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Lindsay Post (1907), 6 May 1910, p. 11

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' YOU BEGIN TO THINK , BETTER THINK NOW em SPOITON. - President 3 PETEBBURU BUSMSS COLLEGE fAT 4G mwg . ”awn“ gfl mere just the same ’ig M. 1), taCked *0 my name that subtraction. The difference between the MICE :men and the SIAM. menâ€"the Successful and the unsuccessful -is only the difl'erence in train- ing. You were intended to be a SDE‘Ct‘v. We have trained and placed on the bi gh road to suc- cess th0t1sxnds.No vacaLion- Open entire year. ENTER AN Y DAY. nu. COURSES. â€"-You may studv partly at hpme and finish at college.“ rite for particulaxs. ’ "‘ JUMP at fiVe so we the cOmet. 11831 I’ll be drest Garden Barrows [8 Sherwin - Williams mttPrepared le class 1’11 haVe u“ going; to b at deal rather: night '11:..‘1‘0018 Step Ladders do “Nutrition Alabastine Glazed Sewer Pipe, and C6 mn 3 DIFFICULTY Pmners .._ Edwardé 600 1- . “‘ * . , ., . . ‘30 Chickens and over get UP a bowl house'till my Co. that I’m my delight, a fight Your nest, 2 you know )8 a' blow, a. baseball sure and 'A.M.T. midnight night, 'ime O an owl m, g; Howcwsr in CORNWALL HOTEL ; among those who had a close can 'was Major Beatty, M.P., of London He was in a mom on the second floor. There was, luckily, a rope in the room, which he secured, and throw ing his clothing out the window he slid down the rope in his pyjamas, Among those who escaped were. A R. McLennan, Toronto, brOt'ner 0; thé late Col. R. R. McLennan. ex-Z‘JP for Glengarry, 'with his wife an] chfid ' A. Findlay, traveler for J. C. “3155,; 8: 00., paper bag manufacture'p‘. Capt. Harold Lump, representatiw 0% Ewings Co., spices, Montrca1_ ' ‘ Just how it was that the tained ouch a hql~d on the fire oh- bailing *â€"'â€"’ wuu OLDWI OI Mrs. Harri'son; inbther of Dr Harrison, Of Sherbrooke street; £11613: real. She h ' ' hula A: ”muâ€"asvggs i991 Frank Archl‘ are thought Judge O’Re‘ door open ‘ was driven smoke and I seen of Gra room where P1h¢n1 ‘- ooooooox inthe ‘roof when all fled to safety in their nightclothes. Judge O’Reilly and his wife had a narrow escape in their plucky rescue men“, or new Liskeard‘. 'I‘Ihe cereâ€" , _- m... u... up tutougn wmch days look for a change to war- COTI'IGOI‘S awakening tne inmates, 0116 many i,was performed by Rev. Mr. of whom A. F Biz-chard of the high me” With falling bammete” °1°udi‘ Hiné, of finden. school staff, rushed in his night ness and rain, all beginning in west- clothes to the nearest alarm box. ‘Phe , . Wall’s second fatal hotel 9@ fire Within 13 months and one of the worst holocausts of i _ The bride, who was given away by . t5 kind in recent hotel of four storeys was splendidly ern sections and P3351118 mg du“ “"d‘ her uncle, Mr. Tnos. Bachelor, was a“. years m the Dominion. equipped with fire escapes, fire ropeS. .@ The Dead. . maria r Ives Bed- ding 00.; his wif ge d in cream voile, with white e and two children aged 6 and 8. S ‘ Charles Gray touching dates mentioned. Brief re- tulle Veil and orange blossoms, , . I i 1 and action to cooler with rising barome- carried a large bouquet of American I . - ‘ ter will follow closely behind these beauty roses. The bride and groom! '5'” Ben Fielding, accountant, Sterling letuary disturbances. / were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Thos.3 lBank. A re ular storm period is central Moon, jr., the bride's brother and! {9 f Charles Gagne, teller Bank of Mont- “"~ g ' ‘. his wife and little Miss Marjorie . a? real. ISAAC BOND on the 9th, extending over the 6th , '- ‘ ‘ I P , Mrs. Taylor W- Archibald, aged 70. - I to 12th. Moon is on the celestial equ- Phyllis Dart acted as flower 5; an invali . ’3; Wm. Hume, waiter, of ontreal. l l .' f er eastward over the country on and attire I night watch and a watchman‘s clock. 1 l l l E l a girl. 9 Isa~c Bond former president Iof the gator on the 6th' in perigee on the i 5 8th carrying a bouquetorf carnation '; Ernest Bullet .‘ I s, as ! . 3 and new moon at an eclipse node also did the bridesmaid. ; 3 am and Jennie Oliver, waitresses 0P9“ board 0‘ "ade' ‘3 dead at the Halls on the 9th, the central day of At the close of the; ceremony Mr I #:SMtilse 32318:” ftgfil'fedfiefir-s' k'tâ€" :family TOSideDCe, 530 East ThiTtY‘ the period. The Mercury period also and Mrs Brown received their friends! 9 chen employ... o la ep “3’ a 1 sixth street. He died Friday after- covers this storm penod. Storms of under an evergreen arch and bell. 5, reaking out m the Rossmore Ho- noon April 8th, 1910. Mr. Bond was ltornadic character are more than after which a wedding breakfast was 3; ‘91 th‘? fire spread With great rapidity, b . Me ford Ont in 1839 and lprobable during this period, calling served The happy couple accom- : 6:111:31; mfg! a1111:!)Illil'lsmthree esflgitiigfzegf 0m in - a (,1 t -.f Oh ' ce ffor Watchfulness on the approach of Danied by Mr and Mrs A H Brown! ,l Three score persons, 20 being com- ‘ had been a ”31 en o 1cagosm all threatening storm clouds It goes Of New Liskeard ,E’mercial men, and t others perma- :1863. He entered busxness and 5 dan. son of Haliburton, gerous storms .possibly may develop train under the name of Isaac Bond Co. ’at this time, or that many localities travelling in’a suit of light WiSteriaj - - .' ‘ ' ' ' ‘th pretty hat to match. After s. ro , With lacerated and bleedtn - . . . ,WIll not be v151ted by them If they W1 . . 33:15 - g He was long prominent in the afiairs do; but this stubborn fact remains 'Short visit in Toronto, they, W111 i of the sixth Presbyterian church and ' that violent storms are more than proceed to their hom . . - ' t u. t 't Sunda school: ‘gray'. managing director-bf the Ives was reas ree o 1 S y : probable, and no locality has any po- keard. for fourteen years. He is survived by l sitive guarantee that it will not be ' - , his wife and one son, William H. [1"1'5. ‘m the smoldering runs. MIS' Gray Bond a commission merchant.â€"Chi- ' 0f “‘19d0m and c left on the early} Tuesday morning, the bride). e in New Lis? common sense to watch mai and not be surprised. Change to very , W ‘ [cool nights, ;with probable frost over.’ .' ort to save rs. ray and the chil- ’l‘he . late Mr. Bond referred to { notherly sections, will follow for sev- 0” H055 iTh dren that Gray himself perished. Of above 18 a brother of Mrs. J. W. 1 er 1 da t of. t - ‘ Hancock, Linden Valley, Ont. a .ys wes s o i l } pearl pendant and to the brides~ ! f s of New York Gin} to Cornv'vall their son, who has with pneumoniia. T_hey were "ron 9L‘ L "’ “‘ ‘r‘uyfuyca 01 we note], ' . theu' mghtrobes, reached' ,1 ducted h1s board I »y means of sliding down , under the name ‘ laceratGd and bleeding .He Was long prbl family was wiped out in of the sixth Pres; ye, tins rgmains of C. C o man 4...--7” ‘ i. one of them'c. L aqmuntant BLOTTED OUT TWELVE LIVES scar l ver is , . ‘ 'e whizellrybfooke out found fire whlle on Ins hourly rounds _ , when, as he step from the kitchen 131’ mormng 1n the to the rotunda, e was met with a astroyed that struc- g . swept up the main 3 number of lead- } stazrway He at 0 shments. } . . of whom, A. F. Buchard, of the hzgh gem“; fatal how 1 school staff, rushed in his night .5 an one Of the ) clothes to the nearest alarm box. The Its kmd 1n recent ! . hotel, Of four store 8. was s lendidl ”on. f nnninnarl nu‘H‘ 42-- Â¥__, .p y Some of the‘ new for young girls are linen‘ with a col same material. ’I one of th-ese' collars der in color. 8th, 0 give us a is nothing: which ‘ wuulu ram join an Arctic expedition that he may escape from t he smn'mr Bears tho V _â€" vvtu :‘few days and man lthn the spring «:01 Iand the rain watere [complaineth because is too cold, and in would fain join an A a few weeks later because of the am the dust. In the v: __ _ vv‘ MW‘ _ius, at home, and three daughters, QIrene, Teresa and Rose, also at home 1He is survived by two brothers and :Thomas, of Wisconsin, and.Mrs.'I‘hos ‘two sisters, Hugh, of Alnwick, and GOVin, and Mrs. Murphy, of New Mex- ico. The funeral took place to St- Jerome's church, Warkworth, where Mass was celebrated by Rev. Thos. A. O’Connell and thence to the ceme- tery at Warkworth. was treasuree ot its Sunday school for fourteen years. He is survived by his wife and one son, William H. Bond, a commission merchantâ€"Chi- cago ’I‘ribune.: The late Mr. Bond referred to1 above is a brother of Mrs. J. W. I I HaDCOck, Linden Vallev- nnt - L I Hamilton .Eammon win 8686 m the inquest which .opgns this after- noon "Pk- *4-L‘ " 8V - ....._ .. fiWâ€"‘z‘ or to find out H. La norm of woman is of ‘ and many growls. When spring comes gentle Annie, 1111 watereth the earth he Hard to {ease cause of the mud, and ? Lter his soul is grieved I exceeding muchness of 5 1e winter he cryeth it] d in the summer he;i H e ____,,e and euuuneu my God I owne .g comes gentle Annie, §to cooler will follow- at theyclose of 5 boss. 'atereth the earth, he;all. May storm periods. Should the’ cause of the mud, and fbarometer remain low, with Lter his soul is grieved ,1 southerly, muggy WiD'dS, storm exceeding muchness of 3 will repeat themselves daily :e Winter he cryeth it ’ theses conditions break up. When you d in the summer he 5 see the high barometer, stifl westerly an Arctic expedition f winds, and decided change to colon“ cape from the emf I‘know that the daily cycle 'of thunder warm, Old boss, I can’t. It ain’ cycles, Fer me to talk of killin' yot until I jest can't give you that abut Account 0’ things you used t That leg 0 your’n has run its But right here now is where jine, sun shineth brightly, rain and wmd is at an end. I’ll keep you hobblin’ round res, and when it hides: A regular storm period covers the. place it giveth him the , 18th to 22nd, central on the 20th. 1 If I must doan you both 0" 1: wind bloweth he cut. 5 I40W barometer, much warmer, with l . ~â€"+â€"â€"â€"--â€" and when it stoppeth ; decided electric storms will result ; om him and ho moan- {about the 19th to 22nd. We repeat 3‘ Moyed ‘0 Lindsay a breeze. Verfly there 1 the warning af probable tornadic' satisfieth man. He II danger at this time. The seismic per- sident of Bobcaygeon for a nu: ; world crying and he i iod central on the 9th Rill continue t d h th . . of years, has taken up his hom‘ ding. And this, too, gup 0, an reac ano er seismic per- , _ g‘iod from the let to the 26th cen- Lindsay, and has mOVed With Etta on the 24 at the moon's eclipse. family to the east ward. Mr. K: i is a teamster and will be at John Kettle, who has been a -M__‘ “ - n . A reactionary storm period is cenâ€" 8W mldd c 11 are of whit: piqiea: Lttl‘al on the 25th, 26th and 27th. Fal- COlored border of +113 i ling barometer and storms will ap- 3 . M, N . ‘ am from west ; The tie worn with :p ear pr ptly and pass . ' DIED Ll‘S matches the b‘orâ€" I! to ”St over the country during these 1 days, followed by cooler. The month 'â€" l ends as we enter a regular 0 storm , WARREN‘At he? hnm" l finnw‘ ‘ oytenan church and I its Sunday schoolf .He is survived by j son, William H. z and formerly of .' and see. Koosejaw, and! A may at, and Cornel- gcentral ‘ ee daughters ”noon at . also at home gation of brothers and herghten and Mrs 'l‘hos } Period. 1 Alnwick and mind the V, of New Mex- energy” )lace to St- a states a1 worth, Where : periods. ’ Rev. Th'os 'tomadiq , to the cemeâ€" ,and viola M rs .J W ,uucueny sectionstwill follow .for sev- Ont 5 eral days west of stormareas .in and ’ :following this period. From. the 6th 180V ‘to 12th, centreing on the 9th, is one ‘ . ' h a of April, at: or the month 01‘ War. There ml] p mine, ,to 00018? Will 1, he . H311 May stoz , and 'barometer rex ieved ’Southerly mu; 63 of’ . 'Wln repeat t] h it ’ theses conditic he 5 see the high 1; ition 5 wmds, and de mr ‘know that the lily, 1'61'111 and wmd tides: A regular st the ,- 18th to 22nd cur- ; IJOW barometel peth ; decided electrh v- ‘4 ”Ha.“ DUUUOI g probable, and no locality has any po- ved by I sitive guarantee that it will not be a H. i visited by them. Hence, it is the part .â€"Chi- ‘ of wisdom and common sense to watch iand not be surprised. Change to very cool nights, ;with probable frost over red to . . fnotherly sections, W111 follow .for sev- J. W. - _ : eral days west of stormareas 1m and :following this period. From. the 6th Ito 12th. Cknfrni'nn -_ 1.1.4 I... . f Period. Mr. Fred Martin was appointed yesterday by.Mr. F. J. Young of the Stoney Lake Navigation 00., their representative in Lindsay. The VULMC d! A reactionary storm period falls I mind _ ' central on the 14th, 15th_ and 16. The A gol {moon at firstquarter and the :ulmin- We hitc 3 g ation of the Mercury period will whi; lfheighten storm probabilities at this My J: ,gperiod. It must also be borne in 'TWas u I fmind that “the annual focus of solar: ’T’was j' tornadiC. storms are more frequent mind ,and violent about this time. It is How y {folly to be unmin-dful of these gre at rain, :facts and it is criminal in any one The bug; having the care of a household to I’ve not 5' make no sort of preparation for a You tc 3tornadica1‘ visitation at such times. I heard fRegular rise of barometer and change And th. z+- Ln“ -“ ‘ ‘* Via mu) ’at this time, or that many 1- !will not be visited by them i do; but this stubborn fact Ithat violent storms are mnr:I Mr. Martin Appointed A reactionary storm period i tral on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th, ( which days look for a change tc met, with falling barometer, c‘ ness and rain. all herinnv‘nn- =- ’M‘onth of Manâ€"{K‘ Will be Stormy 80 Says Prof. It! Hzcks In‘ His Latest Forecast THE LINDSAY POST riled. Brief re- tulle Veil a1 rising barome- earned 8. lat behind these beant? roses - â€"=,- 3 great rain ,/ .ny one The buggy rocking on behind; a to I’ve not forgot that two mile c for a. You took without. a minute’s times. I heard the doc say “just .L-â€"- in ti WARRENâ€"At her ho dale, Saskatchewan ren,‘ beloved wife ‘ .Warren, and mother and Richard Warren Moyed to Lindsay John Kettle, who has been sident of Bobcaygeon for a] of years, has taken up his ho Lindsay, and has mOVed wi1 family to the east ward. Mr. is a teamster and win ha «- the rest, 0rd Herald. is cen- : during I mind the night Took down with mind, HOW you Went I reckon I must take my gun And put‘. you out o' misery, That crooked nigh hind leg You're Always a-favorin’ so Jest won’t admit of cureâ€" Old ‘hoss, I ’low.you'll have mind whemyou and me .was young ) Come twenty years this next July; mind the nights the old \moon hung EOne A golden glory. in the sky, : ’e hitched the ribbons round the five: whip, ’ My Jane- and me, and didn't care . .‘was us that needed guardianship I go ’Twas you that exercised it there 01d boss, your race is nearly rt You're no account, ’tis‘ plain w new msxeard, and Miss Rose Gib- son of Hallburton, left on the early train Tuesday morning, the bride travelling in" a snit of light Wisteria with pretty hat to match. After a. (short visit in Toronto, they, proceed to their ho keard. The groom’s gift to the bride was“ a pearl pendant and to the brides~' maid‘ a gold bracelet. ‘ will me in New Lis- .Luylll'd uart acted as flower carrying a bouquet of carnation also did the bridesmaid. ~ At the close of the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Brown received their friends under an eVergreen arch and bell, after which a wedding breakfast girl. 5, as was , and Miss Rose Gib- 1 son of Haliburton, left on the early; train Tuesdav mnrnin... LL _ . me to talk of killin' you, - can ’t giVe you that abuse IAnd Hind, Of Kinden. The bride, who her uncle, Mr. f attired in cream was united in Brown, of Ne mony ’,wag Hind, o: 21:24. Halibut‘ton, was the scene pretty [wedding on Monday when her daughter .anm- uuuuuygeon for a number zas taken up his home in ad has mOVed with his :he east ward. Mr. Kattln :cnewan, Isabella War- 1 wife of Mr. Richard mother of Messrs. Wm. her home, near went tearin' thv- L ough the Wedding Ballisâ€" home of Mrs uuw m we ceremony Mr. I Brown received their friends I evergreen arch and bell, :h a wedding breakfast was 1e happy couple, accom- 1e, who was given away by I: 3, Mr. Tn'os. Bachelor, was 3 cream Voile. with whiteIl and orange blossoms, and 9 large bouquet of American uumg on Monday, Aori125, daughter, - Sophia EliZabeth my little Jane crouP--01<‘1 hoss. BROWNâ€"MOON 9 Lindsay. in marriage to Mr. Wm New Liskeard. The cere‘ : performed by Rev. Mr You used to do is run its race, I l I i mile climb 1Next day I brung a mouse to school, ,inute’s 1055} an’ just t in time” ; As they sung “Little Workers" it owned you, got out, an’ Gee! vYou never seen sich fun! I thought f I’d bust! I: no use ,' The kids all hollered an' laughed an’ 1 you, i so did he, the scene of (a very - T1108 Moon, at With his . Kfittle at the mfine 4!‘ leg that the unce teacher was sick, an’ our room 9 had 3, Elm. An we all yelled an’ laughed, an’ ‘i stomped, an’ Gee! IShe hammered the desk just like she had a, club, ‘Arn' said ’at she’d see! lAn 54! the boy our teacher’ays is I best, }Why, that day he was worsen’ all Once teacher “c, in the centre of Game in an’ asked me who’d been rai- mud is 0'er your sin' Ned; cross the new plc An’ who it was 'at spoiled our school may count on it I said : spring is near at an. ‘ ‘ ‘ wads. but-Gee ! Teacher she saw it, and she said: ‘ “That's enough.” An' sent me to the office an’ when he, Us An' once when old stufi. .; We hit " ,‘We hit “Squint” Blakely's little sis- tle sister, an’ Gee! I got called ’down fer it, an’ when I sassed, . I got it good an’ proper an' he went free; Why, just 'cause ’twas me that trun the ball, They never said award to him 'atjall The boy in back 0’ me. i N he’s scared to death fer fear he’ll 'bust a rule, But teacher don’t like at ,all, fer gee, When something’s wrong, ,why I get lammed fer fair, An’ he gets GITâ€"because he (20th hie j The Boy Sitting Back of Me The boy ’at sits in back 0’ me i school, ‘He's goody-goody, and learns joggerfee, ’N he’s The boy in back The boy in back 0’ boy in back 0’ McDade in Chi we got snowballin’ and at got sent home fer pa to . He sings' the Verdi’s “Otello” _. _-v ~95] “Celeste 1 exclusively The Slezak Records are Edi Slezak is the grgages boy in back 0’ “Mr. Slezak acirriinated scene, and his clarion voice out superbly in the climaxes. sang the Celeste Aida with e ivcncss, and the Nile scene fire and passion, yet always regard for phrase. ” These commmfe *1 EdiSCI} Phonograph Hear Slezak in Chicago Rec- Kâ€"because he combs his a circus shottin' â€"â€""HLJL\ h‘ghCSt type 0 Vlad, the newest ; , f Edison Phonograph combines the rioh hm“! k-‘ .4, - . . , AMBEROLA the New York Tribune 3r picks on bullfrog in the meadow ‘ jah-bomm, ah-boom; W‘hl :0 me. gflying northward, an , 1'terfliexs are out; and studyin’ some goes housekeeping, in th ter-spouts; when grass cus shottin' hopping and black' bats night, and venture in y: :1 she said: attracted by the light; fly down the chimney, 3 cc an’ when in the door; beetles hold National Phonon-cpl: Co‘ _ __ Va.- “2].. combines the rich. tonal bpauty cabinet that is a masterpiece o ugly duigned am; fin“ and comes in either Mahomy or Oak to harmonize mth surround' ‘ mgs m any home. It plays both Standard any Agnberol Records. It has d ' ' ‘ . a 'Tis now the time for love er an' he went (And stomaCh hitters) A time to banish care and me that trun 5 (And buskwheat fritters. ‘C sing €61th Aida” in me climaxes. He : Aida with effect. : Nile scene with . yet always with ,9, thought . To princes, at every A time to dofi our Winter (But not our flannel§.) To frisk and leap with g] (Like foolish spaniel: \ ’T 18 Our pulses beat wi (Or vernal fever) Thou wholesome u clerks, (And undertaken.) We breathe once more thine fresh, (And miasmatic) We tread thy spongy meads and val- odors hou wholesome, Witching, Spring, (Thou arch deceiver n smiling, "gm moms ....... 85c and 81.25 'd Records .................. w;- 1 Records (play twice as long) 65¢ a, :00 Lakeside Ave.,0nn¢e, NJ..U.8.A. (With (And fell Winds !} (Unwholesome breez Tail, Spring time’s 31 life, force; yet it was Slemk, not Caruso, who sang the principal tenor role. ” Sign: of Spring enture in your bedroom, the light; when birds chimney, and hens walk beetles hold,conventions of the floor; when the Ploughed land meadow warble: boomi Gentle Spring “6 spring, hail, deceiver ap With gladsome cry Spaniels.) eml-"hatic. 'PAGE 11 !)’ 'as you â€" you sweet grief song . e 1, 1 n1, \, , 5|? , , ix gg§¢§~§uflifi~wfi .1 , :1 n. , . v» . 1g: , n .1 94 .. 1 fit; : ,..,. , Infidflib.‘ it)... of

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