.nt "WOS ‘0 (J "Y. Na?) and Back Panâ€" mwsfl" gr» Panama Suits regular Hm Rd- “'an out down Trail and everybo Left camp at «heck S Isiah. '1 )5 Suits in campedat4 damn? t “In piece €0th teens 0f camped abo 31wa 312m: mar FOR THEIR LIVES 099$ WERE HEAVY AGAINST THEM Wednesd Ike :oyal '83 the last Ottawa \nary' 33: day descr It left a m Dempste cur Northw Navy, Bzack, Green and rtSc are odd lots, to deaf OD reeK. m afternoon I the ice and had to d one fuot slightly fro» othcr dog to- night; dogs more and can only a day. Everybody n body and skin peel- make I Sixty-Sixth Year tragxc word written be- 'I'aï¬â€™eta Cloth ........ 50c I think we will Will have only din 0 The annals of the with a burned effects to his mo- with the words. mtro \X n : his slowly f desperate McPherson 8C 0 11cc repoz : in a slow and ere f0!!!“ 1t llisclosad in ted Police con lis tzgerald and the force by Dawson last of the frozen n in p.m ourtcen below-â€" tten o :our. miles win ndn. of heroic P‘ltZgC! makes rald fox White Night Gtmns Skins» 3 Specials: Cream Ne: Waists at 2.00. 2 25, 3 50 Black Silk Waists, 2 so. 3 50, 4 go Embroidery for Cor ct Cmers, 3 spst‘ids, 45c, 20c and .......... 25c Ladies’ Chamois Lisle (.3 oves, Tal- fcta Gloves, in all the leadiog shadCS' Lisle Gloves in a'l colors, 25c, 35c, 50c Hands " me display of Ladies’ Dutch Collars, jabots and Linen Collars. B ask Jap Sole Underskirts; 2 spre- ials, 1.00 and ............ h «r will 2 ai’ Mr. Rothery, the Manager was here 2911 ;yesterday and has been working in ' :0 gWhitby and surrounding townships reâ€" ‘cently in the intercsl‘~ s of the line. 3 on_ All the prel minary work is now near- pro 13’ comoleted tho l‘l‘nmina Admin h : case was naard in the police court today, in which an undertakcr was (harged with unlawfully interfziing “ith a dead body. A young lad 54 inch heavy Cnam Sage, regular LSD. Special ............. $1 25 Handsome range of Dress Ttim- mings and Allover Lam: to match. Spkndid tang: of back and ‘olorcd Lace Inscnions. Whize Lawn 81123505, 34 and full length sfccvcs, 3 leaders, 75c, 3! 00 and ..... . .................. $525 5"»l"' A on EJNDERTAKER TGGK TUBES FROM BODY Liquor License Act last session. ve- toad the license. Now, at the head of Lake Conchi- ching, the same commissioners issued a license at Washago, despite strong opposition against such action by the residents there. The board declin- cd to be influenced by this opposition so the minister has vetoed the Wash- 3:0 license that certain interests were most anxioue to secure for this sum- Shin “323-15. s. Peterboro. May 15 HANNA ’VETiPES ARGTHER LEGENSE The matter will again be brought1 before Oshawa Council at an early ’ (late, and the general crossing plan’ already passed will be supplemented * by the passage of the detail plans.â€"- ’ Oshawa \‘indz‘catcr. ' I}: completed the crossing details beâ€" ing the last item to come before the respective councils. The ï¬rst sod of the Toronto East- ern is, if present indications are born out by the facts, to be turned before Dominion Day of this year. I fore the ï¬nal tragedy. A camp kettle was found near the bodies of Taylox and Kinney, half full of moose hide, gcut into small pieces, which had been‘ ? boiled for a stew. This THAT. PROPOSED ELECTRIC RAILWAY is the electric line which (1 to run through Lindsav a and White Cambric =, 75c, $1.00 and x 25 .25, 150.... $1.75 00. 225, 350 o' 3 50: 4 50 81 Covers, 3 ....... 25c An unusual 10 par cent. CIT a}. Carocts Rugs, 1' oor 015 and Linoleums \i;toria chk. Handsome assonment of C-mes and Barrcucs, from we tu ...... 2.50 Back and co?orcd Vciing in the: neweat tfl'ccts, 25c, 35:: and ...... 50c B’ack and co orcd Vciinr newest tfl'xtS, 25c, 35:: and. Large assortment of Children’s Hats {tomzscto ..... ...... $125 Nawcat s ifl' Hans. Men’s coiorcd cmbmndered B4‘hr'g- an $03 . . . . . . o. ..... . 25c Baibrigm Undcmcar, 2 specials 250 andsoc Wrappers in prints and I .oo, 1 .25 ............ Men’s Negligsc Shirts, 2 and . . ................ her class. She a1 class. honors in: E Bibzes S raw FORMER COLLEGIATE LOCAL FIRM PUPIL’S SUCCESS SECURES CONT RACT ' twenty-two thousand volts‘ :thrOUgh his body, and kill :1 Iinstantly. He was alone at I a i 5 | u I i 3 The sum of SIX thousand dollars THE SWITCH BOARD will Le raissd in the county to furn- ish ammunition for the defence, and â€"-- 'according to statements made this p‘ctcm May 55_â€"â€"Rguben Jewell. morning bycontributories most dir- aged 5;“). was ol:ctrr,c:;t:d at the cctly effected ’thrre will be double the I . . . . amount waitfn~ f r th ' w p - electrzc ngl~t statxcn 12‘: s mormng ‘ v‘ 0 mr lc,-a1 b-t , tcry if found to be necessary. twenty-mm thousand volts‘ passing 'through his body and kill n~ him ACT ACCORDI§G TO BANK ACT- 5 (,g the accident. but when found. the town of Milton and the country instantly. He was alone at time ' The investigation this morninr' thro’ ; his body was tcn feet from the reund about shbws that the 6.350 as switch'r, â€6‘ he evidently havin'r far as the farmers are concerned will, been hurled that dstanc: through he h;n_zed on the one point that the the shock of the voltage. He was granting of the Charter to Travers by cleaning the smtchboard. and bv the Minister of Finance or other res- mistake touched “.0 parts of the ponsible party at the Department was transmxtter. getting the full force not according to the Bank Act. It of the voltage. The enfls of his will be representh that due care was thum‘rs were found burned to r the not shown in ascertaining the facts switchboard. .befcre issuing the charter. THUMBS B‘URNED T0 § THE SWITCH BOARD in the body by ting-doctor. He was seen at work by two bulbs. The magistrate held there was no in- tention of commxtting an indigaity and dismv‘ssed the case. died reczntlyhand the underta‘:er, at the dzrxtxon of the attsndmg phy- sician, entered the grave after the people had 12ft, cut th‘: body and tco'x' two tubes. wh;ch had her-n left A CORONATlON DELEGATE shapes in Mcu’s soft and mzs and wrappue'tcs ..... 1.50 m-rsc LINDSAY, ONTARIO. FRIDAY .. The Woman’s Institute wi‘l meat in the town hall on May‘ 17,, at , 3 o’clock. 1 Saturday-15 the first day of the Maple Lake tri-weekly ma'l szrvica, ‘SWhich will bring Elsie, Camarvon, iand Maple Lake in touch with the ‘outside world on Tuesdays, Thurs- 9 days and SaturdaVS. instead of ' but _tw'.ce a week as before. Mr. F. Taggart, Inspector of Agencies for the Frost and Wcod 00 paid Minden and district a. visit last week'. Mr. W. E. Terrill. of Bracebridge is the new clu‘k at Soward's Cenâ€" tral cash store. 'Mx“. J.â€H. Delemere was in Toron- to on busincss last week. f Miss Lda Walton returned to her home in Toronto on Wednesday after spending some tune with her sister, er5. Wm; Baker. She was accoun- panied to the c-.ty 'by her nephew 'Walton Baker. : Mesera James Lyle axd Charles ‘ Woodcock, of ‘Kimnount. were here Mr. Holland, of Toronto, was in town last week install'ng a. large press at (h: Echo ofï¬ce. 7 The Quarterly-8041mm the Method ist church no approved of the work of Rev. J. Mu White, as Superin- tendent 0t Missions in Haliburton, County that they passed a resolutâ€" ion inviting him to return for; an- other: year. Mrs. Osborne, of Blairhampton was Item; of Interest Emu the Northern Valhge in Panz'aph Form. NEWS OF MINDEN weigh thirtyâ€"seven thousand pounds. There were a number of ï¬rms com- peting for this contract, ‘ both from Canada and the United States, but the local ï¬rm were successful in se- curing it. The Madfsm Williams Foundry Co. of this town, have szcured the con- tract of supplying the turbine and pumps for the Smith's Falls water- wcrxs, whlch was awarded aday or two ago. The pump will have a. capa‘ city of two milliou gallons, and will weigh thirty-seven thousand pounds. Mr. John IrVing, secretary of the contributories committee, accompanâ€" ied by Mr. J. W. Elliott, solicitor for 5 the committee. and Mr. Chas Holin- rake, a lawyer of Milton, all of whom . l, were personally caught,in the Travers :â€" maelstrom, went to Toronto and :11) there consulted with Mr. William 3 pm Laidlaw. their Toronto legal represen- j for tative. ‘ ! l At t NEVER LEGALLY EXISTED I g the E; The purpose of the Halton victims I‘Mr. A is to ccntest the legality of the (19-, Presid: n ends made by the creditors of the -’ Chain: bank on the bold assertion that the 33nd M Fermers' Bank never legally existed, 5 Small, and that the Curator has no lcgal: and 8 right to call upon any loser for a B. Fig single dollar. I..- Milton, Mag 16.â€"The farmers and other inva-stors in the Farmers'Bank Stock res;din$ in the County of Halâ€" ton, have detélmined to resist the le- vy of Curator Clarkson eVen to the door of the Privy Council of England} This decision .‘was arrived at by the { leading shareholders of the bank, who have met here during the past days, A general meeting of all earned in the double liability list has' been called for the 23rd to start the ball rolling in the interests of the de-f fence. z two con. FARMERS’ BANK NEVER EXISTED (Special to The Post.) rmutories most dir-i re will be double the t I for their legal bat-‘ I be necessary. I arrived at by the of the bank, who : the past two inf-1' of all con. At yesterday’s sessicn of the High Court before Mr. Justzce Teetzel, the cage of Heard vs. Heard was ‘ «Imposed of. The Was an action to ;set aside a will made by the late Joseph Heard, of FeneIOn Falls. It appears that the late Mr. Heard mid: three wills. one in 1902, 1905. ‘and 1907. Mrs. Heard and family ibrought action to set asxde the 1907 will'cn the ground that the {decersed Jcszph Heard was mt cap 'able of making a will. The I'm: of McLaughlin, Peel, Fulton stnssn defended action to establish either 1905 or 1907 will. and the settle- mnnt practically carnes out the terms of the 1905 will. By the set-j ’tlement made the wldow gets $2003.; §more than under the 1907 will, and; i the childrcn, other than W.,J. Heard leach gets $350.00 more. In addition: "W. J. Heard gets the business andl real estate connected with it, andf the deow .bars her dower in real estate, and the shildren release their interest in the real estate to? W. J. Hes rd. G H. Hopkins, K..,C acted for the plaintiff. _ . INTERESTING WIIJ. CASE DISPOSED 0F de- Mrs. Wm. Bake is reported very .1! with pneumonia; but we hope for Her speedy recovery. Mr. Jnln Boyd, jr , of HInJon Falls. who has tech in for.- some time, went to Toronto to the " Hos pita]. We hope that on his return he will be much in‘nrowd In health. MAY 19 1911 Miss L. Gainer. of Torcnto vi§it'n2 her parents. Mr. am tobt. Ga ncr. of tcwn. - vvnwos In: L An: cnz thcs: who att» «nded the, Mr. «E rom'c meeting in town on Fr' day i eVer. .‘ng l.st “ere: Messrs Wm. New Some Of the victims Of the F: all. A Phymie W. 01iver Geo. Bank frauds are Ieaguing toget! Dawkins, an] Alfred Stephens of a ï¬ght against the demands of Geler t. and John Hik, of Luc'nl'm CuratO‘ The lists of those Mr (harms Brownlee. Of the Ed“) doublv liable which were sent] staff went to Peterhoro one ‘ day- ' . cast recently brought the ï¬n last wceut. - Edward on May 37. Mr. L. Crows. of Cobocon’u‘ in town on Fr day to look " timber Dmits of the Gull Lumber Co. , south of Mndn. which a bush fire was do n? harm. Mrs. J. J. Staph left for T zronto on 89.13 lor England ( Edward on Mav 1‘7 millinery shbp while her sister Margaret ant home. Mr. Btc': returned to Toronto on Friday morning, after mak improvements to his cot Lake. marge of the ins; Same tage on Gull Miss Mgud Southworth {ran Wilberforce last we: (barge of 1h: mam“-.. war? the next morn John Cowm's house in thr re dlys had 2 sh nzled. Fielding, sac.-trea}s., and Edna Baker, organist. Mr. William Bxllings, a gentle of aqout 75 years, was thrown 1 a horse a few days ago, and Iered the breaking of' r. callar ‘r. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grozel‘e in town yrsterday on their way the Government camp at Hawk! Mr. Groz cue. is greatly improved health. Small. Chair and 80313] c m town during the week ports that their handy for the west in a. few c‘ At the reorganization n the EDWOI‘ih League TUES4 MP. A. E. anmc m-n .- resident, and Mrs haiman of the Ch Ior England On board __- ~a R0 v A CORONATION DELEGATE an of the Christian Enleavcr xsx'hnary Committee, Mlss R unairman of the Lit'zrary, :zal Committ’c, anh Mr. E. ding, sac-trek†and Mia; akcr, organist. illia-m Bxllings, a gentleman rhampton people went to next mornmg after Mr. . Stephens, of .~.t 'ganization meeting of League Tuesday evenmg {03ers was re-elected 11:: d Mrs. Delbert R0;ers_§ weir famJy will in a few days. mg or r. callar boat. 3cter Grozel‘e mr: y on their way t3 Camp at Hawk Lake 3 W38 burned and anolher up and IS" 0’ G?Iert, Moadav last She week to take "va111 u do a; much arc, is and Mrs. Flamed entleman er the Ihver from re - start suf a! 5 A BITTER LEGAL FIGHI‘ Aln‘ost simultaneous with the spread of the names included in the list came back word that the enforce- ment of the double liability is not :to be accomplished without a legal light. In many quarters where enquir- ies were made this morning there Ewes heard the bitterest censure for allowing the stock holders to he ileec- ed tron‘ the day of the bank' a organ- izati on. E THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE. ‘ Scores who thought themselves free from liability learned with dismay that the r names occupy a. place on the list. To have sold out the stock within too narrow aperiod of the suspension was considered insuflic: ent to guard against the Curator’ s levy The fact that about twenty-ï¬ve stock- holders had completed their subscripâ€" tions and had been allotted their stock while not having paid one dol- lar for it, did not excuse them from the most s-gnre category of all, name- ly. those who must pay $200 for every 1 share they originally asked for. a ï¬ght against the demands of the Curator. The lists 0! those made doubly liable which were sent broad- cast recently brought the ï¬rst in- timaticn of impending disaster to dozens of cohntry hamlets where far- mers and widmvs had been inveigled by W. R. Travers and his allies to place their cash in a hopeless institu- tion. GA PETAL STOCK PAID UP - S 4,000,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided Proï¬ts 5,300,000 Deposits by the Public ........................ 49,300,000 Total Assets...... ................................ 62,600,000 SPECIALLATTENTION GIVEN TO SAVINGS ACCOUNTS g’ILIFE MEMBER OF PGSES AS A ENGINEER €LE§3§ MELITARY ADVISER 'and Otmahee rivers; and in which, Talthough not now actively engaged. he has still a very large financial in- terest in the Electrical merger. Mr. r(.‘uh'crwell is also an associate mem- fher of The American Institute of El- ?ectrECal Enginecrs of New York and :recently was made a member of the :Atlantic Deeper Waterways Associa. ftion of Philadelphia, having \delivered ran address at Atlantic City on “The Trent Canal and the beneï¬ts of water transportation,†while there taking a holiday. A prominent legislator has stated that Mr. Culverwell has seâ€" cured strcnger municipal aï¬cial en- dorsation for his undertakings than any man in the history of Canada.â€" Port Hc pe Guide. HIE DOMINION BANK! SUCCES new honcr. Mr. Culwrwell has mad :1 complete engineering and ï¬nanrin congratu] its 3 The cultivator for the the drillâ€"a Very popula extensively used and wbc gliked. In fact the Sylve: three horse cultivator is Weed killer of the kind u: West. I E The Committee haVe m mg society the “Elcctr : between-Mr. Sylx'ester and the C :pany, on which 'will be taken the assets and business of the : concern. The engineer in charge is arra tails to cheapen the cost of prod ‘ tion of the drills, cultivators 7pIOWS. The factory is busy gett out cultivators on the end of Western ‘order. . Lindsay Branch :ade 3 lrfe lub of To!" I The Committee of reox ithe Sylvester Co. are [arranging the details of ,i between Mr. Svlvastpr a c1 TI’ZENS’ COMMITTEE magnum; Dismisâ€" 0F RE-ORGANIZA'E‘EQN GE 3mm co. I . Culverwcll, of Port Hope, ric PCWer King," has been member of the Engineers; font; the leading cnginecrâ€" of Ontario. The Guide : 168 Mr. Culverwcli on his 5 power companies rio 31:0? for the “Yes very Popular tool ittee of reorganization of l and wherever tried is the Sylvester Western ‘ we ~ozonu has gone to England. :he leadzng engineer- . When Sam Barker of Hatmltnn, fast ntario. The Guide .nieht quoted a statement by the Col. Culverwcll on his that he was going as“military ado uIVcrweH has made fviser to the Imperial Conference,†, the Minister 0f FinanCe declared tint ering and ï¬nancml the Government had made no such 81> pointment and knew of none- The House is Wondering (coâ€"day what rs, and in which, really is the Colonel’s travelling a. «at companies in 30th on the Trent mu wucrever tried is I We must all help to e Sylvester Western 'our means. Let's not. Vator is the only work to a few of our kind used in the get the big indirect be factory here. We must haVe practically de- -together for the hi? I L11 U8 men over mess of the old are today busy together for U 9 man Ufacture de- Wes t . 1s Iik e the contract the I aforce- not e THEIR DEPARTURE #ï¬mfl " ‘ wig; ,E‘i‘lu‘ï¬; :tVn erers 5â€": . and is produc- arrangâ€" LIGHTNING DISROEED 1' YOUNG FAR§€ER Edwards has acoepted sposition a manager of Veunilyos's Oak Half Store, the oldest business house in the city. and one of the largest clots ing stores in the diserict. . Lindsay is losing ngood citizen in Mr. Edward's debenture. He I. most popular in his relations with the people of town and district till his departure is regretted. Mrs. Ed. wards was also a. warm favorite with a host of friends and was an active member of the Cambridge-st. suctioâ€" dist church. Their many friends will“ wish them success in Belleville. From Wednuday’s Post. Hr. E. A. Edwards, who for the past thirteen yurshas been manna: of Mr. B. J. Gough's dry goods store leaves tomorrow for Belleviflc. . ll: Edwards has accented anosition a. ROBT. ROSS, Manager The young man recelvzd a shock from which he soon recuvered, but the current went in between Allen's outer clothing and his flesh. cutting his underclothing to shreds and buzz:- ing bin: sevcrely over parts of the ho- dy {ram shoulders to feet. It is ex- pected that he will fully recover. Shelburne, Ont... May 15â€"13:: W-P Allen, Lavender, son-in-law (.f the late Chas. Hamilton, of Shcjbnrne. had anarrbw escape from deztiz by lightning. His barn was struck by lightning and the main bolt tr.;':ersed the barn from one end to the other. and went out, an apparent side cur- rent going downward to where Allen and another young man were stun!- ing near the door. Col. Hughzs, in a letter to the Kingston ,Standard, made the state- ment that he was going in the capac- ity of military adviser to the Imper- ial Conference, but it is believed at the Capital that he has sailed as; a PECty. One (1111:- gene as personal Sir Frederick 3.: really knows. Ottawa: , M‘ rounds the d, p ï¬ughes. The ("010ml When Sam Bar 1119111: quoted a that he was s. itermined on the future poIICy aim-a. gufacture, confining- t'ne factory to Edrills, cultivators and plows- This ’ will give a good big tonnage amino iterially reduce manufacturing cost. 5 EVery development {hints clwlyï¬o ,' the fact that the citizens in helping jthe town, by retaining this plant 'ihere, will be not only indirectly, but Idirectly helping themselves, and this ’those identiï¬ed with the new Cenâ€" pany will reap areward from that connection with the reorganization and its up to every citzzen to helpin every way and be connected with this meritorious enterprise, even if onlyto a small extent. te citizan to xst all help to the limit (1 ms. Let’s not leave ail the a few of our friends. We all big indirect beneï¬t of the here. We must help. Now :11. for the big LIFT! ‘ 3y 16-~Mystcry sap. .Dgrture of Cal mi .04.... Borden, PAGES GNP: T0 EIGHT the Coronatim O. nvbodv