. Quite a number of our young man were at Cannington on the 24th but they didn't take the young ladies. Please don't let this occur again. (Special to the Post.) Mr. R. '1‘. Edwards omciated as Judge in the speeding event at U:- bridge on Monday. Mrs. Teev-ins, of Lindsay, is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. A. McCon,’ who has been ill for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and little Oswald, of Fenclon Falls, are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. J. Hadley. Mr. R. Hancock, :0! Iroadale, is in the village to-day. Some at the young people drove to Haliburton to take in the Victoria. Day sports. Miss M. Pickens is home from Lindsay for a few days. Mr. D. McColl has started in busi- ness here. We wish him every suc- the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Day gave a very successful party on Thursday even- ing. 'About 40 young people took part in the dancing which lasted un. til long alter midnight. Miss M. Dack was in Tory Hill Thursday and Friday. A young daughter has arrived at the home of Mr. A. McCrea. Mr. Ostertag, who was so seriously injured a few days ago, is progress- ing favorably. Mr. Hugh Short. of Tory H111, left for Tax-Onto on Saturday. He in- tends to remain there for sum: time. Miss Helen Graham is spendinatho holidays at Mrs. J as. McCoonell’a. Madill left for Peterhoro to attend the convention of the O.L.B.A. Mrs. Walker and children are at Lakefleld for a few days visiting vicinity. Miss Ettie Black, of Cannington, visited her sister, Mrs. John Mc- Kague for a few days last. week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Arksey, oi Lind- say. Spent the holiday at Mr. A. ‘ Bagahaw’a. Rev. J. U. Robin, of Beasts". Spent a couple of days with his cone- in, Mr. G. W. Hardy this week. A great many of the Peniel young Nople attended the Victoria Day celebration at Cannington and re- port an excellent time. Mr. Hector McLean was on the sick list last week. ‘ Mr. W. Horton, of Toronto. spent ii! ‘spent Victoria Day at Mr. Thea. Squire's. Mss Ethel Wright, of Toronto, has spent the week end under the peren- tal roof. Mnand Mrs. Jas. Osborne. of Tor- onto, visited ther brother, Mr. Hen- ry Osborne this week Mr. John Cory. of Toronto, visit- ed his brother, Mr. Thos, Cory this visiting at Mr, Henry Whetter's. Mr. Chas. S. Neill and Miss Alma are spending the holidays With Mr. Ben Osborne and other relatives in this vicinity. holiday with friends in this GOODERHAH (Special to The Post) Gibson, of Pickering, LINDSAY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. MAY 28, spent the 24th in tcwn. Mr. Hugh Short left town last week for Toronto, where he has aeccred a position. , Mr. Wintermere. our Douala-min" left for Essex, last Saturday. «I ylbuul‘ awn. nu _.â€"~-â€"_ TORY HIL ‘ g L would earmto contemplate. especial- (. pecial to The P080 '5? on a. beautiful evening in spring Mr. C. McFadden and Mr. R. Nash when all neture is rejoicing. The 01 Wilberforce were the visitors of Hays shook the pole and threw stones â€Mr. N. P. Martin on Sunday. in a vein endeavor to dislodge the Mrs. J. Anderson and Kiss E. An- pretty end defeneeleee little creat- derson, of Toronto. were the guests 'ure. A number 0! spectators stood of Mr. Ed. Findlay from Saturday ,a short dimce away waiting to night until Tuesday. lsee the sport (â€probably betting on Miss E. McKague. of Hotspnr was the chum oi the again-rel exeeung. in town on Sunday. - when a prominent citizen. possessed A number- of our young people 09- oi I kind heart and sound eonnnon joyed themselves at Day's Lake . on sense, a not unusuel communion. by the 24th. the way. dinereed the ,boye with e Mr. R. Moore, of our Village was the guest of Mr. Joe. Savanack, o! vet Lake on the 34th. Edwin Brown. of Capes Falls Miss P. Ferguson was a. visitor Lindsay last frock. Mnand Mrs. Ed. Wellstood a]: Monday in Minden. a law days in Toronto this week; Mr. and Mrs. E. Roberts 0! Beth- any. are visiting Mrs. Robert's par- ents, Kr. and Mrs. A. Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. Butler. of Toronto. and daughter. Lida, spent the holi- day in the village renewing old ac- quaintances. ‘ on friends last week. Mr. Victor Soyurd spent Victom. Day in Peterboro. Miss Maggie Craig visited friends tn Peterboro during the holiday. Mrs. Kelly, of Lindsay, spent Vic- toria Day with relatives here. Miss Annie Graham spent Monday in Lindsay. KINMOUNT (Specinl to The Post) ; Miss Carrie. Train, of Peterboro. spent a tew days at her home here were in Cannington Needs!- Sunday with her sister. Mrs. .1?ng Mrs. J. Vassar. of Winnipeg, called on old friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McKenzie. of Beaverton, and Mr. Baird, 0! Wine nipeg. came with him. Mr. Vassaris an old Kirkfleld boy. Beaverton excursion to Coboconk and others went ta Balsover. . Lorneville Monday. Miss Jessie Bickle spent the 11011- day in -Uxbridge. A number of our townspeople went. to Cannington for the Victoria Day for Toronto. Mrs. J. R. Graham. 0! Lindsay. visited her son. W. A. Mrs. Spence and was Ethel Spence of Toronto, have been visiting Mr. Miss Olive Boynton, of Benetton High school. was home for the holi- Mr. and Mrs. Genet an! little son, of Toronto. spent a tew days last week with Mrs. McFadyen. Mrs. R. A. We, of Kimount. spent the 24th with her puents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Evans. Mr. Frank Boynton'mnd IliaoVerne Boynton, of Toronto; visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Benton ,0!) the Portago Road tor Victoria Day. Mr. R‘ Pate, of Oshawa, was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Turner for say on Saturday 1311:. Miss M. Truman. who is teaching at Palestine. spent the holiday st Mr. Lorne Mixer. 0! Tomato. has been spending several den with relatives in town. Mr. S. Truman. Mr. J. Gilchrist. and Miss B. Campbell attended the tenchérs' convention in Lindsay on Thursday and Fridny. Mrs. Turner and Kiss Bella McIn~ nis- represent the Kirkfleld w. 1". M, 8. 111133100 bend at the mission- ary convention in Sunderland on Thursday :1: lat week. Mr. E. 13. Webster left on Tuesday (Special to The Post) I Mrs. J. McKenzie and Miss thbie McKenzie went to Toronto on Wedâ€" Mr. 8. Love has made a lawn in (tout '0! his house. There are other: Who might lollov his example and beautify their home surroundings. It would add to the value 01 the prom! 30d to the ep- â€stance of the village. .' Mr. and M11. Goo. Coone speak the holiday in Oshawa. were in Lindsay on Saturday A. White visited Haliburt- vidted Lind- spent Iew well-chosen words that undo them feel thoroughly uhmed at themselves. Would tint there m oclous looking esnine completed n pictune about as hideous as one would meta contemplate. especisl~ ly on a beautiful evening in spring when ell nature is rejoicing. The Hoys shook the pole and threw stones in s vein endeavor to dislodge the pretty-end ddeneeleee little .crest’ nre. A number 0! spectators stood a. short distance away waiting to see the sport (â€jimmy betting on top of a telegraph pole. while below were congregated a number of boys of various sites, some 0! them near- ly full grown: with stones in their hands and wood in their eyes. A let- ours was enacted on Francis-0t» on A me such u is all too frequent ly witnessed in this and other town: weight, 112 than. of the big bar of soap which has been on ethtionin Mchrhnd's store window. was Pet- etkin. of Melon Falls and Ir. Thou Junkie. of Vernlun. also guessed Mrs. Joe. Gamay. o! Verulm won the prize, a handsome gold watch, in the mp guessing contest she be- Wonderland opened on Monday ev- ening, May 24th. and is drawing a large number every night since. The management evidently understand toelr business and deserve success in Messrs. Stanley Hall and G. W. mgee toob a run to Kirkfleld and 13th in their new launch on Victoria mas Jessie Lane, of Toronto. spent the holiday at her parents' in Bliss M. G. Quigg. of Brandon. Man, is spending a two weeks' va- cation at her home here. Miss S. Minors. (1 Toronto. and Mr. John Minors, of Lindsay. vis- ited their parents in town this week. Messrs. Russel McDougall and Ed. Bataan spent Victoria Day at Burnt Miss Sarah Burchell 3nd mas Les- lie Tran, 0! Toronto. visited In. W. Hand from Batman! until Tun- Sunday and Mondny in town visit- ing friends. Messrs. D. Hagan and A. Me In- tosh spent 3. (cu days at Cobalt Miss Dorothy French. of the L.C.I. spent Victoria Day at her hone here. Mr. Percy WcOnll visited his rela- tive: in town this week. Mrs. Porter and her daughter flies Ida. spent a couple of den this week at Mrs. Joe. Head's. anar attended the teaches-3' con- vention in Linda†last week. the holiday at her home in Mrs. Gouda. of Unduy. wu the guest of Mrs. W. M. Brandon for a was Maud Thibedeau, of Bobcny- bon. spent the 24th in town with mother, Mrs. Heodmon, of mn-uny. Mrs. W. Mccul spent 8.: rr-l 1y m say, spent the bonds" with um: Ina-£5 friend. m E. Rob-on. o! the run. °' Mr. W. J Mr. Ernest Non-on. o! Ottun. 1‘ 1.. aâ€. .t homemauuttohumts. W- tum she And “n. J'. J. New. wag, Mr. Geo. H. lease. 0! Colhn'n In- The C. P. let. spot a {cut days in town this 4-.. a...“ Ir. John Powers. 0! Pew-bore. visited friend. in town on Victoria Day. Mr‘ town again. ES. ud Stud on Ent- mm»: nus. ' m: (Specm to The Pout) Brien :. Dr. Gram spent Ssumfl'y 1n 4‘1 ' . Wm. Rolling is back tron Ltoon and intend- reddtng n OAKWOOD (Bpecid to The Post.) Mics Vere Tait spent the holiday G. W. with her brother in Brockvflle. 1d “d Hts. Morley Fleury, Hrs. Geo. Victorb Fleury and Mater Ea! Hughoon, of Toronto. visited Mrs. Hughoon. sr.. tmdon. eh' m- 7}; 1m. v. mamason, and daughter, Viola. spent. the holiday in Toron- Misses Marion Workman and born Glendenning. of Lindsay. spent lon- day in the village. Hr. Chas. O'Neill. Toronto, call- ed on friends here on Saturday. Mr. Walter Washington came down (tom Toronto in his auto on Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs. Pogue and daughtzr, Min Joyce. went Sunday at Mr. Jui Tny’lor'l. Mr. Ray Gardner spent the holl- days with his parents. Hr. and Mrs. her home here. )(r. Wm. Hughson. of Toronto. spent Victor“ Buy with his mother. In. Hughuon, 3n, Mr. Will Mason spent the holiday with his mother. Mrs. E. Mason. Ht. Wt! Rennie. o! D. A: 3.. Lmdny, spent Sunday 1t Mr. G. B. Iiu Lily Webster, 0. L. 0., Whit- by spent the holidays with her pu- tion in Bundefluul this week. In: Hue! Richu'doon. L. C. 1.. spent the holidnyl at her home In“ Maude Proune is visiting her mother, In. Prone, here. In. Rennie» In. Pectin and Mrs. Tripp in future. on Saturday evening last. Hr. Robert Whit-Me has disposed of his buggy to 111'. John Kerr and intends acting as chauffeur for Mr. son with More. It is also expect- ed that rm and other sports will In. [an Phflp spent Sunduy at Our W enthm intend holding their picnic on Saturday, June 5th. when they expect us play (Speck! to The Post.) lost of our citizens spent the 24th at Bethuny, the centne o! nttmtion there being a. contest between our brunnnt hnll plnm end the Fleet- wood n1ne..A lengue huehnll was nwnnded the winner-er At ï¬rst it in: chin to notch the winning goal. Hr. Willie Gordon w «my vult- lng friend. along the Scotch Line on‘l‘nendny. HsPP! Old Mela!- between Theo. p.12. ugent isbuly the»! 4Pâ€. sowing flower needs. and sing. E ILW. J. Trauma-pending: {cw dun at her old home. uh we lined. More being begun oft Hrs. Fred Thompson and 11:. In Mada-11 «nae one, rushed Hr! Robt. Thurston. and hag mow‘ du- , ed h1- mnr house. to the one. a Mr. Howud Richardson and 11:.qu mm and Ir. Jun[ Eva Richmdson spent the holid Kennedy were busily W on Toronto. Friday in clearing Md mating the Mrs. J. Giles and daughter, children’s phyhouoe in the school Gnu.‘ of Petcrbom M.-. .. THE DOMINION BANK. PAYS SPECIAL ATTENTION T0 Plumt Point tad Duns- “rerunâ€"81.00 per You In my me , roads now and it greatly 182:0“; er- the look of the village. ‘I Quite a. number of the young men gt (tom here spent Victoria Day at the to A sports in Cannington. . Mr. and Mrs. McKee, 0! Little Bri- e tun. were in our Village on Monday. we: Mr. Joseph Tinney was in Toronto er (or a few days attending the Gypsy vise the purchase of La Lake. Nipissinz. Otis“ Gordon. Write them (or ticulm. Messrs. John and Archie 0! Tomato. called on friends vicinity last week. This is the name of-a ï¬rm of min- ing brokers who have their ofï¬ce in The Traders Bank Building. Toronto. They are members of the Standard Stock- Exchange and bear a very hill! mutipn. At present they ad- passed through our village on lon- day of this week. Election day passed off very quiet- ly in this vicinity. As the tanner: are all very busy seeding many at them did not take time to go tothe His Hand Currins, of Dundas and Flavelles, spent the youdaya at†her hone here. ISLAY (Special to The Post.) Masters Clare Spence and Carl Haynes also Miss May Tolmie. of L. C. I.. spent the holidays attheir respective homes. Our teacher, Mr. Lowery, has re. turned. having spent the holidays at the home of his pamts. near Mount. Horeb. As examination time is met approaching, Mr. Lowery is working very hard with his pupils. We wish: Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Playinir visit- ed relatives around here before leav- ing (or the Northwest. It is far easier to acannulnue 3 151: than to use it in your Business. Fnus visited friends here lately. Mr. W. H. C. Brien visited friends at Omemee Italy. I! the weather continues to be tine the most of the farmers will ï¬nish loading this week. Our school was closed on Tuesdny owing to the election being held. grass, and were parading over the crops. They want to beware ofcroas dogs next time. Some of them ought to learn better manners betone they Owing to the heavy wind: which blew on Monday afternoon several hunches were unable to cross the lake and had to land along the shore and wait for the wind to go dowo. Some 01 the people out of the hunches did not know grain from tmnx rt m scarcely ever ba- worked and before they invite us down again it would be a. little more like civiliution if they had it levell- ed a little. 1! they come up on the, first of July we will try and have: level petal: 0! ground to play on. The Dundordltee want to get their trons» er: Itu‘ched up again before the ï¬rst 0! July and maybe they will be obletoplaybetterandnotlettheâ€" PLEASANT POINI’L. (Speck! to The Post) How are the Brandon! white trous- ered fellows Icahn; alter their tus- sle with the Feudal: boys? I an must be rather disappointed when out of “little causes." We were very much surprised at the kind of ground Miss May Brien is visiting her . J. Armitage spent rid her brother, Mr. An‘ Lena, Kirkfleld. 'ul: and; Day in Lindsay, . vfrhe men are at work gradmg the 2%: 22203,. (FE)! . 01.. ZN)! szi J. Giles and daughter, 1 of Peterboro, mm; “a village guests of Miss 11 Neill 8 (30.. Limite‘ . Sharpe. of Linduy. Advance . Hogg ant Sunk, Angus lic-